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Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:48 am
by NoSRocks
Hi Zippy! Thanks for stoppin by! Glad you enjoy my posts - I enjoy your posts too! Although I feel kinda bad for not posting to my fellow no Sers' threads as often as I would like, despite lurking here most days of the week!

Well, I'm getting a little tired this evening so I apologize if this message isnt making much sense :lol:
Till next time..... :)

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:44 am
by ZippaDee
Feeling a bit groggy and unsensable (is that a word?) were ya? :lol: You made perfect sense to me! :D Hope you had a good rest and are chipper and ready to start another new day! Hope it's a good one!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:59 am
by NoSnacker
hi there...i'm back..gained 15 pounds by leaving no s and trying to count calories...yik..when will i learn.

see ya around,

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:04 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi girls! Welcome back NO Snacker!! ((((((((((hugs)))))))))

Zippy: lol ! Yeah, I was half asleep last night when I wrote that post.... couldya tell?? :D :oops: :wink:

NoSnacker: Welcome back hon! We all missed you here! Not to worry - you'll continue to great. 15 lbs loss is fantastic (even tho they came back for another try :twisted: )

Since last year, I've been 170 lbs - got down to 162 lbs - started thyoid medication and promptly put the 8 plus lbs back on. I've been stuck at 170 (sometimes 173 lbs) ever since! :roll: Never mind, I am feeling particularly positive after reading oolala's latest posts/weight loss. She is such an inspiration to me... hey I know she's modest and all, but its true: whenever I feel like throwing in the towel, I read oolala's posts and just think persevere and don't give up! On that happy note, i am now off to have dinner with the kids.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:47 am
by oolala53
Aw, shucks.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:17 am
by NoSRocks
:D :D :wink: :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:46 am
by NoSnacker
me again...i gained 15, not lost 15..the results of giving up.. i hope to stop by daily to keep inspired..oolala is the reason i even joined No S, i bumped into her on another site.

keep on keepin on..

green for 2 days..

night time is so darn hard for me :(

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:08 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi Nosnacker! Just sending big hugs ((((((((((((())))))))))))))) to you, and sorry i misread your message :oops:

I've been struggling a bit myself... gained back the 8 plus lbs I lost last year presumably as a result of (re)starting on thyroid med after a 3 yr absence - and can't seem to get the lbs off :roll: :roll: However, I am continuing to soldier on and see what happens. As you know, this is a great place to be and very supportive.

Well done for returning and all the very best to you. WELCOME BACK!!

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:11 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi there..thanks for stopping by...yes it has been a long husband's surgery was a flop so now we have to find someone to take him on..we did find a surgeon in Boston, but my lovely insurance won't allow, out of plan they say.

My Missy passed away just before Thanksgiving..very sad, we so miss her...but we did adopt two kittens, well they were 3 months old, now 6 months old...bring such joy to our lives...they are siblings so get a long really well.

I feel so horrible from the weight gain, but will not give least I was maintaining on No S before I gave up....

Sorry about your weight gain...I guess the bottom line is never to give up...

See ya aroundddd...

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:51 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi again Debs! More big ((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))

So sorry to hear about your DH's heath challenges - sometimes words are just .... words .... but I do hope you find someone in your insurance network eventually who can help. Also as a mom to 3 cats and a dog, I am so sorry to hear of the passing of little Missy! :cry: However, your new little kitties sound so cute and I am glad they are settling in well and giving you so much enjoyment.

Thinking of you hon and wishing you all the best. Yeah, the weight gain is a drag.... to say the least. I thought I was on my way down at last and it seemed as if the biotin supplements and exercise bike combination were working too! My only guess is perhaps my poor thyroid sparked into life for a few months before coming to a halt again. :?: :?: Haven't been eating any differently and still continuing to walk daily and use the exercise bike as often as possible so I can only attribute it to the thyroid and perhaps the medication I take for it. My S Days admittedly are still more generous than my N Days but not to the extreme. I think there may come a time when they may become moderate or more like my N Days. This past week or so, Ive been getting sugar/sweet cravings on my N Days but thanks to being on No S for so long, I believe this is helping me not to cave in, like I might have done manys a time in the past. So there are definitely many pros to this lifestyle and the lack of weight loss may be a small price to pay for lasting peace with food.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:42 am
by milliem
NoSRocks wrote: This past week or so, Ive been getting sugar/sweet cravings on my N Days but thanks to being on No S for so long, I believe this is helping me not to cave in, like I might have done manys a time in the past. So there are definitely many pros to this lifestyle and the lack of weight loss may be a small price to pay for lasting peace with food.
That's such a good way to look at things! As Reinhard always says, you can't control the numbers on the scale but you can control how, when and what you eat :) If you are happy with the plan, that's half the battle! Not everyone loses weight easily, but even less people have a really healthy relationship with food so good for you :)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:24 pm
by gk
Thanks for the welcome. :)

Good job not caving on the sweet cravings lately. That is a big accomplishment! It's amazing the control that food can have over us, and it sounds as though you are changing that. Way to go! :)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:08 pm
by NoSRocks
THANKS GUYS!! You're the grrreatest! :wink: :wink:

Yeah, recently I have been finding it more difficult to resist food (sweet/dessert) cravings in the evenings. Even though I've managed - so far - to stick to my guns and not give in, as I say, I think the No S Plan has helped greatly with this. But its been difficult lately. I think it all stemmed from when I decided to go back to the Diet Club - albeit short lived - phew! thank goodness! All the diet club did was stir up old memories of how I used to eat and food anxiety re. forbidden foods/portion sizes etc., stuff I'd practically forgotten about during my No S journey.

On a positive note, I give kudos to No S as I shudder to think what my eating habits/diet mentality would have been like by now. I spent years bingeing and fretting and reading up on the latest diet plans only to cave in after a few hours/days at most! It was no way to live. Spoilt a lot of my fun during my 20s and 30s because I dwelt on my body image and eating habits every waking hour. Anyway... enough said ! Here's to onwards and upwards (or should that be downwards! lol)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:06 pm
by mimi
Roxy, I think most of us have been in the same situation as you - fretting over our bodies, seeking the perfect diet only to find we couldn't stick with it even a full day, and then beating ourselves up afterward. I would always get so mad as myself for not doing it "perfectly" that I would binge on sweets, sometimes for days, maybe even a week, so I could start fresh again on Monday. No better day to start a diet than on Monday. So sad...but true, nonetheless.
With NoS I have learned to be forgiving with myself. Perfection is not attainable, but making progress is. I try to begin each day with a prayer that I will work to make progress with my eating and exercising, and not strive for perfection. Also that I will not weigh constantly and focus on the number on the scale. It sounds like you are in a similar spot!
We'll keep plugging away and eventually will see a good weight loss...ounces and partial pounds add up over time! We just need to be patient.

Mimi :D

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:33 pm
by NoSRocks
Hey Mimi ! Thanks for your nice, understanding words! Yeah, that's exactly how I used to look at food/diets over the years as well. Sometimes, we tend to think its only ourselves (as individuals) that feel this way!

Glad to hear that No S has helped so much! Its amazing! Even when i'm tempted to stray on my N Days, I tell myself that it won't be long til its an S Day and it seems to help a lot! It is definitely a case of mind over matter, isn't it?

Well, its almost the end of another week and so far, I've managed to stay green. Had quite a heavy lunch today i.e. bagel with pbj followed by a large-ish red apple! Nice! Perhaps it doesn't sound like much, but I find these days that bread causes me to put on or retain weight. Not sure why. It doesn't have to be that much either. So I usually avoid it on N Days. But I had to use the bagel up before it got too hard. It was pretty tasty, I might add! Had a lean cuisine spag bolognese tonight. Not too bad but wouldn't be my first choice either. Just had a can or two of diet 7 up to keep my appetite at bay and that will be it for tonight.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:22 am
by NoSRocks
Had a bit of a fail tonight.... :roll: Bought some Ben n Jerrys at the store in anticipation of my S Days. Ended up eating some of it since it started to melt on the way home! Threw the remainder in the trash! :oops: :twisted: :roll:

Otherwise, its been an okay N Day: 3 regular meals. Tempted to skip having a snack tomorrow to make up for tonight.... but we all know that probably won't work so I'm just going to try not to think about it too much - mark it and move on to coin a phrase borrowed from my fellow No sers.

Have a great weekend, all! :D :D

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:21 am
by milliem
Ah I had the exact same problem with ice cream I bought on Thursday 'for the weekend'. Pff we all knew how that was going to turn out :roll: :lol:

Well done for not eating the entire tub and turning the evening into a fail-fest though :) Hope you have a good weekend!

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:00 am
by ZippaDee
Yes, yes..mark it and move on!! Hey, you threw ice cream in the trash...that's BIG!! Good for you! Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:52 am
by NoSRocks
LOL! Thanks guys! You all have a great (belated) weekend too :D :wink:

Today S Day Saturday started off rather well .... then my mind started playing tricks as evening rolled around and I felt 'cheated' that I hadn't indulged in any of my entitled S Day snacks !! :roll:

So I ended up having a big slice of key lime pie and nibbling on candies... helped satisfy the urge but I don't feel so good now... mentally and physically. Ah well! Onwards and upwards.


Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:43 pm
by NoSnacker
I feel your pain and the reason I drop from No S before was due to my lack of self control on the weekends. I would do well all week just to totally throw in the towel...eventually it was hard to get back on track on Monday's.

I think if you dig down deep and come to realize it is just not worth it to binge if that is what you were referring to on my thread.

I think No S works, but for those of us with what I read here somewhere that have disordered eating or an eating disorder it is not that simple.

Don't give up..I had to say it but perhaps you might want to consider giving up the S days gone wild.

I battle that stupid urge as we speak to continue eating..and why is that I had dinner and I'm what is this urge all about..

I refuse to give in to it...I want to grab it buy the throat and choke it..this struggle has caused me to quit things so many times...but this time I want to know what it is and where it comes from.

You can do it...I think you have been on this a good enough time to tame your S days, you have to believe in are so worth worth not feeling so badly about yourself..

I know I went on and on, but I could hear in your words something has to give for will....just hang in there and fight those urges with all you have and question where they come from and get mad at them...

Good now I feel better..just scared the urge out of me :)


Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:59 pm
by NoSRocks
Thank you so much for your most helpful, sincere and heartfelt words, deb! It is folks like you who make this No S journey so much easier and make me want to stick with it! Like your good self, (first time around) its the S Days which are giving me so much 'trouble' and make me want to throw in the towel. Even after 3 years of doing this! It definitely is like a light switch - 'something' in my brain says "Hello! An S Day - I can eat what and when I like!" just as - on N Days, I don't even consider having an extra or dessert after dinner! Well... yeah, I did think about it today - for about a nanosecond - only because I thought it might cure my S Days! But it didn't seem 'right' or natural to do so and therefore, I abstained (but I still have this knawing dread in the back of my mind about my S Days and this vicious cycle that has developed over time). I only need one weekend of just eating 3 meals and maybe a dessert and I know I would feel soo much better. Its not just to do with weight: its peace of mind I am seeking more than anything. Right now, its hard. I don't have the sense of achievement that I did in the beginning and I apologize if this is coming across as negativity; on the plus side, i still marvel at how compliant i am on N Days.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:50 am
by oolala53
Roxy, out of curiosity, how long have you been compliant on N days?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:06 am
by NoSnacker
That's exactly what happened to me...I did well during the week, but fought off the urge, then the weekends started off okay, but my old binging habits kicked in...I know it takes time like Oolala said, took her two years to have some normalicy to her weekends..

Maybe try one day on the weekend to be as normal as possible..then you can deal with the other over time...

I'm sorry to say I would be discouraged after 3 years..but I think it is good that you are sharing with everyone, it might make a difference for you.

Keep on keepin on,,,easy for me to say I know...but you can do it....


Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:56 pm
by KL
Peace of mind is what it's all about isn't it? The peace that gets cultivated during N days and ideally transfers to S days. The ultimate goal, I believe.

I had disordered eating (not today though!) and all I wanted was the freight train to stop. I just wanted to rest my weary head.

You can do this. Keep stringing together greens and add in a little vanilla. :)

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:41 am
by NoSRocks
Hi guys! Thanks again for your lovely, supportive messages! Boy, do I need it! Had a FAIL today! The first time in a looonng time and it scares me! In answer to your question, oolala, I had/have been compliant with the N Days practically since starting No S (3 yrs) give or take the odd day here and there.

Well, I started to worry again this evening, just after finishing dinner, and for some reason got a really big urge for something sweet. So I had an ice cream sundae followed by 3 jolly rancher candies. Then I started to spoon peanut butter out of the jar! All this is anticipation/fear of my S Days and what caused it in the first place. I think I will have to stop fretting in advance about my S Days because its just making matters worse. Deal with the S Days as they come up and as oolala wonderfully suggested. Thanks, oolala!

Hey deb - I don't want you to get discouraged and I apologize if I am coming across negatively here. I am just getting frustrated by the lack of weight loss... and my S days.... which in part probably contribute to most of it. I have recently started struggling and dwelling too much on this and instead should just consider where I am now rather than getting too far ahead of myself. Maybe I won't lose any weight - perhaps 170 lbs is where my body likes to be. I am not convincing anyone, am I - but just trying to make the best of the situation. I am determined to mark this day and move on. I hope I don't have another fail tomorrow or else I will start to get worried. Perhaps it might be a good idea to start keeping a food log again??? hmmm.... still trying to decide. Anyway, sorry I hadn't come with very good news tonight but still determined to keep on keeping on.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:43 am
by NoSRocks
Message deleted by author.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:17 am
by NoSnacker
You can do it girl....and no matter what anyone says bottom line is the program is for weight loss as well....sanity is nice, but weight loss would make it even nicer. Most people that find the place where their S days are more normal than not are the ones losing weight in my opinion.

You will be fine....after 3 years I would want to loss some weight too :)

Going for my walk..have a great day..

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:11 pm
by oolala53
Okay, sorry to harp on N days, but I noticed that they seemed to have something to do with S days, too. It wasn't just that they were green. I was also eating less on them and getting to prefer more and more getting hungry earlier for my meals. Meaning that I was eating at my meals so that I would be hungry for closer to 2 hours befoer my meals rather than the normal one hour. I think this made my tolerance on the weekends for the grazing go way down. I would be full for so long after a nosh or a rich meal, too, and really NOT feel like even snacking, if I lasted through an hour or two of resisting urges. After that, the desire went away. And to some degree, even my wish that I was hungry enough went away, too.

I'm not saying this like it's a done deal, either. Just the journey.

Then again, if you consistently get plenty hungry for your meals, forget what I said.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:54 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi guys! Great to hear from you again today (((hugs))))))

Deb: you made a very valid point: those No Sers with the best results are those who have gotten their S Days under control. I really love this statement and I hope I can retain it in my mind whenever I am tempted to go overboard on my S Days!
Oolala: I really love your helpful message(s) esp regarding your approach to S Days. Its almost as if sensibility goes out of the window when I'm in the mood to overindulge on the extras (sweet/starchy foods) - this weekend was especially overindulgent.... eating for the sake of it, even when i was pretty full... so reminiscent of my full out bingeing days in the past! I often wonder (particularly on N Days) why I can't - won't - stick to 3 meals and a treat on my S Days which would at least be a start! :roll:

You know guys, I think I've mentioned this before but aside from overindulging (which happens on average 90% on my S Days) they lack organization i.e. On N Days, its the 3 meals a day pattern and eating proper nutritional meals. I definitely think the regular weighing isn't helping either. Since all it does is confirm that my S Days are my undoing and that may not necessarily be the case.... there are multiple reasons why my weight has stayed pretty much the same.

IF I could just get ONE reasonable S weekend under my belt, I am sure a lot of this frustration and worry would disappear. I realize this is up to me and I get baffled sometimes on how my mind can switch over so easily to N Days and be pretty much compliant yet... I am still struggling over the S Days, even 3 years into the process. Actually I say 3 years, its nearer 2 yrs and 4 months.... perhaps I should remember that in the grand scheme of things, this is not really a long time and it is just another stage of the journey I am going through. Some people 'get' it right away and others - like me - take somewhat longer. Without a doubt, the promise of the S Days does help me enormously with my N Day cravings. What happened yesterday was when I tried to do something different in anticipation of the S Days instead of concentrating on where I am now. I feel much better even after writing all this down and having visited the No S Site this afternoon. So thanks again guys for all your kind and encouraging words. You are the best!
... and on that note, I am going to remove my previous 21 day post. I don't think it is helping at this stage to see it up there for all to see!
3 plates a day should be my focus for now and I think I am back on track.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:13 pm
by thtrchic
A thought to consider: require one of your S Days to be in the format of 3 eating instances -- or even 4 if you want. Let yourself have whatever you want at those "meals." Maybe that'd help you get structure under control? And if you only did it for 1 of the 2 days each week, maybe you'd also still feel un-deprived?

Of course, I have no idea how this might work for you, but it occurred to me as a possible help while reading your post so thought I'd throw it out there.

Hang in there!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:30 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi Julie ! :D

Thanks also for popping in. Nice to 'see' you :) Also a big thank you for your neat suggestion. I shall also keep it in mind for the S Days! Can't thank you enough, everyone for being so supportive!

Gonna contradict myself here: but following on from Julie's helpful suggestion: I mentioned that my eating was disorganized on S Days but I also - majority of the time - feel 'guilty' if I don't eat some sort of a meal (meal as in a savory dish or snack) before eating a dessert or snack. Therefore, instead of going ahead and having the apple pie n icecream or whatever I'm craving at the time, I also HAVE to eat something beforehand like a cheese bagel or crackers and cheese!


Therefore, probably adding on extra calories than if I'd just stuck to the dessert in the first place!

Anyway guys - I'll never tire of saying it, your suggestions are brilliant and very helpful and fingers crossed with your helpful hints, I will get through this 'hurdle'!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:51 pm
by oolala53
I found I could not impose any modifications on S days for about 2 years. I knew I could try to treat them like N days, but maybe with one snack or one dessert, or two or whatever, but the day would come and I would just not do it. I would eat my breakfast and then just start eating other stuff. if I had sweets, it would be sweets. If not, it was spaghetti or something I had on hand. Maybe that's all it would have taken? but I still don't aim at three meals, and now I don't really want to, though I don't discount the possibility of its evolving on its own.

However, just as an idea (and I love how you just roll with the ideas), I know that I actually do well when I travel. I don't like snacking in the car and look forward to restaurant meals (that I often split with a companion.) I'm unlikely to want more than one dessert. I do better on vacation because I consider vacation a time to GET AWAY from the constant pull of food. I've got too many other interesting things to do!

If you suspect you're anything like me, plan a lot to do on at least one weekend. The next weekend, still plan a lot but leave one gap and force yourself to get through that. Wean yourself so you need less and less stimulation.

Regarding eating everything just to get dessert; sorry if I'm repeating, but a woman Spark said her grandmother who was slim all her life would sometimes have apple pie for lunch when she went out with her friends. Savored every bite and went back to regular food for her meals. Three meals a day, few desserts.
And are you getting hungry for you N day meals?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:02 pm
by NoSRocks
Hey oolala! :D

The way you described your S Days in the beginning is EXACTLY what's going on with me. I think I have programmed myself to eat as and when and whatever I like on the S Days and no amount of cajoling or planning i.e. eat 3 meals a day and one dessert is going to change it. Thinking back to when i first began no S (ironically, the week before Christmas) with Christmas Day being my actual first S Day ever! In hindsight, I don't think it was wise to have started then because when it came to my first S Day (Christmas Day) - after having been good all week and having no cravings whatsoever for food of any description, I was faced with the dilemma of it being Christmas and all that (eating) that comes with it. I was on the threshhold of not giving in to just eating for the sake of it and decided that it was the one day of the year where one legimitately gets to eat what they like ... so I went for it. Maybe (but I could be wrong) if my first S Day had been on January 2nd or 3rd i.e. the start of a fresh, exciting new year, then I might not have given in to temptation. But by then, the 'bar' had been set! Now, this could all just be speculation and coincidence, and maybe I would have always had over indulgent S Days anyway. But just gives you guys a background to how I started out. At the time when I started No S, I had just gotten so fed up and disillusioned with the other diet plans. Had half heartedly tried No S a few times in the past but it didn't come to anything

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:14 pm
by oolala53
My first serious day on No S was a Friday and my first S days were on the road. but the next weekends were eat fests, starting at MIDNIGHT!

I think you do sound like you might be getting close to being tired of all this.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:54 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again oolala! I think you may be right! Fingers crossed I am tired enough to actually do something about it ! :D

Yeah, I know for sure i am getting tired of constantly being the same weight (170 lbs). Some might say that I should be content that at least I am maintaining. I am somewhat.... but just wish it were at a lower weight.

I'm back to normal with my N Days which is definitely a relief. I was starting to worry that my S Days might affect my N days rather than the other way round. Although this week I have been eating bread based meals at lunchtime which is a little heavier than my regular choice for lunch. Hopefully, once the bread is gone, thats it and I can get back to crackers for lunch again. Its not a hardship to have crackers for lunch, btw. Just getting back into the habit again - I hope.

Not sure how I am going to approach my S Days this weekend. But it will be interesting for sure. I feel pretty determined right now that I am going to (at least ) try to be organized. Once I have had a few good weekends, if there's no change in my weight, I might stop weighing for a while but carry on with the No S Plan just the same. Its the best - the ONLY plan there is as far as i am concerned. The only thing that so far i have been able to stick to long term - regardless of the S Days.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:07 am
by r.jean
I started 12/20/10 and like you, my first S day was Christmas as well. This worked out well because I plowed through some tough times while under the novelty of something new. Starting the second year was different. It was like I was celebrating both Christmas and one year of successful no S, and I just ate...all the way through Feb. I have done better this month.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:29 am
by NoSRocks
Hi rjean! You have done brilliantly on the No S plan so there is hope for me yet! :wink: I was thinking that having my first S Day fall on Christmas Day might make matters worse; but perhaps it has nothing to do with my progress - or lack of - right now,

Have a great weekend, all!!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:08 am
by NoSRocks
Well, well! This has been a pretty good S day... for the first time in AGES!!

I'm working (extra hours over the weekend) and it was so manic, I didn't get a lunch break today!! When I got home, I was so stressed from work, I didn't feel hungry at first... then the niggling thought of "Its an S Day, you gotta have something" came into my mind. Well, I guess I do 'deserve' something after being so compliant all week! That's the key: I still can't break away from the urge to have treats on S Days. But I had spaghetti bolognese first of all and then followed with a magnum ice lolly and when that didn't hit the spot, a couple of Jolly Ranchers. But that was it so I was fairly pleased today. We'll see how it goes for tomorrow. Happy S Day, all!!

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:14 pm
by NoSRocks
Managed to resist urges to binge/eat some extra sweets last night... but it was hard!@! WHY should it be so hard on S Days and not at other times? I guess I'm still of the mentality that I've been good all week so I deserve to eat what I want! :twisted:

However, I'd had a busy and stressful day at work yesterday and didn't get home til late so once 10 pm rolled around, I convinced myself it was almost time for bed and there was no reason to have that extra slice of apple pie or whatever in the refrigerator! Yay!!

This morning, I had my usual S Day 'treat' breakfast - meaning i'll have something heavier than on N Days; today it was a seven layer bar slightly warmed in the microwave (it had been in the refrig too long), fat free greek yogurt and grapefruit segments. Phew! Pretty darn full now. The bar was quite small too - not a huge chunk - but enough to satisfy me. working again today so I think I'm gonna see how long i can go before i get hungry and want to eat something. Feeling confident about it now, but we'll see what happens once the afternoon rolls around. I haven't weighed myself in a few days so I am hoping i can finally wean myself off the scales. My official weigh in is June or July - can I stay off till then?? Again, we'll see how it goes (better than making make promises I can't keep ! :oops: :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:58 pm
by NoSnacker
I'm so proud of you not getting on the scale and setting a time in your mind when you will...I know we used to joke how we couldn't stay off the scale, but you surely have grown...

What is a 7 layer bar? Never heard of it.

Yesterday I did have my chocolate/chip fix, but that was is back to an N day...:)

The URGE is a hard invisible force to deal with, but we have to deal with it head on...:)

Thanks for stopping by.. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:48 am
by oolala53
It's amazing and to me sometimes-nay, often- disconcerting how full I can feel after eating richer foods now after two years of mostly green N days. I think it has changed me. Doesn't mean I can't eat too much. It just takes a lot less and lasts a lot longer.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:36 am
by lbb (Liz)
oolala & NoSROcks: I hope I get to the point that treats don't have a pull on me. I think I'm at the stage where I'm not really listening to my body on S days, but doing it because I can. I'm sure I'll get there, though.
I love 7 layer bars. Yum.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:40 am
by NoSRocks

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:08 am
by NoSnacker
ohhh wow, those look yummy....and sweet enough to be satisfied with just one piece :)

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:39 pm
by oolala53
I think my sister makes these. It's pretty easy to eat more than one.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:44 am
by NoSRocks
Hey guys!

Sorry I've been a bit quiet this week! Actually, I am trying a new experiment in my bid to conquer those 'pesky' overindulgent S Days..... allowing myself one snack at the end of the day rather than saving them all up for the weekend. We'll see how it goes. I've been trying this since Monday and it seems to be going okay so far. Usually, I get nervous about having a snack (dessert) on N Days but trying not to think about it too much. I've been having mainly ice cream. Have some magnums in the refrigerator which i'm using up and then graduating onto skinny cow cones since they are much less sinful! Haven't weighed since last Friday... trying not to weigh at all right now. I am thinking on trying this out for a few weeks and then will weigh - perhaps - and let you guys know how I got on i.e. whether I gained/lost or stayed the same. I am fairly confident that I could return to the Vanilla No S if I chose to; perhaps i won't be so confident as the weeks go on (LOL) but by this way of eating, so far, I don't seem to be dreading the weekends as much. Not going to say too much more about it now...other than once I get the weekends under better control, I might go back to Vanilla No S. Its just mind games, isn't it, at the end of the day? Will keep you posted guys. You may not hear as much from me whilst this experiment is going on, but I will continue to lurk the boards and read your great messages etc. I stress i am not abandoning No S, just trying a different strategy for a while. If it works for me, i.e. I feel less stressed out overall and I have the added bonus of weight loss (although that isn't the be all and end all for me right now), I may continue on with this. I still consider myself to be on No S just Not Vanilla No S! Trust this makes sense, ha ha!!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:46 am
by oolala53
Well, it's not completely mind games, although the brain is involved. Whatever you do consistently will likely become an expected habit. If you can always limit yourself to a small amount, no problem. Maybe that's what you can habituate yourself to, esp. if you stick to the other rules and let your hunger hormones stay balanced.

See you later!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:07 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks for your support, oolala! It means a lot :)

I'll give this a few weeks anyway and see how it goes. 'See' y'all soon!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:19 am
by ZippaDee
Goodluck Roxy! Cheering for peace of mind for you! I hope your strategy helps you acheive that!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:20 am
by ZippaDee
oops...achieve. We need spell check on here. :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:24 pm
by NoSRocks
HEY ZIPPY!!!!!!!!!

Thanks so much for popping in again with your words of support - as always very much appreciated (LOVE YOUR NEW AVATAR, BTW....SOOO CUTE!!!)

Update: I think I will probably continue to post here even though I'm changing things up a bit for the time being. As far as I am concerned, I am still a No Ser; and I can't emphasize enough how beneficial I find the No S plan to be. Heck, it has even stopped me from bingeing on weekdays and now that I have added in a dessert after dinner, I haven't gone OTT and have stuck with one dessert only which is a massive achievement for me - a former binge-eater. Yes, I know the extras after dinner may add up to amount to the same thing in the course of 7 days but if it is enough to get me away from the overindulging/disorganized eating at weekends, it will be worth it. Not making any promises to myself, but perhaps further down the road, I will gradually revert to Vanilla No S - hopefully any good habits I've picked up on the weekends will stay. If I lose weight doing it this way at the moment or indeed remain the same, I will be fairly satisfied (hopefully! :P ). No, I don't really like the 170 lbs but if I can remain 170 lbs with a treat EVERY day of the week, it won't be so bad. I was stuck at 170 lbs for so long on Vanilla anyway. As mentioned, I've decided not to weigh for a few weeks - perhaps 3 or even 4 - to get a clearer picture of how this change is going to affect me. I guess if I see weight going on again, i.e. more than 170 - 173 lbs, then it will be straight back to Vanilla. Will keep you all posted along the way.

Thanks so much all for your ongoing support. I love this Board!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:07 pm
by snapdragon
thanks for your encouragement. I hope your tweaks work out for you. I think as long as you have an actual plan in place we should be ok.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:14 am
by NoSRocks
Thank you, too, Snapdragon! :D :D

Here's what i ate today:


small pineapple sponge (I know, an odd choice - using up stuff from the fridge this week)
1 ff yogurt
grapefruit segments


2 x crackerfuls
1 apple

Dinner: Had to be careful as I got a tooth filled today :(

Chef Boyardee Ravioli
1 magnum ice cream bar

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:09 pm
by ZippaDee
What is a pineapple sponge?? Just fresh pineapple?

Have a happy Friday!

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:53 pm
by NoSRocks
:D :D Lol! I guess I shoulda wrote pineapple sponge cake!

Nothing fancy - just a little individual pineapple upside down cake that comes in a serving for one! Our local store sells em and they are absolutely delicious! I used to keep them more for an S Day treat but at the moment, I'm trying to use up all the stuff that's accumulated in my freezer so that's why I chose this particular treat. Once its gone, its gone tho, another 'habit' I picked up was buying extra goodies and treats in anticipation of S Days; whilst I'm trying out this new mod, there will be no S Days per se - I am aiming to have one (modest) treat at the end of each day to try to rid myself of the overindulgent S Day 'method of thinking'. We'll see how it goes, so far I've been doing okay. If I could stick to N Days and moderate S Days, I wouldn't have bothered with this new mod since I'd got into a habit of being N Day compliant. I only hope if and when i revert to 3 meals only on N Days, that it won't be too much of a struggle! Otherwise, I am feeling good right now.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 12:45 am
by NoSRocks
Its funny.... for the first time since I started my No S mod of a treat every day .... I have felt odd about doing so and I'm not sure if I want to continue with it now! :roll:

Perhaps its because the weekend is coming up, I dunno... maybe the weekends dont feel special anymore because everyday is the same.... is that such a bad thing when I am trying to break the S day habit of overindulging and/or buying cr&ap just because its an S Day??? hmmm... maybe I will weigh myself tomorrow (first time in a week) and see if there has been any shift in weight.... or .... I may even have put on???

Its funny how the brain works at times, isn't it??

I also felt a bit like the odd guy out tonight when I was reading over everyone's messages and about how well they were doing on their N Days...

Have a great weekend guys and I'll keep you posted about what's happening next.... lol!! :roll: :roll:

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:11 am
by lbb (Liz)
I completely relate to you on two accounts, NoSRocks. Really.
So I started up (re-started) NOS in January with the mod of a treat/day.
Especially because I wasn't trying to totally lose weight, but just moderate myself. I would count calories, too. So I could justify an entire chocolate bar/night.
And boy I miss it and I DO want a chocolate bar right now.
But I have to say, having been on both sides, there is something relieving about the fact that this weekend, I'll go to an Easter brunch tomorrow and Sunday and not be counting calories or worried that I can only have ONE dessert/day.
Or, I can have a chocolate egg if I want.
This week (esp tonight) has been boringly simple with food. But I guess that's also what NO S is about: de-mystifying the wonder of food. Making it not so special, in a way.
I've simply eaten, filled my belly, and moved on. I kinda hate that it doesn't "do" anything for me. :)
It's hard not having the "reward" EVERY night of chocolate. If I thought I could have a little every day, I would. But I'm not there yet.
So, my friend it's up to you. Either way, it's not EASY. I think I want to "have my cake and eat it too". Literally.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:14 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi lbb! Thanks for your nice, understanding and inspirational message. Its reassuring to know that we are not alone with this - even though our brain likes to tell us so ! I know what you mean about looking forward to our special S Days. Today (what would normally have been an S Day for me) is just going to be the same as any other day! Nothing special anymore. Now, I am finding this is a bit of a double edged sword: I feel relieved in a way not to have carte blanche to eat anything and everything just because its an S Day (NOT that No S works like this I will be quick to add; however this is how my mind was/is working) - yet I have now created a habit (potentially) of having a treat every single day (something I, as a binge eater, was extremely proud of : having my 3 meals a day and abstaining from snacks/desserts/extras during the week with NO cravings and being consistent with it for 3 years).

I did weigh myself this morning (was going to leave it for a few weeks but of course curiousity got the better of me !) and the scale still read 170 lbs. This is after a week of a dessert in the evening (typically a magnum ice cream) and because I'm trying to use up my stack of goodies in the freezer - I've been having richer breakfasts: i.e. steamed pudding, 7 layer bars etc. instead of my regular granola bars. This week, the breakfasts should be back to granola since I've managed to use up all of the fancy dessert bars, so I've decided to carry on again with this mod for next week (dessert/treat after dinner) and Yes, hon (lbb) I know what you mean about not having the same feeling of freedom on weekends when eating out etc. by doing it this way. Again, that was another thing that crossed my mind as well. Not sure how I will handle this one. Fortunately, no plans to eat out for a few weeks anyway but it would be counterproductive if I had to revert back to diet head thinking i.e. counting calories or limiting desserts etc. I don't often have dessert when I eat out, oddly enough, but I guess I would just go with a decadent dessert and/or a few drinks that evening rather than worry about it. Again, something I will have to consider for the future.

lbb: If you don't mind me asking, when you allowed yourself a treat a day like a bar of chocolate for example, did you notice any affect on your weight by doing so? Also, what made you revert back to Vanilla No S? Was it more of a mind set/psychological reason or were you not getting results? You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, again just very interested/curious since this is the mod I am following currently and have these concerns as outlined above.

Here's to No S!! Hope you are all having a great day :)

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:24 pm
by ZippaDee
Thanks for the pineapple sponge explanation. I am now in the "in". :D I totally understand why you are experimenting with this one treat a day. I've only been at this for a month this time. Did it for six months or so last time. I now "not being an idiot" on S Days can be an issue. GOOD LUCK! I hope you find the perfect balance for YOU with the results that you desire! Results with peace is what we are after.

Happy Easter!

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:37 am
by NoSRocks
Hi Zipee! Happy Easter to you too, hon and to all the No Sers amongst us who celebrate Easter! :D :D

Gosh, what a weird day of eating today! Just when I thought I was getting somewhere ! :roll: :twisted: :evil: Unfortunately, my eating once again got out of control this evening. Lots of snacks and nibbles after dinner... like my little experiment of allowing myself a daily treat hadn't happened and it DID NOT WORK. Blah!!

Feeling very bloated and fed up with myself: these are the extras I ate today (aside of my 3 meals): 1 buttered roll, 1 magnum ice cream, 1 magic bar (aka 7 layer bar); 2 toffees and 3 chocolate covered caramels; 2 large bars saltwater taffy.....!

Soooo,,, I think I am going to return to Vanilla No S on Monday since it doesn't look like allowing a daily treat seems to be working and in actual fact, I ended up eating more!! It's such an uphill battle sometimes and I only have myself to blame for making things worse. I was perfectly happy on Vanilla No S - aside from (lack of) weight loss. I had peace of mind with food and no turmoil over diets and bingeing. This little mod has inadvertently set me up for diet head again and all the cra%pola that comes with it! Ugh! Feeling a bit defeated tonight, guys, as you can tell. Never mind, I will enjoy Sunday and look forward - I hope - to a smooth transition back onto my N days again. I guess the phrase if it aint broke, definitely applies here! Thanks for listening guys and hope you have a Happy Easter. No worries.... I know I can continue to do this. Whether I lose weight is another story but for the peace of mind on N Days, this is definitely worth it. My S Days.... well, that is another story.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:48 am
by lbb (Liz)
To answer your question (though I have lots to comment on about your interesting findings about yourself!).
I went to Vanilla No-S because I had started this habit of HAVING to have a dessert/night. Like a HABIT. And I would't listen to my body. I knew that wasn't normal.
It was tough, but it's also been beneficial to my family as I had to do what I believe I wanted to teach my boys: dessert on special occasions, not every night. (Do as I say, not as I do!) :)

I would say that my weight has stayed about the same, maybe a tad less following Vanilla No S because I'm STARTING to figure out my S days better (not today as much). When I had a dessert every night, my weight was more erratic. I had to be SO strict about my exact calories that sometimes if I went over, I'd just over-do it. If I went under, I'd make sure to eat more to "meet my calories". So....

But I must say it's more of a mental thing for me. I'm trying to make food less of a role in my life. Not a healer, not something that keeps me company, etc. But something to enjoy and then move on.
It's hard.

If you return to Vanilla No S, expect it to be tough at first, but you can do it.
We're all here for you.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:32 am
by ZippaDee
Chalk it up to a learning thing, Roxy! It's all good. Mark it and move on! Now you know that does not work for you. It's that simple. No beating yourself up! :D

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:47 am
by oolala53
I know you are wishing for some quick results, but I think you'll have to go through the phases. Get back to your N days for a few weeks at least. Then consider what to do.

Have you made a list of what your reasons are for wanting to get your eating under control? And reviewing it a few times a day? You might make that something to track on habitcal. It made a big difference to me when I first started. I"m thinking of making some kind of alteration for myself for S days as well. I still haven't figured out what modification to commit to. I'm not sticking to hunger only, but I'm not in despair yet, either. Though I'm tired of it, too.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:20 am
by NoSnacker
Hi, sounds like yesterday was a rough day for a few of us...we all feel sick and not happy about it..

The only thing to do is keep trying, not giving up the fight...even though tired of the fight, the only thing we can do.

I posted my bad day yesterday and how my weeks used to look and why I have weight to lose.

I don't want to give up either because I allow my S day to go to the pits.

Have a blessed Easter and hope you find yourself in a better place today where you are happy with you.


Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:48 am
by SkyKitty
Sometimes it helps to take a step back. Say to yourself, I tried that mod, it didn't work. I will go back to Vanilla and if that doesn't work for me I can maybe try a new mod if I need to.

Peace of mind and a sane relationship with food, is a healthier goal than a number on a scale.

You are doing really well just by sticking with it, accepting where it's going wrong and looking for ways to improve.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:43 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi there guys!! :D :D HAPPY EASTER!!!!!


I was feeling a bit down and extremely bloated :oops: last night. I also felt a bit defeated at first that my mod hadn't worked out. I guess you could say I was having a bit of a pity party to myself, ha!! Took me a while to get to sleep last night as well, what with diet head going through my mind, all I'd eaten, determination to get back to Vanilla No S etc, etc. Not to mention my (sorry if TMI!) swollen tummy with all the junk I ate!!

However, I woke up this morning and happy to say, all my fears and worries and fretting etc., had dissipated overnight and I feel much, much better today. Like someone wrote (sorry I forgot who! ), it was simply an experiment that I had to try out and discover that (in this instance anyway) didn't work for me. That's all, end of story. No biggie! I haven't ruined all my hard work of 3 yrs on Vanilla just for the sake of a 5 day experiment! Yeah, this is how you have to talk to yourself sometimes but if it sinks in, what the heck?? :P

Thanks again guys for your comforting and supportive posts! I am sure I am going to be reading and re-reading them again over and over tomorrow as I go back to my first N Day again. But right now, I am feeling confident that I shouldn't have too much trouble getting back on the wagon and if I feel tempted to slip, then i will remind myself how far I have come (mentally) with my relationship with food and to remember that this mod did not work for me on this occasion and therefore i don't need any extras aka treats on N Days. As oolala so wisely wrote, perhaps I just need to keep giving myself time and in this time, things will start to fall into place.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:33 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi everyone! :D

Just checking in on this Monday afternoon. Had another 'horrible' S Day yesterday: felt stuffed to the gills yet continued putting food in my mouth. i.e. snacks, sweets, dessert etc. etc.

Today I woke up feeling much more optimistic than I did last night before going to bed.

Had my usual N Day breakfast of granola bar, yogurt and fruit; 2 crackerfuls and an apple for lunch; now its 4.30 pm, almost dinner time and I am starving! Lots of hunger pangs/sugar cravings and tempted to throw in the towel.... but .... I am holding on by the skin of my teeth. I think if I hadn't been No S compliant for so long I would have given in by now! But I know I can do it and have been --- until my unsuccessful experiment last week -- I will not let it derail me and I know this feeling will pass! I will also feel much better tomorrow morning when I wake up knowing that I have had a great N Day the day before!! Hope you all had a very Happy Easter and look forward to checking in again soon! :)

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:36 pm
by lbb (Liz)
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better today.
Just a thought:
For me, crackers and an apple wouldn't fill me up till dinner. At all.
Maybe they work for you. Do you ever add some protein-full things?
(beans, meat, yogurt, cheese, pb).
Or even fiber-full veggies.
That helps hold me over till dinner.
Just a thought. The more I eat simple carbs, the hungrier I get quicker.
Good job on not letting this derail you!

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:13 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi Lbb! Thanks again for your nice, supportive message and not to mention your very welcomed and helpful suggestions! :D

Re: lunch time - yes, crackers aren't the most filling of lunches. I have quite a few of these in the cupboard to use up otherwise I might have had a sandwich. I change it up from time to time but in general, I tend to have the crackers. Force of habit, I suppose ! PBJ sandwiches are indeed a favorite of mine so I may have them inbetween times. I've also just discovered biscoff spread which is a bit like peanut butter but sweeter tasting and a little lower in fat. Very nice mixed with jam on bread or a roll! Yummy!! :P

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:04 am
by oolala53
If I may say so, I notice that you often talk about finishing up what's in the cupboard. That sounds a lot like diet head--got to get rid of what's there, but if that truly supports moderation for you, so be it. But if it doesn't, it's just another form of waste. Besides, crackers have a pretty long shelf life. You don't have to eat them soon. It's unorthodox, but you can freeze them.

I think you should consider ignoring what's in the cabinet for a bit, if you can afford it, and determine what would make for good, satisfying meals. Then if you don't have those foods, get them! Once you are eating them, if the cabinet fare is still appealing, start using it again. However, having meals that are actually too simple or meager may be what is fomenting overeating on the weekend. If you're already having wonderful meals during the week, there are fewer things to feel you want to overdo later. I know this sound similar to the sweets rationale you tried, but I think it's different. I've found that good, savory foods are more satisfying than sweets. I'f I;'ve already had lasagna or pot pie during the week, the wonderful entrees of the weekend are still great, but hardly a reason to go crazy. I've had wonderful food and I will again. But I wouldn't want sweets more often not only because honestly I still wouldn't trust myself but also for me they don't please me anymore as much as the same amount of extra savory food.

You sure are a good egg about listening to all of us! I hope it's because you trust the spirit in which ideas are offered-- you'll do what you want in the end!

But then again, I've been astounded with the simplicity that some people are content with when I read some of the check-ins.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:43 am
by NoSRocks
((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) oolala! :D :D

Really, your suggestions - all of them - have been sooo helpful and I can do with all the help I can get so please keep them coming! I like that you called me a good egg too.... such a nice expression! :D

Again, my dear oolala, I think you may have hit the nail on the head when it comes to my N Day meals: I do tend to make rather bland, boring meals during the week. In fact I use the term 'make' loosely since I am a lazy cook and tend to go for a lot of the microwave/convenience food type of meals. The portion sizes of these are so minute they are hardly filling and/or satisfying. Thank goodness for diet soda to fill me up!! :roll:

I'm surprised that this type of eating hasn't lead to weight loss either. Perhaps the sodium levels of these foods might be the culprit. I really admire those of you who take the time to cook and prepare really nice meals. Many folks cook up their meals at the weekend and freeze them for the coming week. It sounds like a very good idea but - this is not really an excuse - I work most weekends so not much time to prepare food then. I need quick and easy foods for the DH and kids as well, particularly when I'm at work. I also get a bit overwhelmed (put off?) by having to buy all the ingredients as well. Incredibly lazy it might sound but that's another thing that puts me off. I sometimes take a drive over to Trader Joe's since they have a fairly good selection of frozen/refrigerated meals and a little different from the regular run of the mill grocery store fare.

Well guys, its late evening now and I have managed to survive my first N Day of the week! I'm sure it will be fine from now on. I just need to crack those S Days and I'll be on a roll. I think the 3 meals and one or two snacks a day sounds good, oolala. I have been striving for this for a while and it sounds easy enough but for some reason, I am having difficulty with it.

BTW - Hope you don't mind me asking since just curious/interested oolala: in one of your most recent posts, you mentioned wanting to try having 3 meals and one or two snacks on your S Days - I was wondering if this meant you are transitioning from the Only Eat when Hungry mod you had been following. I wondered if there was a reason why you wanted to try this instead? Or if the eat only when hungry was only a temporary measure etc. Again - just curious and interested to hear your thoughts on this.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:11 am
by oolala53
The eat-when-hungry I was using as a way to balance eating rich/sweet food on the weekend. I thought that if I told myself I could eat the chunk of sweets that I often wanted, I wouldn't feel so full so much of the time if I forced myself to wait until I was hungry again to eat again. It meant that I was having to wait too long to eat. If I eat a piece of pizza at Costco at 1p.m., I wouldn't get to eat either until 9 or 10 at night or not even until the next day because I just never got hungry again! But I still had thoughts of food and wanting to eat.

It's so mysterious to me that after all this time, I still have the desire to eat when I'm not hungry on S days. Is it just because I'm supposed to have permission to eat anyway. I hardly ever feel that way on N days.

I have to convince myself to eat less or very light foods to get hungry and have something rich or sweet even once a day. On Sunday, when I wasn't going just for hunger, I had some oatmeal in the a.m., a salad of celery, carrot, and grilled fish with an Italian dressing for lunch, and an almond butter sandwich with half a pear around 6 p.m. I was never hungry for more. This was after a full Saturday, which I wrote about on my check-in thread. If I had had a sweet, I probably wouldn't have been hungry for two of the meals, and I'm tired of not being hungry for real meals! I can't believe how complicated it is to eat little enough so that I can have some dessert and enjoy all the food I eat! Or that the desire won't just go away when I don't need food. But I also know it's because I'm not in a position to go out and some of the fun I'd like to.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:28 pm
by NoSRocks
Thanks oolala!

The eat only when hungry sounds like a good/ideal way to me also .... but I just can't - or maybe won't - :oops: - get round to giving it a try. I get too antsy and start overthinking it all. A bit like my first few days on No S and I was asking myself would I ever get the N Days to stick? Just goes to show that it can be done if one is persistent enough!

Well my second day back on N Days is going okay. I was going to have the crackers for lunch then I remembered I had some peanut butter in the pantry so had pbj sandwiches instead. Nice for a little change. We'll be having chicken curry for dinner tonight which is nice and filling.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:40 pm
by NoSRocks
Had dinner and no cravings afterward! :D :D

However, I am glad I tried out my little experiment last week since i had been curious about trying a new mod and had been talking about it for a while!

I guess it satisfied my curiosity and just confirmed in my mind that No S is the way to go for me. It seems to be the only thing that will keep me in line these days as well as adhering to on a long term basis. If I said right now I were going to attempt never eating sweets,seconds or snacks ever again and just sticking to 3 meals per day, I know for a fact, I would be lucky to last more than a couple of days and that it would end in a binge! It is almost inevitable and has happened so often in the past. The very thing I fear - the S Day - is in fact the jewel in this diet plan and keeps me going. I love the specialness of the S Days and I really did miss them when everyday was the same. I do think it would be a good idea for me to keep the S Days and try not to worry about them ahead of time. Its not so much the one decadent dessert or eating out on the S Day but the excessive ott behavior I sometimes adopt of eating/bingeing when I'm absolutely stuffed to the heavens. I should remind myself that there will be another 2 S Days coming around my way very shortly and I have the rest of my life to look forward to them!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:12 am
by NoSnacker
NoSRocks wrote:Had dinner and no cravings afterward! :D :D

I should remind myself that there will be another 2 S Days coming around my way very shortly and I have the rest of my life to look forward to them!
I so love this mindset...I did that with candy the other day, put it away until the weekend, knowing it is mine...Also have to agree, as much as I hate the S days for my binging behavior, I would not be able to maintain the program.

My habitcal really speaks tons to me from last time. I hope my mentality is different this time.

And for that darn on you the stupid thing is well you know "has a voice of it's own". Didn't gain or lose, and that is okay..was tired of seeing the scale going up...

Keep on keepin on!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:45 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi Deb! :D :D

Thanks for your nice message! Glad you liked my post :)

Yeah, I know what you mean by the lure of the scales! Thing is, we like to see how we are doing on the plan and the scales are the most obvious way of doing so. Yeah, I know we could go by the fit of the clothes but in someone like me who likes to weigh on a more or less daily basis - it isn't accurate or obvious enough for me, I'm afraid.

But a big pat on the back to you deb, on maintaining your weight this week. I know its a drag sometimes but I tend to think I would have gained several lbs by now if it hadn't been for the No S plan. Even though I am maintaining at a higher weight, it is far preferable than fretting over diets or gaining rapidly each week (as I had been doing pre-No S!)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:52 pm
by NoSRocks
Don't always like to say it (tempting fate!) but, I am feeling pretty confident now as I enter day 3 of Renewed Vanilla! lol! (...Just thought of that expression as I was typing away here! )

Yeah, I've been doing this going on for 3 years now, but just one little week of change can really throw you for a loop! :roll:

I took another listen to Reinhard's NO S gone wild podcast last night. It is so very useful and I hope I can take some of his great suggestions on board! i.e. treating oneself to some really good food and treat(s) on S Days rather than scarfing stale popcorn from the bag! Or the other one, which is a 'favorite' of mine.... spooning ice cream straight from the carton into my mouth rather than taking time to prepare a really eye-catching and satisfying dessert! I think if I ate out every weekend I would probably do better on the No S Plan over scarfing and nibbling at this n that over the weekends! Hmmmm... might be 'food' for thought (Pun intended??) :P

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:35 pm
by NoSnacker
Good idea Roxy...I'll have to listen to the S Day Gone Wild podcast...always picks up something new right.

Keep on keeping on....

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:43 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Roxy I love that podcast. Glad you listened again.
I do think sometimes going out is easier than being at home on S days.
I know it's not practical, nor in the budget (for us), but it helps to choose EXACTLY what sounds good and to end there.
As opposed to sub-par crap in the cupboards, eh?

I'm leaving town Saturday for a week and honestly not as concerned in a way, because we'll be eating out most meals. The hardest part is all the junk my Mom puts in our cupboards just cuz'. Gotta love it.

Oh well. Keep up the great work!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:26 am
by oolala53
"we like to see how we are doing on the plan and the scales are the most obvious way of doing so. "

Ahem, Roxy, but this is part of the problem. The scales are a very poor way of telling how we are doing, though we have been brainwashed into thinking so.

Habitcal is the best way to see how we've been doing. If after a period of time of green and yellow, it may be time to add a mod and track the behavior MOD. If you do that, you don't have much business getting on a scale until you have a month or two of green on your mod.

For example, make a new habitcal for one sweet and snack on S days. N days are all still green, but the new S days will be green or red only. Do keep the original, though. You can still always have someplace where you are always successful.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:15 am
by NoSRocks
:oops: :oops: Yeah, I was probably suffering from 'diet head' when I wrote that post, oolala :oops: :oops: :wink: :wink:

Keep meaning to use the habitcal! I think it is a very useful visual tool and it would be fun to see my (fingers crossed) green days adding up! When I do it myself on the pc i.e. when I did my 21 day challenge, I would tend to mark S Days as red just so they would stand out from the N Days. Maybe I should mark S Days yellow instead of red because it sends out a more positive message and might encourage me to be more organized on S Days! Again, something to think about....

Hope you're all having a good evening guys and thanks as always for your great posts!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:37 am
by Amy3010
Thanks so much for the encouragement on my check-in thread! I've been posting for just a week now and there is so much support here.

I've also been trying to use the habitcal, but I also printed out a blank calendar page for April and stole three colored pencils from my son (red, green and yellow - LOL!) and keep it on my nightstand to color in each morning to give me motivation for the coming day. Silly, I know, and I will probably get tired of it at some point, but so far it helps to ingrain this new habit for me.

Good luck with your new start on Vanilla No-S!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:11 am
by NoSnacker
Mmmm, like Oolala's idea. After listening to the podcast I will look to perhaps having like 2 - 3 S events on the weekends...just need to determine in my head what they'll be...and I also liked what Oolala said about the scale...I have to stop it...I said I would. Maybe I need to make a habit cal for staying off the a thought..

We all have great support here and will succeed if we apply it...

Have a great Thursday and green on...

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:45 am
by ZippaDee
I'm not ready to add any mods to my S Days just yet. Want to continue to just enjoy and see if they will stablize on their own. Gonna give it a bit more time. We shall see. :roll:

Keep on keepin on Ms. Roxy Girl!!! I need a clapping emotion guy! :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:38 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi guys! You guys are the greatest! Thanks for popping in and making me smile!!

Amy: thanks also for the warm welcome and introduction! I think your idea of the colored pencils is really, really cool! May try it myself sometime. Anything to encourage us and keep us on the straight and narrow is definitely worth trying! :D

Deb: I agree; oolala always gives us fellow NoSers such great suggestions and good level headed advice! The S events may be the next natural progression of the No S Plan. Definitely something I may consider trying in the near future. I'm not sure if I am quite ready to attempt any (more) S Day mods right now though. Given my unsuccessful attempt last week! Like zippy, I think for me personally right now I am going to ride along with the S Days and see how they pan out for the next couple of weeks; they may - hopefully - naturally streamline on their own. I am ever so optimistic after 2 and a half years, aren't I? :D Said half in jest but that is another great thing about No S; once you get back into it again, the food anxiety/fixation tends to wane.

Zippy - Happy Thursday to you!! BTW - your avatar is so appropriate; you always fill me with enthusiasm and positive energy and it really comes through your posts!!


Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:46 pm
by NoSRocks
Well I said I wouldn't but today I weighed myself and - drum roll - still 170 lbs ! GAK!!

Actually, again I'm half jesting here regarding my reaction to this since I am trying to remove my fixation with weight and scales and trying to adopt more of a 'devil may care' attitude to the numbers. (It is HARD!! :twisted: )

I have been thinking about and re-reading over SkyKitty's latest post to the testimonials and I really admire her style of writing/attitude and how she has accepted that whilst she may not have dropped weight on No S, she has definitely adopted a far better relationship with food/body image (which I take it includes the no. on the scale!) and most of all, in her own words PEACE OF MIND. That should be our ultimate goal after all. When I am in diet head, like a split personality, I know i can often forget this valuable piece of information.


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:59 am
by tobiasmom
Totally still struggling with diet head here....especially since I went back to Weight Watchers for a while, and it worked. BUT did it really? I was slowly but surely losing my grip on counting and going a bit insane when I found out about the pregnancy. The relief to be able to just forget all that and eat my three plates.........well, it's just SANITY!!!!
I'm here with you once again, Girl!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:19 am
by Sweetness
Hi Roxie,
Thought I'd read your thread since you stopped by mine, you really have some interesting discussions going! Too late tonight for me to comment much, but I wish you well! I think half of the battle is to just let habit take over and NOT BE HARD ON OURSELVES!!
I think you are doing great! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:19 am
by NoSnacker
Hi Roxy, I have to say dinner with my friends last night went great, even came home and didn't need anything else..normally might thought would focus on "i have to go the rest of the night without food", but somehow that doesn't make sense to me anymore..

Yes, the lovely scale..I still don't get how it can be like such a sword in our sides. I think what others say here about it makes sense...maybe we should consider putting it some place not accessible, like in the trunk of our cars..I think that is where I'll put mine for now.

The sanity I had yesterday is the aim...right Sanity...the aim..

I think all the other things will fall into place.

And I keep remembering what Oolala said,,,remember how good your last meal was, think about the days worth of food and enjoy those thoughts..

I also read somewhere about leaving some food on the plate, let's your mind think that it had plenty, when we clean our plates it can have a negative effect. I think I have a post on the general forum with a link to dr. oz site and about leaving food on the plate is there, explains the logic..

It will all work out, we can't give up...I give you a lot of credit, I was one of those that left and came back... :)

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:59 pm
by NoSRocks
Well hello again, guys! Its ALWAYS so exciting to log in and read all of your lovely replies! :D :D

Tobiasmom! WELCOME BACK!! (((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))
Really missed ya! However, you have done really, really well and many congratulations once again on all counts!

Not to throw cold water or anything BECAUSE YOU HAVE DONE WONDERFULLY But I think WW would be most difficult for me to follow (counting points etc.) and from what I read, that's the main reason folks grow tired of it. Again, stressing here that I do not wish to come across as negative or anything - I think that is the problem with most traditional diets; realistically, does one want to have to count points for the rest of their life? How does one maintain the weight afterwards? This is where No S is different: it is a plan you follow from the word go and nothing other than - and I do not say this lightly since I have so much 'trouble' with them at the moment - streamlining the S Days over time if necessary to lose the lbs.

Anyway guys - I'm rambling a bit here so time to leave this subject! Hope you all have a great weekend. S Days coming up - YAY!!! For all my fretting and worrying over them, I still look forward to them anyway.

:roll: :roll: lol!

Thanks again all for stopping by! Deb: glad you enjoyed your meal last night. Well done you! You always write such interesting and helpful posts!

Patty: Glad your hand is feeling better and that now your neigbors are back, you won't need to go near him for a while !

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:05 pm
by lbb (Liz)
DEB: thanks for that comment about leaving a little food on the plate.
I think that's a great "mind trick" idea to have YOU be in control and say, "i've had enough." Cleaning the plate is a prob for me and I think it makes me say, "I WANT MORE!".

Roxie: glad you're doing well! Enjoy your S days! You're right about WW. When I did WW, I was SO much "in my head". It almost felt like a full-time job managing my points/meals. Yikes.
This NO S just frees up so much more space to be creative, authentic, and myself.

Take care.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:18 am
by NoSRocks
Hey there lbb! Thanks for dropping by!

Have a great weekend yourself and enjoy your S Days as well. BTW - I had a look at your No Essing blog earlier... It is absolutely beautiful!! I love the way you photograph your meals throughout the day. Wonderful!!
I thought about starting my own food blogs.... but who wants to look at pics of tv dinners all of the time!???? tsk tsk,
:P :P

Tonight, was a bit heavy eating wise: I had a greasy fry up: bacon, sausage, hash browns, the lot! Well it was quick cos I was taking the kids over to a friends' house for a little get together with their kids - they're staying the night there so it should be good fun... and I will get a little peace and quiet for 5 mins (just kidding??? :roll: )
Anyway I feel like I got into S Day mode a little prematurely this evening...although I was good and didn't have any extras or snacks. All that food fitted on my one plate too!! Mind you, at this rate I cannot be surprised that I'm not losing any weight.

Have a great weekend, guys and talk to you all real soon!! xx

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:24 am
by NoSnacker
Hi Roxy....stopping by to say have a wonderful weekend!!! And I see you have committed to your next weigh-in it..

As soon as the light comes up I'm going to put my scale in the car...

Oolala had me laughing about weighing myself on the freeway!! I might just do that if the urge gets to strong :)


Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:54 am
by Sweetness

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:54 am
by NoSRocks
LOL! Hi guys! Hope you're having a good weekend yourselves! OMGosh, Deb! That was too funny!! :lol: :lol:

I still think putting the scale in your car is a GREAT idea, tho! :wink: :wink:

I've also tried hiding the scale - I even shoved it to the back of my closet amongst all the heaps of clothing :oops: :oops: - yet it still found its way back into my 'posession' (pun intended I think!) Never thought of putting it in the back of the car till now! I may have to give it a try sometime. :P

Didn't weigh this morning (Saturday) and I hope I can - this time - lay off it until at least June! Wasn't too indulgent of an S Day today. I was working and when I got home, I actually felt too frazzled out by work (hectic day!) to eat anything. However, I still get that niggling "Its dinner and an S Day to boot! You must eat something!!" feeling going on and as it turned out, I did eat eventually and it was quite a generous /heavy dinner. Trader Joes mac n cheese to be precise which is heavy as in carbs and starches etc. - not that I count carbs btw =. just plates, all 3 of them ! To quote our wise oolala. (LOVE LOVE LOVE that expression!)

After this huge plate of mac n cheese I then thought dessert! What will I have??? I took a bite out of a magnum and then threw the rest in the trash because it had freezer burn (nasty!) I think it must have defrosted in transit from the store to my refrigerator and had crystallized. No flavor off of it, just like eating a large icicle - Ugg! I then nibbled at a square of the fudge I made during the week - just mindless nibbling and all done standing up in the kitchen instead of sitting down nicely at the table to enjoy it properly! (Will I never learn?? I will have to relisten to Reinhard's marvellous podcast again!!)

In the end, I had several pieces of saltwater taffy which satisfied somewhat. Overall, tho, not too bad of an S Day. A little nibbley here n there but no bingeing which is half the battle.

Have a great S Day Sunday, guys!!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:17 pm
by Sweetness

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:00 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi Patty ! :D Happy Sunday :)

Well guys, I had the same dinner this evening as last night: TJ mac n cheese. Whenever I go to TJoes' I just can't resist their mac n cheese! It is divine.... but oh so heavy! Actually, this past couple of days, I have to confess that I didn't enjoy it as much. Either my tastes are changing or the more likely reason - they may have changed up the recipe a little. As oft happens I find whenever i get something to eat that I really, really like, it either changes recipe and isn't half as good as it once was or it just completely disappears from the store shelves ! :roll: DH always kids me on by saying they only do that because they know I like it ! ha ha!

I would have liked some ice cream for dessert however I forgot to pick some up at the store after leaving work this afternoon - DUHH! So in the end, i scarfed a couple of squares of the very rich fudge and even found room for a good slice of blueberry cheesecake ! UGH!! Full to the gills again!!! :roll: Well, it is an S Day, after all!
....N Days here we come!!! :D :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:05 pm
by NoSnacker
I hear ya, my Saturday was a none stop eating day..way too much chocolate..Sunday was much more calm...

I didn't put the scale in the truck, but I think I will join you in not weighing until June, well maybe May 1 then June 1..

I love mac and cheese and I better that mac and cheese is unbelievable....

k, there roxy girl..have a nice night!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:33 pm
by NoSRocks
Hey there Deb! Thanks for stopping by :)

Oh yeah, that mac n cheese is fabulous - just like the home made stuff if not better! YUMMY! I'm too lazy to make my own but the Trader Joes is really worth it! (at least I think so...ha!!)

No worries re your S Days - says me - that is what they're there for! :D

I, too, am suffering from S Day hangover as carpediem so neatly put it! I even felt tempted to have some sweet stuff today (Monday) as if what I ate over the weekend weren't enough ! :roll: :roll:

I also hear ya re. the weight and scales idea! Nice one :) Good luck with not weighing for a little while. I think it might take some of the heat off of us for a while if you know what I mean. You can but try, huh?
Having said so, I got weighed this am at the drs. I insisted on taking off my shoes and my jacket first so I wouldn't get too depressed (lol! :P )
I weighed in at 172 lbs with clothes on and after eating breakfast so I guess I'm probably still at the 170 mark. I know the drs scales have a habit of weighing more but this time as I said i made sure to take shoes/extra clothing off so as to soften the blow a little bit.

I suppose considering I had several squares (probably about a pound and a half!) of rich homemade fudge over the S Days, it could have been worse.

Here's to a Happy No S Week, all!

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:46 am
by r.jean
I had to smile when I read your post. I went to the doctor today also, and as I got ready I recalled a funny conversation with you about weighing at the doctor's office and what we do to keep the number as low as possible. I always ask for an early appt. I used to wait to eat or drink until after the appt. Today I had a banana and coffee. I still dressed in light clothing and wore flip flops. My weight at the doctor was only 2/10's of a pound higher than it was on my scale in my pajamas this morning!

I no longer dread the scale, but old habits die hard. I still do not like weighing in front of someone else.