Page 9 of 15

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:50 pm
by Graham
12st 10 1/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.6%, #

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:09 am
by Graham
12st 11 1/4lb, 44 1/4" BMI 27.7, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.3%, #

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 7:49 am
by Graham
12st 9 1/4lb*, 43 7/8", BMI 27.4, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 39%, #

*This seems a touch too low to me, Though still in the right ball-park. Today I will be driving, not fasting. My cold hasn't finished and I wish I could extend my stay here, but obligations dictate I make the effort.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:42 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/2lb, 43 7/8", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 38.7% #

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 8:13 pm
by Graham
12st 11 1/4lb, 44 1/16", BMI 27.7, WHtR 65.3%, Body Fat 38.9%, #

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:27 am
by Graham
12st 13lb, 44 3/8", BMI 28, WHtR 65.7%, Body Fat 39.2% #

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:41 pm
by Graham
12st 12 3/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.8, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.2% #

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:19 pm
by Graham
25th: 12st 13lb. 44 3/8", BMI 28, WHtR 65.7%, Body Fat 39.2%

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:22 am
by Graham
12st 12 1/2lb, 44 3/4", BMI 27.9, WHtR 66.3%, Body Fat 40.2% #

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:47 am
by Graham
12st 12 1/4lb, 44 1/2", BMI 27.9, WHtR 65.9%, Body Fat 39.7%, #

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:35 am
by Graham
12st 12 3/4lb, 44 3/4", BMI 27.9, WHtR 66.3%, Body Fat 40.1% fasting

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:26 am
by Graham
12st 13 1/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 28, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 38.8%, #

That fast wasn't much fun - mild headache most of the day, then a meal I didn't enjoy much, felt over-filled after it, yet driven by the sense of need and desire for the food as I ate it. I hope to fast again in the near future, I might just be out of practice - but on the face of it, the contradictory outcome questions its value as a future strategy for me.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:43 am
by Graham
12st 12 1/2lb, 44 3/4", BMI 27.9, WHtR 66.3%, Body Fat 40.2%, fasting

measuring my girth is tricky these days, my shape makes it harder to ensure accuracy. Weight is easier, though my scale sometimes ignores fractions. I hope this fast goes better than last time.
10:40pm: Fast lasted 21 hours, physically tolerable, easier than last time though some stress clouded my experience. Let the tape and scale give their verdict tomorrow.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:41 pm
by Graham
12st 11lb, 44 1/2", BMI 27.7, WHtR 65.9%, Body Fat 40% #

That's more like it results-wise, but the timing needs re-examining. I think Monday and Thursday might be a better choice unless I return to Tango classes. A Friday fast puts me off attending church choir practice (at 7:30pm till 9), and thus Sunday choir attendance.

I also think it better not to sandwich the weekend's no-S days with two fasts. Too much chance of a compensatory eating pattern developing.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:53 am
by Graham
12st 11lb, 44 7/8"

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:26 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/4lb* 44 1/2", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.9%, Body Fat 40.2% #

Fasting's got more tolerable. Felt OK and ate sensibly afterwards, I could "virtual plate" it to a No S success, now I come to think of it. I am developing a slight back of the nose soreness which might be a bug, a price to be paid, perhaps, for fasting this body.

*my scale first said 12st 10lb, suspecting a hidden fraction I re-weighed myself holding a 1/1lb weight, got 12st 10 3/4lb. Put down the weight and got 12st 10 3/4 yet again. I am guessing I am correct, but who knows?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:05 am
by Graham
12 11 3/4lb, 44 3/4" BMI 27.8, WHtR 66.3%, Body Fat 40.4%, #

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:48 am
by Graham
12st 9 3/4lb, 44 3/8", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.7%, Body Fat 40%, #

An impromptu fast lasting for 24 hours, and if I don't count yesterday's morning coffee and tea with milk and a little sugar, 33 hours. My last scale reading, on Wednesday, I think, was 13 stone!. Egad!

Tacking on a night's sleep instead of a late meal seemed a good idea. Late large meals tend to spoil my sleep anyway, it was an easy decision. I may try to end fasts with sleep again.

Post Script: I had coffee, then meditated, then cooked my first meal. My stomach now feels tense, nervy, almost nauseous. Maybe bacon, egg, natto and supplements aren't an ideal fast-breaking combination.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:29 am
by Graham
12st 9 3/4lb, 44 3/8", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.7%, Body Fat 40%, #

What to eat and when to eat possibly a more acute issue after a longer fast? If I fast so long next time, maybe I will start with soup. Preparing for that meal, making sure I have all the ingredients is also important. Perhaps being older means I don't bounce back metabolically as quickly as those who write about fasting do. And I'm not as good at self-observation as I'd like.

Losing weight rapidly: the fast mostly empties glycogen stores and the water it's stored in. I would have expected to put some of it, even most of it, back on by today, but that hasn't happened, despite eating some very "wrong" things - (I was given a box of rather nice chocolates - oh dear)

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:05 am
by Graham
12st 10 3/4lb, 44 3/4"* BMI 27.6, WHtR 66.3%, Body Fat 40.6% Fasting *waist measurement after coffee, may be too big.

I hope this fast ends more comfortably than the last one. Planning a suitable eating experience will take priority over one-plating.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:46 pm
by Graham
12st 9 1/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.4, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.9% #

OK result but stomach is getting delicate, protesting about all sorts of things. Fasting is really easy, I could go longer - it is the eating afterwards that now challenges me. Now I feel ok, not weak, not tired, not hungry or unwell - and the sun is shining.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:24 am
by Graham
12st 10lb, 44 3/8", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.7%, Body Fat 40% #

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:05 am
by Graham
12st 11lb, 44 1/2" BMI 27.7, WHtR 65.9%, Body Fat 40%, #

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:17 am
by Graham
Monday: 12st 12 1/2lb, 44 3/4" BMI 27.9, WHtR 66.3%, Body Fat 40.2% F #
Tuesday 12st 12lb, 44 1/2" BMI 27.8, WHtR 65.9%, Body Fat 39.7%

So. A fast of moderate impact. it didn't feel too demanding. I did exceed one plate. New: I've had no meat since last Friday. Not exactly a meat issue, more about my digestion of fatty meals. I'm eating pulses and more starch, but less vegetables. My digestion is better though, so for now, I'm accepting that and finding my way.

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:35 am
by Graham
12st 11 3/4lb, 44 5/8", BMI 27.8, WHtR 66.1%, Body Fat 40.1% Fasting

Continuing with the spontaneous vegetarianism, my digestion is definitely improved, my weight is slightly reduced, overall fitness and health otherwise unchanged.

I have decided to fast today, though the prospect of a vegetarian and therefore lighter fast-ending meal seems slightly unsatisfactory. I have all day to figure out what to eat this evening.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:08 am
by Graham
12st 9 3/4lb, 44 1/4" BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.7% #

That went pretty well. End meal? Beans on toast! Just 2 slices of bread, one plateful, no great desire for seconds. I ended the fast quite early, (6-ish) yet had no issue about not eating again later in the evening, I'm glad to say.

I did feel the cold, I didn't do much outdoors, but I did get further with music theory, it wasn't a wasted day.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:09 am
by Graham
12st 10 3/4lb, 44 1/2", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.9%, Body Fat 40.1% #

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:35 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/2lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.5% Fasting #

I was almost No S compliant yesterday, but I had an avocado before my main meal, as I cooked. I actually feel somewhat OK about the non-rigidity of that. It seems more self-friendly than rigid adherence to the rules would have been.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:41 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.3% #

All those good things that are written about the benefits of fasting... are all those "facts" selectively based on research on young people, or only perfectly healthy people?

I am slightly slimmer, slightly lighter, but I paid in low energy and recurrent bouts of hiccups. I think a day when I have a busy evening in prospect isn't suitable for fasting (for me, at any rate).

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:40 am
by Graham
12st 12 1/4lb, 44 1/2" BMI 27.9, WHtR 65.9%, Body Fat 39.7%

No feasting, a breakfast of pancakes with lemon and sugar was yesterday's great indulgence - and look where I am.

Am I fighting a war I cannot win? It certainly seems like my body's tendencies are towards getting fatter, and if I took the brakes off I'd be fatter yet.

If I ate what I find most congenial whenever I wanted (good chocolates, for example) I might by now be enormous - or dead from a heart-attack - so I strive against that, but I am weary of the struggle against my own self's desires.

Between the harm I'm warned of and what I desire I'm held in fearful conflict.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 8:23 am
by Graham
12st 10lb, 44 3/8" BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.7%, Body Fat 40%, #

I am ok with "no sweets", and usually with "no snacks" too, but the "no seconds" rule is not ok at the moment.

Predicting how much to put on my plate, how much I'm going to need, and then sticking to it, leads to a kind of anxiety. That leads to overfilling my plate and then my "clean your plate" impulse leads to my stuffing myself. That is the wrong sort of psychology for my current frame of mind.

Knowing I can eat all I want at my meal feels more relaxed. Some days I'm very peaceful about my food needs, and the one-plate thing disrupts that.

A demanding day ahead so I'm not fasting. Not sure how to weave that in to my routine in a wholesome way.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:05 pm
by Graham
12st 11lb, 44 1/2" BMI 27.7, WHtR 65.9%, Body Fat 40%

Not fasting, such a busy week for the church choir - Thursday through Sunday, and an extra rehearsal on Tuesday, so I need to be singing and studying today.

As my weight is hovering around similar values for the last few months, instead of recording my weight/waist and working out BMI WHtR and Body Fat % I just checked back to find an earlier posting with the same values and copied and pasted it. So there is something good about running on the spot.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:23 am
by Graham
12st 9 3/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.7% #

11 days ago I somehow twisted my knee - little exercise and no fasting since. Still vegetarian, digestion remains much improved, but. Last night I had imitation meat and did get slight indigestion during the night. It was a baked cheese and garlic Kiev (imitation chicken from soya). Is this physical or mental?

My knee is gradually healing. Off to a group singing lesson & then a focusing group. Sunshine but still too chilly for enjoyable gardening. Goals and purpose are pressing issues, and how to think about them constructively.

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:39 am
by Graham
12st 9 1/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.4, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.6% #

Knee slowly improving, little exercise possible. No fasting. A meatless diet continues to benefit my digestion.

NoS compliance continues to be patchy. No sweets I adhere to, no snacks I usually adhere to, but no seconds - I find pre-judging my meal size mildly oppressive and I've more or less abandoned it. I don't want to do things that make me unhappy.

I forgot to say: I have virtually abandoned food supplements too. I began to turn my attention to what my stomach likes/dislikes and noticed how some supplements seem to give me indigestion. The oily ones - I gave up on fish oil long ago, but krill oil seemed ok - only now it isn't. Likewise astaxanthin. It is great in theory, but not in my stomach.

I've also experimented with natto. Unlike many westerners I'm not repelled by it, but I sometimes notice a bit of stomach ache seems to follow eating it, and that, if it is a solid fact, will bring my natto eating to an end.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:48 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/2lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.3% #

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:49 am
by Graham
12st 8 3/4lb, 44 3/16", BMI 27.3, WHtR 65.5%, Body Fat 39.9% #

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:36 am
by Graham
12st 11 1/2lb, 44", BMI 27.7, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 38.7% #

Odd fluctuation. I went to an art exhibition (Light Show at the Hayward, I enjoyed it), ate a cake, otherwise a standard day, still limping, not cycling or rowing or able to do any long walks. Still vegetarian. No idea why the weight rose so much, especially as the waist went in the opposite direction.

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:37 pm
by Graham
12st 10 1/2lb, 44 3/16", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.5%, Body Fat 39.4% #

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 8:55 am
by Graham
Friday 12st 8 1/2 lb, 44 1/8" BMI 27.3, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.8% #
Saturday 12st 9 3/4lb, 44" BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 39.2% #

My knee is healing but now I have positional vertigo. Darn it. I had it for 2 days, it went for a day, now today it is back. Still vegetarian, but with a suspicion I may stray occasionally. I have a suspicion that it's the fat in the food, rather than it being from animals, is the underlying issue.

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 9:35 am
by Graham
12st 8lb, 43 15/16" BMI 27.2, WHtR 65.1%, Body Fat 39.5%

Vertigo cuts appetite.

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:08 am
by Graham
12st 10lb, 44 1/4" BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.7%

I ate better, got fatter... Nice though: cauliflower cheese, and a good salad topped with Engevita yeast flakes. A sunny bank holiday today then weeks of gloomy weather to come. Knee gradually improving, vertigo milder today, off to the garden.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:12 am
by Graham
12st 9 1/2lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.4, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.5% #

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:54 am
by Graham
12st1 10 1/1lb, 44 1/2" BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.9%, Body Fat 40.1% #

Knee healing, vertigo receding, I now cope with a daily walk/shopping trip. I wonder, am I truly fatter today or just struggling to measure my rotundity accurately?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 7:40 am
by Graham
12st 9 3/4lb, 44 3/8", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.7%, Body Fat 40%, #

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 4:34 pm
by Graham
12st 8 3/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.3, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.7%

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:59 am
by Graham
12st 9lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.4, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.7%

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 12:09 pm
by Graham
12st 10 1/4lb, 44 1/4" BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.6%, #

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 9:12 am
by Graham
12st 11 1/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.7, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.3% #

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 11:00 am
by Graham
12st 9 3/4lb, 44 1/4" BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.7%

Not vegetarian for the last 10 days - chicken at a birthday buffet, then a meat pasty at another birthday buffet - and some meat I had left in the freezer - and fairly frequent real coffee at breakfast but my digestion remains basically OK, reflux hasn't come back (yet).

And I got my puncture fixed. My damaged knee ligament will limit cycling anyway, but the problem isn't directly in the plane of movement used in cycling, so it's manageable. Good to start more exercise now the sunshine beckons.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 8:09 am
by Graham
12st 9 3/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.5% #

Starting to use my bike again. Knee continues gradual improvement.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:24 am
by Graham
12st 12 1/4lb

Knee setback. I had a few days when it felt good, then some short bike rides and resumed isometrics and now my knee aches at night once again. So I've stopped the bike and isometrics, not sure which or both cause the problem. Now I'm not exercising, not vegetarian, getting fatter.

Later: Experimentally did isometrics anyway, carefully alert for any sign of knee strain - was I careful enough?

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:02 am
by Graham
12st 11 3/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.8, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 38.9% #

My damaged knee ached last night after yesterday's tango class. I think I exceeded my knee's tolerance for activity. Drat.

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:14 pm
by Graham
Still a regular user of HabitCal but I kept away from reporting the usual weight waist bmi etc as the news wasn't encouraging.

Within the last week I've been back on my bike, and my knee is coping well with it, so I feel I can now work towards being modestly fit once again.

I'm not only nursing my knee but a rather less cooperative stomach than I used to have. Consequently I use virtually no supplements and eat very little meat, poultry or fish. I've cut back on real coffee drinking too.

I have found regular meditation keeps my stomach in better order, but whenever I get reluctant to perform the daily routine, my stomach complains.

I'm wanting to resume isometrics too, I'm missing the particular sense of well-being they brought.

I got fed up weighing and measuring myself, disenchanted (I was stagnating and discouraged) but I'll get round to it within the next week, probably.

And fasting? Was it a factor in my stomach's increasing rebellion? I'm not sure. I haven't fasted recently but the impulse does arise, and I'm not against it. Maybe just once a week though? Perhaps frequent fasting is better tolerated by a younger, fitter body. I'm still learning about all that, and about how I am with it all, whatever the theories may say.

And I nearly forgot to mention NoS, the core practice that first brought me here. I mostly don't eat sweets in the week, nor snack, I do eat seconds though and I don't give myself a hard time about it. And I'm fat.

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:34 pm
by Graham
12st 13 1/4lb, 44 1/2" BMI 28, WHtR 65.9%, Body Fat 39.4% #

Stats not too great, no wonder I've got fed up reporting them. And it is horribly hot here, has been for the past week, I'm weary of it.

I am still mostly vegetarian, gradually trying to up the exercise but my knee problems continue to limit me. I'll be off to the Dr's next week to see if there's anything that can or should be done about it. I miss being able to cycle regularly.

On the No S front, I rarely have green days, but I mostly avoid snacking and sweets.

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:55 am
by Graham
12st 13 1/2lbs, 44 3/4", BMI 28.1, WHtR 66.1%, Body Fat 39.6% Fasting

Fasting today. I didn't want to, part of me felt sad - yet other parts are willing, and, with my knee limiting my exercise capacity, I can think of no other way to address my expanding waistline. I hope not to suffer any ill effects to my digestion, only the passing hours can comment.

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:00 am
by Graham
12st 12 1/2lbs, 44 1/4", BMI 27.9, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39%, #

It was a surprisingly easy, comfortable fast. The hot weather may have helped. I experienced a noticeable rise in temperature after my fast-ending evening meal (poached eggs on beans on toast).

My stomach was fine throughout the fast. (no acidity issues) I wasn't unduly fatigued, I did stuff, walking, carrying shopping back from the market. I may do it again: Thursday, perhaps?

My new breakfast experiment: Porridge with added natto! So my stomach got tense, as it sometimes does when I eat natto, as though bracing itself for a nasty experience. Pity, the stuff is supposed to be so good for us.. (Same story with Pomegranate juice, I thought it was OK, but my stomach didn't)

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:00 am
by Graham
12st 12 1/2lbs, 44 1/4", BMI 27.9, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39%, #

A rare chance to copy and paste the previous day's results. Sort of greenish day too, green enough to award myself a green.

I can't bear literal one-plating at the moment, I'm not sure I'll ever return to that, it feels too daft - like pretending I'm in a prison cafeteria or some such. I do do a virtual one-plate though. I start a meal with a sense of maybe I'll have 2 pieces of bread, but I only take one, and then, if I want it, I take a second one. That feels much more relaxed than guessing and predicting how much I'm going to want to eat. Then I overfill my plate and "clean the plate/don't waste food mode" takes over, which irritates the hell out of me!

A strong emotional impulse figures in this issue. The day may come when I might do some focusing with that, maybe there could be shifts in my feeling and unforced, harmonious change in my eating behaviour.

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:44 am
by Graham
13st 0lb, 44 1/8", BMI 28.1, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 38.3%, # Fasting

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:09 am
by Graham
12st 12 1/2lb, 44", BMI 27.9, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 38.4%, #

post fast meal was massive, fortunately mostly vegetables. Weight progress poor, waist going in the right direction. That was a tougher fast, I felt very demotivated, adrift, perhaps too soon after the previous one?

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:30 am
by Graham
12st 11lb*?, 44 1/8", BMI 27.7, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.1% #

*The weight is iffy, scale possibly not showing fractions, but I must still be lighter than the day before even if I actually weigh 12 stone 11 3/4lbs. My waist is slightly up, nice weather, hot day.

I thought my laptop was stolen and then I found it. After last week's burglary at S/O's where I lost my rucksack containing both my diaries, all my important plastic, some books and other stuff I can't quite recall, I can understand my own panic.

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:24 am
by Graham
12st 11 1/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.7, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.1%

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:50 am
by Graham
12st 11 1/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.7, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.1% Fasting

My waist measurement increased slightly (43 15/16" to 44 1/8") within the first half hour after rising, postural and gravitational effects coming in to play, I presume.

How to organise a fasting day? when to time physical effort and mental effort?Why am I reluctant to meditate, undemanding as it seems to be? I assume I'll do better at isometrics now rather than later

GOAL: about 3lbs and 1" reduction by August 10th. The church choir will sing at a wedding that day and I want to get back into the suit I wore when I was in Granada last September. This isn't much time for the 1" though it seems manageable for the 3lbs - let's see.

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:46 am
by Graham
12st 10 3/4lb, 44" BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 38.9% #

the fast was tolerable, I was under-productive and had a headache by the end.
The evening meal was a one-plater but I had a tiny snack later, so I can't claim a green day.

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:58 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/2lb, 44" BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 39% #

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:50 am
by Graham
12st 10 3/4lb, 43 7/8", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 38.6%, #

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 6:25 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/2lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.5%, # Fasting

Waist measurement: it seems to increase over the first half hour or so after rising. I want to capture a truthful figure. (went from a flattering 43 3/4" to 44 1/4" within @ half an hour from rising)

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:47 am
by Graham
12st 9 1/4lb 43 13/16", BMI 27.4, WHtR 64.9%, Body Fat 38.9% #

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:39 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/2lb, 44 1/2"* BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.9, Body Fat 40.1% Fasting

*Waist measurement frustrating, it climbs over the first half hour/hour after rising, how accurate can I be/have I been with this metric? It doesn't look like I'll fit in that suit by Saturday lunchtime, my restricted exercise capacity is making that harder to achieve.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:58 am
by Graham
12st 9 3/4lb, 44", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 39.2%, #

The fast was tiring, I felt very sleepy by the end, and after eating too. The No S fail was a marginal - snacking on some cream cheese following a low protein meal - I could have virtual plated a green, am I too fussy or not fussy enough on No S rules? Hmm.

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:08 am
by Graham
12st 10 3/4lb, 44" BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 38.9% #

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:33 am
by Graham
12st 9 1/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.4, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.9%, #

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:10 am
by Graham
12st 10 3/4lb, 44" BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 38.9% #

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:29 am
by Graham
12st 11 1/2lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.8, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.2%

I squeezed into my suit, the wedding service went well, with some wonderful music from both the choir and other performers. The reception banquet didn't match the music in quality. I ended up overeating some mediocre items to stave off my disappointment. All those speeches, and a self-obsessed MC who didn't notice no-one was as pleased with his jokes as he was - excruciating.

And bingo, I'm tubbied up once again...

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:59 pm
by Graham
44 1/4", scale stuck at 12st 11lb, accurate BMI and Body Fat% not possible, WHtR 65.6%

About fasting: I'm not fasting today, I wish I was, but I didn't want to be distracted while focusing, so I didn't. Just to say, fasting hasn't increased my digestive problems. In fact, I believe it has helped to reduce them.

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:04 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/2lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.5% #

A tiring fast, I felt it in my eyes particularly. i got some things done nevertheless. My digital scale is increasingly uncooperative over fractions. I wonder whether to test out how trustworthy the ten year guarantee is.

I didn't bother with fizzy water, lemons or ginger tea. At the end I divided my meal into two servings though it would have fitted onto one plate. I found it more enjoyable to do that. Yet still I longed for more - a chocolate bar, then a banana fried in butter with raisins and walnuts.

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:36 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/4lb, 44", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 39% Fasting

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:42 am
by Graham
12st 9 1/2lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.4, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.8% #

I made an error as I fasted yesterday: I went food shopping and let myself buy chocolates "for the weekend". From the cupboard where I'd hidden them, they called to me...

I had a fine fast-ending meal, with all 5 portions of vegetables and fruit plus rice and Quorn, but that little something was there, telling me I might be full, but I could fit in a chocolate. Oh dear. They were disappointingly crude, not what I expected from Belgian chocolates (maybe what I should have expected from overly affordable Lidl Belgian chocolates?) and one turned to six before nausea called a halt.

Still, I'm lighter if no slimmer, my excess didn't destroy all the results of my sacrifice.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:54 am
by Graham
12st 9 3/4lb, 44 3/16", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.5%, Body Fat 39.6%, #

I was so hungry yesterday, I had dessert after my evening meal! I woke in the early hours, again hungry - is eating more vegetables and fruit Less satisfying? (I'm managing 6 or 7 portions a day just recently, I seem to crave them)

As a precaution, I've had porridge for breakfast today.

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:57 am
by Graham
12st 10 3/4lb, 44 1/8" BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.2%, #

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:13 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/4lb, 44", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 39%, # Fasting

Really went overboard on snacks last night. And yet I'm lighter and slimmer. Odd. My only solution to snacking is not buying them, chocolates especially. Or, if a true bargain, could I hide them from myself?

I had been feeling a sort of persistent "something like hunger" as I found myself eating more vegetables and fruit, that was perhaps part of the provocation for my excess (along with availability). Might I acclimatise to this different input, or do I need to go for more stodge?

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:55 am
by Graham
12st 10 3/4lb, 44", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 38.9%, #

A green day technically - after midnight I had dessert and sweets - were those my undoing? The fast was bearable, the ending meal was excellent, the post midnight snacking was optional, I could have refrained, and yet...

I'm convinced my knee problem, acting as a barrier to aerobic exercise, is a significant part of my current struggle to rein in my waistline, but, as I age, such issues may arise more frequently. I watched part 1 of "the men who made us thin" and reflected on all that "dieting makes (most of) us fatter" stuff. How cruel.

The executives who blame their cheated customers for failure are so slimy! Their sidestepping of the issue of the increased burden of self restraint required after every diet should shame them - but they've got so rich, perhaps they think God approves?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:38 pm
by Graham
12st 11 1/4lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.7, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.3%, #

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:28 am
by Graham
12st 11 1/2lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.8, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.3% Fasting

I have been missing fasting, I was very keen to fast today.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:05 am
by Graham
12st 9 3/4lb, 44", BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 39.2%, #

OK fast, a big meal to end it, then a background agitation, a sort of uneasy excitement. I could have snacked if there had been food on view, my No S adherence was precarious. Even a large meal doesn't immediately satisfy when my fast has ended. It wasn't quite a green day as I had my meal as two portions, more or less deliberately, it could have been one-plated, but it wasn't.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:31 am
by Graham
12st 11 1/4lb, 43 7/8", BMI 27.7, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 38.5%, #

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:52 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/4lb, 44", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 39%, #

Hummus and bread and sweetcorn eating is extended, not a one-plate sort of thing, so another red day.

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:48 am
by Graham
12st 11 1/2lb, 44", BMI 27.8, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 38.7%, # Fasting

I can't fast too long today as I've choir tonight, and want to be comfy to sing. When might i eat? 6pm?

Something to consider: I weigh 1/4lb more than I did last Friday, but am 1/4" slimmer. These differences are too small to put too much faith in. Slow progress indeed. My damaged knee continues to discourage lengthy aerobic activity.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:36 pm
by Graham
12st 10 1/2lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.5%, #

If I was wanting a tangible reward for my fasting, I can't count much of it, yet I have felt both this week's fasts were beneficial, relieving some inner pressure.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:35 am
by Graham
No comparable measurements, wasn't at home. Fasting

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:49 am
by Graham
12st 9 1/4lb, 44", BMI 27.4, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 39.3% #

It was almost a one-plate meal, but the slice of buttered toast came a few minutes after. I was pestered by the knowledge of ice cream in the freezer, but did not succumb.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:59 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/4lb, 44 1/2", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.9%, Body fat 40.2%, #

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:59 am
by Graham
12st 9 1/2lb, 44 1/4", BMI 27.4, WHtR 65.6%, Body Fat 39.8% # Fasting

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:01 am
by Graham
12st 8 3/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.3, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.7%, #

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:33 am
by Graham
12st 8 3/4lb, 44", BMI 27.3, WHtR 65.2%, Body Fat 39.4%

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:20 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.3% Fasting

The weight gain is a slight puzzle, also my scales are suggesting a certain laxity in the accuracy department, which makes all the weighing, measuring and tabulating pretty pointless.

I overdid just one thing all weekend - a Sunday meal slightly too big, yet I cleared my plate, as I do, even when my stomach is protesting. It was mostly vegetables though, nothing naughty (I had no chocolates at all this weekend! Nor any particular sense of needing them). My main treats were such things as stewed apples with whipped cream, and biscuits with afternoon tea.

I am fasting, I plan to eat around 7, a largish meal, but SO is coming at some point, and will be coming to stay more long term in the near future, not sure how the fasting/eating will be affected by all that.

My feelings about fasting are paradoxical. I sometimes feel a wash of sorrow when I think "I'll be fasting tomorrow" - and yet, during a fast, alongside the hunger I feel a relief, as though a burden was being lightened. I experience a sense of some sort of physical benefit alongside the mild discomfort of hunger.

8:30pm It was an uncomfortable fast: I had a persistent moderate headache for most of the afternoon. Then an interesting thing happened. As I prepared the ingredients for my fast-ending meal, measured according to UK government guidelines, 80 grams constituting a portion - a sense that I was preparing too much took hold!

I cut back on how much went into the pan, I think it was actually a stomach sensation of "No, that would be too much" that led to this new feeling and behaviour.

I am wondering, only time will tell if this effect endures, but I had been focusing on how my ability to say "No" to my parents had been so suppressed, and how being forced to eat a huge Sunday lunch I struggled to finish was an example of that.

Could it be, after all these years, could it be that my ability to say "No", to reject what my body tells me isn't wanted or needed, without guilt or conflict, could be coming back into my life once again? Let's see.

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:49 am
by Graham
12st 9 1/2lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.4, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.5%, #

The overall trend is stasis. I am a bit lighter than yesterday and my post-fast meal experience was very encouraging - but I'm no further on than I was last Tuesday. What do I have to do? My damaged knee closes the door to vigorous exercise for the time being and I don't want to increase fasting. If I'm not willing to suffer more, this may be a stalemate.

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:48 am
by eschano
I don't know about you but for me a stalemate is progress considering my pre No-S slowly creeping weight-gain.

Once your knee has healed it will go down again :D

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:36 am
by Graham
Weds 12st 9 3/4lb, 44 1/16â€, BMI 27.5, WHtR 65.3%, Body Fat 39.3% #
Thurs 12st 9 1/4lb, 43 7/8â€, BMI 27.4, WHtR 65%, Body Fat 39% # Fasting
Today 12st 8 3/4lb, 43 3/4â€, BMI 27.3, WHtR 64.8%, Body Fat 38.8% #

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:33 am
by Graham
12st 9 1/4lb, 44 3/8", BMI 27.4, WHtR 65.7%, Body Fat 40.2% #

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:00 am
by Graham
12st 10 1/4lb, 44 1/8", BMI 27.6, WHtR 65.4%, Body Fat 39.3%

Busyish day yesterday, helping friends to move home, had pooris with spiced potatoes, only slightly gorging myself, ate no sweets and yet, here I am, back again to the same weight and waist I was at last Monday, having undergone 2 fasting days.

The knee/exercise inhibition problem is an aspect of this. I note some nervousness about cycling in the darker weather given the aggressive way some people drive. There is something like a bandit mentality seems to come over some drivers - I respond to it with anger when I'm driving, and fear when I'm cycling. So, there's another reason I exercise less.

When SO and I are sharing a kitchen again, how will I disentangle myself from her eating habits? Sharing cooking would be such a boon if only we had similar menus in mind. I lean towards more vegetables, fruit, protein, fat and less starch. I accept the inconvenience of relying less on bread and grains and more on things that need washing &/or peeling and possibly cooking as a part of every meal.

There is a tangle here, co-dependence issues lurk, and from what I read, recovery, if assiduously pursued, takes 2 - 5 years! If I stay stuck with the same waist to height ratio I have now, I'm not sure I'll live long enough to achieve it.