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21 Day Challange

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 2:49 am
by kakawawa
Hello Everyone!

This is such a great forum. I've been a longtime lurker and have experimented with No S off and on. Last week and the week before I had 3 out of five green days and dropped 4 lbs. This week, only 1 green and my weight's back up. So frustrating. Why the self sabotage? Why when something is going good and I feel great, do I return to what makes me miserable? Anyways...I know that a lifetime of poor habits are taking over when my mind goes into default mode. I really want to complete this challenge to get my behavior back on track. Here's to Vanilla No S the next three weeks!

Re: 21 Day Challange

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:36 am
by osoniye
kakawawa wrote: Here's to Vanilla No S the next three weeks!
Hi, kakawawa, and welcome.
I think you'll find this forum a warm and helpful place.
Yeah, I know all about self sabotage and a lifetime of poor habits. This really gets easier the longer you do it, and I do see consistent weight loss when I stick to it. It's just slow, which is is good and sustainable, but you have to really take the long view.
Here's to your 1st 3 weeks of vanilla NoS!

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:27 am
by Kittson
Kakawawa, good to see you posting! I hear you on the self-sabotage. I've been down that road many, many times. I hope you have a great 21 days, and have lots of green on the habitcal. Remember your next meal is never very far away! Good luck!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:14 am
by kakawawa
Thanks for the encouragement! Happy with today considering all I wanted to do was snack on sweets but didn't. Already remembering the freedom I felt a few short weeks ago after one day!

Day 1-success
Day 2-success
Day 3-success
Day 4-success-there is power in posting y'all. One more day. I've white knuckled it a few times, but feeling much better!!
Day 5- success

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 10:59 am
by eschano
It's always nice to read a "lurker" thread :) I hope it's all going well!!