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Sinnie's 2015 Check-in

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:03 pm
by Sinnie
Guess what? I'm baaaack :)

I don't have loads of time to write at the moment, because I can hear my little one waking up. Being as brief as possible, I just wanted to start another year's check in as I am ready for the challenge of three meals again! When I can articulate my thoughts better I will, I can't engage my brain when I know I have to run in two seconds!

Looking forward to again being a more contributing member of this community! I have always loved this place.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:48 am
by clarinetgal
I'm glad to see you back! :D

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:30 pm
by Sinnie
Thank you, clarinetgal :)

In a nutshell, I am back to three meals a day because I want to eat more nutritious foods. I might be able to stay quite trim grazing, but who grazes on salads? It's too much work to prepare. No S days, and sweets as part of meals if I want.

I have put on a few lbs that I hope will drop off. Currently at 115 lbs.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:54 pm
by Sinnie
Time to start logging these meals! I'm going to start by also doing a No S-Calorie Counting Combo. After all, No S makes combining that much easier. This will be mostly "guesstimates".

Breakfast was Apple strudel (100) +Toast with PB&J (150) +yogurt (75) +coffee with half & half (20)=345

Lunch was turkey tortilla (200) + 1/2 apple (40) + veggies (30) + granola bar (200) + yogurt (50) + Juice (70) + tea (20) = 610

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:27 pm
by clarinetgal
I'm basically doing the same, No S plus calorie counting. Yes, it's much simpler to log 3 meals.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 4:14 pm
by Sinnie
Well, I think I spoke too soon regarding all of this. Yesterday was the worst day I've had in awhile. The few days I've been trying to eat 3 meals I have put on a few lbs and felt like I was eating LESS. It's funny how our needs can change over time. I used to feel restricted when calorie counting and amazing on No S. But the tides have turned and now the opposite has taken place. I guess we really do need to find our own path. Rightly or wrongly, I guess I like the security blanket of knowing I can have a snack if I want/need to, and therefore eat just to satisfaction at meals. Whereas on No S, I STRESS about things. I worry if what I eat at meals will tide me over, I find it more difficult to count calories (can't figure out that one) and over all just think way MORE about food. In any case, not throwing in the towel totally, just observing.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 5:42 pm
by clarinetgal
Interesting! My thought is you should stick with whatever works best for you.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:29 pm
by Sinnie
This might be a little pre-emptive to decide to post again without having one 3-a-day under my belt, but here goes. No one here is judging, right!?

I just feel I need discipline more than weight loss. I hate that I can't go a day without lots of snacks. I hate that I can't say no and I give in to every whim. That's not healthy, well-disciplined or a good strategy long term.

I am not 100% sure what my strategy will be, but I know most definitely it will not be Vanilla, at least not right now. I don't want to claim perfection, as that will lead to a binge. I think just 3 meals of anything is a good place to start.

Breakfast: 2.5 pieces french toast, maple syrup, coffee with vanilla cream.
Lunch: big bowl thick minestrone soup, sips of lemonade, sliver cheese foccacia and a hunk of bread.
Dinner: one pork rib, piece of chicken, garden salad and arugula pesto pasta, one glass of wine, and a tiny scoop of ice cream.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:59 pm
by Imogen Morley
I'm delighted to see you again! Good luck.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:27 am
by clarinetgal
Sinnie, It's nice to see you again! I'll be joining you on returning to more structure in my eating. I won't be doing Vanilla, either, but I'll be going back to structured meals.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:12 pm
by Sinnie
Thank you so much ladies!

Yesterday I got quite shaky-feeling before dinner and had an apple and piece of cheese focaccia. Then, we were at the mall and figured I'll get a small decaf coffee and a timbit (like a one-bite donut). Well, that loosened my resolve and I had waaay more at dinner then I wrote down above. Then I couldn't stop eating leftover chocolates from Easter.

Not throwing in the towel like i usually would saying this doesn't work for me. I need to find my grove.

Two things that helped me when I read them. First, I came across a book called ditching diets and it helped me see why I am not successful on No S when other people are. I never learned to accept the uncomfortable, unsatisfied feeling of not giving in to my addictive desire to eat when I don't need to.
Second, I don't get too wrapped up in any changes on the scale because it all comes down to the calories. No magic here. I just say "oops, guess I ate too many calories." I read a statement by Krista Varady who has a PhD in nutritional science and is an associate professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois, where she stated "in spite of all the claims to the contrary by diet gurus who favor high or low quantities of carbs, protein, and/or fat, it's always calorie restriction that power's a diet's ability to help you shed pounds."

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:22 pm
by Kittson
Hi Sinnie! I am pretty new here but I am looking forward to reading your thread. I just had to pop in and say hello because you mentioned Ditching Diets. Ditching Diets = great book! I love her writing. I read that one, her first book Eating Less, and I also enjoy listening to her audio of Eating Less. It's great reinforcement. Good luck as you continue your No S practice.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:16 pm
by Sinnie
Hey Kittson! Thank you for stopping by :D Just love the friendliness of this board. Seriously, it's so addictive. Ditching Diets is a wonderful book and although it seems it was only that ONE thought that really spoke to me, it was like the most profound statement I've ever read LOL. The whole book for that one sentiment.

I am really feeling energized and ready to do this! Not in a perfect 21-days kind of way (I just know myself) but in an interested, curious, let's figure this out kind of way.

Breakfast: 1/2 bagel w/ pb and j; americano with cream
Lunch: 2 ribs, huge piece cheese focaccia, apple, avocado
Snack: donut and coffee
Dinner: chicken wings, salad, 1/2 naan, avocado, grilled peppers
Dessert: vanilla ice cream, cookie dough, one creme egg cookie (I wish I didn't have this, as it wasn't sit down style but more stress related)

Step count: 11,333

I actually figured out a great idea that really works for me if I need a lift between meals. I add a bit of protein powder to water and that totally stabilizes my blood sugar. It's certainly no taste treat, and I consider it like medicine. One scoop has 135 calories which I add to a 32oz water bottle to have as needed. Really quite amazing to take away that low feeling from needing food. For me this is much better than coffee or juice which effectively makes zero difference for me, in fact, often making me hungrier or wanting more. I highly suggest it if you suffer like I do from low blood sugar type shaky feelings.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:54 pm
by lpearlmom
Hi Sinnie!! So great to see you back here! And thank you for your sweet comments on my thread. Really means a lot to me. And seeing you here is like seeing an old friend. You were here when I first started. We've both had our share of successes & failures but yeah it's just a matter of making it work for us.

I definitely think you're right that in the end it just comes down to calories. I guess it's all a matter how we'd like to ensure were eating less calories. What is the most sustainable and pleasurable way to do this? I experimented both w counting calories and with just doing nos but making sure my food was generally low density. I lost weight doing both but the constant counting was a little crazy making.

Not that I never think about calories. I still think it's a helpful tool. I often check it on prepackaged food or when I'm going out to eat. It's really helped me get my daily drinks to a reasonable level but so important to have those clear plate boundaries I think at least for those of us with eating issues and isn't that most of us?

Okay anyways glad to see you and looking forward to seeing how things evolve. Btw, how's the darling baby and have decided about work yet?

Take care

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:43 am
by Sinnie
Linda, I think you explained the whole calorie counting thing perfectly. Although that's what makes us lose weight, it doesn't mean we have to do the math. Any way to make that happen amounts to the same thing.

As for my baby girl, she literally makes me happier every day. I can't even explain how becoming a mother has been the absolute best thing in my life. She is just my little best friend. Walking, babbling constantly, her personality is really shining through and she makes us laugh all the time. Never truly understood the joy of babies until now. I decided to take the extra leave granted through work which means I don't go back to teaching until September (ugh). I think I realized that part of why I struggle with teaching beyond the obvious issues of high school students, especially in an at-risk neighbourhood, is that my introvert personality can only take so much craziness in one day. It's physically demanding, you are talking all day, exhausting extreme amounts of patience, there is no ability to shut your door and take a breather...I've realized some personality types are probably exhilarated by this while others it takes every last nit of energy. No wonder I used to always say how TIRED I was. Taking care of a baby has got nothing on that. I went into teaching because I really desired to help and make a difference. It would be nice to not go back but there are benefits too in many ways, and for now, I think it's the right thing to do. I think I will cry like a baby the first week though.

Monday's Meals:

Breakfast - flax seed 1 min muffin (ground flax, ground oats, coconut oil, cinnamon, banana, an egg) smeared with natural pb; swig of whole milk; red delicious apple

Lunch - big salad with chicken, black beans, cherry tomatoes, snap peas, green leaf lettuce and a walnut vinaigrette; some batter of these protein bars I made: ... tein-bars/

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 6:03 am
by lpearlmom
Ooohh I'm so glad you're enjoying motherhood so much! I know going back to work will be hard but you're really doing it for your baby to make sure her future is as secure as possible so it'll be a good thing in the end. Plus your providing her with a great role model.

In the meantime continue to enjoy your little girl!

Btw your food looks great. I think I'm going to try those bars so thanks for posting the recipe.

Linda 😀

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:34 am
by Kittson
Any way to make that happen amounts to the same thing.
Yep! Love that! No S is great for doing it without going bonkers (in my personal experience :) ) over the math.

The description of your happiness with your sweet girl is wonderful. I am like you, I didn't understand the joy until I had my own. It's life changing, and puts everything else in perspective.

I agree with Linda, your food looks delicious! Have a great day!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:57 pm
by Sinnie
I find it really, really, exceptionally difficult to not eat between meals, or wait more then 3-4 hours for a meal. I am truly astounded, like eyes wide open, at the amazingly disciplined people on here who can make it 6+ hours. Even if I fill my plate way more than normal, I still can't do it. This is leading me to believe it's psychological, and likely means I probably need No S even more, even though my reaction is "it doesn't work for me." Perhaps I should attempt to really tough it out for a few days and see if anything changes. Maybe it's just fear of not eating. I get really grumpy when I'm hungry, and when I feel like there's still hours to go (DH doesn't get home to eat dinner until 8-9pm), and I'm at my moms at 5 playing with the kids, and she has a delicious meal prepared from earlier, I cannot say no. I have a bite, and then decide this is stupid and dive head first into the food. I suppose I should just give up that I will wait to eat until that late, because it is pure torture. I'm exhausted, and not even really interested to go back down to eat dinner at that point. All I want to do is go on the computer or watch TV.
I just feel stuck and frustrated. I overeat on NoS, I overeat when not on NoS ( but at least I can justify it as part of the plan and not decide I've failed and binge). I hate feeling overwhelmed like this. Sometimes thinking about it too much causes me anxiety. And on that note, now I want to go eat because it makes me feel better. It is THIS very feeling right now that I need to conquer because it is why I gain weight. It doesn't matter what plan I'm on, if I always go eat when I feel like this (and at some point every day I get a low feeling that doesn't last), I will never be successful.

Sorry for the rant, I felt I needed to get it out. At least I have done two meals so far today. I'll really try to not snack and see if I can do it. So scary. Like, really scary to me.

ETA: I just noticed your replies Linda and Kitt! I missed those somehow. That was nice to read.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:10 pm
by Kittson
What time are you eating your first two meals? If you eat lunch at noon, waiting until 8-9 PM is honestly setting yourself up for failure. That is a very long stretch of time! Would you consider switching your first two meals to 10:00 and 3:00? Maybe eat meals when you would normally snack?

I make my meals work for me. There are times when my husband works late, but the rest of us still eat at about 6:00. Maybe you could just eat supper at your mom's house, and have a meal ready for your husband when he gets home? Just a suggestion, trying to be helpful! :)

No S is not about suffering. As Reinhard says, it's systematic moderation. It's eating like humans have eaten for ages.

I used to be really grumpy when I was hungry too, but No S has proven to me that hunger is not going to hurt me. I used to be terrified of hunger, so I understand your feelings. Honestly, when I used to get grumpy before a meal, I think it was more connected to me being angry with myself regarding my food choices and feeling shame, and taking it out on my family. Since I started No S, I don't have grumpy hunger. I have excited hunger.

I hope you are able to find a way for No S to work for your lifestyle, because it really is so liberating for those of us that have dealt with food issues. Take care Sinnie!!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:51 pm
by Sinnie
Kittson, definitely a very helpful reply! Actually, you hit on the two things I thought of as well. #1) waiting for Dh for dinner - I usually don't do it - but I somehow thought if I'm on No S I'll be doing it "right" by eating dinner with him. I quickly realized that's a recipe for disaster. #2) switching to 10 and 3 (or 2) - exactly what I was thinking - you're good!!!
I appreciate the thoughts and good advice. So far, so good today. I've decided that I do want to tough it out for a few days and see if the deep desire for snacking starts to dwindle.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:55 pm
by Kittson
Yay! I'm so glad you're going to try it for a few days. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. And remember, S days this weekend! Don't skip them, they are there for a reason. Good luck and I'm looking forward to following your thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 1:27 am
by Sinnie
Today actually went great, even though not textbook perfect, for me, it was. I'm so glad I really gave it the effort. The only thing was my DH had the day off and we were out, and stopped for a coffee when I saw Tim Hortons has a couple new Nutella products. He prompted me to try a little something and I went for a small pastry (about 2-3 bite size) instead of the donut. It was amazing! That along with a small coffee with cream, and he had a little too, so not Vanilla. But it did not derail me at all! Perhaps took too much edge off my hunger though and dinner wasn't overly satisfying. BUT this is huge. I haven't been able to do that in a long time and not snack before/after dinner. I feel light and airy without all the snacking weighing me down. Its Friday night and I'm alone, which usually would be a snack-fest, so I am really grateful to not be doing that.

Breakfast was 2 free range slices bacon & eggs and an apple with natural pb
Lunch was a big salad with naan & hummus on the side (I had a little protein shake shot soon after because I could tell it I needed it)
A small snack of coffee and couple bites nutella pastry
Dinner was oven baked fries, 1 chicken thigh, salad, edamame

Step count: 10573

I'd like to add in 14 minutes, but it'll have to be in the mornings when I am refreshed. By nighttime, exercise is the last thing I want to do.

ETA: I wasn't hungry, but felt EMPTY before bed, and couldn't go to sleep. It was 11:30 and I just felt wired. So I made a hot chocolate with extra water to help fill my belly (it was still plenty sweet for me) and that did help. It was only a 70 calorie pod.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:26 am
by lpearlmom
Yay Sinnie! I agree, this isn't suppose to be miserable! I like the idea of pushing your meals up or else adding a 4th small meal. As long as you're consistent and keep things contained, you should get a positive result.

I don't think you need to lose weight from what I remember but sounds like you just want a more satisfying way to eat. Nos should be able to bring you that peace of mind but you will need to be able to tolerate hunger from time to time. The payoff is definitely worth it in my opinion but only you can say if it's worth it to you.

Anyway I hope you can find a way to make it work for you!


Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 1:56 pm
by Sinnie
Great points Linda. I am feeling actually SUPER positive about this! I do need to learn to tolerate hunger as you said -- there is no way around that. I must just go through it and feel it. I read that sometimes distractions are no help, and I know they are no help for me. Taking a bath, reading, etc is irritating when I am wanting to snack (plus a toddler doesn't exactly make that a viable option). Instead, just accepting the feeling and riding the wave is all I really do. When I acknowledge the hunger and decide I am ignoring it, it sort of loses its power.

You are also right in that I don't really need to lose weight. I will be honest that the few vanity pounds would be great to lose, and I know that if I was patient, they would come off if I didn't binge/overeat regularly. I need to accept that 7 lbs will take a long time to come off, and I likely wont see a difference in a week. Maybe I should do what Kittson did and post my weight and measurements, and check again in a few weeks time. Because realistically I'll be changing so slowly and might give up if I see nothing on a day to day basis.

This morning I made an omelette with the leftover bacon, mushrooms and peppers. I also made waffles with leftover easter candy! I always find once I am done cooking I am tired and stressed and find it hard to eat my own food at times. Isn't that weird? I guess that's why I like eating on my own or just picking at things because my appetite is better. Trying to time everything perfectly and watch the baby etc just makes me totally lose my appetite. I had a piece of the omelette and maybe 3/4 of the waffle though.

Shaky by 11am. Had an apple, then a piece of the omelette from breakfast, baked beans and leftover potatoes.

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:46 pm
by Sinnie
Things are going great and I am very motivated! I really want to capitalize on this feeling. Saturday was a binge, as I picked cooking dinner and that set me off. Normally, I'd wake up the next morning saying this isn't for me but instead I felt more inspired than ever to get this right.

Here's to three meals today! I already have virtual plated, but I always do that, so maybe something to work on rather than call a failure. I will work on avoiding sweets during the week, but no sweat if it creeps in. My goal is to eradicate binging or what-the-hell eating. That is where drawing the line too tightly can backfire if those are your problems.

It was a little hard to see in the dark (long story) but I think my weight is 117 lbs. A few pounds to get back to my fighting weight. Not feeling rushed, but rather thrilled to take on this challenge! I'm seeing this as a sort of game to become friends with my hunger. Weird but it's working :)

Breakfast: eggs, bagel/cream cheese/pb, coffee w/ ff cream
Lunch: edamame w/ sesame oil, spinach/turkey, few nuts, hummus
Dinner: ended up being too early and I wasn't hungry, it was sort of a picky dinner.
Then I ended up snacking because I felt like I already screwed up, and then I went into the candy & ice cream. THIS time I was ready to throw in the towel when DH told me this is what I need to keep doing.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:55 pm
by moderatemeals
Hi Sinnie -
Oh my goodness I've read your posts and feel as though I could be writing them. We are in such similar situations. My main issue seems to be binges and perma snacking. I've had success with No S in the past and when I was compliant, I felt more at peace with food than I ever have in my life! But then something would trigger me to fall off the wagon and I've stumbled ever since. I definitely use food as a way to relax and procrastinate. I also think I have a problem with sugary foods (not sure if you have that issue or not) and so I am trying to give up sugary foods or at least foods that trigger binges for me for the time being.

Good luck to you. I'm going to start a daily check in thread to keep track of my success/failure.


Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:56 pm
by Sinnie
Thank you so much for stopping by Moderatemeals. I am definitely in that camp - binging and permasnacking AND definitely to relax & procrastinate OMG. Sweets get me too. I am just a ball of trouble :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:06 pm
by Sinnie
Alrighty, let's recap what I'm eating today...

I was not hungry at all this morning, so had my first meal at noon. This is where it gets interesting. I decided to cook while baby napped, so I rushed like crazy making wings, sausages, pasta salad, veggies and bbq'd corn. Well, I was trying to make my lunch at the same time and couldn't really get to it. So by the time the food was done I, yet again, had no appetite for it. This is a recurring theme for me. I tried to force myself to have some but it had no taste factor for me, so I stopped and said why don't I just wait to enjoy this wonderful meal when I feel hungry again. BUT, I somehow decided it was appropriate to make a lovely cup of coffee and 3/4 of a very sweet muffin (more like a cupcake TBH). It's all good. I'm still allowing myself 2 more meals if I want, hopefully plated this time...and hopefully when I am actually feeling hungry!n I hate that sweets always go down so nicely.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:18 am
by lpearlmom
Hi Sinnie!

It's good you're noticing certain troublesome patterns with your eating. That sounds like A LOT of cooking! I think I might feel a little burnt out afterwards too. Was it for dinner for later?

I definitely allow muffins but I'm not so strict with the sweet definition because I feel as long as it's one plate, it's contained and not going to add up to too much food. Definitely don't eat food you don't want even if you just prepared it and maybe you could simplify your cooking for awhile while your little girl is still so young?

Sorry I don't think I'm being much help but glad to see you continuing to post & brainstorm!

Linda 😊

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:45 am
by clarinetgal
I agree with Linda. As long as the muffin fits on one plate, it's not a big deal, as far as sweets go. Also, I know in my case, with two little boys (one of them has special needs), I have to keep my cooking pretty simple. For me, this means using my crockpot and panini press/grill a lot, and eating leftovers a few times a week.

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 4:41 pm
by Sinnie
Thanks Linda and Heather. I agree totally with both of you on the definition of a sweet. I usually don't worry at all about things like the muffin - I think it was more that I had a cookies n cream muffin over proper lunch food that was already prepared! And believe it or not, it was very simple food - I'm talking as easy as it can get - it was just the rush to get it cooked before she woke up lol. I am definitely keeping the cooking to a minimum - I call it assembling :)

ANyways, No S has been meh the last few days. Weight is doing fine though. I guess it's hard to stay motivated when naturally my instinct is to graze a bit when I am hungry and sometimes have more proper meals. We'll see how it goes! I tend to be more No S on weekends surprisingly because since DH is home the day tends to be more structured around meals.

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:07 am
by lpearlmom
It seems like you do pretty well instinctively without Nos. do you think you just need a few days of NoS every few months when your eating starts to feel chaotic? What plan do you think would best for you over the long haul?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:09 am
by clarinetgal
I agree with Linda. Maybe you can use No S as a way to get you back on track, when your eating starts to slip. I think what's most important is that you find a way of eating that is decently healthy, and that works for you and your lifestyle -- whether it's No S, or something else.

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:23 am
by Sinnie
You two bring up a very valid point. Perhaps using NoS as a way to get back on track when things need to be reined in a bit might even take some of the perfectionistic pressure off. I suppose it doesn't have to be all or nothing, does it? I am kinda already doing that, but feel guilty about being so flaky. I really like this idea though. THANK YOU so much for the idea.

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:16 am
by lpearlmom
Don't feel guilty! It's not like you signed a contract or something and you're not keeping up your end of the deal. Nos seems to work well for a lot of people but for others not so much. Just make it fit with your needs not the other way around.

Also just wanted to thank you for your kind words on my thread. I really appreciate the empathy and support.

I do hope you can come up with a plan that's satisfying for you. It only took me 46 years to find something that worked for me! 😊


Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 12:47 am
by clarinetgal
I agree with Linda! Find a way to get No S (or some plan) to fit your needs. In my case, realistically, I'll never eat 3 meals anymore (unless it's a super busy day), because 4 meals works better for my stomach. I'm also not sure I'll ever get to the point of just eating sweets on weekends, but I am working on cutting back. I still consider myself a somewhat No Esser, though, since I eat at structured times (normally) and rarely get seconds. I hope you do find something that works for you.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 12:45 pm
by eschano
A lot of good advice here. It's all about serene experimentation Sinnie :) Don't let it get you when something doesn't work. Just means it needs more experimenting.

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 1:15 am
by Sinnie
Thanks Linda, CG and Eschano! I would really like to eat 3 meals, if only because I would eat much healthier. But it is SO hard, like impossible :S I often get low blood sugar symptoms which derails me. I read this and wanted to put it here for later reference.

Various diets have been proposed for hypoglycemia over the years. The earliest treatment was a high-protein, high-fat diet with a minimum of carbohydrates, in the belief that all carbohydrates stimulated the pancreas to produce insulin. Such diets had mixed results and are certainly not healthy in the long run. They have largely been abandoned but variations still exist, such as the Atkins diet and more recently Barry Sears' "zone" diet which involves a 30/30/40 ratio between protein, fat and carbohydrate.
The prominent American nutritionist Paavo Aerola started a change in thinking about hypoglycemia treatment in the 1970s when he advocated a largely vegetarian diet with an emphasis on complex carbohydrates. Aerola's diet was popular for many years and very successful. However, it relies heavily on dairy products for protein - which doesn't suit everyone.
More recently, a concept known as the "glycemic index" of foods has been developed. The glycemic index represents the amount by which a food raises the blood sugar level, with glucose having an index of 100. It is interesting that foods such as white bread can raise the blood sugar almost as much as ordinary white sugar, whereas as whole-grain breads cause a much slower rise in blood sugar.
I have proved this myself - before I knew anything about glycemic indexes. When I was experimenting with the high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets I often had a white bread roll with a small amount of low-fat cheese (no butter) and salad for lunch. I would always get a headache during the afternoon following such lunches but I persisted because I thought it was a "healthy" low-fat meal and it had no-sugar.
Occasionally, I would have a thick cheese sandwich on wholemeal bread (with butter) and a glass of milk - supposedly a very bad meal from the low-fat viewpoint. But I felt great during the afternoon after such a lunch. Fats such as butter and cheese can be useful in controlling low blood sugar because they slow down the absorption of carbohydrate. Of course, that is not a licence to eat a lot of fat - nor a lot of anything, for that matter.
A huge meal, even if it contains no sugar, can raise the blood sugar more than a candy bar. Getting back to the glycemic index, it can be confusing sometimes because different studies give different indexes for the same foods. For example, some studies have found potatoes to have a high glycemic index (making them unadvisable for people with hypoglycemia) while others recommended potatoes as one of the best foods for keeping blood sugar stable!

Fruit is another controversial food in relation to hypoglycemia. Some experts advocate eating fruit because its sugars (mainly fructose) are "natural" and thus don't affect the hypoglycemic like refined sugar does. Others find better results by avoiding fruit, at least in the initial stages of treatment. I found fruit often affected me adversely, particularly sweet fruit likes bananas, grapes or water melon.

To sell diet book today, you need to come up with something even more outrageous than the previous best-selling diet book. Thatís why we have such extreme views on diet being promoted by best-selling authors. If you wrote a book advocating a good old-fashioned balanced diet, with three meals a day of protein, fats and carbohydrates, hardly anyone would buy the book. People are always looking for some new, cutting edge theory on diet.
This is because most of us eat unbalanced diets. We just donít want to admit it. So we look for any theory to help us get well, lose weight or whatever else we want from our diet ñ while ignoring the obvious truth that is staring us in the face.
So Iím going to advocate a good old-fashioned balanced diet. This is so rare in a diet book today, that it almost does qualify as being something new!
You do need to avoid sugar initially
Okay, now down to the nitty gritty. In addition to a balanced diet, you do need to avoid sugar in all its forms, for the first few weeks of your recovery from hypoglycemia.
And if youíre like most hypoglycemics, this will prove very difficult. Because youíre addicted to sugar. Yes, itís an addiction that very difficult to break. You need to make a decision. Do you want to keep on over-eating of sugary foods ñ or do you want to get well?
Assuming you really do want to get well, then you need to start looking at your diet for everything that contains sugar ñ in all its forms. This means not just sugar, but everything that contains sugar. Iím not going to go into a tedious list of everything that contains sugar, just to fill up more space in this book. Just use your common sense. And read labels. You know what contains sugar without me having to tell you!
As I mentioned in the pervious chapter, fruit contains simple sugars and can adversely affect many hypoglycemics. If you find youíre not getting better after eliminating all other sugars, try cutting out fruit for a while ñ especially sweet fruit like bananas. You may find if you eat fruit on its own, between meals, you get hypoglycaemic symptoms afterwards. But if you eat fruit as part of a balanced meal, you are fine. (Iíll explain this later.)

I have experimented with different diets to see which has the most beneficial effects on my blood sugar levels. I have found the best results with a diet based on complex carbohydrates and adequate protein, with a certain amount of fat to slow down the impact of the carbohydrates on my blood sugar. Fat is usually regarded as the main villain by modern diet writers but a certain amount of fat is essential, particularly if you suffer from low blood sugar.
In fact, many people develop low blood sugar by following the popular high- carbohydrate, low-fat diet theories to extreme. They think fruit is a "good" food and eat lots of it while avoiding foods like eggs, cheese and whole milk. But they could be better off avoiding fruit if they are hypgolycemic and eating eggs for breakfast.
Eggs are a particularly valuable food. They help build up the adrenal glands - a vital factor in recovery from hypoglycemia. Of course, they contain cholesterol and should be eaten in moderation. But one or two eggs a day will not harm most people's cholesterol levels and, in fact, there is growing evidence that sugar is much more harmful in raising cholesterol than foods such as eggs, dairy products or meat.
Many experts on hypoglycemia advocate six small meals a day rather than three meals. It used to be almost universally accepted that frequent, small meals was best. But some writers on the subject have recently challenged this belief. The problem with eating six or more meals a day is that it can easily lead to over-eating ñ something that can adversely affect hypoglycemics because the body is flooded with extra sugar which it doesn't need.
In the early stages, you might find you need a snack between meals to alleviate extreme symptoms of low blood sugar. However, I believe it is best to establish the habit of eating three balanced meals a day and perhaps one regular snack. Having said that, you shouldn't allow more than five or six hours between meals or you will start to experience hypoglycemic symptoms. Eating breakfast at about 7.30am, lunch about 12.30pm and dinner about 6pm should be fine for most people, without the need for too many snacks. But if a meal is late, for some reason, then it's best to have a snack (but not a sweet snack!).
I always have a snack about 4pm in the afternoon, usually a cup of tea and piece of toast with butter. It keeps me going until dinner time.
Eating snacks can also be detrimental if you have a problem with addictive eating or a tendency to binge on sweet foods which many people with hypoglycemia do, in a desperate attempt to make themselves feel better. By eating three balanced meals a day, you have the best chance to keep your blood sugar stable and avoid destructive sweet snacks.

So what is a balanced diet?
A balanced meal should contain some protein and complex carbohydrate plus a moderate amount of fat. A good breakfast is one or two eggs on one or two slices of buttered wholegrain toast; or unsweetened porridge or cereal plus one or two pieces of buttered toast.
Lunch could be sandwiches with wholegrain bread and butter plus a filling of salad vegetables and a small amount of cheese, meat, chicken or fish; or it could be a more substantial meal of meat or fish with cooked vegetables, potatoes, pasta or rice. Forget dessert and, until you feel better, avoid even fruit at the end of the meal initially.
If dinner is the main meal of the day, there is an endless variety of suitable foods, according to your taste. The main principle is to eat protein, complex carbohydrates and vegetables, and avoid refined sugar in any form.
If you really need to finish with something sweet, try a small home-made muffin, biscuit or piece of cake, made with just a small amount of sugar and have only a small helping! You'll need to experiment to see how much sugar you can tolerate.
Eating sugar as part of a meal has less effect on blood sugar levels than eating a sweet snack on its own. That's another good reason for eating just three meals a day. It is important not to over-eat because that overworks the liver, which plays a vital role in keeping blood sugar stable. An overworked liver is the cause of much hypoglycemia and it takes time for a damaged liver to restore itself.
So don't set back your progress by over-eating. Listen to your body and stop when you feel comfortably full. If you are not eating sugar, you are less likely to overeat because most over-eating tends to be of sugary, fatty foods.
It usually takes at least a month to recover from hypoglycemia by following a balanced diet. Some people start feeling better after a week or two, while others who have been sick a long time might find they need three months or more to really start feeling the benefits. Initially, you will almost certainly feel intense cravings for something sweet and may be tempted to lapse.
If you are hypoglycemic, you are essentially addicted to sugar and you are fighting something which can be as difficult as an addiction to cigarettes or alcohol. If you do slip, pick yourself up and start again. The first week or two is the hardest in starting a low-sugar diet that's when the cravings will be at their most intense. Eating even a small amount of something sweet can actually trigger a full-blown binge because of the way your body reacts to sugar.
Don't despair. You may have to pick yourself up many times before you can stick to a balanced diet. It just proves that you have been over-dependent on sugar for too long and that you must break the addiction before you can ever expect to enjoy good health again.
Keep that as your motivation when the sugar cravings come. Tell yourself: "I might feel bad now but I'll be ten times worse if I binge".

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 6:04 am
by lpearlmom
Wow I didn't realized you suffered from low blood sugar Sinnie! I think that explains why nos is so hard for you. It really just may be a physical need to eat more often. Great to eat healthy balanced meals but you really may need more than 3!

Gl figuring out what feels best for you!

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 4:00 pm
by Sinnie
I suppose you are right - maybe making the rules a bit different will make No S easier to adhere to. I just wonder if I stuck it out, if the symptoms would go away, you know. But, I just seem unable to do that. I tried to eat fresh, healthy, whole foods yesterday...and after lunch I had the dreaded low blood sugar symptoms again....ehhh so frustrating!

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 4:30 pm
by osoniye
Hi Sinnie,
Sorry to hear this is hard. I have a friend with low blood sugar issues who eventually adjusted to a 3 meal a day eating plan but it took time. She started with 5 meals and had a planed schedule for reducing the 2 "snack time" meals over time, until she didn't need them. She did really well in the end, but it took her body time to make the adjustment.
I wish you well as you find your way. Maybe planning always to keep to a schedule with milky drinks at set times would be helpful-?

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 10:07 pm
by ironchef
Ugh, Sinnie that sounds tough. I just read a list of hypoglycemia symptoms (blurry vision, sweating, headaches) and it sounds just awful. I like Sonya's idea of 5 meals (of different sizes), whether that becomes 3 over time or not, but I would also add that it's worth running these things past your doctor. Reinhard always reminds people that No S isn't medical advice, and neither he nor most of the posters here are medical professionals. But, I have read posts before from No-Sers who were diabetic, so I'm sure it can be done (with sensible mods as needed).

And yep, everything is that bit harder with a toddler! My rule for myself these days is to make my "to-do" list for the day, then always take a few things off it. I love to dream large, but I've had to learn to be kind to myself with what can actually be done in any one day.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:11 am
by eschano
I don't have any advice to add to the great ones that have been given but just wanted to register my support! It sounds hard and I hope you find a way!

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 2:47 pm
by Sinnie
Hey guys, I really appreciate the comments.

osoniye - I am considering doing the planned meals & planned snacks if I really can't make 3 meals work. I think part of it is just the motivation to really practice this. I like the idea though, so thank you!

ironchef - I was thinking of bringing this up to my doctor, but for some reason I hesitate. I have read it's not a disease, but rather it's like a fever, indicating something else is wrong. I feel like a doctor would think I'm either making it up, or ignoring an obvious answer ( eat) LOL I don't know how to explain it but I find it embarrassing. Thanks for commiserating about lack of time and toddlers! Worth every task not completed, but can lead to feeling a tad overwhelmed!

eschano - The support means everything! I need it :)


I really need to give No S another shot. I say this all the time, but I don't think mentally I really commit to it. I guess calorie counting gave me the best results I've ever had weight-wise and help control symptoms because I could snack if I needed to. But recently nothing is working anymore, and my weight has crept up to 119 this morning. I am not saying it's a bad weight, but it reminds me how fast it comes on and how hard it is to take off. I also find this weight reminds me of a less-than-ideal time in life and I don't want to be reminded of it. I know it's water weight from binging for a few days straight. But it also tells me that whether I eat three meals or calorie count I tend to eventually end up in the same place. It's all so frustrating. I feel like I've wasted years.

On Linda's thread, she explains how the white-knuckling stopped and it became easy with her drinks as a transition from meal to meal. That was really motivating to read. But, I am starting to think I'm WAY TO EASY on myself. And I find the more I dwell on hunger, the more these "symptoms of low blood sugar" present themselves. Maybe it's all in my head. Am I just such a weak person? I am not looking for sympathy, but rather someone to tell me, YES-->JUST STOP IT!!! I need to hear that. I truly give in to every whim at any emotion felt. I notice the successful people don't do that. They commit, end of story. That makes me feel disappointed in myself. I change to calorie counting mid day because it allows me a snack if I feel the need. Bullshit. This is just BS. I have to stop.

I think I might need a 7 day sugar detox just to wean myself a bit. Starting today, I will post my three meals, and try to make them balanced, filling, no overeating, and accepting I may walk away wanting more. What would I do with all that time I am not snacking? I bet it'll feel pretty lonely or irritating at times. I think I also need to drink more water, which I think might also be the culprit. I eat less, therefore ingest less water = symptoms. I want to be as specific as possible here with my food & drink, to see if I can recognize any patterns over the days.

Breakfast: eggs with smoked salmon, small piece of bacon, raspberries/grapes, black coffee, 2 glasses of water
Lunch: homemade guacamole, tortilla chips with skim mozzarella and salsa, baby carrots and rasp/grapes. Sparkling water w/ stevia peach/mango sweetener
Dinner: quinoa puttanesca, rotisserie chicken, salad, homemade bun, sweet potatoes at my mom's house; water

Wow, it's only been half way through the day but I feel GREAT. I actually have stuck completely to one plate, no sweets or snacks. I feel I can do this.
Well, now it's the night time and I am SO PROUD! I DID IT! One day under my belt :) DH and I took baby for a walk in the downtown part of our city as today is a holiday. We split a Starbucks grande soy caramel macchiato. It totally tided me over to dinner. I feel a bit irritable because I feel empty, or snacky, or just uncomfortable because I am not allowed to have anything else. But DH and I are going to have a glass of really nice red wine on the balcony tonight so I am looking forward to that. I am going to allow drinks at least right now, as I'm thinking at least the "no chewing" aspect won't set me off to snack more and more.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 4:57 pm
by lpearlmom
Hey Sinnie,

I know it's hard but if you want to do this you can. I think maybe you're just not 100% sold on the idea that NoS is the right plan for you. I know for me that was the true the first couple of times I did NoS. Now that I'm properly motivated, it's a no-brainier.

I think if you can get behind your decision to follow NoS, your habits will serve you well for years to come. Just think what a great role model you'll be to your daughter to have a mom with such sane eating habits. Also yes it will get harder to maintain your weight as you get older (at least for me it did), but if you have the 3 meal habit down you may not have to worry about that later on. The great thing about nos is that once you have the habit down, you can easily tweak it to meet any changing needs. It's pretty easy to change the what on your plate once the when/if is a no brainer.

Also I think I used to worry about having to face my emotions now once I wasn't snacking all day. That's great if you're ready to do so but if not, don't let that stand in your way of implementing NoS. there's plenty of other things to distract you. I read cookbooks, menu plan, read light novels, play on the Internet, etc...

And that hunger you have to deal with between meals will only make you stronger so yeah you may need to get a little tougher at least at first. And conquering your food issues (which nos tends to magically do) will make you feel like you can do anything (you can).

So maybe follow oolalas advice and write a list of 10 reasons you want to do this and carry that list with you. Read it every morning & every night. Sometimes it takes a little leap of faith to do something but once you start seeing the benefits you just won't want to stop.

Okay hope this helps a bit and I get the thing about the doctor. When I asked Dh if you need to eat more often if you have low-blood sugar, he sighed and kind of did that rolly eye thing. I told him never mind. Geesh!:)

Anyway best of luck whatever you decide!


Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 1:02 am
by Sinnie
Hey Linda,

Thanks for such a thoughtful reply. I laughed when I read your DH's reaction to the blood sugar question!!! It's true though, *I* even do the eye rolling thing to myself when I try to tell myself that excuse. I also like the point about not needing to face emotions necessarily. I guess I may have to sit with them as they arise instead of finding food to numb out on, but I can still distract with TV or whatnot.

I'm feeling hopeful going into Day 2.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 12:51 pm
by Imogen Morley
First of all, big hugs.
Second... your post really resonated with me (well, they always do but this time was special). I'm exactly in the same place as you are, even weight-wise. Gee, I could have written such post myself. I know all the excuses: I ate too little protein, my breakfast was too small, so no wonder I am binging now... to hell with it, I'll just start calorie counting tomorrow... once I've finished that sleeve of biscuits... I rarely take responsiblity for my actions around food.
But after a couple of green days under my belt I can tell you: it does get easier, and what really counts are solid weekday habits. Weekends don't mean anything at all in the great scheme of NoS. The trick is to stick to your guns no matter what. Your willpower muscle has weakened, and so has mine, but we can do it. Seriously. Everything seems impossible until it's done. And you do have such a great green day under your belt! Next time temptation strikes, remind yourself how wonderful you felt, strong, capable, accomplished. Will that snack give your the same feeling? I bet it won't, and that comes from the person whose feelings towards sweet stuff can be compared only to what Tristan felt for Isolde ;) Decide you'll do nothing when the next craving/food thought resurface. Just sit. Don't fight. Just go on with your life. This too shall pass. And remind yourself often: no excuses. No excuses at all. Once you have a good excuse, you open the door to bad excuses. So says Terry Pratchett, and I respect him as much as I respect Reinhard.
I wish I could help you more but this is all I know. This post has been so embarassingly incoherent, but hope I got my point across. I believe in you.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 5:21 pm
by Sinnie
OMG Imogen there is nothing incoherent about your post but exactly what I needed to read exactly when I read it. Thanks to that post I did not cave in, waited till 1pm for lunch and made a lovely plate. I will actually go back and re-read that post, along with the others who have given me such good, solid, inspirational advice and COMMIT TO THREE MEALS. I appreciate your message soooo much.

So far, it's been another amazing day. I've always known about the beverage option between meals, but for some reason it's only now helping me (thanks Linda!).

Today's weight was 118.5 lbs. I'm not sure about this daily weighing habit of mine. It doesn't seem to bother me and I like keeping tabs on it, but I wonder it I might be more successful with weekly weighing. Something to ponder, for now I'll stick with it.

Breakfast: water, black coffee, high fiber wrap w/ natural pb & maybe 1/4 banana; big apple

Made a decaf coffee with almond milk/truvia/fake sugar vanilla syrup

Lunch: spinach salad (goat cheese, cranberries, hemp hearts) w/ olive oil vinaigrette along with my mom's chicken salad & small homemade bun. A stevia flavoured water.

I am definitely leaving lunch feeling like I could easily eat more. I want more! But it was a goodly portion and there is always a beverage if needed.

Made a vanilla latte pod (they are not very sweet, around 80 cals) but watered it down too much by accident and didn't really drink it.

Dinner: cucumber/tomato salad, few bites Kraft pasta salad, butter&lemon shrimp fettucini (only had a few shrimp), ice cream and one square 90% dark chocolate.

Okay, so dinner contained sweets, but I'm still managing crazy better than before. I was extremely close to the WTH effect, but pulled back and said to myself "wouldn't it be cool if you could just continue with 3 meals and have whatever you want for breakfast?" That was that and I only had a hot chocolate pod in the keurig before bed because I was irritable and needed something. Did the trick!

Safe to say I'm onto Day 3.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 7:03 pm
by lpearlmom
Yay--you're doing great Sinnie! I'm glad the drinks are helping. They've been such a lifesaver for me!

Linda :)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 12:24 pm
by Sinnie
They really are Linda, and you've been instrumental in helping me get back on track. *Thank you with big hugs*

I want to share an insight that occurred to me this morning. So, baby woke up at 4:45am. Weighed in at 118.5 then 118 (not happy seeing this number). Went downstairs, the kitchen is a mess (this is a stress trigger for me), I'm feeding her, making DH food, breakfast for myself, having a bit of stomach pain, baby getting into things in the cupboard, supposed to be meeting with friends at 10am, i'm making more of a mess fixing up these vegan breakfast puddings because I soaked cashews the night before... etc. Basically, I'm really revved up (in a bad way), and feeling so overwhelmed that I contemplate snacking after licking the spatula and thinking this doesn't work I should've dropped a couple water pounds by now. You know how it goes.

Then. I thought about it for a minute. No matter what I do, at some point in the near or distant future, I will get stressed/bored/monotony will set in/whatever the case may be and I will slowly gain it back. Then I will slowly lose it again. In the end, I will probably end up in the same spot long term. If I do No S, the goal is to get a habit in place that hopefully I maintain somewhere reasonable and happy, but also that HABIT takes over and whatever it may be, may be...but I won't be doing that dance. So although it may take a bit longer initially, really, what's the rush? To get back to 115 in a few days and then next week be back to 118? Seriously? It's almost bordering pure stupidity. I must know better than this, surely. So, proper meals and slow weight loss it is, if any really. I really am committing, guys. I mean it. I'm actually making a promise here.

P.S. Just when I thought I can't take it anymore, I put baby back to sleep in the stroller (I know, I know...bad idea!) and came upstairs to shower and relax a bit on here. Ahhhh. Relief.

Breakfast: 2 cups black coffee, flax muffin ( ... arb-295649) but I added protein powder, PB2, cacao nibs, almonds milk and it made a huge muffin, which I sliced and put natural pb and banana on top. Didn't finish.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 1:27 pm
by lpearlmom
Yay for you! You're making great strides! I know I occasionally think about going off NoS but then I'd think"what's the point, I'll just be crawling back in a few days so might as well stick it out and give it a chance to actually work!"

Remember this is definitely not a quick fix so give it time. Also it's pretty hard with a baby and I didn't form this habit till in the last couple of years but I've learned to never go to bed with a messy kitchen. It's just too stressful to come into the next day. This means I sometimes am cleaning late at night grumpy as all out but I never regret it the next day. Anyway one habit at a time but just wanted to share my experience on that front.

You're doing great. Have a wonderful day!


Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 1:15 am
by Sinnie
Love that advice Linda. It's so true and I've experienced it myself. I'm not sure why some days it's sparkling and others it seems like the mess magically appears and I can't get it under control. I hate piles of clean dishes sitting on the counter once they are dried out!

Anyways, just to update my post from above, today was a pretty decent FAIL. Just being honest. I will admit it was totally fueled by lack of sleep which makes everything worse. It's also fuelled with excuses, clearly, because a lot of people don't sleep for a variety of reasons and having one night where I lose 2 or 3 hours doesn't an excuse make. I guess also being in touch with work and seeing what courses ill be teaching in Sept might have made my nerves stand up a bit too. I am just too exhausted to write down what I had for my other two meals, but at least I did not perma snack all day. In fact, there was success intertwined in there, but I was able to not snack at all at my friend's house AND at my mom's this afternoon which is a huge trigger place for me. She always has tons of fresh homemade food ready and begs me to try it. I said I would pack some up and did, although I ended up eating dinner there. So, actually, those are BIG SUCCESSES! I just realized. Oh, one more. Since I had too much dessert and was almost throwing in the towel, I opened the bag of chips, and decided I'd just have them with my meal tomorrow.

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 1:00 am
by Sinnie
Today was a weird day, I had my co-worker over with her toddler to catch up a bit. Maybe it was talking about work and the looming return of it in September, maybe it was just my general anxiety, but afterward I found myself feeling very anxious. Sometimes this happens after I meet with a friend. I am really weird, who gets nervous after the fact, over-analyzing everything I said or that happened. In any case, I did some serious stress-eating but since we only had a snack when she was over, it was kinda dinner. The surprising thing is that I'm not snacking all day long at all anymore, was able to stop myself before I ransacked the whole kitchen, and even took Linda's advice to clean the kitchen before bed. I felt so good after that and made a tea, no thought to snacking. So, there is improvement I am happy about. I think tomorrow I will definitely be back on track. The trend over these two days where I failed seems to be stress/change in schedule/exhaustion. I need to recognize those feelings coming on and work hard to build over that immediate response to food as comfort. If I can do that, I bet amazing things will happen!

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 1:02 am
by automatedeating
I ALWAYS have post-social-activity anxiety. It's a plague on my house.

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 5:28 am
by ironchef
Replaying and re-analysing interactions after the fact is one of my worst habits. I get worried I've said or done the wrong thing and I can't seem to stop my mind looping back to it over and over again. I actually have a name for this state of mind "stewing", and I will say to my husband "help me out here, I spoke to so-and-so today and now I'm stewing". So yeah, not so weird in my book.

Good on you for halting the snacking before it could go viral!

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 6:08 am
by lpearlmom
Oh wow, I can SO relate to this! Hate to be sexist but I'm thinking this is a female thing. My mom, my sister & I used to sit in the kitchen after a party picking at leftovers analyzing everything that was said and done. There was definitely a lot of reassuring "no, I definitely don't think Aunt Sally was insulted when you said you didn't realize she had so much gray in her hair".

Now after we have had people over I find myself face to face with an open frig almost the minute they've left. In fact I tend to want to snack most when my brain is working hard on something.

Anyway I think you're doing really well. You're seeing exactly where things went wrong and making necessary changes but most importantly, you're able to just move forward and continue.

So glad you found the clean kitchen advice helpful. I was worried I was sounding a bit like my mil whom I actually did learn this habit from so I guess she does have good advice from time to time.

Anywho have a great day tomorrow!


Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 8:06 am
by Imogen Morley
You're doing great! Keep on keepin' on :)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 2:31 pm
by Sinnie
Thank you all for understanding! It totally made me feel way better. Linda, I laughed because you are spot on. Me, my mom and sister did the exact same thing, I'm not kidding you. I guess you are right, it's a female thing.
Iron, you do it too! I am normal after all :) "Stewing" is a perfect word to describe it. I think I'll say that to DH too. I told him how stressed I was feeling and he commented (in a nice way) that I have a lot of anxiety.
Auto-thank you for chiming in because every extra person that can commiserate makes me feel, honest to God, so much better.
Imogen - I appreciate the encouragement! Although, now to get on with how I did yesterday... :?

It was a total binge. I did sort of okay all day without snacking, but it seems I could not get a way from little, constant annoyances/stresses. I I actually said to myself "okay, nothing else can happen today, I'm sure it'll be a nice relaxing day from here on out" and then the pool guys show, I didn't have the money ready for them, they didn't finish the job properly, a friend calls/texts saying she's coming by to drop something off just as I need to leave to another friend's house which I have limited time to be at...and on and on it went. It was just one of those days. Dinner plans got all messed up and I binged on junk by myself :(

Anyways, I was miraculously down to 117 yesterday and back to 118 today b/c of the binge. I'm still really feeling the 3 meals. Things are going a lot better as far as snacking!

Breakfast: bite of egg/bagel/cheese; yogurt mixed with berries/grapes/seeds/flax/cacao nibs/hemp seeds

Lunch: huge spinach salad with goat cheese, cashews and fruit; couple bites sandwich; 1/2 thick slice blueberry vanilla loaf cake; skinny mocha

Snack: pumpkin seeds, cashews, prunes, dried apricots, pb&banana

Dinner: 2 glasses white wine, halibut steak, grilled asparagus and salad; 2 sq dark chocolate and few bites Oreo ice cream, couple almonds

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 4:24 am
by lpearlmom
So funny you had such a similar experience! So nice discovering we're not alone in our struggles.

Looks like you had a good, moderate day--awesome!

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 4:57 pm
by Sinnie
Thanks, Linda!

I feel like I've mentally fallen off the wagon. I've done so poorly most days since re-committing. I didn't even try this morning and snacked at mom's plus lunch was a matter of going back to the kitchen a few times and grabbing something each time. Drinking a hot chocolate now and contemplating this. I feel SO busy and overstretched at times, and usually I just procrastinate, now it's a matter of physically not being able to do anything because of my toddler. I think I'll just get back on track now. Nothing until dinner. There. Done. :)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 6:06 am
by lpearlmom
Ugh--sorry! Just keep getting back on that horse till you get the hang of it. You can do this!

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 3:41 pm
by Sinnie
Thank you!!! Your encouragement is so awesome.

I find it so much more difficult to post regularly like I used to. Some days are better than others but overall it's tough. When I do find the time at night, all I want to do is collapse in bed in front of the TV :P

Yesterday was a horrible screw up and I've just been gaining weight. I kinda feel like that's why counting calories worked so well. Let me explain. My experience has been NoS is wonderful for weight IF you stick to it minus the overeating/binges on weekends. The issue with No S is if you don't stick to it, and small fails lead to WTH effect, than you're left with a bigger problem then if you just noted the calories and moved along your day (often adjusting meal sizes without much conscious thought or effort, just a natural reaction to eating too much earlier). So this is where I'm left with my thoughts. Sorry for digressing, hope you guys don't mind my constant yo-yoing thoughts!

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 9:18 am
by eschano
WTH is bad. Yeah, I get what you are saying. For me counting calories never worked but for you it seems like it did. Could you combine the two for a bit?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 6:21 am
by lpearlmom
I'm so sorry Sinnie! I wish I could offer you some good advice but I'm just not sure what's the best solution for you. I do know that binging is usually a result of deprivation. For some reason I just don't feel that same sense of deprivation I used to on traditional diets because I know I can have anything I want later--at the next meal, or the next S day at the very latest.

I also know that I didn't have the maturity to do NoS till recently. I had to go through ALoT before I was ready. Maybe you're just not ready? That's okay but don't give up on the most important goal of all--finding peace with your eating/body because no number on the scale is worth being miserable and life is too short and all that anyway.

Big *hugs* and good luck with whatever you decide!


Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 7:56 am
by clarinetgal
I completely understand. I'm sort of in the same place myself. I feel like I'm not ready to go with just No S, but calorie counting doesn't always work for me, either. I think I'm going to try combining the two approaches, but with 4 meals, instead of 3.
Good luck to you. I hope you find something that works for you.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 4:54 pm
by Sinnie
Hello all!

Sorry for the lack of update in a few days. You've all made me feel so supported and everyone's advice is excellent & helpful.

I kind of had a "fed up" moment when I woke up on Thursday morning. DH was leaving for a short trip and for those 4 days I managed to follow No S and felt wonderful! I had drinks instead of snacks and really was able to catch thoughts of snacking/binging by realizing it wasn't my true self that wanted that. I've been calling it my "second brain" and every time I reach for something I kinda mumble that to myself and miraculously have been able to stop. DH returned, and since then I've stumbled. Weird. I think I got a little confident and started to not pay as much attention. I also put away the scale because although I believe it's best to stay on top of things before they easily spiral out of control, I also think it may actually be holding me back. When it's good, I relate it to the night before (e.g. I binged and STILL lost weight! Cool! Here comes another binge...) and when I've done good and it's doesn't show...well yeah. I may bring it back, but I thought it's maybe better to just focus on three meals.

I tried to do Vanilla. Saturday went OK, quite good actually I was pleased, I think because in my head I was focusing on 3 meals only. But SUnday I decided that the rules state I'm supposed to have WHATEVER I want. So I did, but it didn't feel good at all. I didn't enjoy it, it was the stuff your mouth kind of deal. I know NO S does not say to do that. But I think with my issues and personality, that weekend freedom probably isn't ever going to work for me. I don't really have any interest in waiting potentially years for it calm down. Truth is, I bet it NEVER would for me. I'll always harbour the desire to eat emotionally. If I enjoyed it, I'd say let's do it. But it felt terrible and really aggravated my joint issues/arthritis the next morning. So all that to say, I don't think Vanilla is the answer, but some very close approximation is feeling right at the moment.

Today I didn't plate lunch, and it's been bothering me. I basically snacked standing up and called it lunch. This is where I can feel myself going off the handles again. Maybe strictness is in order just to do 3 meals to start. I need a plan though or I waver as has happened after those wonderful 3 days of No S I did. I kinda want to incorporate calorie counting, but then I also feel that I don't really need it *if* I truly stick to 3 PLATES (I tend to virtual plate and that's a different story).

This is what worked for me last week:

Breakfast in the morning, one plate, including complex carbs/protein/nuts etc

Lunch includes a big salad with fat, some kind of protein or carb or both and something yummy like a handful of chips

Mocha or something similar to get through afternoon slump

Dinner - don't even attempt to wait until late at night. 4-5pm worked great.

Before bed - a glass of wine on the balcony or tea with a tsp of sugar.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 9:42 am
by eschano
Seems like you are getting valuable lessons for what works for you. Can I ask - is your wavering after husband's return connected to his eating? I know my husband and I influence each other a lot so I'm just wondering.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:16 am
by gingerpie
Another way to look at s-days: the rules actually say "sometimes" on s-days. Not; "from dawn to dusk" on s-days :wink: Keep at it and you'll find the best way for you. Good luck.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:12 pm
by Sinnie
Eschano - likely it is connected. Although he is a huge proponent of 3 meals only, which is just the way he's always eaten, something threw me off kilter. It really shouldn't have, but I got into a groove when alone, and then somehow just lost track. It seems I have to really think about it, and focus on this until it's habit/I really believe it'll work.

ginger - you are definitely right about that. I actually had that in mind, but just knowing there is no way to fail reads in my mind: wooohoooo let's have just a little taste here...oooh let's take a bite of the baby's this, and let's delve a little into that....until it becomes a binge.

I have pretty much decided Vanilla, at least right now, is not my motto. I am thinking 3 meals, one plate, no seconds, no snacks, no sweets except when the occasion presents itself and it seems reasonable & I really want it. This feels far more liveable and common sense for me :) I understand it could turn into excuse-ville, but I'd almost rather that, than binging on weekends when I'm not enjoying it but because I clearly have a willpower issue or some kind of issue anyways. I'll just see how this goes before making any firm commitments.

I also think I'll weigh in on Wednesdays (just a random day decided here because the last weigh in I did was last wed, so I did it again to see where I was after a few great No S days and a few terrible binge days = 119 lbs).

I'm kinda looking forward to this. I enjoyed the challenge last week and feel I've got a good mod here. Relieved to take away S days so I don't have that difficulty on Mondays re-establishing the habit. Although, in the truest sense, I will likely take "S days" anyways, as I may decide to get a treat with DH etc, but psychologically the spin I'm putting on it should taper the urge to go wild.

A couple other things: beverages are whole-heartedly allowed. Pretty much any form (I'm not a sweet drinker anyways). I realize this makes the most sense because when I started binging yesterday, soon a couple cookies and snack mix was easily 500+ calories. A drink, even hot chocolate, would never get that high. Plus, drinks don't trigger the "biting urge" whereas giving into the temptation for food often leads to a whole day off track.

When I do get the idea to snack, or the urge to change plans, or binge at night or any of the other things I do that I regret with food, I'm going to just say "second brain" and forget about it. That helped profoundly last week. It actually was amazing. I wrote a note to myself after a binge where I discussed feeling like I actually have another brain that talks to me and gets me to do things I don't want to do around eating. Now, I see it as that - not myself talking, but some other force that needs to go away. Not giving it any merit or discussion anymore. "Just shut up", I'll tell it, until it gives up. I have a reasonable plan and there's no reason to allow other diets or whatnot to convince me to leave this.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:27 pm
by eschano
That plan makes complete sense to me. I think really long term noSers have often fallen into the "only when I really want it and the opportunity presents itself" category. Certainly my "naturally" skinny friends do this - they just don't really want it that often. So I will read your thread very carefully now :) [/i]

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:20 am
by clarinetgal
I think your plan sounds great, and I may end up doing something similar. I hear you, regarding the Second Brain; I think I struggle with that, too -- especially at night. I will be interested to see how this goes for you!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:38 pm
by Sinnie
Hey guys, thanks for the vote of confidence! It really means a lot.

Well, last night was an S night - DH and I enjoyed some homemade guacamole and chips, followed by coffee/cookies. Not sure what the occasion was other than it was a beautiful night. Maybe not the best reason but I'll take it over binging in secret. This is a work in progress 8)

Today has gone very well so far. I stopped myself from snacking and have stuck to meals. I might need a beverage soon. Ate lunch but feeling like I want more.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:03 am
by lpearlmom
Just checking on you--hope all is well!


Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:16 pm
by Sinnie
Hey Linda!

How sweet and thank you for checking up. I have news - I am pregnant! Very excited it finally happened, just as I am preparing to go back to teaching in a week. The only problem is I am dealing with some nasty morning sickness - ugh. So tiring. Can't wait for this to be over.

Mixed emotions about going back to work. In some ways, I am very happy for the change and to get out each day. It can be so exhausting at home, and thankless. But on the other hand, work is also terribly exhausting, stressful, waking up so early and most of all, leaving my baby. It helps to know it's only until April. I think I like the idea of it for now, but boy am I nervous. DH left it up to me to if I wanted to do part time, stay at home etc. but then on the other hand he worries about the future/retirement/kids educations etc. Even though we have a nice cushion, we are not saving probably nearly as much as we could, which makes me think I should install a budget. Just seems like more work than I can handle right now. DH is home so little, I just can't do everything by myself. We'll likely hire some cleaning help in September.

As for eating, everything is out the window right now. I am so nauseated all the time I can't even bare to think about food or food rules. Just surviving this trimester which has only begun. My weight seems to be hovering around 118/119 which is whatever - I just want to feel better! Pretty much the same weight I was starting my first pregnancy. I bought some new work clothes but I have a feeling it's not going to fit well as I am just so uncomfortable and it's like your body composition changes immediately.

When I have time I'll pop in more! I do occasionally try to check up on everyone :-D

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:16 pm
by Imogen Morley
Congratulations and hugs! I'm going for my annual big Croatian trip just tomorrow, so hopefully I'll drop you a line when I get back in three weeks. Lovely to see you here :)

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:18 pm
by ironchef
Wow, congratulations! That's lovely news. Hope morning sickness passes soon, it is so crappy.

I totally understand on the work now, work later, stay at home with kids vs savings, retirement conundrum. I view my current staying at home with my kids as a "mini retirement" and I've decided I'm happy if my actual retirement age is a few years later in return for not working for a few years now. Whether future me will be mad at now me when she can't retire at 65 I guess we'll find out!

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:22 am
by lpearlmom
Congratulations!! So exciting !! I know it's a little stressful too trying to figure it all out but really such a blessing. Thank you for letting us know how you're doing and please update whenever you feel up to it.

*hugs* Linda

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:50 pm
by Sinnie
Hey guys!

I see a bunch of you have also returned and at some point I will go back and read all the updates! For now, I have exactly one minute to post and this is something I've been meaning to write since September…yeah. THAT BUSY.

Okay, not only was I pregnant, I just had TWINS. Yes, twin girls. So happy but so busy. I worked full time from September to February, and they showed up early on Easter Sunday. I haven't had a moment's rest since I started back working. It was crazy, but not too bad because my mom was watching my daughter. But I finished work just at the right time as it was getting too stressful on my mom to watch her, as my dad is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. It's a very sad time in that respect. Hard to process everything.

I think I'd like to get some semblance of No S back, as I just have no time for more complicated measures. Will try to get back and update when i can!!!

Hope you are all well.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 5:33 pm
Hi! I'm new to you - it's always nice to meet people who've been No S-ing longer and read about your journey. Congrats on the TWINS! and sorry to hear about your Dad. Not easy. Not easy at all.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 4:22 am
by lpearlmom
Twins--holy moly! Congratulations !! What a crazy time this must be for you. I'm so sorry about your father as well.

Take care of yourself!


Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:20 am
by clarinetgal
Congratulations!!! I'm sorry about your dad, too. Yes, I'm sure No S will help simplify things for you.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:06 pm
by automatedeating
How super exciting about the girls! So you have 3 children now? Are the twins identical or fraternal?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:01 pm
by Imogen Morley
Oh my gosh! Twins! Congratulations! I'm like... wow. Speechless :)
Sorry to hear about your Dad's issues. I can only imagine how overwhelming things must feel for you now. Big hugs! Simplifying wherever you can seems like the best option.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 2:29 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Hi Sinnie! I remember you from years back when I did NO-S. I’m back to No-S now!
Congrats on your twins! I’m so happy for you! My sister just had twins 6 months ago and has a 3 year-old. In a nutshell, she’s SO busy! I don’t know how you do it! You’re amazing!
Hope you’re well! Just saying “hi!"

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:32 pm
by Sinnie
Oops forgot to check my old thread!!! Thanks guys for the sympathy and congrats. Yesterday my dad believed he was in Hawaii...but we live in Toronto Canada :shock: sometimes you have to go along with the disease and just agree with dad. It was 38 degrees though!
Liz, nice to see you back! I've thought about you time to time-we used to "talk" so much :-)