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Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:01 pm
by ~emilyr
Well, what's going on? Did you do it?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:14 pm
by ~reneew
I did a normal S-travaganza Saturday :roll: then I tried really hard on Sunday, I only had 2 meals but I had 3 carmels... should I call it a green with a small S event???

I have to tell my stupid carmel story to explain why I had the carmels. Every year since way before I was born the women in my family make the most heavenly carmels at Christmas time. I try to give most of them away, and I make my family cut and wrap them now which has really really helped in the snitching deprtment. Anyway, I was making a double batch for my hubby to give out at work when I ran out of sugar. I needed 1 more cup. You know carmels are just butter, sugar,cream etc. real healthy... I asked my daughter to go get a bag of sugar from the pantry. I was busy talking and when she handed it to me, I opened the bag and instead of pouring the entire 9 cup bag into my container, I poured the entire thing into the carmel pot!!!!! I called my mom and together we firured out how to save the day by adjusting the recipe (1 cup of sugar and about 3/4 tsp. of molasas = 1 cup of brown sugar) and making another double batch. So, I was now faced with way too many carmels, which I thought I'd just let the kids give away to friends anyway. But, the problem was that what usually takes 1 hour to make, now took until past midnight! I had to sit and watch the pot for hours! Boring! I know I could have exercised or cleaned or something, but I was already tired and needed to read a good book. So, sitting on the bar stool, I ate 3 carmels worth of it. Hmmm. I do think that's good considering it's less than 1 an hour.

So, after explaining all of that... I was going to make Sunday an N day to make up for the red last week. Do you guys think that I should use it as an N day with a minor S event to save the red from being on my calendar for earlier in the month, or be honest and call it an S? I did only have 2 meals on Sunday...

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:42 pm
by ~reneew
In 2008 I realized that my usual "loose it all" goal that I have declared since high school, was getting too monotonous and depressing to repeat, so I finally will meet my last year's resolution goal of weighing less at the end of 2009 than I did on day 1. I'm finally going to succeed! So, without wishing the world, here's what I plan to do in 2010...( I may edit before the December 31st.)

My new year's resolution is to get down to my pre-kids weight. That will be a total of 55 from my highest weight, so I have a head start.

My plan?

*continue No S, never adding more than 2 simple mods, and testing it out for 7 days before I add it. Removing it if I gain any. Keeping my habitcal up to date.

*heart and soul exercises (physical and spiritual) a minimum of 3 days a week . I aim for 5 minimum, but I want to be realistic here. I made the rule that I can't sit on my butt at the computer until I've exercised and I can't do any R&R like t.v. or reading unless I've read my Bible or devotional. Busy days I may not get to either, but at least I will have a reminder when I do those things.

*keep posting on no S for support and motivation.

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:13 pm
by ~emilyr
Looks and sounds great ~ here's to a wonderful 1010 :!: :!:

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:44 pm
by ~reneew
I was doing great yesterday and then had a melt down binge. I realize that I am tending toward the all or nothing thinking and I need a more "normal" pattern, but I can't control the S es at all. I blew it yesterday on peanuts, then I guess I thought I'd make the most of blowing it and had a hard time stopping. Hmmm... So much for my perfect December. After seeing ~emily and Thalia's steady success, I've decided that I need a constant simpleness to my crazy 100% or nothing thinking.
When I feel so frustratedd with myself God reminds me of how lucky I am. My daughter's friend was adopted. Her mom died 2-3 years ago and Monday her dad had his second heart attack. The doctor actually told her(12) that the next one he won't make it through. She is being taken care of by her older siblings. Poor dear. Send a prayer her way! :cry:

We refinanced down to 4% this morning, so there's the good side. :roll:

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 1:42 pm
by ~reneew
I'm changing my resolution... After much thought I've decided to switch from thinking about the actual number to thinking about the real problem. My New Year's resolution is to...
break my food addiction.Of course I want to loose weight, but I need to break that pull from the pantry and then the weight will follow. I'm wanting to heal from the inside.

My plan?
-to think "resist the temptation", strengthen my "no" muscle, and to avoid even the thought of food.
-3 dishes of food. Period.
-heart and soul exercises (physical and spiritual) a minimum of 3 days a week . I aim for 5 minimum, but I want to be realistic here.

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 1:52 pm
by ~reneew
I just noticed on my habitcal that during September when I was loosing weight the fastest, I barely exercised at all compared to other months. Hmmmm. :?: :?: It really is all about my food addiction. Don't worry, I'll keep exercising for health, stamina and flexibility. :wink:

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 2:24 pm
by ~emilyr
Exercise makes me hungrier ~ I know that, but I think the benefits are worth it :shock: :shock:

It can cause you to eat more because your burning more ~ I have pondered your same thought and then when you see proof from your habitcal, makes you start thinking....... If you can only focus on one thing I would still recommend working on the habit of 3 meals a day ~ vanilla no s and then when you have that mastered start exercising ~ just my 2 cents, for whatever its worth!

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:53 am
by ~reneew
Well, I'm kinda on a roll since I made the rule that I can't sit on my butt at the computer at all until I've exercised for the day. That rule works for me, and painlessly. I can do any amount, if even 15 minutes (1 mile of Leslie Sansone DVD) I feel better when I do exercise. :roll: 'magine that!

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 5:41 pm
by bluebunny27
Yeah, to get good results, you have to be really disciplined and nto cheat on your diet. It's 80% diet and 20% exercise, really ...

4-Example if you binge eat on a big bag of cookies ... what happens ?? For a 10 min. slip up you eat an extra 1,500 calories for example (Eating 20-25 cookies) To burn all those calories you would have to work out hard for 4-5 hours probably, maybe more ... really hard to do, huh !? ;-)

That's why the diet is so crucial - - those extra calories are hard to burn just by exercising.

If you must binge eat - - hey it happens to everyone, try to do it with low calorie food that won't cause too much damage - - easier to correct the situation then of course.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

37 Years Old. 5'10" Tall.
Nov. 1st 2008 : 280 Pounds
Nov. 1st 2009 : 190 Pounds (1 Year : - 90 Pounds)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:11 pm
by ~reneew
Woe... not doing so good. I'm not throwong in the no S towel yet, still keeping my chin above the surface of the water (or snow drift) but if truth be told... I am red all around. My habit cal is red, but I am not failing too bad. I, for some reason, think it necessary to have the following on the counter at all times during Christmas week (before, during, and after the company is actually here): carmels, candy canes, nuts and peanuts, at least 5 kinds of cookies, hot cocoa (this I can't have... reaction to caffeine), fudge (I made chocolate so I wouldn't be tempted) and tea. I have been slamming the tea with just a packet of splenda... make chocolate when ever possible so I won't be tempted, and I try to avoid the kitchen. I'm also drinking ice water with a splash of cranberry juice which I think is more festive. It's kinda silly how my actual cookie jar has remained empty. It's glass and I keep thinking that if I actually see it, I eat more. That strategy does help, as I've noticed that the nuts are in an open crock, and I have been eating those the most. Maybe I should put the nuts in a tin at least.... just thinking (or typing) out loud. I'll try it. Another thought is that when the cookies run out, probably after supper, I'm not thaw the next cookie tin until Christmas eve. Ha! That will work!

Oh, I can't wait until the new year... I'll be pumped to go then!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:29 pm
by bluebunny27
Yeaaaaaah... it's depressing when you have a lot of red on your Habitcal ... by the way I developed my own version of the Habitcal. I have my file in the computer and it's more convenient for me rather than having to update it online all the time. It looks similar to the online version but I can tweak my homemade pc file of course so it's exactly how I want it to be. I still use the good ol' green-yellow-red squares, awesome way to make sure I am behavin' enough not to gain weight. I am monitoring my habits on a daily basis... :-)

Having temptations (Cookies, nuts, fudge) so close all the time is really tough, especially when you are trying to lose weight ... but even now when I am just maintaining I try to limit the sweets in the house to a minimum ... also the salty things but for some reason when I fail it's usually with sweets, cookies, ice cream ...
It's rare I have issues with salty treats. I have microwave popcorn in the cupboard, the buttery and salty kind I bought before starting my journey and the box is still in there, more than a year and I haven't touched it !

the other day it was an apple pie. I was supposed to have just a slice but it was sooooooooo good I think I ended up eating half the pie by myself in the evening. Oh well ! I wasn't feeling to bad about it because now I know that the extra 2-3 pounds go away very quickly if I apply myself in the following days. It doesn't turn into pure fat in just one day.

One thing that helps me too lately, to avoid cravings ... OATMEAL. I think I'm eating oatmeal almost every day now. Not a lot of calories and this stuff really fills you up nicely. It costs very little too, of course you pick the plain rolled oats in the giant bag !

I just make a big pot of oatmeal once a week, keep it in the fridge and reheat my portions individually in the microwave. (I add a lil' of my yogurt for flavoring and a lil' bit of dried raisins ...)

I'm so precise, unbelievable, I use my kitchen scale to measure my oatmeal, yogurt, raisins so it's always the same quantities ... digital kitchen scale, great tool to have when you are trying to lose and/or maintain, I use it multiple times every day ! I wish I had bought one earlier instead of waiting when I was almost done losing weight, lol !

Even sometimes in the late evenings when I am tempted to cheat, I have made myself a lil' bit of oatmeal and it has stopped me from having cookies or pie ... good trick, this way I eat 250 calories instead of 1,000 and I don't feel hungry at all anymore after the oatmeal, makes sense !

It's tougher for you since you have lil' kids and they want to have sweets ... so you have to deal with those temptations more than I do ! Good luck !

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

37 Years Old. 5'10" Tall.
Nov. 1st. 2008 : 280 Pounds
Nov. 1st. 2009 : 190 Pounds (1 Year : - 90 Pounds)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:48 pm
by Kathleen
Would you be willing to share your caramel recipe? I love a diet which allows caramels!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:36 am
by ~reneew
Really, you don't want it! They are so so good and terrible for you. All cream, butter and sugar. Think hard and if you still want it I'll send it to you. Shhh... family secret recipe. :wink:

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 6:26 pm
by Kathleen
I definitely want it! I love caramels. I won't make them until the weekend!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:13 am
by kccc
Hi ~reneew,

Just sending some encouragement. I've had some reds this month too (this is a HARD month!) and have been too down about it to post and admission on the challenge thread (though I've been honest on my own thread).

But when I look back, your challenge still helped - there are places I was more "intentional" because of it. Thank you.

I think you're onto something with putting food "out of sight"! It makes a difference to me, at least. If I have cookies cooling on the counter, it's hard not to pick up one everytime I pass the tray... but if I put them away, I don't even think about them. How did that experiment go for you?

BTW, I followed your advice and froze Christmas cookies for the first time ever. Thank you so much - it's lovely to bake when I have time and know they'll be here for Christmas. :)

Hang in there.

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 3:46 pm
by ~reneew
KCCC... I'm doing so bad lately that I don't like to come here and admit it either. Jan. 1 will be a real incentive. I'll try on Monday, but the kids are still home and that's tough.

Kathleen... sorry I didn't read this until after the weekend, and I wish I could just ship my carmels to you so they weren't here, but here it is:

Grandma Elnora's Carmels

2 c. sugar
1 c. br. sugar
1 c. white corn syrup
1 c. heavy (whipping) cream
1 c. milk (see it's not so bad for you! ha!)
1 c. butter
1 1/4 T. vanilla

Combine first 6 ingredients. Cook (low) slowly to firm ball stage (244'-245') about 1- 1 1/2 hr. Remove and add vanilla. Pour into greased 8X10 pan and cool. When firm, cut on board and wrap in wax paper.

Warning: I've had these in my house every Christmas for 42 years and I'm telling you that you don't want to know how to make them!

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:13 pm
by Kathleen

I am reading the recipe on a MONDAY MORNING! I will not make them until the weekend!

Please hang on to No S and get through to being able to eat without feeling obsessed. I have not lost one pound in two years of constant dieting, and I feel great because the obsession is gone!

I won't tempt myself by making these caramels on a Monday morning, but I don't feel the urgent need to eat, eat, eat.... It's worth it to get through the stage you're in now. Please hang on, and thanks for the recipe!


PS. How long do they keep? Do you refrigerate them after cooking? I'm thinking of making them to take to my in-laws. Thanks! I just love caramels!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:12 pm
by ~reneew
Thanks Kathleen. They keep for maybe a month in a tin on my counter. If you want to keep them longer, you can refrigerate them or freeze for a long time. When you freeze, I'd put them in a thicker airtight container. I put them in a baggie in my freezer and they picked up an odd flavor. Nobody else could tell, but I am a carmel conesuer (how do you spell that?). :wink: If you have any questions, ask. My sister actually gave our family secret recipe away and now someone sells them somewhere in the twin cities. I thought if she can do that, I can post it on here, right? They really are wonderful.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:17 am
by Kathleen
Can I use skim milk, or should I use whole milk? I really, really love caramels, so I'm looking forward to having these. Another favorite food of mine is biscotti, and I found a good recipe for that. One nice thing about this diet is you can actually enjoy food without a side order of guilt, as KCCC has said!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:21 pm
by ~reneew
I use 1% milk just because that's what I have around, although I know my great Gram probably used whole. I figure, if you're using whipping cream, butter and sugar, go for it. Whole would probably taste better than skim. :wink:

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:05 pm
by Kathleen
OK, thanks!

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:16 pm
by ~reneew
This is how my December went:

1 - yea It's going great! I have hope that I'll not gain for once in December!!! If I mention making carmels, remind me to give them away.
2 - yea
3 - yea looooong car ride. I did good!
4 - yea so far, and I'm trying to hold off more baking and making my carmels until the 10th. My kids won't die, right???
5 - S day uncontrolled
6 - S day I was going to bank today, then forgot. Not too bad though.
7 - yea each day in December that's a success is amazing! My sweetheart of a daughter made the cookies today, which saved me ingesting horendous amounts of dough!
8 -yea
9 - ugggghhhh!!! I failed with cookies which are a snack and a sweet... failed with seconds. Didn't exercise... I think I'll quick go to bed to end this day!
10- yea today. I want to continue on and maybe make up for that red by having an N day on Sunday. If I can.
11-yea I did it!
12- S day
13- S day
14- yea
15- yea
16- yea and I'm doing great! Ha! Then I had a binge... the first in a long time. I lost al control. Had the mindset that I blew it, so take advantage of it!
17 yea
18 yea
19 S day
20 S day
21 ate & ate
22 ate & ate
23 ate & ate
24 S day
25 S day
26 S day
27 S day
28 yea actually good! Wow! But it was tough
29 ate & ate
30 ate & ate
31 bad

There's the good the bad and the ugly! I've gained and now have more to make up. :cry:

I am so so rarin' to go for the new year. My weight is up. Next year I plan on living in a cave for the Christmas season... or getting brave and not buying ANY extra Christmas food. Or make carmels, or set out nuts, or go to parties, or have fun making frosted cookies with my kids, or eating the fat filled leftovers... :roll:

Lets go 2010!

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:30 pm
by bluebunny27
Yeah, leftovers .. that's a problem too during the holidays. Example, my mom brings over a really tasty and expensive dish ... ok, it was like a casserole with special meat inside, I forget the name now but there was 60$ worth of meat in that huge dish ...

Then of course the whole family is there but we only ate half of it ... later I am stuck with half of the huge dish in the fridge and I don't really want to throw it away since I feel guilty about it ... it was 30-35$ worth of meat there, it didn't feel right to throw it away, so I was eating it for dinner a lil' bit each day, no problem ... but there was a rich sauce, etc. This lead to my recent weight gain (See my daily log entry) I can eat the same dish for dinner and entire week in a row, no problem, I have one plate per day ...

Do you feel guilty about throwing perishable food away ?? Especially expensive stuff ?? Does it cause you to overeat (because you don't want to throw away food or have food get spoiled in the fridge that sort of thing ??) I'd be curious to
know ....

How do you deal with those issues - - I suppose I could have put some of the leftovers in the freezer, but I didn't think about it @ the time ... might have saved me from gaining a couple of those new pounds since there would have been less 'pressure' to finish the expensive and rich casserole all in one week... people come over and bring huge cakes, pies, cookies then they leave a lot of it behind of course ... maybe it's my HEAD I should put in the freezer instead so it's ROCK SOLID.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:18 am
by ~reneew
bluebunny27 wrote: Do you feel guilty about throwing perishable food away ??
Oh yea...
bluebunny27 wrote: Especially expensive stuff ??
Especially for a thrifty person like me!
bluebunny27 wrote: Does it cause you to overeat (because you don't want to throw away food or have food get spoiled in the fridge that sort of thing ??)
yea, usually
bluebunny27 wrote: ... maybe it's my HEAD I should put in the freezer instead so it's ROCK SOLID.
Ha! I do rely on the freezer a lot. Cooking for 6 every blessed night leaves a lot of leftovers. Some of my kids complain about having leftovers, so I freeze it in containers to microwave later. Now they are complaining that I shouldn't freeze it if they want it right away. So, I've been leaving some in the fridge and freezong some. If I real tempted, I freeze it all. If it's frozen, I'm not tempted. The problem is getting it to the freezer and hiding the good stuff in there so they don't eat it all. :wink:

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:16 am
by bluebunny27

Thanks for your input, you definitely have a lot more experience since you have a larger group of people around the dinner table every day ...

I definitely had issues related to that recently ... I should have used the freezer, something ...

I even cheated on cakes, pies and cookies and I didn't work out at all except for one day between dec. 23rd and january 1st (Everything I was sayin' I wouldn't do basically !)

Oh, and my father was sick, he had the flu during the entire holidays, I was stressed out cos' it created tensions since he had the H1N1 flu or whatever, parties delayed due to his condition, worrying about doctor's appointments, tests, all that ... it was just a big mess - - at least he's doing better now ... ;-)

All hope is not lost though. I figured out I gained between 6 and 7 pounds on my monthly average, the final numbers are not in but I had my best day since dec. 22nd today so I expect to have dropped at least one pound, maybe two ... not overeating and training hard for 45 minutes, finally a perfect day ... and if all goes well I should go back down to my fighting weight (192-193 average within one month hopefully)

One problem I had too ... one day I was overeating and feeling guilty about it ... the next I would try to eat like a bird to make up for the day before ... but that doesn't work. You feel ravenous and you end up cheating late at night ... and of course with all those sweet things I had in the cupboards this year I wasn't binge eating on carrots of course .... rinse and repeat ...

You have to eat ENOUGH to lose weight, really ... you can't lose it eating cookies excessively one day and then trying to be extremely restrictive the next day because you cheated the day before, that doesn't work too often ... it's better to eat properly so your metabolism doesn't slow down to a crawl, the right kinds of foods ... eating on a regular basis, so your blood sugar is stable too and you don't have the urge to eat too much all of a sudden, etc. I knew all that of course, not really sure why I had so many issues to end/begin the year, geesh....

I knew all that and I still failed ... I'll be curious to see if the new weight sticks around or if I can get rid of it pretty easily just going back to better habits straight away... I think I can lose half of what I gained pretty easily - - but that's a guess.

Ok, cya on the flip side and good luck with your new year's resolutions.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:29 pm
by ~reneew
Here I go with my new year's good habits:
-heart and soul exercises before going online
-3 dishes max.
-trying to get more sleep

My youngest has bronchitis and he is coughing terribly at night, so therefore, I don't sleep. I struggle to keep his chest elevated, then he does so much better. The vaporizer is humming and making a new noise too. Hmmm (yawn) no wonder I'm tired. :?

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:52 pm
by ~emilyr
What an excellent plan ~ how's it going? Sorry about G, how long has he been sick? Happy New Year and good luck ~ lets do this together, this is your year for SUCCESS!

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:07 pm
by ~reneew
Thanks Em! G had bronchitis in November and was on antibiotics. E and T have both had this 1-2 month long cough too. They got better, he didn't. Poor guy. I try to see if he'll heal on his own, but he's back on meds. Last night was pitiful. He flops around like a fish out of water all night. He's been sleeping with me. I caught him falling out of bed last night. Heave ho! You know my kids sleep walk, well last night he did and so did t. Big T fell down a couple steps to the landing last night too. Hmmm...My gosh our nights are getting interesting.

I am doing great with all of my goals. I will definitely finish my Bible this year as I'm almost done with the old testament, and the new will fly by. This is my second time reading it cover to cover. I wanted to read it in a year but I quit mid summer. :roll:

The challenges help a lot. I feel like an idiot not making my own challenges, and that can help me, but when I do fail I look stupid. I have told mind myself that I'm just normal and try my best.

Keep doing great Em!

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:44 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Just wanted to say 'thanks' for starting the monthly challenges. They've been very helpful to me.

Congrats on the Bible reading!!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:46 pm
by ~reneew
Thank you thank you Jammin'!

I'm really tempted today. Last night for supper I had Cedrick Adam's hot dish and I think it doesn't fill you up as much (mostly cabbage) but I love it. I'm hungry though. I actually had breakfast!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:21 pm
by ~emilyr
I have tried to read the whole bible and never quite make it, so congrats to you ~ I'm impressed!

Hope your having a nice green day! We have a snow day, read my daily check in to see my venting rage, I wish I felt like you......... I definitely need a new attitude!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:33 pm
by ~reneew
Emily... but you're the slow and steady turtle and are actually getting somewhere faster than me! I'm all or nothing... and lately nothing. I'm the rabbit asleep on the side of the path. If I'm not careful I'll get run over!

Snow day today. Total blizzard. I'm lovin' it!!! I love snow, but having the kids around is so so tough. I made blueberry muffins and did the dishes while they ate them. :roll: I saved mine for my meal. Good girl. :wink: But they have been calling my name since I made them.

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:23 pm
by bluebunny27
I liked the bits about the lil' kids eating all the muffins ... made me laugh.
It reminded me of my lil' nephew ... he's 9 y/o today. ;-)

Anyway he was over the other day,
I was babysittin' for a day and a half ... so I made some big muffins : blueberries. I made 8 large ones. I only had 1
and he ate all the other ones I think, lol ! 7 muffins within 36 hours, geesh, they were in the cupboard
and kept disappearing for some reason ... isn't it nice when you're a lil'
kid and you can eat everything you want, not gaining a whole lot of weight (cos' you're running
around all day, playing and whatnot)

Ok, considering the HUNGER problems. I have been reading about this extensively this past week.
Trying to find tips/tricks/solutions ... how to avoid cravings that lead to binge eating, that sort of thing ...
Lots of interesting material out there about "caloric density."

1st big tip : To curb hunger you want to eat food that
have a very low caloric density ... things that fill you up for a long time, take a lot of place in your stomach
and don't have a ton of calories either. This way you are feeling good after eating, you feel full.

To find out the caloric density of all sorts of food items, this is the best site I've found :

The plan is to eat more fruits/veggies, oatmeal, whole grains ... not sweets and other fatty foods that make
you bust your total number of calories for the day and leave you hungry again within an hour
after you're finished eating those donuts / candy bars, etc. It's so true too, you eat a bunch of cookies and you're hungry again right away so of course you grab more cookies because you think : "I already had 12 !!! I'm so weak !!!! My day is ruined so what's the difference ..."

2nd big tip : Spread your calories a lot during the day, eating at least 5-6 times a day (small meals/snacks)
helps to avoid the cravings ...
when you have too much time in between your meals/snacks you get hungrier and this leads you to eat more
later on .. or eat bad food because you can't help yourself, you are so hungry you grab the first thing
that appears in front of you (usually a donut !)

3rd big tip : Exercise ... hard ! At least 30 minutes per day. Maybe more, 60 minutes is ideal.
It makes me laugh when I see footage of people training, treadmills, gyms, etc. .. and they are clearly
half assing it the whole way, barely even moving/sweating ... you have to push HARD if you want to see results,
not half assing it for an hour and then thinking it was a really tough work out. (Of course I'm not talking about
people with injuries or older citizens, you understand.)

As for me I've been doing really well for the past 4-5 days in a row now I lost 5 pounds out of the 8-9 I gained
between dec. 20th and january 2nd so I am pleased. Just a few more pounds to lose during the next few weeks
and I'll be back at my fighting weight. I learned some new things due to this slip up at least ... how to behave, caloric density and whatnot.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

37 Years Old. 5'10" Tall.
Nov. 1st. 2008 : 280 Pounds
Nov. 1st. 2009 : 190 Pounds (1 Year : - 90 Pounds)

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:25 am
by ~reneew
Marc... thanks for the support and input. However...

I have lost over 50 pounds 2 times in my life. The first time I ate 800 or less calories and exercised hard for 30 minutes every day. I lost it all very fast, but I ended up in the emergency room with no balance which may have been the jumping/jogging on the trampoline or the low calories or both. I will never know. What I learned in the long run from that experience is that yea, you can loose it fast with really hard work, but I still was thinking about food 24/7, thus making my food addiction mental state get worse.

The second time I ate high-fiber-low-fat-to-fill-you-up and lost a ton (O.K. just 50 but it seemed like a ton) and all I learned was to eat more frequently, bigger plates full and constantly think about food. I was worse off in the long run than when I started. I got used to eating tons of "healthy stuff" and snacks snacks sancks. I ended up having my gallbladder out and later heard that high fiber and very low fat probably contributed to that. It also happened to 2 other people I knew.

I have since realized that the only way for me to loose it and never find it again is to get better habits. The way that my mind thinks is the problem. I am healing from the inside and for me that takes beating my addiction to food. I feel that when I think about food often and snack more often, that I am contributing in the long run to feeding my addiction. One wouldn't tell an alcoholic to just have a shot of rum every 2 hours instead of all of it at once... to avoid the drunken state and high calorie mixes to go with it. Well, I can't do that with food either. I need to avoid the frequency, and thus not feed my addiction. :roll:

I'm slowly figuring it out... it takes a while. I know that I would love to just have it off now, but with the state of my mind, I'd be right back where I started eventually. It's just like giving a spend-thrift thousands of dollars... it isn't going to help in the long run. You need to learn how to manage your money. I need to learn how to "manage" my food. :wink: I'll get there eventually. Now if I could be content with the slow and steady wins the race idea, I'd be further ahead... right Emily? :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:03 am
by TexArk
Just a note to reinforce your mindset. I, too, have lost weight over the years. First it was 20 lbs., then 25 lbs., then 50 lbs. Notice it was gained back and more to lose each time. I lost by accounting diets and exercise. I have been off and on diets and exercise programs for 40 years. After the 50 lb. loss I maintained for about 5 years still counting!

All of this food fixation just increased my addiction. I thought about and analyzed my food or my hunger state all the time. I deprived myself of food at times I should have enjoyed it and then stuffed myself with junk I didn't even like when I snapped.

What I love about NoS (and I am still working on habit building) is that I don't have decisions to make about food. Eat one plate of food and forget it until the next meal. So for now I am concentrating on fasting between meals. That is enough. When I get this habit down I will feel healed.

I have been following your posts and I just know you are going to make it, too.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:30 pm
by ~reneew
Thank you so much for that TexArk... I really needed to hear that right now. We have another snow day and the 4 kids are home. It's tough with temptations then... I plan on trying to keep busy. :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:51 pm
by Kathleen
Besides, on what other sort of diet can you look forward to making and eating homemade caramels? I'll be buying the ingredients today. After all, it's Friday!

PS. Tonight is Ski Club night. We signed up all four kids for a night of skiing. I can imagine that my very thin 8 year old will spend about 10 minutes outside and the rest of the night in the Ski Chalet!

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:10 pm
by ~reneew
Kathleen... or like my thin 8 year old, stay outside getting frostbite until it's bad and then you will be the one taking care of poor him inside. :roll:

I have a new thought that may get me through a tough time or two. When I'm tempted, I'm going to remind myself that for every good day, it's one day sooner that I'll be thin. :wink:
I thought that may help since I can be a tad impatient at times.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:24 pm
by Kathleen
Well, let me tell you, I went years without being able to enjoy caramels. Now I've got some homemade ones cooling -- and it's Friday afternoon! This diet isn't just about weight. It's also about enjoying life, and enjoying food is part of enjoying life! That's what's helping me to be patient. Thanks for the recipe.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:55 pm
by kccc
~reneew wrote: I am healing from the inside and for me that takes beating my addiction to food. I feel that when I think about food often and snack more often, that I am contributing in the long run to feeding my addiction. One wouldn't tell an alcoholic to just have a shot of rum every 2 hours instead of all of it at once... to avoid the drunken state and high calorie mixes to go with it. Well, I can't do that with food either. I need to avoid the frequency, and thus not feed my addiction. :roll:
Kathleen wrote: This diet isn't just about weight. It's also about enjoying life, and enjoying food is part of enjoying life! That's what's helping me to be patient.
Two VERY insightful observations. You go, both of you!

Like others, I lost weight multiple times... eventually I was successful in keeping weight off for years, but I did it in such a painful way - what I now call "an armed truce with food." During that time, I never allowed myself to enjoy what I was eating - a high price for thinness! No-S has not only helped me lose the baby+midlife weight I later gained, but it's really changed my attitude. That's even more important to me than the weight loss.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:09 am
by Kathleen
The caramels never solidified! I did something wrong in making the caramels. Oh well...

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:44 pm
by ~reneew
Kathleen... Oh oh!!! Don't toss it out! You can save it. I wish I could call you to help. I'll send you a message...

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:47 am
by ~emilyr
I was reading all the lastest posts and it made me sad ~ Reneew, I am sorry you are struggling so much right now :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Is there anything I can do??

I like your thought about one day at a time, for every good day, it's one day sooner that I'll be thin. It seems we do need to take it a day at a time ~ one small step at a time.... Hopefully, Monday will be a normal back to school week and you will have some time and energy to refocus on making small steps toward your goal. You can do this!! I'm pulling for you! I love how supportive everyone is, we are not alone on this path of food addiction :wink: HANG IN THERE!

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:01 am
by ~reneew
Thank you Em... You know that I've been trying to think about being a content turtle instead of a rabbit... Well, today while I was reading a magazine, I turned the page to a huge photo of a fuzzy rabbit nose to nose with a turtle!!! It was titled "8 reasons to slooooow down". I had to laugh. God knows I need visuals, so he sent me one. I'm going to cut it out and put it somewhere for a while. :wink:

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:51 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Hey there reneew, stopping by to say hello..

I think most of us will be glad to just get back into a normal work schedule, eating schedule, etc.

Speaking for me, I need to be back in control...

Wishing you well,


Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:03 pm
by ~reneew
I feel back on track. It's a good thing since I derailed over Christmas... O.K. the entire month of December. I still refuse to say how much I gained until I get back to where I was with 26 lost. All I can say is DUH! Right when I think that I'm doing well and I didn't gain too bad, the scale continues to go up well after the problem time. I guess the weight doesn't show up until later. :roll: I need to remember that! And for those of you who are thinking that I shouldn't rely on my scale... lets just say that my loose jeans are tight. After I'm back to where I was, I'll post how much I gained on my first page here, just for the record.

As for now, I finally finished the old testament. It took me 1 year and 12 days. I'm calling it 1 year. I'm now on to the new testament, which is much more fun to read, understand, and shorter. 2010 will be a breeze reading that! I now need to concentrate on destroying my food addiction. I'm working on physical exercise at least M-F, but my main concearn is my focus on food. I have too much focus. Almost all diets have you thinking about food all of the time, and No S is a perfect way to forget about it. The plan is easy and requires no extra effort. :wink: Here's to a great 2010!

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:14 pm
by ~reneew
Just had to say that I'm lovin' this heat wave! After 2 1/2 weeks of below zero temps... it's 35'! Woohoo! Enjoy that sunshine! :D :D

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:43 pm
by ~emilyr
How are you doing? Making good choices? Drinking plenty of flavored water? Strengthening your soul? Stay the course ~ become a turtle and just take ONE day at a time :!: :!: :!:

Let's make 2010 a year to look back on with sweet memories and good habits!! I'm feeling another meeting this summer to some small towns historic building.........

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:04 pm
by ~reneew
yea, and dinner :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:19 pm
by ~emilyr
Okay, and dinner :D :D :D :D :D

How are you doing?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:05 pm
by ~reneew
I'm doing fairly well. Routine definitely works well for me... it's the off scedule stuff that throws me off. Wednesday at midweek we had 3 huge bags of popcorn leftover and I brought them home because nobody wanted them. I am thrifty ya know, and I thought with a family of 6 we'd eat it. Well, it's not the family of 6 that is eating it. Yesterday was a total wash out eating the stupid popcorn all day. Then the kids have no school today, so say a prayer for this chick!!! I should toss it out for the animals around here but I can't! :roll:

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:23 pm
by ~emilyr
The deer and birds would LOVE it, its the middle of winter in Iowa and food is scarce for them, come on ~ show some love, they NEED it.......

I will also pray :D :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:46 pm
by ~reneew
You're funny. O.K. I threw out my 1 bag, but I still have the big thing left. I can not do it! We'll eat it tomorrow. I'll try to stay busy today and not think about it.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:39 pm
by Kathleen
Earlier in the week, I bought a discounted Betty Crocker cookbook with a section on candy. Today, I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and bought a candy thermometer with lines for hard ball and soft ball. I have no idea what that means, but at some point I'll be making those caramels!

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:12 am
by ~reneew
Just a couple things I've read and I need to ponder...
Hunter Gatherer wrote:While it's true that you shouldn't forget that lovely little "sometimes" in "Except (sometimes) on days that start with "S"" you have to remember that if you weld shut your release valve there will eventually be an explosion.
wosnes wrote:S-days, with the possible exception of just a few times yearly, were never meant to be days to go wild. They were meant to be a time to relax a little.

After some time on No-S I decided to forego regular S days on the weekends. I found I was eating things I didn't particularly want to eat just because it was Saturday or Sunday. What I do is allow myself 2-3 S events weekly -- maybe I want to have dessert when I go out; maybe I want to make a special dessert; maybe I want to have seconds of something special or popcorn for Monday night football. Or, maybe I don't want anything at all during a given week. Whatever. I still take holidays as S days and the days around my birthday (coming up this week) may have more S-events than usual, but I'm not worried about it..

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:28 am
by ~reneew
Kathleen... yep, you got the right thermometer. The soft ball means that when you cook it to that temp. it will form a soft ball. If you cook it hotter, when it cools it will be harder. The hard crack temp. is for very hard candy. I can't wait 'til you have your carmels. Let me know if you need help! And, I miss shopping in the twin cities... :roll:

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:55 pm
by Kathleen
Hi Reneew,

It might be a while before I cook the caramels. This weekend, I made a double batch of a new recipe, and it all went in the garbage. Live and learn!

If you've been reading my journal, you know I once ate about 4,000 calories of caramel macademian clusters. Yesterday, I was thinking you couldn't pay me $1,000 to eat that much. I think there's something to be said for allowing yourself "unconditional permission to eat" because your body eventually says enough is enough. Just like a binge is the natural result of a conventional diet, so I think that normal eating or less is the natural result of an S Day!


Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:33 pm
by ~reneew
Kathleen wrote: I think that normal eating or less is the natural result of an S Day!
I hope. I'll get there eventually. I try to remember Reinhard saying that you'll eventually build a psychological ring of fire around the S es. :wink:

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 8:53 pm
by Kathleen
I'm not there yet, either, but I see th light at the end of the tunnel! It's a pain to go through the process of eating what you want, getting a stomach ache, and having an aversive reaction to overeating the next day. A binge is a relief when you are bingeing to counter the effect of a starvation diet. A binge is simply stupid if you know that you will be able to eat three satisfying meals per day.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:40 pm
by ~reneew
Kathleen... keep talking your words of wisdom and I just may get it. :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:35 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Renee, did you used to live in the Twin Cities?

I'm in St. Cloud.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:16 pm
by Kathleen
In an Intuitive Eating CD of a conference that I bought, there was reference made to "crossing over." Basically, they said if people didn't stop stuffing themselves after a few months, then they should be referred to a therapist because this wasn't a physical issue. I didn't believe it. Something told me that my problem was a physical issue, that it was a natural and very healthy response to self-imposed periods of starvation, otherwise known as diets. I can't know for sure yet, because it just happened in the last week or so, but I think I've "crossed over." What a relief. AND -- what a joy! I can work now towards homemade caramels that I will be able to enjoy without a pound of guilt!

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:47 pm
by ~reneew
Jan... up until 4-5 years ago I lived in Shakopee for 15 years, but I was a true blue Minnesotan my whole life until I moved here. I now live 5 miles into Iowa, but consider myself still a Minnesotan. :wink:

Kathleen...I should be refered to a therapist. :? I don't feel that I've "crossed over" as I still feel that uncontrollable pull. I feel that it's a mental and physical problem. I sometimes feel that the "on track" feeling I get when I'm loosing is simply Satan leaving me alone. It's that strong. But God is stronger! :wink: I once heard a pastor do a talk on the radio about how he finally lost a ton of weight. He felt that he was addicted ad needed to break that addiction so that he wouldn't feel the pull. He needed to make a physical and mental break from his habits. He felt that the best way to do that is to do a liquid diet of meal replacements. I don't think that's the way to go, however, I think that restraining from any "extra" food altogether is what I need... thus to stop snacking. No S eliminates the extra stuff that isn't needed. I feel comfortably "on track" off and on. When I feel this, it's like the pull is gone and I'm not even tempted. The only way that I can get to this point is to restrain myself, however tough, on an ongoing consistent basis. If there weren't any S days I'd be thin. After reading your check-in, I copied what I wrote to you here:

Several things come to mind. First of all, you can choose your friends, not your family. I sometimes think God sends individual family members to us for a kind of training experience. To teach us. At times I feel like I'm in a boot camp! :wink:
I too have tried the one day a week fast. I did it on Wednesdays during lent or advent. It was helpful. Mind and spirit. As I think I've told you, I've recently read the book The Diet Alternative. I found an old copy at a thrift store and I know that they are still publishing it. It is written by a strong-faithed Christian. It talks about how all food references in the Bible were for morning and night eating. Lunch was not eaten, or at least was never talked about. Just morning and evening. The author lost her weight just by eating morning and night like Jesus writes about. I have been trying to follow that off and on. When I do, I seem to loose very fast. That is what I was doing when I got down to 26 lost. When I feel strong, I try to wait until dinner and just have my 1 meal. I drop dramatically then. I seemed to stop for the Christmas season. And gained! I actually thought I was getting the flu 3 times during Christmas. I think it was my body telling me to stop overeating! I do feel the need for an S day or S event just to have something in the near future to look forward to. I am still trying to figure out the best way to go about it. I'm currently trying 2-3 meals on S days with 1 sweet, 1 snack, and 1 second allowed per day. If I let myself have a free day I end up eating chips and cookies for breakfast just because I can, and I don't even usually eat breakfast.

After many experements, I know I do better with a scale. I weigh almost every morning and record in my calendar book. My book also has a monthly menu which really really helps.

As far as exercise goes, I do what is fun, and then I have a better chance of continuing it. I like Leslie Sansone DVDs.

I'm doing well this week, and I feel on track. :D :D :D

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:51 pm
by ~emilyr
Renee, You are a wonderful person, and I love you!! Let's see what we can do..... Not to be too bold here, but what you wrote makes me think that maybe you are just a teeny tiny bit too obsessive. Seems it goes one way or the other, no in between. So, you have control, you just need to figure out something for the in between and I don't know what to say....... Maybe a therapist would help. God is strong and maybe He's telling you to talk about it with someone else qualified to help you make a plan. No S gives and excellent foundation and maybe a few other good tips could make for a cross over!! I'd check out that cd too, and by no means do I think I've got it all figured out, I have experienced that peaceful feeling toward food from time to time and I want that for you too!! Those are my thoughts, hopefully not too harsh, just want the best for you. And, you know that plain old vanilla no s was working for ya!! You can do this!

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:25 pm
by Kathleen

It's hard to tell if an eating problem is the result of a psychological, physical or spiritual problem. I became convinced that, for me, it was only a physical problem, which is why I persisted so many months in allowing myself to gorge myself on food on the weekend.

That, of course, may not be true for you. However, I think that the overall concept of No S -- the idea of having days of "unconditional permission to eat" as well as days with restrictions like no snacking -- is a rock solid principle that keeps people from being obsessed with food. The trick, however, is to tweak the basic premise of No S to fit you individually. I think I've found my tweak, but that doesn't mean it applies to everyone.

It seems to me that it may be you just haven't found your tweak. A physical problem with eating can cause spiritual and psychological problems. There's a certain element of trial and error in all of this. Keep the faith!!!


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:46 pm
by ~reneew
Thank you very much you two! It is a huge struggle for me. At times I feel like I've got a grip on it, and others I don't. I have been thinking all or nothing. I need to find the peace.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:13 pm
by ~reneew
Well, so much for my waiting for supper plan. I went to my DR. for a sinus issue and I now have 3, yes 3 meds which I have to take with food twice a day (at least not 5 ) and one will leave me with a metalic after taste and one will just give me a constant bad taste. Yea. 12 days of bad taste. I'm taking this as a sign that my all or nothing thinking is stupid and I need to have the normalcy of 2-3 meals a day so I won't become obsessive... right Em? Slow and steady wins the race, huh?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:08 pm
by Kathleen
Just a detour, not a dead end.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:15 pm
by ~reneew
I just read that these meds for my sinus infection cause weight gain... I thought "oh yea???" Besides nausia is a side effect and I'm there. Bluck

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:50 pm
by ~reneew
BrightAngel wrote:
Even though dieters now go on "juce fasts" and other kind of food "fasts" etc.,
the term "fast" traditionally has been used to mean the intake of zero calories,
i.e. water or non-caloric liquids only.
I've noticed that the practice of dieters calling a restriction of only specific foods "fasts"
has recently led dieters to term a traditional fast as a "water fast".

In my Weight-Loss-Maintenance, I also sometimes include "fasts"
but these are time periods in which I ingest non-caloric liquids (like water) only.
My fasts are all "intermittent", in that they are not a series of days-in-a-row,
but are for short periods of time only (such as 24 to 36 hrs)
and are surrounded by normal food intake.

Within No S, the ideal is to have an intermittent "fast"
between each of the time periods, i.e. 3 meals...
However upon reflection, since NoS allows caloric liquids, like milk, between meals,
it seems, the NoS between-meal-not-eating , in that case, is less than a true intermittent "fast".

The "fast" that I do most frequently is the 24 hour EatStopEat fast.
This is a 24 hour period without food or caloric beverages,
such as from after dinner one day (say before 5 p.m.)
until dinner the following day (say after 5 p.m.)
I find this creative, because in the past a day's "fast"
would start at bedtime one day, go all day, then end upon arising the following day.
which worked out to be a 36 hr fast, and involve not eating for an entire day and two nights.
I like the 24 hr fast better, because I get to eat something every day.

"Fasting" isn't for everyone,
but my current Food Plan is similiar to the the Food Plan you described,
in that I have a practice of 3 separate types of eating days.
Mine are:
"FEAST-eat-until-I-feel-stuffed" days",
and "FAST-zero-food" days.
However, my "Feast" days and "Fast days are,
hopefully, not every week, but only on occasion.[/color]
Thank you for your insight. I do this "fasting 24 hour thing too and I feel bad about it, thinking that society thinks it's wrong to skip meals. I especially feel it's alright to do it when I've totally stuffed myself the day before. I have been trying to wait and just have dinner too, during the week. A friend of mine does it every winter to loose his December weight. I think that this 24hour fast is good, so why do I feel bad and/or guilty talking about it? :roll:

I don't really think it's obsessive.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:54 pm
by ~reneew
My meds are leaving me feel yucky all day, and the eating doesn't seem to help other than getting this yucky taste temporarily out of my mouth. :x All I want to do is suck on hard candy all day so I can't taste it.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:16 am
by ~reneew
ughhghh plahblah pucky meutt! ANOTHER day out of school and I Fail so big when others are around! Can I just be put into solitary confinement for a year? :?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:25 pm
by ~reneew
Kids went in late AGAIN to school. It's still blowing snow out there. I've been having a very hard time on the weekends still. I am trying a new approach this week. I'm not going to spend my time on here just thinking MORE about food. I am going to avoid food. I am also going to put my dishes out on the counter to remind myself to wait and put it on the dish to eat. I'm hiding ALL food. I need to get back to whereI was before the holidays. That's my plan for today.

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:42 pm
by kccc
Sorry that you're having a hard time. Hope you feel better soon.

I think putting dishes out and hiding food is a smart move. I keep almost all food put away - especially anything that I might snack on. It helps a great deal.

You have a hard situation - I call it "No-S@home". Somehow, the structure of a working day makes No-S easier for me. I find it harder at home, because I'm conditioned to think @home=S-day. (I'm learning. Slowly. Now that I work at home one day a week, my habits are improving.)

Sending best wishes and warm thoughts. :)

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:05 pm
by ~reneew
On round 2 of carithromiacin (spelling?) and the taste in my mouth is constantly yuck! You'd think it would help me to not eat, but all I want to do is have another taste in my mouth. 10 days to go. Hmmm... To get rid of the taste, I'm drinking a lot of ice water with a splash of cranberry juice. I love it anyway, but it especially works well for covering up this bad taste.

I'm on track right now. I'll tell you how bad I gained when I finally get back to where I was before the holidays. At least I'm doing well now. My weekends are pitiful however. I loose all control on the weekends. :roll:

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:57 pm
by ~reneew
I'm doing well and even though it's our 20th anniversary, I plan on staying green today.

My current plan:
M - F: 2 dishes max! period.
S + S : 3 to 4 dishes max! period.
heart and soul exercises M - F, no minimum :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:57 pm
by frugaltexan
Happy anniversary!

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:19 pm
by ~reneew
Thanks Frugal.

I blew it today. Just an average Thursday and WAMO.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:29 pm
by ~emilyr
I've been gone for too long :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

You were on a roll, are you back on track?? Been thinking about you :) :) :) I like the February Challenge :!: :!:

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:16 pm
by ~reneew
Emily... you seem to be on the right track though with 46 lost! Wow!
I still need to get back to where I was before the Christmas season!
I'm not giving up. I'll make the announcement some day that I'm back to 26 lost.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:28 pm
by ~reneew
Ooooops, I forgot to transfer my January here.

My plan? 3 dishes of food. Period.
1 :mrgreen: great start!
2 :wink: S day and a very respectable one it was!
3 :wink: S day enjoyable :roll:
4 :mrgreen: I'm really charged to do well today.
5 :mrgreen: today too! Doin' great! I love new years
6 :mrgreen: "legally" but just barely. Kids came home early. Blizzard. no comment.
7 :mrgreen: barely. Snow day for the kids... temptation day for Mom. Just barely green again. I'm pushing it. Changes in schedule are tough on my control.
8 :mrgreen: I am starting my day very determined. Another snow day, so it may get tough, but I am thinking of loads of things to so today to keep myself busy so I don't try to eat. :wink:
9 :wink: S day
10 :wink: S day
11 :mrgreen: I'm keeping very busy
12 :mrgreen: and :roll: I'm calling it an S event. It was a good day until I got a nasty migrane. I had a snack for a pitty party.
13 :mrgreen: doing very well! I'm enjoying this heat wave. It's not only above zero... it's 35' outside!!!! I guess only northerners can say that!
14 :oops: I snacked on popcorn all day that was leftover from midweek church. I should have fed it to the birds.
15 :mrgreen: barely. big plates.
16 :wink: S day
17 :wink: S day and a pretty respectable one at that!
18 :mrgreen: I'm going to go strong this week. Double Good days. Alright. Today was not double good, just o.k.
19 :mrgreen:
20 :mrgreen:
21 :mrgreen:
22 :mrgreen: I'm gunna make it ta the weekend! Then I'm gunna try ta be careful!!!!!!!
23 :wink: S day
24 :wink: S day
25 :oops: Oh for gosh darn sake! No school and I eat all day. What's with that??? I have no control on weekends and days with blizzards and no school. uggh spllokyblat. :evil: :evil:
26 :mrgreen:
27 :oops: Ummmmm yea.
28 :mrgreen:
29 :mrgreen: It's going well, so I'm calling it early!
30 :wink: S day
31 :wink: S day

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:40 pm
by ~reneew
For lent last year I gave up Pizza... all...lllll...ll lent. That was tough, but I did it. This year I'm taking heed of this Bible verse:

Matthew 6:16 When you fast do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:07 pm
by ~reneew
Getting back on track is tough, but I'm on it. :wink: I think

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:27 pm
by mimi
Me's hard, but I'm rooting for you!

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:47 pm
by ~reneew
Thank you Mimi!

I am still here, and doing my habit-cal, however I am testing out my theory that the more I think about food, the more I feed my food addiction. Thinking about it does indeed strengthen the pull-me-to-the-pantry muscle. In order to put God before food in my life, food needs to take a back burner (pun intended) and I am starting here. I plan to wait until I'm feeling hunger, then having something small... then waiting until dinner to have my biger meal. That's it, nothing more. It's a combination of several books I've read and programs I've done: Diets Don't work, the Diet Alternative, Weighdown Workshop, and No S. Mostly No S because I can't always wait for hunger and I know I can't stop. This is what worked the best when I loose, and it fits completely with No S. That's why I love no s, you can fit it into most other plans. The only mod I'm making is that I'm allowing 1 small sweet for dinner if it fits on my plate. I usually don't even want it, but I thought I'd allow it, or I may miss out on some homeade icecream sometime. I don't really have a sweet tooth anyway. :wink: We'll see how it goes.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:15 pm
by ~reneew
I'm still trying to get back to where I was before Christmas. I had lost 26, but now I'm only at 15 lost. Frustrating. If I could avoid my Holiday mentality, I'd be thin. So, now that I've confessed, I'll be updating my first page where I record that stuff. :roll:

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:28 am
by Kathleen
Hi Reneew,
Detour only!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:38 pm
by ~reneew
Yep... big detour, but just a detour. I am trying to adopt the turtle-pace mentality knowing that statistically I will have a better chance of keeping it off. If there's one thing I've learned it's that when you loose it fast eating fakey diet foods instead of real food I like, I won't keep it off for life.
No S is the sane way to eat. It's not even really a diet, just "normal eating"

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:10 pm
by Kathleen

I have a refrigerator magnet with Garfield slouched against his food bowl and holding a piece of lettuce in his paw. The words above him are: "DIET IS 'DIE' WITH A 'T'

Long term, I just don't think it works to keep weight off with quick weight loss or with constant restrictions. It's not a failure of willpower. It's the triggering of the body's survival mechanism.

Celebrate that you've lost 15 pounds!


Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:07 pm
by ~reneew
You guys give me so so much! Love ya!

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:24 pm
by ~reneew
February went as follows...

1 :mrgreen: and day 5. It'll be good I just know it!
2 :mrgreen:
3 :mrgreen: I kept it green even though it's our 20th anniversary today. :shock:
4 :oops: it's just an average Thursday and WAMO! Where did that come from??? And it would have been day 8.
5 :mrgreen:
6 :wink: S day
7 :wink: S day
8 :mrgreen:
9 :mrgreen:
10 :mrgreen:
11 :mrgreen:
12 :mrgreen:
13 :wink: S day
14 :wink: S day
15 :mrgreen:
16 :mrgreen:
17 :mrgreen:
18 :oops:
19 :mrgreen:
20 :wink: s day
21 :wink: s day
22 :mrgreen:
23 :wink: s day
24 :mrgreen: a bit iffy, but legally green
25 :mrgreen:
26 :mrgreen:
27 :wink: s day
28 :wink: s day

I "legally" did fairly well, but I didn't loose and I know it's because of my S-travaganza S days and the fact that my plates are heaping.

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:28 pm
by ~reneew
I'm very charged to go today. I started the March challenge, and have been doing my bible study homework and feel very positive. I'm ready to go! I want to get back to the 26 I had lost by my birthday on the 17th.

My plan? I am doing vanilla no s this month with the possibility of "banking" an S day. I may even put up my No S signs on the fridge and pantry door to remind myself. It has helped in the past!!! :wink: It will however alert my kids to the fact that I'm doing no s... I lead them to believe that I wasn't doing it anymore because my kids would say thing like "here Mom, want some... Oh, that's right, you can't! Ha ha ha"
I better have a talk with my non-cheering section.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 7:58 pm
by ~reneew
After a couple of months thinking like the hare in the turtle in the hare story:"hurry up and loose already!" I am taking a new/old approach of the turtle in the race. I have really been avoiding doing that because I am an all or nothing thinker when it comes to dieting. I have felt the panic most of the time knowing that my 25th class reunion is this year and I am going too slow. However, seeing other people :wink: loosing way faster than me while still having the turtle mentality, I've decided to adopt the turtle mentality. And I do have to say that I feel much more in control... lets just see if I loose. If I do, I will forever trash my rushed thinking. This pace seems more lifelong anyway. :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:01 pm
by ~reneew
When I do vanilla No S I loose so slowly. Right now I am trying to eat off of smaller plates, having 1-2 plates during the week (I don't like breakfast) and 3 max on the weekends. I am allowing sweets if it fits on my plate. I don't usually have a sweet tooth though, so it's no problem. My only rules are 3 plates MAX. I'd like to say that I'm trying to eat more fruits and veggies, but I need as few rules as possible. I'm not even recording my exercise right now. I'm thinking simple simple. During the week I've been good and had 1-2 plates, then I feel like I'm splurging on the weekend if I have 3. And if I eat some stupid stuff, snack or whatever, I call it a meal so I don't get that "oh I blew it, so lets eat more" mentality. I'm thinking this may be my cure for S-travaganza weekends??? We'll see. I am doing great right now. Sunday I had 3 plates and I felt naughty, which is good because I don't feel deprived.

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:57 am
by bluebunny27
Hum, when I look at your numbers it seems you should try something different really ... cos' what you've been doing so far hasn't worked too well. You need a drastic change really - ASAP.

From your page 1 :
5/29/09 - down 16
2/26/10 - down 17

See, 9 months : Up 1 pound. That a stand still really ... I would have been really frustrated with a situation like that, but that's me ... when I'm trying to lose weight, I want to see good results, not being at the same weight 9 months later. If the results are not there, I change my plan, I work harder, I do everything I can .. until I get there.

Too many up and downs there, it should be down-down-down ... all the time, especially from month to month ... each month, always a lower number, even if it's just 2-3 pounds each time, that would really add up. Wouldn't that be better ?

You seem to have a lot of issues with S Days, ruining a week's worth of hard work just to have one or two days off ... I don't really understand it, oh well. Maybe only one s day per week and try to still have some control on that day of course, not binge eating. Those s-days should be kept to a minimum and even on those days ... be careful ... it's a sabotage otherwise. The exercise is also important but losing weight, it's 80% plus in the kitchen of course, the exercise is like the finishing touch.

You really need to be more careful on S Days to make more progress. You should be 100% motivated at all times if you want this to work better ... you should check out that thread in the forums ... ways to avoid snacking, i think it could help you ... it's in the other section, i wrote there earlier, my best tips.

I see your goal weights are really hard to reach too ... you seem to plan on losing 5-8 pounds per month but that's so hard, especially since you've gained 1 in the past 9 months, it's like a complete change, 180 degrees in the opposite direction ... maybe baby steps would work better for you, losing 2-3 per month, it would not be so hard to reach and you would be more motivated instead of struggling and then planning to lose even more weight the next month after that.

ok, anyway i am just giving suggestions cos' you are usually very nice and it's sad that you are having a hard time losing those pounds ... i'd rather see you succeeding, reaching your goals, not struggling and setting/changing/inventing all those rules ...

Good luck !

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

37 Years Old, 5'10" Tall
Nov. 1st. 2008 : 280 Pounds
Nov. 1st. 2009 : 190 Pounds
(1 Year : - 90 Pounds)

Current Weight : 191 Pounds

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:35 pm
by ~emilyr
Hello Renee ~ I just wanted to say thanks for being my friend and a good no s buddy!!

Hey Mark??? Thinking you might need to get the emerald ring for Renee!! Don't you think that would help??

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:59 pm
by ~reneew
I know an emerald ring from Marc would help!!! :wink:
Thanks guys! You two really give me incentive.

Thanks Marc for the check. About incentive...I either have it or I don't. I loose all week, then gain every weekend. And I loose all year, then gain every Christmas. I had lost 26, then gained most of it during the holidays. I lost and gained 20 last year over the holidays. I think it's self-esteem... or the lack of. If I see progress, I do well. When I start to gain weight or even loose self-control, it all head south. I can see it coming a mile away. Ugggggggggggggggggggggggg :roll:

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:49 pm
by ~reneew
This last weekend was Bad... notice the capitol B. I'm trying to figure out why I loose control so bad every weekend. I loose an average 6 pounds during the week and gain it all every darn blessed weekend. It's like I'm on that rollercoaster track down and suddenly go up. I have listened to "S days gone wild". I think I will again. I eat more on S days and I think it's because I can. I want to evaluate my behaviors. I was trying to think of the differences between S days and N days. On S days:

-kids are arround
-no structured schedule
-no "me" time
-busy running around with the kids
-I do feel that I need a reward on weekends
-I sometimes have a drink or two
-I get munchies when I park it in front of the t.v. and I finally get to sometimes on s days
-I don't weigh
-I haven't been recording anything... at all (I guess I have no accountability)
-I dont pay attention to meal times as much, I perma snack
-I think of food within a half hour even though I don't eat until hungry (around lunch) on N days
-I don't come online here
-I eat without plates
-over eating homeade pizza every Friday starts the weekend off

I think I'll try to make S days more like N days... This is my plan:

-I will track my dishes (meals will be on plates) on a calendar
-I will weigh myself on weekend too (this helps me, I've tested it out)
-I will hold off eating my weekly pizza until Saturday or if busy schedule demands it, I will make personal pizzas instead on Friday with NO LEFTOVERS.

We'll see how it goes.
Does anyone else have any suggestions? :?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:34 pm
by sophiasapientia
~reneew wrote:I think I'll try to make S days more like N days... This is my plan:

-I will track my dishes (meals will be on plates) on a calendar
-I will weigh myself on weekend too (this helps me, I've tested it out)
-I will hold off eating my weekly pizza until Saturday or if busy schedule demands it, I will make personal pizzas instead on Friday with NO LEFTOVERS.

We'll see how it goes.
Does anyone else have any suggestions? :?
I think your plan sounds very reasonable. As much as I dreaded doing it at first, I've found that it helps me to continue to track my weight and journal my food on S Days. It encourages me to be mindful of what I'm doing. I've listened to Reinhard's "S-Days Gone Wild" podcast about 10 times in the past couple of months and I've found his tips -- preplanning a really nice treat for every S day, sticking to the 3 meal structure, etc -- to be very useful. I suspect if you track things and stick to your tweaks that it will help a lot. :)