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You Got This - Daily Checkin

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 9:33 pm
by Yougothis

I started sometime last week, but for the ease of remembering when I started I'm going to say 1 April.

My main reason for starting this is to try to get a handle on binge / over-eating. I don’t have a stop button, and it’s so easy for me to finish a meal, then want ‘something sweet’, or a ‘second serve’ and it spirals out of control from there. I am an emotional, boredom, anxious – name the feeling and I can turn to food. I also think it’s just a habit thing, and a love of food thing as well.

So the No S diet seems to fit perfectly for me and I feel like it’s a lightbulb find.

S weekend was glutenous, so by Monday I was looking forward to the N days.

This week so far:

Monday - Success
Tuesday - Success
Wednesday - Success
Thursday - Success

I’m finding the afternoons a stretch to get through, even though I’m not hungry. I am so used to snacking (often used to be an ongoing afternoon of snacking). I’ve been consuming way too much diet coke to get me through the afternoon, so need to work on that. Also have to stop myself automatically picking as I’m making lunches, dinners etc and not allowing myself to eat anything until it’s all plated up.

I've also usually had a little snack after dinner, like a piece of chocolate, or a small sweet treat, so I've cut that out too. Coping ok with that.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:14 pm
by ironchef
Welcome, sounds like you're doing great!

One of the pieces of advice I was given as a newbie was: don't try to fix everything about your eating all at once. If diet cola (or in my case milky tea) gets you through some tough patches that's ok. In a few weeks or months when your meal habits are strong, then you can look at cutting out sodas, or whatever.

To break the picking while cooking habit, I have chewed sugarless gum and sometimes drink peppermint tea - anything that will make picking seem / taste weird.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:16 am
by Yougothis
Friday. Success.

Day isn't quite over but I've marked a green in Hibitcal. I've had dinner and don't feel like I need anything else. I'll be content finishing my second glass of wine. I didn't think twice about not taking a spoonful or 3 of ice cream when i dished up some for my kids.

I loaded up my dinner plate tonight and literally could not have fitted another thing on it. At this point in time I'm not going to be concerned about the size of my meals.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:47 am
by Yougothis
Sat and Sunday S days. Done
Yesterday was ok but today (Sunday) was a bit out of control.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:02 pm
by Yougothis
Monday. SUCCESS.

today felt easy and I had no issues.