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Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:37 am
by Dandelion
I'm coming into this conversation late - but your last few posts are so much like how I've been feeling. I'm very interested to see where your ideas take you :)

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 4:31 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks Sonya, diligence & berry! You're all so sweet. I'll definitely be sticking around. So important to have support plus I want to keep up with how everyone else is doing.

Sonya, ellyn satter describes the process of finding your Stopping Place in great detail in this book: ... duct_id=50

But basically I just focus my attention fully on eating. When I'm alone I have a habit of watching tv or reading while eating so was different for me. It's important to relax and focus on how the food tastes and feels as you continue to eat. I notice my whole body relaxes when hunger goes away, this is where I think I should stop but she says to stop when you just truly don't want anymore.

So I eat till I don't want anymore and this usually is after I think I should stop but well before I'm stuffed. I'm just full but not stuffed, sick or uncomfortable. It's actually a little scary for me to feel full as I spent a lifetime trying to eat less than I wanted. I was used to under eating or over eating but not this in between feeling.

Satter also talks about the importance of fat, carbs & protein in regard to satiety so it's good to include them in each meal. She also discusses the importance of exercise in not weigh loss but appetite regulation. Satter also realizes the importance of coming to the table with a good appetite (but not starving) so a planned snack is great but definitely no grazing all day long.

Okay hope that gives you an idea of what I'm aiming for and thanks for asking!

Dandelion: thanks for stopping by my thread. I checked out your thread and I'll be interested on what direction you think will work best for you at this point.

Oh yes and here's today:
Break: cereal w fruit, few veg sausages, mocha
Lunch: handful of pb pretzels, Gatorade (on the trail)
Dinner: BBQ, fries, beans, coleslaw
Dessert: milk, 1/2 orange, 3 squares of chocolate

Today was a bit of an emotional roller coaster w girls, but overall we had a good day.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:32 am
by lpearlmom
Break: waffles w strawberries & whipped cream, yogurt , mocha
Lunch: 1/2 croissant sandwich, watermelon, 2 margaritas
Snack: 1/2 sandwich, watermelon
Dinner: BBQ, beans, coleslaw, chips & dip
Dessert: 3 oatmeal cookies, milk

One of those rare days where my fantasy of motherhood matched my reality. This morning I made waffles & then we watched a movie. Then we had friends to the house. the girls swam & played on the slip n slide while the moms talked and drank margaritas.

After they left, the girls & I made cookies. Then before bed we all got silly and jumped on the bed. Wow, hardly any fighting today. Yay!


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:12 am
by eschano
Sounds like a wonderful day!

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:13 pm
by automatedeating
Wonderful day, wow, it's neat that you recorded it to remember such a fun day!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:08 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks auto & eschano. Was a fun day!

Break: 1/2 piece toast, veg sausage, watermelon, mocha
Lunch: falafel sandwich, hummus
Dinner: orange chicken, rice, salad

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 5:24 am
by lpearlmom
Break: Greek yogurt w fruit, handful of pretzels, mocha
Lunch: orange chicken w brown rice, broccoli w cheese
Snack: Jamba Juice smoothie
Dinner: Mexican tortilla pie, chips & guacamole
Dessert: tea & 2 cookies

All is going smoothly'

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 4:56 am
by lpearlmom
Break: pancakes w fruit, mocha
Lunch: tuna melt w tomatoes, handful of Cheetos
Snack: handful pb pretzels, glass of milk
Dinner: 1 plate of homemade pasta (DHs handiwork), small glass of wine
Dessert: 3 pieces of chocolate, couple handfuls of dots, glass of milk

Exercise: walked the dog

Feel like my food issues have pretty much dissipated. Now I just have to figure out the rest of my life! :D

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:12 pm
by automatedeating
Here's to figuring out the rest of our lives! :)

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 5:30 am
by lpearlmom
Definitely auto!

Break: cereal, fruit, iced coffee
Lunch: piece of tortilla pie, 1/2 yogurt, chips
Dinner: homemade burger & fries
Dessert: small bowl of light ice cream

Exercise: 20 mins rowing; 10 mins floor work

Doing really well w eating but struggling with how to add some more meaning to my life without going back to work full-time.

Some ideas:
volunteer for issues I care about--saving oceans, education for girls in 3rd world countries, helping at risk children.
Take up painting
Write a novel
Get more serious about photography
Sub teach 1/wk

Okay maybe I can do all somehow.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 12:27 pm
by automatedeating
Those ideas all sound amazing! I could see you doing a little of all of them, or really throwing yourself into just one. :) Maybe you could start doing more of all of them, and then see if your passions help you focus on just one.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:56 am
by eschano
I like the sound of all of them too! I think start with what sounds most fun to you :)

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:02 pm
by lpearlmom
Thanks eschano & auto. Lots to think about but May is crazy busy for us with both my girl's bday, my bday plus Mother's Day all in the same week Somehow my oldest daughter talked me into a swim party at the house with like 30 people coming. Yikes!

So I'll be distracted from all this soul searching for a bit which is both good & bad.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:19 pm
by eschano
Sounds like so much fun!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:52 pm
by Kookie
Hey Linda!

I'm back on the boards after a little hiatus and I'm very pleased - like everyone else - to learn that you are staying around to share your journey with food even if it isn't NoS. It actually really helps me because it makes me feel free to be totally honest going forward on my blog. I have been in very strict food 12 step fellowships so for me to be different - and not tow the party line - has felt very threatening. So when someone does something different, I love it and want to celebrate it! And it's quite obvious that there has been a massive lift in your mood since you have branched out so it must be right for you for now. Who of us knows the future anyway!?

So just to say it's great to catch up with where you're at and you sticking around to share your journey reassures me that these boards are nothing like the fear-mongering, conformist, awful places I have been to try and get sanity around food.


Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 5:42 am
by lpearlmom
Kookie! So glad you're back and thank you Kookie for your uplifting & supportive post!

We've missed you!:)

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:40 pm
by lpearlmom
So the theme of this week seems to be Face the Music or Face the Weight in this case....

I did two things over the last couple of days that I've been dreading. 1) I went clothes shopping 2) I weighed myself

Both situations turned out to be worse than I'd hoped for but not as bad as I feared. I ended up trying on a million clothes till I finally found some outfits that actually looked decent on me.

My weight was high, scary high at 203.9 but not my highest (210). I'm actually greatly relieved to finally just know what I weigh. Now I know where I stand and I don't have to be so afraid of going to the doctors because I already know the bad news (my weight).

I really panicked at first after being face to face with the dressing room mirror. My first thoughts went straight to hardcore dieting and exercise but then I calmed down and remembered that I was losing weight on vanilla nos and that's all I really need to do is go back to that. Easy peasy!

As much as I've enjoyed eating in a more relaxed way I could tell I was starting to gain weight. I was kind of okay with staying the same weight but I don't want to gain again. So back to vanilla--yay!

My plan:
1) vanilla on weekdays, ecsatter on weekends
2) mochas only on S days (lattes or sugarfree mochas ok), wine or skinny margaritas ok (2 max).
3) exercise: 20 mins rowing; 10 mins floor work; walk dogs--4xweek. Active w family 1x/wk
4) goal weight--163 over next 4 yrs;
5) weigh-three days in a row 1st of every month and take average. As long as I'm at least down 1lb/mos no mods necessary.

I think my deal is that I feel kind of guilty for even attempting to lose weight like such a superficial goal is beneath me but I have to get real. My weight gets in the way of my happiness in these ways:

1) embarrassed to visit old friends
2) embarrassed to see family
3) embarrassed to be in bathing suit
4) embarrasses to go to doctors
5) feeling unattractive to hubby
6) feeling frumpy next to mu svelte friends

It's not like I'm wanting to starve myself into a size 6. Moderate eating to get myself into a size 12 is really very different.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:52 pm
by automatedeating
Hi Linda,
So are you going to weigh-in weekly or monthly now? I am glad you weighed yourself (just my opinion) because it does seem that not knowing has added stress for you. On the other hand, I realize for a lot of people not weighing is the way to go. Whatever works for you, I am just curious about that part of your plan.

I totally get how you feel frustrated that we can't just trust our bodies to eat normally and keep us at a healthy weight. However, when our bodies overeat and we gain, they really ARE usually doing what they were designed to do: eat lots when food is plentiful, so that we can survive a famine! :) For good and for bad, we have no famines in the U.S. So that's why it doesn't irk me that I have to give myself "rules" for eating. My only other option is to go live in the wilderness, or on a self-sustaining farm where my opportunities for overeating are externally limited. So there we have it: external or internal limitations on eating are necessary, because the human body is excellent at storing fat for times of famine. And I'll take modern civilization and therefore accept that I must have internal limitations. :wink:

I look forward to supporting you on whichever road you are traveling!

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 12:18 am
by lpearlmom
Hi auto

Yes really happy to be finally weighing myself. I will weigh once a month but for 3 days in a row to get a good average.

Don't get me wrong. I still believe in the wisdom of our bodies! It's just that after all the years of self imposed famines, my body is in a constant state of wanting to feast. My kids in the other hand, do a great job of self regulating with their eating.

Anyway we may just need to agree to disagree on this one but I do thank you for your continual support. I wish I could be as steadfast & sure as you are but I do seem to need to test the waters a bit. I guess if I need to relax things for a couple of weeks every 8 months or so, that's probably ok!

Linda :)

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 12:26 am
by Dandelion
I really panicked at first after being face to face with the dressing room mirror. My first thoughts went straight to hardcore dieting and exercise but then I calmed down and remembered that I was losing weight on vanilla nos and that's all I really need to do is go back to that. Easy peasy!

Oh, I have been there so many times, too. I don't have full length mirrors in my house, so I am always shocked when I see myself in one. Immediately my brain goes to drastic diet measures. Luckily I get over it before it goes too far.

I think my deal is that I feel kind of guilty for even attempting to lose weight like such a superficial goal is beneath me

I know that feeling

but I have to get real. My weight gets in the way of my happiness in these ways:

Yes to all of those. I'm supposed to see family/friends this summer I haven't seen in years. Not looking forward to it.


Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 12:32 am
by automatedeating
lpearlmom wrote:
I guess if I need to relax things for a couple of weeks every 8 months or so, that's probably ok!

Linda :)
:lol: That is pretty funny, and definitely "OK"!. Whatever works is "OK" in my book! :)

And whoops, sorry, I completely missed #5 of your plan of when you'll be weighing. Thanks for being patient with my poor reading comprehension. :)

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 6:57 am
by lpearlmom
I avoid full-length mirrors like the plague too Dandelion and we have a huge one in the hallway between our bedroom & en suite so I'm passing it several times daily. Maybe I should start to look at myself daily so it won't be such a big deal when I go to buy clothes.

It's hard to feel good about my appearance when most of my adult life I weighed 125-135. It's kind of mind blowing to realize how much I've gained but I noticed grooming goes a long way in making myself feel better. Today I did my hair, wore my new clothes, put on make up and got pedicures with my girls. I definitely felt like a million bucks so it just goes to show it's not all about a number on the scale.

Today was pretty good but DH is having a gout attack and it's just so hard for me to know he's in pain. He's so stoic and still goes to work, and even did stuff around the house. If he says he's in pain, I know it's ten times worse than what he's telling me. I just pray he wakes up feeling better tomorrow.

Break: 2 pancakes, piece bacon
Lunch: couple bites of tuna melt, frozen yogurt
Dinner: couple bites of pizza

Was a busy day as were getting ready to have friends over tomorrow. DH is smoking 18 racks of ribs which we had to prep tonight. Plus we finally finished clearing out our garage and can now park our cars in it. Only took us almost a year but hey! :D

Btw auto no worries. I'm sure you have more exciting things to do than to memorize my long winded posts! :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:58 am
by lpearlmom
A good day. Had friends over & ate a lot. Really looking forward to getting back to more structure tomorrow.

Brunch: 1 donut; 2 pieces bacon
Dinner: ribs, baked beans, chips, coleslaw
Dessert: 1 peanut caramel bar

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:38 am
by Dandelion
Maybe. In my mind I'm, if not still a size 5 a 12 at the very least. I catch sight of myself in a window and for a split second I don't recognize the woman in the glass. Maybe I just don't want to get used to her. I don't know.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:44 am
by lpearlmom
Dandelion wrote: Maybe I just don't want to get used to her. I don't know.
Kind of gets to the heart of it, huh?

Green day

Break: toast w pb & honey, 2 veg sausages, piece watermelon, cappuccino
Lunch: salad w chicken & avocado, ice coffee w cream
Dinner: ribs, baked beans, coleslaw, watermelon

Exercise: 20 mins row; post-dinner walk w daughter & dogs (so nice!)--15min

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:45 am
by eschano
Oh yummy! Your day sounds delicious.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:27 pm
by automatedeating
After dinner walk sounds relaxing. Good idea!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:09 pm
by Diligence
((((Linda)))) Sending you some virtual hugs. Sounds like there have been some disappointing and even rough times lately. I'm confident you can achieve your goals regarding your eating/weight, mothering your girls, giving purpose to your "down-time" while the girls are at school, supporting your husband even when he's in pain, and even areas you've not discussed here. You're a sweet, loving person with the ability to persevere, and I enjoy reading your posts here. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 4:39 pm
by lpearlmom
Oh thank you SO much for your kind words Diligence. Your support & encouragement means a lot to me. I'm sure it'll all work out. :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:17 am
by lpearlmom
Thx eschano--DH smokes the ribs for 8 hrs with his homemade rub on them so they're pretty awesome. :D

Auto: walk was so nice. Much better than our usual post-tv slump. Can't say it'll be a habit but would love to try to do it more often.

Green day

Break: cornflakes w fruit; cappuccino
Lunch: tomato soup; 1/2 grilled cheese; watermelon
Dinner: 1 taco, 1 enchilada, rice & beans

Exercise: none as I'm seriously feeling under the weather but ack I can't be sick--I'm expecting 25 fifth graders on Saturday!

Wow, I read through my old posts & feel seriously stupid for even considering doing anything other than NoS. It clearly has made such a difference in my life. I guess it just started to feel a lil confining. I just hope next time I started to feel burnt out I just take a couple of extra S days or something. Hopefully I'll stay put this time!

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:56 pm
by Diligence
Linda, it's fantastic to hear you've been able to notice a positive change in your life due to No S. :D I think I understand what you mean about burning out on it. I'm concerned I might too, but I know I need to stay the course. I like your idea of tossing in a couple extra S days when you're burned out and will have to remember it if I feel like I'm at that point. I admire how you're able to jump right back on the wagon after different mods. I struggle -- internally -- a good part of the week if I've triggered cravings after having had an S on the weekend; by the weekend they're gone, but boy the bickering going on in my mind! You're amazing! I'm glad you continued posting here even when you tried a modified way of eating. :D

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:56 am
by lpearlmom
Thank you Diligence! Let's promise to remind each other of our commitments when we're feeling discouraged.

Break: cornflakes w fruit & nuts, cappuccino
Lunch: veg burrito, chips, dip, grapes, Gatorade
Sugar-free mocha
Dinner: stuffed shells, garlic bread, Greek salad, sangria
Iced tea

Drank too many beverages but otherwise good. Still sick but feeling a lil better.

Weigh: 202.5 (ugh!)

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:40 am
by eschano
Mmmh, yummy food Linda!

I too like the idea of the extra S days. I think I naturally do that when I'm burnt out I have a fail and then I get right back to it. It might be worth considering adding that mod as I'm looking for something else now that I'm maintaining.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 1:33 pm
by automatedeating
I "third" the liking of the extra S days when you're just burnt out on structured eating.

I like all the things Diligence told you about applauding your continued posting despite using different mods, your getting right back on the wagon after deciding something else wasn't ideal, etc.

:) I love reading your posts and your consistent support of my own NoS thread.

Thanks. Have a great day! It's supposed to be 82 here! Yippeeeeeeee!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 3:25 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks auto & eschano! You all have been so supportive even when you could have easily done the "I told you so" dance. :lol:

Break: toad in the hole; oj; coffee w cream
Lunch: BBQ chicken salad
Skinny mocha
Dinner: stuffed shells, garlic bread, fruit, chips & dip
Iced tea

Weigh: 202.5

Gotta kick it into high gear tomorrow for party preparations. I know it'll be fun but will be glad when it's over!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 11:12 am
by eschano
lpearlmom wrote:Thanks auto & eschano! You all have been so supportive even when you could have easily done the "I told you so" dance.
Don't kid yourself: we are learning as much from your thread as you do! I couldn't have said "told you so" as I didn't have a clue that it wouldn't work for you. Some mods work for some people, such as floating S days work for wosnes I think.

I am fascinated by your capacity for trying out new things - I think you rock! I am certain that you will find exactly what works for you, especially once you have the basics down well.

I recently gave dating advice but I think it would be my advice with absolutely everything in life: Give everyone (or everything) you think might work a chance but learn how to quickly get past everyone (or everything) who doesn't make you (or whatever you want to improve) better and healthier.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 1:05 pm
by automatedeating
Linda, have a great day today doing your hostess magic with all those kids! I want to come to one of your parties--I have a feeling they are amazing. :)

Big Key

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 4:00 am
by friscobob
The big key for me in having diet success is to drink 3 glasses of water upon arising in the morning, and two glasses before each meal. This seems to really control my craving for so much food. It can be problematic in the beginning, especially traveling, etc., but once you adjust, all the extra liquid is tolerable. The best of luck to you! --Bob--

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 3:35 pm
by lpearlmom
Thanks eschano for helping to see things in a positive light. I think it's just a matter of finding the path of least resistance that will bring me to my goal of peace with food AND weight loss. It's kind of relieving to know its probably Vanilla NoS.

Thanks auto! If we ever have a meet & greet, I'll definitely host it. I already know what most everyone likes to eat so shouldn't be too hard, right. :wink:
Chips, guacamole and a couple margaritas for you auto?

The party was a success! I did a beach theme with blue, green & orange for the color scheme. We put up a volleyball net in the pool and had water balloons in the backyard. I've never seen Zoe so happy. She was in heaven to be surrounded by SO many friends.

It was a little crazy with all these pre-teen girls running around and was near impossible to keep floors dry. Last night was the first night in forever that I went to sleep without cleaning the kitchen but I was too exhausted (the party was 4.5 hrs!). So today will involve a lot of cleaning including picking up some 500 water balloons in the backyard!

I was too busy to eat too much but ate something like this:
Break: 1 donut, mocha
Lunch: a hot dog, chips & dip, fruit
Dinner: sushi (DH brought some home from biz dinner)
Dessert: bowl of ice cream w fudge

Next weekend is my other daughters party but luckily she's only inviting 4 ppl and were going to the waterpark then sleepover at our. My moms coming though so should be mellow & fun.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 3:36 pm
by lpearlmom
Thanks Bob for the idea and for stopping by my thread!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 4:23 pm
by automatedeating
LOL, Linda! I am still laughing about your meet and greet party. You definitely know what we all like. :) I actually read that part out loud to my husband, because you're right about me. I'd pile up my one plate with so much chips and guacamole that I'd be stuffed. So your party could even be on an N Day. :lol:

Glad the party was a success, and sounds like next weekend will be great, too. Although a waterpark and a sleepover doesn't sound "mellow" to me, but I guess it's all relative. :)

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 5:25 am
by lpearlmom
Too funny auto! Your DH must think we're nuts. :D

I ate too much today but nothing a good solid Monday can't fix.

1/2 break sand, 1/2 bagel & cream cheese, triple mocha,
1/2 bagel & cream cheese,
chips & dip, 2 pieces candy, couple bites of ice cream,
1.5 hamburgers, tater tots, ice cream w hot fudge

*phew* looking forward to tomorrow.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 7:29 pm
by eschano
Delighted your party went well Linda! And also than you for posting about cleaning and boyfriends on Dandelion's threat :) That helps!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 2:24 am
by lpearlmom
Eschano :D

Break: cornflakes w fruit, nf mocha
Lunch: chicken avocado burrito, chips & salsa
Dinner: turkey avocado footlong, chips & dip, grapes

Exercise: 14 mins rowing

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 5:43 am
by lpearlmom
Break: cornflakes, fruit
Lunch: turkey burger, fries
Dinner: chicken & dumplings, mashed potatoes
Dessert: ( daughter's bday) 1 bundtini

Exercise: row 15 mins

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:38 am
by lpearlmom
Took an S day for my bday. Kept it to 1 plate for break & lunch but omg totally overdid it for dinner. Haven't eaten like that in forever. Not fun. Pretty crappy bday overall though. Glad it's over. Too many expectations I guess.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 8:45 am
by eschano
Happy Birthday Linda! I'm sorry it wasn't a good one. Big hug.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:07 pm
by automatedeating
Linda, with how you plan for other people's special days, and show your love to them on birthdays, etc, it must be hard that no one does that for you! Maybe you should hire an event planner to set up a party for YOU! And don't wait until next year---any weekend will do! :)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:50 pm
by lpearlmom
Thanks eschano & auto!

Auto: that's definitely it. I mean I even make a heart shaped hamburger and buy party hats for the dang dogs bdays!

I just need to let DH know how important it is to me instead of expecting everyone to read my mind. We we're suppose to go out to dinner but DH got called in (obviously not his fault but still just sealed the deal for me!).

Funny how the mothers came through though. My mom & mil both called and sent lovely gifts. Oh well DH is taking me to the coach store & hopefully to dinner tonight but yes I LOVE idea of hiring someone to do my party next year auto. Thx!

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 10:55 pm
by Dandelion
I know that feeling too well. I have had to lower my expectations considerably. Doesn't help, though

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 11:12 pm
by ironchef
Happy birthday Linda, sorry to hear you didn't enjoy the day. You are absolutely right about letting people know what you'd like / expect, even if it might not be as fun as being surprised.

Everyone has different strengths, and remembering / planning special events isn't something everyone is great at. I know I get embarrassed every year when good friends text me on my birthday, and I realise I don't even know what month their birthday is in. Doesn't mean I don't love them, you know?

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 6:29 am
by clarinetgal
Happy birthday. I'm sorry you didn't have a good day. I hope you are able to have a special party, or something.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 1:07 pm
by lpearlmom
Thanks so much dandelion, iron chef , & clarintegal!

I know it's true iron chef. It doesn't mean they don't love me but it just kind of stings when I do so much for my immediate families bdays and don't get so much as a card on mine.

Luckily, we had a redo last night. DH came home with a very sweet gift and then he took us out to this great little restaurant we've been wanting to try. Afterwards we went out for ice cream and ate it outside while watching kids play in the fountain. (It's that hot here already.)

It was perfect, but next year I will plan a special spa day or something with a gf instead of waiting around for the handyman. It's hard because my girls bdays are 1 and 2 days apart from mine so mine tends to get lost in the shuffle. I didn't care when they were little but now I feel like their old enough to make room for me. I guess it's an adjustment for all of us but ultimately I think I'm being a better role model for them if I assert my needs a bit more!

Okay my oldest is 11 today. I can't believe it! I'm up early to get donuts for her whole class then I'm making her homemade waffles. After I drop them off at school, I have to get my mom from the airport (yay!!!) then we're taking Zoe out to lunch for her bday. Tonight I'm making her favorite meal then tomorrow is my youngests party! Sunday we're all going out for a nice Mother's Day dinner!

*phew* I'll be glad to take a breather next week!


Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:23 pm
by automatedeating
OMG, Linda! That is the craziest week ever! That's 4 massive things in a row! LOL, even if your hubby were "good" at this sort of thing--he is set up for failure with that many female BDays and special days in a row! 8)
And you, my dear, are going to be so exhausted at the end of all this that you are going to need that spa day next week, not next year! :lol:

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 3:33 pm
by Kookie
Hey Linda!

I've just caught up with where you're at... It's great that we can come back to NoS isn't it? It's that easy - we just decide. I really love that it's still here waiting for me when I go off and experiment. I also have had a few days of intuitive eating before I came back this time and it always starts so well and I often end of eating less than I would on NoS. But for me, it does inevitably seem to slide into overeating. I think perhaps because it involves so much 'presence' and consciousness to stick with listening to my body and eating accordingly. It's a fine art which takes a lot of mindfulness. NoS is great because it is autopilot but then it loses out on the body attunement, potentially. I think both ways are valid and in an ideal world - if I hadn't suffered with so many years of bingeing - I would try to perfect eating intuitively. But that facility is somewhat faulty with me, I think. Or rather, the effort of it is not something I have the extra energy for although I love it when it works. And feeling restricted is a total b1tch.

I really identify with the thought processes behind wanting to try the method you did. And it's really great in principle. I wonder what (just thinking out loud) we could both do when that feeling of being confined comes up..? For me, part of feeling confined is feeling bored with my food. When I am eating 3 meals a day like I do on NoS, I eat the same things a lot. When I am 'winging it', I am much more open to whatever is going. I go straight to what I WANT rather than what I feel I should have. And that can feel so satisfying (until the binge monster gets on board and tells me I'm going to get fat and then I eat like there's no tomorrow because tomorrow is diet day!).

Sorry for the stream of consciousness.

So great to read you. Your life is FULL and also FULL ON! You're doing so well!!! And so so moving to read how great you felt when you did your makeup and your hair and wore nice new clothes. Keep doing that - I think self-acceptance is actually the key to weight loss in my experience.


Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:39 pm
by Dandelion
That IS at lot all at once!

It just hit me today that my 'baby' will be 14 in a month!

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 4:10 am
by lpearlmom
Definitely a crazy week auto!! You're right, a spa day is in order!

Kookie, thank you so much for your response. I love that you really seem to understand my point of view. It's tough because I really just got to this point where I hated everything about dieting because of how badly it messed me up physically, mentally & emotionally. The problem is once you throw away diets then what?

Nos definitely is the best answer but there's still a part of me that longs to find the answer from within instead of externally. There is something so magical about NoS though. It has taken away so much angst & emotional turmoil. Why would I want to abandon that? If it can give me a little bit more peace with my feelings about myself physically too then I really will have finally won this battle. How great would that be?

I guess it's my turn for stream of consciousness. I really enjoy your insights & input Kookie. Btw, I kept meaning to respond to your question about my ex-friend. I'm glad that I dissolved our friendship. I stayed friends with her even though I really didn't like her anymore and that doesn't make much of a friendship. I think she kind of fascinated me in a car wreck kind of way but that's not really a great way to pass the time. I do wish I could have done it in a slower kind of way like just keep declining invitations till she got the hint. I think I would have felt less guilty. But every time I tried that in the past, I'd get sucked back in. Ah well!

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 4:32 am
by lpearlmom
14? yikes dandelion! Just how bad our the teen years??

Zoe seemed to really have a great bday! It's great to see her so happy. Kept it to 3 plates but did partake in a little bday dessert.

Break: waffles & bacon
Lunch: salad w grilled chicken
Dinner: Mac & cheese, asparagus, hot dog, ribs
Dessert: bowl of ice cream

Wow I ate a lot of heavy foods today. Oh well at least it was contained. Looking forward to things getting back to normal next week!

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 3:59 pm
by Dandelion
I'm not a good one to ask - I really don't have complaints about teen years - so far anyway. All three of mine have been easy from what I hear from other parents. My biggest gripe is with the amount of homework my youngest has at this age. I think we're going to do something nice for the weekend but we can't because of all the homework he has.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 12:30 pm
by clarinetgal
Wow, that does sound like a crazy, busy week! I'm glad you were able to have a redo, for your birthday.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 4:37 am
by lpearlmom
Hopefully it won't be too bad Dandelion. I was pretty wild in HS so my main concern will be keeping them safe. I know what you mean about the homework. It's already stressful at times. We we're suppose to go out to dinner for Mother's Day sun night but found out both my girls had big projects due today so had to cancel. I'm not a big fan of a lot of hw.

Thanks clarintegal! Looking forward to a partyless weekend!

My youngests bday party went well. A little girl drama but not too bad. Had a really nice Mother's Day. The girls brought me breakfast in bed and my DH cleaned & detailed my car for me (it was pretty bad!). That night hubby grilled for us and we ate out by the pool and then sat around for a bit drinking wine & listening to music while the girls danced. So glad my mom got to spend the weekend with us.

Back to reality today--laundry, cleaning, homework stress! Is it summer yet?

Break: ww bagel w cream cheese, skinny mocha
Lunch: tuna sandwich, stuffed grape leaves, grapes
Skinny mocha
Dinner: steak & veggie sandwich, chips, salsa

Exercise: 18 mins row

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 7:01 am
by clarinetgal
Your Mother's Day sounds like it was very nice! :D

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 5:24 am
by lpearlmom
Was great clarintegal!

Break: bagel w cream cheese, mocha
Lunch: teriyaki tofu, brown rice, potato, banana, iced tea
Dinner: Moroccan steamed chicken, veggies, bread, lemonade

Utterly exhausted... Reached my breaking point today. Just running ragged w bdays, end of the school year stuff, & house projects. I need some quiet time involving me doing nothing.

Zoe's procrastinated on all these projects that are coming due at once & I've been up late w her the last two nights. Not doing it for her but just checking on her, encouraging her. It's so stressful & causing fights. My littlest suffers even though she's done nothing.

Ugh, next Thursday is the last day of school but seems so far away right now. I think we will do absolutely nothing except swim, watch movies & sleep for that first week of summer.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 9:36 am
by eschano
Oh Linda, it sounds exhausting alright. It's a good lesson for your daughter not to procrastinate (I wish my parents had taught me that).

Also, can I please invite myself to your house for lunch or dinner? It sounds so ridiculously good!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 12:13 am
by Dandelion
I am so thankful that my son has figured out how to organize his schoolwork himself. I don't know what I would do if I had to be on him all the time. He had three projects due last week, and one more this week and he got through them without any intervention from us. Most of them he had done well before the deadline. Sometimes I wonder whose kid he is! One more big one to go, and of course finals and then he's done.

I hope you got to have some quiet time. It's not quite pool time here. Still warming up after two days of snow!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 4:15 pm
by lpearlmom
You can def come over to eat anytime eschano! :D so hard cooking for finicky kids sometimes so would be great to have an appreciative audience.

Dandelion: you're definitely lucky. Zoe is very unorganized and just doesn't seem to grasp the consequences of procrastinating. On the other hand, I was pretty impressed with her willingness to stay up late to get her work done. At that age I would have said forget it.

I was so tired yesterday and did carve out some time for myself to relax and take a bath--yay! My energy is really low lately & a bit frustrating because I'm not getting everything done around the house that I wanted. We've also had people here the last few days installing DHs new fish tank. It's hard to relax when people are working in my house but today should be the final day.

Yesterday had a bit of a fail. I think it's because I was reading about other nosers who don't do vanilla & I convinced myself I could have a treat if I wanted. Well I can't. Vanilla NoS is what works for me.

Break: Greek yogurt w fruit & granola, mocha
Lunch: veggie burrito, black bean chips w dip
Dinner: grilled cheese, soup, nachos (DH cooked!)

Fail: couple bites of daughters ice cream--oops :oops:

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 6:37 am
by lpearlmom
Break: yogurt w granola, mocha
Lunch: veg & avocado sandwich, tomato soup, nectarine, iced tea
Dinner: 1/2 grilled cheese, handful popcorn, yogurt, nectarine (virtual plated because we had friends over) , iced tea

Exercise: 18 mins row

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 1:48 pm
by automatedeating
So is the fish tank done? That's sounds awesome. I can just imagine how quickly a football would crash into the lid in my house..... :lol:

Thanks for your words of encouragement on my thread. I really appreciated your insights and suggestions.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 4:23 pm
by samosaurus
Linda, all of your meals sound AMAZING! Just had to say, you eat delicious food :)

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 11:45 pm
by Dandelion
You all make my three-geek household seem so peaceful. There's no football, pool parties or sleepovers, we seldom have houseguests - maybe once a year and no girls but me. We read, eat, cook, garden, do Dr Who....stuff like that. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 12:11 am
by clarinetgal
Linda, I agree! Your meals do sound really good. I'm modifying No S for now, but I'm keeping Vanilla No S in the back of my mind.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 4:00 am
by lpearlmom
Auto : it's pretty much done & my house is looking normal again. We were just talking about how disatorous it would be if this 280 gallon tank broke. Some serious water damage for sure!

Dandelion: can I come to your house to escape?? :D I like to be social but I get quickly burnt out if I don't get some serious downtime. Luckily tonight My youngest is at a slumber party, DH got called into work so I'm relaxing watching columbo tonight--heaven!

Thank you Sam & CG! I do love to cook but a lot of times all we have time for is something quick & easy like tonight! Cg vanilla is great but some mods seem to work really well too.

Break: veg sausage, nectarine, mocha
Lunch: tofu spring rolls w peanut sauce, nectarine, mocha
Dinner: burger, fries, diet cherry limeade

Weirdly I haven't had much of an appetite lately. I'm sure it won't last.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 6:57 am
by lpearlmom
Break: 3 pancakes, mocha
Lunch: popcorn, licorice, couple bites of chicken salad
Dinner: (friends house) homemade pizza (3 kinds), chips & salsa, beer, strawberry daiquiris (DH drove home!)
Dessert: piece of red velvet cake

We went to the house of a DHs co-worker for dinner & swimming. I always get nervous before hanging out w new people but they were really lovely. They were such great hosts which is amazing considering they have three kids under the age of 5! They're from Nebraska though so must be that good Midwestern upbringing!

A perfect S day. Relaxed w a couple treats but nothing crazy. Yay!

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 2:17 pm
by automatedeating
Your day sounds wonderful!

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 6:31 am
by lpearlmom
It was auto esp when compared to this sucky Sunday--ugh!! Started the day off with a HUGE fight w Zoe over an email I got from her teacher re: missing assignments. I didn't handle it well & felt terrible of course afterwards.

I did let her go to a play w her bf because it was planned in advance & didn't want to let the friend down. When she came home, she tells me about a movie she's suppose to bring tomorrow & she realized she missed a bday party sat because she failed to open the invite till tonight. I just do not know how to help this girl be more organized and the consequences of her bad habits seem to be coming to fruition all at once. So stressful, lots of crying...

Thank goodness Thursday is our last day. Next year hopefully this won't happen. She can start fresh & learn from her mistakes.

To top the day off, we discovered we have mice!!!!!! DH caught some in the garage recently & I thought that was the end of it but we saw some in our pool area today & I'm completely freaked out. I know I'm probably overreacting but I'm very creeped out by critters. Our wolf-dog, bless her heart, tried her darnedest to catch them but to no avail. DH says they're prob attracted to our fruit trees. Not sure but I'll be calling our exterminator first thing tomorrow. :cry:

Break: cereal, mocha (woke up early & starving)
Break2: scrambled eggs, toast
Snack: extra large sugar-free iced blended mocha
Lunch: fish taco & shared nachos
Dinner: coconut shrimp w orange sauce, baked potato, sangria

Tomorrow will be better.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:03 am
by eschano
Hi Linda,

I think Zoe will learn by herself if she misses any fun stuff. It's harder to learn to stop procrastinating with things like homework but missing out on fun things will make it stick.

I'm just like you: I love hosting people and full messy houses but then I really enjoy a (or a few) night (s) on my own watching my favourite series, like when my boyfriend goes to football.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:54 am
by clarinetgal
Yay for a great Saturday. Sorry for your sucky Sunday. I think Eschano is right, and Zoe will learn, when she misses out on fun activities.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 1:33 pm
by automatedeating
Hi Linda,
Sorry about the mice--it's quite interesting, in a creepy way. My kids would love to help your wolf-dog catch them. :)

Re: Zoe. OK, so she's already disorganized. Add to that she is still probably tired out from her BD party and then late nights of projects last week. To top it off, she can't wait for Thursday (even more than you, right???)! I think her personal organizational weaknesses are on full display right now (as you put it, coming to full fruition). Which is good, in a way. You can plan your attack plan for next year based on seeing the worst of her time management issues. :)

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:35 pm
by Dandelion
What a time you've had lately!

I have to say, I'm of the kinda mom who lets the consequences play out - within reason. I catch 'em when the consequences would be too great, but let them fail when the consequences are small, and sincerely mourn the loss with them. I feel like it's better to learn now instead of years from now when a)I'm not there and b) the consequences may be life altering.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 6:05 am
by lpearlmom
Eschano & clarintegal, Zoe's definitely motivated socially so yes that might help her to move in the right direction.

Auto: bring your boys over & they can help with the hunt. I wish I wasn't such a wimp even my girls were telling me to relax. As for Zoe yes we learned a lot this year about what we need to do next year. I just hate to see her grades suffer because of this. Her grades are excellent on the things she does turn in so I know she's capable of doing well in school. Oh & crazy enough, she's practically in tears at the thought of the school ending but it's all based on social desires.

Dandelion: I agree w the idea of natural consequences too in theory. It works great w my youngest as she can really make those important connections between action & consequences. Zoe however is a different child & she really needs to be taught some tools for success before I just let her loose. Unfortunately she inherited my ADD tendencies and is going to need a little more guidance for a few years in this area. I just need to find a better way of giving it to herr. Ah well I have all summer to think about it!

Break: granola w milk & fruit, mocha
Lunch: sushi, small piece of pizza, yogurt, iced tea
Dinner: spinach ravioli w pesto, Caesar salad, peaches, a sangria

Craving cookies and annoyed at myself for forgetting to eat dessert Sunday night! Oh well I can wait.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 4:01 am
by lpearlmom
Break: 2 crepes w fruit & whipped cream (no it's not an S to me), mocha
Lunch: Caesar salad w coconut shrimp, chips & dip, iced tea
Dinner: big ol plate of Panda Express

Big appetite today!

Tomorrow is the last full school day of the year--woohoo! I have to laugh at myself though because I know in several weeks I'll be dying for school to start up again. Ah well!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 5:20 am
by clarinetgal
Linda, I share your feelings about the last day of school. Part of me is ready for it, because I'm so sick of the morning rush to get my older son on the bus on time. However, in a few weeks, I'll be missing school. My son's last day is June 12.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 8:46 am
by eschano
I so admire you all and your posts are great. I can nearly smell how that last school day of the year felt like back in the days!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 1:53 pm
by Kookie
Hey Linda! I know it's stressful and you're exhausted but your life sounds so wonderful and full and fun! Zoe sounds like she's really doing her best as well...being disorganized is hard and it can seem so upsetting can't it? Life just feels out of control. But I'm sure she'll get there!

Hope Columbo was relaxing ;-) I love him.

Goodness, I so identify with reading about what someone else does (mods) and jumping on the bandwagon!!

Sorry about the mice! I once found a mouse in my kitchen and threw my cat at it and he...licked it!!!! He was too darn affectionate for his own good.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 2:53 pm
by automatedeating
Hahhahha that is so true about waiting and waiting for a change of pace, and then craving the old routine.

I'm dragging myself to work everyday (and I should be writing a test right now!), and just praying for summer break. I still have 4.5 weeks left!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 8:55 pm
by Dandelion
Oh, my, no! I don't mean you just drop 'em in it and let them sink or swim. I am not advocating that at all! In fact, I agree with you on the teaching skills thing. I think a big mistake many adults make with kids is that they forget we aren't born knowing how to do things.

I have an adult ADD kid. ADD has actually been a huge benefit to him in many ways now that he's lived with it a long time and learned to work with it - the organization thing still escapes him, but he has a very organized wife :)

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 9:45 pm
by lpearlmom
No no Dandelion I'm glad you feel comfortable. I'm so sorry if I was overly defensive. It's probably just because I've been feeling like I need to be less hands on with her but it's hard to watch her fail! I was just justifying it to myself really.

I think I need to just give her some tools like you said & make her accountable & then back off a little. That's all next year though. These last few weeks have just been about helping her survive.

My biggest feat this week has been, not packing her snack for her (she's suppose to do it) and letting her have the consequence of getting hungry. Clearly it's baby steps for me!

Sorry again for taking what you said wrong. I can't tell you how much I value your perspective so please don't stop sharing it!


Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 5:52 am
by lpearlmom
Auto: 4 1/2 weeks--yikes! We get out early but that means going back early too (first week of August). Hang in there!

Clarinetgal: it's definitely going to be nice not to deal w the morning rush and hw stress but now I have to deal w fighting siblings. I see you're a sahm too. How old is your son?

Thank you eschano! I so appreciate your continued support & encouragement. :)

Another busy day. Tomorrow the girls get out at 11 so taking them out to pizza w their friends to celebrate. My youngest daughter got invited to go to the mountains w her friend this weekend. I'm surprised she wants to go as she's usually so attached to me. I guess she's growing up. It'll be nice to have things peaceful around here but I'm a little nervous about letting her go for some reason. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Break: fruit crepes, nf mocha
Lunch: chips & dip, leftover Chinese food, pb sandwich--odd lunch I know!
Dinner: roasted chicken & potatoes, bread, fruit, glass of wine

Can't remember the last time I exercised!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 8:36 am
by ironchef
I was a chronically dreamy and disorganised child and teen. I mean, really hopeless, left a $700 clarinet on a bus (twice!) , walked home at lunch because I thought it was the end of school bell kind of dreamy.

I lived until I was about 20 with a kind of constant low level anxiety, sure that I was forgetting *something*, but not sure what it was. Eventually I learned to use: 1. A wall calendar at home and 2. My email and online calendar at work (with reminder pop ups). I got it together and now can't imagine living that way.

So, that is a long way to say:
1. Don't worry, even really hopeless dreamers can grow into semi-responsible adults and
2. I wish someone had helped me learn some simple tools, like effective use of a wall calendar and the reminder alarms on your phone.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 11:03 am
by eschano
Lol ironchef! Did you get the clarinet back?

I was a dreamer too but eventually when you're leaving your parent's home life hits you and people become what I refer to as functioning-dreamers. I still have my head in the clouds but I am also organizing my life well.

Being organised is just a habit, it's not a character trait.

If you do want to teach her some skills about beating procrastination instead of letting her sink and swim (which was my way to learn): I would not wait until next year.

I'd start with the tiny things now so she'll already have the baby-steps behind her once she starts school again and can build on that habit. As you know, habits are often built with tiny steps at a time. Take a book out of Reinhard's page and make "being organised" easy for Zoe by being clear and simple. Experiment but in general I would do something like putting a calendar on her wall with chores for every day (like opening her post every Tuesday and Friday,....) and every time she completes a chore on the calendar on the right day within the right deadline she gets a gold star. At the end of the week she can cash in her stars for something fun. Or whatever, I'm just making this up (and as I don't have kids I'm coming from the child's perspective haha).

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 5:23 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks for the input eschano & iron chef. I was the same way as a child/teen/young adult. I guess that's why I so want to help her. She got her final grades today & ended up making honor role. I'm very proud of her but hoping to make it a little less painful next year. I ordered a book about helping your child be more organized. Looks good.

I'm exhausted. DH has taken over the kitchen the last couple of days w his fish tank project. The one thing that keeps me calm is having a clean house & not being able to have the house how I like it is causing me a ridiculous amount of anxiety. That and the stupid mice, of course.

Break: 2 crepes w pb, fruit, mocha
Lunch: pizza, wings
Dinner: ravioli w pesto, yogurt, chips & salsa, iced tea

Feeling a little discouraged.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 6:47 am
by clarinetgal
I'm definitely more of a dreamer, and I have to really work at staying organized. I hope you find an approach that helps Zoe. Sorry you're feeling discouraged.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 2:28 pm
by automatedeating
Linda, when I read toward the end of your post (about the fish tank and the mice) I was just laughing! I realize you are discouraged and a bit anxious, but I think by Labor Day this will be a good story over Sangrias.

Your husband sounds hilarious. I have had at least three good friends with surgeon husbands and they always seem to have a few traits in common: pure and total obsessiveness; utter focus; and maniacal energy. :) I can just see him blissfully making a monster mess in your kitchen and completely oblivious to your growing anxiety over the mess.

I'm glad he didn't have to build that vehicle-thing of his in your kitchen.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 11:21 pm
by ironchef
lpearlmom wrote:DH has taken over the kitchen the last couple of days w his fish tank project. The one thing that keeps me calm is having a clean house & not being able to have the house how I like it is causing me a ridiculous amount of anxiety.
I don't think it is ridiculous, my kitchen is the one place in the house where chaos rarely takes over and I am like you in that unfixable mess in my kitchen makes me crazy.
That and the stupid mice, of course.
Better than smart mice, though, right? :)

Hang in there!

eschano - I go the clarinet back the first time!

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 12:10 am
by clarinetgal
Linda, A messy kitchen would drive me nuts. Mine isn't perfect, but it's one of the cleanest rooms in my house, so I can understand where you're coming from.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 4:32 am
by lpearlmom
Auto: you def have him pegged! When we went to his co-workers the other night he was telling us about all his hobbies--beer making, making his own pizza dough, inventing apps--and I realized there's something about this profession that attracts a similar type of person. When I married DH I knew I'd never be bored but he sure does drive me crazy sometimes!

Oh and when he built his car it was at our old house which was less than 1/2 the size of our current house. We had a tiny 2 car garage so there were actually car parts all over the house for a time. It still gives me nightmares to think about it! Thank goodness he now has a whole rv garage to himself so no car parts allowed in the house.

Thanks is so much iron chef & Clarinetgal for your empathy. Good to know I'm not as neurotic as I feel. The kitchen situation is much better. There's only about 1/4 of my kitchen island taken up w his stuff now. Also part of the fish tank mess was compounded by the fact that we had five garbage bags of grape fruits in the kitchen which is now 3 pitchers of juice in are frig and a huge amount of end of the year school papers which are now in the trash. Aaahh I can breathe again!

(And yes ironchef I def don't need a bunch of mouse outsmarting me!)

Talia, my youngest, went away for the weekend. My heart aches for her a little but it was SO nice to spend the day with Zoe. I took her to lunch & she ran errands with me for the rest of the day. We had so much fun talking & laughing. I hate that I let Talia suck up so much of my attention. I need to make more time for Zoe.

Break: vanilla granola w fruit, mocha
Lunch: lobster bisque, 1/2 turkey & avocado sandwich, sugar free mocha
Dinner: meatball sandwich, chips & dip, peaches, iced tea

Exercise: short walk

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:51 am
by clarinetgal
Linda, I can understand about the challenges of balancing time with your kids. I spend most of my time with my 2.5 year old (Morgen), since he and I are home all day. My older son (Owen, age 6.5) is in school all day, so I have to work to spend extra time with him. It will be easier, once he starts his summer break. Your menu looks good! Do you make your mochas, or buy them? I'm a huge coffee/tea addict.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 9:23 pm
by Ursula
Hi, Linda! We had mice a few years ago (though only Lord knows why with 7 dogs running around and no cooking going on in the kitchen). But I just couldn't bring myself to kill 'em. I bought humane mouse traps and "re-settled" them in a nearby park (where, my husband so cruelly pointed out, they'd be hawk food before sundown). Still they would not stay away. Finally I read that rodents hate the smell of peppermint and bought some peppermint oil on Amazon. I soaked a few cotton balls in the stuff and placed it in mousy areas throughout the house (and replaced those every coupla months). Voilà! No more mice.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:24 pm
by automatedeating
ursula, what a cool idea about the peppermint oil and mice!

Linda, it's nice to have some concentrated time with one child, isn't it? So glad you got that chance, and I also hope that Talia had a great weekend away! In my house, it's my older child that tends to monopolize all my attention; my little guy slips through the cracks for focused time. Anyway, sounds like the weekend is good for all members of your family. Happy Summer Break!!!!!

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 5:55 am
by lpearlmom
Thanks heather & auto! Good to know I'm not alone with the attention dilemma. No end to parenting worries, huh?

Heather: to answer your mocha question--both! When I'm out it's usually Starbucks nonfat, no whip mocha (sometimes sugar-free). At home I add coffee bean & tea leaf mocha mix to my coffee, steam my own milk w a nespresso frother.

Ursula: I wish I did the humane trap thing. I feel pretty awful about the whole thing. Oh well! My DH would totally say something similar. Stupid realists!

Today was good. Talia's still away & Zoe is at a sleepover. Hubby & I went to sushi & then watched Casablanca. So nice to have time alone w DH but dang it I miss my kids. Talia's having am amazing time. I think she's going to be bored when she comes home!

Break: croissant, mocha
Lunch: egg salad sandwich, fruit
Snack: 2 pieces choc, coffee w cream
Dinner: sushi, 2 glasses of wine
Dessert: bowl of ice cream w fudge

What a great S day. I think I'm finally getting this down.