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Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:54 pm
by Hunter Gatherer
My avatar is Theda Bara!

Good luck with rustling up some return business!

You go girl! Slay those bacteria/viruses with your garlic breath! Go, Go Debzilla! (picturing an epic battle here, please do not disturb (wait, I was already disturbed...))

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:15 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hey all!
I had a good day yesterday, though I waited a bit too long for dinner so I was a raving hunnnnggggry girl by then...
Had a lame breakfast (just needed some fruit and protein..)but we didn't have too much here...
I am waiting waiting waiting for my period to come already..
It is a little late, like last month.. Hey! Maybe I'll get early menopause..
I hope!

So I stopped at my mom and did some laundry, and we had a decent sit-down talk, which we haven't done for ages.. She's selling her house..
We had that house since 1973 so I'm sure it's gonna be a huge transition for her... So she seemed to need to talk about feeling sad about selling the house, but I know that she really needs the retirement money from it.
So I'm glad.. I just pray that she doesn't sell it to some Iranian realtor here who will bulldoze over the whole property and cut down every tree and bush around...That's been happening here for the past 20 years... I like the trees we have here and hate seeing them get ripped out and replaced with mausoleum style palaces... I would like to see the house go to someone who will respect and take care of it...
Anyway.. minor rant there!

When I was there, I weighed myself on her scale since I hadn't eaten breakfast, and with my period imminent, and the fact that I've been craving salty treats like pizza and chips, I'm up about 3 lbs...
No biggie.. I always, without fail, gain between 2 and 3 lbs when I am retaining that pms bloating.
I'm not even phased...

This is the weirdest weather day.. Spring is starting to arrive!
It's sunny one minute, and black and pouring the next.. Loads of wind!!!
Rahhh here comes March!

I'm starting Mini Ludditing tomorrow for the weekend...
No computer between 11 and 5... I also plotted out a little route around my area from front door, around the park and surrounding blocks, and then back to our place and it's just shy of a mile... So I'm gonna start Urban Rangering too...
No excuses!!!!!!

Have a fandabbydozie weekend yalls...
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 10:02 pm
by 3aday
OMG. :shock:
I am late too!
I always retain the same amount without fail every month.

Have a good weekend!

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:31 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Okay.. Not late anymore! :P LOL...

So I am down an inch on my waist since last week!!!.
I know these crunches and my Yoga practice at home are making this happen... This is probably the first time I've ever had a weekly cycle, go up a little in weight (surely water) but also gone down in size..
I am freakinnnnn,,,,,,

So far my meals have been two cups of coffee with some chocolate Ghiradellis mixed into it.. I looked at the calorie content, and it's on par with a spoonful of sugar.. Actually a little less... Three tablespoons are 80 calories, so I don't know what one teaspoon would be, but I'm guessing around 20... It has loads of cocoa powder too, not just sugar, so I'm switching to using that for a while instead of chocolate soymilk.. With the chocolate soy, both me and Richie sometimes had that as a little drink/snack.. Not so deadly, and pretty borderline, but still, it's just better to drink water or fresh squeezed juice...

Oh! The rest of the meal!!!
Hey I'm kindof distracted.. I did a massage today and picked up my guitar from the repair shop today!!! I'm happy about that!

Let's see.. Only had about a cup of green grapes, a handful of tortilla chips and that coffee and soy.. Then we stopped and bought two Whoppers, (only one for each of us, not two! LOL) but no fries and no soda and no whatever, to go with it..
That was just plenty alone.. :shock:

Dinner, will most likely be Raisin Bran because I'm too lazy to leave the house again, and it's freaking freezing out there now!

Well one last personal comment.. I really am having the lightest and least pms symptoms week/cycle of my life... I really believe that the decent eating (yes, and I do still eat some junk food) and the exercise is making it better... I haven't had much discomfort and hardly had any ups and downs or irritation.. This is pretty unusual for me.. I normally go through at least three totally bitched out and irrational tension overfilled days before my period.. Could it be all my headstands and shoulderstands???
I've been doing those daily..
I'm glad!
I think the change of the Seasons is shaking the cobwebs off my brain.. I am, infact, feeling slightly (okay more than slightly) hypomanic.. but that beats, depressed... As long as I don't start running red lights, and getting stupidly hyper, like I was for that time I took Lithium Orotate, LOL!, I'll be okay... Just feel like writing, talking, singing, playing...
I like that stuff! LOL...
Okay.. Now that the guitar is back, I have to get into a dysfuntional relationship, fall in love, write a song, then break up, then write a dysfunctional breakup song :twisted:
I think I'll just play!!!!

With Richard becoming the great sax player he is becoming, we really have fun jamming these days...
Have a groovy day all!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 1:21 am
by doulachic
Glad you're back in your groove... :wink:

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:58 am
by carolejo
yay Deb!

I'm so happy it's going well for you. It's always nice to be in the happy place for a change. 8)

And down an INCH! That's FANTASTIC!!!!!

:D :D :D


Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 3:16 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks girlies!!!
Yalls Rock!!!!!!
How was UK CJ???? OK?

Well today I really have my true first day of the cycle.. It's just too heavy to go to the Yoga class this morning... Larry tends to have a very dynamic class.. I am not up for it today.. Losing too much life force at the moment... But I am really thrilled that this week, up till today, I have done my home practice about three days, and have done my crunches every day.. I will still do those today..
My waist will soon be skinny, my Will be done!
(soon means, probably in a year! LOL...)
The most amazing thing about this week was that I am sure that the regular, albeit, not heavy duty, but concentrated exercise I *have* done, definitely altered my mood and helped reduce my usual "raging bitch" pms irritability to, pretty much, nil.....

Yesterday we had a treat of Chinese food for the first time in months...
I am thrilled to report that we split a serving of Beef and broccoli, split a pint of wonton soup, and split a small order of ribs, and some plain rice..
There's even leftovers of the B&B... I just slept so well last night that I had no desire to night time eat... What a relief.. This has to be a first in history for me.. *Not* finishing the Chinese leftovers!
I even left a few bites of rice on my plate because I noticed that the amount of food we had for dinner made me really really full!

This is my year!
I am grabbing the bull by the ba,,, I mean, horns!!!!!
And with the exercise, I'm just going to keep up that momentum and continue to strike while the iron is HOT!!!!
Mwahhh ha ha ha haaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(drunk horse laughing sounds...)

I feel in love with Life today..
Big squishy hugs!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 1:13 am
by gratefuldeb67
Let's see.. Today food was pretty spartan..
Two cups of coffee with soy and some chocolate sprinkled in..
A few grapes a few bites of a pear...

Brunch... last serving of beef with broccoli and rice...
This leftovers deal really rocks!!! Leftovers are great for brekkie..

Mid-day snack with Richard... 1/3 of an apple turnover.. really good one!
With coffee of course...

Now having dinner... It's a salad.. lettuce, toms, cukes, some kiwi... and for texture, some potato sticks, like chips/crisps... but stick shaped! LOL...
I'm probably going to have the small container of sesame noodles..
We have some peanut butter and hot sauce so I'll heat it up with a little of those guys for extra textra and taste..

I have decided that this week is semi special, as Richie is home from school...
I'm allotting for one or two little S's during the week...
Nothing huge, but I know we will want to have something when we go running around for his break from school...
He has been working so hard this year, plus the fact that he has had two days a week of sax lessons, school lessons and private too..
So I'm not gonna be a killjoy hardass on him if he wants a couple of special treats during the week..
But *I* am not going to indulge in them.. I think I can handle this challenge... I really really really really want to get thinner this year...
I want to look good in shorts.. Not okay, not passable..
Hee hee!!!

Hope you guys have a great night!
See you later..
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Oh yeah, I forgot... I also did 300 crunches in one try!!!!!!
Yay me!!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:49 am
by carolejo
Hey Deb! Great job on not touching that chinese food till the morning! 8)

The UK was alright, but I didn't get to see that much of it as I flew in at 10am, hired a car and drove straight to the office, had a 4 hour meeting, drove back to the airport and flew straight back to Amsterdam. It felt really wierd to be in Leeds but without going to visit any family or friends. Still, I'm back there for a holiday in March - we have a whole week! - so it'll be good to see everyone then.


Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:36 pm
by 3aday
Deb, I am so happy about your inch lost.
It gives me hope and inspiration!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:56 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks CJ and Becky!!!!!
Love you!

I'm pretty happy about the inch too!
I've been very good about eating, though last night I had some ridiculously greasy sausages (big time Wood imbalance! LOL..) and we split a pint container of rice pudding! Yes cheat.. Oh well.. The rest of the day I didn't eat enough since I didn't have hardly anything around and I was cleaning cleaning cleaning all day.. The house was totally in need of vacuuming and I wanted to arrange things in more of a Feng Shui arrangement... But it was lots of work... All day pretty much, and all I ate before that was a cup of coffee and a bowl of rasin bran and a half a banana.... It led me to a major sugar crash and that's probably why I caved.. But the rice pudding wasn't as bad as a bag of cheetos and a donut! LOL.. Oh me and my rationalizations!
LOL.. Okay, I take back that BS.. I was cheating! LOL :lol:

My goal this year, over the whole year is to lose about 4 more inches around my middle..
I don't really know what weight I will end up since I am fairly muscular as well.. I have a sneaking feeling that if I lose that amount of inches, I still may only end up seeing weight in the range of 180-190... I'm going to weigh in today, in a little while, since I need to do laundry at Mom's..
Thanks for the encouragement!!
I feel like I'm on a nice roll forward!!!
Have a great day all!
Oneness and Joy,
8) Deb

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:06 pm
by doulachic
Deb, i wouldn't worry too much about the little cheat, you have been doing really well! and you did a lot of exercise moving furniture! :lol: I find that if i get too hungry because i go too long without eating, i tend to cave to sweets as well..if they are readily available that is.

anyway, i'm sure you won't suffer any ill effects from it. :D

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:13 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks Trish! LOL..
I'm not worried.. Especially since that one cup of rice pudding actually could be considered a missed meal..
But it was very much an S so I just want to be honest with myself...
Have a groovy day!
See you later alligator :)
8) Deb

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:21 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Okay, so I'm almost done with my cycle, so I figured it would be safe to take a measurment on the scale while I was at my Moms this morning..
I was down an inch from my waist, so after checking, I was also down two pounds..
That's nice!

I did three hundred crunches today, again... Did them with extra emphasis on putting my low back down on the ground and for the first time felt my *PSIS really digging into the floor!
I have a pretty substantial anterior pelvic tilt, due to the weight gains up and down over the years and then especially because of my huge pregnancy... (Richard! Why did you have to be born 11 lbs!!!??? LOL)

Even when I'm laying down on my back, the hips are usually somewhat anterior enough that I don't feel my low back is really against the floor...
Today I felt a big difference.. So I'm really happy about that..
Over time, and maybe with some extra help from my friend Michael, whose specialty is Myofascial Release, who could work on my psoas and low back, to help me even further with re-alligning my hips, not only will my stomach get stronger, but my whole posture will be able to shift to neutral..

I also practiced slow and intensely concentrated Yoga asanas and meditated for about 25 minutes.. Just did Wheel, which was very hard to do because I had some nasty triggerpoint activity start in my neck yesterday and my neck and right shoulder (which is the site for a previous serious trauma, still latent and sometimes active) were pretty painful...

But then I did shoulderstand to stretch my neck and shoulders and that felt great.. Did plough, very very slowly... No head stand till my triggerpoint goes away all together though.. Then I sat in my version of padhamasana (lotus) for around 10 minutes on the floor in front of my window, with the sun beaming in on me...
I was able to get my triggerpoints to chill out a lot and my neck and shoulder are 90 percent better already, just from that short amount of stretching... :)

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti....
Om......... :wink:

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
*PSIS= Posterior Superior Illiac Crest...


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:39 pm
by Jan
Hey Deb, I read one of your post where you told someone it didn't take that much longer to cook a veggie patty on the stove. I agree with you. I read enough about Microwaves that I unplugged mine and took it out of the kitchen. I want my daughters to learn how to live without it. They complain but they do cook on the stove and in the oven. My husband and I decided it was safter to be without it even tho it goes against soceity like most things I do anyway... My daughter's boyfriend didn't even know you could cook popcorn on the stove in a pan!

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:48 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks for writing me Jan! Since that post, I think I started using one!
LOL... Not a lot though, and I never like how food comes out of it..
You are right.. Why use it if there are even slight health issues..
So, I am going to unplug mine too... :lol:
I need the space for a toaster anyway...
The only times I've used ours here is to reheat stuff..
Well, I'll just get a couple of nice extra pots for reheating chinese food on the stove!

Have a great day and hope you are enjoying the group!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:11 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yesterday was a success..
I made pancakes and eggs for breakfast/brunch...
Had some blueberry jelly on top of them..

Lunch was a shared grilled cheese sandwich on whole wheat, and a bowl of sugar snap peas... Richard shared it with me.. We ate while playing Scrabble! He kicked my butt!!! LOL...

Dinner was a couple more slices of cheese, virtually plated while waiting for dinner to cook, then two chicken thighs coated with breadcrumbs, and rice...
I had a half a cantelope for dessert...

I've got to run and handle some business today, and can't wait till it's over since it involves going to Social Services... I hate going there.
It's depressing!
Oh well..
Have a great and groovy day all!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:41 pm
by Lil Mouse
Hi Deb! Thanks for stopping by my "humble abode"......

Every two weeks, a friend and I drive down to Green Bay to do our grocery shopping (yes, I STILL save $$ even with the price of gas these days). We always eat at a restaurant and normally do NOT go to the buffet....last night was the "exception" - ugh! Plus I haven't told her yet that I'm going to be doing something bad!

But you're right -- I AM focusing on the fact that I DID have a good day up until that point <thumbs up!> :D

Again, thanks for stopping by.....

Each and every day is anOTHER day to live and learn! :D

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:39 pm
by 3aday
Have a great weekend!

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:24 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Will do!!!
Thanks Becky :)
I think a couple of jelly donuts are in order this weekend..
It's been a nearly flawless week for us here, so we deserve it, and are looking forward to it...

I'm happily maintaining my weight loss and feeling oh so ready to come out of the Winter cocoon already..
It's supposed to be back in the 20's this weekend so I guess, Mother Nature is not!

Nothing will stop me from Yoga this weekend though!
Please No Blizzards!!!!!!!! :twisted:

I may videotape the class and just sit and enjoy meditation.. This way I can have it for home practice during the week...
If I can get away with taping it and practicing I will. The space is quite limited, so if it's crowded I'll have to just stay in the corner and tape unobtrusively, and use my mat space for my tripod..
Hopefully the class won't be full because the temps supposed to be like 24 degrees that day..

I am spending most of my waking time in efforts to manifest work and clients for me... So far a few people have called and it is starting to take shape!!!
Couldn't get to go to social services last week, well that's not true, actually I went, but they had relocated to a different town and I missed that one hour time frame when you must arrive.. They see people on a first come first served basis and if you show up even as late as 9:30 then you are pretty much sure not to be seen that day, as they have hundreds of people showing up all at once...
I'll go back Monday or Tuesday, depending on whether I have a massage treatment to do Monday.. I am very nervous about this.. I don't want our power cut off.. :roll:

Looking through the ads for massage online and off has been dismal..
Either they are spa jobs which really only pay by commission and those guys all expect you to do chocolate body rubs with seaweed emoliating scrub exfoliating crap! I just want to do real massage!!!
Then of course, there's all the escort services claiming to be massage therapists.. That always pisses me off big time!!! Hate reading those ads..
If I had enough energy to spare (which I don't and it's all negative so I'm not going to bother) I would write those ads and tell them what scumbag lowlife a,,,tkins diets-holes they are!!!

But I'm not bitter! :twisted:

So onward Krishna Soldiers!!!
I will find the people meant for me!
The Universe is listening and I am trying also!
Must be a peaceful warrior!

Have a great day friends,

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:22 pm
by doulachic
Deb, have you thought about doing pregnancy massage? i'm sure a lot of preggies out there would jump at the chance! might be worth a try to advertise at some childbirth classes..just an idea. :D

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:30 pm
by gratefuldeb67
I would certainly massage a preggie lady Tricia! LOL..
That's a great idea, and I'll try to find out about places in the area where they give birthing classes/lamaz etc...

Currently, my brain is about to explode from looking through the online job posts..
I feel like my eyes and brain are about to pop out of my head!

I'm also looking for a "day job", not just massage..
I will say that it's kind of nice to be able to use the internet this way..
The last time I really was searching for a career was pre-internet days, and I still remember having to send resumes via snail mail and fax etc..
What a pain!!!
This, at least, is much quicker!

Make resume and cover letter, copy and paste to all ads!
And it certainly beats hitting the streets.. But it's still so intensely draining!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the idea! I have worked with a few preggies before..
It's nice to do that.. You really feel like you are offering a very sorely needed service! And it's cool to be able to feel the energy of the baby and the mother.
Hope you are having a terrific day Tricia, and don't forget,,,
Tomorrow is an S day!!!
Woo hoo!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:42 pm
by hja
Best of luck on your job search! It is very hard work looking for work. :)

Enjoy your S day!

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:52 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thank you Holli!
It *is* very hard!!! And I am already feeling intense stress from this!
But somehow it's not as hard as in the past, the past meaning, when I graduated college.. Back then, every job I would apply for would then "define" me, and that caused havoc in my self esteem department if an interview didn't pan out etc...
If a job didn't work out, I felt lost and hopeless since I didn't have a career or calling, so to speak..
Now that I have found massage therapy, it seems much easier to see the jobs I am applying for as means to an end, as opposed to a means to define myself..

Hope you enjoy your first official S weekend! (am I right?)
You earned it!
Peace and Love,

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:05 pm
by Jammin' Jan
I sympathize with you in your job search, Deb. The owners of the little grocery where I work are supposed to decide next week whether they are going to keep the store open or close it. So I may be looking for another job soon, too. :(

Let's pray for each other.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:13 pm
by doulachic
Deb, you could also try placing your brochures in some obgyn offices, and also maternity stores, etc. Good luck!

Yeah! S days!! :lol: Tomorrow is my son's 16th birthday and we are having DQ ice cream cake...YUM! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:13 am
by gratefuldeb67
Wow!!! I remember my sixteenth birthday!
Hope he has more fun than me... I spent it barfing out the front door of my boyfriends car after drinking about five gin and tonics for the first and *last* time ever!!! (too bad I didn't barf on him!!! But I'm not bitter! :twisted: LOL.)

I had a very light breakfast and lunch so I'm eagerly awaiting dinner..

Tonight we have stress reduction dinner on the menu:

Fried chicken, chips and salsa with guac, and we are starting S days early with a little chocolate Haagen Daz...
Looks like I lost another two pounds this week!!!
That's beyond the menstrual water retention..
I'm not surprised as I've been eating really spartan for a few days and keeping up my daily exercise, with today being my only day off from it due to all that job searching..
I am happy it's Friday yall!!!

Have fun!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:12 pm
by Lil Mouse
I just LOVE your sense of humor, Deb! The "Dark Side", eh? ;)

I'd send you some banana bread, but alas! there will be NO nuts in it - just the choc chips..... :roll:

So you're a massage therapist? Maybe I should come visit YOU! I could trade you a batch of TVP oatmeal for a massage! :idea: (We'll definitely leave the chocolate out of the picture, tho! lol)

Have a great weekend! It's always so nice to see you in my HITW! ;)


Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:53 pm
by doulachic
Ha ha, Deb! That sounds like a new years eve party i went to when i was about 16 or 17 at a friends house.....only it was vodka-7's...drank about 6 of them while watching my freinds play "quarters"....didn't realize that was too many until i stood up...or rather, couldn't stand up! :P that was probably my only drinking experience in my teen years...i was a bit straight laced...still am actually...though i do enjoy an occasional strawberry margarita! YUM!

rest assured, the only thing my son will be indulging in is a Dairy Queen ice cream cake! (oh, and so will i!!!) :twisted:

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 5:20 pm
by gratefuldeb67
So I guess if you are having dairy queen it will be a *cool* party!
Huh huh huh...
(I know... Groan! LOL..)
Before you know it he will be asking for the car keys Tricia.. Watchout.

Mousy Ellen,
Sadly, I do not trade for oatmeal.. But it was worth a shot!
I do, however trade for pizza! LOL..
(Just kidding..)
I'm not much of an IM person so I don't know what HITW is, but I'm happy to be in it (I think! LOL..)
Actually, this is the first internet group I have ever joined..
How 20th century of me!
Have a great rest of your S weekend!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

I assume that Dark Side was a reference to my comment about Low Carb living.. I'm not ashamed to say I have total contempt for that whole movement.. But we all have to try stuff and experience it to judge for ourselves... But as Roseanne Rosanna Danna used to say... That whole low carb movement "Makes me sick"! LOL..

Although I agree that Low Carb is a quick weight loss solution, and I did try doing that about five years ago for one summer.. Though I included veggies and fruits, I couldn't stomach the idea of ever restricting anything from my life except the things we restrict here during the week..
I can't say who, but one of my friends, a NoS past member and sometimes lurker was doing the whole low carb deal for a while..
Hey guess what? She ended up with clogged arteries and has been suffering with chest pains and has recently had to go to get her heart unclogged.. If you are reading this you know who you are! Hee hee..
Thank God she is starting to feel better since the surgery and she dropped the whole low carb garbage... (But is now low fat!!! LOL..)
It's just all BS.. We need to eat all foods in moderation and exercise..
That is the answer...
(Forgive me, but I'm pretty zealous on this point and always will be!)

See you later!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:58 pm
by Lil Mouse
"HITW" = Hole In The Wall ;)

No worries on the whole carb/LC front ~~ life is too short to worry about agreeing or disagreeing....I respect your stand on this ~~ it's all good! <thumbs up!> :D Besides, your comments just crack me up! ;)

Sorry to hear about the bad experience your friend had, but happy that she's on the mend! Most frightening, I'm sure.

No oatmeal, huh? Dang it! *sigh* Yep, I tried! :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:40 pm
by gratefuldeb67
No worries on the whole carb/LC front ~~ life is too short to worry about agreeing or disagreeing....I respect your stand on this ~~ it's all good! <thumbs up!>
Ditto and Amen!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:03 pm
by Lil Mouse
Morning Deb!

I have a question regarding "plating" and "virtual plating" I doing it right when having my bowl of TVP-O by "pretending" it's in the middle of my plate and then filling up the perimeter with other food items? Or is my bowl considered to be my "plate" in this instance? It's obviously not an issue for my S-days......



Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:13 pm
by gratefuldeb67
I say, if it's not a really humongous bowl, then yeah, that's okay..
But if it's brimming to the top and a giant bowl to begin with, I would say, that's your meal...
Virtual plating is pretty much only good for certain items.. Let's say fruit or a small salad...
Some people consider it yuckky to eat their grapes directly next to their meatloaf.. Or maybe you have some really soupy kind of dinner and don't wish to mix your chili with your salad fixings...
These are instances where you are virtual plating..
Or if you have a fruit during the day, as an in between thing, you leave a space on your plate later on where it would have been... Imagine a virtual plate... Then you aren't just snacking away mindlessly..
Get it?
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:10 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Okay, here's what my day was like so far..
I got to commune with my Guruji Larry for the first time in three weeks today! What a wonderful person! Just his voice and presence is enough to send healing to me!!!
Before the class, which was at 11, I just ate a stale crust of pizza bread from last night along with my morning java to have something in my system.. I dipped the bread in the coffee so it wouldn't break my teeth! LOL..
Class was intense... I hadn't attended Larry's class for three weeks, as the week before I missed due to my cycle that day and then the week before that we had the blizzard..
But it seems that my home practice has been paying off...
Only some poses were challenging, simply because I hadn't practiced them for some time.. I am now going to integrate them into my daily practice at home too... Namely the Warrior I and II series.. And some other balance/twist type ones like revolved lunge....
But my headstand even made Larry take notice... He mentioned after class that it looked great and it was the first time ever, that I was able to stay up for, definitely, at least, a whole minute.. I wasn't even leaning against the wall... Wow! I was happy and totally surprised!
Then, he read my mind, as we definitely have a psychic Spiritual bond, and he showed me how to start practicing doing handstands... These have been on my mind for the past few days and today I learned how to begin preparing for full handstand... Basically, I just stood in Downward dog with the wall behind me and then walked up the wall until I was at a ninety degree angle with the floor and balancing on my hands..
It felt great!
But I am going to have to find some Yoga tops where my boobs don't fall out when I go upside down! LOL!!! :lol:

I then ran home for a short forty minutes break, and just a quick snack of half a banana, before I had to go do a massage, which turned out to evolve from a sixty minute to a ninety minute massage..
So.. My arms have had their work today folks!!!
Oh, and my client, who I have a very lovely relaxed relationship with, and who has been coming to me prior to NoS, immediately made a comment about how I look like I lost a lot of weight!
That's since he saw me in December... Yay!!!!
I told him that I'm doing all this exercise, and the flab is shifting to muscle and tone... Really, I haven't dropped more than two pounds since December, so it just has to be the exercise.. I love when people notice my changes.. It's really satisfying!

I told Larry about my crunches regime and he was impressed!
I am really glad I got to commune with him and myself today..
It was a truly blessed Sunday!

Okay going to have some Guac and Salsa with some chips.. Then I'm going to make one last S for the weekend (we had Haagen daaz Friday eve and Saturday eve...) Tonight the Tollhouse cookies toll for us!
Woo hoo~
Long live NOS and all who inhabit it's land!
Have a lovely evening yall!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:40 am
by 3aday
Congratulations :D

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:14 pm
by Lil Mouse
gratefuldeb67 wrote:I say, if it's not a really humongous bowl, then yeah, that's okay..
But if it's brimming to the top and a giant bowl to begin with, I would say, that's your meal...
Virtual plating is pretty much only good for certain items.. Let's say fruit or a small salad...
Some people consider it yuckky to eat their grapes directly next to their meatloaf.. Or maybe you have some really soupy kind of dinner and don't wish to mix your chili with your salad fixings...
These are instances where you are virtual plating..
Or if you have a fruit during the day, as an in between thing, you leave a space on your plate later on where it would have been... Imagine a virtual plate... Then you aren't just snacking away mindlessly..
Get it?
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
Got it! Thanks so much!

No, it's just a normal-sized cereal bowl and DEFINITELY not brimming to the top! LOL

The virtual plating will come in handy the next time I'm in Green Bay and eating at a restaurant, tho -- most places serve the salad separately -- so I'll bear that in mind when ordering!

Thanks again!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:41 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hey friends!

I had a super stressful and depressing day of looking for work... I am totally unable to handle my bills this month and I'm just beside myself...

Thank the Lord for Richard! He keeps cheering me on and saying it's going to be okay.
I hope he is right...

I was so nervous today that I couldn't get myself to eat anything except a cup of coffee and I nibbled on a banana here and there..
For dinner we had some small steaks and homemade mashed potatoes with fried onions..
Then I made up for my lack of food earlier on with a small bowl of plain cheerios and soymilk after dinner..
So I guess I had a very late breakfast..
I answered a lot of ads today, and quite frankly, looking for work while the bills are mounting up is just sending me into a major panic.

Tomorrow I have to go to social services because they are going to shut off our heat by next week unless I can get some assistance.

I almost bailed on my exercise today, as I was so down, but I forced myself to do some crunches while dinner was cooking..
I figured, why throw in the towel just cause things are tough now?
I did 200..

I am looking forward to things improving on any level, as this is the worst things have been for me, financially for quite some time...

Please send your good vibes and prayers out to the Universe for me guys.. I am struggling.. I am glad we have a place to live, but I am even scared that we might lose it if I don't hurry up and find a job soon!

8) Deb

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:16 am
by Lil Mouse
Aw, sweetie! ::hugs::

I barely "know" you, but you don't strike me as the type to give up and throw in the towel -- keep your chin up....your son sounds like a real trooper!

I'm sending you ::good vibes:: towards landing a job real soon!

Take care,

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:45 am
by mjohnson121
Wow...that sounds rough. Def. sending you good 'work finding' vibes from the great state of Mannysnowda.

Deb, your positive attitude and encouragement to others is inspiring. I'm sure that comes through in any interactions you have with potential employers, and I'm sure it's building up some good karma for you! :)

You'll have a job soon...


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:40 am
by carolejo
hey Deb *sends HUGE HUGS*.

Hang in there. You never know what's just around the corner.
It's an odd thing. I feel quite powerless to help you, stuck over here on the other side of the ocean, but I still want to you know that I'm cheering for you, really hard. I know you're a winner and so I don't have any trouble backing you.

Keep a hold of that focus. And remember, it aint over till the fat lady sings.
Love C. xxx

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:06 pm
by 3aday
Hugs, prayers, and faith.
It will get better even if it doesn't seem that way right now.
Lots of love,

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:20 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks Guys!
I am really moved by your support!
You all wrote really wonderful stuff!!!
I think my Karma was doing okay for a little while there, but *darn*, I was just singing in the shower so I guess it's "all over" now!!!!

(Fat lady, singing, get it? LOL..)

I have to leave in a little while so I'll check in on your threads in the afternoon when I get home!
Again, thanks for the hugs and prayers, faith and good karma!!!
What a bunch of good guys you are!
8) Deb
ps.. Mark, I really appreciated what you wrote about me and I will keep it in my conscious mind as often as possible as I travel down this job hunting trail! Thanks for visiting my thread!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:35 pm
by carolejo
Sorry, hun, but you're just not fat enough, anymore! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:08 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Ill be offering this morning's Mass for you, Deb. Things will get better soon, I'm sure.


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:18 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks CJ and thanks very much Jammin Jan!
That's so sweet!!!

I just got back and, after four hours at the dept of social services I have some temporary assistance..
What a relief!
This should help me think more clearly when I am looking for work...

You are the nicest group of friends!
Thanks again you guys!!!

8) Deb

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:36 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Oh, on a NOS note,
When I got the the social services building I forgot to bring a bottle of water and there were soda machines..
I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and just bought a can of coke, simply because I was really thirsty, and pretty stressed out and knew I would have to wait for hours, so I wasn't going to kick myself for a can of soda..
Interestingly enough, I found the soda unbelieveably sweet and it took me three hours to nurse the can... I even ended up throwing away a few sips left at the end.. Amazing.. It just didn't taste that great, and I truly would have enjoyed a cup of coffee or some juice twenty times as much..
I was never huge on soda to begin with, but this was distinctly different tasting to me than when I would have it in the past, and I thought that was cool...

See you later on :-)
8) Deb

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:54 pm
by Jammin' Jan
I know what you mean about the soda being to sweet. After I had given them up for a few months, I was at an outdoor event in really sweltering summer heat and someone offered me what I thought was a cup of water. It was Sprite or something like that and I just about gagged.

Every now and then I will have a soda, but I just don't enjoy them any more.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:51 pm
by nonskanse
Good luck Deb, you are great in supporting all of us n00bs, and I feel for your job hunt!

We nearly all go through a lot of ick but it will end. Promise. You will get there.

Let those bill collectors know you are actively job hunting, and keep it up you will make it!!!

Sugar soda = bleh, ever since I switched to diet 5 or so years ago. Too sweet. Now if only I could get diet to be bleh... then I would drink water water water.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:52 pm
by Lil Mouse
Just a drive-by posting to say Good Morning!

Hope you have a GREAT day!


Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:38 pm
by carolejo
Ellen, you crack me up!!

"Drive by posting"! As long as you don't go "postal" on us and turn it into a "drive by shooting" instead then it's all good.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:45 pm
by Lil Mouse
carolejo wrote:Ellen, you crack me up!!

"Drive by posting"! As long as you don't go "postal" on us and turn it into a "drive by shooting" instead then it's all good.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
NEVER! :lol: :lol: I'm far too laid back and easy-going for that!

Just don't cut me off in traffic, tho - I've been known to use "Universal Sign Language" then! ;)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:06 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hey Nonskanse.. thanks for your vote of support!
Just driving by and posting myself now..
Thanks Ellen and CJ...
I'll remember not to drive with either of you guys! :twisted:
tp be continued later...
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:11 am
by misguided_angel
Lil Mouse wrote:Just don't cut me off in traffic, tho - I've been known to use "Universal Sign Language" then! ;)

I'll be sure to cut you off a few times...haha

Hope you have a great day Deb

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:15 pm
by Lil Mouse
misguided_angel wrote:
Lil Mouse wrote:Just don't cut me off in traffic, tho - I've been known to use "Universal Sign Language" then! ;)

I'll be sure to cut you off a few times...haha
You WOULD! just to be a BRAT!!! :lol:

Hope the job search is going well for you Deb!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 1:19 am
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks Angel and Mousie!

Have a great weekend everyone! :P
Have lot's of S! :twisted:
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 7:59 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi people..
Just went out for a treat of lunch with my Dad and Bro David, and of course, the loveable Richie!
We went to a great pizza/restaurant which always has the best and freshest foods... So delicious..
I was totally thrilled that I only felt like eating half my portion of eggplant parmesean and a little of my salad.. Took the rest home for tomorrow...
Oh I did have a small piece of pizza bread too..
I love not being an overeater anymore!!!!!!!!
I'm sure there will be times when I backslide a bit, but wow.. this is real progress!
On a sort of bleh note, yesterday, I ate quite a salty meal for dinner.. I need to look at the ingredients.. but there had to be a heap of msg or something.. So I'm retaining about 2 lbs of water weight, and this feels a bit like a bursted balloon after all that "plateau" jazz the other day! LOL...
I'm not going to let the scale have power over me though..
I'm chanting my mantra of positive vibrations and just having faith in NoS and myself that this is temporary... My period will be here in about 14 days, so I'm just going to totally put a stop to having high sodium meals..
Actually... In the past, I found that I was able to manage much of my pms irritability and tension simply by cutting out the high sodium products from my life.. I've let them slip back in, for the past five years... But I think, for the next month, I'll see if I can eliminate at least 75% of the truly salty foods... This can only be a good thing..
Most of that crap is preprocessed home "convenience" foods..
Like Stovetop stuffing (what we ate last night! LOL) and premade salad dressings, and soups.. and of course the dreaded salt monster of all salt monsters, sausages or hot dogs.. and such...
I'm not drinking enough water these days either.. only when I exercise, since in Winter, I just forget about it..
So those are my goals for the remainder of this month.. Lowering salt and increasing water, by a lot!
Tomorrow I will be back with my beloved guru Larry, and looking forward to it immensely!
After the fact, that Ashtanga class left me in a semi crippled state...
I needed to heed my bodies wisdom and I was trying to please my new teacher a little too much! Kim's class is like *twice* the pace of my Shivananda class with Larry, and there were a lot of new asanas which required a bunch of strength and lots of balancing...
Wow!!! I'm getting psyched to go again!!! But I will take rests when I feel it's needed... I wish to maintain my practice and grow, not kill myself!!!

One last nice thing for today... I went to the supermarket this morning to get TP and I saw a guy who had come to me for massage, over a year ago (funny.. I was just thinking of calling him the other day to see if he wanted to come in again sometime..)
Well after I said hello, it was obvious he didn't remember who I was..
After I reminded him that he had a massage with me over a year ago, his eyes widened as he stared at my face, in disbelief..
He then said "You lost so much weight!" and that is why he didn't recognize me!!!
That was a treat to hear, I tell you!!! :mrgreen:

Thanks again Reinhard for helping me become unrecognizable!!! :lol:
Have a great rest of the weekend all yall...
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 8:06 pm
by 3aday
Hearing "You've lost weight!" from others is like music to one's ears!
Keep up the good work.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:00 pm
by Lil Mouse
That is sooooo wonderful, Deb!

BTW.....did he book another massage? ;)

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 12:53 am
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks Becky and Ellen!
Yep it was music to my ears!

Nope, he didn't...
That's okay though.. He wasn't meant for me at all!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:02 pm
by Lil Mouse
Nope, he didn't...
That's okay though.. He wasn't meant for me at all!
LOL I didn't mean it THAT way! :shock: I just thought maybe you might want to pick up a few clients in the meantime while you're "pounding the pavement".

Hope you're having a great weekend, too! 8) (I think I'm enjoying mine just a little TOO much - :oops: LOL)

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:39 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Ellen :)

I meant it in the same way as you...

2 points:

1) All my clients who staywith me are meant to be with me...
2) I don't date clients... LOL..

I had treated him once.. Obviously it wasn't fulfilling for either of us, and it just wasn't meant to be a continued therapist/client relationship..

I feel the Universe is sending me *only* the people who will be meant for my highest good and theirs...
When I lose someone, I don't take it personally or lament it...
I used to in my first year, when I was less of a confident worker.. But there are so many external factors involved in relationships, whether professional or personal, and I can't worry myself over every one that doesn't pan out...
I'm confident in my work and happy with the small but dedicated clients I have built up so far!
Some therapists are able to work on people who are draining and unpleasant and I'm just not willing to do that... I doubt I'll ever be one of those therapists who, then not too many years into their career, experiences "burnout"...
I have a friend who is very very busy.. At times I feel bad because he is so booked up all the time.. But at the same time, when I talk to him, he is very very often, complaining about the way many of his clients treat him like a servant and he seems fairly dispondent about it..
In the same way, when he isn't booked up for the day, he takes it very much to heart and gets totally depressed.. He also commented that he was bummed out since he didn't get holiday cards and gifts much this year from these people, and really lamented it... It's a tough economic climate now.. Why take it personally? I felt sorry for him for being so easily affected by these external factors out of his control...
This is very unhealthy for the therapist.. Better to adopt an attitude that we all have a destiny, and each experience is just part of it, and to accept it and be content...

Thanks for writing and thanks for your good vibes!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:40 pm
by gratefuldeb67
PS... But I plan on pounding the pavement and picking up at least ten cute guys this week..
I'm bored! :wink:

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:47 pm
by Lil Mouse
You have such a GREAT way of looking at things, Deb! VERY refreshing! (especially in today's gotta-hurry-and-get-to-the-top mentality)
PS... But I plan on pounding the pavement and picking up at least ten cute guys this week..
I'm bored! ;)
Only 10?! :lol: Girl - go for the baker's dozen! It's always a good thing to have a "spare" on-hand! ;)

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:05 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Only 10?! Girl - go for the baker's dozen! It's always a good thing to have a "spare" on-hand!
Heh heh...
Well it *is* an S day! :twisted:

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:15 am
by gratefuldeb67
Let's see..
I did pretty much nothing all day except for the few times I made some food and listened to a lot of music today..
I'm totally stressing about dealing with the Social Services Dept again tomorrow..
I can't even think about it.
Just want tomorrow to come and be over already..

So today, foodwise, it was almost an N day...
I had french toast and an egg for breakfast, and coffee
Then lunch/dinner combo was a weird combination of "whatever was here" and that turned out to be stuffing, salsa and chickpeas.. Plus a second plate of spinach carrots and more chickpeas with salad dressing..

Backing up..
Yesterday, the only S's I had were three medium sized tollhouse cookies with my midday coffee fix..
That seems to be the perfect amount!

I didn't have any S's today, but I did sit around on my ass..
Ass almost sounds like S....

Wait, I mustered up 200 crunches, but no Yoga or anything else..
If only it would warm up already... I need that!!!!!!!!!!!

Note to all Southerners...
I'm staying with you guys next Winter!
That would actually be really cool!

A friend of mine lives in Australia.. I mentioned him here in the past..
Didge player.. He goes away from NY most of the year and only visits in Summertime.. (Winter down under)
I wish I could live in two countries, and travel back and forth..
How to do this with a child? Not sure..
I guess it will have to wait another 8 years..
Richie will be 10 this month..

He is so excited about this!!! I'm definitely going to ask you all to drop by his little thread to wish him a happy tenth birthday!
It's on March 29th..

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:25 am
by vorpal
I hear you on the cold thing.

I'm SO ready for some sunshine.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:33 am
by gratefuldeb67
Yeah it must be way worse for you.. Aren't you in Canada somewhere?
Hey cool quote there Vorpie..
Am I mistaken or was Virginia Woolf also manic depressive like yours truly? She was quite the writer!
Ha ha ha...
Today I feel both manic and depressed all at once..
Wow.. what a mess!
Bring on da heat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:wink: Deb

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:38 am
by Lil Mouse
Hear! Hear! Count me in for a little SUNSHINE and WARMTH, too!!! (We're supposed to get anOTHER 1-3 inches of snow tonite - grrrrr!!! I'll be sure to send some over your way, Deb! ;) ) LOL

March 29th, eh? Calendar is duly marked -- now I just need you to point me in the direction of Richie's thread! ::thumbs up!::

Wow! 200 crunches!?! You GO girl! 8) The most "exercise" I got today was getting up to get more coffee during our Sunday afternoon "Stitch-n-Bitch"! :oops: :lol:


Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:39 am
by vorpal
Nope, I'm in the states, DC area.

That's cold enough for me!

Hmm, manic depression... I your yoga & No-Sing result in that phrase becoming nothing but the title of a Jimi Hendrix song to you :)

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:45 am
by gratefuldeb67
That's a great song!
Total riffing....

NoS and Yoga are essential for my happiness..
My "Song" changes daily.. Sometimes hourly..

But I'm fine with that..
What am I going to do?
Change into someone else???

Thanks again!
Keep it real in DC..
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:26 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hey friends..
I've had a very intense few days..
Fortunately most of the drama is passed..
And even more fortunately, I have stayed totally on track with the exception of half a can of coke today.. Had to wait two and a half hours in a stuffy and depressing social services office with a load of really down people..
Water fountain didn't seem to be enough somehow..

I am thinking of you all, but I've been posting less..
It's a novelty I'm sure!

Wanted to share this great new demo with you all that the Mighty James, our beloved Freakwitch, just recorded..
He is too modest to post it, but I'm not!
Hope it works.. ... y-demo.mp3 ... y-demo.ogg

Trouble On The Island ... d-demo.mp3 ... d-demo.ogg

He is the guitarist of the group.. I think it came out great!
Hey if we ever join forces and I sit in with those guys we can call ourselves the Grateful Freakwitches! LOL...
Ha ha James, you told me to share your music with the world..
I'm not wasting time right?

I'm holding steady with my weight and really psyched for Spring to come and get my butt out the door into some serious Woodland Ranger territory.. I'm really glad that even when my life gets somewhat stressful and dramatic, I am not overeating to numb my experience..
It's a major improvement on my pre NoS me...
But I could really go for some cheesy nachos with lots of jalapenos right now and a side of wings! :wink:

Hope everyone is doing well!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:12 pm
by ceu
I'm sorry you're having to deal with stress right now. It's wonderful that you've not been turning to food for compensate. I'm very much an emotional eater myself. Yay No-S! :)

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:19 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks CEU!

You will find that food here is something to look forward to, not something to shove in mindlessly with no good reason.. We become conditioned to enjoy a healthy food relationship.. Our bad patterns of stress eating are directly helped though these NoS rules..
Then when you have practiced them enough, as Reinhard often mentions, and I think I'll mention it again, those good habits which you worked so hard to form, totally help hold down the fort when things get rocky in ones life.. We can get used to running for a chocolate bar when we are stressed, and we can get used to *not* doing that... Also, simply knowing that we aren't perpetuating negative cycles of behavior only reinforces the good behavior more because we feel pride in our accomplishments and enjoy the feeling of self respect...
It becomes a happy cycle not a vicious one!

Good luck with changing those patterns to healthy ones!
It's not easy at all, but you can do it the more you practice and believe in yourself!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:46 am
by gratefuldeb67
I just wanted to say how great it is to have so much new blood here at NoS!

Good luck to all the NoS noobs! :wink:
I have been absent these days.. But NoS is always on my mind!
(sung to the song "Georgia".... no not "Gorge ah..." LOL...)

Have a great day all, and lets remember that it's only two more days to the weekend!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:54 am
by ceu
gratefuldeb67 wrote:....

Have a great day all, and lets remember that it's only two more days to the weekend!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
Amen to that. :)

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:43 pm
by gratefuldeb67


S days are fun!

Well guys, for the first time since, possibly four months ago or more, I had a minor binge last night... The evening went far from smoothly in our house and I even ended up cancelling on a client so I could just stay home to smooth things out between Richie and I...
I think cabin fever has a lot to do with this... We rarely have real fights..
Hey maybe it's that he's also getting a little older...
Darn phases!


This was my binge...
I ate 2/3rds of a bag of Cape Cod Kettle cooked potato chips...

It was also late in the evening... so that beast has reared it's ugly head too...

My stomach felt such discomfort from the mindless stuffing to the gills, that I actually started getting cramps there...
At that point, I said "Thank you Stomach for your wisdom" and took the rest and dumped them down the toilet! :twisted:

I think chips, with the exception of tortilla corn chips for salsa dipping, are pretty difficult to manage *not* eating as a snack or binge food during the week... I just made a poor choice in a stressful moment and I'm not going to repeat that anytime soon...

I haven't felt like posting much, but I might as well confess that the other day I ate some bakery goods which my friend gave to me to give to Richard... I resisted them for about 8 hours and then, bam, I ate a few in the middle of the night!


These have been my only screwups for months.. I'm not worried and other than that, I've been having a decent time with NoS and not gaining...

Wow... Looks like Spring is springing here so that should improve everything!!! We have just been cooped up way too long and Sun deprived!

I had a talk with Richard and told him that yesterday was the first and *last* time that I would ever reschedule a client to deal with home drama.... He understood me and I will also try to schedule people as much as possible, while he is in school...

Somehow, though I just couldn't leave him to go and work, and then of course I wasn't exactly in a calm serene mood either...
Fortunately the guy I was going to work on, was very sweet and understanding, as he is a child psychologist and also my next door neighbor in my office building... He did come in to see the room at my invitation, and mentioned how calming and nice it was..
That was good to hear! :wink:

Massage needs to be calming and soothing and the surroundings should evoke those feelings..

So that's why I ate those stupid chips! :roll:

My stomach still feels bad from them.. Just was too many...

Okay.. Whinge over! :lol:

Have a bloody great weekend everyone!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 3:03 pm
by That guy
gratefuldeb67 wrote: Wow... Looks like Spring is springing here so that should improve everything!!! We have just been cooped up way too long and Sun deprived!
I absolutely have to agree with you there. It's springtime, Opening Day is only weeks away, and the natural 'store calories' cycle is just about over. Bring on the weekend and bring on Spring!

You rock, Deb

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 3:11 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yo thanks Guy!

Peace Love and Spring!!!
Have a nice weekend :)

8) Deb

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 8:08 pm
by doulachic
yes, i agree...bring on Spring!! It snowed here last night and today...SNOWED for crying out loud! :evil: is march! gggrrr...

don't feel to bad Deb, sometimes emotional slips happen...use it as an maybe Sanity? :lol: i have no excuse...i ate two pieces of leftover chocolate birthday cake at lunch! :shock: guess it just got the better of me...heehee...fact is, it didn't even really taste that good, i may just dump the rest of it...after the kids have gotten dibs of course. :wink:

hope everything works out for you...don't kids just drive ya nuts sometimes? :D

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:42 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Well the snow has finally totally melted around here and it was like 65 or 70 degrees today!
Not that we have had hardly any snow this Winter, but, if it snows again,,,,,,
I may just have to kick Mother Natures ass!!! :twisted:

Tricia! S days are upon us!
Glad that you had a nice birthday...
I wouldn't turn down a slice of good chocolate cake if it was offered to me..
Maybe I should come by and help you out!

You live 2000+ miles away..


Enjoy the weekend Birthday girl..
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:50 pm
by Lil Mouse
Morning Deb! Thanks for the words of encouragement -- I'll get the hang of this sooner or later.

As for the treats in the house? I'm basically out-numbered -- two teenage boys (w/ hollow legs, etc.) and a tall lanky hubby, none of whom need to even THINK about their weight - *sigh*

Normally, having those kinds of treats around the house isn't a problem for me; however, by the end of the work week, my resolve is pretty much at an all-time low..........

Here's the recipe for the chix & creamed spinach meal:

Savory Crescent Chicken Squares

1 3-oz pkg cream cheese, softened
3 Tbs margarine or butter, melted
2 cups cubed cooked chicken (or two 5-oz cans boned chicken)
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
2 Tbs milk
1 Tbs chopped chives or onions
1 Tbs chopped pimiento, optional
1 8-oz can Pillsbury Crescent Dinner rolls
3/4 c seasoned croutons, crushed

Heat oven to 350 deg.

In medium bowl, blend cream cheese and 2 Tbs of the margarine/butter until smooth. Add next 6 ingredients; mix well.

Separate dough into 4 rectangles; firmly press perforations together to seal. Spoon 1/2 c meat mixture onto center of each rectangle. Pull 4 corners of dough to top center of chicken mixture, twist slightly and seal edges. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Brush tops with reserved 1 Tbs margarine/butter; sprinkle with crouton crumbs.

Bake at 350F for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

Serves 4

TIPS: After following the recipe to a "T" the first time, I made a couple "adjustments" this last time:

Buy the new bigger version of crescent rolls. The first time, I had a lot of difficulty getting the perforations to hold together and ended up w/ some of the filling oozing out all over the place - :roll:. You only get 6 in the bigger version so you'll end up with 3 servings/turnovers instead of four - whoopee! lol

Also, I only used 1 Tbs of milk the second time - the filling held together much nicer (not as "runny" IMHO).

Instead of crushing up seasoned croutons, I just used seasoned bread crumbs! MUCH quicker and easier! ::thumbs up!::

I don't have time right now to type up the creamed spinach recipe, but I'm sure you've got one lying around somewhere - doesn't everyone?! lol If not, I'll post that later for you, too, no problem! :D (It's really quick and easy!)

Gotta book - we're heading down to Green Bay in a few minutes and I still don't have my "face" on! :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:51 pm
by doulachic
Deb, sending you chocolate cake vibes~~~~~~ :lol: I'd send you some, but i can't guarantee how it would end up once it got there! LOL!

i'll send you cake if you send me a cannoli! :twisted: I hear they have good ones in your area...

Ellen, i have a recipe very similar to your chicken one....VERY yummy! hhhmmmm...haven't made it for a while, maybe a special dish is in order! :D I also have another yummy one that i adapted from some kitchen-type party i went to...i will have to post it on my check in when i have time...

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 5:10 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yes Cannoli can certainly be found in NY!

Little Italy :)
If you ever visit.. The best cannolis can be found in a few bakerys
Bruno Bakery and Ferraras...
They are legendary!

The problem is, you can't really send one.. The shells will get soggy...
They need to be fresh...

Thanks for the chocolate cake vibes...
My vibes just gained two pounds!

Have a great day!
I'm off to clean this hellhole...

8) Deb

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 5:15 pm
by gratefuldeb67

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 6:36 pm
by doulachic
You're truely evil..... :twisted: (as i wipe a long strand of drool from my mouth....)

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:05 am
by gratefuldeb67
I just wanted to post that 1. Yes I am, indeed
truely evil.....
, and (said in fake Dana Carvey Church Lady voice), those dessert links were inspired by another S... Who???? Could it be,,,,,,,,,

:twisted: atan!


and the other thing I wish to say is that my S day yesterday was mainly Salt!!! And it was my most indulgent one in months!
I ate an entire quart bottle of Garlic Kosher Pickles!!!! :shock:

Then I ate two hot dogs! :shock:
Then I ate half a bag of popcorn.... All at once!
This is definitely my record on pickles!!!!! :lol:

Must definitely be because of PMS... I would think I was pregnant, if I didn't know better, :twisted: , since I also ate 2/3rds of a pint of butter pecan Haagen Daz in alternation with the pickles!!! :P

Boy am I thirsty now!

Have a nice Monday all...
Let's get off to a good start and do great!!!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:42 pm
by Lil Mouse
Pickles & ice cream?! LOL Damn PMS! :evil:

Could have been worse, I suppose - you could have eaten a whole bag of bridge mix over two days like ME! :oops: I don't even want to THINK about the calories or sugar in that (gasp!)!!! :shock:

Have a great Monday, Deb!

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:10 pm
by doulachic
MMMMMMMMMMMMM...............Gaaaarrrrrllllliiiiccccc pickles...... :D

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:50 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Ellen and Tricia!
Hope you have a nice Monday too!
I actually don't mind pms that much anymore... only if it causes me to lose my temper with my son and feel really irate...
I wonder what life will be like for me once I hit menopause?
Probably much nicer..

Yo Tricia.. enjoy drooling again...
These are the best commercially produced pickles I know of..

If I were to find a barrel of pickles, I'm sure I'd fall into it and never be seen again!
Even as a kid, my grandmother soon figured out that if she put the sliced pickles out on the table before any family dinner, like for Passover, the plate would be almost empty if I was around, within minutes!
Hee hee...

Again, have a great day!
I was almost going to eat a small entemanns corn muffin for breakfast, but then glanced at the sugar calories...
This little innocent looking muffin was only 2 inches in diameter, but has 250 calories!!!!
I could have big bowl of cheerios and be eating less sugar...
Definitely an S....
I'm going to make every effort to have great N days this year..
Winter is over, so that can't be any excuse not to lose weight anymore..
I am revving myself up to go into major lose some fat pounds mode for the next few months...
It would be great to be able to wear shorts, bathing suit etc and feel great in them! Bring on the Sun!!!!!

8) Deb

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:16 pm
by ceu
I'm sure you'll look great in summer, at any size, my dear. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:54 pm
by gratefuldeb67
You're a doll Ceu!
Thanks a lot!

I'm just dying to shed my outer fat to flaunt my new and improved Yoga enhanced bod!!!
It's happening already it seems!

I just took my waist and arm measurements, and I'm about to go do my crunches... Hey! I'm down an inch from last month and my arms are down half an inch each! :)
I don't have a scale here, but I measure myself about once a month...
Twice a week Yoga must be really making the difference...
Also those crunches! Yay me!!!

I'm actually totally surprised, because I was feeling so bloated from the pickles and ice cream combo, I truly was expecting the worst.. I thought I would, if anything, be up in size...
My mind is my enemy sometimes!!!

Know whattamean???

Have a great day!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:09 pm
by Lil Mouse
Congrats on the lost inches, Deb!

This is gonna be YOUR year! I just know it! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:26 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Thank you very much Ellen!!!
I appreciate that encouraging and kind remark!
Have a great day!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:42 pm
by Hunter Gatherer
Off your plateau, losing inches left and right.... (arms of course!)

I think Lil Mouse is right. This IS going to be your year!

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:09 pm
by gratefuldeb67

Thanks HG!!!
You too!!!

Have a great evening.. I'm about to make an early dinner...
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:14 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi friends!
It's been a very stressful past few days for me, and yesterday was the climax of that stress!!!!! Yuck.. and I don't mean climax in any good kind of way! LOL...

I spent the whole day xeroxing, downloading, and accumulating materials to send express mail to the Social services office to get there by todays deadline.. This whole process has been dismal... I had to let everyone know all my dirty laundry and it, was, quite frankly, quite humiliating..
The final stress straw was that just when I thought I had all the documents in order and was just about to go mail them, my neighbor had second thoughts about me using her as a reference for the family compositon in household affidavit... I couldn't blame her as the DSS requires that the person who fills it out includes their social security number... Who would give that away on a document, especially to someone (me) whom they hardly know at all?
So I ended up going to my bank rep at the last minute to notarize the document and I just wrote a letter to DSS that no one I know, other than family, would be willing to just put down their social security number..
The whole situation of trying to get a small amount of aid has been disgusting and degrading... Today I'm finally going to clean my place which I have totally neglected for weeks... I can see things growing in the dust bunnies and under the dirty dishes in the sink!
I sent the thing and now I'm just going to take a break from all that for several days and continue my job search, which is excrutiatingly slow, but I'm getting some bites here and there which might turn into something, and also, I have a good idea for an end of month 2 week promotion at my massage office which I will start advertising at local places this week...
Yesterday was unreal.. I almost caved in and had a cinnamon roll which was in the freezer, and after I had my dinner I decided "No!"
I was thinking.. Stress can't be helped by breaking the NoS rules and I talked myself down from the cinnamon roll ledge... (well I did have one very small bite from the corner :wink: ) I realized that I will be much happier by breaking the vicious cycle of Stress-Cheat on diet-stay fat- be depressed-be stressed-cheat on diet- stay fat.... etc....
I want to become the Deb Hottie of the year this year!!!!
No stress is going to stop me!!! Not even a full moon (last night) and full on pms... (waiting...tap tap tap... :evil: )
Ha ha ha!!!!

Sorry I haven't really been as "postal" as I used to be.. I just have too many things in my life which are calling me away these days..
I'm enjoying seeing how many Noobs are out there!
Good luck to you all!
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

Up to the minute Debreport here:
just got an interview with a very nice sounding dentist for a part time job and the hours and all sound great! Will be there on Saturday! Yay!!!!!!!
Wish me luck!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:35 pm
by Lil Mouse

Hang in there, Deb!

I've "been there, done that" with what you're going through right now and it's no fun at all. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do to take care of yourself and your son.
Yesterday was unreal.. I almost caved in and had a cinnamon roll which was in the freezer, and after I had my dinner I decided "No!"
I was thinking.. Stress can't be helped by breaking the NoS rules and I talked myself down from the cinnamon roll ledge... (well I did have one very small bite from the corner Wink ) I realized that I will be much happier by breaking the vicious cycle of Stress-Cheat on diet-stay fat- be depressed-be stressed-cheat on diet- stay fat.... etc....
Good Job!

You WILL be "Deb the Hottie" this year - you've got the right tools to make it so, now WORK IT GIRL! ;)

Thanks, again, for stopping by my place to answer that question!

Good luck with the interview! Sending {{your HIRED!}} vibes your way! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 12:56 am
by gratefuldeb67
Thanks Ellen! That was so nice of you!!!! :D

Hotties Unite!!!!!

Have a great evening :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 3:47 am
by Hunter Gatherer
Good luck with your interview! I'm keeping you in my prayers.