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SpiritSong singing an old tune with new vigor

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:38 am
by SpiritSong
The No S Diet helped me lose weight in 2010-2011, and just as I was able to tuck my shirts into my pants, I left the fold. Now with my sugar belly big as ever, it is time to admit that No S is the only diet that has ever worked for me and to get back on it!

I get up pretty early in the morning, so my one modification will be to allow a morning snack because I can't eat enough breakfast at 5 am to keep me going until 1 pm lunch.

Goal - I turn 50 in about two years and I would love to lose about 50 pounds by then to be down to 150. (Oh, wait. The goal police wouldn't like that wording.) I will be down to 150 by my 50th birthday.

Day one!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:14 am
by anra
welcome back and happy no-s-ing!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:15 pm
by Cindy1969
50 used to seem old - I can see it ahead too in a few years - best wishes on getting back on track.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:16 pm
by Cindy1969
50 used to seem old - I can see it ahead too in a few years - best wishes on getting back on track. I'm trying to do a very similar thing over here.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 9:36 am
by SpiritSong
Thank you, Anra and Cindy for the support! :D

Day One went great. It is always interesting to find those points during the day where you might have eaten something if not for No S and add up those missing calories.

Forgot to mention my other modification -- I do my S Days on Fridays and Sundays. We have Breakfast Day on Fridays at work that I don't want to give up, and Sunday is the day I go to my parents' house for lunch. In the end, it will save me a lot of "sitting at home on Saturday and snacking" calories.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:09 pm
by SpiritSong
Day Two down! I had actual temptation today when my boss brought in shortbread cookies. Pre-No S I would have had two or three cookies with my morning tea. But I resisted!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:14 am
by lpearlmom
Wb! Well done today! We are the same age and I like your idea of having a goal for age 50. I at do something too. I like the idea of having 2 years to get there. Nice & relaxed!

Keep up the good work!


Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:05 pm
by SpiritSong
Thanks, Linda! Turns out I have to lose 52 pounds (I did a weigh in on Day One and will refrain from weighing again until my clothes feel loose). Since I have two years to lose it, it works out to about a half pound a week, which happens to be the No S recommended loss rate. :D

I guess I can check in early for Day Three because it is my S Day, so there is no success or failure. (Well, I didn't sleep well so I skipped my workout, so there's a failure.)

Happy Weekend to anyone who reads this!

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:21 pm
by oolala53
Welcome home. I think people who've had some failure or relapse may be even more likely to make it stick. I know for myself I could not imagine complying with anything else. Not feeling you have options can focus the effort pretty successfully! Though as years have gone by, I've been able to make adjustments I could probably not have committed to in the beginning.

Vive less food less often!

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:30 pm
by SpiritSong
Congrats on your six years on No S, Oolala! If I had stuck with it the first time, I'd be right with you. :? But hey, live and learn. My inner child won that round (stop saying no all the time! wah wah wah), but outer adult wants to be rid of the belly and all the health threats it represents.

Day Four is a success. And I let DH know I was back on No S, so when he's at the store he won't buy me sweets and snacks to be nice. It is amazing how much food in the pantry is extraneous when you can have it only two days a week. And even though yesterday was an S-Day for me, all I did was allow myself seconds at work breakfast and my only sweet was a Crown and Coke in the evening. I wasn't denying myself anything. That was all that I wanted. I am definitely enjoying the No S honeymoon period!


Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:58 am
by jackn
Hi Spirit.
Warm congrats on getting back on the wagon.

If I got it right, the mod in the morning is that you snack, in other words you have a small meal, as you can't have a full breakfast.
Is that so? Does it mean you have two meals and a snack a day?

Keep it up and good luck.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:45 am
by SpiritSong
Jackn, so far my morning "snack" has been "the rest of breakfast that I couldn't eat at 5 am." So it was actually eating one meal but at two times. In the future, it may more accurately be called two snacks in place of a meal, but of course, I don't want to use that S word! :lol:

S Day today so I can check in on my Habitcal early. And perhaps I'll go mark a success for exercise right now and get off my computer and do it!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 12:47 pm
by jackn
OK, got it.

For what it's worth, I, for one, see nothing wrong with splitting breakfast into two meals.
To me, anything goes that suits your person and your circumstances while allowing you to eat well.
Personally, I take NoS, and any other advice, as suggestions. These suggestions are for me to work out so as to fit my individual case.

Indeed, I happen to have a snack every day upon waking up, a little protein and raw veg.
I picked it up from Tim Ferris, and found it to work very well for me: satisfying and helpful in blunting the desire to eat. I work out then, and then have breakfast.
I also have other mods, but I'll spare you the details.
I'll just say that, to me, one big thing about NoS is its spirit of finding a balance between eating to measure on the one hand, and satisfying desire and cravings, on the other.
So, I rather seek to find what practices allow me to strike this balance personally.

What kind of exercise do you do, Spirit?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:04 pm
by oolala53
Though splitting meals and other mods may work in the long run, there are advantages to having longer gaps between eating events, shall we call them. I'd advocate for calling something a split meal rather than a snack and a meal. A subtle difference, but encourages the concept of thinking of all the food eaten in the morning as needing to fit on one plate, since snacking so often doesn't decrease the size of the next meal. I do think men have more leeway than women, as they certainly seem to be able to lose with less strictness than the women I've seen here, though there haven't been as many of men but that just fits the demographic. Men have been shown to not feel as motivated to lose until they weigh proportionally more and often lose just from cutting way back on their worst offenders.

But just like in a marriage, there are times things go easy and times you find out what you've been doing isn't what it needs to be. There's no way to do it without actually living it! Which is what you are doing. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 11:09 pm
by SpiritSong
Okay, No S honeymoon is over. I wanted snacks today, darn it! But I resisted.

Jackn - I exercise at home with workout videos. I have a sweet new set up thanks to DH with a bigger TV and a connection that allows me to do YouTube videos too. I have quite the collection, and if I could get myself to do them all on a regular basis, I would look like a professional dancer by now Well, you know, an overweight professional dancer. :lol:

Oolala - I know I need to watch the morning situation, but mornings were the worst part of No S the first time around and I think I am getting up in the morning even earlier now than I did then. Like Jackn, I have something small before my workout, and then I'm not really hungry until I get to work. Then I need to have something for the safety of my coworkers.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:55 am
by jackn
Hey, Spirit, you put a smile on my face first thing in the morning.

YTube videos are amazingly good.
I just had to cull through them, actually an on-going process, and then they become part of my routine.
Of course, aspiration outdoes practice, but it's all good.
As someone who quit his gym but needs the framework, I appreciate putting myself in the hands of a coach who takes care of the whole session.
I also do my own, though.
When it comes to yoga, it's all YTube, though, and the expertise offered by people is just amazing.

Some of the most beautiful dancing I've had the occasion to see in my life was that of overweight women or men.

Good for you for sticking to no-snacks, and good luck on the path.
To us all.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 10:33 pm
by SpiritSong
Hard day and almost gave in, but then the thought came to me, "If I'm slightly hungry now, I'll wake up and be able to eat a real breakfast!" It helped that dinner was soup with crackers, so I cheated with a couple of extra crackers and was able to justify it as "still dinner." 8)

It is amazing how mental games can work once you find the right one. Thinking about my goals was not working. Come on, Amy, don't you want to lose half a pound a week? GIVE ME FOOD I'M HUNGRY SHUT UP

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 11:11 pm
by oolala53
I think weight loss in and of itself is a notoriously UNsuccessful goal. There's almost always something else we have to want more to put up with all the little annoyances along the way. The body doesn't care when it wants what it wants. Feeling we can eat more joyfully at the next meal IS one of the new goals and a lot more sustainable.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:42 pm
by SpiritSong
A successful N-Day with little "I'm a beginner" cheats. The cafeteria served pizza today, and I always have two pieces. I usually put them each on their own plate, but since I was allowed only one plate today, I put them on top of each other. Then for dinner I had leftover chicken and sweet potato, but I didn't think that would be enough. So since there was room on the plate for chips and salsa, I added those. Turns out there was more chicken than I thought there was, so I overate. Oh, well. Live and learn. At least I won't have to talk myself out of a snack tonight! :D

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:13 pm
by oolala53
That is an EXCELLENT lesson a week into it. It can take a LOT longer to get that we don't HAVE to finish all the food on the plate. Try six years in my case! (But I'm actually rarely still sorry four hours later.)

If your work plates are anything like ours, they're pretty small. I would have stacked the slices, too.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 12:58 pm
by SpiritSong
Oolala, you're the best. But I'm sure everyone tells you that. :D

Thursday was a successful N-Day. I've found that if I eat a breakfast sandwich in the morning, I can get to lunch without a snack. So I made sure to buy more yesterday. In contrast, I was putting in an online order for groceries and was able to skip the "snacks" section all together. Since I have only one day at home when snacking is allowed (Sunday), the snacks I purchased pre-No S will last me a while.

Today is my Friday S-Day. It is also a dress down day at work, so I have my jeans on. They don't fit me quite right and give me a muffin top, so I will have a constant reminder to not go crazy. (Don't worry, I have a sweater on over it.)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 11:45 am
by SpiritSong
Saturday was a successful N-Day. And because it was Sunday, I was able to have the donut DH bought me on Friday for breakfast. Well, I ate half of it. If I don't want the other half later today, I'll have to throw it out. Such is the life of a No S'er.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:01 pm
by SpiritSong
A successful Monday! One of the attorneys brought in a huge bag of popcorn and told me I needed to have at least four cups (he was joking, not forcing food down my throat), and I told him I'm not allowed snacks on Monday. (Yes, I know the better wording is "I don't eat snacks during the week," but I'm a newbie again.)

My pants feel a bit loose today, but of course as the ladies know, that could be normal water weight fluctuations.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:10 am
by SpiritSong
Tuesday success! But ate only half my breakfast today, so may be a long Wednesday morning ...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:47 am
by SpiritSong
Wednesday success. I had to utilize my morning snack mod after not being able to finish my breakfast, but I resisted when I wanted more snacks later in the morning. Mostly I was bored.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:43 pm
by jackn
Looks like it's going very well.

It also looks like your split weekends suit you well.
I know what you mean about the danger of spending Sat at home snacking.

How have you found the split weekends so far?
I realize, early days.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 9:44 am
by SpiritSong
Hey, Jackn! Although I am a newbie this time around, I did No S for about a year back in 2010-2011, so I have some experience with the split S-Days. It works really well for me because I have one day when I can snack and enjoy sweets at work and one day when I can snack and enjoy sweets at home. I don't think I would enjoy Sunday as much if I had been snacking the day before.

Thursday was a success, but one of the worst days so far. I finished my breakfast sandwich, so I didn't allow myself a morning snack, and I was hungry all morning for some reason. (I bet it was partly because I wasn't busy with work and distracted.) I had vegetable lasagna and a bread stick for lunch and tried to put an appropriate portion on my plate to get me to dinner, but I was pretty hangry on the drive home (I think I was also tired). After dinner, I still had that hollow feeling in the bottom of my stomach, even though I had a good amount of tasty food and wasn't actually hungry anymore.

Today is my S-Day and I get breakfast pizza at work, so my hungry Thursday will soon be forgotten.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:07 am
by jackn
I see.

Sounds good.

It's looking up.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 11:16 am
by SpiritSong
Friday was a good S-Day, although I had a bit much for dinner with two hard ciders, so I woke up this morning dehydrated. No sweets though. It is amazing how much sugar I ate before re-starting No S, and now I can go for long periods of time without sweets. I'm sure my body appreciates it.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:01 pm
by jackn
A few years ago, I tasted some soda after years and years of not having any.
It tasted distinctly medicinal.

And, these days, I often go for a chocolate cake as a treat. It's always the same treat.
And as I allow myself the treat more freely and more often, I'm starting to really get to know it, not only my fancy.
I still like it, but.

I notice more that it's somewhat farinaceous, not as buttery-rich as I thought.
And am left with a sugary aftertaste which I don't care for. Also, a certain variable stodginess.

I don't know that I'll ever stop, and I also mean to try and make my own, but it's been an education.

Sounds good with laying off sugar, Spiritsong.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 6:56 pm
I don't have quite the same gap between breakfast and lunch as you - but I generally have to have my breakfast at 5.30-6am and then have lunch at 12-1pm. (I'm 61 yrs old, 5'3" and work in a care environment - so on the go mentally and physically at work).

I think you could train your body to accept breakfast at 5.30 and lunch at 1pm. Then if you felt 'hungry' mid-morning, you could have a hot drink - I know several people use a 'nice cup of coffee' as a food-free 'snack'.

My experience of No S has been that I have gone from being a 3 meals and 3 snacks-a-day person (never more than 3 hrs without food) - to a 3 meals a day person with gaps of 6-7 hrs between meals! I would never that thought it possible - but it is! and it's fine (for me) :)

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:10 am
by jackn
Hi, Raw.

How interesting to learn you're 61.
I didn't realize several of us are that age. I"m pushing 58 myself.
It feels good...

The shift to three meals is exactly what happened to me, namely no-snacks. And I was way more chaotic than you seem to have been.

I still do have a wake-up snack: snack-workout-breakfast.
I feel it helps, in that I'm not overeager to have breakfast, but I might be wrong. I certainly don't have to have that snack. It feels like it allows me not to be grasping.
It's a process. Wait and see.

I think Spirit only splits her breakfast, though, not adding on top of it.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:24 pm
by SpiritSong
Okay, after mentioning I haven't had sweets lately, of course I had a Sweets Day. :roll: I woke up yesterday feeling horrible, not hungry, and pretty much stayed up just long enough to be able to go back to bed. So I declared a Sick Day and went with the "do whatever I need to do to make myself feel better" and had a milkshake and fries for lunch, and cookies and milk to help rehydrate myself. That, along with a couple of doses of aspirin, and I was feeling much better by the end of the day.

Have a lovely S-Day, Jackn and RawCookie!

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:46 pm
by jackn
Mmmm.... aspirin with cookies and milk.
Gotta try that.

I'm not having an S-day, as I go by meals - I have a square meal, or a treat meal, according to what I feel like.

Get well soon.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:50 pm
by oolala53
Don't know what your experience was, besides that you did lose weight, the first time around, but you sound about on track, slips and all.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 2:55 pm
by SpiritSong
Sunday S-Day, yay! The biggest disappointment was that the Thai restaurant my parents and I go to to celebrate events on Sundays (Mother's Day, Father's Day, birthdays) is now no longer open on Sundays. My birthday is this week and instead of enjoying my expected Thai treat, we had to go to a crowded and loud restaurant. Sigh. Plus my mom is hard of hearing and my father has practically no voice, so we sat in silence amid all the noise for most of the meal. :cry: I hope the rest of my birthday week turns out better!

Today I have an S-Event at work. My one boss is going to be out the rest of the week, so he brought in the special tart he makes me every year for my birthday today. Yes, I am rather new to be playing so hard and fast with S-Events, but I promise once this special week is over, May will be a field of green. :D (Plus May is my "start working on the exercise habit again" month.)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:54 pm
by jackn
Oh, boy.

Nice boss.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:32 am
by oolala53
The end of the week can be the edge of a field of green. Enjoy the tart.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:33 am
by lpearlmom
Happy belated birthday! Sorry about the loud restaurant. What a bummer. :/ Thai food is my favorite. I hope you can find a new place.


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:57 am
by SpiritSong
Tuesday was a big RED day. Had a muffin from a coworker in the morning, which I was going to allow as an S-Event (for reasons I won't get into now), but then work put me in a horrendous mood at the end of the day. I decided to go red and have snacks and sweets for dinner.

Was it the healthiest way to deal with a bad mood? No. But now is the time to discover my weak points and come up with future strategies. I suppose one strategy would not to have snacks and sweets in the house. Another one would be to have a real dinner and then see if I still felt the need to go red.

Linda - My real birthday is Friday, so your kind wishes are not belated at all. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:12 am
by osoniye
SpiritSong wrote:My real birthday is Friday, so your kind wishes are not belated at all. :D
oh, in that case, Happy Birthday!!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:45 am
by SpiritSong
Thanks, Sonya!

Sorry to report another almost yellow (S-Event for Administrative Professionals Day) that turned to red (had seconds at dinner to finish my pizza). There should be no yellow events today, so all signs point to green.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:11 pm
by oolala53
Hope you ended the week green. Keep building those neural networks! Not to mention the hunger-suppressing chemicals. Yeah, that's more scientific than habit talk, but sometimes, it helps!

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 10:35 pm
by LoriLifts
Welcome back!

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 3:00 pm
by SpiritSong
I stopped doing a "daily" check in for my birthday week, which was full of rationalizations y'all didn't need to hear. :D I am back on track with only two "rationalization" days this month and one definite red, which I consider a fine record for being six weeks in. I am definitely eating less, so that goal has been achieved, even if my HabitCal isn't perfect.

I have not been weighing myself on a regular basis as I am trying to concentrate on the eating (which I can control) and not weight loss (which I cannot), but every once in a while I get curious and pop on the scale. At last check, I was on point for a half pound a week loss, so I was very happy with that.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 6:08 pm
by oolala53
And with the habits that got you there, I hope. :)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 1:50 pm
by oolala53
Hey, how are you? Have you found a breakfast that lasts you? Or some kind of beverage to tide you over? Or have you jumped ship and found an alternative? (No one talks about that but it happens successfully sometimes.) NoSnacker is now very happily (more than a year) a Trim Healthy Mama, but she admitted that she actually most days eats three meals, they're just rather prescribed meals. But No S doesn't say you can't prescribe your meals.

But I'd say we get a lot more of the ship-jumpers back ready to crawl on our island and just live here. It's a pretty good island!

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 4:16 pm
by oolala53
Saw your post on Why are you back? Welcome back! Has it really been more than a year? Your name is so familiar that I felt I had seen you around this year. Or maybe I did and just don't remember which thread.

I hope it sticks. Can you really live with the options: counting, eliminating, or compulsive overeating? Think of them when you're tempted to fail. Slim societies live this way joyfully. It's a little harder for us because of all that shiny "addictive" food out there, but we know so well its backlash effects. Let No S help you again.

P.S. No matter what the goal police say, I gently suggest you stick to the goal of a percentage of enjoyable compliance by your 50th birthday, not a weight loss. There is no way to predict weight loss in response to moderation. If you strive artificially to lose weight, the kneejerk reaction will be to let go after the loss. If you've lived relatively peacefully with delicious moderation, concentrating on what you're getting rather than on what you're giving up, it will be a lot easier to just carry on.

Not dieting. Moderate eating forever...

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 8:17 pm
by SpiritSong
I am resolving this time around not to try to predict weight loss or even think about things too much. I am going to do No S for a while, and when it feels right, add in my meditations. When will that be? Who knows. I am letting sleeping dogs lie, and trusting when the time comes, I will know it.

I started a new check in thread but wanted to respond to you, Oolala53. :D

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 8:21 pm
by oolala53
Thanks! I'll go to your thread to get hooked up.