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Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:54 pm
by kccc
Blithe and Pangelsue, I'm just surprised because they'll eat other meatless meals - mostly cheese/egg based - so it's not like they HAVE to have meat. I think they just don't much like beans.

Busy weekend, and I haven't been tracking well. I know I had a fail on Friday - drove to my folks and cooked for them, and ended up snacking a bit while I did so. Not major.

Saturday and Sunday were over-the-top (also in a "high-food" environment). I need to pay a bit of attention there.

At least we did a hike on Sunday, and I got in my steps. Plus it was fun - up to a be-yoo-ti-ful waterfall. I love Fall!

Monday - back to reasonable. Got in my 10,000 steps, though barely, and ate reasonably. Also canned apples with a friend - go, me!

Tuesday - back at work now, part-time.
Br- yogurt and banana, 2 Cal
L - TBD - will be out with colleagues, to catch up
D (planned) - pasta with pesto, watermelon, veg TBD

Have walked a bit, but not enough as of yet... I no longer count walking as exercise unless I get a minimum of 10,000 steps.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:03 pm
by kccc

Exercise - yoga

B - bagel with PB and banana, 2 CaL
L - one plate at fave place
D - Spinach enchiladas, broccoli, raspberries

Exercise - walking
B- Greek yogurt with banana, 2 CaL
L - one plate at dining hall
D - BBQ pork, potato salad, veg tbd, applesauce

I have been noticing "tiny fails" which I've not reported well. Bites, licks, and tastes while cooking, that sort of thing. And the extra weight has NOT dropped, so I need to pay a bit of attention. (No panic, just attention.)
Current weight this morning: 148. (I consider 144-146 acceptable, and HAD been more in the 142-144 range, which I liked.)

Sigh. I've been doing this a long time. You'd think I had it down pat. And I mostly do, I suppose, but sometimes I just need a bit of a "reboot."

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:12 pm
by Who Me?
You're aware, and that's positive.


Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:18 am
by Strawberry Roan
Just checking in to say hi. You sound a lot like me, a pound or two sets off the bells. Sounds like things are going well, you are back at work part time? I know you will enjoy that. Do you work part time as far as hours per day or days per week?

I work M, T, W and LOVE it, I have at least a four day weekend each week and often five as there are so many Monday holidays. The best of both worlds.

Glad things are going well.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:52 pm
by kccc
Just back from a visit with my sister. Weight held steady, despite mostly restaurant-eating. (Her fall break, hubby gone, we decided "no cooking.")

Work will be days-per-week, but is awkward right now...because I'm a returning retiree, there's an extra step in the process that isn't done yet. Hard to plan life... Oh well.

Exercise - killer yoga class. Haven't been in a while, so it was tough.
Br - PB on homemade bread, 1/2 banana. Three CaL (cold and rainy here...but that means no wine tonight. It's either/or.)
L- one plate at face place, at least half veggies.
D (planned) - new recipe, sort of a clam souffle thing; cantaloupe, mushrooms, salad.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 1:23 am
by kccc
Dinner as planned, except I subbed roasted eggplant for the cantaloupe just because.

No exercise - had to be at work too early.
Br - yogurt and banana. 3 CaL during the day (early work, cold day)
L - burrito with lots of veg at favorite local place, small serving chips
D - chicken/barley/mushroom soup and butternut soup (did I mention it was cold?)
Glass of wine. Because it was that kind of day.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 1:44 am
by Pangelsue2
Way to stay alert and not panicky. It is really easy to start in with the bite here, the nibble there. I agree with the "sigh". If it was cigarettes, we could just give them up forever. Food has to be controlled. Not an task for the faint of heart. Someone new to the boards recently compared watching diet with holding a job. He said it is just something you do every day when you get up. You don't really enjoy it but you know it is a necessary thing to do to survive. Best of luck and keep at it.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:29 pm
by kccc
Thanks, Sue!

Monday went well.

Exercise - 30 minutes of Wii Fitness (not the best, but okay)
Br - Cheese toast, 2 CaL
L - Cheese toast, butternut squash soup, figs
D - Tomato soup, ham sandwiches, bell pepper strips, banana

Exercise - walking
Br - yogurt, banana, 2 CaL
L - one plate at dining hall
D (planned) - chicken fingers (baked), potatoes, broccoli/cauliflower blend, fruit

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:14 pm
by kccc

Exercise - yoga
Br - toast w/PB, 2 CaL
L -one plate at fave place
D - pasta with clam sauce, salad, fruit
Glass of wine

Th (planned and packed)
Br - PB/apple butter sandwich on WW, 2 CaL
L - leftover clam sauce, salad, carrot sticks
D - Pizza buffet (soccer end-of-season party) - one plate, of course

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:52 am
by kccc
Big Birthday Weekend at our house, complete with a sleepover party. (Yes, for the little guy. Who is becoming less little very quickly.)

I ate a lot. I'm tired of eating a lot.

Weight holding steady, but at the slightly-higher-level-I'm-not-pleased-about. Time to pay a bit of attention. I'm thinking of taking up the "no solitary snacking" mod to keep my S-days a little saner. That, and a bit of focus on exercise, which I need.

Overall, doing okay though.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:39 pm
by kccc
Haven't checked in for a while - have gone back to work part-time, and it's amazing how much time that takes!

Holding steady for weight/exercise. Good enough for now. Life is a bit too busy to focus heavily on it.

Will try to get back to checking in, though. It keeps me honest. :)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:11 pm
by Pangelsue2
Nice to hear you are doing well and busy.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:28 pm
by kccc
Hi Sue! Thanks for the greeting.

I've decided to do the No-Solitary-Snacking Mod on S-days. This will be the first weekend. Will report back.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:34 am
by kccc
I liked the No-solitary-snacking mod. It is kind of like the S=socializing mod (as opposed to "small-s" days). I do notice that I am eating-to-do-something, which I need to watch.

Am tremendously busy these days. I don't know how I have time to work part-time! I think I'm actually piling all-I-did-normally into half the time, so I come home tired, plus I try to do a lot on my days-at-home.

At any rate, I haven't been listing my eating. Mostly okay. I'll get back to it when I can.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:03 pm
by kccc
Exercise - walking
Br - PB and banana toast, 2 CaL
L - pizza slice and salad
D - pasta, salad, mushrooms, bread

(Getting back into tracking.)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:32 pm
by Pangelsue2
Thanks for leaving your kind words on my thread. I think I still have some issues to work through with the health developments and life style changes of the last year or so. I am dealing with varying amounts of courage, acceptance, fear, anger etc. We are also struggling financially because we were both going to continue working as long as we could and because of my health that is not possible at this point in time. So things are just not conducive to something as regimented as No S for me right now. I am doing the best I can to maintain and eat healthy but I think I need to work more on my head than my habits until I feel grounded again. Hopefully, I will move to a better place in my life soon and then I will probably be back. All my best to you and good luck on your journey.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:18 pm
by Too solid flesh
I hope that all is going well for you.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:45 pm
by kccc
Thanks, Too Solid

I am just in a time of change. Everyone thinks retirement is wonderful, and is envious of me - and with good reason. But change, even positive, carries some stress. I am "reinventing" my life again.

Right now, it's busier than ever! It's the holiday season; I'm working part-time (and doing as much in that time as I ever used to do, it feels like!). Taking on a lot of house projects.... And so forth.

I have not been doing well on eating overall. My weight has gone from 142-144 (a good place for me) on retirement to 148-150 (still good BMI, but it doesn't feel good.) In terms of where I feel good, 144-146 is acceptable, over that... not so much.

It's a combo of things - eating out more, with colleagues on workdays, friends on off-days. Habit "slippage" in places. If I weren't a No-S-er, I am SURE it would be much worse.

But it makes me a bit embarrassed to post, since I feel that I "should" do better AS a long-time No-S-er. ("Should" - such a harsh word.) So, I need to get over that. Now that it's "out there", I'm probably going to be here more regularly. :)

Right now, I'm holding steady (and maintenance is better than gaining). I need to decide if that's good enough, or if I have the energy for more during this season.

But tracking will help. Even if I don't have much time for more. :)

Exercise: Yoga plus 7000 steps
Br - oatmeal
L - Mexican w/friend (and succumbed to chips)
D - Chili, apple slices, bread... and more chips
Did stick to meals and no sweets.

Exercise - walking (will put steps on tomorrow)
Br - oatmeal
L - Dining hall, one plate (Choose wisely!)
D - on my own - the guys are going off to do something. Will be out. (Choose wisely!)

And here I am... :)

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:50 am
by kccc
Ended up with 11000 steps plus
Lunch was one plate - ratatouille, potatoes, small cup of soup
Dinner was a tray of sushi and some fruit from the grocery

Exercise - lunchtime yoga, plus 5700 steps
Br - toast with almond butter, banana
L - chicken, sweet potatoes, veggies, one slice bread. Rather a large plate, though mostly veggies
D - pork chop, onions/mushrooms/pepper, lavash bread

I am re-establishing tracking - that will help. One thing I know - I want to be solid in No-S during the holiday season. And that's not just because I know I'll gain a ton otherwise - it's because I know I enjoy food more on No-S.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:02 pm
by kccc
Big party weekend - one each day. And I partied.

And now it's Monday, and I'm ready to stop.

Plans for the day
Exercise - Yoga express class
Br - PB toast w/banana
L - one plate at fave place - ::watch portions::
D - TBD. I need to menu plan for the week today.

Will report back.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:16 am
by kccc
Dinner last night was Spanikopita and salad.

Exercise - walking and abs
Br: Oatmeal w/ apricots and nuts
L: one plate at dining hall - reasonable portions
D: sausage, kale, sweet potato, squash
Glass wine

I'm enjoying the wine, ecause I've had a nasty cold for a while so skipped it in favor of cold meds. Wine is nicer.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:43 pm
by kccc
Exercise: Killer yoga class. My arms were shaking by the end
Br: oatmeal with dried apricots
L: 2 squares Spanikopita, hard-boiled egg, green pepper strips
D (planned): Salmon, corn-on-the-cob, broccoli, tropical fruit

Looking at my general meals - they're not bad. I think my big problems are that my portions are getting a bit bigger and I have fallen back into my old trap of BLT's (bites, licks, and tastes) while preparing dinner. Plus some excess on weekends, but the "no solitary snacking" mod addresses that nicely.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:26 am
by kccc
Yesterday as planned. Included a "mile walk" dvd later in the evening.

exercise: walking and abs
Br - Greek yogurt, banana
L - leftovers - spanikopita, squash, broccoli, plus dried pineapple
D - out to Chinese buffet. I almost kept it to one plate, then caved and had a tiny extra. Not huge, but definitely a "fail." (But at least a contained fail, which did not become an excuse to "wreck the car."

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:36 am
by kccc
Exercise - walking
Br - oatmeal with apricots
L - toasted cheese, prunes, apple
D- grilled cheese, orange, mushrooms

Extra CaL and
Glass of wine

But no eggnog or other holiday sweets.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:29 pm
by kccc
Another "party weekend". I think Monday is "de-tox" day.

Br - PB and banana on toast, 2 CaL
L (planned) - leftover tortellini, dried fruit
D (TBD) - Salad for sure, then I'm thinking something warm. Stuffed pumpkin or a hearty soup or chili...

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:17 pm
by determined
Chili...yum! I think I'll put that on the menu for next week!


Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:33 am
by kccc
Lunch as planned, though a bit late. Dinner ended up being Eggplant Parmesan, salad, mushrooms, and bread. Not what I'd planned (no sugar pumpkins left at grocery), but VERY good.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:52 am
by kccc
Determined, I was thinking chili would be good too, but it warmed up.

Walking for exercise - but not a lot, because I have done a Bad Thing to my back/hip

Br - oatmeal w/apricots and nuts
L - one plate - salad, fruit, cheese quesadilla
D - reprise of Eggplant Parmesan meal
TWO glasses of wine (for muscle relaxant)

Exercise - minimal. Some mild stretches to try to work out my hip
Br - toast w/PB and banana
L - salad, chips and salsa, pineapple rings. It's what I wanted.
D - rotisserie chicken, potato, salad, sauteed banana. Very good!

Have packed meals for tomorrow's breakfast and lunch, and planned dinner...
Thursday (planned)
Br - oatmeal with apricots
L - salad, potato, chicken, pineapple rings
D - chicken quesadillas, salad, fruit TBD

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:13 am
by thtrchic
You sauteed bananas? Not even plantains, but actually bananas? Just lightly in oil? I'm very intrigued...

And I hope your hip is better soon! Things like that are miserable.

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:14 pm
by kccc
Thtrchic, I sautee in butter - actually a mix of butter and canola, which is what we use as a spread, and what I use where I would use butter for sauteeing.

For bananas that are a bit past their prime - and thus considered totally inedible by my fussy family - this is a great option. I sautee in butter until mushy, add a dash of cinnamon, and a teeensy bit of honey. It makes a delicious side dish - almost sinfully close to a dessert. In fact, I've eaten it as such with whipped cream on top, but if I make it with minimal honey and serve it plain, I think it's okay as a "fruit" dish.

(I used to make banana bread, but got tired of making it. And that is DEFINITELY dessert.)

Hip is a bit better. Had a massage, and my therapist said it was my SI joint out of whack. She said if it didn't get better in a few days, I should see a chiropractor. Except I don't have one... so I'm glad it's better. Went to a gentle yoga class today, and think that helped.

Friday thus far:
Br - 2 eggs, toast, 2 Cal
extra CaL mid-morning, because I was having a late lunch with a friend
L - salad with shrimp, slab of homemade (restaurant-made?) bread with a tiny bit of butter
D - TBD. Probably pizza.

Holding steady on weight, but I'm okay with that until we get through the holidays. Though I will say that I am proud of the fact that we have containers of cookies on the counter, baked last Saturday, and I have not touched them on my N-days.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:28 pm
by kccc
Had a FAILURE last Friday night, but otherwise sticking to plan. Weight still holding steady. Fitting in some exercise each day, even if the bare minimum (15 minutes of anything).

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:11 pm
by kccc
Boy, it's been so long since I posted that I'm on page 2!

Doing okay with eating/exercise (after a holiday lapse), but just don't have time to track. Think I'll go back to Habitcal for a while, and fill in here when I can.

Or not. Lessee...

Jan 1 was an S day
Have been successful for eating all week, even if some "plates" were not optimum. Official weight (Wednesday) was 150, which is a 2-lb gain over the holidays (on top of a prior gain... would like to get back to 144-146).
Working on exercise. Walked Monday, Thursday, and Friday (today). 15-minute minimums on Tu/W (traveling, so even that was good).

And here we are. Happy New Year!

I do "Habits of the Month" instead of resolutions. This month, the focus is "vitality." I am getting back to normal eating/exercise and working on sleep and anything else that makes me feel energetic. Our family got a new table-tennis table for Christmas, so that helps!

It is so nice not to be in panic mode, thinking "I must diet and get this weight off". Instead, I feel that "I need to get back to normal and restore my usual habits". And I know if I do that, I don't need to worry about the outcome - it will follow in time.