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Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:43 am
by Graham
11st 7 3/4lb, 40 1/2", BMI 25, WHtR 60%, Body Fat 34.9% Fasting

My waist is now the same as when I started No S and ESE. Is the current peak a consequence of fried potatoes and indolence? Two fasts a week may be what prevents an even larger version of myself from existing, but this stalemate is a costly disappointment if I'm right.

Yesterday I felt tired, so I had a salad in the evening. Today I'm fasting, but I have had energy and enterprise and ginger tea. I have sown a new batch of lettuce seeds in fresh pots on the last scraps of window-ledge. Do I dare plant any in the garden? Shall I cut down the mystery tree and start a little lettuce plot? Killing a tree saddens me somewhat, but it arrived uninvited and produces nothing but shadow, which is already in good supply.

9:01pm I have finished my fast, but the meal was a No S Fail. Not just the 1/2 avocado while I cooked - but the blackberries with sugar that followed my one-plate meal. Had I had bread, I might have managed to avoid the blackberries - but, frankly, apart from no S failing, blackberries are surely nutritionally superior to bread, even buttered bread? Never mind, I had a good day! My most positive fasting day to date, I'm warming to the idea that ginger tea really does make a difference.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:51 am
by Graham
11st 7 3/4lb, 40", BMI 25, WHtR 59.3%, Body Fat 33.6%

7am A new day. Asleep early so I'm not discountenanced to be awake this hour. Weight unchanged. Waist reduced. I broke No S rules, but there was no craziness, I stuck to my other "rule": 5-a-day - though I thought I'd figured out a way round that on fasting days. No matter - there are other "rules" in the background "waste not, want not" and "If I grew it, I'd be crazy not to eat it". In the end I was happy enough to eat blackberries without cream (and without insects too, I hope - some are so tiny, almost invisible to my ageing eyes).

If I could have life better, I'd be living with partner, bigger garden, bees and chickens. (for eggs - I don't know if I could kill one, especially one that I knew)

Another matter to consider: exercise, asymmetry, aches and pains. I have developed some new aches provoking reflection on how I use my body, and how I will balance the need to maintain muscle and flexibility with joint and disc function.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:13 am
by Graham
11st 9lb*, 40 1/8", BMI 25.2, WHtR 59.4%, Body Fat 33.6% #

I thought yesterday was going well, then it didn't. No sense of what/how I did derail, broke No S rules first accidentally - then I had a slight case of "what the hell" and chocolate and buttered crumpets featured.

Two prominent issues: I didn't work on my mood, EFT might have helped with that. My broken bike, the one I ride the towpaths on, has been out of commission for 2 weeks now, and perhaps it is one reason why my weight creeps up.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:52 am
by Graham
11st 9lb, 40 9/16", BMI 25.2, WHtR 60.1%, Body Fat 34.7% #

Weight and waist a disaster, so is No S. I can't stand to make myself do the one plate thing. Lunch was a bacon and mushroom sandwich plus a bowl of blackberries with cream. The blackberries were an afterthought, I guess that's seconds, and another No S fail. Sick of this crap. I could've "virtual plated" it - but why the hell should I? Fed up.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:54 am
by Graham
11st 8 1/4lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.1, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 35.4% Fasting

The fasting and No S combination doesn't seem enough to curtail weight-gain for me these days. Its like being on a hill with brakes that don't work properly any more. I may be reducing speed, but I don't seem able to stop.

Carbs may be part of the problem - since I started harvesting and eating potatoes, coupled with my mountain bike being out of action - are those two factors together tipping the balance towards weight-gain? Or is there more to it? Has my reading, based mostly on research with younger, fitter people, led me to adopt insupportable strategies?

Just on the potato thing: One of the few easy to grow, reliable crops, relatively free of pests, well-suited to allotment gardening (making a couple of visits a week rather than daily attendance). So we grow them, and then - there they are saying "eat me". And I do, but they displace other things - my ability to hit 5-a-day for example - I'm missing that target some days now, just since the potato harvest started. I am saving money, of course, but at what cost? "Better" vegetables and fruit need more attention, or possibly chemicals I don't want to use.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:38 am
by milliem
Sorry to hear you're struggling Graham :( I guess it's hard to keep yourself motivated if you aren't getting the results you want.

I did notice that you had a few NoS failures over the past few days - maybe this is contributing to the weight creep? Or maybe it's WHAT you are eating or your portion size that need looking at?

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:30 am
by Graham
Hi milliem. I had guessed my calories in vs calories out was the root of the problem - but that doesn't explain why I now seem driven to consume more calories, why what was once a doable, sustainable strategy no longer is.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:27 am
by Linguisticsgirl
Graham wrote:One of the few easy to grow, reliable crops, relatively free of pests, well-suited to allotment gardening (making a couple of visits a week rather than daily attendance). So we grow them, and then - there they are saying "eat me".
Hi Graham, it's just a thought, but have you considered bartering? You could very well find that there are people out there with a glut of carrots or onions (perhaps in your own allotment) who would be very happy to swap for a few spuds!

Consistant fasting doesn't sound very sustainable to me, it sounds miserable! Is it possible that your metabolism has cottened on to what you are doing and is storing its reserves rather than using them? I don't claim to be any kind of expert but I can tell you that running is an excellent weight loss tool and it only costs as much as a decent pair of running shoes (although these are essential), of course that doesn't help if you hate it or are unable to run.

Good luck in any case!


Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:56 am
by Graham
Hi Linguisticsgirl - hadn't considered bartering - can't think of any plot holders who don't also have their own supply of potatoes.

Fasting consistently needn't be miserable - it is found in many cultures, isn't considered problematic - the spirit you do it in is crucial to how it feels, also that you aren't subjected to excessive demands while fasting.

I don't think there is any magical way for a body not to use its reserves when food isn't available - but I do think a fasting routine may lead to some compensatory increase in eating either before or after a regular fast. Also, it is possible the body can become more efficient at using calories when they are available, so those would be 2 reasons why my fasts may be less effective than they were last year.

As for running for weight-loss: I do have 2 bicycles which I ride regularly. I read running may be slightly more effective at calorie-burning, but my local area isn't too appealing to run in. Bikes give me a greater range, I can go nicer places and that means I'm more likely to actually do it. I also own but don't currently use a rowing machine. When used it is very effective for weight loss, but I stopped enjoying spending long stints rowing in my living room after a while.

Also, puzzling to me, someone I know manages to run marathons and still looks very overweight. Not sure how she does that. I do know other, skinnier runners, with the more typical leanness - they are actually skinnier than I would want to be. A waist of @50% of my height and good muscle tone would be fine with me.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:25 am
by milliem
Graham wrote:Hi milliem. I had guessed my calories in vs calories out was the root of the problem - but that doesn't explain why I now seem driven to consume more calories, why what was once a doable, sustainable strategy no longer is.
That is the tricky bit!

Forgive me for saying so, but you haven't seemed particularly positive/happy in some of your recent posts about the results of your NoS-fasting combination, or the process of it. If you are unhappy or unsatisfied for a period of time, it's perhaps not surprising that you feel a bit less motivated? I know there have been weeks where I've questioned NoS and had tantrums about it, and those are the weeks that I've had more red days!!

I guess there are a few options that might help - figure out how to boost your motivation and put a positive spin on your plan e.g. focusing on the successes and the times you resist temptation or do something well rather than just the negatives, focusing on 'staying on plan' rather than outcomes you can't control. You could try and stick with the plan but pay more attention to to the 'calorie' issue. Or you could try and adapt/change your plan?

Something I have seen lately is the concept that size =/= fitness/health. There are health risks with obesity, sure (and increased waist size, thanks to your posts for pointing me in the direction of finding out info about that!) but that doesn't mean that everyone with a larger waist size or an overweight BMI is unhealthy or unfit.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:27 pm
by Graham
milliem wrote: Forgive me for saying so, but you haven't seemed particularly positive/happy in some of your recent posts about the results of your NoS-fasting combination, or the process of it. If you are unhappy or unsatisfied for a period of time, it's perhaps not surprising that you feel a bit less motivated?
No need to apologise for noticing the feelings I expressed. However, I think you are putting the cart before the horse here: I got unhappy because the old strategies weren't working, which then led to discouragement and lower compliance.
milliem wrote: Something I have seen lately is the concept that size =/= fitness/health. There are health risks with obesity, sure (and increased waist size, thanks to your posts for pointing me in the direction of finding out info about that!) but that doesn't mean that everyone with a larger waist size or an overweight BMI is unhealthy or unfit.
I agree with that, but I'm not just drawing on generalities, my health history and current symptoms play a part in my feelings of concern, and my motivation to find a way to where I believe I need to be. I am also aware that I'm most likely to succeed if I can bring more of myself, as a whole person, to this enterprise. I am thinking that I should resurrect my engagement with Focusing (Eugene Gendlin, Ann Weiser Cornell) and find my way to a wiser place with these issues: not just being fat, or unsightly, but being unhealthy, being vulnerable, being old, and one day being dead.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:05 am
by Graham
11st 8 3/4lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.2, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 35.2%

disappointing fast result, gained 1/2lb, despite No S compliance. Silly really - I can't snack but I can have a beer... (and last night I wanted a snack, but instead, I had a beer) It was a tolerable fast, (what does that tell me? Too easy, body now adapted too well?) ended with a satisfying beef stew and fried potatoes around 7pm. Ginger tea played a helpful role once again, it seems to abolish those recurrent sore throats fasting often provoked.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:12 am
by Graham
10st 9lb, 40 1/4", BMI 25.2, WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 33.9%

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:39 am
by Graham
10st 8 1/2lb, 40 1/4", BMI 25.1, WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 34% Fasting

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:17 am
by Graham
11st 7 1/4lb, 40 1/8", BMI 24.9, WHtR 59.4%, Body Fat 34%

It was very hot yesterday, yet I noticed I drank only sparingly. I didn't fix my usual fast-ending mega-meal, heat-induced torpor may have played it's part again. So, I'm lighter and slimmer, hoping it's not all about water. Studied stuff on focusing for hours yesterday, wanting to believe that that too is easier than I ever permitted myself to know.

HabitCal issues: My categories need refreshing. Daily things not yet featuring would be: Balance, Abs, Sing, AT. I would keep No S, 5-a-day, EFT? might want to use Focusing as an alternate, Rower? might want to use bike or walking or any other equivalent instead, Yoga? Conflicted about it. Spiritually attracted to it, but my back may prefer Alexander Technique (AT). TM, yes want to keep that, BW (bullworker/isometrics) - again, I like it but my right shoulder joint complains a lot if I do some exercises - and it may not be necessary long-term to do it daily. Book? Yes, if it means "study something" though I find in some way internet study never feels quite so real as printed words on paper. Tango, yes, I want to keep that, and Home? Yes, a category I want to track (housework or home improvement or gardening)

HabitCal now up to 15 items! I think that is too many. A work in progress. I will see how I feel about this. One thing I want - some things that are virtually guaranteed greens. that's like teacher giving me a gold star. Nice. Childish. Nice anyway.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:51 am
by Graham
11st 6 3/4lb, 40 1/4", BMI 24.9, WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 34.5% #

Another hot day and night. Slight No S slip - too hot to cook, but eventually I did, inadequately, and then "absent-mindedly" nibbling what remained on the kitchen table, instead of putting it away. It would all have fitted on one plate, but there was a sense of shapelessness, of drift, drawn-out eating.

I've discovered something surprising - chocolate isn't a sweet! Reinhard defines a sweet as having its calories predominantly from sugar. Pick a bar of quality chocolate and sugar is not the main ingredient - and therefore not a sweet! I'm not sure that's going to help....

I didn't study focusing yesterday - I actually did some - a whole hour - and it felt very valuable, purposeful. I'm nervously waiting to fail at it, yet that too is a sense I can focus on - no reason not to go far if I hold to the core sound ideas - and perhaps fortune will smile.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:42 am
by Graham
11st 8 1/4lbs, 40 3/8"BMI 25.1, WHtR 59.8%, Body Fat 34.4% #

Scale gave 3 different readings. (11st 7 3/4, then 8 3/4, then 8 1/4lbs)Time to find out if that guarantee is worth anything. Will Argos take it back, or is it "post it to the manufacturer?

Ate more yesterday. Had lunch. And a little cheating - nibbling. In the kitchen too much of the time.

Good news - the first 5 of the new lettuce seedlings have just broken the surface today.- so that's 10 days from sowing them. Where they'll all go when they're grown I'm not sure, but perhaps the current batch will be ready to retire by then? (I don't dig them up to harvest, I just take a few outer leaves from each plant and let them grow more leaves)

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:58 am
by Graham
11st 8lb*, 40 3/8" BMI 5.1, WHtR 59.8%, Body Fat 34.5% # Fasting

So, another Friday, another fast. Another sweltering night, fitful sleep. I am slightly slimmer than last Friday, though virtually the same weight. Running on the spot, but with much effort required now to remain stationary.

Last night was a No S fail again, small plate main meal, and dessert (not a sweet, less than 50% sugar calories) but definite nibbling/drawn out dining after that. It was driven by desire and a sense of need. Fighting self is a dreary business, having untrustworthy impulses is such a drag.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:56 am
by Graham
11st 8 3/4lb, 40 3/8", BMI 25.2, WHtR 59.8%, Body Fat 34.3% #

Unusual fast - I was quite hungry despite limited physical activity. Ended early with poached eggs on beans on toast - and blackberries and cream - but I didn't put things away and did some nibbling, so a No S fail. Not enormous quantity, but I see no fasting benefit, after all that. To cap it all, awake too early now, and I won't be surprised if the whole day is out of kilter.

So, it's an S day - but I don't feel quite as happy about it as I might. The No S fail, plus the ineffectiveness of the fast undermine my sense of entitlement.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:51 am
by NoSnacker
Mmmm, must be a UK favorite, beans on you mind sharing the recipe? What kind of beans, etc. I've seen this type of meal on here by other UK's.

Sorry you are so discouraged about is a new day. What kind of fasting to you do, for religious purposes or just to do?

Today I have a couple planned items that I would not eat during the for breakfast and the other for after dinner. Part of me wants to have this stuff and part of me says I'll never lose weight...mmmm, what part of me to I follow :).

Have a super weekend!

p.s. I downloaded that the body mass index site...really cool...

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:22 am
by Graham
debrabuf wrote:Mmmm, must be a UK favorite, beans on you mind sharing the recipe? What kind of beans, etc. I've seen this type of meal on here by other UK's..
Ah - baked beans, as eaten in the UK, come in a tin, labelled "baked beans in tomato sauce". Most famous brand Heinz baked beans - which I assumed was an American company and that all US residents would know the product. They are a smallish white bean, navy beans I believe - in a cheery tomato sauce - Wikipedia has quite a good description of what we eat here and how it differs from what you have there in the USA.
debrabuf wrote:Sorry you are so discouraged about is a new day. What kind of fasting to you do, for religious purposes or just to do?
After failed attempts to lose weight with vanilla No S I noticed some people were incorporating intermittent fasting. Either Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat which involves one or two 24hour fasts a week, or Fast Five - an "eating window" approach where eating is limited to just a few hours of the day, but you eat what you like within those hours. I decided to try the ESE approach, eating an evening meal and then not eating till the following evening. It worked quite well through the spring, summer and autumn of last year, but I lost all the ground I'd gained over the winter and have struggled to find a way to do it effectively ever since.
debrabuf wrote:p.s. I downloaded that the body mass index site...really cool...
Quite agree.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:24 am
by Graham
11st 8 1/2lb, 40 1/4", BMI 25.1,WHtR 59.6, Body Fat 4% Fasting

5:30pm, Fasting is difficult today, I'm feeling hungry. Ginger tea didn't fix things this time either. I will definitely be eating on the early side tonight, too distracted to do much else. And this struggle appears to be to just stay as fat as I am, (rather than get any fatter: I'm certainly not getting any slimmer). May be too little exercise. (MTB still out of commission, perhaps I will rectify that this coming Saturday)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:46 am
by Graham
11st 7 3/4llb, 40 5/16", BMI 25, WHtR 59.7%, Body Fat 34.4%

So. That fast seemed to work. The meal at the end was decent, wholesome. The backdrop to my efforts these last few days - 3 nights of "rioting" - or something like it.

My personal view is it's part of a deficiency of meaning, the shadow side of a life too concerned with material goods and celebrity, without being able to offer those things to all who want them.

If we are all part of each other, punishment is not the answer to rage. Suppression is dull and dumb, where can it lead? We know more about how to suppress dissent than we do about how to attract and incorporate the disaffected. What is the listening, forward movement from here?

My wildest fantasy: the growing population of the world reaches critical mass, and we are transmuted by it to some higher plane of expression - perhaps a God-like overmind emerges? Not certain, but I want the future to be beautiful, and wish our compulsion to grow and grow could have a happy outcome. It is easier to contemplate than a predictable catastrophe when our multiplied individual strivings bring us all into conflict over scarce resources

Societies that don't have a sense of a place and value for everybody, that do not offer all a realistic, attainable chance of satisfaction are surely destined for trouble. (We can't all be president at the same time, but we can all sing at once in a choir) It isn't impossible, some of life's joys grow out of life's enjoyment of itself - smart societies artfully manage potential conflicts of desire, blending potential discords into harmonious outcomes.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:57 am
by Graham
11st 6lb, or 11st 7 1/4lb, 40 1/4" BMI 24.9 WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 34.4%

Scale continues to play odd tricks. I've gone with the higher figure. I might try to get my scale replaced today, lets see what Argos say about the 10 year guarantee. (I still have the box and receipt, but not the actual printed guarantee with whatever wiggle room it might have)

If the higher figure is right, I'm still 1/2lb lighter than yesterday, which is fine with me. I ate well, and felt hungry, and got 5 a day, and No S compliance. Not a bad day, though many things that need doing remain undone.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:18 am
by NoSnacker
I bought a scale that seems to be working okay, I used 10lb weights and got on without and back on with, and it is spot on. Did you try that to test your scale?

I know my weight can fluctuate everyday, I have been trying to get on less often..but wow is that a new challenge in itself.

Good luck with your scale :)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:56 am
by Graham
11st 6 1/4lb, 39 15/16", BMI 24.8, WHtR 59.2%, Body Fat 33.8%

Today my scale behaved well and won back my affection - how can I take it back to Argos now?

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:59 am
by Graham
11st 8lb, 40 3/8", BMI 25.1, WHtR 59.8%, Body Fat 34.5% Fasting

So, all progress mysteriously vanished. Did pasta and port do that? Tasty though it may be, I think port doesn't agree with me - I had some very disturbing sensations in chest/stomach and horrible feelings when I woke today. Well, I hope it was just the port. I was No S compliant yesterday, I've had a run of several days without a red!

I heard a broadcast of Brian Wansink on "Mindless Eating" and I was impressed - the guy is smart, his methods are smart - whether I could apply any of his smart ideas successfully to my situation I don't know, but I should explore.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:26 am
by Graham
11st 9lb, 41 1/4"!!! BMI 25.2, WHtR 61.1%, Body Fat 36.4% Fasting

I weighed after having some coffee, but waist size looks enormous! nearly an inch gained since Friday! I ate some Pakistani food with friends breaking their Ramadan fasts yesterday evening, and starchy snacks too - but it's shocking to see. Life goes on, another fast, lets see how things turn out.

I was thinking a lot over the weekend how unsatisfactory my S day eating sometimes is, that most commercially available snacks don't actually attract me - snacks that are too trashy to enjoy, sweets with unpleasant background flavours, a growing aversion for sickly treats. Biscuits too - quality issues are becoming a growing factor, I do want treats, but I'm getting more picky. My easy option is pancakes, a consistently pleasing treat - home-made and economical too.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:39 am
by Graham
11st 8 1/4lb*, 40 1/8", BMI 25.1, WHtR 59.4%, Body Fat 33.8% #

So, the waist yesterday was an aberration. The No S fail I indicate above with the # refers to yesterday, not today - I haven't had time to fail yet today, just coffee and a lot of internet study on focusing. Yesterday's fast was fairly difficult, a clash with SO affected my whole day, I couldn't extricate myself from that cloud and do well with the day. It can be to learn from.

5pm I am experiencing my appetite in an odd way today, a bit like last night. I just couldn't be bothered about food. I have had one meal but there was diffidence about preparing it, or what went in to it. Maybe too little exercise? And just nowhere near caring about 5-a-day - all enthusiasm for that disappeared! I may find my way to that again, I know it is a sound principle, just something in me isn't interested, isn't desirous of that right now.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:44 am
by Graham
11st 7 3/4lb, 40 1/2", BMI 25, WHtR 60%, Body Fat 34.9%,

I was No S compliant, ate only 2 meals, with no great appetite for more, weight less, but waist increased - I wonder why. And here's a new oddity - this morning I discover I want to focus, but don't want to meditate.

Plenty to plan today, a busy few days lie ahead of me. So it goes. I'll have to plan packed lunches, Thermoses, and a host of details to be printed out.

5:41pm, getting stuff done, feeling stressed. Minor issues compared to the lives of many people, but the truth is it feels like it feels.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:53 am
by Graham
11st 7 1/4lb, 40 1/4", BMI 24.9, WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 34.4%

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:47 am
by Graham
@11st 8lb, 40 1/4" BMI 25.1, WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 34.2%

Topsy-turvy weekend returning to a semblance of order. Focusing turning out to be producing some profound moments, shifts within, and an impatient urge to get on with all the inner work calling for my attention.

It is good to be living with the chance to act, not so good to reflect on time that might have been better spent. Still, all those inner voices that press for my attention now have the chance of a hearing, and there is a charming sense of continuity between dreaming and waking consciousness that I haven't experienced for many a long year.

1:55pm Hungrily shopping I bought some trashy snacks, knowing I might have chosen better, or refrained, had I already eaten. Indeed I now think, "when but in a moment of weakness, leading to self dislike, would I actually eat a Mars bar? Unless I've been engaging in an activity that burns masses of calories, never".

Well, now I must live with a stash of Mars bars, KitKats, peanut brittle and jelly babies. I have had the decent breakfast recent hurried days denied me, and feel well satisfied. Its a shame how far adrift of my dietary goals I get when potatoes are a regular item - for they are, in themselves, fine, worthy, trusty, reliable - a good friend to the sufficiently active body.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:51 am
by Graham
@11st 8lb, 40", BMI 25.1, WHtR 59.3%, Body Fat 33.5% Fasting

Another Monday, another fast. Note slimmer waist - spent many hours at the allotment yesterday, weeding, lifting potatoes. Ate a KitKat and a Mars bar, but also had potatoes and leaf beet - harvested and cooked in the open air - lovely.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:08 am
by Graham
scales say 11st 10lb! tape post 1/2 cup of coffee 40 1/2", up too early*

little point in bmi etc. when I'm in such doubt about the scales. And I already had a drink. Allso No S fail yesterday. I was too hungry when I cooked, sampled from the pan as i waited for cabbage to defrost - then belatedly realised I wasn't one-plating. That was followed by indisciplined snacking beyond the meal's end.

*fasting followed by a big meal too close to bed-time means I'll want to go to the bathroom pretty early in the morning. I should eat earlier in the evening to forestall the sleep interruption.


Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:24 am
by Graham
11st 8 1/4", 40 1/2", BMI 25.1, WHtR 60%, Body Fat 34.7% #

Eating, the good and the bad. The good - I got my whole 5-a-day in my first meal of the day: 2 sausages fried with onion, mushroom and capsicum, plus re-heated cabbage, carrot and apple sauce. All fitted on one plate, no bread with that.

The bad: biscuit snacking at Samaritans. They have them, I don't. I was peckish, and I let myself indulge. Later met my Pakistani friends and my final meal of the day was 2 plate not one: first home-made pakoras, trifle, then roti and a blackeyed bean curry.

I did get around by bike, about 45 minutes riding time in total.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:21 am
by Graham
11st 8 1/4lb, 39 15/16" BMI 25.1, WHtR 59.2%, Body Fat 33.3% # Fasting

Paralysed, indolent. Eyes tired, weather cooler than of late, waiting for something without a name.

Changes in general routine and fasting days in particular:

exercise issues: My mountain bike is out of action still, so calorie-burning towpath jaunts are absent. Too warm for me to want to use my indoor rower. Bullworker/isometrics rarely done as my right shoulder joint had felt under threat of harm, coming apart, not doing any other strength/muscle building exercise. Perhaps part of my weight/waist plateau problem.

Also issues to do with my use of myself discourage the kind of muscle-building efforts and yoga exercises. Use is improving, but other aspects are in abeyance.

Since I got back into focusing, almost no time meditating and use of EFT is perfunctory. Today is in danger of attracting a "wasted" label, yet I'm feeling too torpid to contest it.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:25 am
by Graham
11st 9 1/4lb, 40 1/2", BMI 25.2, WHtR 60%, Body Fat 34.5% #

5:24am. the results of my last fast disappoint in pretty well every way I can think of, save for whatever benefit the occasional rest from digestion may be imagined to confer. I am heavier and fatter! I went to bed early but slept fitfully, now I'm up and out of step with the world around me. My dreams were neither sweet nor informative. I was lethargic, slow, did little constructive, got my 5-a-day on one plate if that can be called an achievement - but look at me now! What kind of reward is this for that discomfort, for what seems much like a wasted day?

There were 2 good things yesterday: I did some good focusing, after taking most of the day to find the willingness to do it, and I listened, for the first time, to "This American Life" on NPR, after being apprised of its virtues by an ex-pat friend.

About that "wasted" day and poor sleep: Last night's fast-ending meal was, according to plan, eaten earlier - around 7pm, yet I slept no better. After my meal I went into mindless nibbling mode - small quantities of jam and butter and my 5th No S fail day in a row this week. I consumed far less caffeine than usual yesterday. After 1/2 strength morning coffee I didn't desire or have headaches to require another caffeinated beverage the whole day! That might be expected to guarantee a good night's sleep - but, with my meal, I took all my supplements, including two which have energising properties - ginseng and maca. Maybe they too should be avoided in the evening to ensure sound sleep.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:42 am
by Graham
11st 8 1/4lb, 40 3/4" BMI 25.1, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 35.4%

So, weight back down to where it was before I fasted on Friday, but waist increased again! Not so much disappointed as unable to grasp how it is going. Seems like the rules aren't the rules any more, and I can fast twice a week and still get fatter. Slept tolerably well last night - yet I've woken with a mild headache. Why?

I now have my mountain bike back in working order: broken spoke on back wheel replaced, bearings and spindle cleaned and re-greased. Still feels very heavy after the last few weeks travelling everywhere on my racing bike. I rode it around for about an hour before an allotment visit - did some digging, ate chocolate, peanut brittle, biscuits. Later a wholesome meal of vegetables and quorn - not a bad day for this body, seemingly, yet here again a disappointing metric to contemplate, indicating trends perversely opposed to my actions and intentions.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:02 am
by Graham
11st 8 1/4lb, 40 7/16", BMI 25.5, WHtR 59.9%, Body Fat 34.6%

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:15 am
by milliem
Wasted days feel terrible, I agree (although occasionally can be mentally relaxing :)) Apologies if this is stating the obvious, but perhaps the 5 red days in a row have something to do with your weight rather than fasting being a waste of time?

I wonder if weighing to the quarter-pound on a daily basis is helpful - I don't weigh at all so it's not my area of expertise, but isn't there something about weight fluctuating within the day as much as 2-3 pounds? Or even more? Within the last month your weight has fallen in a range of about 3 pounds, suggesting maintenance at least if not active loss! It sounds mentally quite draining to be constantly aware of every little bit of weight you lose or gain!

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:43 am
by Graham
11st 8 (or 11st 9 1/4lb), 39 15/16", BMI 25.1, WHtR 59.2%, Body Fat 33.4% #

To put a BMI I made an arbitrary decision about which of the two weights my scales suggested. The lower figure is probably right - if my waist measurement is accurate all yesterday's activity compensated for the food I ate. Despite not fasting, none of the home-based tasks I'd intended to tackle got done. I did end up walking, cycling, digging. Yet another puncture in my MTB back wheel to mystify me. I'll fit a brand-new inner tube today - surely I must have success then?

@milliem - I'm not sure I understand what you're driving at in your first point, but thank you for taking an interest. About the 1/4 lb intervals - it was, when I was on track, a source of pleasure to me to weigh and measure to such a degree of accuracy. On the weight fluctuation issue, it is consistent measurement of myself that has shown me what degree of unaccountable variation I myself undergo. Over time trend tracking is possible, and useful. What was once easy for me has grown difficult, I am unhappy about that, naturally enough - it matters to me.

3pm. I've fallen off the No S wagon again. I'm really hungry! Distracted by it. I must go out soon, stuff to do, and I'll shop. If I'd had the right stuff in the fridge, then I'd've eaten properly and not felt the compulsion to snack. No fixing all that now, water under the bridge.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:54 am
by Graham
40 1/8", 11st 7 3/4lb*,, BMI 25, WHtR 59.4%, Body Fat 33.9%

*recent weighing imprecision: I've been weighing dressed and subtracting 1lb recently, but today I actually undressed and found I'd under-compensated for the weight of the clothes I was wearing. Never mind. the ball-park is right.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:11 am
by Graham
11st 8 3/4lb, 40 14", BMI 25.2, WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 34%

I'll exempt yesterday, I got invited to an Eid (the festival at the end of Ramadan) meal, a mini-banquet with spiced meats, pilau rice and rich sweets from Turkey and the Indian subcontinent. No wonder I weigh a bit more. A meal that left my stomach hurting. Interesting to take part in celebrations that involve neither alcohol nor any other intoxicant (unless you acknowledge that food, eaten in unusual quantity, is an intoxicant in itself)

7:35pm Can I bear it? Breakfast was light-ish and left me hungry, yet lunch was skipped, I had a 1-hour bike ride and now it's 3 slices of medium slliced white bread toasted with baked beans and 2 poached eggs. Can I resign myself to no more than that? I'll try.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:11 am
by Graham
11st 9lb, 40 1/4", BMI 25.2,WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 33.9% # Fasting

Ate too little last night, then mindless snacking: on nuts and raisins - highly calorific. Slept well, though not quite as long as I'd've wished. Let's see how today turns out.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:26 am
by Graham
11st 8 1/2lbs, 40 3/16", BMI 25.1, WHtR 59.5%, Body Fat 33.9% #

I was able to do fairly demanding physical labour for 6 hours towards the end of my fast. Eating at SO's meant no help keeping to a No S one plate meal - soup is far too light. It was my choice to accept that invitation, no-one else to blame for the predictable No S fail that followed.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:50 am
by Graham
11st 10 1/4lb, 40 1/4", BMI 25.4, WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 33.6%

The weight gain figure's a bit of a surprise. Weekend eating has had more starch and less protein than usual. On the other hand, rather more digging than usual. Mystery.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:02 am
by Graham
11st 12 1/4lb, 40 5/16", BMI 25.7, WHtR 59.7%, Body Fat 33.2% Fasting

I have no idea how I have gained 4lb in a weekend. My diet was notably low in protein - is that what it's all about?

8:35pm. This evening's meal had protein: 6oz lean turkey stir-fried with tinned pineapple, onion, mushrooms, garlic, paprika and mixed herbs, with boiled broccoli and sweet potato, plus 2 slices of buttered toast with blackcurrant jam. I might not have bothered with the jam, but the pineapple wasn't sweet enough. I didn't get an overall rounded flavour from that combination, though I've been well pleased with it in the past, so there was niggling dissatisfaction with an otherwise sound meal - I think they used to put some sugar in the pineapple syrup but now they don't.

So, what are the scales and tape measure going to say in the morning?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:55 am
by Graham
11st 9 1/2lb, 40 1/4", BMI 25.3, WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 33.8% #

Almost stuck to No S, but a bit of late night snacking happened. A tolerable fast except for too few tasks done.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:27 am
by Graham
11st 7lb, 40 1/8", BMI 24.9, WHtR 59.4%, Body Fat 34/1%

So, weight/waist coming down again. What was different? Less hunger and less eating probably - so why did I want and eat less? Somewhat more protein though not massively more - I didn't get my 5 a day, couldn't be bothered Only 2 meals, no beer (only 1 25cl bottle on days when I do have it) for several days when I might have (ran out, keep forgetting to get more)

I am relieved to find my weight coming down a bit - the rise was very troubling. Waist reduction suggests it wasn't just a scale error.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:52 am
by Graham
11st 9lb, 40 9/16", BMI 25.2, WHtR 60.1%, Body Fat 34.7%

Fried potatoes twice yesterday, and my 3rd "meal" was biscuits with my tango break tea. If I say that wasn't a snack, then I stuck to No S yesterday.

I hope to grow more onions and garlic next year and less potatoes, if I can't come up with a workable storage solution. I should be grateful for a good potato harvest, but I'm thinking they are a problem in quantity in my diet.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:09 am
by Graham
11st 10 3/4lb, 40 1/4", BMI 25.5, WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 33.4% Fasting

Up 1 3/4lb: What is going on? Odd day yesterday, coming down with a cold, less solid food, more soup and bread, no bike riding. The cold feels mild, it is my feeling that it will be OK to fast till this evening, eating somewhere from 6 to 8pm, but I'll play it by ear. Worst of today is the sore throat when I have songs to rehearse, choir starts again next Tuesday, then we perform on Sunday, without sheet music! Eek!

This "weight gain" is odd, hard to make sense of - weight has gone up and down so much this last week - is it credible? Or is my old deceiving friend misinforming me again?

9:07pm Post my meal, still thinking of food. Why did I buy that bar of chocolate? Why does it sit on the table, flaunting itself, beckoning? Sweet yet bitter, the perfect taste for indiscipline.

I had a big meal, more or less the maximum that No S could permit - a well-filled sizeable plate: with 5 portions of fruit and veg, and generous protein (6 oz of lean turkey is generous, yes?) plus two pieces of buttered toast with but a smear of marmalade on each - yet I lust for that chocolate!

In a radical departure, in the absence of decently-priced beer, I'm trying a glass of cider this evening. It seems to have gone to my head, much more dramatically than a beer would, though both have similar alcohol content. I had half of a pint bottle. I still have the rest (normally I'd have a bottle of beer only 25cl - slightly less than half a pint - and I'd be content) and I'm tempted! I'd eaten before I drank, yet it's still going to my head, not sure I'm really happy with that.

About my fast: it was easy. I had morning black coffee (full strength - did that help?), and no more of it or tea the whole day! I did have ginger tea with lemon, no caffeine in that, of course. And vitamin C for my cold, no sign of the headache I sometimes succumb to - my eyes did get tired. I did get some hunger pangs, and was driven to eat on the early side, I'd finished my meal around 7:30pm

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:36 am
by Graham
11st 10 1/4lb, 40 3/8", BMI 25.4, WHtR 59.8%, Body Fat 33.9%

7am Moderately effective fast against background of gradually climbing weight. I managed not to snack. The cold didn't intrude much, exercise didn't feature.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:47 am
by Graham
11st 10 3/4lb, 40 1'/2", BMI 25.5, WHtR 60%, Body Fat 34.1%

Chest symptoms discouraged allotment efforts. Didn't rehearse. Still sore today, Tuesday looms.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:48 am
by Graham
11st 11lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.5, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 34.6% Fasting #

A farewell meal with a visitor, very tasty pizza, overdid it.

Tuesday 13th

4:30pm I was 11st 10 1/4lb, too fed up to measure my waist. My cold has evolved from annoying chest stuff to a back of the nose/upper throat thing, worse for tonight's choir.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:07 am
by Graham
11st 10lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 34.9%

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:52 am
by Graham
11st 7 1/4lb. 40 1/4", BMI 24.9, WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 34.4%

Yesterday was the worst day for my cold, back of nose/throat sore, eyes sore, occasional violent sneezing bouts. I hope I'm still able to practice my songs, and well enough to sing out on Sunday.

Suddenly I'm lighter but too ill to much enjoy it.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:50 am
by Graham
11st 9 1/2lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.3, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 35%

As I have a cold, I've decided not to fast today, but I am missing it. It's not the fast itself but the fast-ending meal that I particularly enjoy, being able to eat a lavish meal with a clear conscience. Oh well, must be sensible.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:22 am
by Graham
11st 12 3/4lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.8, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 34.2% #

My cold lasted a long time. Last night choir and disorderly eating both before, during and after the pub. I'm under-exercised as well. Winter is coming. I've skipped my last 2 fasts.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:29 am
by Graham
11st 11 3/4lb, 41", BMI 25.6, WHtR 60.7%, Body Fat 35.1% Fasting

A dreadful day rescued, somewhat, by fasting. After a break of two weeks (3 fasts skipped), fasting feels very right. Not easy, requires some effort - but not major effort, and I feel relief, resting my digestion. I've had weak black coffee, weak black tea (both unsweetened), ginger tea with lemon and stevia, also some vitamin C powder with water.

7:24 Large meal consumed, weariness sets in. A tidy kitchen would help me not to snack I suspect, with a sense of "finished" when the table is cleared and everything put away.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 6:31 am
by Graham
11st 10 3/4lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.5, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 34.7% #

Was it a fail or a mini-meal last night? After my big meal around 7pm I was ok for a while, then a craving for something led to buttered toast with jam around 11pm. I really wanted something, felt hungry. Yet, waking today, awash with intense emotion, I wonder if I'll ever separate eating for sustenance from eating to ease inner aches.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:44 pm
by Graham
11st 10 3/4lb, can't find the tape measure.

Tomorrow will be different: I have decided to try singing with a second choir. It's a bit of a commitment, it's a church choir - so not only a regular rehearsal on a Friday evening, but also church 3 Sundays out of 4 from around 11am to 1pm. I'm just giving it a go, but singing is such a positive part of my life now, I want more of it.

So - how does that affect the fasting schedule? I can either switch back to Thursday fasting (but I forgot today) Not doing the Thursday tango class just now, so I could do that. Or, I fast on Friday till @6pm, eat and hope I'm sort of normal by 7 when I set out by bike for a 7:30 to 9 rehearsal.

Maybe smart is: light meal 6ish, then eat again after choir? (and no pub afterwards, I presume, it being a church and all..)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:07 am
by Graham
11st 10 1/4lb, 40 3/8", BMI 25.4, WHtR 59.8%, Body Fat 33.9% Fasting

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:37 am
by Graham
11st 10 3/4lb, 40 3/4" BMI 25.5, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 34.7% #

The fast/choir thing is doable, but not easy. More challenging is learning 2 pieces of music between a Friday night and a Sunday morning when I can't sight-sing. I recorded what I could, now I'll have to put a few hours into studying it today. Hadn't foreseen that. It is nice music, potentially delightful, but only if I know it well enough to sing out on Sundays.

I ate around 6pm: lettuce, capsicum and raisin salad with some ham, a corn-cob and scrambled eggs in pita bread. Then leapt on bike and pedalled briskly for 15 minutes, arriving in good time, with an adequate sense of energy - the sense of pressure is not ideal.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:03 am
by Graham
11st 10 1/2lb, 40 1/4", BMI 25.4, WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 33.5% fasting

The church choir went passably well - well enough to continue. If I can master my music, it could be a very satisfying experience. Combining a fast with an evening rehearsal is more questionable. I may have to re-shape my week.

Not my best day. The sun is shining but I drift. I have felt very hungry, and wobbly at times, this fast is hard work. Others have been so easy: what's that about? Am I perhaps overall eating a bit less, so the fast feels more impactful? Tonight and tomorrow will furnish the answer.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:21 am
by Graham
11st 8 3/4lb, 40 5/8", BMI 25.2, WHtR 60.2%, Body Fat 34.9%

Staying out of the kitchen after eating is a good strategy. I'm surprised at the apparent degree of weight loss, though the fast felt demanding. And, if weight is down, why is waist up? Ah the mystery of it all....

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:00 am
by Graham
11st 8 3/4lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.2, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 35.2% #

Yesterday's eating was untidy. Tango class shifted to Tuesday afternoon, then straight on to choir with no time for a meal anywhere - led to two separate biscuit eating episodes, plus missing my 5 a day - I just couldn't be bothered to fix a salad at midnight when I got home from the pub - 3 x cheese on toast hit the spot.

So, the first Tuesday of every month could be a problem day in future, and needs some thought - especially as I don't much like sandwiches, and am not much good at making them. (and I have three reasons not to eat out: I don't trust what they put in the food, I don't know how hygienic they are and the cost of paying someone else to make something I'd cook better myself)

New choir piece started - our first Christmas song - I have a short solo, people were very sweet about it, - all those years I didn't sing... And I'm 61 today - never imagined that, or how my life would be now - lots to come to grips with, focusing is helping a lot.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:36 am
by Graham
11st 10lb, 41", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60.7%, Body Fat 35.5%

Wine, cake etc - now the birthday excess is behind me.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:06 am
by Graham
11st 10 3/4lb, 40 1/2", BMI 25.5, WHtR 60%, Body Fat 34.1% Fasting

I considered not fasting today, to avoid conflict with this evening's church choir rehearsal, but then, I saw the scales, knew I had nothing else to put in its place. Short, it will have to be kept short. I could swap to another day, but what day?
What shape do I want my days to have? With choir Tuesday, Tango Wednesday, church choir Thursday and Sunday - and Saturday and Sunday my precious S days...
Thank goodness for black coffee. 2:10pm Thank goodness for ginger tea too: this is another testing fast. Hungry, fatigued.
4:52pm, hunger issues continue. Maybe expectation is part of it, knowing I would eat early, Anyway, time to think about preparing. I might want to eat around 6 to feel comfortable to be pedalling at 7. And: do I want to have a mini-meal around 10? Or can I go without till tomorrow morning?
Oh - wait a minute - I've been singing this afternoon, rehearsing - has that made me hungry? It does burn calories...
6:37pm I've eaten, comprehensively - but I'm disappointed. My chicken stir-fry was second rate - it was passable, but I know I've done better in the past. I'm puzzled to have turned good ingredients into a dull meal. And when I feel disappointed, the cravings come - the desire is not just for nutrients but also pleasure.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:55 am
by Graham
11st 10 1/4lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 34.8% #

A choir birthday, cakes and wine - undermined my intention not to eat a second time. Now: a little lighter, a little fatter, and that annoying stinging at the back of my mouth that seems like a bug trying to take hold. I don't understand the process, but it is a pattern: fast/"bug".

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:59 am
by idontknow
Happy belated birthday, Graham. And congratulations on the solo.

I really fancy trying the ginger tea you mentioned. Is it a particular brand (ie can I buy it in Tesco?!)

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:31 am
by Graham
11st 10lb, 40 1/2", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60%, Body Fat 34.3%

@idon'tknow: thanks for the good wishes. Re ginger tea: I make it using fresh ginger. You finely divide it (very finely slicing and dicing, or grating) - I use 2 tablespoons of it - then you can simmer it in a pan or steep it in a teapot - for about 15 to 20 minutes - 2 tablespoonfuls makes 2 mugs of ginger tea, the way I make it. I then add fresh lemon juice and sweeten to taste (sweeteners or stevia if I'm fasting, otherwise honey is nice). It has many virtues - particularly it is throat-friendly -and I've grown very fond of it.

Time for a last run through of Goodall's "The Lord is my Shepherd" and all that makes me ready to sing at 11:30.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:37 am
by Graham
11st 9 3/4lb, 40 1/4", BMI 25.3, WHtR 59.6%, Body Fat 33.7% Fasting

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:25 am
by Graham
11st 10lb, 40 1/2", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60%, Body Fat 34.3%

A bearable fast, ended with a meal that looked no bigger than usual - though I wonder if it may have contained more calories. No snacking afterwards, yet a negative result. I didn't have a beer even, or drink milk. Fatter by 1/4", heavier by 1/4lb. Ho hum.

Being a starch and protein meal, with only one vegetable (onion) unless you count the tomato sauce on the spaghetti - might that explain it? Is that why I wanted it, responding to this cooler, windier weather? Did it have more calories than my usual chicken stir-fry? Did I have, overall, so little caloric deficit? I can make no simple sense of it, though weight fluctuations can cover this sort of range, my fast may have caused me to burn some fat, I hope it did.

I also hope that all the other biochemical benefits of fasting are not abolished by my drinking unsweetened black coffee, black tea and ginger tea with lemon and stevia. The beverages make it tolerable, but, sometimes, annoyingly, that which brings ease does so by nullifying what it eases.

If I become sufficiently frustrated or curious, I could go really hard-core and just have water - I'd certainly get a caffeine withdrawal headache, but would I burn more fat? I've read caffeine helps fat-burning by speeding up the metabolism, so cutting it out doesn't offer any obvious benefit.

After I'd eaten last night, I again adopted my new strategy - staying out of the kitchen, thus defeating a subtle yet pressing inner tension building towards eating a little something extra. For all that, I see no reward, I am denied the pleasure of success. I don't regret my fast or have any idea how I would have improved it, yet who can say to what profit I endured privation?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:51 am
by Graham
11st 10lb, 40 1/2", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60%, Body Fat 34.3%, #

Bad indigestion today. It kept me from snacking - is it my cast iron frying pan? I used it twice today. how does that work? Anyway, tomorrow I will eat similar food (sausage with onion, apple, egg and pita for breakfast, salad, fried fish and bread with spread for my evening meal) but cooked in my stainless steel pan (with same fat too)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:43 am
by Graham
11st 9 3/4lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.3, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 35%

6pm Digestion more or less back to normal. It may not be convenient to eat the same food as I ate yesterday, a second fried meal may not fit. I am virtually free of the discomfort that dogged me yesterday, despite eating a fried breakfast once again. Stainless steel isn't that good for frying - at least not at the low-ish temperatures I use. A sticky residue forms easily, the pan must be washed after every use. Still, my stomach seems to appreciate me not using cast iron.

8pm lethargy. Is salad the answer? I had a salad last night, and again today - but before that, not for several days.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:19 am
by Graham
11st 9lb, 41", BMI 25.2. WHtR 60.7%, Body Fat 35.8% Fasting

I ate late, I'll finish this fast early - I had a choice of sorts but ?couldn't? exercise restraint. Conflicted, for sure.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:55 am
by Graham
11st 8 3/4lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.2, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 35.2%

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:41 am
by Graham
11st 10 3/4lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.5, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 34.7%

2lb extra in 24 hours. I hope it's mostly the temporary effect of an overnight at Samaritans, a transient, infrequent disruption.

2:22pm, used my wrist BP monitor, it says: 87/63 53bpm But, I then used my biceps cuff monitor and it says: 124/77 57bpm. Strange. I think the latter reading the more likely, though less flattering.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:34 am
by Graham
11st 11 1/4lb, 40 3/4" BMI 25.6, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 34.6% Fasting

11:35am The weather is noticeably colder, and my fast makes the chill bite harder. Still a gain of 2 1/2lbs over the weekend leaves me feeling obliged to endure it, unless it becomes horribly uncomfortable or otherwise seriously inconvenient.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:27 am
by Graham
11st 10 1/2lb, 41", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60.7%, Body Fat 35.4%

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:36 am
by Graham
11st 10 3/4l.b, 41 1/4", BMI 25.5, WHtR 61.1%, Body Fat 36% #

So - through the 41" barrier. Damn. I will consider a different tack. I hear my rower calling.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:54 am
by Graham
11st 11 1/2lb, 41 1/4", BMI 25.6, WHtR 61.1%, Body Fat 35.8% #

Suddenly it's getting colder. The No S fail early in the day opened the door to a bit of "what the hell" excess later on. Time forbade use of the rower, maybe today? I feel reluctant. I believe I would need to build up to something like 1 hour/12K to have a trimming impact, if that is to be my chosen activity.

9:53am Rower: 10 minutes, 1.6K Felt unpleasant by the end, stick to this level for a few days.

I think my body might be rebelling against fried breakfasts - maybe against fried foods in such quantity. So, if I fry less, how will I maintain my protein intake? I had porridge for breakfast today, and somewhere inside I feel relieved - perhaps my liver and gall bladder are saying "thank you".
7:20pm I didn't seem to digest porridge perfectly either. Stomach felt "hot" for hours afterwards. Evening meal was a mix of steamed veg and a fried pork chop, with onions, mushrooms, garlic and paprika.

I hope my fine evening meal will restore my energy.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:55 am
by Graham
11st 11 3/4lb, 41 3/8", BMI 25.6, WHtR 61.3%, Body Fat 36% #

Waking too early, chilly wintry morning, "decided" not to fast (i.e. I had milk in my coffee) and now feel some regret. I'm not happy not to fast, nor would I have been comfortable fasting. Neither option pleases me today. The fast/eat/rush off to evening choir rehearsal Friday hasn't bedded in well.

Weight and waist creep up, as I reflect on uncomfortable questions about life, values and meaning - and whether life is better or worse without a partner.

Biscuits. They were my No S fail yesterday. I had them, fancied them, ate them. I eat what I buy, what I have in my home, and I spend too much time in the kitchen. I wanted them yet felt unpleasant while and after eating them. What is that about? crave a thing and yet only the briefest pleasure - just the actual taste and mouth feel - all the rest is disappointment. They don't make me strong or happy or energetic - they are overpriced superficially attractive crap that I can't enjoy moderately. I eat and do too little to afford much garbage in my diet.

Rower 10 1/2min 1.75K. At about 5 minutes, the effort felt unpleasant, (shoulders/neck ached) easing off fixed that, overall satisfying effect. Must ease in to it, focusing on good technique.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:49 am
by Graham
11st 10 1/2lb, 41 1/8", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60.9%, Body Fat 35.7%

I had 3 meals yesterday, one was just a salad. I am aiming at well-being differently, will fasting figure?

Rower 11 min 1.95K, Again shoulder ache and faint nausea but milder around 6 minutes.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:41 pm
by Graham
11st 10 1/2lb, 41 1/4", BMI 25.4, WHtR 61.1, Body Fat 36% (weighed late - after coffee, light-ish breakfast, a bike ride, choir, bike ride)

Rower 11min 1.9K. It seems, strangely, as I place greater emphasis on good form that my shoulders develop this unpleasant ache that obliges me to take a break at @ 6min. I feel good after rowing, but I'm not yet finding a level of comfortable effort, of pleasurable rhythm while I'm rowing. It feels forced, awkward, I'm not "there" yet, and wonder how I used to be comfortable rowing. Perhaps I need to think a bit about a warm-up of some kind.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:15 am
by Graham
11st 11 1/4lb, 40 7/8", BMI 25.6, WHtR 60.6%, Body Fat 34.9% Fasting

Rower 11min 1.9K. Again, the effort made me feel queasy. I will not rush to increase my effort level, I feel some benefit inwardly, something feels improved, but I can't specify what - sort of inwardly polished.

Yesterday's biscuits - I ate some at the allotment, which is ok, I'm working, it's cold, but what happened at home? I had a pack of biscuits I'd bought to take to tango class for break time (everyone contributes) but I ended up peckish, (even though I'd had a solid evening meal) with biscuits on my kitchen shelf - and I ate the whole packet! I felt a bit odd - but I've read the packet now - that was 4,230 calories! Damn! That's like 2 days worth of food! (well, for a sedentary man, anyway)

Do I eat excessively to "prepare" for my Monday fast? Is this why fasting doesn't work too well for me any more? Remarkably, despite that crazy snacking, I'm slimmer today.

4:35pm Apart from tired eyes, this fast is pretty easy, I've been busy, and exercised - covering more habitcal categories than I've done in over a month - but if it takes eating 6,000 calories the day before to achieve that, just how constructive is the whole thing?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:20 am
by Graham
11st 10 1/2lb, 40 5/8", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60.2%, Body Fat 34.5%

Did I say an easy fast? Yet, this odd thing: I ate a second meal, around 11pm. Cheese on toast. It was this way: post fast breaking meal, I felt drowsy, de-motivated, but obliged to prepare for Tuesday choir. In the end more food lifted me and I did some work on repertoire. The shape of my week means I will always have to do some singing on Monday, so I either do it much earlier, or re-think my fasting/dieting strategy.

I am doing more exercise, re-evaluating the impact of fasting currently. 11 minutes of rowing doesn't seem like much, yet I seem to be seeing and feeling a positive impact, and perhaps I may increase my tolerance for the effort over coming weeks.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:24 am
by Graham
11st 11 1/2lb, 41 1/4", BMI 25.6, WHtR 61.1%, Body Fat 35.8%

I went to a post-choir party last night - with nibbles, pizza and drink aplenty. Up late, I thought I'd better make it an S day.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:18 am
by Graham
11st 10lb, 41", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60.7%, Body Fat 35.5% #

Minor No S slip: a biscuit at tango class. Day dominated by getting over the effects of Tuesday's party, not all bad.

Rower: 11min, 1.8K. A bit slower, I think I'm pacing myself better and easing off at signs of strain. I hope, in time, to become comfortable with rowing once again, to enjoy the effort, I can't say that yet.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:00 am
by Graham
11st 10 1/2lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 34.8% Fasting

Very odd eating yesterday. No fruit or veg: just starch, protein and fat. Though I'm conflicted about it's impact on me, (general tiredness and tired eyes in particular) I will fast anyway. I have a busy weekend ahead, if my singing preparations are too compromised, I'll end the fast early.

Rower: 13 min, 2.04K. Took it a bit slower, could have gone longer. I could be easy about it, and cover a greater distance.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 6:13 am
by Graham
11st 8 3/4lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.2. WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 35.2% #

I had a little trouble getting my fast-ending meal right - putting enough on the plate to stop myself drifting into snacking. I might have managed that if I'd had more protein, the scales say I did well enough. I think the rower is helping, even though the time spent on it is relatively short.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:17 am
by Graham
11st 10 3/4lb, 40 3/4" BMI 25.5, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 34.7%

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:18 am
by Graham
11st 11 1/4lb, 41 1/16" BMI 25.6, WHtR 60.8%, Body Fat 35.4% Fasting

If I'd done rowing these last 2 days, would the figures be different?

Rowing 11min 14sec 2K.

It is odd but I get the impression that it is doing it "right" that makes me feel queasy. When I'm sloppy (maybe using the arms too much, too soon) and just going along, I'm fine. When I get more particular about the sequence: legs, back, arms, (though the stroke output is no greater) then I start to feel the place between my neck and shoulders*, starts to feel horrid in there. Is it muscle? Or my heart protesting? I ease off anyway, and wait to see how I manage over time, hoping to up the time and distance gradually.

*That area is one in which I'm told I hold rather a lot of tension. That too, I would like to change.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:31 am
by Graham
11st 11 1/4lb, 41", BMI 25.6, WHtR 60.7%, Body Fat 35.2% #
Rower 11 1/2min, 2K

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:31 am
by Graham
11st 10 1/4lb, 40 13/16", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60.5%, Body Fat 35% #
rower 13min, 2.1K

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:53 am
by Graham
11st 10lb, 40 7/8", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60.6%, Body Fat 35.5% #
Rower 16min 2.7K

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:49 am
by Graham
11st 9 3/4lb, 40 5/8", BMI 25.3, WHtR 60.2%, Body Fat 34.7% # fasting
Rower 18min 10sec, 3K

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:53 am
by Graham
11st 9 3/4lb, 40 5/8", BMI 25.3, WHtR 60.2%, Body Fat 34.7% #
rower 18min 6sec, 3.19K

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:28 am
by Graham
11st 10 1/4lb, 40 3/4", BMI 25.4, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 34.8%
Rower 25min, 4K. Wanted to row but not feeling too vigorous. Took it gently. It was fine - but enough, for today.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:29 am
by Graham
11st 10 3/4lb, 40 3/4" BMI 25.5, WHtR 60.4%, Body Fat 34.7% Fasting
Rowing 24min 4K