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Petal's Check In

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:02 am
by Petal
Hey, believe it not, I'm a newbie to discussion boards...yep, I've been living under a rock for almost 20 years it seems. <grin> So I hope I'm not messing anything up here. Ah well, to be dumb is sometimes best. NOTE: I cannot be YOUNG and dumb because I've lived too many decades to claim that.

I found this site when I decided that I needed to stop listening to most diet advice about snacking. So I put "No Snacks" in the search engine and here you all are. Wonderful!

Plus, I just want to eat "normally". I don't want to spend hours on preparing special meals that don't include this or that. I don't want to spend tons of money on special ingredients. I am on a strict budget because I have some debts to pay (long story there, maybe for another time).

I want to enjoy special occasions. I want to occasionally bake some cookies or cinnamon rolls, like my mom does.

The No S Diet is EXACTLY what I believe in. I will need some help, though, staying the course because I've been an emotional eater most of my adolescence and adulthood. I love sweets. I could consume copious amounts of sugar in one sitting.

And so like many of you (yes, I lurked a bit for the past week), I need to check in and make myself accountable to like-minded people.

I'm not sure if I'll check in daily. But I want to at least have this place to put my story here, of the ordinary things that impact me, a little refuge to keep everything in perspective and help me achieve my goal for healthy, moderate, make-my-grandma-proud living.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 2:16 am
by osoniye
Welcome, Petal-
It sounds like your goals are very much in keeping with NoS. I trust you'll find this a welcoming and supportive place to post about your progress, ups and downs.
S days may be your biggest challenge. Even if you find it hard not to overdo the sugar consumption at first, you will likely find that calms down with time.
Here's to a successful experience with NoS!

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:31 pm
by gingerpie
HI Petal,

Welcome to the boards and to the 21st century :wink: I find these boards to be very supportive. Feel free to stop by anytime and we'll do our best to help you over any hurdles you may encounter.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:58 pm
by nbh76
Hello Petal! Once you get the hang of eating this way it just makes your life so much easier... I love it ... Stumbling a bit right now but even the stumbling is better then how I am when I am in " diet " head mode! Good luck to you 😌

Thanks for a Warm Welcome

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:46 pm
by Petal
Hello back to Sonya, to gingerpie and to nbh76. Thanks so much. :D

So is this reply going to appear as though I'm adding another "entry" to my check in?

Guess I'll find out...pressing Submit

Today is my first official S day

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:58 pm
by Petal
So far so good on my first official S day. I have been on diets before where there's a cheat meal or even a whole cheat day incorporated, so I think I'm going to do all right.

I am taking a break from spending most of the morning in my kitchen, checking what I have on hand, refilling jars of nuts in my fridge, cleaning a shelf or two and getting inspired for a week of eating healthy meals.

I am going to bake oatmeal cookies for my next-door neighbors today. Last month they added to their family with twin boys! I've been wanting to extend this gesture for a few weeks now. Today is the perfect day to do this. And, I can save a few cookies for my husband and me. It will be just the right thing to indulge in, without turning into the "gotcha" idiot.

This is quite enjoyable so far. Thanks to Reinhard Engels for creating this space. :D And now, back to the kitchen.

EDIT: At the end of my first official S day, I had eaten 2 of the oatmeal cookies right after baking them, to make sure they were acceptable to give away. (LOL!)

Then, after quite a bit of exercise in the evening while watching the hockey game on TV, I enjoyed 2 more cookies as a dessert to a healthy supper of vegetable/turkey soup and cucumbers. But the four total cookies was it. The majority of the cookies were delivered to the neighbors and several in a little container for my husband who enjoyed them immensely.

Also, the day as a whole had splendidly moderate eating. So, whew, I'm glad I didn't go into the sugar frenzy. Of course, if I had done that, then I would have had to write about it here, and the thought of confessing that made me toe the line. YAY! Thanks again for this place.

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:10 am
by Kittson
Hi Petal! It sounds like things are going well, I'm glad you're off to a good start. Great idea on the cookies!

Clothes Looser - THANKFULLY

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 1:22 pm
by Petal
I have actually been practicing "No Snacks" since March 23 (for over a month now). I didn't know about the No S Diet until a couple of weeks ago.

So I essentially removed one of the three "Ss" first. Doing no snacks this week, my first official week, has been going along great, as I have had a dress rehearsal of 5 weeks! :lol:

My success with no snacking is knowing that I do need a substantial breakfast and lunch. I know my body needs a good balance of protein, good fats and carbs. I don't really have an issue with wanting seconds. I generally decide what I'm going to eat and eat just that. But again, it's a large healthy meal in the first place with lots of vegetables. So anyway, the no seconds is going well, too.

As for sweets -- if I have something that is tasty for breakfast, like oatmeal with cinnamon and walnuts, I don't find myself needing any sweets. For a lunch "sweet," I pack a piece of fruit. So, no sweets is fine, too, so far.

Yesterday I wore a shirt tucked in. I felt great. My clothes are looser, and this is exactly what I need. I am NOT going to buy larger-sized clothing. I have two pairs of pants that are still too tight and would like to wear as soon as I can fit into them. Until then, I'm sticking with the larger two pairs of pants that fit now. Being strapped for cash does have its benefits. I am reminded that my dad quit smoking (and stayed "quit") years ago when he could not afford to buy cigarettes. Thanks, Dad, for having your priorities in order -- your lesson has stayed with me all these decades later.

Thanks, Kittson, for your welcome here. Thanks for all of you who are logging in. Your presence is extra motivation for me to stay on track.


Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:18 pm
by Lovedby2
Hi Petal! Welcome to No S! Great group of people here. It sounds like you are off to a good start. For me No S has brought sanity back into eating. It also provides a framework that reveals problem areas (if you have them). I love it!! I relate with the sweet tooth. I start wanting something sweet about Thursday every week. Friday and Saturday are my S days so it is pretty easy to wait for the reward. I think of No S as genius. It works for those who need to loose a few pounds and it also works for those who come with some pretty serious food issues. It just seems to take some of us longer than others. Good luck.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:17 am
by eschano
Welcome! Love the attitude!

Back to No S - Starting Today

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:50 pm
by Petal
Today has been great so far. :D

A co-worker was eating a piece of candy in the afternoon. I thought, nope, today I am not having a snack (or sugar). And the message "No means no" popped in my head. Not with an exclamation point, just with a matter-of-fact tone using a period at the end.

No means no.

My new mantra for the days with no sugar, no snacks, no seconds.