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Lin's [maybe] daily check-in

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:37 am
by lin47
I'm historically terrible about keeping up with check-ins, but I'm going to try.
First, some history (this is long, but I'll try not to be as wordy in my other posts):

For the past 3 1/2 years, I've been maintaining a loss of about 40 lbs by calorie counting. I had made a number of rules that I thought were PERFECT: I had a weekly rather than a daily calorie goal, which meant that if I overate on one day, no biggie; I could just cut back on another day. Also, I started my "day's" calorie count with what has always been my most unpredictable meal, dinner. With all these rules in place, I thought I had reached the perfect balance between eating spontaneity and weight maintenance. "Thought". In the last six months or so, I noticed that I was slowly gaining. I tried to fool myself that I just couldn't figure out why, but the reality was that I was consuming probably 300--500 calories more daily in bites, licks, and tastes. I was becoming obsessive about it. I wasn't able to go into the kitchen without snacking. I wasn't able to sit at any meal with my husband without picking food off his plate, even before he was finished with it. Of course, I didn't count those on my smartphone app. The truth is, that I was out of control. I stopped weighing myself (which, in all honesty, isn't such a bad thing for me because I get obsessed with the numbers), but I would estimate that I've regained 5 - 10 lbs. Some of my skirts are snug around the waist.

In desperation, I tried the 17-day diet (low carb, low fat), but only made it 7 days, and have struggled since then to stay within what is a generous calorie allowance (2100 per day).

I want to stop the insanity. The counting itself isn't so bad, but the obsessiveness that comes with it is. I just want to lead a normal life, one that doesn't involve thinking about food for most waking hours of my day. So, although I would like to lose 10 lbs., my main goal is to form the NoS habits.

About 20 years ago I did something like NoS intuitively, and got down to the lowest weight of my adult life (too low, actually). The problem with my system was that it didn't allow for any regular days "off" as NoS does. Eventually I rebelled and regained everything. I'm hoping that with NoS's common sense treat days built in, this will be the plan that I can use for life.

As for exercise, that's no problem for now. I don't mind it at all (which is a big mindset change from how I've been my entire life). I have a homemade Tread Desk, and because I do a great deal of work on my computer, I usually walk 5 - 6 miles, 6 days a week and I go to a fun CrossFit class 3-4 days a week. I've been doing something along these lines for more than 3 years now, and it really feels effortless (something I never thought I would say about exercise).

So, today was my first day on No-S, and it felt great.

2/27 - NoS

B - Greek omelet (2 eggs), 1 piece multigrain toast
L - 1/2 avocado, boiled egg
D - bowl of homemade chicken soup; 1 whole pita with cheddar.
Exercise: 3.75 miles

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:06 pm
by lin47
Okay, today's an S day, but oddly enough, I didn't see it as a day to pig out (probably because I just started yesterday! :D ). What I'm hoping to do, even on S days, is to stick to no snacking and no seconds because I think it will be really difficult for me to ingrain those habits if I don't practice them daily (at least for now). My biggest challenge is not tasting foods while I'm preparing them (I'm talking about needless bites and tastes, not the normal ones to taste if something needs more seasoning).

Here's what today looks like:

B - 1/2 avocado; boiled egg; homemade cottage cheese w/ half banana
L - tuna salad in half pita; 1/2 avocado (can you tell I LOVE avocados!)
D - broiled trout, feta-tomato salad w/ olive oil, homemade carrot soup; about 1/2 cup of angel hair w/ aioli
carrot cake for dessert

Sweets are my downfall, and I love baking, so it's nice to know that I can have a sweet treat every week. But to avoid overeating them and having the leftovers hanging around on Monday, I bought one piece of cake each for my husband and me to have for tonight's dessert (it's nice when I can find a place that sells slices).

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 2:27 am
by lpearlmom
You're doing great & your food looks terrific! Can you tell me what a tread desk is though??


Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:18 pm
by lin47
Thanks! A tread desk is a set up that allows you to walk on your treadmill while simultaneously working on your computer. Here's a link to a brief video by James Levine, the Mayo Clinic doctor who came up with the concept:

I didn't buy a tread desk, though (I've heard that the ones for sell have problems; besides, they're expensive). I used the treadmill I already had, and my husband just built me a simple wooden keyboard holder for it. That, along with a monitor arm did the trick. Many, many people create their own tread desks. It's really easy, too, My sister had a handyman create a simple, removable wooden holder that will accommodate her laptop, but can be removed if someone wants to run on the treadmill j(I like hers better than my set-up, which is not removable). If you do a YouTube or Google search, you'll see some various designs.

My tread desk has been life-changing for me. I've used it 5-6 days a week for at least three years now. If I did not have, I could never fit in the amount of exercise that I do.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:22 pm
by lin47
Well, the weekend went better on Saturday than on Sunday. My plan was to keep the no snacks, no seconds rules even on weekends because I think that those will be the most difficult to implement as a habit. It worked out somewhat on Saturday, but went down the tubes on Sunday. Also, I overate on Sunday. I know I shouldn't beat myself up about it because I'm still within the NoS guidelines, but I admit I did get discouraged, started adding up the calories, and started the negative thinking---e.g., "I'll never get this weight off at this rate," "I hope I don't start gaining," "I don't even have the discipline to make simple rules and stick to them," etc. However, I managed to shut that off for now. Here's what Sunday looked like:

Breakfast: 2 Medjool dates; a tuna sandwich on 1/2 pita
Lunch: A pint of Talenti Sea Salt caramel ice cream
Snacks: 5-6 Medjool dates, some bites of raisins, cheese, and other miscellaneous foods
Dinner: Homemade stromboli---pretty hefty portion, tomato-feta salad w/ about tbsp olive oil, 1/2 cucumber
Dessert: the icing from a piece of chocolate cake my husband ate (he doesn't like icing, of course).
No exercise

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:15 pm
by gingerpie
No worries. Just mark it and move on. We all have days that are seriously off target but if you learn from it and get back in the groove today it won't have any lasting effects.

Good luck..

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:00 am
by lpearlmom
Very cool that your DH built you one of those. Great idea! Wild S days are all apart of process. They will calm down but you can't really Rush the process. Took me over a year. Hang in there!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:05 pm
by lin47
Thanks for the encouragement, gingerpie & lpearlmom!

Yesterday was green!

B - mixed fruit (some banana, berries, pineapple)
L - a piece of leftover pepperoni stromboli
D - homemade 1/2 pita & hummus, w/ sundried tomatoes, cucumber, & feta. Two small strips of barbeque chicken breast.
Exercise: 2 hours on my tread desk (6 miles)

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:39 am
by lin47
Another green one!

B - 1/2 avocado, boiled egg, half mango
L - homemade biscuit w/ cheddar
D - 1/2 avocado, boiled egg, 1/2 pita, 1/4 cup homemade hummus, 2 sundried tomatoes, some feta

I worked late, and boy do I want something now that I'm home and relaxed, but I realize that it's just my mind associating food with relaxation. An espresso will have to do.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:21 pm
by lin47
ETA: Dang! I have to change today to red. I just had 1/2 banana and an apple. I don't know what came over me but I had a crazy urge for fruit of all things. It felt so intense. Darn it! I was feeling so strong yesterday, as if I would never screw up. I really wanted to get at least a full week of green under my belt (actually I was aiming for 21 days). Oh well. I'm not going to get discouraged. I'm just recording the red on my Habitcal and get back on track. The kicker is that tomorrow is supposed to be a NWS for me, but now I'm rethinking it.

Previous post:
Today was tough. I was really hungry (probably because yesterday was a bit lighter). I managed to still have a green day even though my eating choices were fattening. But that's the beauty of NoS: I'm still on-plan even though I'm eating food that most "diets" wouldn't allow. Also, it was nice to come home and be able to eat what my husband has prepared. I normally cook a separate dinner because his dinners are high calorie. Ah, the convenience of NoS!

B - homemade yogurt, 1/4 mango, 1/2 banana
L - pepperoni stromboli
D - 2 small strips of fried chicken cutlet in 1/2 a homemade pita; some angel hair aioli; sauteed green beans

Exercise: 2 hours on my tread-desk (6 miles)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:58 am
by lpearlmom
Lin, Don't worry about it! I know it's all about forming the habit, but really as fails go that's pretty minor! Just figure out what went wrong & how to plan better next time.

Do you need to eat more at your meals? Do you need to include fruit at eat meal? ( I try to because it fulfills my sweet cravings). Or do you need to plan a post-dinner treat like herbal tea with a splash of milk or mineral water with lemon? A glass of wine?

It's a learning process and will get easier with time but definitely don't recommend punishing yourself by taking away a NWS. Usually that'll backfire in my experience. Just Mark it and move on. You're doing great overall and that's what counts!


Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:46 pm
by lin47
Haven't checked in in a while; I knew it would be difficult for me to keep this up. Historically, I've terrible with check-ins.

Besides, I'm embarrassed: My red and yellow days exceed my green ones. I'm really discouraged. I mean, if I cannot follow this plan---which is the simplest one that I know---what hope is there for me? I lost 45 lbs, have probably regained 5-10 of that, and was hoping that this plan would help me at least stop gaining. What's hard is that my husband (who is naturally thin) likes having dessert around the house, and I have a horrible sweet tooth. That sounds like an excuse as I type it, and I know it really is. I need to take control of this, but I don't seem to have the willpower to do so. You know, I vacillate: Sometimes I feel as if I need to immerse myself in a rigid traditional diet to lose the weight, but then I start thinking about how consumed I'll be by the weighing, measuring, and counting, and I mentally cannot face it. But what's the alternative??

I know I'm rambling, and I'm not going to give up on this; I've done that too many times in the past and have realized that giving up is a bad trait of mine. I'm going to stick it out. I'm going to post this on the main board so that I can get some input/encouragement from a broad audience.

ETA: Thanks for your encouragement lpearlmom. I just saw this today.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:44 pm
by nbh76
I am you. Everytime I do this I start thinking I could be doing this faster so I will do X instead. These things have been going on for a few years ! I just finished a NoS 21 day challenge. I lost weight too! Here's the thing though, if you could see my habitcal for this year...IF YOU COULD SEE MY HABITCAL FOR THIS YEAR...I was mostly RED all the time...some weeks it may as well have been absolutely the opposite of what you would want color wise LOL. It was getting pretty hilarious. I think what helped was I just kept on starting. Keep on starting that is my advice. Sure you fail but then you get up, brush yourself off and start again. When you get better at starting the next thing might be getting two days under your belt...lpearmom's advice about eating enough at your meals is very important. If you skimp there you are setting yourself up for a fall. Oh and there are some great teas/ or flavored coffee you could have at night that might help you pass on your husbands dessert.

Well it is clear I am very full of myself because of the 21 day challenge..?forgive me please! Good luck lin47 YOU CAN DO THIS!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:53 pm
by lin47
Thank you, nbh76! Your success has inspired me! I came into this SO sure that I would have a perfect 21 days. That didn't work out, but I am going to keep plugging along. Congrats on your weight loss!

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:01 pm
by nbh76
You keep plugging along Lin47...😠have a fantastic day !

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:19 am
by lpearlmom
I think most successful nosers have had many starts and restarts so don't even worry about it. It really is a learning process and takes a bit of tweaking as well as getting in the right frame of mind till it kind of clicks and starts to work.

Even after long periods of success its common to have some slip ups and red days. Even Reinhard has red days on a somewhat regular basis or at least I noticed he did on his sample check in. I recommend reading through oolala's thread. She lost 40+ lbs over a period of a few years and she had long strings of red days at times. The one thing I noticed about her is she never gave up and thought about trying something else. She just kept plugging away till she got it right. And eventually she had enough success to lose the weight she needed. I'm sure there's other ppls threads who've had similar experiences.

Just think of it as similar to riding a bike. You aren't going to scold a child for falling off when she's first learning to ride, right? You won't tell her she's never going to get it right so she should just give up right? No you'll tell her to keep trying. Falling is part of the learning process and she'll fall as many times as she needs to till she gets the hang of it. You keep encouraging her because knowing how to ride a bike is a wonderful cool skill to have.

Well NoS is an incredibly sane, sustainable way to eat but may take awhile to get the hang of. Don't give up. Just keep tweaking and keep asking questions till you can figure out how to make it work for you.

Okay sorry for lengthy reply but really hope you stick around!


Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:48 pm
by lin47
Thank you, lpearlmom! I'm not going to give up. Every time I think about doing so, my second thought is "what else will I do?" I know myself enough to know that if I over-complicate things, it backfires. What could be simpler than three meals a day? Forming good habits is what I am after, and it's not like I can't wear any of my clothes or my health is at risk. I have an extra 5-10 lbs that I'd like to lose, but I would rather work on forming habits first and let the weight fall when it may.

Thanks, again! (And I completely agree about oolala: I have been inspired by her success---and the times when she posted her "failures"!)

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:51 pm
by nbh76
Don't we all hold Oolala in high esteem?! All the years I lurked she was the one that I found so inspiring for all the reasons lpearmom said. Hope your having a good day today! Keep plugging along ðŸ˜

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:29 pm
by lpearlmom
Yay--glad you're hanging there!!yep oolala is awesome. Btw you guys don't need to call me by my user name! Linda is fine!

Linda 😉

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:34 pm
by lin47
Okay, back on track. Yesterday was a success! Yes, I ate some french fries with dinner, but it was still one plate, so that's green to me.

Thanks, again, Linda & nbh76 for your words of encouragement!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:53 pm
by nbh76
YAY GOOD FOR YOU! Have a great day today...and I do believe fries on your plate are totally okay snack, sweets or seconds sooooo ! 😬

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:47 am
by lin47
3/19 - green :D

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:02 am
by gingerpie
Oh yeah, on a roll now! 8)

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:37 pm
by nbh76
And it's FRIDAY so you obviously can do it! Happy Spring !🌷

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:15 pm
by lin47
Whew---I made it through today----barely! Even though I technically had just three meals, I don't like how they panned out. I under-ate for lunch and overate at dinner. I waited too long to eat, so I ended up grabbing my food and actually started eating it standing up. I ate part of it standing, but caught myself and sat down for the rest. I really hate when I do that. I feel like some sort of shark on a feeding frenzy. I probably had an overloaded plate. Some days, it seems that I can wait all day before I eat, but on other days (e.g., today), I feel as if I will do some serious harm to anyone around me if I don't get food. The maddening part is that my husband (who is "naturally" thin and rarely thinks about food unless it's in front of him) ate breakfast and didn't eat all day until dinner!! :evil: How??? He wasn't even in a hurry to eat dinner, while I was about to start eating the walls.

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:01 am
by lpearlmom
Yay you're doing great! It takes some time to get a good rhythm going but really just having the attitude that you'll get through to the next meal no matter what is what will give you long term success. My dh also isn't bothered by skipping meals whereas I'm ready to kill someone if I go without one of my 3 squares. Different genetics and all that I'm sure!

It took me a whole year of just getting the habit down b4 I could even begin to worry about the what & how much of on my plate so really focus on the habits first the other part will come much easier later on.

Have a happy weekend!

Linda ðŸ˜

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:03 am
by gingerpie
Oh, men. . . If only I could understand their ways. :roll:

I used to get super grouchy and act weird when I got too hungry. And, trust me, it wasn't because I was really about to starve. Never did understand why but the regular-ness of no-s plus exercise eventually ironed that particular wrinkle out. Maybe because my meals are always substantial? Maybe because I have fewer sugar spikes because I'm not eating sugar? Maybe because regular exercise just makes everything work better? I really don't know. But it is never a problem now. In fact, I can easily go 8 hours or so between meals and a year or so ago I would chew your arm if I had to wait 5 or 6.

I do still occasionally find myself standing and shoveling but I'm pretty sure that is happening less often as well.

The moral of the story is: patience and perseverance will yield their rewards.

No worries that the meals didn't pan out ideally. Sometimes life interferes with perfection. You did great getting through the day. 8) Give yourself a big part on the back!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:12 pm
by nbh76
Uhmmmm...I look around the room and raise my hand...ditto on all of that. it our female biology? My husband has always been able to go for ever and not eat. I can go forever now too but I remeber when I subscribed to the idea that you had to eat small meals and snacks through out the day and I would be hungry all the time...this was in the 90's...I digress...I am def. used to not doing that anymore and like not feeling "fed" at all times ! as you practice the "muscle" of three meals no snacks it gets stronger and you feel better!

Good for you making it through the day...and now it's an N day...woot woot!

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:40 pm
by lin47
You guys are terrific! Thanks for your continued support.

As contrasted with yesterday, today my first meal was at Noon! I had a wake to attend this morning, and in the rush to exercise this morning, walk my dog, and get ready for that, I was too busy to think about breakfast. By the time I got home and, again, walked my dog, it was Noon. Funny thing is, I wasn't as hungry as I was before my lunch on Friday. I've realized that if I am busy and really distracted (not "manufactured" distraction like trying to clean my house to get my mind off food), I can easily go for many hours without eating. It's not that I won't get hungry; it's that I'm better able to deal with the hunger when I am truly distracted. That's why it is so much easier to stay compliant during the week when I'm working than when I'm at home (I teach and this past week was spring break, so I was at home all week).

Anyway, I'm going out to dinner tonight, and I'm really looking forward to the dessert I know I'll be eating (I've already planned it---how sick is that?? :).

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:04 am
by lin47
Dinner was great----& I'm still so stuffed that I can't stomach the thought of breakfast. We like to go to fine dining restaurants and the portions are very small, but funny thing is, I always feel stuffed when I leave. Granted I get an appetizer, entree, and dessert (and, of course, there are a couple of glasses of wine and the bread basket!), but I think my stuffed feeling has a lot to do with time it takes to eat the meal. The meal is served in courses, so it is spaced out time-wise and gives my brain a chance to catch up with my stomach and figure out "I'm full!" Fast eating is a major problem for me, and I always finish my meal before my husband. Dining out, though, I have no choice but to stretch out the meal, and when I do, I am MUCH fuller than when I eat at home. It just proves the advice we've all heard about eating more slowly.

I know that we're not supposed to put limits on S days in the beginning, but honestly, I cannot see myself needing more than one S day a week (I may change my mind about that later). Anyway, today will be an N day for me, and it seems easy because, as mentioned, I'm still so stuffed from last night.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:14 pm
by gingerpie
It sounds like your meal out was very nice. I love, love, love stress free eating out and I really have Reinhard and his no-s Idea to thank. Isn't it wonderful to see the changes happening and it is so painless! ? I'm even starting to replace weight loss as my main focus and am drifting towards just focusing on positive changes.

I see what you mean about having only one s-Day. I say, do what works for you. 8)

Take care and enjoy your day.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:47 pm
by lin47
So far, so good. Sunday wasn't bad. I didn't mindlessly graze as I did the previous weekend. Monday was on track.

A little confession: I've been actually trying to eat just two meals a day, a late breakfast and dinner. I can't get out of the habit of mentally calculating calories (a holdover from doing it for almost four years), and when I first started NoS, I realized that I would not lose any weight with three one-plate meals a day if I allowed myself to really eat what I want, especially with S days thrown in. So, I figured I would try two one-plate meals instead. When I tried IE years ago, I remember that I only truly got "hungry" twice a day, so I used that information to try this two-meal plan. We'll see how it goes. I know that everyone says not to tweak the plan during the first year or so, but I guess I still have vestiges of "diet head" and want to lose a few pounds before summer. We'll see if this backfires, but for now, it doesn't seem all that bad.

One irritating thing is the mental calorie counting I can't seem to stop myself from doing. Again, after four years, this is a hard habit to break, but I wish I could break it. I would like to sit down at a meal and not start adding. :( I guess that will take time.

Monday's breakfast: scrambled eggs w/ smoked salmon & a bit of cheddar; bagel w/ cream cheese (we went out for breakfast, and believe it or not, this is actually a pared down version of this dish on the menu: it comes with homefries, but I told the waitress I didn't want any).

Dinner: bacon & cheddar omelet (I guess Monday was "egg" day), home-made homefries (broiled, not fried), 1/2 homemade pita

My plan for today (will change if it doesn't pan out):

Breakfast: Avocado, boiled egg, cup cottage cheese, 1/2 banana

Dinner: Broiled salmon; salad w/ feta & Marie's Creamy Italian dressing

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:59 pm
by osoniye
lin47 wrote:...I remember that I only truly got "hungry" twice a day, so I used that information to try this two-meal plan. We'll see how it goes.
I encourage you to go for it! There is no rule in NoS as to how many meals you should have, just that they should be 1 plate each.
I have often thought that if I could do it with my work schedule, I'd rather eat at 11a and 5p or so. You'll know if you're not getting enough to eat or if you get hungry in the mornings after a while.
Best wishes-

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:41 pm
by Retrogirl
WTG, Lin47! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:45 pm
by lpearlmom
Hi Lin!

I don't have any easy answers but do what works for you. As long as it's sustainable and is helping you meet your goals, anything is fine. It might be helpful to clarify your goals and then you can go from there. Is it to lose weight? Maintain? Eat healthy? Or to make peace with food?

When I first started I was just SO tired of constantly obsessing about food/body issues. I'm talking 24/7 here. So just sticking to the 3 meals/day fixed that in a huge way! It put food into the automatic part of my brain & I could finally stop the constant obsessing. What a huge relief.

Now I'm ready to take things to the next level. I want to lose weight & be as healthy as I can. Now I'm adding exercise and finding creative ways to eat healthier. I'm keeping one eye on calories but not obsessing about it. As long as I'm meeting my goal of aprox 1 lb/wk I'm not going to tweak anything yet.

I never really got the point of counting calories AND doing NoS. I thought it was an either or kind of thing but not snacking ensures you have enough calories left by dinner to make sure you can enjoy a satisfying meal. So I can see some benefits to doing both.

Okay sorry for the lengthy answer but hope that helps some. It takes awhile to figure how how to best implement nos for each person but I'm confident you'll get there.

Linda 😀

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:21 pm
by ironchef
lin47 wrote:One irritating thing is the mental calorie counting I can't seem to stop myself from doing. Again, after four years, this is a hard habit to break, but I wish I could break it. I would like to sit down at a meal and not start adding. :( I guess that will take time.
It will take time, but it will happen!
Before No S I was a veteran of what I would call "yoyo calorie counting". It is hard to shake off (because you KNOW how many calories are in x, y, z food), but after over 2 years I can genuinely say I've forgotten all about it. It won't happen quickly, but if you truly don't want to think about calories anymore (some people don't mind) then you can shake it off.

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:32 am
by nbh76
OMG calories....those little stinkers. It is hard not to mentally count...I have been there. I have had that fight too. You are doing great, just keep on keeping on...the calorie thing gets easier and it is freeing when you no longer find yourself calculating every meal. 😎

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:08 am
by lin47
Thank you all for your replies! Today is a green day! I get home late on Tuesdays, and although the temptation is to kick off my shoes and have a snack, I resisted.

Thanks for the encouragement about how the automatic calorie counting will fade over time. I would really like for it to. I don't have "space" for that in my thinking (too many other important things to think about).

Linda, I hear you about just wanting to have a normal mindset about food. I do, too! However, as much as I wish it weren't true, losing a few pounds is also important to me----more important than I thought. I cannot bear the thought of putting on my summer shorts and having them be tight. However, at the same time, I refuse to go back to calorie counting. I figure if I just eat the two meals a day (which fits seamlessly into my life) and keep to the NoS guidelines of one plate, no sweets, and no snacking (except on S days), I'm bound to lose a few pounds.

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:27 pm
by lin47
I woke up HUNGRY this morning---probably because Tuesday's dinner was fairly light (for me!). I'll have three meals today rather than two. That's my fall-back in case I'm really hungry, and it works out well because I'm still within the NoS guidelines.

Here's wishing everyone a fabulous Wednesday! :D

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:33 pm
by lin47
Wednesday: Failure :cry:

All those statistics that link not getting enough sleep to gaining weight definitely applies to me. Whenever I do not sleep well, I'm always looking for more food. (My husband has even noted that when I wake up from a nap, I immediately head for the fridge in my sleepy state---almost like a sleepwalker). I notice that I particularly crave sweets. The sleep/eating connection is what threw me off today. I had worked late, gone to bed after 11:00, tossed and turned for another hour, and woke up at 4:00 a.m. That led to grumpiness, and, of course, snacking. I would have gone for some sweets, but I have none in the house! (my N day safeguard!).

I'm just going to mark it and move on, as you ladies always say. Tomorrow will be green!

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:36 pm
by nbh76
Happy Thursday Lin47 ! I agree totally about the sleep thing. I definitely am affected by lack of crazy daughter was here for 5 days and we stayed up late every night by the time she left...if I hadn't had a really busy day I would have had a red day for sure. Go green !!!

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:12 pm
by lin47
nbh76, I hope you had a great visit with your daughter. That's the kind of staying up late I don't mind (spending time with loved ones).

Today was on-target. Actually, I overate big time yesterday, so I wasn't even hungry until around 11:00. I ate some cottage cheese and a banana for breakfast, and I just finished dinner, which was a cheeseburger, some homemade pasta salad, and a small tangelo. I feel sated.

Hope everyone is doing well! One more day to S days . . .

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:08 am
by gingerpie
Hi lin, Hope today went well. I always forget courage cheese ad an option although I ate it often when I was younger

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:39 pm
by lin47
Friday: Success!

I haven't been posting my food because I didn't want to admit I was eating only two meals a day. However, now that I've "confessed," I'll try posting meals. (And the content of my meals will explain why I'm only eating two of them!)

B - scrambled eggs w/ smoked salmon, bagel with a bit of cream cheese

D - rich, homestyle macaroni & cheese; broiled trout

The mac & cheese is from a local cheese shop that makes a special mac & cheese every Friday; this Friday's was gouda & cheddar. It's always super rich and delicious. Gotta love any plan on which I can eat mac & cheese!

I never post my exercise because that's one thing that isn't a struggle for me, and I do it 6 out of 7 days. Today was lighter than usual---just about four miles walked.

Happy S-day "eve" everybody!

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:08 am
by lpearlmom
Looks delicious! I think two meals is a great compromise. Counting calories gets so tedious and also not always practical or possible.

Keep up the good work!


Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:09 pm
by gingerpie
Hey lin47, no reason not to eat 2 meals if it works for you. No need for "confessions" either. :wink: you do what works for you and that's that.

Exercise was always the easy part for me too but I have to admit that improved dietary choices has made a difference in how I feel overall.

Enjoy your weekend

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:16 pm
by nbh76
Hi lin47! I did have a great time with my crazy daughter but omg she just had her visa approved to go live in Australia for a year...YAY AND BOOOOOO...I am so emotional right now. I really like having two meals a day! ( this is what I really wanted to say lol ) I realized today that I have done that all week and I didn't even mean too. I don't find myself over eating with my "plates" either and I just feel really great. Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:41 pm
by lin47
Thanks, Ladies!

Nbh76, I can definitely see how you would be happy and sad about your daughter going to Australia. Of course you're going to miss her! I'm sorry. Thank God we live in a world with so many readily available ways to communicate (Skype). Hey, and there's always the possibility for you to visit her :)

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:52 pm
by lin47
The weekend went okay. I snacked more than I would have liked on Saturday. I went out to dinner on Sunday, but I managed to skip the appetizer (not the bread basket, though!). I had dessert (of course!), but I really didn't feel as overstuffed as I did the last time I had dinner out, so that's progress.

Today has gone well. I had a bowl of oatmeal w/ some brown sugar, 3 pretzel rods and about 1 1/2 tbsp of cashew butter for breakfast (yeah, weird, but I really wanted some pretzel rods; they're one of my weaknesses). Tonight's dinner will be a medium-sized portion of eggplant parmesan, 1/2 homemade pita, and a salad w/ a bit of feta cheese and creamy Italian dressing.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:29 pm
by lin47
Argh! Red already! Today was an off day. We have a special event going on at work today and tomorrow, and it started at 8 a.m. I hate the crap they serve us as these things, so I knew if I didn't eat breakfast before I left home (7:30 a.m.) I would get nothing decent. So, I ate. But that's really early for me, and I got hungry around 10:00. I went in our break room, and noshed on a banana, 1/4 of a muffin, a couple of bites of a bagel w/ cream cheese. Of course, that set me off (I know it shouldn't have), and I later had an apple and some pretzel rods w/ cashew butter. I'm just going to eat a regular dinner, though, because I know if I try to cut back, it will backfire.

I need to plan better for tomorrow.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:38 pm
by Retrogirl
You can do this :D Old fashioned oatmeal is the only thing that works for me. I can go from 6:30-12 on it; 1pm if I must.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:27 am
by Kittson
I agree with Retrogirl, Old Fashioned Oats are awesome. For even more rib-sticking power, I add eggs to mine, turning them into "Proats." The protein and fat is a huge help in keeping blood sugar stable, in addition to the oats. If you're interested, Pinterest and Google are a great place to find recipes. Good luck!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:58 am
by lin47
Thanks, ladies! You're right about the oatmeal, and actually, I had prepared steel cut oats, but I wasn't in the mood for them yesterday morning. I've found that sometimes when I don't eat what I really want, it backfires big-time (i.e., I eat what I'm "supposed to" and then later eat what I want anyway). In this case, though, I failed anyway!

Oh, well, back on board today. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:04 pm
by nbh76
It's a whole new month today tooooo! Have a good day todaylin47 😬

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:29 pm
by Kittson
lin47 - Yep it sure does backfire if we don't eat what we really want. I hear you on that! Hope today is going well!

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:26 pm
by lin47
Had a successful two days, so I'm back in the green!

B - steel cut oatmeal w/ brown sugar & a banana
D - homemade Moroccan chick-pea soup and 1/2 a pita

B - two slices multigrain toast, 2 tbsp. cashew butter, banana
D - salad w/ creamy Italian dressing & a bit of feta, tuna salad in a pita, slice of apple

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:58 am
by lpearlmom
Woohoo!your meals look great!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 5:13 pm
by lin47
I really shouldn't post my meals the day of. Thursday night, I went red and Friday was the same. Argh! The funny thing is Saturday and Sunday were just fine. I had two bites of a desert, but other than that, I had no "S"s.

The good news is that I've been trying to do the 16/8 woe (fast 16 hours, & have an 8-hour eating window) along with the NoS principles (same rules, but just 2 meals rather than 3), and that seems to be getting easier the more I do it. I usually eat dinner around 4:30 - 5:00, and it is getting easier and easier to hold off a little later for breakfast. In fact, I didn't eat breakfast until 11:00 today! Also, I'm finding that my meals are not as big as they were when I first started this. I think I was so afraid of hunger that I compensated by eating big meals that I felt would hold me out. Now, though, I don't fear normal hunger (sometimes, I do feel ravenous, and I still have a dread of that). My the time I start to feel hungry, I usually have only one or two hours until my next meal anyway.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is doing well!

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:34 pm
by nbh76
Everything does seem to shift when you do the eight hour window doesn't it. I love not feeling over full....I love not eating between meals...( and in the beginning or on a bad day I think it helps just to say that to yourself even if you aren't feeling it ! ) It's the mindset know like if your in a really bad mood... take a minute and's very silly but it does work. I'm doing it right now...LOL (I have to go have a mommogram in an hour....) 😶

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 1:59 pm
by lin47
Good luck with the mammogram nbh76. I need to schedule one as well.

Yesterday was green, and today is so far. Like so many others, I find that if I eat some protein with my meals, I'm more satisfied. I had a tub (yep, 2 cups) of cottage cheese w/ a banana for breakfast yesterday, and I didn't feel a twinge of hunger all day! The problem is that I LOVE carbs. When I just eat straight carbs, though, it doesn't hold me as long as the combo of carbs, protein, and fat (I notice if I eat just one of any of those, I tend to get hungry sooner).

Here's hoping everyone has a green day!

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:57 pm
by nbh76
Get your slammogram! Why do we put these things off...LOL...always a convert after finally doing it! Have a great day today Miss...go GREEN 😬