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candiceena's No-S Diet Journal

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:00 pm
by candiceena
Yesterday I didn't feel well - marked it as an S day. Not feeling quite so good today either but am doing a little bit better. I just ate a snack - without much though - almost was automatic. Just a handful of plain almonds so nutrtitionally good but No-S bad.

Taking yesterday & today as rest days from w/o's.

Not sure what I'm going to have for dinner. Desperately need to grocery shop & very eager for my scale to arrive! I think I'm hovering around 177 lbs.

Started No-S on 9/25/15, however, was on vacation through Sunday, so those were all S days. Today is my first N day that was non-successful.

Oh, well, tmrw is another day. I am encouraged for some reason to pick back up ASAP & make sure I have 1 nice plate meal for dinner.

I am really hoping this works for me. Reading other's testimonials is hugely beneficial. I am also hoping to spruce up my eating habits, not necessarily for weight loss (although that is the goal) but b/c I know some foods make me feel lethargic, tired, inflamed (like what I ate for dinner last night: McDonalds!) In the past have had great luck w/ BFFM/eating clean/bodybuilding style diet, however, the 6 meals a day thing got tiring. In the future I might try to adopt BFFM to No-S. For now I am just going to try to eat stuff that tastes good, satisfies me, and doesn't make me feel crappy.

EDIT: ended up eating a cheese & cracker plate for dinner but had tuna fish sandwich later + more cheese & crackers. Didn't eat at the dinner table either. Marked as red in habitcal.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:41 am
by osoniye
Welcome, candiceena!
Is that the burn fat/feed muscle diet? I'm not familiar with it. Is it low carb? Most things combine well with NoS, I wish you luck.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:15 pm
by candiceena
Thank you Soya for the warm welcome!

Yes, it is Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle. Tom Venuto is the author of the book. I had great success in the past & felt it was a balanced diet, sustainable in terms of the type of food I ate. It was just the meal timing drove me nuts.

Anyway - today I woke up in a great mood. Forgot my coffee today but oh well.

- Oatmeal w/ raisins, butter, brown sugar, cinnamon
- Sweetened coffee

- tuna salad w/ triscuit crackers
- lemon water

- ??? who knows, have some frozen tilapia patties in freezer, will likely prepare those + canned veggies

w/o: jessica smith youtube, wake up & walk (20 min)

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:31 pm
by candiceena
Yesterday was a success.

B: cottage cheese & mandarin oranges, black coffee
L: leftover meatloaf & green beans w/ lemon water
D: soup & toast w/ plain water

Last night was a success - dinner was soup & toast. Felt a twisty-stomach for some reason, out of nowhere.

Ended up getting in an argument w/ my SO. Usually I would eat. Successfully avoided NOT eating, though. Even turned down a "cheer you up" ice cream offer from the apologetic SO.

Today has been successful so far: breakfast was hashbrowns & eggs w/ coffee, then water & black tea in between (no sweeteners or anything, all plain). Lunch was grilled cheese w/ tomato soup & a soda pop (I don't drink soda often, not counting it as a "sweet" at this point).

Dinner will be fun tonight, I think we are going to a wine bar & I am going to enjoy myself! I have never had fondue, and they have fondue here...I'm very excited.

Skipped my w/o last night & will probably skip again tonight. Taking a "self-love" month and have decided I will workout & walk at my leisure, not going to try to to stick to a strict schedule for now - just periodic movements through the day. I walk for 15 min/day at work in the afternoon, and I also live close to "downtown" so I usually walk down there 1-2 times a week. Getting my urban ranger on, ya know?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:06 am
by crossthebreeze
Well done for not eating when you were upset - thats the kind of time when i'm most likely to eat stupid stuff.
Have fun with the wine and fondue tonight!

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 1:44 am
by candiceena

happy to be back posting again and report that last night was a success!

we went to the wine/cheese bar. ended up having 2 glasses of moscato + 2 oz ea of a red, a white, and a rose` sampler. it was such a fun time.

10/2 Dinner: wine, dipping bread w/ olive oil & balsamic vinegar, fruit/nut/cheese plate (shared) & antipasti plate (shared) + did have dessert (shared) of 6 1" square chocolates, each one a different type/flavor (raspberry, dark chocolate, chocolate mousse, raspberry, white chocolate limoncella)

I am considering yesterday a success as right now my focus is on just keeping to 3 meals a day on N days. I do plan to add in the no sweets/seconds later on, but for now if I can just build the habit of B/L/D I will be making huge progresses.

I also discovered the website - I love their message! No specific "rules" but I am going to try to start incorporating more smoothies into my diet...I bought some spinach & frozen berries today at the store. I wont be counting this as a meal b/c it's just spinach, water, and plain berries (no sugar), so basically like a fruit/veggie juice.

Yum yum! :)

PS: here is my food for today

No breakfast - wasn't hungry
1 value cheeseburger + small coke + value fry @ wendy's
1 dessert coffee from coffee stand
1 small coke + 2 taquitos from 7-11
green smoothie (spinach, frozen berries, water)
dinner is going to be KFC - have been looking forward ALL WEEK! have a coupon too from the ads!

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:26 am
by candiceena
back for a sunday check in.

last night's dinner was pretty good. this morning we went out for breakfast & i also got some more frozen fruit to vary my green smoothies. was not going to join the challenge however i didn't realize they only host 4x a year so i figured what the heck. so i am offically a green-smoothie challenger. wohoo!

have had 2 green smoothies today & a protein water (protein powder ONLY + water - no add ins - i do not consider the green smoothies or protein powder water to be meals, i think of them as drinks, like fruit juice or milk) & also got in a workout. made up a rotation for october. it's 4 wks, 3x/wk. all jessica smith youtubes. also ordered a new exercise dvd from jessica.

anyway - today's food:

B: shari's - hash browns & 2 eggs, slice of toast w/ butter & jam, 3 slices of bacon & black coffee
L: breakfast leftovers turned into a sandwich (sourdough bread)
D: steak stir fry fajitas w/ sour cream & guacamole + ice water

tomorrow's B & L is supposed to be white cheddar cheese & pumpkin cranberry pita crisps w/ black coffee, and then leftovers + 1 chocolate pudding for lunch. can't remember dinner.

*reminder: right now my focus is on 3 solid meals a day - not implementing the no-sweets part yet*

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:25 pm
by candiceena
Another successful N day yesterday! Had temptation to snack at about 3:30 at work - felt a little hungry too & didn't know if i would make it until dinner, so I made a protein water.

Dinner was at a pub - fries w/ ketchup + french dip sandwich + iced R&C cola. It was good & I shared it w/ my SO so didn't even eat the whole thing. The sandwiches are HUGE. But it was all on 1 plate regardless.

Anyway - today's meal plan is:

B: white cheddar cheese w/ pumpkin cranberry pita crisps - YUM!! - cream & sugar coffee, ice water
L: 1/2 spinach wrap w/ cranberry chutney, cheddar cheese, roast turkey & lettuce, soup, ice water
D: ???

Tonight is a w/o night too - can't remember what is on the menu but it's some type of cardio w/o. Feeling sore from my w/o on Sunday night. Excited about the new rotation, it feels very do-able! 3x/wk on Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays.

Also just got great news - starting a new positing (same company) on Nov 9th! The only downside is 1) I have been asked to go from working 38.75 hrs/wk to 50 hrs a week until my last date. I am going to have to come up w/ something for dinner b/c I usually eat around 530 and will still be at work then, w/ the request for OT. And 2) I will be taking the bus to work now (saving on gas & I hate commuting on the fwy). So will need to make some meal timing tweaks.

I am also calling today an S day w/ my good news - I have been trying for a year to get out of this department (it is closing) & this news really has made my MONTH! :)

Happy S Day for Me!!

Going to eat a blueberry muffin to celebrate :)

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:46 pm
by oolala53
Haven't read all your posts but wanted to welcome you. Also to say that I bought BFFM years ago, as well as some other stuff on bodybuilding. Never got close with that stuff to making a difference in my body, but I did eat frequently for years, even of the right ratios! It never stopped me from bingeing.

I also appreciated Venuto because he admitted to me in an email that bodybuilders eat a nearly obscene amount of their share of the meat supply. Definitely not necessary for good health and vitality for most people. But it is an option at your meals.

There is are several bodybuilding proponents of intermittent fasting, much more drastic than No S, who have fantastic results without all the pre- and post-workout eating. Not only no snacking but no meals! But they still build muscle.

But the point is is it sustainable for you? As Reinhard, just try fasting between meals and consistent moderate exercise first. No use prematurely optimizing!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:46 pm
by oolala53
oops, double post.

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:55 pm
by candiceena
thank you for the welcome oohlala :) much appreciated! glad to see another fan of Venuto on here.


So I was going to count yesterday as a "S" day but I changed my mind. I am just marking it down as red on the calendar. Progress, not perfection, right? I ended up eating a blueberry muffin & a handful of almonds as a snack - which is why it's red.

Had ravioli for dinner. That was pretty tasty.

I missed my simple green smoothie the last 2 days (& my w/o last night), making up for it today - blended one to take to work this morning. Also made coffee & toast for my drive to work - toast is not breakfast, so today will be another red day. But that's OK w/ me. Again, I'm striving for progress.

Here is my main plan for the day:

post-work workout: got a new Jessica Smith DVD in the mail, so going to complete a w/o from that; it is her 5 mile dvd. i had a different w/o scheduled but I am just so excited to try these new w/o's! :)

breakfast: red smoothie (berries overpowered the spinach!) w/ grapes, pita crisps, & white cheddar; TJ's alkaline water

lunch: pear gorgonzola salad + cup of soup, alkaline water

dinner: mac & cheese + maybe a frozen veggie (peas?)

worked 2 hrs OT yesterday. putting 1 hr in today. will be trying to work on my new schedule/meal plan tonight & tmrw. here's to finishing the week off strong!

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:31 am
by candiceena
hello hello!

yesterday I was kind of icky-feeling but not truly "sick" so I took another red day on the habit cal. I ate 1 pumpkin spice milano and a handful of almonds at work.

Today I am determined to do better. I've had warm water w/ lemon, black coffee, and regular water this morning. i'll be bringing my black coffee to work along w/ another green smoothie (spinach, water, and TJ's tropical fruit mix).

was exhausted yesterday - worked 7 to 430. came home, ate dinner, fell asleep. woke up at 3:30 am but that's good b/c it means I am going to get more OT in + my workout that I missed yesterday. i will make up today's w/o tomorrow.

here is my food plan for today *and* tomorrow - both days include additional green tea, black coffee, warm water w/ lemon, green smoothies, and of course, regular water + TJ's alkaline water.

B: pumpkin spice oatmeal + 2 slices white cheddar cheese
L: pear gorgonzola salad + soup
D: artichoke w/ vegan chikn nuggets brown rice

B: 2 eggs w/ hash browns
L: pear gorgonzola salad + soup
D: "chikn" bacon ranch caesar salad + chocolate pudding

i am pretty sure those match out the meal plan i wrote the other day. i'll confirm & update later if i am wrong.

not sure what is on the menu for the weekend. i do know i ate to excess yesterday & felt horribly full. it was quite uncomfortable. a good reminder of why i am doing this.

also: I GOT MY NEW SCALE! it is the weight watchers brand w/ body fat, bmi, water %, and weight. so nice of my work to gift it to us for the pre-holidays. i have been using a manual scale but those are hard to read. this one is digital. i weighed in at 176.8 lbs.

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:35 am
by candiceena
oh a couple other fun things that are related to this healthy lifestyle: i ordered some gray & white paper straws to drink my green smoothies with. they are so stinkin cute. i love them! used an amazon gift card I had.

also - i am getting more and more excited about being a transit rider! i realized that it will encourage me to wear practical shoes which I think are good for my body/bones/feet/ankles (vs heels) + also will have me walking more through the day. also looking forward to time in the morning to listen to podcasts on my ipad mini + have been considering getting a notebook to take notes on as i listen, or whatever. like a journal almost? idk. just some thoughts. i post this here b/c i feel it relates to my mental/emotional health for the podcast/journaling part. it's a stress reliever. anyway. all good stuff. just wanted to share. :)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:27 pm
by candiceena
hello! :)

checking in on a saturday just for checking's sake. :)

happy to report success both thurs & fri - marked as green on my habitcal. this morning i woke up with and still have the strangest headache and i think it is because I didn't have any coffee yesterday. just had some black iced french vanilla from chamelon cold brew though. hopefully that will cure it.

anyway - coming here just to share some thoughts.

smoothies: the daily smoothie challenge is going quite well!! i actually enjoy making them and enjoy drinking them. ordered a new lid for my nutribullet cups but it's not going to work out so I'll be returning it in favor of something else. just not sure what yet.

meal planning: see the beauty in it but i've accepted anything in excess of 2-3 days that involves perishable food is NOT for me (at least right now). what sounds good on monday doesn't sound good on thursday. or plans have changed. or something. or meat sounds icky. or the weather changed and shrimp caesar salad becomes grilled cheese and tomato soup. i felt that i was going to save a lot of time/money by meal planning but i think i can hack it to make it work for me and for No S. will report back.

ate red robin last night (burger, fries w/ sauce, soda, + appetizer of pretzel bites & cheese). thought to myself - wow - this is really not ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS. what a disappointment. the good thing about thinking this is i am starting to really try to enjoy the meals I do have! i want my 3 to be tasty! if they aren't super tasty then they better have some other redeeming quality to them. i guess i am just getting more noticable about the food i've been consuming. i feel this is a good thing.

have been able to 1) avoid the candy corn bowl during the week and 2) avoid opening up the trick or treater candy. this is good. i dont like sweets that much to start with, but i have struggled w/ eating something just because it's there - in the past. seems i am getting better at this.

even though it is an N day here is my food for today:

green smoothie (spinach, water, unsweetened frozen fruit)
panera bread (mac n cheese, broccoli cheddar soup, piece of bread, 1/2 cherry danish) + 1/2 large can of pepsi
black iced coffee

i am feeling so good about No S. it feels so sustainable. it feels so EASY. it feels GOOD. I feel like i have found my "diet home" if that makes sense. There is so little to think about. food is not constantly on my mind. i have had some slip ups from genuine hunger but am proud to say instead of throwing the whole day off by eating cookies and candy - i have said to myself "fix your hunger by making the best possible food choice you can" - so i have reached for almonds (plain, unsalted) that i had in my desk drawer. still a snack, but doing No S even for this short period has helped me to start making better choices. the goal of the times i have snacked between meals has been to stop hunger. not to feed myself something delciously tasty. the almonds (while good) are not exactly a snack food i would have reached for in the past.

anyway. will stop in tomorrow for a hello :) happy N days to everryone!

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:01 am
candiceena wrote:i am feeling so good about No S. it feels so sustainable. it feels so EASY. it feels GOOD. I feel like i have found my "diet home" if that makes sense. There is so little to think about. food is not constantly on my mind.
I totally agree with you! I started in July and am really getting into the No S habit now. The psychology of habit-formation and behaviour modification that Reinhard sussed out to apply to eating is just spot-on for me - it works for my brain and I am loving it!

The freedom of the S days is also quite key to maintaining the No S habit all week - it's never long until the weekend and I enjoy planning my sweet/snacks.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:51 pm
by candiceena
Oops. I have not checked in for a while. About a week!

I know for a fact that pretty much every day last week was Red.

Oh well, live & learn. I know why too & have hopefully put some changes in place that will help me avoid the same mistake again.

Green smoothie challenge has been going well although that too suffered last week. :(

Habit cal is updated & I will be more diligent about posting here this coming week.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 3:10 am
by candiceena
Hello. Checking in w/ a Green day today.

Breakfast was coffee + a bfast sandwich to-go. Ick. Need to improve on the bfast choices bc I felt like crap all morning - brain fog, headache, lethargic, etc.

Lunch was leftovers - pasta w/ shrimp alfredo. Too heavy. Felt icky after that too. I am noticing a pattern here.

oops. I just realized I lied. I did snack today. I ate half a cookie. Shoot.

Oh well. In the past. I am making progress & moving fwd.

Dinner was DELISH - turkey chili w/ honey cornbread (1 square, out of 9) & about 1.5 tbsp or so of sour cream. YUM YUM!

I missed my smoothie today :( Bummed about that. But I did buy more greens at TJs this weekend. I bought a mix of spinach, kale, and swiss chard - it's in a salad bag & they were all mixed together. Only $1.99 for a bag. Also re-upped my tropical fruit.

Going to also have my "Spiced Almond Latte" tonight in about an hour.

After a hectic week last week, it feels good to be back to "normal" this week. Can't wait to keep up the green! :)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:51 pm
by candiceena
Checking in w/ some good news: No S is working! (duh)

I weighed in last night & again this morning & am weighing in at 175.7 lbs. A decrease as my last weigh in was 176 something.

Breakfast this morning was: blk coffee, a berry & kale/spinach/chard smoothie, with a bowl of oatmeal. I only ate some of the oatmeal though as I was starting to get full & didn't want that uncomfortably full feeling, and my smoothie was taking precendence.

I did have 1 cookie this morning for a taste-test. It was about 1.5 square inches in size. :\ Oops.

Lunch is salad, soup, and pumpkin yogurt.

I am not sure what I'm going to have for dinner, but I know I am going to definitely finish off the night w/ my "Almond Spiced Latte" - had it for the first time last night & it was delish! It is almond milk, a little bit of maple syrup, a tbsp of almond butter, and then for spices I put cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and ginger. DELISH! Warm it upon the stove so it is all liquid-y and drink it for "dessert". I am not counting it as a meal but as a drink (like my smoothies) b/c it is a liquid.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:29 pm
by candiceena
Good morning,

Last night was a success - although I did have 1 single candy corn. I am starting to become aware of not having little edible treats in sight. I always thought I wasn't big on candy but since starting NoS I have found that I am actually more guilty of indulging than originally thought. This is a good insight.

Had salmon & soup for dinner w/ a soda pop. Finished the night off w/ my "ED" (evening drink - the almond milk warmed w/ almond butter & spices).

Breakfast #1 Today: blk coffee, smoothie, 1 piece of sourdough toast w butter, apple slices
Breakfast #2 Today: ???
Lunch: leftovers + peas + chobani flip yogurt (lime) + juice box
Dinner: artichoke & chikn nuggets with WATER

Woke up at 330 AM today, hence the double breakfast. I'm sorry but going from 330 AM to 830/9PM just seems cruel to only eat 3x, so I am allowing myself 4 planned meals so that I'm not beyond starving. Anyway, on schedule to get to work at 6 am for 2 hrs OT. Off at 430 and have a 30 min massage from 730-8 PM tonight. Watched a documentary I've been dying to watch for a long time now, last night, but it wasn't as good as I hoped. Might try to finish it up tonight. It's called American Blogger.

Anyway - TTFN :) Back to work I go.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:16 pm
by ceo418
Good job on being successful even with the 1 candy corn! I, too, didn't realize how much I was really indulging until I no longer ate after dinner. I was so used to have 3-4 cookies with my cup of tea in front of the television, or a couple of chocolate bars, or bowl of ice get the picture. This morning, I was trying to remember the last time I even ate just a bowl of ice cream, and couldn't pin it down!

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:53 am
by oolala53
One more week to finish out your first month. The beginning of a beautiful marriage, I hope! It really is like a good marriage. There can be easy times and tough times, but somehow, you know you should keep going.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:45 pm
by candiceena
Hello everyone!

Checking in for the weekend which has been a success. I worked out and had my smoothie yesterday. I also ate the following:

B: eggnog latte (resisted the urge for mcdonalds due to $$ and nutrition)
L: (homemade) murasaki potato w/ bacon, butter, cinnamon + about a half cup of yellow strawberries sprinkled with a smidge of sugar to bring out the sweetness - HOLY YUMMY LUNCH!
D: panera mac n cheese

ended up going ot the movies where i had some pop & popcorn, a few raisinettes, and then started to feel a sore throat so stopped at the store on the way home & grabbed a can of chicken soup & ginger ale which i ate at home.

feeling better this morning.

Breakfast: raisin nut bran w/ whole milk + black iced coffee

Not sure what lunch/dinner will be but I'm going to make sure I do something healthful for dinner so I am not groggy tomorrow morning!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:59 pm
by oolala53
In the years since I started No S, so many former binge foods have gotten more expensive. Though the dang dollar stores and Walmart discounted baked goods can still pull me astray sometimes.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:30 am
by candiceena
have not been here to check-in for a while and thus have found myself losing my "habit". committing to posting here daily w/ food i eat, even if i post nothing other than a list of what i've consumed. drinks included.

today, sunday, dec 13:

spiced almond milk
stir fry (rice, egg, red onion, soy sauce)
salad (italian dressing, vegan chickn fingers, pear, cranberries, almonds)
protein shake (whey protein, water)
black coffee
dessert coffee from stand (big train)
sausage mcmuffin w/ egg (mcdonalds)