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Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:37 am
by NoSRocks
LOL! at your dr's weigh in story, r.jean! :lol: :lol:

Wasn;t that a coincidence that we were both at the drs today and having a similar experience with those scales!?)

... I guess you could say we were coming out in sympathy with one another.... either that or we're telepathic , hee hee!!

Well done on your weigh in. Sounds like the dr's scales weren't as much as an ordeal for us today, thank goodness! However I, too, don't particularly like weighing in front of others.... I tend to think - rightly or wrongly - that they're going to be critical or judgemental of the results! Perhaps I'm just getting used to seeing my weight of 170 lbs all the time but this time, I didn't freak out as much when she said it was 172 after having eaten breakfast etc.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:11 am
by Amy3010
Those weigh-in stories make me think of the lengths I would go to on WW meeting days to have the lowest weight possible - wearing the lightest clothes and shoes, not wearing any jewelry, not eating or drinking in the few hours before the meeting, going to the bathroom a zillion times... craziness, really. So glad I found the sanity of No S!

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:35 pm
by NoSnacker
We sure do some crazy things to weigh lighter...I always leave thinking, okay my scale is 4-lbs lighter, I think I'll go with that..after all that is the one I hop on all the time :)

Why we do it beats our pants feel lighter?

Funny but I can feel great, like I'm doing well, stomach feels good, clothes aren't getting tighter, get on that darn scale and ALL those feelings go up in smoke...

Time to be set free!

I'm so glad to hear also that I'm not the only nut out there :)

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:50 pm
by r.jean
Aren't we all too funny!

At least we are laughing about it and realizing how silly we are. We are what we are, and it helps to know that we are not alone. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:19 pm
by NoSRocks
lol! I hear ya, girls! :D :lol: :D

So true about the scale and its power to derail you! Last year, my DH had decided to 'diet' just before Christmas. He was doing really well, eating right, exercising. Didn't even overindulge at the holiday season like everyone else. Started to feel really, really good. Went to drs for a physical. Got weighed and the scale said he'd gained - :roll: :twisted: :twisted: He was really demoralized and almost tempted to throw in the towel. However, he kept soldiering on and amazingly he has now lost approx 25 - 30 lbs since the end of last year! He doesn't do No S btw, sticks very strictly to 1 or 2 meals a day (I know, I know, it wouldn't work for me either, but he says its the only way he can do it!) and lots and lots of exercise. The only 'problem' with this method is he always has trouble keeping the weight off! BTW I am not trying to undermine his efforts, I admire him for his willpower and tenacity but I just wish there were a middle ground for him. For example, if he tried No S ! Unfortunately, he seems to think he couldn't do no S because he wants instant results!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:34 am
by Amy3010
Wow, it sounds like your husband has iron willpower, good for him! I'm glad he didn't let the scale throw him off. I know I would be better to get rid of my scale but I am too attached to it...

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:43 am
by NoSnacker
Hi Roxy, wow, my husband does the same..he did a juice fast for 50 days, yes 50 days and lost 50 lbs give or take a few...brags at how he can do this...and of course I say hon, if it worked why are you fat again..I know in my heart that all though tempting to try, why bother if you don't eat correctly you'll gain it all back...and HE has :) Now he has to lose weight again and about 50 lbs. I know the fast started off for spiritual reasons with the added bonus to drop a few. I tried fasting a couple days and it is hard...

It is nice as this time around for me, he seems to understand that if I don't stick to 3 squares, I'm doomed to binge...I hide how much I eat on the weekends :{ but confessed I binge eat..

Anyhow have a wonderful Wednesday..the hump is upon us!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:17 pm
by NoSRocks
Thanks guys again for your support! Believe me, I need it - stood on my own scales for the first time in a few days .... and it read 173 lbs! :roll: UGG! and here was me, thinking I was STUCK at 170 lbs (note the sarcasm!)

Wow, that was an interesting story about your husband, deb! Thanks for sharing!! I too have tried liquid replacement diets/fasting etc. and couldn't last more than a day so well done to him for having the willpower! Yeah, it is a pity that he has problems with maintenance like my husband has also. Interestingly, my hubby doesn't weigh regularly - just whenever he has a dr's appointment which again, isn't that often (thank goodness!)

Gosh, I am feeling irked out by that 3 lbs weight gain today! But will try to shake it off (literally? lol). I suspect I have been eating heavier meals this past couple of days - scone for breakfast; large pbj sandwiches for lunch that sort of thing. No binges - fingers crossed - although weight gains so make me wanna rebel!! All we can do is keep going, isn't it? I haven't had as heavy meals today: granola bars (2), yogurt and fruit for breakfast, 2 crackerfuls and I apple for lunch and dinner as yet undecided. Went for a walk earlier (as I always try to do during the week); just hoping this will all help somewhat and I won't gain any more.

Happy Hump Day to you too, deb! :D

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:22 pm
by NoSRocks
Back 'down' to 170 lbs today! Not great, but thank goodness because i really don't want to gain any more weight if I can help it! If I'm not losing, there is no way I want to be gaining! Well, I guess we can but try :roll:

I ate a little lighter yesterday, avoiding the bread. Not that I think bread is a 'bad' food, but when I say I had two slices I am talking about those big thick slices of wholegrain bread you get from Panera! :shock: YIKES! They are huge and of course to fill them up adequately, it requires a good deal of filling so I figure I slapped on about half a jar of pbutter and the same amount of the jam! Okay once in a while but I had this for lunch two days in a row. I know Reinhard would say I shouldn't worry about this since it did still fit on my plate but moderation kinda went out of the window. Oh well! At least I could see where I went 'wrong' (wrong in inverted commas because with this wonderful plan, there is no right or wrong; I was referring to what works for me). I was also having large scones and butter for breakfast in a bid (sorry oolala!! ) to use up the leftovers from the weekend. I bought one too many at the bakery last weekend! The past two days, I have had my regular granola bars, yogurt and fruit for breakfast. Today I'm out at lunchtime so I will probably go to Starbucks and have my usual low fat berry cake OR head over to McDs for a cheeseburger and apple dippers.

Now I'm back at 170 lbs again, I really must try not to weigh for a few weeks. I am heading off on vacation at the beginning of May for a week or so. It will be 'interesting' to note if I gain any weight as I did last year (around 5 lbs) which did come off although I was onto a bit of a winning streak after that since my weight mysteriously (thyroid related I suspect) dropped down another 8 lbs to 162 !! But we won't rake over old coals since that will just make me even more frustrated ! To be maintaining for this length of time with the obstacles of meno&pause and hypothyroidism, is a good thing! I would do well to remind myself of this more often!!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:21 pm
by NoSRocks
Said I wasn't going to weigh myself... I never learn! Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised to see 168 lbs on the scale for the first time in goodness knows how long! I think its just a 'fluke' cos my body likes the 170 lbs so much - lol!

Still taking the biotin supplements but I had been using a different brand for a few weeks; back on the regular brand and could this be why I have lost a few lbs again?? Trust me to weigh myself on an S Day though because now i'm conscious of the little bit of weight loss and it seems to be having an effect (not necessarily good) on my eating for today. I think I have developed a bit of 'diet head' again today. Thinking twice before I eat something given that I've lost a couple of lbs instead of eating naturally and not thinking about it! You guys know what I mean!! :roll:

Hope you are all having a nice weekend guys. Weather seems to be picking up again this week and I managed to get out for a stroll around the neighborhood with DH and kids this morning. Might go to the park with kids later on.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:03 am
by Amy3010
Aaaarrgggh - dreaded diet head - I totally know what you mean! Hang in there!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:23 am
by NoSnacker
Okay, so you are at 168 now STAY off the scale..enjoy the number..and if you feel like eating less, than eat less...

I got on the scale this morning and seems every see a tad gain, but that was from head trying to kick in of course...but not allowing this time.

Girl...please enjoy that number is the time to hide your scale..maybe you should put yours in the trunk of your car :) to start my Sunday...enjoy your day and the 168!!

Stay off the scale now... :)

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:58 pm
by NoSRocks
LOL! I will stay off the scale, I will, I will....!! She says, trying hard to sound convincing!!

Well I definitely won't be stepping on the scales today that's for sure! I never do after S Day(s) - unless I really feel like punishing myself. Had another fairly heavy S Day after all. Lots of nibbling, lots of pastry, lots of baked goods... yada yada yada :oops: :roll: :oops:

This morning, I started off eating heavy again with a turtle brownie, yogurt and fruit for breakfast. Those turtle brownies are very rich - chocolate chips, caramel, etc, etc. But so darned good! I figure I will be hiding those scales now, Deb! I think the next time I am due to be weighed will be end of May at dr's. Maybe I should close my eyes ! :P

"official" weigh in date is around beginning June 2012 not long after i'm back from vacation. Perhaps i should put it off till July... or maybe not weigh at all! Then again, I find it helpful for myself and others to put up my weight so they/I can get a record of how I'm doing on No S. Oh well, I'll see how it goes. Meantime, no weighing this week, great idea Deb! Thank you!!
Have a great No S Sunday, folks! Till next time.....

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:29 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Yes! Stay off the scale. Just think, "if the number is low or high, will it really help me out?".
Easier said, than done, I know.
Curiosity gets the best of us!
Take care and enjoy your day!
xo, liz

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:00 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks Liz! I have had two more cra&&py S Days since Friday so I have no doubt (without standing on the scales) that my weight will be back up again! :roll: :twisted:

I haven't binged as such just made horrible choices for 'meals' i.e. turtle brownies for breakfast with full fat yogurt and fruit, apple pie and ice cream for lunch, nibbles at cookies and candies inbetween meals and heavy dinners - huge slices of baked brie in a rich buttery pastry, NO Veggies and hardly any fruit to speak of (apart from citrus salad at breakfast); nibbles on chocolate candies, jolly ranchers and werthers original toffees -- even when I wasn't feeling hungry ! Now I feel horrible and bloated .... this doesn't seem natural the way I am tackling my S Days ......... there must be some way I can talk myself into being more organized and compliant on S Days! This is sheer torture right now...all the old feelings of recrimination and guilt I had when I used to binge all the time, every day, are flooding right back. Yes, I know for a fact I will be absolutely great during the next 5 days and in some ways, that makes me feel worse, so mad with myself in that I can without thinking about it, stick to 5 days of almost perfect compliance yet I can't manage the other 2!! :roll: :roll: how can I go on like this? This isn't anything to do with weight (although i would love to lose of course!) more to do with getting my thoughts and appetite under control! Sorry if I sound defeatist, guys, I just get fed up of the "oh I'll be okay next weekend/I wonder how I'll do this weekend?" treadmill!

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:17 am
by lbb (Liz)
I totally understand and think we all do.
You nailed it when you said you're more upset that you can be compliant and easily so throughout the week, but go crazy on sat/sun.
I think it's the "oh it's an S day, so I better make the best of it."

Though I'm far from good S days (I didn't have stellar ones this week, but oh well), a few things to help me are

-not keeping ANY binge-ish foods around. If I want it, I have to physically go get it, make it, buy it, etc. And only single servings (as opposed to a costco sized peanut M&Ms that I bought once to use for future S days, but went crazy).

-planning or going out for a meal

-no solitary with others

-planning ahead.

I really have nothing else to contribute as I also find myself in similar situations. There is nothing worse than old feelings creeping back.

Hopefully, though, they become fewer and fewer over time.

Focus on the N, and plan ahead for the S.
Xo, liz

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:59 am
by Amy3010
I'm struggling with the S days too. Trying to have faith that they will slowly but surely get better, but it's scary.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:02 am
by NoSnacker
Hi Roxy, my Sunday was worse than Saturday, I do feel like you said in my page...bloated, etc. And I like what ibb(liz) said here...

No bringing junk in the house for the weekend, if I want something I'll have to go out for it...makes buying those chips and the stuff to make cupcakes was a mistake :)

But today is Monday and we know we can do this...

I hope you stayed off the scale and hung on to your 168 :)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:58 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi guys!! Again, thank you ALL so very much for your wonderful and supporive input! :D

Yeah, deb, I think liz's suggestion was wonderful (thanks again Liz!! ((hug)) if we don't have the stuff on hand, then we can't binge on it.

I think I will have to give that a serious thought. Unfortunately, I do have some goodies still lurking around. Maybe I should do what Deb did, and just throw it in the garbage. Well done, Deb! That takes a lot of doing... often as not, I too would attempt to throw the food in the trash and would either have a few bites before doing so just to get a taste OR, yikes - fish it straight out of the trash! Yes, I too, have done this! It sounds stomach churning but when you are in the throes of a binge and you want that taste so badly, sometimes you will do anything!

Back to sticking to this plan: It is so easy and yet so hard, isn't it? Definitely when it comes to S Days, that is for sure!! Oh well, guys, all we can do is look forward to our next weekend and hope that it might be better or get gradually better than our last one!

Here's to our next (GREAT) week, everyone!!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:41 pm
by milliem
Hey roxy, just thought I'd pop in and see how you are doing! It's funny how when the scale goes up you can beat yourself up, and when it goes down you don't believe it's right!! :)

I'm still struggling with my weekends too (and lately, my weekdays, oops haha), I'm starting to think that having no rules at all is just not going to work long term! But, I know what Reinhard would say - focus on the N day habits before messing with the S days. How are your weekdays going?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:22 pm
by NoSnacker
So misssss roxy...did we stay off the scale and bathe in the 168 pool???

Ya, it wasn't so hard throwing out the chips as over the course of 2 days I ate just about 1/2 the LARGE bag :)

But I do empty in trash directly as I know it will keep me from digging, especially since I put my cat litter in there...

Like when I used to smoke, I would dig in couches for lose change, smoke nasty butts, etc. glad I quit.

Scale update young lady :)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:34 am
by NoSnacker
Where oh where is our Roxy girl!!

Hope all is well!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:31 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi there guys! :D :D

Thanks again for popping in to my thread! I'm doing fine, deb, thanks for asking. Of course, I just had to weigh myself and Im at 170 lbs again :oops: :evil: :roll: ... couldn't resist huh?? Feeling a bit embarrassed to admit it but its almost as if I have a little devil (sadistic) on my shoulder saying "Go on! Weigh yourself - check out how much damage you've done!" etc. etc.

I suppose it could have been worse but I had a fail - small fail but fail anyway - last night between lunch and dinner when I made and tested out a caramel slice recipe - thick cookie, caramel center and chocolate topping... sorry if this sounds too tempting~! TBH, it was a bit of a let down and i ended up throwing most of it in the garbage. But I'm doing okay guys just to let you know, I am not worrying too much and I have done much better today. No nibbling or baking goodies for the weekend, which is a good thing! I'd been having heavier lunches this past couple of days but today I just had a lighter lunch of crackerfuls and an apple. It didn't feel like I was under-eating or anything so that is good news. Still getting my daily walks in and the weather is getting a bit nicer again (despite cold winds) so that has helped too. Will be going on vacation in 10 days or so for a week. That might derail me a little but I'm not going to worry (too much) about it. This time last year I was the same weight as I am now. When I returned from vacation, I'd put on 5 or 6 lbs but it didn't take long for them to come off again, thank goodness! Mind, last year around May/June, I started to lose quite a bit - unexpectedly - I may add. Think my thyroid might have been the culprit since it stopped and I gained it all back after I went back on to thyroid meds again ! :( BUT... I will never tire of saying this and use it often to reinforce my faith in the No S Plan... I have NOT gained anymore weight since and when you have thyroid/age related issues, I believe it can be very easy to put on weight and keep putting it on, so I guess I am thankful about this at least.

I'm feeling pretty good and laid back about eating again which is all down to No S. So.... here's to us all and hope you are all having a great No S Week! Will keep you posted guys...!!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:10 pm
by NoSRocks
Just popping in again this evening, guys! :D

Today was a good green day ! Well I stuck to my 3 meals anyway. Had a bit of a heavier lunch (panera bread Orange scone w butter and a fruit cup) since I was at work today. Sometimes lunch choices can be difficult for me, depending upon my location. I used to be a big fan of Subs but recently have gone off those. They were pretty healthy with the salad and if you limited the dressings - probably more nutritious than a cheeseburger or pastry but... well... sigh... I just got tired of them since they tasted a bit too healthy - lol! :oops: :P :roll:

Dinner was chicken curry and rice. Smallish portion with some pickled onions on side. I know, sounds a bit crazy but pretty good. I ate the onions separately just incase you wondered. lol!

Still couldn't help myself ! Weight 170 lbs. Said I wasn't going to?? I think I am rather expecting it to go back to 168 lbs like it was last week (Friday) and that's what is compelling me to weigh as often... that's MY excuse anyway :roll:

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:20 am
by NoSnacker
Hi....well most of us are guilty of the scale thing..I have been hopping on as well. Since January I lost about 9lbs, but that was with counting calories and coming back here last I would say after 6 weeks of No S, I might have lost about 5lbs, but mind you I was 168 when I left and currently I'll be excited when I'm back to where I was when I started No S last June.

With that said, I try not to focus too much on my weight, but on how I feel.

And like you, when I first started I have to admit I did not notice the "sometimes". But will try to not be an idiot on the weekends, but I will freely have seconds, a snack or sweet if the desire I don't want to ruin what I have going on with my greens at the moment.

I guess it would be harder for someone that enjoys baking like you do..did you ever consider baking and taking the stuff over to your local homeless shelter? Would help you both emotionally and the people that would truly appreciate some goodies :)

Okay, time to shut up Deb :0

Have a great day!!

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:14 pm
by NoSRocks
Aww deb! (((((hugs))))))))) that was a lovely idea about the homeless shelter! You know, I never thought of that. Thanks! I do have some non perishable food items that I donate to a charity that comes around my neighborhood once or twice a year but never considered the baked goods. Nice! :D

BTW - deb, I know we're not supposed to be focussing on weight but heck, you have done marvellously since re-starting on the No S Plan. Well done! At this rate, you should be 168 lbs in no time (sorry I hope that doesn't sound cheesy or patronizing - I can assure you its meant in the nicest/best possible way but I worry sometimes about how stuff comes across on the internet if you know what I mean, hence my reasons for over-embellishing etc. So there is no misinterpretation as much as possible! :oops: :roll: :wink: )

Anyway - doing well so far (well its only mid morning). Had breakfast. Made fudge last night as well as the brownies. No temptations ... YET! I will give my DD and DS some of the goodies to take to school so that will account for some of it. Now as my first S Day is coming up, (was gonna write 'looming' but that sounds a bit drastic! I look forward to my S Days with mixed feelings if that sounds logical..... :) I think deb you are on the button when you say not to focus on the weight but how you feel.

Have a great weekend guys if I don't talk to you before then. Just heading off to work now! Take care all! :D

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:30 pm
by NoSnacker
I know what you mean how things might be read, but I totally understood what you were saying..once I get back to 168, my journey starts :) We all have a goal in mind, tucked away.. :)

Ya know in Reinharts pods, S days gone wild I think..very helpful, did you ever listen to it? He has some suggestions for those of us that struggle with S days...especially if we have been on here for a while.

Off to the shower for me...and get ready to visit my friend...


Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:52 pm
by ZippaDee
Hi Roxy, Just popping in to say hello! I love to bake as well! Made some Rice Krispie treats for the kids yesterday and did not even lick my fingers. :D Keep on keepin on. I AGREE this is really about how you feel. If we keep up with the habit the wieght will eventually follow. I really do believe that!

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:22 am
by NoSRocks
Hello again guys! Thanks both of you for popping in. I feel a bit guilty often that I don't always have the time to post to my buddies' threads as often as I would like but I just want y'all to know I read your posts faithfully on here every day and I am very grateful for the wonderful insight and great input you guys put into this board. Zippee!! My friend - you always bring a great big happy smile to my face! Thanks for stopping by. As always much appreciated !

Yeah, deb - thanks for recommending the S Days gone wild podcast! I did re-listen to it a few weeks ago (probably about time I played it again since I need as much positive information and reinforcement as i can get - lol)

Reinhard makes some great suggestions and observations on there, doesn't he? Perhaps one day, if I continue to listen and re-listen for long enough, it might just start to sink in with me, ie. what I should be doing on my S Days or if I should stop worrying about them so much etc. Tomorrow (my first S Day of the weekend), I already have 2 large seven layer bars in the fridge in anticipation of my S day breakfast. Some day, I wonder, will I be able to treat S Days the same as N Days with just one or two special treats ? All we can do is keep trying, and hopefully within time, it will get easier.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:21 am
by lbb (Liz)
Hi, Roxy!
Never ever feel guilty about not posting often to others' posts. We are all busy and do the best we can, but know we all support and love each other!
Woot woot!

You'll do great this weekend. Enjoy those bars. They are heavenly. Glad you have set them aside for the S days!

Let us know how it goes!

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:52 am
by r.jean
I read through posts every day but finding time to post myself is another thing! I love to converse but as Liz notes we are all busy. I am sure you are too!

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:19 am
by NoSRocks
Aww! Thanks guys for being so understanding!

Well, I didn't have a very controlled S Day today after all! Well, maybe I should rephrase that because imo control (in the negative sense) and No S don't go together! So... I overindulged again today (surprise, surprise! :roll: ) but when you read over what I actually ate - its on another thread somewhere - its mostly nibbling and no real structure or proper nutritious meals today! A lot of that is where my trouble with S Days lie - its not so much the quantity (although it has to be said, it is usually excessive!) but the quality. I've said this often and someone else also suggested it - sorry I have forgotten the poster's name but thank you again, poster ! :oops: - I would do better perhaps if I ate out at a restaurant on S Days. That way, you have the structure and also of course, a wider range of meals to chose from.... including a special dessert which you probably wouldn't make at home. Or even a few scoops of icecream on a pretty plate: I wouldn't make the effort at home.. the icecream would be scooped straight out of the carton into my mouth, whilst in the kitchen, standing around and waiting for my microwave meal to cook! This is NOT an exaggeration, btw!

Well, guys, getting a bit tired now so time I went to bed ! Will keep you posted on how I do tomorrow (Sunday).

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:34 am
by r.jean
I agree with the idea of eating pretty and tasty food as a way to avoid permasnacking. I need to get into the mode of doing this. I need to stop eating so much convenience food. With my children all grown and out of the house, I have the time now to cook nice meals for myself (and DH) but I do not do it. Right now I am going to plan my meals for today and tomorrow and will make a trip to the store if necessary!

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:54 pm
by NoSRocks
I hear ya, rjean! Convenience food! That's all I live on these days! Crazy thing is, I cook meals from scratch for DH and kids, but not myself. I often remember my mom telling me her own mother did not care for the taste of her own cooking and I now wonder if I am the same way (even though i never really understood it at the time!)

Felt bloated and awful going to bed last night. My stomach (excuse TMI) felt extended and I had a lot of very vivid dreams throughout the night. Ate a lot of cheese it really an old wive's tale that cheese makes you dream? lol!

Didn't wake up till late morning and by the time I ate breakfast it was almost lunchtime! Needless to say though, I did not skip lunch when I came back from my daily walk. But I felt like the day was almost over and I still had lots of ironing and housework to catch up on! Never enough hours in the day and all .....! :roll:

No weighing this week I am determined plus vacation next week so that may encourage me to lay off the scales. Hopefully, I may hold out until June - my next official weigh in.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:18 am
by r.jean
Good luck staying away from the scale. It is not easy!

Try not writing it down and not posting it if you do slip. That is what I do. I have one official weigh in each month. The exception is going to the doctor.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:40 am
by Amy3010
Staying off the scale is hard! Hang in there!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:10 am
by NoSnacker
Helllloooo Roxy......Let's go green for May...

I can't believe I'm on my 3rd round of 21 days..who would have thought...
NOT me...

I'm on vacation tooooo starting this the pressure is on to maintain my normal N days...fingers crossed.


Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 8:11 pm
by NoSRocks
Hello again guys! :D Thank you ALL for your support!

Yeah, laying off those scales is and will be hard but whilst we are on vacation, there won't be no scales (which is probably another good thing!)
and I don't think I'll be in too much of a hurry to weigh myself after I come back.... although I will try to stick to No S rules as much as possible. It could be much worse after all, i could be on one of those restrictive 'conventional diets' that are almost impossible to follow when you're on holiday! :wink:

Hey deb! Have a great vacation yourself. Hope you get lots of r n r!!

I'm off at the weekend and won't be back for around 10 days. No pc with me so i will be missing my No S buddies like mad!@ lol :P

Have a great time!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 8:15 pm
by NoSRocks
....meant to add, folks, I have managed to stick to the rules and had a green N Day today. No more of this sneaking ice cream after dinner on an N Day! :roll: :twisted: Well, I guess I shouldn't be too hard on myself but my reasons - I think - for doing so was a: trying to sort out my S Days by making my N Days not! b: in anticipation of my vacation, and all the opportunities for letting one's hair down eating wise so I developed a bit of a "what the heck" attitude..... but now I've come to my senses and realize I can still enjoy my holiday and at least attempt to follow some kind of structure/No S guidelines.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 2:45 am
by snapdragon
Enjoy your vacation! Focus on having fun NOT on food!!!!

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 3:33 am
by NoSRocks
LOL! Thanks Snap! I'll try!! :D :D

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:34 am
by NoSnacker
We'll miss you!!! But enjoy...

Thanks for you comments about my cat...he is in a lot of pain this morning, kind of shaking I feel so bad...his meds won't be ready until afternoon..keeps running to the bathroom I feel so bad...

His sister is wondering what is going on, why he doesn't want to play...

Have a great one...I'm sure you'll have No S friend withdrawal... :)

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 5:01 pm
by NoSRocks
((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) deb! aww, so sorry to hear your little guy is under the weather today! Hopefully, he will soon be on the mend, honey.

Thanks again for your nice messages, guys and for wishing me a happy holiday! I've got a few days yet before I leave. Just as well: lots of packing and stuff to do before we leave. :roll: Love vacations but don't like packing - never know what to take... always end up taking too many clothes etc. with us! I guess that is better than too little tho, :lol:

Hope you are having a good day, guys. This is Day 2 of my latest round of 21 days and a bit prematurely, I have marked today as a green. However, I am feeling confident today that I am going to be okay. Once I get back in the swing of my N Days, which fingers crossed, doesn't take long, its plain sailing pretty much. Like a broken record: its the S Days that undo all the good! Maybe with a change of scene i.e. on vacation, I might not want to overindulge too much at the weekend. I am assuming we will be eating out most days anyway so meals tend to be more structured. Well, its vacation, who can tell, but before you tell me off guys, yes I AM determined to make the most of it and enjoy myself and no, I will NOT be worrying too much! Might be a different story when I return, however I am pretty much sure that after I get back on track again, I will return albeit to my starting weight of 170 lbs, as soon as possible. I am kinda resigned to the 170 lbs these days, doncha think?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:29 pm
by oolala53
Hope you'll find out that vacations can be loads of fun even without S's on weekdays. REally!

Just curious:how is sneaking the ice cream different from just eating it?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:54 pm
by NoSRocks
lol! Hi oolala! Thanks for popping in again! I guess I used the term 'sneaking' without really thinking about it. But if I had to come up with a reason of why I may have chosen that particular word it might be:

a: I knew it was breaking the rules on an N Day

b: I didn't want anyone else to see me eating it because I knew I would get teased (albeit playfully!) for having an S on an N Day.

.... but I guess by doing so, I was only 'kidding' myself at the end of the day!

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:00 am
by NoSnacker
hey roxy, thanks for the b-day greetings!

sneaking..mmmmm, when no one is looking :)

i do that all the time, well i used to, and still do on the weekends..when i don't want my husband to know how much i'm grazing which is really binging in steps :0

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 11:59 am
by oolala53
Ah, good one, Deb. Grazing is bingeing in steps.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:53 am
by NoSRocks
Yeah, I like that expression, deb! I'd do well to remember it next time I start nibbling between meals, guys! :wink:

Talking of which: I had a green day today but was tempted to nibble on some caramel shortcake I made earlier. It's a slippery slope, this home baking idea! :roll: :oops: :evil:

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:42 am
by Amy3010
I agree 100%! Home baking can be very, very, very dangerous! :twisted: Except on S days. Sometimes. :lol:

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:44 am
by NoSnacker
I surely don't know how you survive the baking...I would weight 300lbs for sure..but it is like gardening for some, very relaxing, etc. I don't like to cook, bake, or garden.. :)

Today I start my vacation..took and S event for yesterday..first one since I started back 3/19. Hope to stick to good meals during the week as I'll be home and therefore NO reason to cut lose :)

Have a great one!

Fixed the "Grazing is binging in bites" :)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:48 pm
by milliem
I very rarely bake these days :( Even if I baked on an S day, there's only me and the human dustbin that is my other half at home - and even he might struggle to help me finish off an entire tray of delicious goodies!

Maybe smaller baking trays and scaled down recipes are the way forward! Enough for a couple of treats over a weekend but not a freezer or fridge full of temptation...

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 3:34 pm
by lbb (Liz)
I feel ya on home baking. It equals security and love to my family, or so I thought growing up.

But I have to leave the dessert portion of baking to weekends. Because I simply can't not lick batter, nibble dough, etc.

Then when I bake I set aside a portion for me, my kids, and husband.
Then give the rest to neighbors!
They don't seem to complain! :wink:

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:48 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks guys again for all your supportive, helpful and interesting replies! Interesting in that it is very useful to get an insight into our other No Sers' ways of thinking and pick up some helpful hints and tips along the way :D

Hey deb - have a nice, relaxing holiday. Just getting a break from the norm is half the battle, isn't it? Or from the treadmill (pun intended)

Got a little p&&d off today when I looked in the mirror and saw my stomach and b&&tt sticking out. Normally, it doesn't bother me too much. NO S is great for taking the body image tension and fretting out of the equation too, but today for some reason, I started to get antsy and impatient / fed up with my current weight being at a standstill for so long! It would be wonderful to see a change even if it were only 5 lbs its better than nothing. Having said so, I haven't weighed for a few days (attempting the challenge ) but I can tell by just looking I haven't lost a bean. Through a slimming club a few yrs ago, I got down to 150 lbs and even then, I wasn't satisfied. What was I thinking!! Oh well, no good crying over spilt milk or what mighta been. Just mark it an move on!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!! :D :D

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:57 am
by milliem
Hey there's nothing wrong with having a bum and belly - even at a healthy weight most women will have curves somewhere :) In fact that's why I love doing squats when I exercise - build those glutes and make sure I don't have a flat ass! :D

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:31 am
by NoSnacker
I hear ya Roxy, I do the same thing..can be sailing along living life and then the dreaded feeling fat comes over one and the mirror is staring back at is really a form of self-punishment ya know. I hate my body right now, I really do..I just do the best I can to ignore it :)

We'll get are starting to take a look at the whole picture on what you can do to change things up. I think in your heart you know what is causing the weight not to come off as you would like.when you are ready to change that one thing, you'll be on your way.

Have a great here I come.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:09 am
by ZippaDee
can be sailing along living life and then the dreaded feeling fat comes over one and the mirror is staring back at is really a form of self-punishment ya know

I IS a form of self-punishment! ARRRRGH!!! Had a bad time with this myself yesterday. It's not a good thing AT ALL!

Sending big ole cyber hugs your way Roxy...and NoSnacker too!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 1:37 pm
by NoSRocks
Hello my lovely fellow noS-ers! ((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))

You guys are too nice! :)

lol at your quote re. the belly n bum, milliem! Agreed, tho, most guys like a little bit of flesh (sorry if not PC enough for those who care). Sometimes, I wonder why the whole weight and body image thing ever became an issue for women and then it hits me right in the face! The tabloids and all their beatification (or should I say beautification? :P ) of celebrities and their looks/body image etc. etc. Anyway, could say more about this but will have to make it short this time !

Thanks Deb and Zippy for your lovely posts and well wishes! I hope you too have a great vacation, deb, relaxing and fishing ... sounds idyllic! Anything that gets a change of scene and away from the workplace for any length of time is just wonderful!

A big Hello and hugs to all my fellow No Sers out there - if I forgot to mention anyone in this post here, I apologize - thinking of you all and as always enjoying everyone's posts!

I'm not going on vacation for a few days so if I get the time, I no doubt will be posting or at least lurking around here. If I don't get a chance to post, then just to let you know, have a great week and I will talk to you guys and update you on my latest news when I get back.

Take care, everyone! Lots of love from Roxy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:21 pm
by oolala53
What we see in the mirror and what is actually there is rather fascinating. We're almost never objective.

I'm okay with looking at my body most of the time. I assume it's because I'm eating sanely and I am down around 30 lbs. What's really amazing to me about it is that I can still see that I am a "before" picture for one of those infomercial ultra fitness programs, yet I don't think I look bad. I feel sorry for anyone who feels disgusted with themselves because they look like me. In fact, I feel sorry for anyone who feels consistently disgusted with themselves when they look in the mirror, no matter how big (or small) they are. It's a terrible place to be and changes can be made without that kind of deep self-hate. I know Reinhard is sometimes an advocate for a little shame, but I know he doesn't mean the depth of disgust that many people feel.

And the best anti-dote is often the same. Eat and move for vitality and get involved in other pursuits in life!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:50 pm
by milliem
oolala53 wrote: I feel sorry for anyone who feels disgusted with themselves because they look like me. In fact, I feel sorry for anyone who feels consistently disgusted with themselves when they look in the mirror, no matter how big (or small) they are.
Totally agree! I think there has to be a balance between accepting and being nice to yourself, and striving to be healthy and fit.

Hope you have a good weekend Roxy, and a good holiday!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:25 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi guys! Thanks milliem for your nice message! :D I am starting to get excited and really looking forward to my trip so thank you all for your nice wishes ! :D

Yeah, totally agree too with you, oolala re the mirror image thing! Fortunately, I'm not at the stage where I am disgusted at my figure or body image. However, depending on the day/mood, I would say that I can be disappointed and/or fed up at seeing the same old, same old (as in no change!) but so-so might be a more accurate description as overall, I suppose I'm pretty satisfied with how I look, given my age, thyroid conditions and 'genetics'. Actually, this might be vanity talking but I often prefer what I see in the mirror over my images in photos. Not keen on most photos and sometimes I'd go as far as to say they make me look utterly unkempt! I definitely agree that the camera adds pounds and perhaps because the image one sees in the mirror is actually the opposite (as in reverse) to what other people see in real life, that's why I tend to think I look untidy or unattractive in the photos (without getting too analytical/critical I hope).

Anyway - had a fairly nice, controlled S Day today. Wish I could think of a better word than controlled because that sounds forced and I definitely did not force myself to do anything! What i mean is I had 3 nice meals (heavier dinner of TJs mac n cheese which TBH I kinda made myself eat as there wasn't really anything else in the house I fancied for dinner) and followed it by a really gorgeous, decadent slice of silky chocolate mousse cheesecake. Again, very, very rich and took me all of my time to finish it. But boy! did I feel satisfied! In fact, its taken me all this time and I don't wanna get TOO carried away, but I think I have learnt a valuable lesson this evening: previously, with the very RARE exception, I had been treating myself to 'substandard'/everyday kind of treats and nibbles on S Days. This slice of dessert was, I figure, kinda expensive at $5 (or have I just lost touch with today's prices? lol) But I felt like I really had a wonderful, filling and decadent treat and felt very satisfied. The perfect way to round off a meal. I don't feel like scarfing and nibbling on other treats now because i am absolutely full (in fact, a little TOO full) and satisfied. In future, I must make the effort to buy decent, 'high end' (how stuffy does that sound?) treats. Or should I say treat. period. One really nice dessert after dinner, esp whilst I still have 'troublesome' S Days. Standard Chocolate covered ice creams and the like are wonderful but they just aren't special enough to satisfy me right now. I genuinely believe - but you know me, always reluctant to make sweeping affirmatives - that I could control my S Days much better if i made the effort to buy a really 'good' filling dessert for S Days. Maybe - just maybe - once i've had a few reasonable weekends using this method, then I can look at streamlining my S Days a little bit. But heck, if I'm only gonna have the one dessert at dinner, then do I really need to streamline? As oolala so wisely quoted, how low does one want to go? well, words to that effect oolala ( you know what I mean!) How much is one prepared to streamline food and body image/weight? It has to be sustainable after all! Well guys, I will keep you posted on this one too. i feel quite excited about this 'new' finding and state of mind! It only took a few years to sink in - ha ha. This coming week of course, isn't really typical since I'm on vacation but I don't feel the need to go OTT. I'm on holiday and even with the sanest eating plan on the planet as my ally, there is always opportunity for over indulgence! For most of us, the eating is part of the holiday entertainment and enjoyment! :lol:

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:52 am
by NoSnacker
Enjoy!!!!! We went fishing yesterday, but Lake Erie was very windy and it was easterly wind so 90% of the time the fish just don't bite...we gave up early and hope for a better day today....was hoping for some walleye for dinner.

Your dessert sounded lovely..when I went out for my birthday I order a shot glass dessert basically anything on the dessert tray is put into a double shot was very very good...

Yesterday was a gracing binge day...really ate none stop...but today is a new day and I hope to have some sanity today :0

Have a super Sunday!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 1:34 pm
by NoSRocks
You too, honey! Glad you are having a good time as well. :D

You know, I really did enjoy that dessert yesterday. My DH thinks I'm nuts to go crazy over a dessert - lol. But he doesn't have the 'female'?? sweet tooth going on. The kids certainly enjoyed their special treat but at $5 a pop, its just as well we're keeping them to the weekends! I forgot to add: we enjoyed the dessert sitting down at the table instead of our usual in front of the tv or in my case, nibbling while standing up and/or preparing dinner!
I hope to have a more moderate S Day today as well. Have a lot of preparations and packing to do for our upcoming vacation so hopefully it will keep me busy/unable to snack as much!

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 11:27 am
by NoSnacker
My best friend of 35+ years has joined me on the sanity with food quest..she read the book all about snacking..and the light came on just how much she snacks while she cooks...on everything healthy, but none the less extra she is doing the 3 squares including her fruit with her meals. She is not a computer person so I'm pretty sure she'll refer to the book and me, but so easy what is to refer to right..:)

We did discuss honey and she uses it in her tea, as well as I myself. She said the book so no honey, I said yes honey, if people are allowed sugar in their coffee/tea, we can have honey..much better for us anyway.

Vacation so far for me is not going well for fishing the rain and wind has stopped us cold in our tracks. I told my husband next year NO opening season..I'll wait until June or July...May weather can be very unpredictable.

K, have a great's it going?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:30 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi guys! I'm baaaack!!! :D :D

Thanks deb for your nice message. Just logged in and read it this afternoon. Hope you had a good vacation yourself. I had a super time but as you can imagine, not too good on the 'No S" front! :roll: :roll:

Lots of freebies i.e. breakfast n booze ! HAD to take advantage of it, didn't I ? (She quips - somewhat sarcastically!) :lol:

Anyway - I guess one good thing came out of the vacation (apart from the fantastic vacation itself of course!) ... i didn't weigh myself for over a week AND since I have come back, even though its only been a day - lol- you would not get me near a scale for love nor money! Too scared! I can tell by the waistband of my pants HOW MUCH weight I have put on so I am not going to risk it! I think it would be a good idea not to weigh for a while anyway (for me personally that is!)

Well, guys, making this short since I am at work today but hope to call in later on with more No S chat! TAKE CARE, ALL! BYE FOR NOW!!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 7:42 am
by Amy3010
Welcome back! Yes, a very wise decision not to weigh right when you get back from a vacation :wink: !

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:15 pm
by NoSRocks
Thanks Amy!

Well.... I did cave in (sigh) and stood on the you know whats! :roll: :roll:

Still 170 lbs! Suppose its not all bad.... I definitely thought I had gained. Perhaps it was all the walking I did yesterday on my first day back at work.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 8:34 am
by Amy3010
LOL! :lol: I probably would have done the same! Glad it wasn't as bad as you were expecting :wink: - that's always good news, right?

Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 9:52 am
by NoSnacker
Hi, hope vacation was wonderful and from the sounds of it, not gaining weight to boot is great. Like Amy, I would have done the same thing....trying not to weigh to often is hard for giving up your most favorite food.

My weight stayed the same as well for being home 2 weeks..seemed like a weekend everyday...yik.

Had my first fail on Thursday...had cookies/tad bit of chips and mac and cheese..which I was not hungry for. Had a procedure Wednesday where I didn't eat food all day, who knows maybe I was making up for lost time or feeling sorry for myself...

Monday will start my 4th 21 day cycle...wonder if I did enough of them already :), but it does help keep one honest.

Have a great weekend!!

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 7:51 pm
by oolala53
Hi, Roxy, I came back from New Orleans on Tuesday, and am getting caught up. I snuck a look at the scale and was up only 2/10 of a pound over my March weigh in. I didn't think I had put any weight on, as I had eaten rather reasonably, though I had had more fails BEFORE I left. I think the weekend of sane eating and more walking actually brought me down! I've got to find a way to make my life as full without having to be in a strange city.

Remember, your first "job" is to have green weeks. It's really worth it.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 3:35 am
by NoSRocks
Hi guys! :D Thanks again for dropping in! :) :) ALWAYS great to read your thoughful and helpful messages! Hey before I go on: I am feeling very, very sleepy this evening as I type this message.

oolala - hey girl! glad you're back (missed ya) and great to hear that you had a good holiday. Well done also on the weight situation. Isn't it great when we can go on holiday and come back weighing practically the same as when we went ? Wow! I'm impressed!! Not sure how I myself managed to remain the same since I did overindulge somewhat most nights.

Well girls (sigh) I am having trouble keeping my eyes open here. Must be the holiday air catching up with me! Keep typing gibberish and going back over deleting all I've typed. so.... goodnight all, will catch up later on!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:12 am
by milliem
Welcome back Roxy!

Hey I reckon maintaining over a vacation is a definite success!!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:11 pm
by NoSRocks
Thanks milliem!! :) :) :)

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 4:34 pm
by NoSRocks
Hi guys! Sorry I've been a bit quiet recently. Working a different (full time) schedule this week so not much time to get on the pc.

Anyway... talk about payback! Stepped on the scale this morning and oh dear! UP 3 or 4 lbs (hovering between 173 and 174 fully unclothed, empty stomach), Darn! Thought it was too good to be true. Mind you, I have not been particularly N Day compliant either since my return from vacation. So that obviously is now showing an impact on the scales (not in a good way! :(

I had a few nibbles of fudge after dinner last night and because i am working in center of town this week where there is access to all sorts of goodies, I am over spending and over buying (supposedly in anticipation of S Days - when will I ever learn? - and because these extra special lovely treats are there staring me in the face, one "can't help" but nibble! (a little piece here a little bit there....) I felt so disappointed in myself and I guess tbh I had been a little complacent and devil may care in attitude since I came back from vacation and saw no change in the scale. I guess the up side of this morning's revelation is that it kicked my bu*tt enough for me to get serious again. I had a slightly lighter lunch of granola parfait from a coffee shop (a little like Starbu*cks). Wasn't sure of the calorie content etc. - I don't bother counting calories and I won't be bothering to start either - but I wanted to make sure I wasn'g going too overboard! Sometimes the yogurt etc if it is full fat contains just as many if not more calories than the regular stuff.

This evening, I will be having my main meal and that is IT. No nibbling tonight. I feel determined so I hope I can keep it up the rest of the evening. I'm not happy stuck at 170 lbs for so long but it almost goes without saying, I would prefer not to put more on.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 1:00 am
by NoSRocks
Hi again guys! Dropping in again tonight because I feel like I need a lot of positive affirmation and support at the moment. At times like these, it really, really helps to log in and read everyone's supportive messages and I feel like posting myself tonight just to get my head around this. I think the vacation kinda knocked me for six (and I could be referring to my weight gain when i say this :roll: ) even though we all had a wonderful time, it can be a challenge at times to stick to when your regular routine is outta whack. I didn't go absolutely overboard and throw all caution to the wind whilst I was away but I do admit, i thought it kinda suspicious that my weight hadn't budged up by just a little considering we were eating out and I was having lots of cocktails etc. every night. Come on, I guess you gotta enjoy yourself as it is a vacation after all! lol.

This week as I said in my previous post was unusual since I don't usually work full time and in this part of town. Not getting as much exercise in although I do walk around the stores etc. on my lunch break. I have a few more days at this particular locale and then my routine should gradually get back to normal. I will be able to walk my neighborhood during the day etc. and have lunch at home. I do much better when I lunch at home than in a cafe where I tend to find choices can be a bit limited even in this day and age. Anyway, guys, ending here for now and hope (fingers and toes crossed - ha ha) that I can soon get out of this slump and back on track again.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:36 am
by Amy3010
Being out of your normal schedule is really a killer, isn't it? I really struggle with this, and sometimes I can hold it together while things are busy but then once I get back to normal I have some rebound behavior... Well, we just have to do the best we can at these times. Hang in there and I hope the rest of the week goes smoothly for you - not too long now til S day relief! :wink:

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:58 am
by milliem
Hey Roxy, sorry to hear you are having a tough time at the moment, those changes in routine are so hard! I'm the same, whenever I work from home instead of in the office, my mind just goes immediately to grazing all day rather than sticking to one lunchtime meal as I would always do.

I've definitely found that if I have things to nibble on in the house, I will do it!! Might be worth thinking of some ways you can challenge yourself when you are tempted to buy treats mid week? Maybe you could plan a nice weekend trip somewhere to pick up a treat or two so you won't feel like you HAVE to stock up right now!

*hugs* I feel for you, I've been the same weight for what feels like forever, no matter how compliant my N days are, just going up and down the same few pounds.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 2:06 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks, girls, for your lovely, comforting and supportive messages! :D ((hugs)) to you, too, guys!

Yeah, I'm hearing ya on the same lbs up and down and up n down.... it is indeed a drag! I have kinda given up on losing any weight if that makes sense, I don't know. I have resolved myself to seeing 170 lbs forever. Mind, it would be half the battle if I could maintain it and then all of a sudden, you go on vaacation and bam! Odd that it is so easy to put on but never seems to come off ! :roll:

Oh well, girls I guess all we can do is keep soldiering on. It could be a lot worse though as were on the oh so sane No S plan versus some other restrictive and impossible way of eating. Have a great weekend all and here's to our forthcoming S Days - yipeee!!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 6:18 am
by Amy3010
I agree - far better to be on No S and steadily maintaining than on that roller coaster of restrict/gain/restrict/gain!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:13 am
by NoSnacker
Hi Roxy, I was just visiting Oolala's daily and this thought came to me when I thought of modifying my S days.

"A little girl that someone is holding her hand trying to put it to the flame on the stove" afraid of being burned."

I guess that is how it feels about S days and trying to fix them.. Strange isn't it. Afraid of failing on No S, if that feeling of deprivation comes over one..hence the flame. Deprivation=flame/burn

So baby steps or tiny tiny turtle steps.

I find that even if I want to lose more weight, seeing my current number doesn't freak me..and I seem comfortable mentally with it. I think deep down if one feels comfortable with a certain weight, they have a hard time moving forward to lose. I think this happens on a deep level that we don't realize.

I just realized it this morning when I got on the scale..what is holding me back...

We surely are a work in progress....we can do it for sure...use your most powerful weapon "your mind/thoughts", that is all we have going for us!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:42 pm
by NoSRocks
Gosh, Deb, you musta been readin my mind cos that is exactly what I had been thinking as well! I definitely think that somewhere deep inside i am kinda comfy and resigned to the 170 lbs mark! This morning for example, I stood on the scales and literally breathed a sigh of relief when the needle hit 170 lbs.... but I don't expect to ever break that number now. Then later on as i was searching through a bunch of old emails (dating back to 2004 :roll: ), I started to read through an email I had sent to my DS, bemoaning the fact that I was 145 lbs ! :roll: Now, that really was a shock! For starters, I hadn't realized that I weighed 'only' 145 lbs then. I knew I was lighter than today but not by how much. I also couldn't believe how disgruntled I sounded in the email and how I kept wishing I was 20 plus lbs lower even then! Casting my mind back, not so long ago now really, but I was perimenopause (according to some of the contents of the emails, talking to my sister there are bound to be subjects like this cropping up - lol) Since menopause it is indeed true that i have gained 20 lbs at least. I now have the written record to prove it. but....sigh.... how useful was it to have this information written down in black and white? It only served to make me feel bad overall and worry about what will happen during the next 8 or 9 yrs! I guess I should be more positive thinking - that perhaps this could be what I need to jolt me out of the complacency. Then again, what other than I have been doing can I really do to improve my eating habits? I am N Day compliant my S days can be ott on occasions but they aren't as ott as they used to be that is for sure. Still, hasn't shown any improvement on the scales. Oh well, sorry if I come across a bit gloomy guys. i guess that email did hit a nerve.

On changing the subject - I trust you all have a wonderful weekend and are enjoying this current spell of great weather we've been having! Bye for now, guys! :D

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 9:17 am
by NoSnacker
We can all relate :). I used to complain when I was maintaining 144 which is really a good weight for me. I think we all complained so don't feel so bad. And yes, menopause can have negative impacts on us.

I saw a Dr. Oz show and the women on there that lost a lot of weight was 65, and she looked great. So it is possible. But it depends on how hard one wants to work in the way of exercise, etc.

For me, I just don't want to work too hard, worked too hard all my life with dieting. So if I can get 30 minutes in or more most days of the week I'm good with that. If I eat my 3 squares and have close to normal S days I'll be happy.

Don't be too hard on really is better to maintain where we are now until we lose weight.

Have a great weekend...

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 9:34 am
by NoSnacker
Don't feel so bad, my Sunday was horrible food wise, non stop eating..feel like you know what this morning...

Have a great Monday..

Off fishing for me..hope we catch something..I would love a walleye dinner...


Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 10:29 am
by ZippaDee
Hi Roxy!
Just wanted to pop by and give you a bit of encouragement! Please do NOT get down on yourself. It's so hard not to get hung up on the numbers! arrrrgh! This is about living life! This is why I love NoS for me because the "rules" are so minimal that I can get the focus OFF the food and the numbers and ON to living life! Sending you big cyber hugs. Hope you have an awesome Memorial Day with friends and loved ones!

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:03 am
by NoSnacker
Hi Roxy, hope you had a good Monday..mine was a bust...I hope to make it the rest of May with just the 2 reds I have...I ate like a crazy women yesterday, for no reason whatsoever, just did.

Hope you have a nice Tuesday!

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 3:42 am
by NoSRocks
Hello girls!! ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))

First of all, many many thanks for all your lovely, supportive and not to mention encouraging messages. You are all so great! :wink:

It is true, I have been a bit hard on myself and thanks guys for the reassurance on this. When you're feeling down and being hard on yourself regarding your weight you tend to think its only you alone who is faced with these thoughts and challenges. I guess we all tend to do it - strive too hard to be perfect , esp when it comes to eating, and then when we don't live up to our (too high) expectations, we get disappointed. BUT through it all, I will never tire of saying: No S has been the ONLY plan I have stuck to, long term. It doesn't even feel like a plan now that my N Days are becoming second nature again. I say 'again' but I don't know why I don't just commit to saying second nature full stop because I don't tend to have very many Red Days. Only RED S Days - lol - which are probably - no definitely - my undoing! (as well as the the added challenges of slow metabolism etc.) Its as if I cannot commit myself to say a completely positive affirmation. I am a positive thinking person overall but I do have a problem with making a definite decision. Not when it comes to the big things but I do indeed sweat the small stuff. :roll:

Well guys, just to let you know I am continuing on my No S journey, still here even though I've been pretty quiet with regards to posting. Life is sooo hectic right now. However, I am still a No S-er and I believe I always will be for life. Hope you all had a great Memorial Day with your family and friends! Here's to the next S Day. I wonder how well I do this week?? :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:19 pm
by oolala53
Happy June!

I saw what you posted about your weight. I highly suggest you weigh yourself each day for a week and then average it before posting it as official.

glad you're getting your N days back. I had a bad run in early May. I've had several fails lately but they were so small that I almost feel good. I didn't succumb to what the heck syndrome.

I think I may be ready to lick S days. I'm always tallking about moderate meals for N days and yet I realized I wasn't adhering to moderation on weekedns. It doesn't have to be the same as N days, but S's still have to be moderate, and it doesn't sound like prison to me now. If I'm honest, I know when I am being immoderate with S's, just like I know that I can't eat a whole plate of dense foods and feel good on N days, even if I'm "allowed."

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:46 am
by NoSRocks
Hello dear oolala (((hugs)))) Happy June to you too, hon! :D

Thanks for popping in with your nice, comforting and supportive words as always! I also like your suggestion of weighing myself and averaging it out. I am hoping, fingers crossed, that this is just a minor hiccup and if there is not going to be a weight loss on this occasion, it would make me very disappointed to have to record a gain. I would feel like I was painting not such a good picture of my progress on No S (note emphasis on my, No Sers! I would hate for anyone , particularly just starting out on No S to be discouraged, for in the grand scheme of things, No S has helped me enormously with my food anxiety and diet obsession which used to plague me almost every waking hour for the past 30 odd years (no exaggeration!) I have to admit that today when I started to ponder about my recent weight gain and toyed with the idea of trying some other drastic measure to lose weight or at least stop for gaining... the old anxiety I referred to started to creep in... it was such an unpleasant feeling and it also brought with it thoughts of bingeing as a way of blotting it out. Not good! Fortunately, I was able to toss the notion out and the feelings of deprivation etc. went away. However oolala, I can see where you are coming from with regards being ready to streamline and even obliterate S Days (sorry, does that sound a bit drastic?) I definitely do not feel like having S Days right now (but as we all know, the appetite aka the mind can change like the weather). For now though, I am sufficiently uncomfortable that I may just give desserts a miss this week. But I won't chastise myself either if I do have something. I just think the slacking off on S Days isn't going to cut it if I want to lose any weight. Yes, I don't eat much at meals as it is (particularly on N Days) - so I reckon I am just one of those people whose body doesn't need much fuel (food) to run efficiently on.

Okay (sigh)! I want to reassure you all that I am not feeling too down about it now. I was feeling fed up earlier but i've had a fairly good day eating wise and I feel pretty laid back at the moment. I'm also starting to feel much better as the bug I had earlier this week is finally starting to clear up. I will indeed post my weight within the next couple of days, guys - its good to have a written record on here I think. After that, I am wondering if I could, this time, possibly lay off the scale until the next 3 month period. Then again, if I hadn't been on the scales recently, I might not have caught the 3lb gain in time to at least try to nip it in the bud. its a bit of a double edged sword, I guess.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:10 am
by NoSnacker
Hi Roxy, weighed myself yesterday and decided to weigh again on 7/1..we'll see. I just can't believe how much power we give to the surely can be friend or foe.

I'm working on the whole mental thing at this point. S days have to find a proper place in the scheme of things. My N days are pretty good, I just don't allow myself and option, it is NO CHOICE as stated in the beck book. Eliminates the pressure for sure...

You have a great weekend!

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:25 am
by milliem
Hey Roxy,

I totally understand the frustration of not losing - I'm in exactly the same place as you!

Although I've been logging my daily weight on, and it tells me that over the course of a month I've had a weekly loss of 0.03 pounds :D I'm chuffed haha, at least it's a start!! :D 8) 3lb is nothing really, my weight can fluctuate like that over the course of a day!

Just wondering whether you think it's purely S days that are causing the stall or whether your N days still need some work? I know full well my N day plates are not that healthy at the moment (hello two portions of chips yesterday...) so if I get those better maybe I'll see some results!

Anyway just wanted to pop in for a virtual *hug* and to say I'm glad you're feeling laid back about things :)

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:28 pm
by oolala53
Is the scale the only thing that keeps you in line?

I know that when I used to think the scale kept me in line, in reality I knew I was doing things that pushed the envelope. Not getting hungry, eating too much at meals or, before No S, eating junk randomly. Too big of portions of dense food. Scale or no scale, I have to be honest with myself. I usually just need to wait longer to eat or eat less at meals. That's it. Get hungry and then eat only enough so that I will get hungry again in a reasonable time. Or wait it out. Now I sometimes say, is this food worth waiting 7 hours to eat again? Because if I eat that, that's how long it will take to get hungry. Not easy. Just necessary.

Let's have a sane, moderate S day.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:45 am
by Amy3010
I'm sorry you've been having a rough time - I would also average out your weight over a few days - sometimes it can fluctuate so much from one day to the next, unbelieveable really that we put so much importance on such a fickle measurement!

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:41 am
by NoSRocks
Thanks guys, all, for your wonderful messages as always! :D :D

Hope you all had a wonderful No S weekend!

Actually, just popping in with a quick update: have had 2 very moderate S Days this weekend. No eating just for the sake of it and my goodness, no real cravings either! I can only hope it lasts. I felt much better about myself for not giving into any superficial/imagined/habit formed cravings too. I can now start to appreciate and understand how oolala feels when she decides to eat only when hungry. It is really rather empowering. Scary at first but once you get past the first day or so, I can see how it could become a habit. I don't want to count my chickens though, so I am assuming that this lack of appetite and no scarfing on sweets may be down to having a virus this week. However, regardless, I have managed to survive a weekend without overindulging. I had one magnum ice cream at the end of dinner each day and that was it. This evening, I didn't really feel like having the dessert but took it in the end anyway - perhaps to make my S day more special! Looks like I have dropped a couple of lbs ... but I am aware that i seem to be putting all of my thoughts and emphasis on the no. on the scales again. Not good!

Have a wonderful week, guys, and I will be back soon to post my latest offical weigh in.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:08 am
by Amy3010
I am so happy for you that you had a calm S weekend! Yes, maybe being sick had something to do with it, but the why doesn't matter - what matters most is seeing that it is possible, and that you can have more of them in the future. :D

good luck with the weigh in - but don't let it trip you up, either! :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:12 pm
by NoSRocks
Thanks so much, Amy! (((((((hugs))))))))))) so nice of you to pop in again and cheer me up.

Well, well! I did get a surprise when I stood on the scale this morning for my official weigh in. 168 lbs! Now guys, how long is it since I lost any weight? :roll: AND just in time for my weigh in to boot! :lol: :wink:

As ever, its not quite straightforward as to how and why I might have lost weight on this occasion, and as Amy says, I should be happy that I have lost and never mind the whys and wherefore's.

Perhaps seeing the 173 lbs did give me the initial kick up the b&&t however I have lost a bit of my appetite this week due to the cold virus which is gradually - slowly but surely - clearing up, I am happy to say. It did affect my appetite last week although I didn't skip on any meals on my N Days. My S Days were a bit different, though. Stuck to eating exactly the same way I do on N Days (see below for more details) except after dinner, i had a magnum ice cream for dessert. I've also started taking B12 liquid (sublingually - under the tongue) since Friday which is a supplement that is supposed to boost the metabolism. Again, can't say if any of this has contributed to the weight loss. Don't want to overanalyse this; I just hope that it continues whatever it is that I am doing differently. Now I am going to outline below basically what my eating pattern has been like this past week incase I need to refer to it at a later date, should I find I have difficulty shedding more weight or putting it on again etc.










Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:06 pm
by oolala53
If that pattern is working for you, and you think it could be permanent, keep with it, although I'd reconsider the coffee cake. And do you actually like granola bars or do you just like convenience? (I personally just don't like foods that are so compacted. I like volume! but it's not the first time others do just fine eating foods I don't.) To tell the truth, I don't think there's much difference between a frozen dinner and luncheon meat on a roll, so go with that. Sounds like these are all very good options for someone who wants it easy and perhaps doesn't like to cook? Rather like Reinhard's optimized oatmeal.

It's rather interesting when you look at it because this doesn't sound much different than a diet might be in terms of total amount of food but since they're all your own handpicked options, there's probably less resistance.

Go, Roxy!

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:06 pm
by NoSRocks
Thanks, oolala! You ROCK!! :D :D

Yes, I don't think what I ate was too restrictive or unreasonable and to be perfectly honest, I do tend to eat pretty much this way and have done for the past 3 years. Only difference before... I definitely ate far more on S Days than I did this weekend. I wasn't always sticking to regular meals either, oolala, a lot of perma-snacking and I think last week was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back. However, I'm wary of getting too carried away at this stage but I will try my best (might be difficult once appetite picks up again ) to stick to this kind of routine. I am also cutting back to only one granola bar instead of the 2 i'd become accustomed to every morning. Plus on S Days, i would always have a dessert type dish for breakfast.

Thanks for your advice re the frozen dinner vs the luncheon meat roll. Firstly, its curious that I eat this way when i cook meals from scratch for DH and kids! :roll: Anyways, I guess there isn't too much difference between them, particularly in terms of convenience etc., however I have to be careful if I have too many bread based meals (carbs?) in a day or week, since I've found that I tend to gain weight more at those times.

However, I am very encouraged this week to see the 2 lbs weight loss (5lbs if we wanted to add on the extra I'd gained!). It will be interesting to see how it goes over the course of 3 months if I can continue the moderate S Days. I'd be so happy IF I could get to the stage you are at now, oolala! Thank you and thank you everyone else on the board for being my inspiration!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:07 am
by oolala53
You cook for the family but don't eat what you cook? Okay, I'm reeling. But it sounds like you like your N days. Unlesss.... you actually do feel deprived and that's what fuels the permasnacking. I don't think that has to be it because I really do like my N day meals but I'll still permasnack on weekends. And have a big chunk of something sweet.

But not last weekend. Can I tell you a secret? I sneakily weighed before and after the weekend, and despite that I went to 3 dance classes and ate very little compared to previous S days, I lost as of Sunday and gained as of this morning. Just about a pound, but still.... won't change things for me, though. I'm not going to suddenly get radical, but I am planning more exercise because of dance camp in July. Working on S days is just a work in progress. (I even considered--shudder- tracking calories eaten on S days! Lordy, if that doesn't scare me into submission...)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:39 am
by NoSRocks
No worries, oolala - your secret is safe with me! :wink: :P :wink: :lol:

In all seriousness though, it just goes to show how much one's weight can fluctuate over the course of a few days, never mind a week or if I were sticking with the rules, a 3 month period! I applaud you again for being so grounded as well as the voice of reason for many of us on this No S journey. Now that I have a bit of good news on the weight front, the sensible thing for me to do would be not to weigh until September (the next official weigh in). But ... I suspect I will be curious again in a few days and want to know if I have maintained or better still, lost more. This could undoubtedly set me up for disappointment and make me more obsessed if possible than I already am with the no. on the scales. Coincidentally, it was around this time period last year that I started to lose a little weight again only to gain it back a few months later. I was blaming it on my Hashimotos (thyroid) condition but now I wonder if perhaps in the warmer weather I eat slightly less than in the winter months? Well, its 'only' 2 lbs so best not to get too wrapped up, I suppose. I know for sure I will be tempted to weigh tomorrow morning but I will try my best to keep off them for now.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:04 pm
by oolala53
My official weigh in is June 20. Wanna make a pact that we'll put our scales in the garage or somewhere else until our fall weigh in (I'm counting all of September as fall)? I'm willing to start now.

Not getting to weigh actually makes me more likely to comply with moderate eating. I know that the body is doing its thing and whatever I'm doing will show up eventually.

Last night I used one of my more shameful (to me) incentives to stay compliant, although the temptation to stray was not great. But this sealed it. I looked at a beefcake photo of Jackie Chan. Granted, it was taken years ago, but the guy is my age and I know he still looks pretty good. I know, I know, I can't compare myself to a professional athlete, in essence. But it still put the kibosh on any thoughts of nibbling.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:57 pm
by lbb (Liz)
I'd like to join the "no weighing" phenomenon! :wink:
Really, I do think it plays no part in me losing/staying sane. It's nice to know once in awhile, like you are doing, but daily, even weekly cannot be helpful!
I think I fall most in the category of: "I can get away with more calories today because it's not THAT high".
And, of course, "I can't believe it's this high..."...leading to a binge.

Take care, Roxy and good luck!