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Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:53 am
by milliem
Friday 4th May was a success.

I just checked my calendar and this is the first fully green week since January! Ugh not good. I've had weeks without reds, but with S events/S days.

I'm glad of S days though, it is still mentally challenging to go through the 'shall I have a snack/sweet or shall I not?' during the week, I'm definitely not at the stage where it's easy. Fridays especially, and especially those like last night where I was at the pub with friends! Making good decisions after a few beers is much harder :) Anyway, a couple of days where I don't have to have those mental arguments feels nice.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:57 pm
by milliem
Saturday 6th May - S day.

I've eaten fairly well today for an S day, although am currently trying to resist the temptation to scarf down chocolate. I'm not hungry at all, so although I know I could eat it and part of me would like to, I think I'd regret it.

Breakfast - malt loaf w/butter
Lunch - chicken, sweet potato, mixed green veg and an iced doughnut for dessert
Dinner - roasted broccoli, chicken, mushrooms. Flake dessert for pud.

Also had an ice lolly and some nutella (with a spoon, dear me, but not very much) this evening as a snack.

I'd be happy with S days that looked like this - minimal grazing/random snacking but a few treats. I'm feeling urges to snack although fortunately I don't have much to snack on today! I'm hoping I'll be satisfied with sipping some sugar free soda.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:03 pm
by oolala53
I say skip the chocolate. It probably won't add to your sense of vitality or contentment and will be brief in its sweetness.

Now I hope I can do the same here, as I have still have many hours left in Saturday, but not much fun diversion. I wish I had a diet soda, but my plumber is supposed to call and I can't find my cell, so I have to stick to home.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:20 pm
by milliem
Well I didn't snack on chocolate on Saturday :) In fact I still have an entire Lindt bunny from Easter sitting unopened! Never happened before... I think I'm finally learning that I don't have to eat all weekend!

Sunday 7th May - S day

Another OK day for eating. I exercised in the morning and then did some shopping, I ended up not eating anything until lunchtime which was fine.

Lunch: pork pie, chicken and scotch egg (fancied random 'picnic food'!). Had a strawberry sponge dessert and a small chocolate ice cream for dessert.
Afternoon: snacked on a few tortilla chips with nutella (that sweet and salty combo is delicious!)
Dinner: sausage bap, sautéed sprouts

I had a slight urge to eat more sweet things after dinner, mainly because I could rather than anything else. However I didn't even finish my dinner and I wasn't hungry, so I didn't. I did have a milkshake later in the evening but avoided any more snacking or eating for the sake of it.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 6:51 pm
by milliem
Doh, I realised I got my dates out of whack!

So anyway, Monday 7th May was a green day.

It was a bit of a struggle, I was sorely tempted to eat chocolate after dinner and felt pretty hungry but managed to ignore the nagging little urges. Today seems to be a little easier, it's nearly 8pm already and I don't feel starving for dinner, the rest of the night should be ok.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:30 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi, actually I'll be making chicken tikka masala, I believe it has the red sauce as well. I found a curry chicken..thanks for the link I'll check it out.

Check out this site...

I bought McCormick's packets that have the recipe and all the spices...they were on sale for 99 cents, regular we'll see..

Looking forward to it..after I type this I'll try it...

Let me know how your's turns out..I LOVE indian food...soooo goodddd...


Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 6:55 am
by milliem
Thanks for the link nosnacker! :)

I've been on a training course for a couple of days - always difficult as I can't choose what I eat exactly, and there are biscuits and cakes and all sorts of goodies thrown at us at every break.

Wednesday 9th May was a green day

(I had a dessert after dinner, but allow myself this on training days when eating a pre-set meal with others)

Thursday 10th May was a red day

I did ok during the day, but got back home to some bad news from work to say that the results for my last submission for a professional qualification still hadn't come in yet - and appear to have gone missing as they should have been sent to me last week!! I ordered pizza to try comfort eating within the realms of NoS - and promptly devoured the entire thing along with half a chocolate bunny. I did stop eating when I was full which I guess is good thing?!

Back to it today, and determined to have a green day!

I've also been weighing daily on which shows you a trend line and average weight - I'm thinking it's a good idea to see what the effect of my average S day is on my weight, and whether I'm still trending downwards. I started last week and the trend has just been going up and up until yesterday!! However a week and a half is nothing in terms of weight, I know it can go up and down due to water, salt intake, time of the month, all sorts of stuff - I'm in this for the long haul :) Anyway it started to trend downwards today and I'm hoping to keep it that way!

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 7:11 am
by Amy3010
Thanks for sharing that charting website - that looks really helpful! Sorry you had a red day yesterday. I did too... Let's do better today!

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 4:14 pm
by milliem
Hi Amy

I do find it very useful for looking at trends, I mainly want to see how much 'damage' I am doing by having uncontrolled S days! Mind you I've never been one to have an extreme reaction to my weight anyway, luckily I've never placed my self esteem or how I eat that day on the number that shows on the scale. However I do need to think about how much I weigh, because bottom line is - it's too much!! :)

Today is actually an S day for me - after all the stress of yesterday, it turns out my results did come through after all and I've passed my final submission

:lol: 8) :D

So, am out to celebrate this evening!

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 7:54 pm
by idontknow
Well done! Have a good evening - you definitely deserve it :D

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 3:10 pm
by Amy3010
Congratulations!!! :D That's great news!

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:55 pm
by milliem
Phew busy week!

I've been on training for the last few days, so have been following my general 'away from home' NoS mods - NoS structure, but allowed a sweet per day. On those rules Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were all green days!

Today should also be a green day assuming the evening goes well, although I'm already getting pretty hungry and it's not even 5pm yet... off for a rummage around the fridge to see if there's some milk to tide me over!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:43 pm
by milliem
Spoke too soon....

Thursday 17th May was a red day (due to a handful of pringles after dinner). It might have turned into more except I realised my OH had eaten all the ice cream!

So far so good today, but I'm feeling extremely tired (and was very hungry when I got back from work) so I'm not convinced about my ability to resist temptation. Am sending OH out to get food for dinner though so I can't be tempted to buy things at the shop, and planning a large plate of nice healthy food.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 8:31 am
by Amy3010
As one of the very wise people on these boards said to me after my own string of fails last week, be sure to recognise that what you are now calling a fail (a handful of pringles) is probably a lot more moderate than the types of things you'd have considered a binge before No-S. So I hope you're not beating yourself up too much for a red day - mark it and move on!

Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 8:56 am
by milliem
Thanks Amy - oh yes definitely! Although I know that if there had been sweet things in the house within easy reach I probably would have gone for them... good thing I try not to keep such things around!

Friday 18th May was a green day.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 7:41 pm
by oolala53
I don't allow myself sweets on N days very often, even under unusual circumstances, but that doesn't mean I don't have fails. I notice if I have a few small ones in a row, I am more inclined to keep having them. Allowing yourself the small sweets might still set you up to desire the pringles and such. I'm not saying not to do it, but just to know that just because we allow ourselves extra food doesn't mean the urges will suddenly go away when we don't allow them. The body has a mind of its own!

But you are actually doing great, going through what I think are a lot necessary experiences. I think the fails are actually necessary learning experiences for most people to stick with this long term. Exceptions exist, but they are just that.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:07 am
by milliem
I know what you mean oolala - if I fall into a pattern of having a few fails even if small ones (especially if sweet rather than savoury items are my downfall) I am more likely to keep having fails! I do reckon that the less sweet stuff I eat overall, the less I crave it.

Saturday 19th May: S day

lunch: sweet potato, veg and chicken, chocolate bar, single ice cream
afternoon snack: chocolate dessert pot
dinner: plate of loaded chips (with cheese and bacon)
evening: another chocolate dessert pot

Also about 3 pints of cider :)

I generally think I'm doing ok on NoS - my fails aren't often large ones. However I'm not seeing much of a shift in terms of weight/size even though I've been doing it for a while.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 5:01 pm
by oolala53
Apple cider?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:05 pm
by milliem
Actually, it was one glass of wine and two 'strawberry and lime' ciders, yum! I love Swedish fruit ciders.

Sunday 20th May was another S day.

Breakfast (post workout): half a 'ribsteak' sandwich, vanilla milkshake
Lunch: roast pork dinner - one plate
Afternoon: chocolate bar, single ice cream
Dinner: cheesy garlic bread, half a chocolate bar

Wasn't hungry for a while after a late and filling lunch, so decided to forgo a proper dinner and just eat some garlic bread. Quite a lot of garlic bread, but given that I might eat half a garlic loaf with a main meal I think it was a good idea!

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 2:09 am
by sarahkay
I eat "weird" thigns too sometimes, but I think eating what you want will keep you from binging if that makes sense :)

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 5:14 pm
by milliem
sarahkay wrote:I eat "weird" thigns too sometimes, but I think eating what you want will keep you from binging if that makes sense :)
Oh absolutely, the freedom of knowing that I can (within a few simple rules) eat what I like has definitely helped me stay with NoS for over a year! Of course the downside is that I tend to like quite high calorie foods so am not having much success in the weight loss realm haha :) At least I'm not gaining though :)

I've been tracking my weight daily for the past few weeks with and it basically shows me that I'm gaining and losing the same 3-4 pounds at the moment (my trend line is nearly flat, suggesting I'm maintaining not losing). I think it may be time for S day mods!

Monday 21st May was a green day

Tuesday 22nd May was a red day

I had an ice cream after dinner - it was a conscious decision, a 'fuck it' moment, but I don't really regret it. I felt hungry all day (don't think I ate enough for lunch) and was feeling quite stressed from work. I know I shouldn't use food as a treat, but at least I'm not binging due to stress and I don't think it's a slippery slope... we'll see!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:47 am
by milliem
Wednesday 23rd May was a green day

Didn't feel too hard although I felt slightly hungry in the evening. I'm also experimenting with avoiding diet drinks - sticking to water and milk for the moment, with the odd diluted cordial/juice and cups of tea in work.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:59 am
by Amy3010
Good for you! And also good for not beating yourself up for that ice cream the day before... :)

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:32 am
by NoSnacker
Hi, the call of the chips last night never showed up :). I thought you know I can have them whenever I want..just not as a binge food at night.

You are right to stick No S out..I left last year at 168, came back a lot heavier a few months maintaining is great...

I need to visit my S days as well....but only when my mind and heart say I'm ready..I do throw ideas around...but not ready to move forward.

I'll check out that weight tracker site. I have been doing the same since coming back in March gaining 2-3, losing the same 2-3 by the I know my S days are not allowing my body to lose weight.

But I can say the sanity is such a precious gift...I'll hang on to it for a while before tweaking :)

Have a great day!

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 6:08 pm
by milliem
Urgh well that was not a good weekend!

Friday 25th May was a red day - went ok until the evening and then just threw NoS out of the water and ate. Can't remember what exactly now (I think ice cream was involved...) but it wasn't a 'one item' fail that's for certain.

Saturday and Sunday were S days that felt like nonstop eating! I know they weren't, there were gaps between some meals but I did snack a lot, and ate when I wasn't hungry.

I don't know whether subconsciously I'm kicking back against the idea that I'll be modifying my S days at some point, whether the hot weather eroded my motivation, or whether it was the tough week in work I had. I do know that I'm sticking with it though, maybe I'm just not ready to cut back on S days yet! Part of me thinks that I should be though, after a year of NoS - if I'm not ready now when will I be??

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 5:15 pm
by milliem
Monday 28th May - green day.

Only 2 meals yesterday but felt ok, not much hunger. The hot weather is leading to nice big salads for lunch and I think they are filling me up nicely - making sure I have lots of lovely protein in them of course :)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 8:47 pm
by milliem
Tuesday 29th May was a green day

3 meals yesterday.

Wednesday 30th May is also a green day

2 meals today - one was sushi (I 'virtual plated' somewhat successfully, but I always find it hard to figure out what of the little strips of fish and rice would fit on one large plate!!)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:56 pm
by oolala53
Saw what you said on sarah's thread when she was ready to throw in the towel. And do what? People are free to do nothing or go calorie/carb/fat count. In fact, we did have someone who stayed for a year, said she was mostly green on N days and gained 12 pounds. She went to calorie counting, got very thin in the next year and left. Funny, she stayed all the time she was calorie counting, singing its praises until someone said there are other boards for that. She still stayed because she had made a few friends but after a year, she said it wasn't an issue anymore and went on to other things. Brightangel communicates with her sometimes and says she is doing well.

don't mean to preach sedition. She had circumstances that influenced her and she hasn't passed the 5-year mark anyway.

Keep going!

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:08 am
by milliem
I had to google sedition! I was giving my own experience of what helps me, nothing more. Sure, NoS isn't for everyone but it didn't seem that it would help that much to say 'well do whatever you fancy, maybe this isn't going to work for you'.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 8:04 pm
by oolala53
I agree. Way too soon for her to give up. Sounds like she had time to think and is okay for now.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:41 am
by milliem
Thursday 31st May was a red day.

I went out for some drinks after work (unusual for a Thursday but we all have tomorrow off as a bank holiday) and cocktails led to bad decision making!

Post drink food:
- 1 'fudge' chocolate bar
- 1 individual chocolate dessert pot

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:36 pm
by oolala53
Perfect motivation for a green June.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:14 am
by milliem
Friday 1st June - red

So much for a green June!

I had a chocolate chip cookie with friends after dinner.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:00 pm
by oolala53
Mine was funny stuff, but I'm still counting it green.

Hope your cookie won't lead to being cuckoo this weekend or on new N days.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:15 pm
by milliem
Fortunately I find myself not too bad at moving on from a failure - I didn't eat anything else after the cookie. I have had a mod previously about being able to eat with friends, but only when they offer or bring home cooked delicious treats and this cookie was shop bought so I didn't count it :)

Today wasn't too bad for an S day.

- no breakfast
- lunch was a chicken salad
- dinner was 3 courses of indian food, but 'posh' so not huge portions :) Starter of different cheeses, main was lamb, rice and naan bread, dessert was creme brulee.

A couple of snacks for this evening but I'm pretty full so not planning on having much of them! The day has been quite alcohol filled though (rugby day!) - 4 drinks in total.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:34 pm
by oolala53
Wow, your day is already done?

I love Indian food!

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:32 am
by Amy3010
I love Indian food too - am making it for Sunday lunch today actually...

I really admire how you mark your mistakes and just move on, Millie. Enjoy your Sunday!

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:37 am
by milliem
It was delicious Indian food, a new restaurant in town that's won lots of awards already! Yum :)

I got home at about 8.30pm after dinner - ate a couple of small pieces of chocolate that my OH was eating and had a 'sherbet dip' (impulse childhood-memory purchase :lol:) and that was me done for the evening.

Today will also be an S day, I've not eaten anything yet - planning on a bit of exercise this morning and then probably an early-ish lunch. I have a chocolate bar for a treat later whenever I fancy it.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:47 am
by milliem
Sunday 3rd June was an S day.

Breakfast: none
Lunch: chicken sausages, asparagus, hash browns - 2 chocolate bars afterwards.
Snack: A couple of crisps that OH offered
Dinner: pizza
Snacked on about 3 or 4 little brownie squares in the evening that we baked for a party today.

Yesterday didn't feel too bad as an S day goes, but I know that it probably added up to a load calorie wise. Still need to be making better meal choices so the extras don't do too much damage.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:16 pm
by milliem
Oof busy week!

Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th May were S days (sort of). I had 'festivities' planned for the Jubilee weekend, so had S events throughout both days, but I made an effort not to permasnack both days...

- english muffin for brunch
- one plate of savoury, 1.5 (small) plates of dessert for lunch
- same again for dinner
- Jubilee cocktails :D

- english muffin with poached egg for breakfast
- sweet potato with bolognese sauce for lunch
- chocolate mid-afternoon
- another english muffin for dinner

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:29 pm
by milliem
Wow I almost forgot it's Thursday already...

Wednesday 7th & Thursday 8th June were both green days

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:49 pm
by Amy3010
Way to go, Millie! :D

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:57 am
by milliem
Thanks Amy :)

Friday was also green

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:21 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Thanks for your encouragement on my thread.
I'm inspired by your greens! And your moderate S days! Way to go! :)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:54 am
by oolala53
How's it going, Millie?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:42 am
by milliem
Hmm i think I've been NoS avoiding! Not a good sign :)

I had a terrible week last week - an entire week of red. I don't think I've ever had that since I started... Monday - Thursday were single event failures (a sweet after dinner, a second portion - nothing major). I'm not sure what went wrong but I just couldn't seem to stick to the plan. Friday was a 'bugger it it's been a terrible week lets eat all the things' fail! Strangely most of the week was moderate as far as things go, I began to wonder whether having an S event a day would work in the long term.

Saturday and Sunday funnily enough were fairly moderate. I ate 3 single ice creams, a dessert after a meal and a snack over the course of the two days (in S events of course, I also had meals!)

Monday 18th June was a green day.


I really can't pinpoint what happened last week. I think I started off the week just not being satisfied with meals and needing something extra - and of course when I've finished my last meal of the day and am still hungry, giving in to that hunger ultimately will mean a fail. Sometimes I can just go with the hunger and it's not a big deal, last week for some reason I couldn't. I think I need to make sure there's plenty of milk in the house for between-meal drinks, or an afternoon meal of cereal/porridge.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:24 am
by oolala53
Curious to know why you were still hungry after your meals? Or was it just that urge to keep eating?

You are going to get your mojo back.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:31 pm
by milliem
I was genuinely hungry at least a couple of the days. I don't eat breakfast, and sometimes have a third small meal in the afternoon to keep me from not eating enough and getting too hungry before or after dinner. Sometimes I don't have a third meal though (for example yesterday I didn't) and I think if I don't eat enough satiating food at lunch and dinner, it can cause problems. Interestingly apart from Friday, the failures were all pretty small so I don't think there was an urge to mindlessly eat - I didn't just eat and eat til I was stuffed anyway.

There was definitely some avoidance going on last week so unfortunately I can't pinpoint exactly what went wrong because I can't remember what I ate! Rubbish! I think part of me was wondering whether I could just have a small S per day as a mod, but there's no real reason why I need that.

I'm back on track this week though - success yesterday and doing ok so far today, so I'm hopeful :)

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:57 pm
by MJ7910
reading these posts remind me how mental this whole process is. it's like we want to make S days something beyond description, some wonderful fairy land of awesome food that make all the troubles go away. i think the problem is for myself that sets way too high an expectation on food and food is just food. a cookie is just a cookie, no matter how much I want it to be so much more.

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:47 pm
by milliem
MJ7910 wrote: it's like we want to make S days something beyond description, some wonderful fairy land of awesome food that make all the troubles go away.
Hee this made me giggle :D If only S days were like that!!

Part of my problem is that I really like sweet, fatty, salty and unhealthy foods. I like the taste, the texture, I like choosing new foods to try, experimenting, eating old favourites. The thought of never being able to eat a home made chocolate brownie or delicious ice cream again just does not appeal and makes me want to REBEL!

That's what is good about NoS - you don't have to restrict yourself from ever eating the things you like. However the opportunity is lower than ever before (what I can only eat these tasty things 2 days out of 7?!!) so the temptation is to squeeze them all in. That being said, I doubt I am eating any more sweets and snacks now than I ever did before... possibly just in a more concentrated time frame. I used to eat a chocolate bar almost every day sometimes when I got home from work. Now maybe once or twice a week.

A cookie is just a cookie but damn, cookies are delicious :)

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:09 pm
by oolala53
Some people on other boards I'm on swear by just giving these things up entirely. They claim the craving or desire goes away completely. And I think it pretty much does, but I also know that the neurochemical pattern lies dormant and will be set off quite easily. Eating occasional moderate amounts also resets that pattern. But I sometimes wonder these days if it is worth all the thought around it for me. I know at first on NO S I couldn't stand the thought of limiting my S's one bit, and boy did I eat them. I didn't want just a little. I wanted a lot. As I write that, I realize I don't really want sweets in the quantity I used to but I still eat them to the point where I am uncomfortable. And yet there are times when I do forego them without much suffering over it at all.

Oh, the mind. And choice.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:21 pm
by milliem
I know what you mean, sometimes it would be easier if I never ate them, maybe I'd forget what sweet things tasted like and wouldn't miss them...
I don't really want a lot of S's. Or I don't think I do, but then I wonder whether my idea of a reasonable amount of sweets and snacks to eat per week is actually sane :)

Anyway, Tuesday 19th June was a success

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:32 pm
by oolala53
Even though it seems I am contradicting myself, I'll tell (and Im repeating myself) I actually counted the calories of the sweets I had last Saturday. I could easily have eaten way more than I did, though I would have felt terrible. It came to more calories than I would usually eat in a meal, and it was so easy to take in that much, even though I went rather slowly (even though it was melting). But if I end up not having them, I want it to be from just seeing that they just don't fit in to the whole plan rather than that I think they have too many calories. I hate the idea not eating something because of its being "fattening." But that's a personal quirk.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:15 pm
by milliem
Wednesday 20th June - red day

The fail was a bag of crisps and some chocolate after dinner.

I think I've been setting myself up for failure by just not eating enough during the day. After my nice dinner of fish, vegetables and potato waffle I realised I could still feel some hunger. Out of curiosity I tracked the calories of what I had eaten - a bagel with hummus and yoghurt for lunch, a bowl of porridge with peanut butter when I got home from work and then dinner. It came to less than 1000 calories! Nowhere near enough, no wonder I'm feeling hungry... I need to be much better at getting a good plateful at lunch.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:20 pm
by oolala53
Sounds like a plan.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:54 pm
by milliem
Thursday 21st June - red day

A magnum ice cream after dinner. No excuses there really, just gave in to temptation!

Today I planned a larger lunchtime meal but ended up not eating my apple because it was mushy and bruised (yuck) and forgot to eat my yoghurt! I'm going to sit down and plan some lunchtime ideas on Sunday for next week, see if I can make some portions of something in advance to keep me going a bit lunger.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:04 am
by milliem
Friday 22nd was another red day.

A small-ish fail - an ice cream and packet of hula hoops at the cinema.

Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th - S days.

I had a nice lunch yesterday which was a big bowlful of various green veggies and some chicken which was nice and filling. A good idea for work lunches I think!

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:00 am
by Amy3010
Oh - hula hoops - my kids used to like those because they could slip them on their fingers!

Have a good week!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:38 pm
by milliem
Ah that's why I love hula hoops too :D

Just a brief check-in to say that I'm pretty off plan this week, but am moving house so am cutting myself a bit of a break :) I'll be back next week (as soon as my net connection is up and running anyway!)

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:16 am
by Amy3010
Hope your move goes well!