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Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:43 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you bunny!

Today was a little crazy. Sweetpea had a HUGE meltdown & things got ugly. Maybe the stress of all this finally getting to her. We made up & i took her phone away as i think she needs to just quiet her mind for a few days.

So weird this whole quarantine thing. I saw some of you post about this giving us all a much needed break. I feel this to my core. Of course i wish it wasnt under such tragic circumstances but it is a lesson for us all. How much to we all really need to be running around all day. Going going going. How many of us can work from home actually after all. It even occurred to me that maybe HS should go online with all school violence we now have. And the earth is taking a big sigh of relief at this much needed rest. If we could all just back off a little and calm down, Mother Nature might have a chance. Also, looks like we could help more ppl than we think we can with lost jobs and missing mortgage payments that we are now forgiving. Even student loan debt. It feels like everything just reached a tipping point and we are learning there’s a better way. I wouldn’t trade the lives that will be lost for these lessons but maybe some good can come out of this tragedy.

It’s interesting how ppl are still trying to pull me into social obligations like virtual happy hours and 6 ft apart coffee dates (in her backyard). It must be the extroverts that need this cuz im like “im good”.

Overate a bit today but not worrying about it. Back on track tomorrow. Haven’t weighed in a few.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 2:02 pm
by Sammybunny711
<3 <3 <3 Love this.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 2:26 pm
by Kathleen
I told my Katie yesterday that this will give us all some perspective: what's really important in life?

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:07 pm
by lpearlmom
It’s really true Kathleen. I don’t know what’s going to happen but i ate all my feelings yesterday. It’s just a very scary time. I dont know what’s going to happen but there’s a good chance that Jon will get covid at some point. There’s a good chance someone i know will die from it. There’s a good chance that i will get it. Hopefully I will not die. Interesting to see ppl go through the different stages with all this denial to acceptance. Unfortunately i think our president is still stuck in denial or maybe anger after he lashed out at that reporter yesterday who was trying to get some reassurance or hope for the American ppl. Luckily a lot of the mayors and governors are stepping up.

Yesterday doc said there is a covid case at his hospital. Things are getting real. Finally convinced my family the importance of staying home. Poor sweetpea is missing her bf. The governor finally shutdown restaurants & bars. Schools have been shut for over a week but he says he won’t do a full lockdown which is a dangerous decision. We need a national lockdown as we are on the sane trajectory as Italy.

Wow, what a depressing post. I dont feel depressed though. Staying home is heavenly for me. I think it’s made a lot of us introverts realize how unhappy we’ve been making ourselves by forcing ourselves to be more social than we really want to be. I don’t understand these ppl saying they’re going stir crazy but then again we’ve got a large house on a large piece if property so it’s probably just my privilege talking. 🙂

Yesterday i deep cleaned my house for the first time in a long time since I had to tell my house cleaner not to come for awhile (I'm still paying her though). I actually kind of enjoyed it and i guess the girls were inspired because they cleaned their rooms and did laundry without being asked. 😳

Ive been walking the dogs every morning but really need add more exercise so will need to figure something out. We did order a treadmill but that wont be coming for a bit. I did write myself out a daily schedule to try to give some structure to my days. It seems to be helping but oh boy am i drowning in laundry. Time to get on that!

I ate a ridiculous amount yesterday. Goin* to face the music and weigh before things get to off the rails. Heres what I remember eating (don’t judge me).

Avocado, smoked salmon, bran muffin, 2 smoothies,
2 pudding cups, chips and dip,
veggie burger,
a lot of chocolate chips, 2 skinny cow ice creams, 2 glasses wine.

I think i need a consistent fasting schedule so I'm going to try to stick to 19/5 from 3-8 pm for awhile.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 2:01 am
by Kathleen
Hi Linda,

Hang in there! I think your governor is wise not to have shelter in place. Our governor closed a lot of places where people congregate, like bars, restaurants, museums, schools, and theaters. What I am seeing now is that businesses are voluntarily moving people home and stores are voluntarily closing. The Mall of America, for example, shut down. If people feel like they have options and aren't in a police state, I think they are more complaint.


Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:02 am
by oolala53
If I may, I posted a couple of links to blogs on the general discussion page that deal with combatting the thinking behind crisis/stress eating.

Big hugs having Doc on the front lines. A doctor friend of mine lives in WA for part of the year. He is in insurance, and usually is involved in other stuff, data analysis on doctor/hospital visits to improve programs, etc. I texted him asking if his duties had changed. He said he has COVID-19 coming out both ears, mostly about securing care for customers. He's in Utah now, his other base. He keeps his cool better than just about anyone I know but I could tell he is rattled.

But shutting down so many businesses and schools for possibly months rattles me, too. Death may not be imminent, but problems from these tactics could lead to other health problems, many serious or even fatal, farther down the line. I agree with one NYT commenters that it seems our major issue is not having testing easy to do. Without that, we're stuck with blunt instruments. I am complying, and was pissed off the few minutes i went out by a non-food business open, a gem shop, of all things! But there were no customers, either.

I affirm you'll get into the best eating mode needed soon.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:10 am
by lpearlmom
I guess Kathleen. We shall see. I wish everyone would take this more seriously. I haven’t left the house since Thursday. The reality of all this really hit me hard today. Doc is at serious risk of getting covid. What if he doesn’t survive? So scary but he says he’s not worried. He says he’s being very careful. Im glad he’s got tomorrow off at least. One less day of exposure.

But i can let fear get the better of me. Thats no way to live. Just going to hope for the best. On the positive side, I feel like this has been very good for our family. I realize how much happier we are all when we’re not constantly going. We have more patience with each other when we’re not exhausted at the end of each day. Rosebud has been helping me more and even made herself an omelette. Kind of nice not worrying about getting my hair, nails and lashes done. So much more free time. Maybe i can let go of some of that permanently.

My eating went really well today which is good because my weight is up. Hopefully i can stay on track for awhile. No exercise though.

Dinner: salmon, mixed grains, broccoli, glass of wine
Dessert: skinny cow ice cream, handful of chocolate chips

I ordered food for the week from hungry root and really liking it. Dinner only took 10 mins and everyone enjoyed it. We’ve definitely got a lot of food in the house. No chance of starving anytime soon! 😊

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:14 am
by lpearlmom
Oh that’s funny oolala, i think we posted at the same time. It’s definitely an uncertain time for all of us. Wishing you well and you were right about me getting my eating under control (at least for now). Going to check out those posts.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:41 pm
by automatedeating
Staying home is heavenly for me. I think it’s made a lot of us introverts realize how unhappy we’ve been making ourselves by forcing ourselves to be more social than we really want to be. I don’t understand these ppl saying they’re going stir crazy
I am so with you on this. And we don't have a large house or a large property, but my privilege is that I live in the suburbs near to some nice green spaces for walking. Also I am healthy and able to walk without pain and enjoy my time outside. I feel extremely fortunate right now, and thankful for all that I have.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 5:21 am
by lpearlmom
I’m so glad you’re finding this downtime beneficial too auto. I wish i had access to a green space. My doggies would love it. We are both fortunate. I would hate to be stuck in a tiny apartment right now.

Im definitely learning a lot about myself like how much i do out of some sort of weird obligation or need to prove Im important by constantly being busy. I hope that i can carry these lessons with me if we survive this crazy time. It feels like the world is ending but all we can do is soldier on.

Today was really nice though. I decided to take a SM and news break. We went on a family walk and then i made waffles. After breakfast we worked on a puzzle for pretty much the whole day. So nice.

Eating was calm today too. Thank goodness.

165.5 lbs
21.5% fat

Lunch: bowl of beans with corn chips, cheese & s cream
Snack: yogurt and an apple
Dinner: shrimp & broccoli 🥦 stir fry , glass of wine
Dessert: a chilly cow

Walked dogs 🐕

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:17 pm
by Sammybunny711
Hang in there! This is a scary, uncertain time, but all we can do is take things one day at a time and try to make wise decisions. You've got this!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:35 pm
by automatedeating
Your day sounds peaceful (despite the ever-blowing storm around us). And your meals today struck me as .. happy? fun? I'm not sure what word I'm looking for - it was just a feeling. And then you mentioned the food was "calm". Good word! :-)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:10 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you bunny and somehow im still feeling calm despite everything. Hopefully they’ll have an antibody test out soon & we can see whose immune.


Snack: bran muffin, banana
Dinner: veggie chili, chips, 1/2 glass wine
Dessert: apple, tangelo

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:52 pm
by pinkhippie
Hi Linda!

I just wanted to pop in and say Hi! Sounds like you are doing pretty well despite these scary uncertain times. A news break is such a good idea! I think its why I have been spending more time on this board. Social media and news are extremely stressful right now. Taking time out to concentrate on self-reflection and personal health seems like an ideal way to spend time now.

edit: I also wanted to say that I really agree with you about the much-needed break, and the abilities we are seeing right now for student loan forgiveness, etc... I hope we do come out of this seeing that there is a better way.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 6:11 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks for stopping by hippie! Yes, those SM/news breaks are so helpful.

Today was good. We ordered a treadmill with the ifit coach program & we are all pretty excited about it. Will be great when it’s 110 out. We decided to put it in the play/art room that nobody really uses so i spent the day clearing everything out. Luckily doc wasnt there because we have very different approaches to projects like this. His way is to just take everything out in my swoop and deal with it afterwards. That makes me crazy. I like to go through each item and figure out what to fo with it as i go so there’s less chaos on the other side. Also, i got rid of about 90% of the stuff which I don’t think he would have gone for but the rest of the house would be way too cluttered otherwise. I gave most of it away, threw a bunch out and sold a couple things for dirt cheap.

Anyway im almost done and then we are going to paint it, put rubber flooring down and line the walls with mirrors. We’re also going to mount a tv in there. Yay!

I haven’t weighed in a couple days for no reason in particular.


Snack: 1/2 muffin, pita chips & dip
Dinner: grilled salmon and shrimp, bread, potatoes
Dessert: sorbet

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 3:34 pm
by automatedeating
What an amazing, fun, exciting project!! I am thrilled for you! I even have an additional suggestion - put in some of those ballet bars! And a pull-up bar! OMG if it weren't for social distancing I would want to visit and see your in-home gym!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 6:25 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks auto!! I loooove your ballet bar idea and i bet doc would enjoy a pull-up bar! It’s pretty exciting. The only problem is my car is full of stuff for charity but all the charity shops are understandably closed sooooo i guess they’ll be there for awhile. Ill try to put pics up on instagram if you follow me there. ☺️

Today was good. Gotta a lot done although the house is still a bit chaotic. It’s not as stressful as normal though because i know ill have plenty of time to get it done. Also, don't have to worry about someone dropping by. I saw a few friends today as i was dropping stuff off or they were picking stuff up. We stayed a good six feet away but it still made me nervous. I really just want everyone to stay in their homes for 30 days straight but i know thats no5 realistic.

Im not sure why but I've had this sudden urge to get a puppy. Ive even been looking on the internet a bit. I know we should get a rescue but i really want another shitzu. She was a rescue but they’re not easy to find. Im not sure why the sudden urge but maybe it’s because menopause is upon me. We shall see.

Speaking of dogs, poor Tessa could really use a trip to the groomers. I did wash her but shes a bit matted and her bangs are too long. Shes so dang cute though when shes all floppy looking. It wasn’t bad washing her and i realize i actually enjoy doing things like changing my sheets and mopping our floors. Usually the cleaning lady does that stuff but ive told her not to come for awhile. I guess im learning to be more self sufficient. I even bought some hair dye and false eyelashes. I think im going to just go super platinum blonde Or something for fun. I told rosebud I wanted a pink streak like she has. She just rolled her eyes at me. ☺️ I wonder if i dont need as much help as i thought i did. I guess the key will be saying no, no, no to obligations so i have energy to do stuff for myself. Geez when i look at it that way, it’s pretty clear im sacrificing my own happiness to please others. That really needs to stop.

Soooo im experimenting with a new idea. I realized that i really miss having breakfast esp after I workout but i could care less about lunch so im going to have a one hour breakfast window in the morning and then have a 2 hr dinner window later. Im also doing a 10 day (or longer) sugar detox because its really gotten outta hand.

167.5 lbs 🤦🏼‍♀️
21.5% fat

Breakfast: smoothie
Lunch: tuna melt, baked chips, apple
Dinner: beyond burger, strawberries, glass wine

Walked dogs 🐕

Update: we got a pup!!!!! Am I crazy????

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 6:13 pm
by pinkhippie
Hi Linda!

I saw that you have a Shih Tzu, so do we! Ours is 12 years old this year though. She wasn't a rescue, but was from a groomer who bred only one litter a year and all her puppies lived in her house. She is the best dog ever. Although yeah the grooming is so much work! I shave her when I can and she looks pretty funny. It's definitely not for looks. It's hot where I live so I think she appreciates it. We also have a 3 year old basset hound and they get along pretty well. Their size disparity is funny though as our Shih Tzu is tiny. She is about 7-9 pounds.

It sounds like an interesting fasting experiment. I love lunch so much that I don't know if I could ever skip it. Please let us know how it goes!

What kind of pup did you end up getting?

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 6:47 pm
by automatedeating
Linda, I'm waiting with bated breath to hear all about the new pup addition!

Pinkie - your pups sound like both calm dogs! I have an Aussie (HappyHerder) and a black Cocker/Golden retriever mix (Flowerpup) - lots of excitement in my house. :-)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:01 pm
by pinkhippie
automatedeating wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 6:47 pm
Linda, I'm waiting with bated breath to hear all about the new pup addition!

Pinkie - your pups sound like both calm dogs! I have an Aussie (HappyHerder) and a black Cocker/Golden retriever mix (Flowerpup) - lots of excitement in my house. :-)
Auto yes! I got sloth dogs for a reason! I am sadly very lazy. My husband always calls me a lazy feline (In a loving way) because I love to lay around. I did tons of research before picking out our breeds. The basset was a lot of work when he was a puppy but as an adult, he pretty much just follows me everywhere and lays at my feet, and will sometimes half-heartedly chase a rabbit. The only excitement is when he bays in his sleep... at 3 am! It's pretty funny though.

I love Aussies and Golden retrievers, such beautiful dogs, but I can't keep up with them! :)

Linda, I am excited to hear about your new pup too!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:49 am
by lpearlmom
That’s funny hippie, sounds like we have a similar dynamic. We have our 20 lb Shih Tzu and then our 100 lb wolf hybrid but they get along great and yes they’re low maintenance. i give them their mile walk each day & they're pretty much good to go for the day. I do admire your tremendous energy though auto and know your dogs appreciate it.

Okay anywaaaaay, i couldnt sleep last night so was up all night researching different breeders in the area and found one that i felt was doing all the right things, had all the right certificates and no red flags. They only had one puppy left though so i emailed them and then texted them first thing in the morning.

She got back to me and said the puppy was still available!! It’s a female imperial Shih-Tzu with a charcoal coat and soooooo darn cute! I was beside myself with excitement when i found out we could have her & so excited to tell the girls. They were still asleep however so i kept checking on them like every 5 mins. Rosebud has been wanting another dog forever and when i told them, she was practically in tears. We pick her tomorrow night and can’t wait to meet her.

Also the playroom is coming along nicely and doc liked the ballet bar idea so thanks auto!

My weird eating schedule was perfect and hoping I continue to like it.

165,5 lbs

Break: 2 veggie sausages, smoothie
Dinner: dal bowl, cheese & crackers, wine
Dessert: fruit & yogurt

Soooo tired !

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:57 pm
by pinkhippie
Wow a 100 pound wolf hybrid! That is great they get along! Awww your new puppy sounds adorable! I'm so excited for you!

That is great that your new eating schedule is working for you!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:19 am
by automatedeating
So exciting! I can't believe it! So cute how you kept checking on Rosebud. I'm sure the puppy will go a long way to helping your girls (and you!) find some serious routine every day, haha! :-)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:29 pm
by lpearlmom
:| Thanks you guys! She is such a doll! We named her cupcake kiwi. She’s really good so far although she did pee a couple times on the girls new carpet. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Boy do I regret not putting bamboo flooring in their rooms.

Tikka (wolfdog) and Tessa (Shih Tzu) are doing fine with her. No aggression at all despite cupcake trying to play with tikkas big fluffy tail. Tessa is mad at us though i think but hopefully will get past it.

Ack ipads about to die. More later!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:46 pm
by alene1
Congrats on the new pup! So much fun for your family during this time. I hope you have as smooth a transition as you can, and enjoy the chaos! :)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 4:32 pm
by automatedeating
"Enjoy the chaos!" That's a good way to put it, Alene! There are times in our lives when we have chaos for awhile, and we want it to be happy chaos if possible! :-)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 7:10 am
by lpearlmom
Yes it’s definitely chaotic between the remodel, the new puppy and trying to help the girls transition to their new online school, but am hangin in there. I swear im utterly exhausted but feel like i didnt really get anything done today. Cupcake is such a doll but poor tessa is so mad at me. She’s giving the cold shoulder and got snippy with the puppy today. She didnt bite her or anything but definitely got mad at her. Every night when im getting ready for bed, i call her up her little staircase onto my bed then i tell her what a good girl she is. Well tonight when i called her up she walked right past me and laid down on her bed on the floor. With her back to me to top it off. Ive been walking her and trying to give her extra attention but shes still pissed. I guess i cant blame her. I hope she comes around. :/ Tikka is super chill with her though.

Boy, the hardest part of this social distancing im having is pressure from other ppl. My friend wanted to do a 6 ft apart coffee date in my backyard. Our neighbors wanted to do a driveway happy hour in our driveway and jon made me go to lowes with him today. Maybe ppl are just sick of their houses but really i dont want to have outside contact unless I absolutely have to. Im trying to stay home all of April except for the one trip to the vet i have to do.

Im not very good at saying no so this has been a growing process for me. All of this has made me realize what an introvert i am. Im not shy but need long periods of alone time to recharge my batteries. I dont think i really respect that need in me enough and am more social than i really want to be.

Anyway , love the new eating schedule but dont think more weight will come off anytime soon. I don’t care though for now.

21.8 percent

Break; avocado toast, yogurt, fruit 1 veg sausage
Dinner: bowl of chili, coconut water
Dessert: yogurt

Walked dogs 🐕

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 3:02 pm
by alene1
Linda, that's tough about people pressuring you to get together, even with social distancing. It will be good practice for you to speak your mind and hold your ground. You can always do a Zoom chat. I'm doing a Zoom happy hour with some friends this weekend. :) I'm sorry Tessa is so mad at you. :( I bet she will come around. Have a good day!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 6:55 pm
by pinkhippie
Our shih tzu was pretty unhappy when we brought our new puppy home, but she did adjust. She was a cranky old lady for a while but now they will lay on the floor together and she doesn't want to go outside without him. Tessa will probably just take a little time.

I am an introvert too! Like major. I am really happy not to have to go out. My stress has actually gone down. (barring coronavirus stress)Permanent knots in my neck are gone. I guess I don't do social interaction very well! lol, it takes a LOT of my personal energy, and like you, I don't think I had quite realized that about myself before.

We have had a lot of pressure from family to visit them and it has been tough to stand firm, but we have been. They are just not taking it as seriously as we are, and the girls wouldn't be able to stay six feet away.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 3:05 pm
by automatedeating
I am an introvert too! Like major. I am really happy not to have to go out. My stress has actually gone down. (barring coronavirus stress)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:33 am
by lpearlmom
I guess we are a bunch of introverts! 😁 Im listening to the Introvert’s Way and am really enjoying it. It’s giving me the courage to say no to social engagements which is hard for me because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. The author gives two mantras to help with boundaries that im finding really helpful—“Not my problem” and “not my responsibility “. I ended up telling my neighbor that I wasn’t comfortable with doing the happy hour at this point and he was totally cool with that. Later, i started worrying that he would think I didn’t like them (i do). I stopped myself though and realized his feelings about this are not my problem. Not in a mean uncaring way but just in a way that let’s me let go of the worry.

Then my friend texted me to see if i wanted to do a video chat book club. Normally i would have said yes without really checking in with myself to see what i really wanted. The good thing about texting is you can pause and think about your response. This is what I did and ended up saying, “ that sounds fun, maybe after things calm down a bit over here.” She understood & we chatted about something else. Still i kept thinking about texting her with book ideas which probably would have sent mixed messages. I didn’t though.

Later sweetpea was just in a foul mood & angry about not being able to see her bf. My usual response is to feel offended by her anger that seems to be partially directed at me but I paused and realized it’s not my problem. This is something she will have to come to terms with on her own. Is it my responsibility? Her feelings about it are not. My responsibility is to keep her safe which what Im doing. Phew, boundaries are tough.

On the plus side I did have a virtual happy hour with Doc’s family which was really fun. I guess when you say no to the stuff you don't want to do, it helps clarifies what you do want to do.

My weight is up. I guess ill blame it in quarantine eating, but trying to get back on track. A little burnt out in fasting so just starting back at the bare minimum and will try to slowly shorten my window.

Puppy is sooooo cute and doing good although a lot of work. Thank goodness the girls are helping so much. She’s still waking a night and having accidents but thats to be expected. Tessa is doing a bit better with cupcake but I doubt they’ll ever be bffs.

168.2 😭

Break: oatmeal & fruit
Snack: popcorn, cheese & crackers
Dinner: coconut shrimp, rice a roni, smoked salmon on crackers, margaritas
Dessert: fruit & yogurt

Exercise: walked 1 mile, 10 sit ups; 10 squats.

I. Trying not to go to the grocery store for all of April. They say the next two weeks are going to be very difficult and it’s really important to stay inside.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:40 pm
by alene1
That sounds like a great book! Or did you say it was a podcast? Good for you for being strong and thinking things through. Big progress! The virtual book club does sound like fun! :)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:47 pm
by lpearlmom
Hi alene! it’s a book but I’m listening to audible.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 5:21 am
by lpearlmom
Tough day. Doc isn’t feeling well. Fever and body aches. He will get tested tomorrow. Trying to be calm but don’t think I’ll sleep much tomorrow.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:20 pm
by alene1
Oh Linda, I so hope it comes back negative. Sending positive thoughts and love your way!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 2:47 pm
by automatedeating
Hugs, Linda.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 4:01 pm
by Kathleen
Oh my Linda. Can he be home to sleep?

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:16 pm
by lpearlmom
Thanks you guys! He is home and feeling much better. He’s being extra cautious of course because he doesn’t want to get his patients sick.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:27 pm
by lpearlmom
So he says he feels completely better and his doctor doesn’t think he needs a test since he doesn’t even have a fever anymore. Id think they'd want to test him just in case, but i guess not. I was convinced he had covid and even dreamt about it. I imagine they’ll be more of these scares to come, but seems like we’re in the clear for now.

21.7 percent

Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit & nuts
Snack: handful of chips, a couple of crackers, bite of brownie
Dinner: falafel with hummus, coconut water

Walked 1.5 m (In my house).
20 situps, 20 squats

Ive been taking morning duty with the pup so haven’t been taking the other dogs for their walk. Hopefully, we can get back to it soon though.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:41 pm
by Kathleen
That is good news! That puppy will force your attention away from worry!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:31 pm
by pinkhippie
I am so glad to hear that your husband is feeling better. These are such stressful times to have a fever or not be feeling well, especially with him being in the health care field. Great news!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:24 pm
by alene1
Great news Linda!! Yes, I am really surprised they didn't test him. I would want to be tested if I were him.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 4:13 pm
by automatedeating
So glad to hear his fever is gone.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:03 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks you guys. Well now I’m sick. Super nauseous and achey but no fever, cough or respiratory symptoms so doc says i dont need to worry. Hard not to worry when you get sick during the pandemic.

Omgosh things really came to a boiling point around here today. We’ve got stuff everywhere due to the remodel, and the kitchen was a mess today because i wasnt able to get up and clean it. There’s no food really and i cannot seem to catch up n the laundry no matter how hard I try. Throw a new puppy on top of that and things are going to be tense.

I swear I feel horrible saying this but im wondering if getting a puppy was such a great idea. All i thought about was the cuteness factor. Boy did i forget how much work they are. I wonder if everyone feels this way at some point about their new pups. Im not sure what to do but it’s causing more tension between the girls. They take turns at night watching cupcake but rosebud is frustrated that sweetpea just takes her in her bed instead of working on crate training with her.

They got in a big fight tonight and sweetpea had a major meltdown. She’s got major self esteem issues and it’s hard not to feel responsible for that in part. Ugh, i realized i really need to be on my game to help ease the situation here. I forced myself out of bed tonight to clean the kitchen and do a load of laundry. Hopefully the workout room will be done soon and at least the house will be back to normalish. Now what to do about the puppy.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:30 pm
by Kathleen
Oh, Linda, please don't consider getting rid of that puppy. It is not rational but kids tend to think of puppies as part of the family. If you are willing to get rid of a puppy, would you be willing to get rid of me? We got a puppy a couple of years ago, and I told Tom that is our last puppy. She did not get trained for months. I even took her to puppy class, but she had a sassy attitude of I can do what I want. She was bred on a farm, and they did not bathe the puppies but just let them run around outside. Now she has learned, and she has adjusted to being an affectionate dog even though we don't think that is her natural personality. She has learned what we want. She was great bait for Katie to move home rather than stay in her apartment in the city so that she could see her boyfriend.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:47 pm
by lpearlmom
Oh no we are not getting rid of her. I just need a more workable solution. I’m not 100% today but am feeling better much better today. I stayed up reading about puppy training and decided 1) we need to get her on a schedule and 2) we need to crate train her. I think it’s unfair of me to expect the girls to take the night training on so I think I’m going to take the puppy in the guest room with me for several nights and takeover.

We’ve never crate trained a puppy before but I think it’ll be better for everyone in the long run.

Hoping for a better day today! 🙏

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:33 pm
by Kathleen
Oh good, Linda. You will get through it...

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:37 pm
by pinkhippie
Sorry to hear that you have been having a hard time lately. Feeling sick always makes everything feel overwhelming too.

Puppies are a lot of work! I definitely felt that maybe I had made a mistake in those early weeks of puppy training. Now I am really happy but I remember saying we would never get a puppy again. At least not until the kids were out of the house! lol

I am glad you are feeling better. It sounds like a good idea to do crate training. That is what I did with both my puppies and I had to get up maybe once or twice a night at first to take them out to potty but eventually only once and then none! YAY! Also, both dogs love their crates and sleep in them happily and go in them voluntarily throughout the day since they are a safe haven for them. So that worked out too.

Good luck, and I hope you continue to feel better.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:43 pm
by automatedeating
Hmmm, I think I can relate. :-) LOL!
I was SOOO sleep-deprived the first 2 weeks with her. Creator and I slept downstairs in the living room to do the crate-training. Guess which of us slept like a rock all night and which one was up with the puppy? :-)
Actually, I ALREADY look back on those evenings fondly, and it was only 2 months ago!!! Creator and I cuddled and read together, and the puppy was so sweet and warm and the nights were so silent. You'll get through it.
After 2 weeks pupster was holding it 6 hours at night, and now she holds it for 9 - 10 hours!!! I felt bad about that at first (I don't hold it that long!) but even when I take her outside in the morning she doesn't go right away so I figure she's not uncomfortable. And she takes forever to come out of her crate, stretching and saying hello and wiggling around and getting her toys, etc. So it's easy now. I put her to bed in her crate in Creator's room at 9pm (he reads in bed while she settles down with her peanut butter kong and gullet stick, haha), and then I get her outside by 6:30 or 7am. Oh, and she loves to go in her crate! She loves the evening routine - last potty outside, then run up the stairs and wait for me to throw her treats in her crate. She goes in her crates for naps, too, all by herself (we have one downstairs in the living room). In the daytime, I try to crate her 2 hours a day still even though right now we are always home. Right now I'm doing it during my online live teaching.
Another thing we use are baby gates. I have one at the bottom of the stairs to keep her out of the bedrooms/bathrooms, and one between the kitchen and the mudroom/pantry.
I also have so many chew toys it's ridiculous. Anything to keep her busy.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:38 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks hippy & auto! She actually did great last night i put her in at 1030 and she didn’t cry at all till 230 so i took her out to pee. She didn’t wake up again till 540 and then I decided to just get up for the day.

Auto: thank you so much for telling your routine. It helps a lot. I wish we could do baby gates but our house is not set up for that as its an open plan. Thats part of the problem because i feel like i have to watch her constantly. She’s already getting more independent though. When I went to make dinner she went off by herself to work on a chew toy without being prompted. It’ll get easier.

164.2 lbs (weight down because I was feeling sick for 2 days. I’ll take it though!)
21.1% fat

Break: plain yogurt with berries
Snack: fruit, a couple perfect bites
Dinner: shrimp stir fry, coconut water
Dessert: 3 squares hu chocolate, a few perfect bites

We started ordering from sunbasket and I’m really loving all snacks and extras you can order from it these days. This plus grocery delivery and I may never have to go to the grocery store again.

Exercise: walked dogs 2 miles

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 2:38 pm
by automatedeating
"never go to the grocery again" Ha! That is amazing!

I totally get the watching constantly thing. I definitely compare having a puppy to having a newborn and toddler in one creature!!! The sleep-deprivation of the newborn combined with the into-everything of a toddler. The timeline is just super-compressed, though, so before you know your "baby" grows up!

We actually have an open plan, too, but just for the downstairs I think our house is pretty small compared to yours, lol. And we have 2 levels, so one baby gate goes at the bottom of the stairs. To separate the kitchen from the living room I got this 6 foot accordion style white gate. It ended up not working well though - she learned to knock it over in no time. What about baby gates at least in the bedroom doorways? Ooooh, or what about an X-pen? I used those for camping when HappyHerder was younger. Anyway, you've got this and are already sounding more empowered. :-)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 5:21 am
by lpearlmom
Auto: yeah I'm pretty sure tikka woould just knock anything we put up down anyway. We will have to figure out something. Totally true about it being a toddler and infant wrapped up in one.

Ugh, this has been one of the worst weeks of my life. First doc was sick, then me, then the girls got in a horrible fight, and our house is a mess with tools and such everywhere. Then this morning cupcake wouldn’t eat and was very lethargic. She threw up and felt warm so we took her to the vet. I thought for sure she had parvo and was a very stressful couple of hours waiting for her appointment.

Thank god she doesn’t have parvo but has some kind of virus. They sent us home with meds. If she’s not better by tomorrow, we need to take her to the animal hospital. To top it off sweetpea and doc got into a huge fight and they’re both very stubborn so they never end quickly or easily. 🤦🏼‍♀️

I want to run away for a weekend. Maybe doc and I should do Vrbo for a weekend Somewhere in state and let the girls stay home.

Eating was a bit chaotic today.

21.1 %

Break: a couple bites of pizza eggs , 1/2 banana
Snack: couple crackers , apple
Dinner: plain yogurt & berries (copying you auto)
Dessert: small bowl chocolate chips

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:30 pm
by automatedeating
What a horrible week!!! The anxiety load you must have felt at each one of those things - worrying first about COVID and then about Parvo, two frightening viruses for sure..... and then the fighting, the messes, oh my gosh very stressful. Very stressful.

I think if you can find a place for you and Doc to get away that would be AMAZING. Fingers crossed that could be possible.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:16 am
by pinkhippie
Linda I am sorry! That sounds rough! The fear of Parvo is so terrifying with puppies. I am glad that cupcake was not sick with that.

Is sweetpea your oldest daughter? I am sorry to hear about the fight between her and doc, that is super stressful.

I hope that cupcake feels better and that you don't have to take her to the hospital and that sweetpea and doc work it out.

I hope you do get a chance to run away, even if just for a bit!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:24 am
by lpearlmom
Auto: thanks for the support.Definitely not a fun week. Doc says he thinks renting a house would violate the stay at home order so i guess thats a no go for now.

Hippie: I realized i put the wrong nickname in there. It was actually rosebud ( my youngest) whose not getting along with her dad. I don’t know why i get in the middle of everyone’s fights. I just hate conflict and so am always trying to be the peacemaker. It’s exhausting.

Well good news, cupcake is definitely on the mend. Still sleepy today but eating well and alert. She’s just so sweet. Im so happy she’s getting better.

Also, we cleaned up about 3/4 of the mess and I have my kitchen back which is the most important thing to me. As long as my kitchen is clean, i can relax for some reason.

164 lbs (yay finally moving downwards a bit. )

Breakfast: yogurt w berries, oatmeal
Snack: crackers & veggies w spinach dip
Dinner: salmon with roasted carrot salad
Dessert: 1 brownie, handful chocolate chips

Walked 2.5 m

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 2:17 pm
by automatedeating
Linda - that is funny about it actually being Rosebud!!! When you wrote Sweetpea, I remember thinking - whoa, Sweetpea and Doc aren't the ones that get in fights! LOL! Rosebud is a spitfire, isn't she? Gonna rock this world, that girl. And Sweetpea will just win everyone over with her sweetness!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 4:10 pm
by pinkhippie
Linda, thanks for the clarification!

I don't like conflict either and often end up moderating when I probably shouldn't.

So glad that cupcake is doing better!

Congrats on the scale moving down. That is always a nice feeling. :)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:55 pm
by alene1
Linda, glad Cupcake is feeling better! I'm with you on having a messy kitchen. I just don't feel settled when it's chaos in there, and it's hard to feel good or get much done.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 4:24 am
by lpearlmom
Auto: thats funny that you know their personalities so well. ☺️

Hippie: i know. I feel like everyone is playing me sometimes.

Alene: so true! I have a rule about not going to bed till the kitchen is clean. I even cleaned my kitchen before driving myself to the ER when i was having gallbladder pain because I did not want to come home from the hospital with a messy kitchen. I didn’t regret it eventhough i was in a lot of oain.

Cupcake is kicking my butt. She’s doing okay at night in the crate but still waking up every few hrs and then has trouble setting back down after going to the bathroom. I was a mess this morning. Tired and overwhelmed and I even tripped in the rolled up carpet holding cupcake and fell flat in my face.

I decided i needed helped so asked the girls if they would be willing to commit to watching cupcake for 3 hrs each every day. They both agreed and it was amazing having uninterrupted time. I was able to get stuff done around the house and take a shower and finally starting to feel better. Doc even took her for a bit so i could make dinner and attend a virtual happy hour.

I think this is really good for me because im not good at asking for help. It’s good for the girls too to have more responsibilities. Just wonder about myself and why i had to get a puppy during the one time i could have really just had calm and relaxing time with few obligations. Subconsciously maybe i want to keep myself challenged. I just hope this gets easier.

H if you all have tips on crate training let me know. When i put her in there during the day, she cries the mnute she’s done with her treats a nd doesn’t let up.


Snack: appples , blueberries
Dinner: shrimp stirfry, wine

Exercise: walked in bolivia (on my ifit program for treadmill) 30 mins
Abs, legs

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:46 am
by pinkhippie
Hi Linda! I don't really have a lot of advice for crate training. I can tell you what I did.

I got a Kong toy that you fill with something like cream cheese and dog food so the puppy has to really work to get the treats out. That can buy you a few hours or at least an hour. I also covered their crate with a blanket and made it much more denlike and cozy. This worked for my basset. If he couldn't see anyone he would stop whining. It did take a few weeks though, maybe longer. In the evening I would put him on his leash that I was holding with his toys in the living room so I could keep an eye on him and keep him mostly on his big cushion on the floor.

Sorry it is getting so rough! That is great that you delegated some puppy responsibility to the kids and that you asked for help. It's kind of like having a newborn, so the more support you can get the better!

I hope things go better soon.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:05 am
by automatedeating
Same as what pinkie said. Kongs with peanut butter. :-) And also they both love chew sticks. And the blanket over the crate. Flowerpup was easier than HappyHerder. He cried for a solid 2 weeks. Even with FP I still hate crating her, and she doesn't even cry anymore, and really never cried that much after the first few nights. HH had to be in a room where he couldn't see anyone; FP seems to be quiet even with activity going on. I think it's their personalities (just like kids - surprise, surprise). You might just have more of a cry-baby puppy, lol (in the very best sense!). For my breaks, I crate FP for at least 1 hour every day with her pb kong and then I go upstairs to Creator's room w/HH and I do my meditation, read a little, usually fall asleep for a few minutes. Good luck! It's not easy, and lots of people don't worry about crate-training. One way or another, this time will pass and eventually you'll get your sleep back.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:21 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks you guys for the encouragement! It’s good to know it’s probably nothing im doing wrong. Both my dogs are so easy now but that iI forget they were also handfuls once too. Having the girls help out is HUGE and she actually slept from 1130-6am so we are getting there. She spent 10 mns in her crate twice today and eventhough she cried the whole time it did give me a few mins and I figure she was fine so it’s okay. Im a big softy which is why i could never let my kids cry it out and is why they took forever to sleep through the night. It is what it is.

Daaang did so well till dinnertime then went crazy. ☺️

21.3 percent

Break: oatmeal w fruit, sf iced blended
Linch: soup, toast, apple
Dinner: chips, guacamole, fajitas, corn, margaritas, wine
Dessert: chocolate, tres leches cake

Oh dear...

Exercise: walked in Egypt 20 mins

Update: cupcake slept all night!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:14 am
by pinkhippie
Yes dogs really have their own personalities for sure! My Shih Tzu was way easier than my Basset... of course I was younger then and had only one child... :D

Yay for cupcake sleeping through the night! That is so great! I was the same way with my kids and not letting them cry and "sleeping through the night".

Your desert sounds deeeelicious!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 5:16 am
by lpearlmom
Yeah i feel like its getting a bit easier as we start to figure out what works and what doesn’t work. The most challenging thing right now is the other dogs. They are super annoyed with her and she just wants to play poor thing. It’s a little scary when they angrily bark at her, but i guess we are supposed to let that play out so the puppy learns boundaries? Neither of them have ever bit anyone or another dog so hopefully it’ll be okay.

Hippy: your tip about leashing your dog in the house was so helpful. I have a really long lead leash that i attached her to in the kitchen while i was getting stuff done. I put outa bunch of toys and a play mat & she didn’t mind it at all. Her favorite thing is a pb filled kong but i try to save that for night as a special treat. She practically jumps into the crate every night. Oh and we just got her one of those stuffed dogs with a beating heart and a warmer in it. Not sure if it’ll help but worth a shot. ☺️

Our house is 99% back to normal and im so relieved. Im just having trouble keeping up with the deep cleaning but at least most of the clutter is gone. Boy do i miss my cleaning lady. I hope she’s okay financially. :/

Sweatpea and rosebud are in yet another fight. Sweetpea gets tired of Rosebud’s bossiness but instead of saying something she just lets it build and build till she finally snaps. Then she goes way overboard with her reaction. I had to take her electronics away which kills me because i know it’s her only link to her bf but i have to set boundaries. She cannot be doing that kind of thing everytime she’s frustrated with someone. I feel like ive failed her though in a lot of ways.

167.3 🤦🏼‍♀️

Day off.

Break: egg and toast
Snack: apple and perfect bites
Dinner: curry
Dessert: yogurt with fruit, piece of dark chocolate

Exercise: walked dogs 🐶🐶🐶

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 6:40 pm
by automatedeating
I was thinking the other day (on my walk) that the perpetual knot in my stomach is about failing my children. I always feel guilty and think about how I'll regret these years and my mistakes. I would love to be free of this mommy-guilt. It sure would be nice if we could be a little easier on ourselves as mothers. Sweetpea is her own imperfect person, and you and her dad (and rosebud) are all just regular imperfect people doing the best you can. Sometimes I think I expected to raise my kids perfectly/to be perfect - and then I laugh because goodness knows I'm far from perfect so what planet am I on thinking I can right all the wrongs of my humanity in the raising of my children.....?
At every moment of Sweetpea's life, you have done the best you can for her at that point in your life. She is lucky to have a mother that would do anything for her, that would move heaven and earth to see her happy.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 12:47 am
by pinkhippie
I am glad my tip about leashing in the house helped! I used that with both my dogs before they were house trained.

I agree with auto about feeling like you have failed your children being a constant underlying worry. It's tough. I think what has helped me is that I have finally made some peace with my parents' failings with me, and recognized that they were doing the best they could with their issues and limitations. I am doing the best I can too. At the end of the day, we are all just human beings and definitely not perfect.

I am glad your house is mostly back to normal. That probably feels much better.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:53 am
by lpearlmom
Auto: thank you for your kind words. You’re such a caring and empathetic person. You made me a little teary eyed to be honest. So much internal pressure to do right thing, but you’re right we cannot possibly be perfect no matter how hard we try. I wish there wasn’t so many damn ways to mess up. Maybe I should look at it the other way and see theres so many opportunities to do better.

Hippy: that is true. Ive forgiven my mom a lot for things. Its just hard being a parent and she was a single, struggling mom so i cannot even imagine.

Ugh, today im just frustrated with myself. I cannot seem to find an eating plan i can stick to. I stuck so perfectly to NoS for that first year and hardly had any red days. Then i just couldn’t take being so “good” but continued on & off. When i found IF, i thought id found a way of eating i could do for life but then just couldn’t take being so strict and went of the rails for a bit. I do things for awhile very well but then just can't stand being so constrained and just rebel. I go off the rails for a bit but then realize i do not ever want to be 210 lbs again so back on the horse.

Right now I'm switching every day to a different plan and i just cannot stick to anything but indo not want to gain weight and would in fact like to lost at least 10 lbs so i really dont know what to do. I tried to do nos today but by dinner i was just done and things went downhill. *sigh* Do i just resign myself to a having a different plan each day or force myself to stick to something till it’s a habit. i dont know. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Break: oatmeal, fruit sf mocha
Lunch: sushi, apple
Dinner: salmon, broccoli , ratatouille, wine
Dessert: chocolate, muffin, yogurt parfait (fail, fail, fail)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:56 pm
by alene1
Hi Linda. I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated and confused about the best course of action. What kind of eating schedule feels the most natural to you and syncs best to your body's natural hunger rhythms? Instead of fighting my body's signals I am trying to flow with them, and that has really helped me get into a stable pattern that makes my mind and body feel good. A great book to read is Lean Habits. She is so reasonable, sensible, and grounded, and it has really helped me. The author is also the one who ran the binge eating group I was in. It's all about creating habits, and then tweaking as needed, until together, the habits create a general downward trend till you hit your healthiest weight. It's a process, and takes time, but so worth it for the peace of mind.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:05 pm
by Sinnie
Hey Linda, I just want you to know you are SO not alone - I’m dealing with very much the same feelings. Sigh. I don’t post because of it. Good job on continuing to do at least that. I decide to do No S again but change my mind by lunch 🤦🏼‍♀️. All the best with your continuing journey *hugs*

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:51 pm
by pinkhippie
Linda, I am so sorry. I know exactly what you mean when you talk about feeling restricted. I feel like that happens to me too. I can do No S for a long time and then start feeling confined and I rebel. Right now I am in a phase where I am doing well but I am also really motivated. The trick is to keep it up after motivation fades. I know that as I get older my health becomes more of a motivating factor. This last time I gained weight, I think it all was on my middle, which I know is a high risk for heart disease and diabetes, so I was/am really motivated. IF seems to work for me right now because it feels pretty natural to me( I wasn't allowed to eat breakfast growing up... yes it's true) But it might not last, and I am trying to be prepared for that.

I have not read Lean Habits but I am in the facebook group that the author moderates and I thought she had a lot of wisdom.

I wish I had advice but since I struggle with the same thing, I can only offer empathy. Hugs. <3

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:10 pm
by Sammybunny711
I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated, Linda. I feel you. I am honestly there right now, myself. It is so hard to stick with one thing, I know. Just be kind to yourself. This dieting/lifestyle adjustment thing is just PLAIN HARD. I wish it weren't, but it so is and we must be gentle to ourselves. One step at a time. You really can do this.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:12 pm
by automatedeating
I'm going to put a plug in here that you are already doing your natural rhythm. :-) It just so happens that it is cyclical! Seriously, though, you are very cognizant of the food you choose each day, and the exercise you engage in, plus all the other mental stuff. For YEARS you have been paying attention to those things! I'd say that's a habit that's not going away and you are getting yourself through menopause without gaining weight. Incredible victory! Your style (and life strength) it seems like - has always been this sort of spontaneous, fun-loving streak. You don't want to settle down into boring same-old same-old. So maybe embrace your various strategies and don't feel guilty about them. LOL maybe if that is your deal.....trying different approaches is what keeps you able to sustain year after year paying attention to what you eat! Subconsciously you know you'd have bailed eons ago if it weren't for trying different things. In summary, Viva la difference!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:28 am
by lpearlmom
Alene: thanks for your support & that book looks great.

Sinnie: thank you. It helps to know im not alone in this. i know you totally get it. It’s frustrating for sure. Posting here really helps me to clarify my thoughts plus everyone is so supportive.

Hippie: thanks for your kind words and sharing your experience. Staying motivated is key.

Auto: I love your perspective and i think there’s a lot of truth to what you’re saying. I think the hard part is that constantly switching things up isnt really valued in our society so i do feel guilty about not sticking to things longer. Get really gung ho and all in and then after about a year Im just like done and ready for something new. Like the whole activist stuff. Im just feeling so done with it but having trouble unsticking myself and feeling so guilty about letting ppl down. I guess if i can see it a little differently, i wont feel so badly about it all. 💜

Geeeeeezzzzzz I am so burnt out and wishing the quarantine was over. Not because i mind staying home but i need everyone else to get out of the house. Everyone is driving me crazy and i feel spread so thinly trying to keep everyone happy. Both girls are struggling with a lot of internal issues so im having to try to help them with that, then im having to try to help them with their relationship with each other without it seeming like im taking sides. Also, doc is home a lot which is good but its just one more person who needs me. Also, he lieaves little project messes everywhere. Plus i have to make sure all the dogs are happy and healthy and none of them feel i love them less than another. Okay vent over. ☺️

On the plus side my weight was down a pound even though i felt like i ate a lot yesterday and didn’t exercise. The body is a fickle thing. I. Going to go back to just weekly weighings i think.


Break: 2 veggie dog,1 bun, apple
Snack: 2 Pieces of homemade bread, handful nuts

I didn’t have dinner.

Exercise: 30 min walk-run intervals, walked 🐕

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:21 pm
by Sammybunny711
That's a lot to deal with for sure. Hopefully we will all be able to go back to normal sometime soon, but if not, I hope you can carve out space and time for yourself to be alone and recharge!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:10 pm
by alene1
You have a lot on your plate for sure!! I hope things start gradually opening up soon. We are all so ready for that!! I'm weighing less often, and I have to say it's a huge relief.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 12:18 am
by pinkhippie
Also, doc is home a lot which is good but its just one more person who needs me.
I really relate to this! Yes, husbands especially when I am feeling stressed and burned out already can be just one more person who needs you. It's tough! Sounds like you have a lot of things and people to take care of! I hope you are able to get time to yourself for just a little bit each day.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 1:12 am
by oolala53
You don't have to be a mom to have a feeling of guilt about how you are handling life! But childrearing a bigger deal than most stuff. (Honestly, though, I think it's a relatively modern interest to look at one's part in a problem. I think my parents rarely thought they might have been the problem. I eveny them their contentment on that front and some others, too!) I suffered a lot while teaching because I knew I was often NOT doing things the way I should have, but those ways felt like torture on my side. Funny this should come up because guilt over my behavior occupied a lot of my spontaneous thought time since I retired in Jan. of 2019, but I realized I haven't thought about it much since SIP. I feel less traumatized by C19 itself than by my opinions of how I think things should be handled and feeling in disagreement with lots of sides! And the repercussions of our tactics not just here but in the Third World, where the effects will go beyond C19 itself. Enough! I'm bogarting now.

I really feel for your eating stuff, esp when not only the fasting sites, but many weight loss sites have all these testimonials of people claiming how easy X is and they don't even have to think about it, yada yada yada. I still look at some of them, too, but I know they never tell the whole story, like all the people who tried, and didn't last a week or the ones who made it a few years and then completely relapsed. Sometimes they come back and report; I always think: well, for every one of YOU, there are multiples of people we'll never hear from.

It just seems true that for most people in a food rich environment in a permissive culture, it is going to take some effort at least some of the time to eat to keep weight down. The brain just has so many mechanisms to defend a weight range; there has got to be a fair amount of luck involved if something is easy for anyone. I, too, had years when I was a basically quite happy with No S, and still think of it as the best foundation for a culture, but I also remember feeling miserable about how problematic my S days continued to be. The last few months have been the easiest in a long time, but I have days I regret. (A hundred years ago, what percentage of people ever regretted eating a lot, even if they weren't thin?)

Will I ever reach a New Year's not thinking there is something I have to tweak in my eating?

You'll probably end up reading this during a time when it feels relatively easy, and it will seem weird.

Best to you and the family.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:48 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks alene & bunny! True hippie & then i feel guilty for feeling that way on top of everything!

Thanks for your response oolala! Very frustrated with how things have been handled with covid as well especially since so much pain could have been avoided. It seems like your governor is doing a good job at least. Im not on any fasting sites at all anymore and in fact quit FB all together—yay! But yes the fasting groups would be discouraging for a lot of reasons. Either there were ppl making zero progress no matter how hard they tried or there were ppl who made a lot of progress but you realized they were doing like keto and 23/1 or something that i just wasn’t willing to take up. I was very successful at it for awhile it but i was being pretty extreme too. Lots of short windows and longer fasts and still i wasnt at goal. But still ive kept off 45 lbs so theres that.

Oh gosh, drama continues. Girls made up but then got in another fight. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Sweetpea is having such a hard time. She misses her bf so much and I think has just kind of given up on trying to do much of anything. Her room is a mess, she hasnt done laundry in forever and i dont think shes doing much in the way of school work. Truth be told im a little worried about her. But she’s in therapy and on anxiety meds and she hopefully knows how much we love her. Tomorrow i think im going to insist we clean her room.

At least I managed to get a lot done today though. Rosebud took cupcake for a good part of the day so I did quite a bit of cleaning. I vacuumed, dusted, cleaned our leather couches, and decluttered our bedroom, the kitchen and our living room. So nice having everything looking shiny and organized. Still so much to do. Its the never endness of housework that gets to me. Oh well.

My eating has still been a little over the top except today wasn't bad. I’ve also been exercising consistently and that feels really good. Im loving our new treadmill so much. It has this ifit program that has tons of different exercise programs that take you all around the world. Right now im doing a 30 day interval training program in Bora Bora. So fun!

Haven’t weighed all week but will tomorrow. Wouldn’t be surprised if ive gained but we shall see. It is nice not weighing though.


Snack: yogurt with fruit, rice cakes
Dinner: fish curry with rice, coconut water
Dessert: Ovaltine made with almond milk

Exercise: 25 mim interval (walk-run)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 9:36 pm
by pinkhippie
Hi Linda! My oldest suffers from anxiety too. Her meds really help her. Good luck with the Sweetpea and the room cleaning!

I know what you mean about the fasting groups. Quitting FB is a great idea. Before Covid I barely got on there but after, I find myself on there constantly. Probably because it's my only connection to the outside world right now. Not that its the greatest connection. I have to hide some of my friends and their posts. (too many conspiracy theories for me right now).

I hope things have settled for you a bit. Nice job with the walk-run!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 5:31 am
by lpearlmom
Hippie: yeah her meds help when she remembers to take them. Really glad I don’t have to hear about conspiracy theories right now. I can only imagine.

Her & I are okay now but rosebud is still really mad at her. Sweetpea tried to apologize but her sister isn’t ready to make up. I actually moved sweetpea into the guest wing which is on the opposite side of the house from Rosebud’s room. I think they need some space right now. I really don’t know what to do. Im hoping their therapist will be able to help them work it out. I just dont know how we can do another year of this.

I still don’t know what plan im n but i wrote down 10 possible plans today with the plan to try them out till something sticks. We shall see. I did the 4th workout of my bora bora interval series. Im enjoying it so much. Its like my little escape time.

We had our neighbors over for a six feet apart happy hour in our pool area. It was kinda stressful having to figure out how to set everything up and to have to actually do my hair and make up but we did have a nice time. Im a little concerned that im too good at this introverted stuff and it’s going to be hard for me to go back to socializing after this is all over. Its a little scary how darn comfortable i am not seeing anyone but my family for days on end. Im sure ill get back in the swing of things though.


Snack: sf a ice blended mocha thing
Dinner: plate of thai food, bowl of coconut soup, glass of wine, mojito
Dessert: 1 enlightened bar

Exercise: 21 min run-walk

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 3:10 pm
by pinkhippie
lpearlmom wrote:
Sat May 02, 2020 5:31 am

Im a little concerned that im too good at this introverted stuff and it’s going to be hard for me to go back to socializing after this is all over. Its a little scary how darn comfortable i am not seeing anyone but my family for days on end. Im sure ill get back in the swing of things though.

I hear you on that! I actually woke up early this morning worrying about that. I was thinking how not having to go anywhere and see anyone but my family is pretty nice and way too easy for me to get used to. Maybe it's just because we have never gotten to do this before and its something we needed. Once we get enough, maybe we will feel better about going back out into the world. Hopefully. :)

I hope that Sweetpea and Rosebud can work it out. That sounds so stressful. How old are they?

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 6:57 pm
by automatedeating
Ugh. Extremely stressful with the girls not getting along. And I bet it causes like a physical pain in your heart. I feel that sometimes because my boys are not close. Not really a ton of arguing, just total distance emotionally. It hurts my heart.

Hang in there, Linda.

Oh, and btw, so glad about your treadmill! You are using it in the newly set up workout room, right? :-)

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 4:30 am
by lpearlmom
Hippie: thats funny how we seem to all be on the same wave length a lot here. I think you’re right that a lot of just really needed a collective break. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. I just have a tendency to retreat after a high period of being more social then is comfortable and it’s just so nice to have a built in reason to do so right now. I just have to be careful not to cut off social ties completely. Oh and sweetpea is almost 17 and rosebud is almost 15. Sometimes i wish i had had them further apart.

Auto: it is tough and I don’t think I’ve been a great role model considering I don’t get along with my own sister so well. I’ve really pushed them to make up in the past but right now I’m trying to let them do it at their own pace which is not easy. I can’t seem to be complete happy till I know they’re in a good place with each other. I wonder if that’s how my mom feels.

Oh and yes I’ve been working out in the workout room. It’s still not completely done. Still need the mirrors, ballet bar & art work up. It’s been great though and Tessa like to come hang out while I go on the treadmill. She’s a great coach. ;)

Today was really good. Doc took sweetpea on a long drive and he let her drive his mini which is a lot of fun. The drove to Prescott, Jerome and Sedona. They were surprised at how many ppl were not following social distancing. I guess it’s all those conspiracy theorists. 😊 Talia and I binged watched trashy tv and she did my nails. Was exactly what we all needed. Just a little break from each other. Hopefully the girls can make up by their bdays next week.

We had virtual happy hour with docs family last night. Was a really nice ending to a good day.

Sf ice blended.
Dinner: plate of lobster ravioli, pad Thai (leftover), ww bread, mojitos

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 6:44 pm
by pinkhippie
Sounds like you had such a nice day!

It also sounds like it was really great to separate the girls and give them one on one quality time with their parents. 2 teenage girls close in age sounds challenging. Of course, that will be my reality in a little while. My two youngest are 3 years apart and they are very close. I hope they get along when they are adults. I always wanted a sister, and I joked that that is why I had 3 girls, so I could give my kids what I didn't have.

I have one younger brother and we are not close in the way that we stay in touch and keep up with each other besides a few random texts, but when we see each other about once a year we are really comfortable with each other and we really enjoy each others company.

Yep lots of people not social distancing here either. Our governor has started declaring things open soon and I think everyone is just like Weeeeeeee!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 4:39 am
by lpearlmom
If your girls are close now, that probably will carry through to adulthood. My girls have always had a love-hate relationship. They are either the best of friends or the worst of enemies. Theres just no in between with them. Rosebud annoys sweetpea till she finally blows and then she just goes way overboard with her anger and can be tremendously hurtful. She has my temper unfortunately. Rosebud is just tired of forgiving her which is understandable, but shes also failing to see her part in the conflicts I think. Sisters can be a very complicated relationship. I always wanted an older brother that would be my protector but from what i hear older brothers can be pretty mean. I really really did not want two girls because of my difficult relationship with my sister but the universe decided otherwise. 🤷‍♀️

Today was fine. We kept the girls separated all day, but Rosebud’s bday is on Wednesday and im just jot sure how this will play out. Kind of sad but trying to be hopeful nonetheless.

I didnt stick to my plan 100% today but i still think i did pretty good. I took the weekend off from exercise but looking forward to fetting back to it tomorrow. Cupcake is doing great except for her potty training. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Snack: sf ice blended, apple, blueberries
Dinner: two bowls of tempeh etouffe , wine
Dessert: 2 enlightened bars

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 3:08 pm
by pinkhippie
Hi Linda!

That is encouraging to think about my two youngest girls staying friends as they are older. I have definitely seen that sisters can be a complicated relationship. The middle and the oldest don't get along at all. They butt heads constantly. As a parent, I wanted boys because I am 6 years older than my brother and I helped raise him. I always got along very well with little boys as a preschool teacher but not so much the little girls. My relationship with girls(and my mom) was more complicated. ( A lot of power struggles) And so, of course, the universe saw fit to give me 3 girls. lol It sounds discouraging what your girls are going through right now, but I think 14/15 is such a tough age! It's hard to be self-aware at that age too. And 16/17 is not that much better in my experience.

Do your girls have birthdays close together? I feel like you mentioned that their birthdays were coming up.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 4:58 am
by lpearlmom
Funny how we get what we need instead of what we want sometimes. Rosebud’s bday is 5/6, mime is 5/7, tessa (our dog) is 5/8 and Sweetpea's is 5/9. Oh and don’t forget about mother’s day! Not sure how we are going to do a quarantine triple bday with 2 family members not talking. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Cupcake kept me up last night. So tired


Snack: sf ice blended, blueberries, apple
Dinner: salmon,rce, salad, eggplant, wine
Dessert: 1 enlightened bar, 2 pieces chocolate (fail)

Exercise: 21 min intervals Tahiti

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 1:58 pm
by pinkhippie
Funny how we get what we need instead of what we want sometimes
This is so true. Having girls has definitely allowed/forced me to grow as a person and as a mom and deal with my own mom issues.

Wow! your family in May is kind of like ours in April. Mine is 4/6, my mom is 4/7, my 17 yo and my dad are 4/9, my husband is 4/13 and my 8 year old is 4/21.

It's a busy birthday month at your house as well. I hope your girls can work it out between them soon.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 5:41 am
by lpearlmom
Omgosh your April is even crazier than our May. Funny how families often have those cluster bdays.

Well my mom and her bf came through Az today to buy a camper. We did a 6 ft apart dinner thing outside and then we let them stay in our camper. It was fun seeing them, but we did get a little lax with the 6 ft apart thing at times. Hopefully it’s fine. I didn’t realize how much pressure id be getting from ppl to not quarantine. My hairdresser and eyelash lady are both trying to get me to come in next week. I feel badly because im sure they need money but i dont think im ready to get back to normal yet. Its hard to set these boundaries.

Well tomorrow my baby turns 15. I cant believe it. Shes brought so much joy to my life. Im very grateful. Sweetpea wrote her an apology letter and rosebud think she’s ready to make up with her tomorrow. I really hope sweetpea doesn’t blow it again or rosebud may never forgive her again.


Snack; sf iced blended
Lunch: 1/2 falafel, hummus
Dinner: 1/2 falafel, wine, moonshine
Dessert: couple bites of some Mediterranean thing my mom brought

Exercise: 25 min interval run-walk plus weights

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 6:27 am
by lpearlmom
Yay—the girls made up. I really hope it lasts. I talked to sweetpea about the importance of fighting fair in order to preserve relationships. I hope it sunk in.

Her therapist called me the other day and was very concerned about sweetpea. She thinks she’s bipolar and actually it was a bit of a relief to hear that. Everything kind of makes sense now. It does run in our family too so it’s really not all that surprising either. I wonder now if my sister suffers from that as well. It would explain her intense mood swings & anger outbursts. Im hoping the right meds plus continued therapy will help to get her on the right track.

The sad part is that because i grew up with someone similar, I had trouble identifying Sweetpea’s behavior as abnormal. I guess thats how destructive patterns get handed down from one generation to the next.

Anyway, we had a great day and rosebud said she had a wonderful bday. I made her pancakes, watched star wars with her and then picked up pizza for dinner. I also made her this very decadent dessert that has a layer of chocolate chip cookies, a layer of Reese’s pb cups and then a layer of brownies. Omg so good but i feel so sick now.

I basically took the day off and will tomorrow as wrll for my bday. My weight is going to b3 way up bit oh well.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 3:24 pm
by pinkhippie
Yeah our April is pretty nuts here.

I am so glad that sweetpea and rosebud made up! I am also glad that your girls have the resource of therapy and meds. I think I mentioned in my check-in that my oldest possibly has a diagnosis of bipolar type 1.(They won't give her an official diagnosis for it until she is an adult) She is on meds now. Anyway, I have seen such an improvement since she has been on those meds and doing therapy. She is so much more even-keeled and stable, and we can have conversations with her without her screaming at us, getting defensive, and running off to her room. She also used to have serious manic episodes which she doesn't anymore. I never realized there was an issue either and it never occurred to me that it was because I grew up with someone bipolar(my mother) and I didn't recognize the behavior as abnormal. That is a great insight on your part.

I am glad that everyone had such a good birthday day! That desert sounds amazing! My huge weakness is peanut butter and chocolate together. It is my absolute favorite.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 12:07 pm
by Kathleen
Aren’t teenagers generally bipolar? I just got in an argument with Katie because she wanted to buy $32 underwear.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 12:37 pm
by lpearlmom
I realize most teens are difficult Kathleen but this is very different. Hard to explain unless you’ve lived through it. I’d spend $32 on underwear if they were really nice. 😊

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 2:15 pm
by Kathleen
Sorry for that comment, Linda.

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 1:01 pm
by lpearlmom
No worries Kathleen. 💜

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 12:00 am
by automatedeating
Happy Mother's Day Linda! Sorry I've missed a week of posts! I'm glad to hear that the girls are getting along better now!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 5:43 am
by lpearlmom
Auto: Happy mother’s day to you too! Would you believe they’re fighting again? Ugh, i guess this is how it’s going to be till sweetpea goes off to college. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Hippie: that’s really encouraging to hear that your daughter is doing so well. Im thinking that her anxiety meds are not the right meds she needs to be on but we cant get another med check till june 22nd. It’s just so hard to get an appointment with her psychiatrist & her therapist cant prescribe meds so we wait. It’s strange because i don’t see really intense manic phases with her but she does have these times where she’s highly energized and deeply into some interesting creative project which she rarely completes. She definitely has depressive modes where she has zero motivation, spends all her time in her room and is super down on herself. I think i just need to learn more about it.

Well despite the girls fighting, i did have a nice day. Doc made me a really nice breakfast and the girls cleaned up the kitchen for me. Also, rosebud took cupcake last night and this morning for her. Then we watched trashy tv for most of the day and then took the dogs for an evening walk.

My weight is way up after the non-stop bday eating so i did something a little different and joined a weight loss challenge. I know it seems a bit too diety but i really needed some new motivation. It’s an online thing where you put money into a pot and anyone that meets the goal percentage , splits it. The goal is to lose 10% of your weight in 6 mnths. Also, you cant lose more than 30% or your disqualified. I like that they really discourage unhealthy behaviors. Im kind of excited about it. My next weigh in is june 4th and i need to lose 5 lbs which seems very doable.

Cw: 171.9
1st goal: 166.7 by 6/4

Breakfast: large omelette, piece of toast, small piece of cake, 2 bloody marys
Snack: iced blended, 2 apples
Dessert: small sf ice cream with berries

Exercise: 26 mins interval training, 30 mins dog walk

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 4:14 pm
by pinkhippie
I know what you mean about having trouble getting appointments for meds and stuff. It has been a ridiculous saga for my daughter as well. I feel grateful that she doesn't seem to need changes and is ok for now. Does Rosebud know about the stuff that Sweetpea is going through? Would it help at all if she did? Like help her not get her feelings hurt as badly or not take it personally? I know that is a fine line of giving someone an excuse instead of taking responsibility, so that is tough too.

Glad you had a good day!

The weight loss challenge sounds interesting. It sounds like some serious motivation which is what we all seem to need sometimes. Five pounds by June 4th sounds extremely doable. Good luck!

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 5:39 am
by lpearlmom
Yeah it’s a bit of a process. Rosebud knows what is going on with sweetpea for the most part and has compassion for her but yes also doesnt want her to be let off the hook for bad behavior.

The DietBet is motivating me in a fun kind of way which is what I think I need right now.

I’m on week 3 of a 4 week interval training program. I’m still really enjoying it. I think I like having specific goals each day. It gives me a sense of accomplishment.

1st Goal: 166.7 by 6/4

Snack: sf ice blended, 2 apples
Dinner: salmon, artichoke white bean salad, bread
Dessert: 2 enlightened bars, bite of chocolate cake

Exercise: 25 min intervals plus weights in Tahiti

Re: Linda's daily check-in

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 4:07 pm
by pinkhippie
Yeah those sister relationships can be challenging. It sounds like there is good communication though, so I think that will help in the long run.

I have heard of diet bet! Didn't the poster who counted all her bites do that? She said it worked great for her.

Good for you with your exercise! It can be hard to keep it up, and it sounds like you are really getting into it.