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6 Weeks As of July 21

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:44 pm
by LadyEngineer

You won't hear much from me, too busy for a "daily check in", but it has been great to read about other member's triumphs and challenges. Like "knitapeace", I am a working mom (of a certain age) with teenagers. My weight is actually OK, but it is has been steadily increasing over the past 4 years no matter how much I tried to exercise or "diet"! I am 5'7", and had hit a high weight of 148 lbs (the scale just keeps creeping up). I have tried calorie counting, going low carb (for about 5 minutes), "Sugar Busters", reading "Why We Get Fat", etc. Discovering the No S Diet was like being hit by a truck of common sense! It is EXACTLY the way we grew up in my house!

Thank you, Reinhard, for publishing the idea and keeping this website going! I did buy the book and probably the most profound part for me was "No Snacks". I didn't snack much anyway, or eat a ton of sweets, but having only 3 plates a day means I (almost) don't eat chips or other junk food any more and I am very thoughtful about what goes on that plate!

We are a meat, starch and veg family. I do have a lot vegetables with dinner, but otherwise, it's chicken, pork, and beef with potatoes, rice, pasta and bread.

Been on No S for about 6 weeks, with a great family vacation with lots of calories, 4th of July and several "red" days.
Forming the good habits, sleeping and feeling overall so much better.
(For ladies only - night sweats have almost stopped. Dreading the return and day versions, though.....)
Lost about 5 lbs, following No S without significantly changing what I eat or drink (2 glass ceiling of wine is a great idea....)

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:20 am
by Emmama
Congrats! Very encouraging...good work!

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 4:04 am
by lpearlmom
Welcome! Sounds like you're doing really well so far!


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 5:12 pm
I love your son's tag-line! I graduated to a 9" plate at some point during the past year of No S - it's helped with portion-sizes!

I love what you said about being hit with a truck load of common sense - the system is just brilliant, isn't it! I don't know if you are actually an engineer - but if you are, I'm guessing that the logic of the system appeals to your brain. I'm not an engineer! But I do love systems and it appeals to my brain! 8)

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 6:16 pm
by LadyEngineer
Hello RawCookie!

Yes, my son's quote is great. Funny, but so true.

I am an engineer ;)

Happy S Day!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:24 pm
by LadyEngineer
Monday was a SUCCESS.

Hectic but fun weekend. Stuck with No S type of eating Sat and Sun with desserts/chips/etc. because of going out to dinner at friends, shopping all day at IKEA on Sunday for college prep for oldest child (daughter).

Exercise not doing so well this week - hot, muggy and we've been staying up late with LIFE (we try to get up early to run before work). Scale is not my friend so far this week and it is only Tuesday morning :)

Good luck everyone.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:00 pm
by LadyEngineer
Well, today was a RED :P

I was invited to a celebratory lunch/monthly meeting by one of the groups I support at work. I stayed away from the cookies, I stayed away from the cookies until a co-worker insisted. Since I was the only lady in the room (a typical day for me in my profession....), I kind of felt like I was being rude to say no. Ah well.

And it's been an ugly scale week, but still overall lower than when I started, and exercising has been hard. HOWEVER, I am still doing very well overall on the habits of No S, and only had one cookie and stayed away from chips and other fattening foods without feeling deprived.

I would count it as an "S" day, but we are going camping tomorrow afternoon over the weekend, and I just can't bear to see TWO Red days in a row on my HabitCal, so I am calling three S days this weekend. :oops:

Looking forward to getting back to a normal routine on Monday. My whole routine this week has been thrown off!

Best of luck everyone!

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 12:30 pm
by LadyEngineer
Camping was fun, but HOT!!!! Thought about maybe running or walking, but wound up just hanging out in the lake....

No S wise - I think I was pretty good considering the abundance of my friends' chips, cookies, snacks, etc. And with little sleep and trying to keep 4 teenagers happy, I may have had one extra glass of wine/drink each evening. Ah, if only they didn't have calories ;). I prepared cut up veggies and light dip for my "snacks", and only indulged in one cookie and a little bit of trail mix.

I wish the scale this morning showed the effort I put into not over doing eating, though! I think I'll blame the salt intake from stopping to eat at Moe's on the way home on Sunday. I tried to eat a lighter meal, but it is hard with fast/restaurant food.

Will grocery shop after work today (too busy doing laundry when got home yesterday). Have a healthy meal already planned for tonight, just need to get the rest of the week in shape.

Happy No S Week!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:30 am
by Merry
Sounds like a good weekend. Don't sweat the small stuff, S days should be enjoyed. And, time will show if it was mainly salt/water weight too (I always retain water when I travel). Time with friends is golden :-).

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:27 pm
by LadyEngineer
Thank you for the encouragement, Merry!

Monday turned out to be a RED! The healthier rice pilaf side I planned was replaced at the last minute by home made mac and cheese. The boys forgot to help with dinner, I came home late from grocery shopping and my daughter was having a pretty rough night and needed some comfort food and I wanted to spoil her. I also found out my "trigger" food is home made mac and cheese! I had seconds :roll:

Hopefully today will be better.

All in all, I am so glad I started No S. I am just being more thoughtful about all food choices and I don't normally feel deprived. For example, I've been ignoring my kind boss's muffins he brought today ALL MORNING and now this afternoon!

While the scale goes up and down, it's still down compared to 8 weeks ago. And the "seconds" last night were worth it - they were wonderful, and I really didn't pile on that much and I only started making this side about once every 3 months. I'll have to remember to save the dish for an S day!

Happy Tuesday!

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:53 pm
by LadyEngineer
Rough week "No S" wise as in a couple of REDs!!

I finally broke down and had a half of muffin that my boss brought yesterday as a snack. And I've only ran/exercised once this week.

I was just starving and exhausted by the time we had dinner Wednesday. Due to normal sibling/kid drama, we ate later and in shifts - so I wound up having 3 pieces of home made bread with the healthy chicken and vegetables. Ah well!

However, when I did the daily calorie inventory last night, I realized I just consumed a "normal" amount of calories for me that I normally have on a regular "No S" day. So while I will call it a technical RED, I am happy because all in all, I just kind of ate a normal amount of food and didn't really over do it. I did not succumb to the "What the Hell Effect" of breaking a No S Rule!

On To Thursday!!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 2:20 pm
by LadyEngineer
Thursday was a GREEN. Though I had "seconds" of salad, since I did not have cooked veggies to go as a side with the main dish.

We finally got a run in this morning in hot, muggy GA. I already feel good about sticking to the rules this Friday!

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:46 pm
by LadyEngineer
Friday was a GREEN.

Tried not to overdo it this weekend. A LOT of running around: cleaning house, back to school shopping with rising 8th grader, "college" shopping for daughter, etc.....

Monday was pale GREEN. We didn't eat dinner until after 8 pm - first day of school here, Older Daughter working a 12 hour shift in hospital (before college) and Older Son working part time after school meant we waited until they got home to eat as a family with Younger Son and Husband. So I technically had "1" plate, but it was pretty darn full, and I was overly full.

I think I will have to add a "mod" for our lifestyle. I have been "cheating" by fixing up fresh veggies and light dip to munch on while I prepare dinner/wait for everyone to get home to eat. Technically, it's not No S. But I find that I do better this way rather than just being overly hungry. The 60 cals worth of Ranch Dip are much better than the 200+ cals of too much food on my plate!

And it rained this morning, so no exercise. Ughh....................

Have a good Tuesday!

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:09 pm
by LifeisaBlessing
Hi LadyEngineer!

Just wanted to stop by and say hello--as a mom of both an older daughter and younger son, I can related to sooooooo many of your situations!

NoS is a wonderful board, and it's nice to have you here! :)

Best of luck with the college shopping! :D

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:23 pm
by LadyEngineer
Hi LifeisaBlessing,

Thank you for the welcome! Yep, things are in constant state of Flux in my house with an 18, 16 and 13 year old. I am pushing down all those emotions - just letting them leak out at traffic lights and other inconvenient times/places on way to work!!!

No S has been the best thing I have done for myself since I started trying to exercise regularly 16 years ago. Overall, I am probably down 5 lbs. I don't know if I will loose much more unless I really "diet", and being in hot, muggy Georgia right now is killing my motivation to get out and even walk :) But that's OK. I know there will be an end to the grinding humidity in about a month, I love the "system of moderation" and the idea of just walking vs. trying to run all the time is working quite well for me. It's becoming a stress reducer rather than me worrying about my "running times" going to H-E-double hockey sticks because of age and life commitments! And as I tell my kids, I was always last picked for sports teams in school!

Yesterday was GREEN. But again, we ate after 8 pm due to waiting for kids to come back from work, etc. So I probably overate a little at dinner, but I didn't have "seconds" or sweets. And for some reason, I was craving a sweet!

No run this morning. That 5 am alarm clock wasn't enough to get DH and me out of bed :) But TOMORROW....

Happy Wednesday, Everyone!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:34 pm
by ekat
Hi LadyEngineer! It looks like we're about the same height and weight. I also like to run. Too tired this morning, which means I'll be stuck going in the heat later. But I'm in the Midwest, so it's nowhere near as hot and muggy as GA :)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 12:40 pm
by LadyEngineer
Hello Ekat!

We made it out this morning (Thursday). A wall of humidity! I'm not a fast runner, but I sure sweated off 2 lbs this morning!

Yesterday was GREEN with a mod - I had the fruit I packed for breakfast as a "snack" at 6 pm while we were waiting for the kids to finish up meetings, etc. We didn't eat until 8 pm again. And we won't eat dinner until after 8 pm again tonight. I do have wine with dinner. I would probably loose a couple of pounds if I skipped it, but it's such a pleasure that I don't want to!

Happy Thursday!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:01 pm
by LadyEngineer
Friday was a GREEN.

Had a great No "SSSSaturday". Family party, then out to dinner and drinks with friends. Munched all afternoon, and I tried really tried to stick with fresh veggies and buffalo and veggie dip, but I still over did it :) Went over "2 Glass" limit, since we were basically partying for 10 hours. But I didn't go too far over...

Sunday was very good. Got up and ran (SLOWLY), shopped for lap top and more college stuff with DD, late church service and ate very sensibly and did have a couple of sweets.

I didn't sleep well last night, so no run this morning. (I wonder if it was the sugar from sweets or the 20 ounce diet Pepsi I had at 4 pm????). I hope to be good today. The scale was kind this morning. Still holding steady at a 5 pound total weight loss. Haven't really lost any weight in the past few weeks, but I haven't gained anything back either.

I would like to loose 3 to 4 more "vanity" pounds, because there is some magic number out there, but it really is OK if I maintain. I am just amazed this "diet" has worked. I have tried for 2 years with dismal results to loose anything, and this has been so effective for me!

Happy Week Everyone!

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 2:27 pm
by LadyEngineer
Oh boy, Team! It's looking a little hard this week after all...

DS worked until almost 11 PM last night! That wasn't supposed to happen. And DD didn't get home until after 7 pm from work, so we sat down to eat dinner after 8 pm. I was rather happy with my "mod" of having a "snack" of left over breakfast fruit and just raw, cut up carrots, celery and broccoli between 6:30 pm and 7 while waiting to eat an after 8 dinner. I'm calling Tuesday a GREEN. This schedule is awful! BTW - DS has another late night again today. We have discussed this, and the job will go if they ever schedule him like this again. School comes first, and he is taking some really hard classes!

I ran at 5 am yesterday, but since I was up late last night worrying about DS, no early run today on Wednesday. And I have a last minute working lunch with our group which will be sandwiches, chips and a cookie. My willpower is low. I will take the punch on the chin, eat the cookie and call today a RED. Ughhh...

On the good news front, it's just one cookie and I snacked on veggies/healthy stuff while I felt like I was "starving to death" while waiting for the family dinner time ;) So, No S habits are definitely helping me make healthy choices since I didn't snack on the crackers and cheese that I REALLY wanted!

I hope I can run tomorrow.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 11:40 pm
by Merry
LadyEngineer wrote: And I have a last minute working lunch with our group which will be sandwiches, chips and a cookie. My willpower is low. I will take the punch on the chin, eat the cookie and call today a RED. Ughhh...
I always think of this type of red day as a success. Technically red, but it's planned and calculated--not at all like the red day that is out-of-control eating, you know? It's a success over how I used to eat, and I think it's a reasonable concession occasionally. I track it as red so I still know it's happening (in case I need to tighten reins etc...) but I don't feel badly about it. Hope you enjoyed your lunch!

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:44 pm
by LadyEngineer
Thank you, Merry! And the cookie was GREAT!!! One of the massive chocolate chip ones, which I had as a snack with coffee in the afternoon. So that "RED" broke two rules - sweet and snack! ;)

Thursday was a GREEN, but no run and no run today. My sleeping pattern is way off kilter this week, and again, our current schedule is all over the place.

Like a lot of people, I seem to need a pretty good routine. When our evenings are reasonable (as in we are sitting down to dinner by 7:30, the days of a 6:00 dinner are long gone for now), are able to tidy up and relax together for an hour or so, I can seem to get up to run and schedule healthy meals. I still have the healthy meals done, but the late, late nights are hard.

This evening will be a challenge, too. Need to go to the High School football game to watch my 8th grade son play in the band. AND he just texted me that he needs jeans as part of the "uniform". AND he just outgrew them all. I will be calling DD to run to Target real quick this morning to guesstimate size and grab a pair. Youngest son grew about 3 inches over the past few months and I just cleared out all jeans a few weeks ago. Sigh...

Happy Friday!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:36 pm
by LadyEngineer
It's been a mixed week! One RED on Tuesday because we ate so late and I had seconds! (But it was a "healthy" meal). Moved DD to college yesterday. Super mixed emotions on that one, and meals were all over the place, but somehow I tried to stick to the No S plan, and I probably felt better for it.

Got some runs and walks in this week - needed the exercise for stress relief with the move and trying to balance activities with my sons.

Looks like I've finally lost another pound. It's hard to say what my "total" weight loss is, but I would say I've lost 7 pounds? I am sure the scale will be up 3 pounds on Monday (normally is after weekends), but Fridays and Saturdays tend to be the low weight days on the scales, because I am trying to stick to No S all week. I've been on the No S plan for 11 weeks, with a Red/Yellow week of vacation, several other "RED" days, and another Special day or two thrown in. The habits of No S are keeping me relatively good on the RED and Special/YELLOW days. The "steam valve" so to speak of planned "Special/Yellow" days make a huge mental impact. For example, I made 2 loaves of chocolate chip banana bread for the family on Tuesday - and I've only had a taste. I REALLY wanted some earlier in the week, but I kept telling myself to wait for this weekend for a dessert. I held on, and now the banana bread is all gone :) The kids loved it. I guess I'll make the type of cake I REALLY want tonight and enjoy a slice on Saturday and Sunday...

I think I may be really crazy this weekend. I'll try not to over do it too much, but we are going over to a friends' house on Saturday night and there will be a snacking buffet all night, and I admit that my will power is pretty much about gone this week. And I really think that it is OK. I can eat/drink a little more than I probably should even if I wasn't trying to be on a "diet" at all, and I will be better on Monday. I am telling myself to not bother weighing in again until around Wednesday!

Happy Friday Everyone!

No S Journey:
Start 6/13/16 - 147+ lbs.
8/26/16 - 140 lbs.
Primary Goal - Stay healthy and maintain weight
Secondary Goal - Loose 2 more pounds

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 1:14 pm
by kaalii
just dropping by to say that it sounds you are doing great on noS...
mental impact is awesome and the loss of around 7lbs in 11 weeks is really good... :)

oh, and i also find that weighing on wednesday or thursday mornings is the most realistic, optimal yet flattering (encouraging) choice when on noS diet...

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 1:49 pm
by LadyEngineer
Thanks, Kaalii!

I AM doing great on No S! I really just can't believe after trying so many different other plans, and how hard they were, that No S just seems to work for me.

I was actually very nervous about posting the weight loss numbers, because I am afraid I'll mess up and gain weight back...... But, I wanted to let others know that moderation (and lot's of veggie sides, because I eat a lot), sensible, steady and a little exercise can make a difference.

I got a little discouraged a couple of weeks ago when a friend of mine had faster weight loss by counting calories, but I had to remind myself - I am terrible when it comes to counting calories. I keep "cheating" :)

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 5:20 am
by Merry
LadyEngineer wrote:Thanks, Kaalii!

I AM doing great on No S! I really just can't believe after trying so many different other plans, and how hard they were, that No S just seems to work for me.

I was actually very nervous about posting the weight loss numbers, because I am afraid I'll mess up and gain weight back...... But, I wanted to let others know that moderation (and lot's of veggie sides, because I eat a lot), sensible, steady and a little exercise can make a difference.

I got a little discouraged a couple of weeks ago when a friend of mine had faster weight loss by counting calories, but I had to remind myself - I am terrible when it comes to counting calories. I keep "cheating" :)
I've lost faster by calorie counting too, but when I stopped, I gained it all back and more. SO not worth it for me, but I hope it works for your friend!

Congrats on your successes! Slow, sustainable loss is excellent!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:29 pm
by LadyEngineer
Hi Merry,

I agree, slower seems to be better. Thanks for the encouragement!

Happy Monday!

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:34 pm
by LadyEngineer
Monday: RED, had a second piece of home made bread at dinner (so yummy!). It was worth it. :twisted:

Tuesday: Pale GREEN. Sticking to the mod of having a bit of fruit in evening before late dinners just to tide me over so I don't go overboard at dinner.

Walked Monday, Ran Tuesday, didn't run this morning, but plan to meet a friend of mine for a walk this evening while DH is at work and Youngest Son is in a class. Will be eating late again tonight, but have left overs from yesterday so all is planned: mashed potatoes, baked cauliflower, green beans and crockpot chuck roast (I did post that we are a meat and veg family...).

Weight: Still good. Not as "skinny" as last Thursday (up 1.5 lbs), but that is normal fluctuation.

On to Wednesday...

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 1:13 pm
by LadyEngineer
Wednesday - pale GREEN.

Urban Ranger at lunch (it was hot), and in evening before dinner with a friend. I "cheated" - had my fruit early because I ate WAY to little at lunch, and then was starving before the walk, so had a salad with a bit of dressing. Since I held back and didn't eat trail mix, crackers, etc., I'm calling it a good day.

Reasonable dinner.

No run today. Too tired (why is 5 am so early???).

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:14 pm
by LadyEngineer
Lots of red and yellow past few days.

Have left over chocolate chip cookies from Mother in law. Having a rough week.

Red mod for this week - one chocolate chip cookie snack at work in the afternoon with coffee. I just need to go my German "Kaffee und Kuchen" (is that spelled right?) roots for a couple of days.

Otherwise - I've been sticking with the plan and having healthy meals...

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:26 pm
by LadyEngineer
Well, not too many green days this month!

BUT, let's review what trying to stick to No S meant to me, even though I was falling off the wagon, so to speak: A RED day wasn't really terrible - I either had a cookie or a tiny piece of cake. OK, still a RED day, but I have been sticking to three meals, no seconds, and lots of veggies.

My weight is staying pretty stable, which is huge. I haven't exercised as much as I like - either walking or running, work and life just keep getting in the way.

Going camping this weekend. I have packed a lot of veggies - raw for snacking, and some to cook. Calling today an S day because I know this evening I'll probably have a cookie after dinner, but sometimes it's OK.

One interesting thing happened this week. I made an awesome pumpkin cake this past weekend when we had company. I really liked it. Tuesday I took the left overs and put them in the freezer. I couldn't bear to keep the cake out and tempt me - and once it was in the freezer and I knew I could pull it out on weekends, I felt OK and didn't have the urge to have any sweets. I'll pull it out next weekend!

Happy Friday, Everyone!

Starting Weight - 147
Best "Low" Weight - 140 (after a great running week and a lot of chicken meals!)
Average Weight Now - 142
Goal - Try to get to "Average 140", but will actually be happy if I don't gain back the 5 pounds I've been trying to loose for years!!!

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 1:38 pm
That's terrific. Hooray for freezers, eh? I've just remembered I have some coconut macaroons in my ice-box from last week - I'd forgotten them!!!! I hope you have a great time camping.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:43 pm
by LadyEngineer

Camping was great, except for the ANTS!!! We are in a bit of a drought here in GA, and the ants were crazy. Got all in our camper. Otherwise, had a great time. Ate a little too much, drank a little too much around the fire with friends, but had a pleasant get away.

Trying really hard to make it a GREEN week. So far so good today.....

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 12:36 pm
by LadyEngineer
Yikes! Going like a yo-yo over here on the scale thing! Up and down 3.5 lbs in a week!

Decent week last week even though I had some REDs. I was able to walk most days and got a couple of runs in.

Then Sunday night hit! Had ribs for past two days - must be a ton of salt in those things. Also didn't run :(

Will be a RED day today because I packed left over cake for breakfast. It's a No S sin, I know, but there it is.

Over all, still sticking to the three meals with the mod of a bit of fruit or cut up veggies between 5 and 7 if we are eating late. I need to pick that running up a bit, but it is hard to wake up early. We've been walking at lunch, which helps.

I would call myself a "C" student on No S for the past few weeks, but I'm not gaining anything back. I am waiting for that cool weather to start perking me up and get back into gear. This Georgia summer is lasting.........

Too many sweets in October

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:46 pm
by LadyEngineer
Time to try to get it back together on the No S life style. The good news: I really haven't gained any of the weight I lost back. The bad news: After a month of nibbling on sweets and rushing here and there with a home improvement project and busy (and lovely) weekends with friends, my meals, exercise and and sleep patterns got off track. I found one of the blessings of No S was that I slept better. So I am going to try to go back on the plan.

Yesterday was a RED, because of a cookie at lunch and over eating at dinner. We made chicken fajitas with a lot of veggies, but they are hard for me to figure out because I can't seem to make one "plate".....

Today is a new day. Let's hope I can try to stick with it.

Happy November!

Time to stick with Resolutions

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:02 pm
by LadyEngineer
Slipped off the No S Wagon pretty badly for the past 2 months. I have snacked, had seconds and had sugar! Yep, clothes are a little tighter now.

Day One of Return to No S. So far so good: oatmeal and coffee for breakfast, baked potato with cheese, butter and veggies for lunch and walked 2 miles at lunch at work.

Will stick with my mod. of having the "breakfast" fruit for a snack because dinner will most likely be at 7:30 again tonight due to kids' schedules.

And I hope to get back to running 3~4 times a week again.

I hope to make today Green.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:26 pm
by LadyEngineer
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were Green.

Exercise has been nil. DH and I are fighting the crud.

We will see how tonight goes. It's supposed to be snowing/icy conditions late tonight in Metro Atlanta. Screams for comfort food by the fire while worrying about DD driving home late from part time job and being due to drive back to college this weekend. Lots of reasons to give into a temptation tonight.

Stay safe everyone!

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:37 am
by osoniye
We're getting some snow in NC right now, too... exciting!

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:14 am
by Over43
Keep at it.

I read Sugar Busters as well. That lasted until lunch when I had that deli sandwich on wheat bread... :shock: plus gagging down oatmeal.

And low carb always sounds like a good idea until I realize there is ice cream in the freezer.