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Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:34 pm
by Jaxhil
6:30 pm.

thus far I have resisted cake.

must resist! :!:

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:23 am
by FarmerHal

Alas, I'm not much help. I had an ice cream sandwich this afternoon.


A new day awaits :) LOL

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:10 pm
by Jaxhil
alas, resistance is futile... I assimilated said cake on Wednesday, ostensibly to keep it from going bad :D after all, it WAS a home~made, beautiful, double layer lemon-cream-cheese-frosting cake.

Only one piece, though...and very small...and I didn't even finish it~too sweet!!! :shock:

Is it wrong to feel better that you cheated that day too? lol~but you're right~today's a new day! and I really am starving right now. It's just before supper and I am so not in the mood to cook :roll: It's NINETY-SEVEN degrees out (YUK!) and I just want to goof off. But we gotta eat I guess~lest I be misunderstood, I do *want* to eat, I just don't want to have to prepare the food (lol).

I wish replicators (trekkie) were real :P

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:25 am
by FarmerHal
You're such a nerd! ;) I do also wish replicators were real! I've been in a terrible rut and not wanting to cook or prepare meals at all and just tired of it all.
Today's a wash. I don't think it's terribly overly caloric, it's just that I had a few crackers with the kids at afternoon snack and now a few as well.
Got to get tough on myself again.

I also had cici's pizza and a piece of the apple dessert pizza.

Naughty naughty!!

Talk later...

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:03 am
by FarmerHal
Stuck to N day but crappy food! In a rut... talk later!

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:53 am
by FarmerHal
Doing well... 212.5lbs now :)

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:41 pm
by sbay301
Great job!

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:31 pm
by blueskighs

that is great!


Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:33 pm
by FarmerHal
Thanks :)

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 1:16 pm
by Jaxhil
You, Girl, are going to be a Skinny-Minnie before you know it!! 8)

I am sorry I've been out of touch-last week was the Official Yearly Birthday Week~meaning two birthdays (Michael the 24rth and Noah the 26th) two days apart and one frazzled Mama. LOL~and we don't even do anything elaborate! But I am the queen of procrastinators and always wait until the last minute to prepare. Sigh. We are still waiting on two birthday gifts-in my defense, however, they were *supposed* to arrive last Wednesday.

For a birthday treat we took them to see The Hulk ~whee! Actually, it was better than I thought it'd be. And they loved it, of course.

Anyway, that's where I've been~I see you're doing well! (and so glad you agree on the replicator things! hehehe~my Trekkie boys have polluted my mind :lol: ). I have been in that same "tired of it all" rut for years :roll: I keep hoping one day God will make me LOVE cooking regularly and dependably good nutritious AND delicious meals..So far, not happening! But I will keep plugging away.

And I had cake on Non-Birthday days this past week, too-but I have to say, not as much as I would have in the past-in fact, I've been noticing that I can't even finish a whole (fairly small, normal-sized) piece of cake these days :shock: It's just way too sweet~and these are homemade cakes that I already reduce the sugar in. SO although the No-S way of life has been slow in sinking in for me in some ways, it is encouraging to know it IS sinking in, if only little by little.

talk to ya later!

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:55 pm
by FarmerHal
Sounds like having those birthdays so close together would be a challenge to get everything together that you'd need. I guess you could just leave the birthday decorations up between them :)

Things are going well. I'm not really really strict about snacks, been allowing a fruit like an apple or watermelon or carrots in mid afternoon, and that has really taken the edge off my "last supper" sort of mentality. I don't pile on food as high as usual.

Had a good 4th. didn't do much at all. Trying to tire these kids out, but it seems like they're never happy about things. I guess we give in to them too much, but as example, we'd like to watch the formula 1 races today, but I have both kids crying, screaming and whining about wanting to watch THEIR shows. And Evoli has the art of persistance down. She starts by using nice words and then it escalates to whining and then to that screetching, which inevitably just makes me give in and turn to Dora. AGAIN.

It's like parents don't have any rights at all and we have to just do everything for the kids all the time. I think I'm just now realizing we don't have to please the kids all the time.

Some days it's really hard to figure out how to be a parent! LOL.

Hope it's not too hot in TX.

Talk soon.


Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:59 am
by Jaxhil
Hey Tiffani!!

I know it's been a (long) while..I''m just so embarrassed at my utter lack of Green Days :( that I haven't wanted to come in and "fess up. I had a couple of green days but for the last week have pretty much ignored every no-s rule. All 3 of them. :( Sigh. Back to the drawing board. PMS may have had something to do with it, but still~I need to stop making excuses and get on with it already!

I know what you mean about parenting!! And YES you are right~ they *don't* need everything they want, or to get their way always. It's very hard but they have to be told a *firm* no (and have us stick to it) to learn that lesson. I too give in too frequently, but I find with each one, if I am consistent and stick to my guns when I tell them no, they eventually stop with the whining and screaming.

Here's an example of one thing that worked for me. When Jacob was little (about 3) I was in WalMart and was getting him a toy-a rubber alligator? I think. Well we were standing in a looong line (we all know how much fun *that* is with a preschooler!) and he saw something else he wanted and started asking for it. I told him No. More than once. He started escalating his pleading, and I told him if he asked me once more, he wasn't going to get the alligator, either. Well, naturally, he asked AGAIN. And I told him, NO and now you don't get the alligator either. Well, you'd have thought the world was ending-the SCREAMING and tantrum-throwing reached epic proportions. There were still people in front of us and people behind, giving me looks of disgust (wasn't that helpful of them :roll: ). There was NO WAY on God's green earth that I was gonna give in to him at that point. We finally paid for our stuff ( I think the cashier was impressed that I didn't give in at least!) and left. We got to the car and I gave him a stern talking to. He NEVER pulled that again. (Hallalujah!)

Of course that wasn't the last fit he (or the others) threw. But they learned pretty quickly that it wouldn't do them any good. When they started getting stubborn I just try and forget I have a life until I teach they aren't going to get what they want, no way, no how, by throwing a fit. It works, but only if I dig in my heels and do it. And I don't every time, so I still get fits from them sometimes.

Have you tried distracting her with something else she likes to do? Coloring, or little cars or throwing nerf balls in a basket? Rolling balls on the floor is popular with Grace, and you could still watch your show mostly. It'd be more fun if you had a babysitter instead, though (lol).

I don't know if that helps at all, but just know, I have been there (Gracie still does it too, and I still give in sometimes! ack! I hate it when I do :x ).

And it is too hot here! LOL~but we have been getting some rain the past week, so its been better than it was.

Tomorrow the brothers-in-law are coming over for steaks and stuff. The boys are excited, they love when their uncles come over! Hopefully we can grill out (no rain tomorrow!).

I exercised on my bike last night, 18min. Not much but I haven't done much of anything for awhile so its a start. Even Jack did 5 minutes~ now if I can just get him to continue! And me too, of course!

Wel, time to getl back to the kiddos. Hope your doing well! I miss ya! Talk soon~

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 1:17 pm
by FarmerHal
YEs, long time for me to post also! Our internet and phone have been out for more than 2 weeks now, and am using my cell phone to access internet at the moment. Battling with Verizon to get the line fixed (neighbors putting in a fence and cut the line but nobody seems to want to do anything about it! but they sure do want to bill us for the month!)

Anyway, noS is going ok. Not been vanilla by any means, as I do tend to have a tiny snack mid afternoon. Like I said earlier, really helps with the supper meal, I don't pile on so high that way, and I'm sure it evens out in the end.

Still maintaining weight at 212lbs. Can't wait to get those 12 pounds off and be out of the 2's for once (and for all!!).

I haven't really over done the S's this weekend but yesterday at suppertime we went out for dinner and I had a chocolate layer cake. As a result of all that sugar, my heart was racing, I couldn't sleep, couldn't stop thinking and I wandered around the house well into the wee hours! I guess it shows that my eating is relatively healthy and sugar free (darn near vegetarian), my body just doesn't know what to do with these huge amounts of sugar. Today we thought donuts would be nice for b'fast and to much on all day. I had ONE boston creme and by the time I took my last bite, my head was buzzing, my heart racing and I just felt terrible~ really uncomfortable! Post Donut Stress Disorder LOL.

Ok, so let's see. Other news. Jess is going to AFGHANISTAN. He stays in the states for training from Feb to May and then goes to Afg. until May 2010. :( :( :( The kids and I are buying a house back home and will stay there the 15 months until he returns. I HATE THIS STOOPID WAR and overlooking everything else, I pray for his safe return!

Kids are doing well. Dogs are doing well. Got 2 guinea pig boys in a nice big enclosure built on top of the toy shelf. They are sweet little guys, quite young and fun to watch. Brings back a lot of memories.

That's it. GOing to try to be more vanilla noS this week, plus my fruit/veggie afternoon snack. I did cut out beef altogether, and my skin has greatly improved, as has digestion and such.

Anyway, hope you are well, looong winded I am!

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:27 am
by Jaxhil
Ugh!! I know all about the neighbors cutting the phone lines! Our neighbors, I kid you not, did that THREE times, (with their riding lawn mower) till the phone company finally smartened up enough to *bury* the line (DUH-why they didn't do that in the first place is beyond me!).

Wow, you've gone veggie on me, huh? LOL~ I tried that a loooong time ago, and I couldn't handle it. I was a terrible vegetarian-I only lasted a month or two. I remember though, getting a massage (the only one in my whole life, tyvm) and the masuesse (sp??) asked me if I was a vegetarian :!: :?: She said she could tell by the feel of my skin-dry and papery ( I was only in my late twenties, I think, maybe 30). She said she could always tell a vegetarian because of that-weird, huh?? I think some people do well on it and others don't. If you feel better on a vegetarian diet, that's great! My Mom is a vegetarian too (she does eat cheese, eggs, fish) (ok and she eats chicken and beef every once in a blue moon, but hardly ever!).

I personally couldn't take it. Oh well :P I feel GREAT when I eat a big steak, and a salad (no potato, or very small amount of said potato). I feel light and energetic when I eat such a meal-some people say it sits like a lump, but not me. Anyway...

I've had a bladder infection the last few days, and haven't been perfect on no-s, but I think I've actually eaten less than usual. It kinda takes away your appetite, running to the bathroom every few minutes, and drinking cranberry juice all day (boy, it gets OLD quick!). I'm feeling better today, thank God (so far anyway, its only just after 6 am.

I am sorry to hear Jesse has to go to Afghanistan! :cry: :cry: I'll pray for his safe return as well~and for you to make it through! At least you'll be close to your Mom, that should help. Where will you be living (if you don't mind me asking)?

You'll be out of the 2's before you know it. I can't wait *for* you! You can do it!! I haven't weighed myself (chicken) in ages :( I know it hasn't changed much if at all, so I haven't wanted to go there, you know? I need to get myself back on the wagon, I don't know whats gotten into me. I'm still better than I used to be in how much snacking I do, but its not enough to translate into RESULTS. Which after all, is what we're after here! It's my fault, completely. I cannot take any days off-and I've been doing nothing but. I don't really even like the sugary stuff I've been eating but its quick gratification in response to Mama Stress Disorder (ROFLOL on Post-Donut-Stress-Disorder-totally cracked me up!! :lol: ).

The Boston Creme sounds really good, btw :P

Here everyone is doing pretty good~poor Jack has a major toothache, and will probably have to get it pulled :( this weekend. I feel so bad for him. He needs a whole mouthful of work but he won't get anything done till he has a big windfall and can get it all done at once. I can't say as I blame him, but I worry about him. I know if it was me I'd rather have them do it all at once, it would really stink to have to get it done piece-meal.

Sounds like you have a house full of pets, now! Guinea pigs are so cute!

Well, I need to get ready for the day. Talk to ya later~ I will try to be an exemplary No-eser today!

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:47 am
by FarmerHal
I had this nice long reply typed out the other day, TWICE Evoli deleted it! LOL Ugh.

Hope everyone is doing well down in TX. We're pretty good here.
Had really yummy boxed "funfetti" brownies today. Nice and ooey gooey in the middle.

Tomorrow morning is the big surgery day. Supposed to be home by noon, hopefully. I'm trying to not be scared though, I keep forgetting about it, actually with everything going on LOL.

Talk later!

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:15 am
by Jaxhil
Just wanted to check in, I've been so negligent about it lately! Just feeling hopeless about losing *anything*. I am fatter than when I started. I think lack of any life outside my home is really making it hard for me to stay out of the doldrums, and in turn it makes me not even want to try. Lovely catch-22 I've got, eh?

I am so glad you are doing well, though. I see you've lost even more, Good for you, Tiffani!!! (((hugs!)))

I hope everything went well with the surgery~and that you're feeling better now.

Not really a lot going on here. Just trying to get through another blistering Texas summer :roll: We did cut Gracie's hair today~that's always an adventure (yikes! I thought cutting the boys' hair was bad~she puts them to *shame*, lol) Ever try cutting hair on a constantly moving target?? We're talking, she was even bouncing up and down to punctuate her misery-sheesh! Anyway, we got it done and it looks adorable ~ and a whole lot easier to care for, I hope! We cut a good 6 inches off. She looks like a little elf, hehe.

I have tried to get back in the swing of exercise again. Doing a little better, but not enough, I am sure. Things are looking a little better-I finally (after 10 days) got over the bladder infection by using (of all things!) Alka-Seltzer! I never would've thought it would work~ but it did, VERY quickly. I was better in like an hour or two! THANK GOD!! I prayed for relief (it had been getting better, then worse, repeatedly for over a week and I just couldn't take it anymore, and I prayed, went online and tried the first at-home easy remedy I found. I am glad I was able to find some at 1AM in a hick Texas town, lol. Anyway, it was nothing short of a miracle (okay, small, but huge to me! :P )

Well I have to go put the kids to bed~talk later!

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:39 am
by FarmerHal
(((((((((hugs!)))))))))) I'm really sorry :( It's hard to stay on track when you're unhappy and stressed and bored with life. We all have those moments. Is there an activity or hobby or something that makes it more "you" time? So you can get otu of the house and away from everything a couple times a week or more? It does help (though dealing with the guilt of what you're "supposed" to be doing is a drag LOL)

I'm feeling fine after the surgery. I was good by the 3rd day out, really and haven't needed any pain meds, thankfully, just feel tired and worn out.

I've been dealing with a couple of kid things- Evoli seems to have endless tantrums about EVERYTHING and she has this lovely screech/scream/howl that she does that just GRATES on me. She's at it again, and I put her in her room for a while. She will follow me around the house and hound me till she gets her way. Currently she's mad because I warmed up her breakfast in the microwave :? Oy.

And then there's Noah who is 4.5yrs who has been having a TON of accidents for several months now. I took him in to the doctor and he said not to worry about it until he's 6. Yesterday he went through NINE pairs of pants! I have a kitchen timer set now to help him remember to use the potty- it at least doesn't infuriate him like me reminding him to go to the bathroom.
This is just insane. I hate potty training! I've not been following noS perfectly either because of these reasons plus we have 3 days of driving this Fri/Sat/Sun (OMG!) and I know how stressful that is going to be with the long hours of driving and then trying to find a house and dealing wiht family, etc. I'm on edge and I'm sure, less than pleasant to be around! LOL

That's about it. Keep me updated and be sure to take some you time. no other job would ask for 24/7 service ;)

Take care, talk soon.

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 2:37 pm
by FarmerHal
Good Morning. Taking a break from "all house cleaning" for a moment. I've already vacuumed and mopped the 1st floor, just finished cleaning up and vacuuming the basement and on to the 3rd floor soon! Got Laundry going, washing all the throw rugs as we speak. Cleaned all 3 bathrooms top to bottom. Picked up toys (need to go through them and put all the pieces and parts in the right boxes).

Got Dishes staring at me. i hate dishes with a passion. Dirty ones, putting clean ones away, Bleh.

Next I have to start some more packing, for our big cross country trip from MD to SD (takes 3 days!)

Today's b'fast was Kashi cereal and 2 strong coffees (to get me through all the cleaning LOL).
Lunch... not sure, probably those meals in a bag by bertolli if DH comes home.

Hope you are well, been thinkng about you- did you get anything from the hurricane?

Talk soon!

Added your great one-liners to my list.

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:00 pm
by la_loser
See my No S Glossary topic on the NO S Discussion board--I have added your great quotes from your signature to my list of zingers.

Thanks. Have a safe trip. Just got back from taking my 3 1/2 year old granddaughter on an 9 hour car trip each way. She did pretty well--but we did get tired of the Doodlebops and Hannah Montana CD's--but hey-they kept her happy! I thought she was going to "rock" that toddler seat out of the car with all her "seat-dancing" and singing along the way! Interestingly, her daddy used to love to sing "achy breaky heart" to Billy Ray Cyrus many years ago now his daughter is groovin' to his daughter's music!

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:27 pm
by FarmerHal
Cool LA loser, thanks!

We have lots of dvd's and I have a goodie box of little toys from the dollar store they've never seen before, so I hope to hand a few of those out at a time to keep them entertained. The nice thing also is we have a garmin gps, and you can just search for the nearest play park near you if they get too rowdy :)

road maps

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:36 pm
by la_loser
I just remembered. . . one of the "things" she latched on to was a road map-really intrigued with folding and unfolding it. Showed her the route, etc. Too young to really understand but it's a start. I did pull out an old map for her to actually "play with" since I needed to keep the better newer one intact!

It became a new thing to color/draw on too. If you stop at the state tourist bureaus which are usually near the state borders, you can get all kinds of free brochures/maps, etc. which might be fun.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:02 pm
by FarmerHal
That's a great idea with the maps! I know Noah would like that.

I just realize dthat I forgot to eat breakfast today! BUt I did have two cups of coffee to get me going! I still have a list a mile long of things I need to finish before tomorrow, most of which I need to do once the kids go to sleep... I did wash and dry the dogs, they are nice and poofy now.

I'll be absent for a week or so on the trip, hopefully Ican stick to my NOS (which shouldn't be a big deal,I've gotten pretty picky about food lately).

Talk soon, take care!!

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 1:07 pm
by Jaxhil
Hi Tiffani!!

Thanks for the hugs and the pep-talk 8) you're such a sweetie! I appreciate it and it really can't be said enough-I am so glad you're my No-S buddy!!

As for the hurricane, we got a little rain (and some places saw some tornado activity~not us, thankfully!) but nothing major.

I am with you on the PT problems. Gracie has decided that whenever we go anywhere (even to town for a 30 minute or less trip) she has to pee in her seat :roll: What's up with THAT?? Even if I remember to take her potty right before we leave (and she goes plenty) she will STILL find some pee in her system that needs to go. Arggh!She still is afraid for some reason to go #2 on the toilet too. :x Very frustrating!! She will be FIVE on August 5th. She is still having to wear a diaper for naps and bed (and now car trips) although the rest of the time she is good and can handle panties and using the facilities, so to speak. I am SO SICK of DIAPERS. Sigh.

I am feeling a little better for the most part. My sad mood is mostly temporary~ thank God!. I guess if you can do it, so can I, right? I think part of the problem for me is I want results faster and it takes so long with No-S even when you do it *right* that I get frustrated and eat to malk myself feel better (stupid, I know! all it makes me is guilty) . I need to quit making excuses and start making *progress!* (not a bad quote, hmmm~ lol).

I have talked to Jack about getting out of the house (without guilt!! I shouldn't feel guilt about it, right??). I mean he gets out a whole lot~granted its for work, but I mean, he gets to use his brain for something other than a child training tool or exercise in stress management, lol!. And feel accomplishment (what accomplishment I'd feel if Gracie wold PT finally!!!).

So anyway we have agreed that I'll get out and meet with a knitting group in SA once a week for a few hours. It's not a lot, but I love knitting and it's fun to get together with others to sit and knit and talk and just hang out with grown-ups for a change. I may start going to our local library on Tuesdays from 6-8 pm just to get out alone, too, during the week. We'll see.

So how is your trip going?? MD to SD with two small children? Yikes! I have only taken smaller trips with my little ones (but of course I usually had at least three, so I only did it when reaaaallly necessary, lol). I hope you're all safe and peaceful (hehe).

LA Loser, that's funny about Daddy groovin' to his daughter's music (very sweet! lol).

Well I better start doing something, like make breakfast for the kids and stuff. I miss you Tiffani! Hope you're doing well! ((hugs!)) And I'm very glad you're doing well after the surgery, too!

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:30 pm
by FarmerHal
Checking in from South Dakota here... haven't had the best N days, in fact every one this week is red. But, it's been only one S most days, yesterday was two!!

I don't even want to approach a scale.

So it turns out we found a nice house and have a contract on it and close on it Sept. 15 (by express mail).

Just a quick check in as we need to go meet with the inspector.

Am I excited? (people keep asking me this!) NO. It means my best friend is going to be gone for more than a year. :( Bleh.

Got to run, talk soon!

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:40 am
by FarmerHal
Ugh. Another failure today. Had 2 S's. Half a small blizzard (not very good) and a nutter bar. I wasn't at all hungry but they were just there, easy to grab. I think that one was emotional because tomorrow is our last day here so I'm starting to fret about organizing again for the trip and trying to gather up all our stuff.

THere's always tomorrow! On the plus side, I managed to fit into a size 16 pant! Though I don't even want to go near a scale!!!

Talk soon! :oops:

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:53 pm
by FarmerHal
Ugh. So today is technically and S day, but I wasn't planning on having any S's. Though since we are travelling back to MD, to stay awake I did a fair bit of snacking on sunflower seeds. My lips feel all lemony now!

Anyway, I'm going to have a hard time detoxing from sweets Alllllll week long. All the family just had to cook (really terrible for you!) food and sweet desserts. Bleh. Of course I was weak and didn't say no but I did not snack and I did not have seconds, I'm glad I held to that.

Today I had a rice crispie bar and I reeeeeeeeallly wanted somethign else, like a blizzard or a cupcake but I really need to detox all the sugar and grease (pizza, fried chicken, bleh). Seems like NOBODY eats veggies there! Yuck.

ANyway, that's my check in for today. Tomorrow is an S day, and I might have something, not sure yet. Not approaching the scale any tme soon though LOL.

Travelling is TOUGH!

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:56 pm
by Jaxhil
Your travel eating sounds like my everyday eating. No wonder I'm still FAT.

I miss ya, (my fault for not coming online more!!) and I need to get my rear in gear. You are doing so well overall, Tiff, don't let this stressful period get the best of you!! I know you can keep it up, and not let these few slips lead to a snowball effect.

I am confused somewhat though~are you moving to a new house in MD or SD? I am really sorry Jess has to go to Iraq :( {{{HUGS}}}

well, just a quick check in-gotta get back to the kids and life in general.

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:42 am
by FarmerHal
We'll be moving to a new house in SD while Jess goes to Afghanistan for the year. :(

We are home in MD now thankfully, I was about ready to scream for all the car ridin'! the kids did very well, surprisingly, Noah did excellent, and watched about 46hrs of Speed Racer LOL. Didn't even need to bring any other movies for him! :)

Just a quick note. Starting today off with a coffee and yogurt/meusli.

Talk soon!

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:22 pm
by Jaxhil
Oops, Afghanistan :roll: I knew it was somewhere over there.

I hope the year goes quickly for you and you will have your honey home ASAP. I would be losing it, for sure~I am glad you'll have family close at least.

Well I am trying to get back on the wagon, haven't had any snacks today. I did sneak a few chocolate chips in before breakfast, but nothing since and I've eaten well today. Home-made carrot pecan muffins (2) and a bowl of honey yogurt for breakfast, homemade Pasta E Fagioli soup and cheese quesadilla for lunch, and supper is still ahead (haven't decided for sure yet, I am currently fighting a headache.

Jack is trying to work a big raise out of his employer~poor man is seriously under paid. He could walk out today and be making 50% more at another company doing the exact same job. He doesn't really want to leave, because in many ways he's got a great thing going (seniority, great benefits, laid back atmosphere~ he wears shorts and t-shirts to work and sandals and can take off almost whenever he wants). But they have been dangling the carrot for years, saying they know he deserves more, but, gosh they just can't do it now-but we're trying! (HA!). So he put out his resume and already (first day) got a call and job offer in Ohio (near where I grew up, actually!) for almost 50% more. I am a bit nervous that we may end up moving! In a way I would love to, and in a way it would suck, because I'm very close to my Mom and this would really cut into our time together obviously. She'd be heartbroken, which in turn would of course break my heart. :( But he says he has to put his $ where his mouth is, so to speak, which I understand. He told me another man he works with was in the exact same situation and he walked out and took another job. Six months later he was back, with a MUCH bigger raise than he had initially asked them (Jack's employer) for. LOL~serves them right. Anyway, this is all going on and really it's rather nerve-wracking!

I did my exercises last night, need to do them again tonight~Jack even did the bike for 10 minutes (he's so funny-working himself up, you see~he was only doing 5 minutes :P ) I just need to keep us at it-he won't do it without me pushing him a little.

Gotta go, I really need to figure out supper. I'm thinking of ya, though, hope you're having a good day!

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 11:47 am
by Jaxhil
Well, we ended up falling asleep just after putting the little ones to bed-at around 8:30PM~lol! Actually it's nice to be well rested for a change, and it had the added benefit of keeping me from cheating last night, hehe.

I need to go get some breakfast, I am so hungry, and the kids will be up soon. Talk later!

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 11:55 am
by FarmerHal
Lucky! we didn't go to bed until 11pm AGAIN. We keep doing this every night for weeks and I wake up so tired. I'd probably sleep till noon if the kids would leave me alone!

I hope that Jack gets a raise so that you can stay near your mom. It is not easy being away from family, I miss them a lot, but you do get used to being on your own. If you do get moved to Ohio, be sure to network and get some good friends to help you out when needed.

Good job trying to stay on habit yesterday. I didn't do very well yesterday. I grazed through the morning, had an afternoon snack and I wasn't even hungry at all, just doing it out of boredom I guess. I didn't want to clean the house or do laundry, which is much in need of sorting out!

B'fast today is Autumn wheats cereal and a bagel with cream cheese. Try to top off the tank so I'm not tempted to graze again. GOT to get a handle on this, Travelling has really screwed me up!

Talk soon

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:09 am
by FarmerHal
Egads! What is with these kids o' mine, I ask you?

They fight and argue all day long, pinching, biting, you name it.
Evoli is the master whiner/screamer and is absolutely driving me batty.
She cries about EVERYTHING! Bedtime has become a major battle again and I'm dreading it by supper every day. Ugh. Sometimes I wonder what the heck I was thinking by having kids. Noah has a serious anger issue as well and that doesn't help my attitude. What gives. He's 4 and thinks everyone owes him something and has to do zip in return. He also is a nice back-talker and door-slammer. Ugh. :oops:

NoS has not been going well, and I'm hoping next week I'll have one green day at least! I've definitely not been in the right state of mind to stay on track, most days I feel like %^&* it! LOL


I have been thinking about you and hope you are still getting out and away from the kids/house. I need to come up with something as well.

Ev's still screaming, I should go see what she thinks she's entitled to... HA! LOL


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:34 pm
by Jaxhil
I know what you mean-i love them with all my heart though and I wouldn't trade them for the world but I still know what you mean..I wish we lived nearby one another, it'd be so great to have someone to talk to in person who understands what I'm talking about!!

You're under a lot of stress right now, I am sorry No-S is not going well for you at the moment-I am sure it is temporary though, so no worries!

I am stressing too about the kids/homeschooling/us possibly (probably) moving/Jack's job issues/ not to mention I'm still fat (actually fat-TER, I gained and now am over 181). :cry: :cry: :cry: I am busy constantly beating myself up mentally, its getting VERY hard not to yell at the kids all the time and not be depressed/on the verge of tears, all the while my sweet DH doesn't get WHY i'm depressed, even though I've told him. He doesn't know what to do and neither do I, frankly.

well, I just had to rant a bit..{{hugs}} I'm thinking of you! hang in there, Tiffani!

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:38 pm
by FarmerHal
Just a quick note here.
Yesterday FINALLY was a green N day, today, so far so good, although I had mcd's for lunch (I HATE mcd's) bleh.

Thinking of you, hang in there!

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:00 pm
by FarmerHal
I've been thinking about you, Hilary, and hope you are doing ok. If you feel like the depression is really affecting your life (and you said you're yelling at the kids now) maybe time to talk to your doctor about depression. Since I went on celexa, life seems a lot more manageable now. I do feel much better and able to handle stressful situations (like Jess going to Afghanistan, etc, I think normally I would have flipped out and had my stomach in knots constantly). Take care of yourself, girl!

I need to be more accountable. My meals are starting to become blurred around the edges. Since the trip, I've been off my nice plates and onto snacking again. So no more afternoon snacks till I get a handle on meals again.
Thing is, I"m not very hungry, really, when I'm snacking. Just bored or stressed.

Ok, so b'fast was a bowl of honey bunches of oats w/almonds (I love this cereal, and I'm a cereal hater) and a bagel with butter.

Yesterday was dd's 2nd bday so I had cake and cake and cake and... :oops:
I won't be stepping on the scale any time soon!

I also need to get movng and try to get some exercise!

Talk soon, take care of you!

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:01 pm
by FarmerHal
:oops: Ugg, how embarrassing. So I had this leftover b'day cake from Dd's 2nd bday yesterday and I SHOULD HAVE thrown it out sunday night. After a long day with the kids, I caved and had 2 pieces, and then felt terrible. ANother Red X, but now, cake is thrown out and I persist!

On goes the goal of sticking to N days.

May I remind myself: S's aren't going to fix my emotional issues. Sometimes it's ok to be a little hungry.
And, if it's not meal time, it's simply not time to eat!


I've gained up 5 now, I better get with it. I've totally been in a slump since January, but nonetheless, I keep trying. Need to get exercising, really.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:33 pm
by FarmerHal
Well, in typical Tiffani fashion, I took waay too many S days over the holiday weekend. I find it really hard to adhere to N days (Friday, Monday) when Jess if off work.

Well, a box of crackers, some oreos (a lot!) some fudge later, I feel terrible! :oops:

My tummy is Very Unhappy with me this morning. Can't wait till I feel better!

Ok, so Tuesday should be green today!!!!!
B'fast: Blueberry bagel with cream cheese and coffee/creamer.

Lunch?? more leftover pork sandwich. and rice? Veggie?

Supper? Not sure, pasta/sauce maybe...

That's it for now, I need to get back on track with my N days, because when all is said and done, NoS truly works wonders and keeps me sane!

I still need to toughen up and drop another 10-15 lbs to get under that 200 mark...


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:26 pm
by Jaxhil
Hiya Tiff!

I'm still here, just have been sidetracked for the last few weeks from getting on and posting. Not that I have much to post other than RED days anyway, too! :roll:

I too need to get back on the wagon, I don't like the upward movement of the scales I'm seeing, either! I keep saying I want to lose weight, I'm so tired of being fat, blah, blah, blah~ then I open another soda or pop another cookie or frito in my mouth.

We need to just do it!! we can do it! You, obviously Have done it-a little slipping now (with all the upheaval going on with you right now) is perfectly understandable. I have complete faith that you can get back on track and continue losing till you reach your ideal (meaning you feel good and right!) weight.

i need to go, kids are calling-just wanted to let you know I haven't completely gone off the deep end!


Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:13 am
by FarmerHal
You are so sweet, Hilary, soo good to hear from you.

I have had a couple red days in a row now. :roll: :oops: Just a lot of stress given the issues and so I'm drowining myself in food. Bleh.

Back on track someday... One things' for sure, noS works the best of any diet ever. It's simple (but HARD) an dnot too hard that an ordinary person couldn't succeed.

It has to be our life-choice.

Talk soon

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:57 am
by FarmerHal
Thought a checkin was appropriate, as it's been a while. Mostly on track here. Still doing the minimeal in the afternoon, although my weight loss has slowed, I probably should cut it out and have a cup of tea or something in lieu of actual food.

Been fighting allergies in the WORST way> Coughing, asthma attacks, etc. I'm waiting on 2 allergy test panels from my doctor to see what foods/grasses bother me the most. Foods because I definitely react to peanuts now and grasses because I have indoor guinea pigs who eat hay daily and some types of hay really seem to bother me.

Otherwise, getting ready for the move to SD. Got some boxes from Uhaus (ordered online and delivered right to our door- awesome!). Been packing a few boxes here and there.

That's about it.
Talk soon

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:59 am
by Jaxhil
Hey Tiffani!

Good timing, eh? LOL. I haven't checked in in awhile but I'm still thinking of you, so it was funny that you just checked in yesterday ~we're connected somehow I guess! 8)

Yesterday I actually had a pretty good day. I had about one tablespoon of chocolate chips, and DH brought me a 12 oz Coke (thanks, honey-lol) and I admit to drinking about half, which is better than I was doing by a long shot. He's been exercising regularly with me, which is amazing in itself, but he's also trying to quit smoking (and dipping-eeew! lol). So far its been 4 days. Really good for him-he's doing the gum and the patch. I really hope he does it this time!

Sorta like me with the weight! I've been checking in and talking about this for over a year (and then some, last year was the second time I decided to follow no-s). I feel like a phony because I am talking the talk, but I have not actually DONE it, you know? I mean I cheat so much it's not like I could really even be said to be ON the No-S diet. Arrgh. But I have been really bummed about the recent weight gain. I've put on about TEN pounds :x (beats head against wall). I have started exercising again at least, and it really makes such a difference-I feel so much better and my mood improves dramatically, so I really want to keep it up no matter what. I have been doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred-it has 3 workouts, about 20 minutes each. So far I've only done the level one workout, and man, she packs a LOT of workout into 20 minutes-highly recommended for busy Moms!! I love that its such a solid workout in such a short time. It's much better than just the treadmill or the bike. I'm planning on doing it this morning here in a few minutes, but I wanted to check in with you first, seeing as I finally had a good day to report :P

I hate packing~maybe because I've had to move soooo many times in my life, I'm really tired of it! My dad was in the Air Force and though Jack isn't military, he sure has the "I Gotta Move Again" bug. We've been here a little over 2 years and he's already talked about it :roll: Anyway, I hope packing goes well for you, and of course the move itself! Has Jess already left? You're both in my prayers {{hug}}!

I better go put my $ where my mouth is, and go work out. Jack has a dental appointment today (root canal :cry: ) and I have to take him, since they give him "relaxing" medication to take before the appointment. Gah! I hope it goes as easily as possible for him. He's getting a whole mouthful of treatments over the last couple of weeks and into the next 6 weeks or so. poor guy! But he really needed it, so I'm glad he's finally getting it taken care of.

Talk later! Keep calm during your moving junk-I'd so come help you if I could, you know :)

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:23 pm
by FarmerHal
Ugh. I've spent about 10 mintues trying to log on to the forums and finally got on, but I wanted to say I hope you are doing better.

I'm rather iffy, and not as strict as I should be. I'm not having seconds perse but I do grab an extra roll after dinner- as I'm cleaning up. I also have a bit or two of dessert during the week and let's not forget the mid afternoon snacking :roll:

So it's time to recommit.

Thankfully I've hovered at 215 but it's up from 209 and I had been hoping to be closer to 199 at this point.

NObody to blame but myself.

NOS diet!!!!!!! :)

Ok, sorry, just a quick note this time.

B'fast today banana, bagel with cream cheese- coffee likely and probably a soy milk.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:41 am
by FarmerHal

I have had several weeks in a row where I blow it completely every stinking day. I snack in the afternoon. I eat an entire bag of popcorn at night. Tonight, to top all that off, I had half a family sized box of wheat thins.
Dangitdangit. And to top it off, I am back at having an egg/cheese bagel AND a huge bowl of cereal (I hate cereal even! But it's there and it feels soo good to eat it) Supper I pig out as well. I've blown off one plate rule and just pile it on and on. Seconds and thirds- of rolls especially.


This was to be the year that I was going to hit 199. I am still 216, going up from 209 a few months ago.

My husband is deploying for a year early next year. We are moving home (bought our own house) and I've been completely stressing about how I'm going to handle it all. How is he going to do all by himself half a world away?

Every second that I have free, I've been eating again.

NOSing works! I've gone from 245 down to 209. I should be able to kick it in the pants and get losing more.
I don't know what My funk is, but I wish I would just get over it and move on.

Thanks for listening!

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 12:34 am
by FarmerHal
:o FIrst time in a couple of months I can honestly say I've had a successful day! :)

Pretty weird meals, but kept them to one plate (lunch was pretty large portions, I'll admit) but since I've gotten back into the habit of permasnacking, I knew there would be some pangs of hunger throughout the day.

Did pretty well. I feel a lot better, physically (digestion wise) and emotionally (I managed to control soemthing in my life!)

One day down, many many more to go, slow and sure!

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:48 am
by gratefuldeb67
That's great Tiffany! :)
8) Debs

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 11:42 am
by FarmerHal
Thanks Deb!

B'fast is coffee/creamer
2 pancakes with a bit of syrup

Planning on another green day!!! :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:49 am
by Jaxhil
Hey girl! long time no-see 8)

Glad to see things are looking up a bit in the No-S department for you! YAH!

I am inspired to recommit as well.

BTW, I wanted to say about your recent vent, that I completely get why you're having some trouble no-essing lately- and even put back on a few (very few!). It's still disappointing, though, I know. But you are a VERY strong woman, and I know you can turn this around. I've seen what you can do, and I know you can do it AGAIN. I KNOW YOU CAN.

I have been playing around no-essing myself for far too long. I have had enough of FAILING, tyvm! We can do this, Tiff! I know it can work, because *you* have been my inspiration (still are!). So what you have done once, you can do again. Don't give up! Lets renew our resolve, and I will be here for you for as long as it takes. I am going to try to start checking in daily again~ I really think we will meet our goals, both of us, sooner, rather than later.

Heck, even my DH has been no-essing~albeit, half-heartedly (lol). And he's lost NINE pounds in 6 weeks. He's trying to quit smoking, too. I'm so excited! This is the longest he's ever gone (5weeks). However, I must admit, I find it very annoying that he's LOSING weight, while quitting smoking. I mean, WHERE'S the JUSTICE?? :x :lol: LOL-really I'm *very* happy for him and for me-I've been praying for years for him to do these things (thank you God!) and finally he's on his way. Will keep praying of course :P

He's even been exercising with me~sometimes I look and him and think "who are *you* and what have you done with Jack?!" Old joke, but it sure fits :P

Anyway, just wanted to check in and say hello-talk tomorrow! {BIG HUG!}

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:39 pm
by FarmerHal
SOO good to hear from you!

I am glad Jack is working on quitting smoking also :)

I've had a few not so perfect days, but working on it. I'm having part 2 of the breakfast I didn't get to finish this morning (cereal and toast) Having the toast now.

Just a short note, as I've got to pick up noah from preschool.


Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:09 am
by FarmerHal
Evening greetings :)

Another successful day, thankfully! I wanted to snack tonight- maybe smoe popcorn would be soo tasty. But I took a shower and worked through it, ya!

Bfast was frosted miniwheats (gross! but we are trying to use up all our food before our big trip) and a bagel.
Lunch, mcd's chicken nuggets (sounded good but really gross, actually)
Supper was chicken breast simmered in cream of chicken soup, steamed brocolli and noodles. Yum. Oh and a salad.

:) Hope you're well Hilary !

oh, big trip is from Wednesday until 2nd week in November, going to south dakota to fix up our new house. Hope to be able to check in now and again, but I'll be thinking about you with each meal, hoping you are successful each day :)

Talk soon!

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:13 pm
by Jaxhil
hey Tiffani!

Glad to hear from you, too :) I have had a couple fairly good days-its lunch and so far no cheats. I think I am really going to be able to kick the soda habit (maybe I'll have it on weekends, very occasionally, I hope!). Jack has actually been inspiring me in that area. He used to drink probably a 6 pack a day, and he's pretty much cut it out, except for an occasional one. He has been even trying to walk and move more at work, walking while he talks on the phone, tapping his feet, just generally trying to move more along with the exercise. I am trying to follow his example and this morning the kids and I all went outside to work on cleaning up the yard. We spent about 3 hours outside cleaning up-its a BIG yard, lol! And we didn't even finish, but we got a heck of a good start.

So, you're heading to the new house, huh? Sounds like hard work, but hopefully it'll be fun getting things set up~or at least you can squeeze in some fun, anyway!

I am hoping to get some exercise this afternoon, too. Right now I need to go eat lunch-talk later! Here's to a green day for us both 8)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:02 pm
by FarmerHal
Well, not the best of days. I did have an ice cream stick (chocolate covered vanilla on a stick) this afternoon with the kids.

I'm getting fatter by the second, I can tell <sigh>

I'm going to try to see how it goes this trip and not make a complete idiot of myself with food. Maybe I'll be able to sneak out wiht the dogs for a walk each day, hopefully.

We're going for a 3 week visit to start painting and making a few repairs on the house, then we'll be back in MD until December, for another trip, and final move end of Feb.

Talk soon, I hopeyour day is going well!


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:08 pm
by Jaxhil
"I'm getting fatter by the second, I can tell <sigh> "

:lol: No~I'm really not laughing at your pain!! I am laughing because that sounds like something I would say (truly!) and it's of course ridiculous, you (and I) are NOT getting fatter by the second. It feels that way some days, doesn't it??

I miss ya! How is your trip going? I hope you and your family are well and the stress is not out-of-control.

It's Monday~the first in November, and I am feeling fiercely determined to have a GREEN month, the first (but not last) all year! I do not want to be here in FAT-Land anymore. I'm tired of worrying about my health, weight, and everything ELSE on top. I'm ready to *just do* this. It can't be that difficult, right?? I mean, its so simple, really, it's not like we can *Forget The Rules*. We just choose to ignore them, or stick our proverbial fingers in our ears chanting "blah blah blah" while ignoring our inner conscience which is telling us to STOP CHEATING. At least I do that-and its not getting me what I want (what a shocker, eh? lol).

Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and say Hi! and hopefully we can get fired up again!

{{{{big hugs!}}}}

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:45 pm
by Jaxhil
Ok, well, I have had two red days in a row already (i'm on day two, that sucks!!) Yesterday I had a soda with supper. Today I just ate 3 little lemon cookies :x :oops: :roll:

Well I'm not giving up-yesterday I didn't have ANY snacks and I haven't had any of those lemon cookies in several days and they were almost gone and they're my FAVORITE (I love lemon!). Boy, I'm coming up with excuses aren't I? I seem to be good at that, I guess that's why I haven't lost any yet. But again, I will not give up!!! Reading back over this, what a pathetic reason to eat cookies :(

I don't want to resort to a "diet" like cutting out bread and pastas and such. Honestly I really don't eat that much of any one thing, even sodas. I am clearly deluding myself because obviously something is amiss.

Anyway. I am trying hard to get back into the swing of things. Maybe I need to go "Extreme" No-s, like that woman I met at Walmart who lost a HUNDRED pounds in a year just by not eating between meals. I told you about her, right? Amazing. But as I understood it, she didn't take days off. I mean, I could always add treats on S-days after I reach my goal, right? Not sure I could do it, but I have to say, I am feeling pretty desperate right now.

I miss you, hope things are going well for ya!

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:27 am
by FarmerHal
Fired up? Inspired by the nu mber on the scale? LIkely LOL

The trip was 3 weeks long, we got a LOT done on the house- trimmed the vegetation down (was growing up to the side of the house and damaging the siding), painted 5 rooms, put borders in 4 of them, cleaned like crazy.

But then of course everyone had to FEED THE VISITORS. Ugh.

I GAINED FIVE POUNDS during this trip. I totally ignored N days as I have a total weak will when it comes to sweets in the same house with me.

Anyway, I'm up to 220 :oops: :roll: :( how very depressing. I will have to go change my siggy.

I am taking a regular S day, Had ice cream (I hate ice cream, but I "think" I like it and am always sorry afterwards- gives me tummy aches and not that yummy, really).



On the bright side, DH convinced me to do one of his workouts he follows on the website.
Run .25 miles, do 20 squats, three times in a row. Took me 15 minutes and I feel ill LOL

SO in htis year, I managed to GAIN 10 pounds :(
At least we did it together ;) right LOL

Monday starts a new week, and another new commitment to myself.

Talk soon, hang in there!!

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:26 pm
by FarmerHal
Ok, it's a monday, so far, so good. No snacks, no sweets. But I DO have a cold, so that's smoshed the appetite :)

Last night's S was so tasty, Just apple crisp, but it turned out SO delicious!
I LOVED the crunchy topping!

Hope you are doing well.

Bfast: PBJ bagel and a banana
Lunch: Soup and grilled cheese, chocolate silk

Dinner: ?? not sure

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:24 am
by FarmerHal
Woo hoo! a green day finally!

Supper was spaghetti with meatsauce and 2 little potato dinner rolls (soo stinking good!) and a chocolate silk.


Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:53 pm
by FarmerHal
Good Morning :)

2 green days in a row. This shows I CAN do it. You can too, Hil :)

Although I have another rotten cold (why is it, every time I go to south dakota, I pick up another stinking cold?) so most of yesterday was spent being completely miserable. Not even sudaphed and afrin would unplug my nose and I blew my nose so much that my nose is raw. Ugh.
Jess had the day off, thankfully, so I did have the opportunity to have about an hour nap in the afternoon. I did end up taking 2 steamy showers and I did spend time outside in the chilly air to thin the mucus. That helped a bunch.

Last night we went to bed at 7:30!!!!! LOL That's insane! Evoli also has the rotten cold, so she woke up twice in the night and I had to suction her nose and rock her back to sleep, poor thing, so miserable.

That's about it.

B'fast today coffee (can't live without it!), egg/sausage/cream cheese on a plain bagel. Yummy.

Lunch and supper... still undecided but I need groceries to even attempt anything other than spaghetti and sauce LOL which we've had twice already this week! Uck.

That's it, hope you are doing great!


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:00 pm
by FarmerHal
Well anothe rweekend down, another week to go.

Yesterday was pretty much S gone wild- I made peach crisp and ate about 3/4 of it!!

Dang if it wasn't so good! But then I went to bed and my body was very obviously UNHAPPY with me, and that's when I worry about will I finally push my body into diabetes...

Anyway, had the racing heart, sweaty, tummy ache all night long, very uncomfortable as well as major thirst. I think I woke up 3 times to take a drink.

I am just now having a bagel at 11am because I am hungry enough for b'fast.

Hoping for a green day today...

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:49 am
by FarmerHal
Phew. Just knocked out a mile in 12:58. I started out at 4.6mph and then wound up to 5mph on the last 2 tenths.

Today, I skipped b'fast and had halfcaff coffee instead. Most of the time when I eat b'fast, I'm not really hungry anyway, and it's a strategy to cut calories, plus is kindof a hangon from my carbohydrate addicts diet days (which, essentially is mostly nos w/carbs once a day).

Lunch; I was really ready! Chicken/swiss on a potato roll. Tortilla chips, granola bar, applesauce and chocolate silk.

Supper: 3 pieces of sausage pizza and 6 wings. Definitely not the best and I always feel like poop after I eat this stuff. Neither Jess nor I wanted to cook tonight.

That's about it.

Trying to get in water.

I am up to 220, and I can tell. My "tire" around the middle is bulging again, adn those loose 18s are plenty uncomfortable now :oops:

Stoopid girl, straying from nos....

I figure if I try to just do 1 mile each day on the treadmill, nothing heroic, it's better than nothing. I'd like to do it in the morning though, instead of night, but either way it's still good.

Ooff. 2008 not such a good year for me noS wise. :(

BUT there's always the next meal, right?

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:35 pm
by FarmerHal
Well, today is looking up. I had an egg/bacon/cheese muffin for b'fast and coffee/creamer.

I will NOT eat from boredom/frustration today! (repeat ad nauseum!)

I did jog about 15 minutes, doing the middle loop of the neighborhood, pushing dd in the burley trailer. I really need dh to look at the alignment, as constantly correcting it every few seconds is both annoying and distracting to getting my good jog on!

I also did 3 sets of 10 lunges w/10lb weight and 15 barbel swings. WOO. Off to a good start today.

I weighed 221. 5 this morning, so I've got a LOT of work to do, considering, the start of the year I was 209 and hoping to get to 199.


So anyway, I can't sit in denial, pity anymore. I can't make excuses about 'virtual plating' or think that I do not have an issue with food being a self medication.

Stick to my 3 meals a day. Do easy to stick with exercise (15 minutes max!).

I do love that exercising even very modestly gives me clarity from mental fog and depression thoughts.

Off to do my habit cal........

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:45 pm
by FarmerHal
Another possible morning. Yesterday was red but Monday was green.
Weight up to 224.5 :( OY. Very much a bad year.

On the plus side, i've been exercising an average of 3x a week, so at least I'm staying somewhat active.

Need to watch portions! Reasonable plating!

B'fast is bagel/cream cheese with a HB egg.

Lunch? Leftover pesto pasta and maybe a sandwich. I'm not sure.

I miss you, Hilary!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:07 pm
by FarmerHal
Yesterday wound up red, I snacked in the afternoon because I was bored and anxious for dh to get home. So stoopid! S's are not going to change my emotions or situation... it only makes it worse because then I think about how fat I'm getting again :roll:

I did jog my 15 minutes though.

Today's weight 224.5, yesterday's was 225.5. UGH.

But it's going down at least.


Got to watch portion sizes. I eat enough at meals lately to feed a construction worker, I swear!

I will NOT starve between meals. I NEED to watch it, as I DO have insulin resistance and terrible teeth from all the snacking. Once the pancreas wears out, that's it, no second chance. I will be insulin dependent.


I have not looked to see what the crossfit WOD is. But probably might give it a go.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:23 pm
by FarmerHal
Just finished my XFIT WOD in 12 minutes.
"Puppies" 3 rounds of:
20 squats
10 assisted pullups
10 assisted dips
10 hang power cleans


Bfast: bagel/cream cheese, coffee

Lunch Polenta with tomato sauce and parm cheese

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:17 pm
by FarmerHal
Ok!! One green day yesterday! Phew!

I felt much better. Supper I piled pretty high, but I need ot get a handle on appetite again.

B'fast this morning is polenta with dates, almonds and splash of maple syrup. Tasty.

Today is XFIT day, hopefully I do it. It's windy and rainy outside, so not sure if I'll jog.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:22 am
by FarmerHal Link to my new check in.

HILARY!!!! I miss you! If you get back on again, let me know and I'll switch back to our old check in.

Lots of love and hugs and hope you are doing well!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:50 pm
by Jaxhil
Hi Tiffani! I am still alive and kicking ~but have not even TRIED to do NoS in so long I've been ashamed and therefore haven't even logged in. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to desert you, it's just ~well I'm sure you understand. I hope you'll forgive me!

I (need I say?) haven't lost much..I have actually been exercising though, regularly, for about 7 weeks now. Mostly it's been five days a week for about an hour to an hour and a half. I've only lost about five pounds from all this effort, and that's been discouraging to say the least. I feel like I'm doomed!! I know that's defeatist of me but there it is.

I really need to get a grip on diet as well as exercise, I know I clearly cannot reach my goal if I don't do *both*. And No-S is still the only "diet" I can even conceive of being able to follow forever. If I can ever get on it even for a few WEEKS.

I miss you~I am going to run over and check on your new checkin! I will be here if you want to check in here, too~just let me know!


Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:37 pm
by FarmerHal
So good to see you! Of course I forgive you! Just a quick note, as I've got to run, but we'll talk more soon :)
Great job on the exercise!!

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:03 am
by Jaxhil

Sday, so i did great (LOL!)

Yesterday I did *run* -some might call it a sloooow jog :P ~ but I did a whooooole mile, running almost all of it. Woohoo! I was proud of myself even if it was slow. It felt good, ya know? I felt strong (what a nice feeling!).

I also had a kidney infection I believe because I didn't drink enough water. It seems much better today but I'm still kinda floating in water and cranberry juice. I need to make sure I hydrate fully *daily*. I hate these things! And I've no excuse, I like water, I just forget to drink enough.

Well, I am off to bed, so talk tomorrow~good to "see" you again!

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:26 pm
by FarmerHal
GOod Job on the jog! I had tried to stick with running 1 mile every day, but so far, not sticking with it. Just trying to stick to my 4 meals a day.
We've got about 3 weeks before we move, and I'm trying to hold it together, living among boxes and trying to get all our stuff (paperwork/medical) done before we go. I'm a bit discombobulated LOL at the moment!

Today's b'fast was egg/chicken bagel with crm cheese and coffee/creamer.
Lunch.. not sure, trying to use up our food, so it probably will be random and weird!
Minimeal... ?? not sure
Dinner.... ?? not sure, maybe Chicken Thai peanut (homemade)

I'm wearing size 18 jeans, which up till this fall, were comfortable and even a bit on the loose side. Now they're barely containing my blobby gut, very tight on my thighs and rear but I refuse to go UP in size again. Wearing uncomfortable clothes will stand as a reminder to NOT overeat and permasnack.

Minimeal is bowl of granola cereal with milk.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:27 pm
by Jaxhil
Yesterday i didn't feel so great, so I slept/sortof napped a lot...didn't follow no-s as a result, but overall, not bad, and I did get in a small workout last night.

Today is my Birthday. Wee!! LOL. Maybe we'll make cake, or maybe we'll wait till the weekend. Tuesday's aren't too exciting to have a birthday on, ya know? plus its just hard to be thrilled about birthdays anymore :roll:

Anyway, I just wanted to check-in real quick, I have to get my day started~have a great day, Tiffani! (and don't wory, those jeans will be falling off soon!! :lol: )

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:40 pm
by FarmerHal
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :) Ok, a day late though lol.

Yesterday I failed, but oh well. On to the next day. I had a cupcake with the kids for my minimeal, technically a sweet, technically a failure.

I really need to move my behind and exercise more!

Bfast is an egg/soysage/cheese pita with cream cheese and coffee/creamer.

Not sure on the rest of the meals because the cupboards are pretty bare and we're trying to clean up everything before the end of the month for the big move (ugh).


Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:19 pm
by Jaxhil
hiya Tiffani!

Still need to get back on the wagon. I don't know what my problem is, I have no excuse, really! I've been exercising but the eating is still *phhhbt*.

For example, I had CANDY for breakfast this morning because I was starving (I waited to long to make breakfast) and I just shoved it in fast. And then felt completely SICK. It wasn't a lot or anything, but still-what an idiot!! And just last night I felt so proud when I resisted the candy bar my DH brought home for me. :roll:

I know this plan does work. I look at Reinhard's before and after photos, and know, if HE can, so can *I*, you know? But I sabatoge myself repeatedly and (worse) knowingly, over and over (redundant, I know).

I hope you're doing okay, I know this is a rough time for ya! I'm thinking of you~lets keep posting, even if it's quick, and NEVER GIVE UP~!!!!


Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:32 pm
by Jaxhil
hey, Tiffani! hope you're doing alright with the move and everything. I'm thinking about ya!

Well, the first week of February I actually had all green days!! WOO-HOO!! First green *days* in a VERY long time, to say nothing of a whole week. And this past week I would say I was 85% on, although I have been exercising regularly (5x per week) for about 4 and a half months, this past week I upped it to almost two hours instead of one. I increased my walking, mostly.

and guess what? I LOST TWO AND A HALF POUNDS!!! YIPPEE!! That's the first time I've been under 180 since I honestly don't know when. Probably close to a year. I know its due to the changes because I've lost it in the last couple of weeks. I am so happy and excited, to finally see a milestone (under 180) reached. Thank you God!!!

anyway, I just had to come here and share :D

keep in touch when you can, okay? {{{{hugs}}}}

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:09 am
by FarmerHal
I didn't see your last post here!!

Jess has been gone now for 3 months and we've got 10 more to go. I am still sludging along, recommitted to noS at the end of may. i've shot up to 230 lbs (weighed last on June 1).

Have had an idiot weekend though, and hping to be able to have a nice, green week.

I am finding a meat/veggie type breakfast suits me very well. I dont' have the blood sugar rush, I have constant, steady energy all morning and I don't have any hunger pangs or feeling like I want/need to eat. So I might try to stick with that strategy.

I think of you and the kids often and hope yoiu are all doing well!!
talk soon