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Queenie's December Chart

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:53 am
by Queenie
A chart has served me well in other areas of my life, so I'm going to use that here.

We're getting a LOT of food gifts from neighbors and relatives. Some savory but most are sweets. I had an indulgent weekend and I'm being generous with my S-days for the holidays. But I can tell I'm going to need some discipline for the few days in between.

So this is a chart just for December. It's a small-step way for me to join the group here.

While this may be a tough time to start a diet, it's a great time for me to be on No-S. Skipping seconds and desserts on the N days will be a huge improvement for me at this time of year.

On my charts, a red X means success. However, I understand from the charts that folks use here, red= failure.

So, here I'll use a green X.

Dec 21-25 M T W S S
Dec 28-31 M T W S

And I look forward to a full month's chart in January.

Re: Queenie's December Chart

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 4:59 am
by Queenie
Forgot to check in yesterday! But I remembered to follow the No-S.

I'm filling my plates rather generously.

Dec 21-25 X X W S S
Dec 28-31 M T W S

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:04 am
by wahine
Good on you. Looking good. I just started last week

Re: Queenie's December Chart

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:57 am
by Queenie
Today my plates looked more normal except at lunch. Visiting family took me to an Indian buffet for lunch. I had just one plate but it was loaded.

And I did choose to have a small dessert. I'm calling it orange rather than red because it doesn't feel like a full fail.

For my January chart, I might do three Xs, one for each S. Because I feel like I need credit for "no seconds and no snacks" in a case like this.

I suppose if I had told my family that I was on a diet, it would have been different. But I don't want anyone to know yet.

Dec 21-25 X X X S S
Dec 28-31 M T W S[/quote]

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:58 am
by Queenie
Wahine wrote:Good on you. Looking good. I just started last week
Thanks, Wahine!

Re: Queenie's December Chart

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:39 am
by Queenie
Normal day on Monday. Had many impulses to just eat something. Not strong impulses -- more a matter of noticing how much I've probably been invisibly grazing before starting No-S.

Dec 21-25 X X X S S
Dec 28-31 X T W S

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 2:33 pm
well done Queenie - your chart is looking good :)

Re: Queenie's December Chart

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:30 am
by Queenie
Tuesday was normal. My dinner was not as filling as I'd have liked. I was hungry during the evening. But I just put up with it.

Then Wednesday was a little odd. I slept very late, getting up at 10AM. The thing was, I had plans to meet a friend for dinner at 5PM.

I ended up holding out until almost 11:30 before eating. My meal was a larger-than-usual breakfast.

Then, at the restaurant, I forgot about just having one plate. My friend and I shared a skimpy appetizer. Then I had grilled fish with roasted vegetables, and we ordered extra roasted vegetables to share.

I was pleasantly full but not stuffed.

Anyway, it worked out to two satisfying meals rather than three meals. Everything was good, healthful food. I'm rating this as a success day.

Dec 21-25 X X X S S
Dec 28-31 X X X S

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:30 am
by Queenie
RAWCOOKIE wrote:well done Queenie - your chart is looking good :)
Thank you, Rawcookie!

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:41 am
by Merry
Sounds like you've had a great first couple of weeks! Congratulations!

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:58 pm
by Queenie
Thanks, Merry -- it's doubly amazing because of the holidays.

What a great feeling to start off the new year with these two weeks already done and dusted.