- -

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

Moderators: Soprano, automatedeating

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Post by Whosonfirst » Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:13 pm

oolala53 wrote:Very impressed with consistent exercise and 80% compliance. You are so far ahead of the game compared to the average bear! That would be me.
Oolala, don't be so hard on yourself. You've been like a standard bearer on here. EVERBODY has relapses, including moi. The successful people pick themselves up and carry on. I've been somewhat lucky in that I've never been one to binge, except maybe on Oreo cookies and Reece's peanut butter cups as a boy. As to my consistent exercise routine, that has been my mental therapy over the years. Crank up the rock or even jazz and do your thing. I hope you're enjoying your new retirement.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 10072
Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:46 am
Location: San Diego, CA USA

Post by oolala53 » Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:20 pm

Thanks! I've been having trouble with my hip joints, but I know I could do SOME movements and we both know consistency is the major factor.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Post by Whosonfirst » Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:31 pm

Whosonfirst wrote:1/1/19-Tues(Happy New Year)
early a.m. Five Tibetan rites x 21; walk later, missed yesterday, it rained all day. Did start doing Sun Salutations yesterday in p.m. -my flexibility is pretty bad it seems.
New Year's goals:
Walk every day @> 95% success rate.
Get my NoS compliance rate above 80%; biggest failure is occasional snacking. I'm planning on removing my goal weight from my sig line, since it's not even a secondary or tertiary? goal any longer. Will continue to use fruit as a mod when needed.
Continue to improve on accoustic guitar. By end of year, I want to learn the following songs: Blackbird, American Woman(electric), one Chuck Berry song(electric); and Anji(this seems like the biggest stretch). Very satisfied with my improvement this past year, my two year starting point will be in April with a few months off after shoulder work.
Try to get my dear wife doing a daily short walk, even if it's just to end of our dead end street and back. She's the one who actually got me interested in walking when I gave up jogging. Will be more difficult than learning Blackbird.
early a.m. Five Tibetans; I dialed back the reps to about 14-17 from 21. Decided trying to endure pain in my wrists wasn't worth it. Hopefully they adapt again.
p.m. rain stopped finally,so Gus and I did his walk much to his delight. This past week on NoS, being a short Holiday week was hit and miss. Need to stock up on my fruit mods to make it succeed. I had intended to add reducing coffee consumption on year's goals. That would have been a big bust this past week.
a.m. Walked Gus abt. 1.5M- p.m.-Five Tibetans, couldn't get motivated for them right out of bed this morning. So far I've learned the intro, first line of verse and ending of Blackbird, not perfect by any means.
no walk or Five Tibetans today. first walk missed in about a month.
Lunch was tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich with bacon, chicken and mushrooms. Dinner was roast beef, carrots & baby potatoes done in crock pot, one of my favorites, two slices of day old french bread with it. Hope to get Tibetans done tomorrow morn, been fighting off cold, unfortunately gave it to my wife:(
really early a.m. Five Tibetans. Later walked 1.5+M with Gus-no wind. English muffin, strawberry preserves, oatmeal for breakfast.
Dinner -Texas style chicken, baked potato w/sour cream, and peas. Mango Wheat ale before dinner. did a few pullups and pushups cable curls in p.m.
1/17 &1/18-Thur/Fri
No Five Tibetans yesterday, woke up with sinus headache, but managed walk with Gus later.
Reversed it on Friday, did my Five Tibetans early, and after clearing light snow, didn't walk today, but left Gus run around in snow while I cleared it, so he got some light exercise. Sounds like more snow,sleet and rain on forecast for tomorrow. Eng. muffin, strawberry preserves and oatmeal for breakfast; Cream of crab soup for dinner and cheeseburger. Mango wheat ale before dinner.
a.m.-Walked Gus before next storm-1.5+M. Doing 5 Tbtns later on, with a few pushups and pullups. Recd news that we lost another 50 yr. h.s. classmate and Vietnam veteran this week. He actually fell while in the hospital and broke a temporal bone in his head and the blood clot was fatal. RIP Tom.
p.m. Cold walk, high winds, only 1M
1/21-Mon. Temps were 7 degr. F this morning with wind, -17! No walk today.Dinner was Bratwurst sandwich and mac-n-cheese
1/22-Tues-skipped Five Tibetn again, sore back for some reason-Took Gus on cold walk but no wind-a balmy 13 degrs F. Wrong shoes and toes got cold, so I slow jogged about 2 blocks.Making decent progress on Blackbird and surprisingly almost have the first part of Anji too. A year back, these were both too difficult. Not that it has anything to do with NoS but also learning Born Under a Bad Sign on electric by Albert King-love the feel of this old song. My approach to learning songs is have several in different stages of development which is contrary to what most teachers tell newer students. I credit my decades on piano for this approach to learning. Everybody needs to do what works for them, including NoS.
Squeezed Five Tibetans into afternoon workout.
1/23-Wed-a.m. Walked Gus 1.5+M. p.m. -Five Tbtns + pushups/cable curls/Ovhd presses.
1/25, 1/26- Fri, Sat-Got our longer walks in both days after it rained all day on Thur. Missed other exercises on Thu/Fri. NoS compliance still about 80% or less. Only 100% compliance has been guitar practice/playing. Finding I'm not enjoying consulting work during retirement. May pull the plug in the next month or two, we'll see.
pm- Five Tibetans, pushups, cable curls, pullups.
a.m.-Walked 1.5M with doggie, p.m. Five Tibetans +pushups/pullups/cable curls. Looking forward to NoS to close out month.
a.m. Walked Gus 1.5M 28 degr F but very light winds. Missed doing my other routines. Ate lightly today, for no good reason.Drank too much coffee, no beer.Thinking of giving shovelglove a try during these cold winter months. My regular "gym" is located in our unheated garage and last week it was in the single digits here in Pa. But I would occasionally run a little ceramic heater. I could easily do shovelglove in the house in the winter. And I think the SG moves may speed my rehab on my shoulder, which is still weak.
1/29-Tues-Walked in a.m. with Gus. Wed/Thur. supposed to be very cold at low single digits with wind chill, so maybe i'll get shovelglove started, since shoveling will be the order of business tomorrow morning. Home made pizza for dinner, my granddaughter made with it grandma, was pretty good.
1/30-Wed-12 degrees now in bright sun. No walks today, but shoveled earlier and my fingers were numb even with my heavy gloves. Gus went out with me, and after touring the yard, he went up onto deck standing at doors to go back inside. At least cold burns extra cals, lol. p.m. Five Tibetans abbreviated, plus pushups, bwt squats and cable curls and presses.
1/31-Thurs.a.m. too cold to walk, temps at zero to one degree F. I woke up to cold water in kitchen sink froze up. So after about three attemps involving a hair dryer, ceramic heater, a drill and hole saw, I finally solved it. Now I have to patch a couple of holes under sink, probably with screening(wife's suggestion) to allow heat to get into the wall where pipes are located.
p.m. Walked about half usual with Gus, worried about his paws, bright sun, he loved prancing in the snow. I have to admit that bright sun and snow with crisp air lightened my mood.
Five Tibetans afterwards, pushups, squats and cable curls. P/u's starting to feel like before my injury but still weak. Will do an apple for my afternoon Mod, maybe with chamomile tea.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm


Post by Whosonfirst » Fri Feb 01, 2019 12:51 pm

Feb. 1-Friday.-Glad Jan. has passed. It's our daughter's birthday and it's snowing appropriately. We brought her home from hospital in one of the worst storms of that year. I need to improve my NoS performance this month. Not been using my fruit mods as well I could have. I also want to get more herbal tea(s) which seem to help. The wife is doing well with her Phy Thpy, they're working to improve her balance issues, she comes home pretty wiped out. Rooting for the Rams in the Super Bowl, although I'd never bet against the Patriots.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 10072
Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:46 am
Location: San Diego, CA USA

Post by oolala53 » Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:59 am

My mother was from a small city outside Boston, so you can tell who we had to root for. Funny how those things hang on. And speaking of, her birthday was the first, too. She would have been 102 years old today. She nearly made it to 90.

Happy birthday to your daughter! And good luck with your improved compliance this month.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Post by Whosonfirst » Sat Feb 02, 2019 2:14 pm

Feb 2-Groundhog day in Punxsutawney, Pa. Punx. Phil didn't see his shadow, so he's predicting an early spring-TG. It pretty much snowed all day here yesterday, although it didn't amount to much more than a few inches, maybe 3 or 4.
Thanks for the good wishes oolala. Happy Birthday to your mother as well. We always note our parents' birthdays even though no longer with us.
My day yesterday was a wash for exercise except about 20 minutes of light shoveling(and staying warm). Trying to buy a new car battery for our SUV pretty much took a couple hours. 1st, Walmart didn't have one in stock, but nice lady recommended Advance Auto, which is only 1/2 mile away. So I bought one there, and young clerk said he couldn't install it?? So I took it home and commenced putting it in, on the driveway in the falling snow. Had to stop because I needed a real long extension for my ratchet to reach a hidden bolt. Went back to Walmart to get it installed for $10. Mechanic comes back inside and informs me that Advance sold me the wrong battery. Then back to Advance, older clerk named Paco shakes his head and gets me the correct battery. I ask why they don't install this particular battery, he shakes his head again and tells me to pull car up in front of store. ten minutes later I get it installed free of charge, so I tip Paco for making this happen. All of this didn't do wonders for my NoS compliance.

2/2/19-a.m. Cold snowy walk with Gus-no wind, temp is -6 degr. F. Very pretty outside, the packed snow reflects like diamond crystals in sun. About half the sidewalks shoveled off. p.m. Five Tibetans plus pushups/squats/cable curls plus a little more shoveling. It's 3:45 and I'm pretty hungry, after my banana. So I'm having a porter until dinner.
2/3-Sun-a.m. Walked Gus 1.5+M; 20 degr. F-not terrible. no other exercise today.
2/4-Mon-a.m. Walked doggie in very pleasant almost spring like temps. Did banana mod again. Having turkey wrap and macaroni and cheese for dinner. planning on doing some exercises later, worked rest of morning from home. Having a Blue Moon, mango wheat ale with dinner.
2/5-Tues-a.m. Walked Gus in near spring-like temps. last week we were at zero, even 20 degrees 2 days ago. p.m. -Five Tibetans, pushups, squats and cable stuff. Daughter making pasta carbonara for dinner. Had a large plate with a mango wheat ale. Should hold me well until breakfast.

2/6-Wed-a.m. Walked Gus; started to rain so cut it short. p.m. Five Tibetans and pushups,squats, cable curls and rows. Lite db presses.
P/u's def. feeling better, doing them daily. lg. navel orange for afternoon mod with chamomille tea. Md. crab soup(cup) and BLT for dinner, few fries.
2/7-Thur-a.m. Walked dog 1.5+M. Orange & chamo tea for morning mod. May do a 2nd orange this afternoon. Going to skip five tibetans and just do more squats and pushups a little later. Added cable curls. still rebuilding a torn bicep tendon that was repaired along with my shoulder work last year. I can't imagine what pro athletes go through when they reach my age, or earlier.
(I found this video interesting that some younger guy did a 30 day-challenge routine of 100 pushups a day and nothing else. He lost five pounds but an astonishing 3 inches from his waist measurement. May not appeal to the ladies due to his choice of exercise, but I think the message is to keep an activity simple and focus on that.)

Sorry I don't know how to embed a video, like I'm able to on other sites.
2/8/19-Fri-a.m. Walked dog, windy and felt colder than thermometer reading. At 11:00 a.m. I'm ready for lunch, but will wait, was up at five eating my breakfast. Latest annoyance is our new above ground pool(installed last summer) must be leaking somewhere near the bottom. The water level has gone down over last 3 days substantially, and remaining ice block is pulling the cover very tight. I installed for the grandkids primarily, and have a lot of experience with this type of pool. Maintained and installed another one over 14 years with my own kids. This liner must have a defect on the bottom since I cant see any water around the perimeter and how slowly it's going down. So glad I didn't start the deck last summer. Removing the sod and grading the base was a real chore, plus the couple tons of stones I used to landscape afterwards. That's life.
2/9-Sat-a.m. Cold windy walk with Gus-leak in pool stopped because it frozen-LOL. Fighting off a sore throat so i skipped any addl. exercise.
2/10-Sun. a.m. Walked dog in 15 degr. F, but no wind. Forecast for tonight and Mon. is light snow-2-4 inches. p.m.-Pushups/Squats /cable curls/leg raises.
2/11-Mon- back to shoveling snow in morning. No walk today, snowed all day again, but not a lot of accumulation. p.m.-Five Tibetans, pushups/squats/cable curls.
2/12-2/13-Tues-Wed-No walk or exercises yesterday except shoveling a heavy wet snow for about 20-30 minutes. Rained all day after snow. Nice beef roast in crockpot for dinner with baby potatoes and carrots. Small dinner roll. Stout before dinner.
Wed. a.m. Cold windy walk with Gus, cut it short about 1M due to icy sidewalks and streets. Light flurries again today. p.m. Five Tibetans(abbrev); pullups/pushups/squats/cable curls. Going to have a Mango wheat ale before dinner.
2/14-15-Thurs/Fri-a.m. Walked dog both days. Afternoon workout Thurs, pullups/pushups/leg raises/cable curls.. banana and orange mods on thursday. Fri-bike ride with grandson, finally warm enough and no ice on roads to do that. Snow supposed to arrive again Sunday. GS and I did a 2nd bike ride, he just turned 6 a month ago, and wanted to race me on our dead end street. Gave him a very short head start and he beat me handily. Dinner with gk's was pizza, and I had one piece too many putting my plate over the limit. Pretty tired last evening with all the outdoor activities. Had banana and orange for mod's but didn't help eventually.
2/16-Sat-a.m. planned walk with dog later, beautiful sunny day before weather supposedly turns tomorrow, and 2nd storm to following Wed. Winter time in Pa. I've been watching two different off-grid folks in center and northern Ontario on youtube, and it makes Pa. look like the tropics. p.m. -Pullups/pushups/squats/leg raises/cable curls-Am considering wearing a knee brace for squats and bike riding; haven't worn one since h.s. football. Mango wheat ale before dinner.
2/17& 2/18-Sun-Walked in morning with Gus, no other exercises. Smoked pork chop for dinner, mashed potato, cup of clam chowder
-Mon-a.m. Cold windy walk with dog. p.m. -pullups/pushups/squat/cable curls and presses/leg raises-Oatmeal with banana for breakfast. small ham and cheese sandwich on roll for lunch with glass of milk.
2/19-Tues. a.m. walked dog-p.m. -same routine as prev. day. Ate breakfast for dinner-eggs/bacon/wheat toast & homefries with onions-didn't finish all homefries on plate. Had a dark stout earlier.
2/20-Wed.-about 6 inches of snow followed by sleet and still raining on top. Just finished about 40 minutes of heavy shoveling-that will be it for day. ate 2 soft tacos w/ground beef/cheese/lettuce for lunch. Dinner-toasted cheese sandwich with ham & tortilla soup, green tea, coffee afterwards.
2/21-Thus-a.m. Walked Gus in snowy fog, visibility about 1 block, he was stopping to eat chunks of ice along the way. p.m. Five Tibetans-pullups/pushups/cable curls/squats-Sun has come out, very pretty snow covered landscape(now that I don't have to drive to work in it) today's mods were a banana and cup of mint tea in afternoon.
2/22-Fri-a.m. -nice weather for walking Gus-1.5M-Many probably think that's too short a distance to do any good. As someone who often walked 2.5-4.0 M a few times a week I probably would have previously agreed. The difference at least for me, is it's now a daily walk and a pace I probably used 15-20 years ago. The first time or two, it would have been a little hard to have a conversation since I was huffing more than expected. Now it's a comfortable pace. Chamomille tea for mid -morning break, we're out of bananas. 12 y.o. granddaughter baked home-made pizzas last evening with GM's help. They're actually very good.
2/23-a.m. Walked Gus 1.5 M. p.m. workout lots of squats&pushups/leg raises/cable curls- a few pullups. Pushups are starting to feel pain-free or close to it. I believe we're doing spaghetti and meatballs for dinner/Italian bread
2/24-Sun-a.m. Walked dog in damp 37 degrees-F. p.m.-Pullups/pushups/squats/leg raises/cable curls-I think we may be having dinner out tonight. Change of plans, wife was fighting a headache all day plus we've been getting very high wind gusts so we stayed home. I made us ham & egg omelots for dinner, had mine on 15 grain whole wheat toast, mango wheat ale plus coffee with mine.
2/25-Mon-a.m. no planned dog walk, we had high wind gusts all day and was picking up neighbor's garbage blowing in yard several times today, blew over large blue recycle bins full of bottles, cardboard, plastic, etc. blocked it large garden bricks and it blew over again. While doing this, I had Gus by my side and when my attention was distracted, he took off to visit a Lab in next neighborhood that he sees when we walk. Nice lady had him on a leash when I caught up with him. I did spend about 30 minutes walking in a nearby wooded area looking for him, so got some exercise. p.m. -did an abbrev. routine of pullups/pushups/squats/leg raises and cable curls at about half my normal sets. Day was red for sure.
2/26-Tues-a.m. Walked Gus-22 degrees F. again. No added exercise in afternoon. Ham with pineapple for dinner/noodles/corn/salad.
2/27-2/28- Wed a.m. Walked dog in morning, p.m. wasn't feeling well, ate lightly all day
Thurs-a.m. Walked Gus our usual route- ate 2pcs. 15 grain WW toast with strawberry jam, coffee, sm. glass of milk and some pineapple for breakfast.
Last edited by Whosonfirst on Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Sat Mar 02, 2019 3:53 am

3/1/19-Friday-a.m. Walked between snow falls today with Gus, supposed to get two more snow/sleet events this weekend. p.m. -Five Tibetans and pushups/squats and cable curls. Day was a fail. Been fighting a sinus headache(not severe) for a couple days. We had cheeseburger pie and green beans for dinner. Been requesting wife to make it for a while, so she gave in today. It's more of a quiche than a cheeseburger, had two small to medium pieces. Mango wheat ale before dinner.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Staff Assistant III
Posts: 70
Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:05 pm
Location: Pennsylvania USA

Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Staff Assistant III » Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:08 pm

Ha, I’m in the Philly end of PA so we are having similar snow/sleet events. Just want to stay in by the fire and read!
No S start date 1/11/19

BMI Jan 19 22.7, FEb 19 22.9

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:25 pm

Whosonfirst wrote:
Sat Mar 02, 2019 3:53 am
3/1/19-Friday-a.m. Walked between snow falls today with Gus, supposed to get two more snow/sleet events this weekend. p.m. -Five Tibetans and pushups/squats and cable curls. Day was a fail. Been fighting a sinus headache(not severe) for a couple days. We had cheeseburger pie and green beans for dinner. Been requesting wife to make it for a while, so she gave in today. It's more of a quiche than a cheeseburger, had two small to medium pieces. Mango wheat ale before dinner.
Hello SAIII-My sister and nephew live in Philly. We're in York.
3/2-3/3-Sat a.m. Walked Gus both days, no p.m. exercises Saturday.Shoveled very heavy snow on Saturday morning about 45 minutes. Sun p.m. pushups/squats/leg raises/back bends/cable curls. Quaker oats with banana for breakfast. Home made pizza for dinner.
3/4-Mon. a.m. Shovelling with gloves on-1+hour, walked Gus, beautiful snowscape, trees covered, sunny. At one point we walked under a large evergreen and got a snowy shower from the wind blowing off the branches. He was in his happy zone walking on snow. Oatmeal with banana for breakfast, 15 grain w.w. toast with strawberry jam, coffee.
p.m. Pullups/pushups/squats/leg raises/back bends/cable curls.
3/5-Tues-a.m. Drove wife to Dr. apt, then brkfst at fam. restrnt- eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns, coffee. Walked Gus, very cold but sunny, light wind. p.m. 5TBR's, pullups/pushups/squats/cable curls. Spaghetti and meat balls, small salad ranch dressing. Had a Blue Moon Belgian Ale with dinner. Posting my NoS compliance on the March challenge thread.
3/6-Wed-a.m.-Cold windy walk with Gus, 13 degrees F,but wind made it a bit challenging. Banana mod. in morning. p.m. Pullups/squats/pushups/cable curls-only did 1 set of 25 squats, something felt wonky in my r. knee. Had jogged a few times during our walk in morning basically to get warm, my knee didn't like it. Dinner was Texas style chicken, baked potato, cole slaw. Belgian ale before dinner.
3/7-Thurs-15 grain WW toast with strawberry jam & Gevalia coffee/OJ; oatmeal a little later. p.m. Walked dog in afternoon. No after exercise, unless you count carrying groceries into house. My wife had a two hour therapy session in morning and wasn't feeling well the rest of day, so I made omelots with bacon for dinner. Had mine with Arnolds multi-grain toast, really like this brand. I also had a lime & lager before dinner. I know that's a great combination, right.
3/8-Fri-a.m. English muffins(2) with colby cheese and hard salami pieces for breakfast-walked Gus our usual route, 13 degr. but no wind. p.m.-Squats/pullups/pushups/leg raises/back bends/cable curls. After a rough start in March, have managed to put four green days in a row. Had 2 beer limit on Friday, and woke up with dry mouth, so I'll probably quit after one.
3/9-Sat. a.m. Walked Gus our usual route, in a sunny, balmy 31 degrees, supposed to be in the 50's tomorrow. So my newest guitar song I'm learning is Dream On, pretty challenging for someone who is between beginner and intermediate. Here's how this ties into NoS, if you're feeling some mild hunger pangs and thinking about snacking between meals, pick up the guitar, and before long it's lunch or dinner time. Not sure if that works for bingers. p.m. Pullups & pushups in a superset/squats/leg raises/back bends/cable curls. When I don't do the full five Tibetan rites, I usually include the 5TbR back bends into the mix because it makes my spine and neck feel good.
3/10-Sun-a.m. Walked Gus in light drizzle/mist, had to towel him off when we got home. Now in the afternoon, it's sunny and looks like spring. p.m. -light dumbbell work-upper body-presses/rows/curls. We're having roast beef for dinner in the crock pot; smell is driving me bonkers.
3/11-Mon-a.m.-Walked Gus in morning- p.m. nada activities-Hot turkey sandwich and mashed potatoes for dinner. no beer or coffee(wasn't feeling great in afternoon)
3/12-Tues-a.m. Breakfast was 1/2 lg. pancake, 1 egg, & 2 sausage links with coffee. Walked Gus the usual route-very windy- Gus was a rescue from either NJ or Kentucky(not sure), he's a handsome, black flat-coat retriever mixed with either a Newfoundland or Australian shepherd. Our vet thinks the latter but his records said Newfoundland. He's very high energy and loved to "herd" our cat, so we think the vet might be correct. He looks a lot like a lab with a longer, wavy coat. p.m.-ate a very light lunch, wasn't very hungry, now I am LOL. Afternoon exercises-Pullups/Pushups superset/ leg raises/Dbell curl+press/DB rows-skipping squats for a few days, wonky knee. may have to visit doc to see what's up. Doesn't hurt to walk at all, jogging is another matter. Planned dinner is salad and wife's ravioli.
Wanted to add I had both a banana and apple this morning for my mods. Shared the apple with wife. Drank too many cups of coffee today(4) so far.
3/13-Wed-a.m. Walked doggie 1.5 m-24 degr-F- some wind, Banana mod in morning-p.m.-Only pushups & pullups in afternoon.Trying to will my knee better. Except for my fruit mods(not every day) I've been sticking to a mostly vanilla NoS this month, it does get easier every day. I almost wanted to do it over the weekend too, but stuck to Reinhard's advice not to do that. One Mango wheat ale before dinner.
3/14-Thurs. a.m. planning to take walk with doggie soon. Done-p.m. few pushups/cable curls-Dinner/bbq ham/half baked pot/salad
(I just read back through several of my last few months posts and realize how repetitive(boring) they must be. Sorry for making your eyes bleed. I have the self perception to know what a creature of habit I am. I will start abbeviating my posts with some kind of shorthand for the sake of brevity)
3/15-Fri-Wlkd dog-played baseball with grandson.
3/16-Sat-a.m. Wlkd dog-very cold and windy
3/17-Sun-a.m.-Wlks dog usual rte p.m. PlUps/PsUps/Sq/LRs/BkBnds/CC's/Db C+P/Rows-2 pcs. of leftover pizza for lunch-feel blah.
3/18-Mon. a.m. Wkd Gus & Gs-bike ride with Gs- brkf-oatmeal with banana & eng. muffin/strwbry jam. p.m. pl-ups/ps-ups/sq/lr's/bbs/cable curls-knee not happy w/bike ride.
3/19-Tues-a.m. Wlkd dog. -oatmeal w/banana; eng. mffn w/blk rspbrry jam/coffee-p.m. only activ's kneeling and redoing flooring in our recr. room. -dinner, pork fried rice and 1/2 egg roll(I'll be hungry in 5-4-3-2----) apple mod in afternoon.
3/20-Wed-a.m. Wlkd dog. eggs/ bacon/WW toast for brkfst. p.m. PlUps/PshU/LR/Bb's/CC's-dinner smoked pork chop/salad/msh pot./coffee-banana mod in morning.
3/21-Thur-Wife & I had brkfst at local diner-3/4 pancake, 1 egg, 2 links, coffee-Probably no walk today, supposed to get an inch of rain in the northeast. p.m.-P/U's,p/u's/sq/db pr/cc's/lr's/bb's
3/22-a.m.-wlkd dog- usual rte-oatmeal w banana & eng. muffin-brkft.
3/23-3/24-Sat&Sun- Walked dog both days. Eating Sat was NOT good.
Last edited by Whosonfirst on Sun Mar 24, 2019 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by liveitup » Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:57 am

Gotta ask, what are the Tibetans you're mentioning? Is it this?

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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Sun Mar 24, 2019 12:23 pm

liveitup wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:57 am
Gotta ask, what are the Tibetans you're mentioning? Is it this?

Yes, that's them. Here's a good video.


3/25-Mon. a.m.-Wkd Gus. brkfst-eng mffn/jam/coffee/oatmeal & banana-p.m.-worked on flooring, more tomorrow, no reg. exer's
3/26-Tues-a.m. Wkd dog-p.m. worked on rec room flooring
3/27-Wed-a.m. Wkd dog.-p.m.-Wife's been sick a few days so my meals like a batchelor-pizza, brats, eggs, and of course beer(not all in one day). Activ's-PlUp/PhUps/sq/LR's/CC's/BB's-taking a few days off made pullups and pushups feel stronger(no surprise)-banana mod. w/herbal tea in afternoon
3/28-Thur-a.m. Wkd dog. Brkfst-oatmeal w/banana & eng. muffin. p.m. worked the PlUps&PhUps pretty hard/LRs/Sq/BB's/CC's. Clearly didn't eat enough for lunch, paying for it now. Have a Sam Adams to take off the edge, wife's feeling better and has cabin fever, so we'll probably go out for dinner. I bought some protein meal suppliments for days I eat lightly, so far i've only used one.
3/29-Fri-a.m. Wkd dog-eng. muffin/jam and protein drink/coffee-p.m. -few PlUps&PhUps/DB Pr/Db Rows/Curls/LR's/Sq(few)-afternoon mods/ 2 sm clementine oranges&blkbrry tea-dinner: salisbury steak w/mushrooms, mashed potatoes w/gravy/cole slaw.
3/30-3/31-Sat-Sun-eating was a bit over the top on Sat. Walked Gus both days-Sat. p.m. Pullup&Pushups/Cable curls-Fin. March 17/21 days in the green. p.m. PlUps/PhUps/Db C+Pr/Db rows/Sq- - 5 TBR's first
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:30 pm

April's Log-
Tracking NoS compliance on the April challenge thread.

4/1-Mon-a.m. Wlkd Gus ~1.5M-below freezing again and very windy-Brkfst toast w/jam, half a protein drink & piece of cheese and hard salami-lol. p.m. Pl/U's, ph/u's/Sq/LR's/BB's/CC's
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by automatedeating » Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:37 pm

I watched that youtube video you posted and shared it with my dad. :-) He likes stuff like that.
That's not you, though, right? Different dogs, haha
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Tue Apr 02, 2019 9:55 am

automatedeating wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:37 pm
I watched that youtube video you posted and shared it with my dad. :-) He likes stuff like that.
That's not you, though, right? Different dogs, haha
Haha, No that's Russell Lauzon, a Canadian. And most viewers love his dogs, but our dog would fit right in, same color and size, same general temperament.
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:58 pm

Whosonfirst wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:30 pm
April's Log-
Tracking NoS compliance on the April challenge thread.

4/1-Mon-a.m. Wlkd Gus ~1.5M-below freezing again and very windy-Brkfst toast w/jam, half a protein drink & piece of cheese and hard salami-lol. p.m. Pl/U's, ph/u's/Sq/LR's/BB's/CC's
4/2-Tues-a.m. Wlkd dog, it's s now 8:55 and I need a banana mod already. I'm an early riser, usually around 5 a.m. sometimes earlier and don't want to have my 3rd cup of coffee this early. Working on taxes today, woohoo. After ~10 years, I've moved them from online back to long hand forms, I feel more in control of the calculations this way, after owing a fairly large unexpected amount last year. With online , everything goes into the "black box" and I was never sure if it came out correctly. It should also save me about $100 that my online services charge. I'm sort of a tax luddite it seems. Now if I could convince wife to cut off cable, of course we'd substitute something like Netflix and Hulu to replace it. Our latest cable bills are ridiculous, up $50 a month since December, and we don't rent any extra movies or shows.
p.m. no exercises. dinner, roast beef with baby potatoes and carrots in crock pot, pre-dinner ale. 1 banana mod today with chamo. tea.
4/3-Wed-a.m. Wlkd dog- worked on taxes most of day-done.
4/4-Thur-a.m. Dentist apt-came home and wlkd dog-he was rarin' to go, very nice spring day. p.m. have a muscle knot in my upper back, so I've skipped any calisthenics or other exer's these last couple days.
4/5-Fri-a.m. Wlkd Gus in cold drizzle-so cut it short. p.m.-Not a good day NoS wise, been nursing a sore upper back-so my will power sucks.
4/6-Sat-a.m. Wlkd dog-p.m. P/U's, p/u's,Sq,LR's,Bb's,C+Pr(db),Curls(db)-short evening dog walk in shirt sleeves
4/7-Sun-a.m. same as Sat(except no evening walk)
4/8-Mon-a.m. Wlkd Gus, cut it short, he's a bit sluggish from meds for an ear infection. Been lying by my feet since we returned. drank half of a protein drink(vanilla) with my WW toast this morning, also had 3 sm. pcs of hard salami and cheese with toast. Been trying to up my protein and fat intake which helps satiate. p.m. rode bikes about 30 mins. with g.s. but no other exer's, felt blah most of afternoon, so I skipped them.
4/9-Tues-a.m.-Wlkd Gus-While I'm not currently weighing any more, my jeans are starting to slide down my hips when I'm walking dog(No, not quite like some hip-hop artists). I shouldn't have to do much shopping if that continues, my closet is well stocked with tighter clothes from my Atkins past. I've actually been attempting to up my protein intake since I've been able to use some light weights again. Unless things change, I will probably only use doctor visits for weight checks. p.m. P/U's, p/u's, LR's, BB's, C+Pr, Rows, Curls. Short evening walk with Gus.
4/10-Wed-a.m. -Regular walk with dog. p.m. added exercise-mowing grass with self propelled mower(1.5 hrs), my tractor still needs to go into shop.
4/11-Thur-a.m. Wlkd dog-p.m. picked up, loaded and unloaded a couple hundred lbs. of lumber-late afternoon-pullups/pushups/sq/lr's/bb's/cable curls-banana mod afterwards.
4/12-Fri-a.m.-Wlkd dog. p.m. same exer routine as yday.j Five greens in a row.
4/13-14-Sat/Sun-Wlk dog both days and same exer. rtns as Fri
4/15-Mon-a.m. Took Gus for his walk, and just remarked to myself(and Gus) that the sunlight and sky were unbelievably beautiful, dark clouds on a blue sky. The light on the ground was almost surreal. This did not last 5 minutes, almost like an omen in a movie. The dark clouds started to block the sun, the wind kicked up and what was so pleasant reversed 180 degrees. We felt a few drops but not terrible. Probably had something to do with tornado warnings last evening, but none made land. It would have been a photographers dream setting earlier. p.m.--Lunch was a ham & cheese sandwich on few days old Italian bread. After cutting off the end piece, was still pretty tasty. Later-Pullups/ Pushups-60 total/Squats/Leg raises/back bends/cable curls(done in superset with pushups.
4/16-Tues-a.m.-eng. muffins and jam, half a protein drink. Banana mod mid-morning-Wlkd dog.-p.m.-Pullups/Sq/LR's/Cl+Pr/Db crls
4/17-Wed a.m.-Wlkd dog-p.m. building a bed for daughter, so no other exer.
4/18-Thurs-same activ's as yday
4/19-Good Friday-a.m. Long walk with Gus. /pushed lawn tractor from shed about 150 feet to garage(up grade) p.m. Got my usual afternoon workout in, no dumbbells today.
4/20-Sat-a.m.-Wlkd dog-p.m. shorter 1M dog walk again in evening. No other exer's. unless you count carrying a heavy bed frame out to deck to sand and return.
4/21-Sun-Happy Easter! Ate a good amount today, no candy but cake with dinner and two scoops of some kind of cookies ice cream.
4/22-Mon-a.m.-Wlkd Gus-p.m.-Cut grass with hand mower & took down 1900 Xmas tree lights from our Japanese red maple tree in front yard(yea, the day after Easter). This topped any of my recent workouts, as I had my arms above my shoulders most of the time, standing on step ladder, and manuevering between branches-beat. My neighbor wears a fit-bit, and I'd love to know how many steps I did.
4/23-Tues-a.m.-brkfst two eggs, two strips bacon, one pancake, coffee. no mods needed morning or afternoon.-Walked Gus-p.m. more woodworking -pullups and pushups only. Been a couple days, and pullups went best so far this year.short bike rides with g.s.-we mostly raced around our street and cul-de-sac. Leftover Easter ham sandwich on Pepperidge farm 15 gr. WW plus a few chips with peach tea.
4/24-Wed-a.m. Wlkd dog-worked from home rest of morning. afternoon dr. visit for wife's chronic illness.then felt ill myself later, so took an S-day.
4/25-Thur-a.m. Wlkd dog-then weeded two flower beds/gathered brush from trees lining our lot. p.m.-Pullups/pushups/Sq/LR/Cable curls
4/26-Fri-a.m. Wlkd dog. p.m.-short exer. routing in afternoon with dumbbells , squats, & leg raises. today was a struggle to stay green, rainy weather, too much sitting.
4/27-Sat-a.m. Wlkd dog as usual, wind was howling and still is, but it's sunny. Wife felt well enough to attend an annual tea with a neighbor friend, so I'm trying to work on headboard to new bed on the deck. Wind is relentless.(update on Wife's tea which was to benefit cancer-she won $100 worth of gift cards(3)-she always tells me how lucky she is with door prizes and raffles)
4/28-Sun-a.m. Wlkd dog between raindrops. p.m.-Pullups/pushups/sq/LR's/Cbl curls
4/29-Mon-a.m. Wlkd dog. p.m.-lots of squating and bending finishing/staining a bed and headboard. Very frustrating since I had it very smooth to the touch, and walnut stain on pine headboard brought out lots of tiny scratches and swirl marks. Google tells me that an orbital sander should not be used on pine, all hand sand with a block. So I get to do it all over again. Naturally I've not done a lot of work with pine, duh.
4/30-Tues-a.m. Wlkd dog-p.m. -P/U's,p/u's, db c+pr, rows, db curls, leg raises-glad this month is about over-Feel like my NoS habit and physical conditioning have done ok, but my guitar progress, not so much. Seems hard to find a happy medium on all fronts. And I want to cease working, even p.t. for our consulting company. I'm finding if difficult to tell our owner, since he's probably the nicest guy, and youngest I've ever worked for. This has abs. nothing to do with NoS, and I've been thinking about withdrawing my ramblings from here as well.
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Wed May 01, 2019 8:22 pm

May 1-Wed-Wlkd Gus in a.m. Reg. exer routine in afternoon. Banana and chamo. tea for afternoon mod.
5/2-Thur-a.m. Wlkd Gus. Funeral for dear cousin in Lancaster county, so it's been a Red day
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by automatedeating » Fri May 03, 2019 1:33 am

I'm sorry to hear that about your cousin. :cry: Sounds like you were able to attend the funeral, though; I'm glad to hear that.
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Fri May 03, 2019 12:35 pm

auto-thanks for the condolences.
5/3-Fri-a.m. -Wlk dog-starting rain, cut it short.-cut grass late morning so more walking/steps/bending/pulled a few weeds.
At the luncheon after funeral yday, one of my close female cousins tapped me on the waist and said, "you've lost weight." Don't know what scale says, but that gave me some affirmation for NoS.
5/4-Sat-a.m. Walked dog after rain-p.m. Dbell workout/Sq/LR's
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by liveitup » Tue May 07, 2019 3:47 am

Hope you're doing alright, Whosonfirst. :( Glad there was something small to celebrate nonetheless.
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Tue May 07, 2019 1:19 pm

liveitup wrote:
Tue May 07, 2019 3:47 am
Hope you're doing alright, Whosonfirst. :( Glad there was something small to celebrate nonetheless.
liveitup-thanks but I'm fine. My cousin had a long, very strong family-oriented life, and her life's passing was more of a celebration. I'm probably not going to post my dribble here as often. Been focusing on some projects at home, plus I need to prep. a cabin in the Pa mtns for sale and just try to be more creative/productive with my spare time. For all of you folks who have not yet retired, it's been surprising to me, that my spare time does not seem to have grown very much. I've just recently given up another time wasting hobby, that won't be missed very much.
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by oolala53 » Tue May 07, 2019 6:23 pm

I've found that I am just as good if not better at procrastinating since I retired in January as I was when I was working. With fewer excuses. You seem quite productive to me! Congrats on the habits that have resulted in looser pants.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Mon May 13, 2019 10:03 pm

5/13-Mon-Finally stopped raining long enough to walk Gus our usual route. Drove wife to yet another round of routine med. tests in morning. p.m.-reg. bodyweight exercises + Dbell workout. Been re-reading The One Thing and trying to use some of these ideas in my personal development stuff, since I no longer have a career-LOL. Had more bad news this weekend, it's been less than two weeks since we had funeral for my dear cousin from Elizabethtown, now my cousin Dale passed away. He was a former Green Beret, and from the time he was five years old, he announced that he was going to be a paratrooper, which he was. I've always been envious of people who know early on what they want to do or be. Dale's One Thing was to be a paratrooper, and his life involved a lot of adventure until he developed dementia.

The One Thing has some good ideas, and some that seem to be a little hokey. Like all self-improvement books, it gets both great and not-so-good reviews. I'm somewhere in the middle.(edit): one chapter focuses on what research says it takes to develop a new habit, like NoS, exercise routines, or any diets. The research was done by a University in London, and they kind of debunk the 21-day time frame to establish a new habit, their research has 66 days as the average, depending on how complex the habit. They did say some could be done(habits) in as few as 18 days, with some taking 254 days. Knowing that number(66), it's no surprise that we sometimes fail in a new diet or exercise program when we quit, and try to change them after a couple weeks or even several days in some cases.
Another chapter debunks the idea that multitasking is effective. I learned that independently as a young engineer, that it was total bunk. The most effective engineers all focus on only one or two projects at a time. Of course this reinforces the author's thesis on doing only One Thing, or focus on one thing.
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by automatedeating » Tue May 14, 2019 12:36 am

How rough for your family to suffer two losses so close together. I feel that I would have really liked your Cousin Dale and his One Thing.

I've been reading about the habit time to true establishment, as well. 66 days was a number I saw too, but honestly, I always feel like there are so many variables within one day that it is never simple like that (which I sense is what you are saying, too). To truly do it, we would never take a day off and every day would be identical in pretty much every way to every other day (so S days on weekend immediately undermine habit-development). Nonetheless, we all forge on.

Recently I've been tackling my alcohol dependence with more than half-hearted effort, and it hit me that by trying to moderate my alcohol intake, I'm actually using intermittent reward system, which if I remember correctly actually increases desire (at least in stuff like dog-training).

My retired neighbor that I often say hello to on my morning walk/jogs said to me this morning - don't ever stop your walk/jogs. Don't ever stop. And if you lose this dog, get another dog. His words have really stuck with me all day today.

Sorry to ramble on your thread. My heart is heavy for yet another loss in your family. And I know that you already do a lot to care for your wife these past few years. May you have peace, NoS friend.
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Tue May 14, 2019 12:11 pm

Thanks for your thoughts auto. To be honest when a family member has been in the grasp of dementia, it always feels like a relief when they pass. It's no fun for them or their immediate family. Dale's life was so full of adventure, that we hated seeing him in this condition. Beside the military, he flew powered paragliders all over the world including off the Alps. He was a lineman for Met-Ed and they made him a supervisor one time, and he hated desk work and asked them to put him back on the "poles"(power lines). The price someone pays for this lifestyle is often their family/interpersonal life suffers.

I wish you success on your struggle with alcohol. The One Thing's thesis on habits that I agree with is, we should focus on only one thing at a time when trying to establish a new habit. This has been a problem with me at times, trying to change too many things at once.
5/14-Tues-a.m. Wlkd dog- p.m.-lots of pullups&pushups/bwt squats-ate too much pizza at dinner
5/17-Fri-Did two dog walks today. GD went along for the evening version. Did lots of pullups and pushups plus squats in garage gym this afternoon. I seem to have a slight pulled abdominal muscle. Funeral for cousin Dale was somewhat appropriate. He was married a short time and had one daughter and a couple of grandkids. The appropriate part was Sherry, his daughter had a golf driver, and putter lying beside him in his casket, plus fishing gear, a deck of cards and an unopened can of Blue Moon beer in there. And there was also a T-shirt with the printing on front saying, Uncle Dale, the Man, The Myth, The Legend, hahahaha. While he was 78, he was wearing a sport shirt, camo-military trousers, with a dress white canvas military style belt and looked like he could still do 100 pushups. And no we're not total hillbillies. We all have our funny stories, but only his brother-in-law told any during the service. And my NoS has totally sucked this week, since we also got some disturbing news from wife's tests, but we'll cross that bridge in a week or two.
5/20-Mon-a.m./p.m. Wlkd dog twice again. Abdom pull is better so I did pullups/pushups/Deadlifts/bwt squats in garage gym. Walmart was out of my favorite protein shakes. Tried another brand last week and it was too sweet. Been drinking that to suppliment my breakfasts some days. While this is off topic for NoS, I should get back to making my own protein shakes, which I did for at least a few decades. Can be done fairly inexpensively with either skim milk, or instant powdered milk, egg(s), peanut butter if you like that, banana, and some flavoring. Whey or soybean protein powder can be used rather than eggs, or in addition to.
5/21-Tues-a.m./p.,m. two doggie walks again today. The 2nd one after dinner seems to make me sleep like the dead when I hit the sack. No other exercise routine as I weeded all our flower beds today and planted a new azalea. Spaghetti with meatballs and salad for dinner. One pre-dinner mango wheat ale. Guitar practice has been sporadic.
5/22-Wed-a.m. walked Gus early morning-more light gardening. Shooting for an afternoon exercise session.-done. 2nd dog walk in evening. Dinner, smoked pork chop, baked potato, sour cream & salad w/blue cheese&croutons.
5/24-Fri-a.m. Wlkd dog, been doing an evening walk all week but shorter-Wife & I went out for lunch, had ranch chicken&bacon wraps + cup of Italian wedding soup, way too much.Dinner will be light, maybe a salad. I haven't been weighing but am obviously trimmer from all the walking + garage gym workouts. My usual summer activ's. usually are good for -5 to -7 lbs irregardless of eating patterns.
5/25-Sat.-two dog walks again, but no added exercise other than mowing grass. Decided to take a rest. Ate too much for dinner.
5/26-two more doggie walks. addeed heat & humidity seem to have slowed Gus down on latter half of walk. He's a black dog, so I may have to shorten up in heat of summer or go before sun is in full force. Did my garage workout-darn, my one sore knee has moved to other side now.
5/27-Happy Memorial Day. Thanks to all veterans for their service. We did our early morning dog walk. Plus afternoon garage gym workout+evening walk. Trying some easy knee flexion moves first that seem to help. Seems its a soft tissue problem and not joint. I do want to look for some knee braces this week, I always hated wearing any braces going back to h.s. football. I did get some guitar practice this weekend, working on Keith Richard's solo for Brown Sugar.
5/29-Wed. early morning hot& humid walk with Gus. Had tornadoes in our region last night again. More possible the next few days.
We're headed into Med center this afternoon, wife is getting a biopsy. Hoping for the best. Already eating cookies+ two breakfasts. Oh, plus half a protein drink. I'm about as underfed as the Michelin Man.
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Larkspur » Thu May 30, 2019 1:15 am

Best wishes to you and your wife. Hope it's all good.

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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by automatedeating » Thu May 30, 2019 2:01 am

HappyHerder has been going really slow on the hot afternoons too...he's an ultra hairy Australian Shepherd and prefers as cold as it can be. :-)

Hope the biopsy news is excellent.
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Thu May 30, 2019 9:31 am

automatedeating wrote:
Thu May 30, 2019 2:01 am
HappyHerder has been going really slow on the hot afternoons too...he's an ultra hairy Australian Shepherd and prefers as cold as it can be. :-)

Hope the biopsy news is excellent.
Thanks for the well wishes, it went well and now we wait. Gus is half Australian Shepherd and half flat coat retriever. Talk about a vacuuming nightmare. He's my main walk-buddy and probably responsible for my improved conditioning and some weight loss. With the bad storm last evening and threats of tornadoes, we missed his evening walk.

5/30-After my blowout the last couple days, vanilla NoS is challenging today. I ate an early breakfast around 5:00 a.m. so noon still seems to be a ways off. early morning dog walk. Afternoon workout, lots of pushups/pullups /dbl kbell squats/bb curls.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Sat Jun 01, 2019 4:55 pm

6/1-Sat-Opened pool for grandkids yesterday, clean-up continues today. Cooked out last evening and ate too much. Walked both yesterday morning and today. Took a rest on Friday from added exercises after a tough session Thursday. Shooting for a good NoS month on compliance. Still using fruit mods when needed.
6/4-Tues-Gus injured a paw on our morning walk, came up limping. Daughter is taking him to her Vet in the morning. So much for good start on compliance this month-two fails to start the week. We got the word this morning that wife has breast cancer, but good prognosis due to size and early detection. Still a fairly lengthy ordeal ahead. Meet with a surgeon & oncologist on Friday. p.m.-good afternoon workout consisting of assisted pullups(for higher reps), pushups 5 x 10, and 4 sets of 5 deadlifts with barbell.
6/5-Will take day off from walking-Gus is limping and my toe is sore-trying to get back on track with NoS compliance after my crappy start. News yesterday made it a WTH type of day. At least it wasn't a total blowout eating wise.
6/6-D-Day--75 years ago, thousands of brave Americans, British, Canadians, Australians, French, and others stormed the beaches of Normandy to liberate the French from Nazi rule. The bond between the French and Americans goes back over two centuries. It was great seeing President Macron bestowing the Legion of Honor upon several surviving WWII veterans. Truly a great generation.
a.m. -taking Gus on a shortened walk this morning, seems he only had a sprain. p.m. garage gym workout-few pullups, Db curl+press, Rows, Dbl. kbell squats, curls, pushups.- dinner cup of maryland crab soup & BLT+coffee
6/7-Fri-Met with surgeon this morning. We've had or will have 5 dr. apts. or procedures over the next 8 calendar days. At least they've got things moving quickly, which suits my wife(& me). All her Dr's and nurses have been super professional and very helpful with answering questions. Took Gus on his reg. walk afterwards. I ate too little for breakfast and will probably have my lunch early rather than snack at 11:30 a.m. p.m.-took an early evening doggie walk-no other exercise today. Spaghetti & meatballs for dinner with tossed salad.
6/8-Sat.-a.m. early walk with Gus-his leg is healed it appears.- afternoon workout of mostly pullups/pushups/deadlifts-back felt a little tight yday, so I probably needed a rest day.
6/9-Sun. a.m./p.m. 2 dog walks(pretty much our routine now), 2nd walk is usually only 1 mile or less.-afternoon garage gym workout-with dumbells and kettlebell squats. dinner was roast/bbq-d pork with rice and corn on the cob+tossed salad. going to try to go green all this coming week, if that's possible. Although I did get some guitar practice in this week, feel distracted by other things to focus like I should.
6/10-at Med center at 7:30 today -Walked Gus & Gabe afterwards in misting drizzle-then rode bikes. afternoon garage workout-pullups/pushups/Kbell snatches 7s x 5/5r-16kg.-just getting back into these-try to do them on the minute-like to work up to 10 sets of 10 on each side--probably on the 2:00' mark.-only do these 1 or 2 times weeks. -= dinner tonight will be homemade pizza, which has become a family favorite.
6/11-Tues-2 walks today, cooked out on grill, didn't overeat like last time. Spent a long time in dr's. office today, although most of it was in waiting room, baseline test for wife was fairly short.
6/12-Wed. a.m.-Walked Gus- broke a molar in back eating potato salad during lunch.-Dentist is seeing me this afternoon, hopefully to epoxy a large piece back in. Hate to pay for another crown, which would be the 2nd one in the last year. Planning an afternoon workout in garage gym.(update) Dentist fixed my crown that he put in 9 mos. ago, free of charge. He said the bond failed. Walked Gus after dinner, he was happy.
6/13-Thurs-a.m. walked Gus between the raindrops. p.m. Wife had her surgery today, Dr. said her lymph nodes were clear, we now have to wait for the biopsy results, but it looks promising. She came home a little wobbly, but in good spirits. Glad this is over for now until we start her treatments. She's a real trooper.
6/14-Fri-a.m./p.m. two dog walks again- hit my two beer limit before and after dinner. Afternoon garage gym workout-weather was perfect today but a little windy. 70 degrees, low humidity-Pullups/pushups/Dbl Kbell squats/Dbell press & curls(threw in everything since I missed 3 days. Eating was hit & miss all week.
6/15-6/16- Sat/Sun. a.m.-dog walks both mornings, no added exer on Sat-played with grandkids in pool instead. so far this weekend has been a cookies, pretezels, stickie bun extravaganza. Back on June challenge tomorrow.
I'll turn 69 next Thanksgiving. Early last evening, I was sitting on our deck with my wife and daughter watching the grandkids swim in the pool, as I looked at the sliding glass door, I saw my Dad smiling back at me in my own reflection. Happy Father's Day Dad, we all miss you.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Larkspur » Tue Jun 18, 2019 10:32 pm

Glad to hear about the biopsy news. I'm sorry your wife and you are having to go through this. I was touched by your seeing your dad in your reflection. My mom's in there even though I don't look that much like her :)

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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:53 am

Thank you Larkspur, well we are now waiting for the 2nd biopsy results of the tumor and lymph nodes on Thursday. Wishing they'd call before that. Pretty sobering to hear this news the first time. The hope is no chemo, just 30 days of radiation and estrogen blocker. Wife and I were sitting on deck swing this evening, and she loves to tell me about the plethora of birds & animals in our partly wooded back yard. I said, why don't you write a children's book about that. She was 1st grade teacher for years. I told her it would be as interesting as many of the ones I've read to our kids and grandkids. Just thought it would be great mental therapy.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by automatedeating » Wed Jun 19, 2019 2:20 pm

That is a fantastic idea for your wife to start writing about all those ideas and all that love and knowledge for animals! Sometimes writing a "book" can feel a little daunting, but if she even just starts putting stuff down on paper/typing/whatever.

Is Gabe another dog or is that a grandkid? :-)

Happy belated Father's Day to you.

I am reading a book called The Sober Diaries. It is about a woman who gives up alcohol and she details her first year without alcohol. At month 8, she gets a breast cancer diagnosis. The rest of the book describes her experiences with the cancer journey. She ended up only needing radiation after the surgery.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:29 pm

Hi Auto-No, Gabe is our 6 y.o. grandson. We've only ever had one dog at a time and each of them lived an average of 14 years. We've had two cats at a time, but we had to put Miggi, our last one down in the spring. I hope she gives the writing a try, she could use the mental diversion, or rather immersion.

6/20-Thurs-Good news at Drs. today. Plus wife is a candidate for the accelerated radiation treatment.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Larkspur » Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:38 pm

Yay on the good news! So glad to hear it!

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Re: Whosonfirst's Check In & Exercise Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Thu Jun 27, 2019 5:17 pm

Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Who's Check In

Post by Whosonfirst » Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:46 pm

Okay I clearly need to get back on the horse. Was distracted most of summer with other health related things for wife. To appease my wife and daughter I made a doc visit to have some spots on my head and ear checked for skin cancer, all clear. And despite my crappy eating for a couple of months, I actually lost 14 ounces, which seems a bit ridiculous to see that on my printed visit report. I'm now pretty much at my high school graduation weight, or maybe it was college. It seems that lots of everyday walking is the key for me to weight control. Credit goes to my trainer, Gus, our rescue dog. Part of my lack of other exercise was jacking up my right elbow building a pool ladder platform for the grandkids pool. Doc started me on steroids(prednisone) on Monday and it's feeling much better already. Now to get back onto NoS in a semi-serious way.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: - -

Post by automatedeating » Thu Sep 12, 2019 1:23 pm

Hi there Who's!
I totally am there with you on the walking. Whenever I stick with it (lots of it daily), my weight is much easier to maintain. And HappyHerder is a HappyCamper. :-)
Glad to hear the spots are not serious, and that the elbow is feeling a bit better.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
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Re: Who's Check In

Post by Whosonfirst » Thu Sep 12, 2019 11:44 pm

Whosonfirst wrote:
Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:46 pm
Okay I clearly need to get back on the horse. Was distracted most of summer with other health related things for wife. To appease my wife and daughter I made a doc visit to have some spots on my head and ear checked for skin cancer, all clear. And despite my crappy eating for a couple of months, I actually lost 14 ounces, which seems a bit ridiculous to see that on my printed visit report. I'm now pretty much at my high school graduation weight, or maybe it was college. It seems that lots of everyday walking is the key for me to weight control. Credit goes to my trainer, Gus, our rescue dog. Part of my lack of other exercise was jacking up my right elbow building a pool ladder platform for the grandkids pool. Doc started me on steroids(prednisone) on Monday and it's feeling much better already. Now to get back onto NoS in a semi-serious way.
Kb swings 24kg 15 x 7 sets
Pushups 10 x 5 sets
1st exercise program in 2 weeks.

3 circuits of Assist. pullups, KB swings, pushups and KB goblet squats.
Green day.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: Who's Check In

Post by Whosonfirst » Sun Sep 15, 2019 1:27 pm

Whosonfirst wrote:
Thu Sep 12, 2019 11:44 pm
Whosonfirst wrote:
Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:46 pm
Okay I clearly need to get back on the horse. Was distracted most of summer with other health related things for wife. To appease my wife and daughter I made a doc visit to have some spots on my head and ear checked for skin cancer, all clear. And despite my crappy eating for a couple of months, I actually lost 14 ounces, which seems a bit ridiculous to see that on my printed visit report. I'm now pretty much at my high school graduation weight, or maybe it was college. It seems that lots of everyday walking is the key for me to weight control. Credit goes to my trainer, Gus, our rescue dog. Part of my lack of other exercise was jacking up my right elbow building a pool ladder platform for the grandkids pool. Doc started me on steroids(prednisone) on Monday and it's feeling much better already. Now to get back onto NoS in a semi-serious way.
Kb swings 24kg 15 x 7 sets
Pushups 10 x 5 sets
1st exercise program in 2 weeks.

3 circuits of Assist. pullups, KB swings, pushups and KB goblet squats.
Green day.

Kb Sw 24kg, x 15, 20, 25, 25, 20, 15
Pushups 10 x 3

2 circuits of KB Swings, Ast. pullups, Kb Gob. Squats & pushups
Two dog walks today(get two in abt 50% of time)-Not sure what we're doing for dinner yet.

Kb Swings -warmup
Assist. Pullups x 7 x 4 sets
BB deadlifts 5 x 4
Pushups 10 x 3; 15 x 1

Fat burning circuit(what an online friend calls it)
Did 4 circuits of Kbell swings x 20; Assist. pullups x 7; Pushups x 10; & kbell goblet squats x 10-all done in about 20-30 minutes-can't say for sure if it lives up to its name. Probably need to 5 or more circuits to accomplish that.
Dinner was roast beef with filling, green beans and tossed salad with water; did have a mango wheat ale pre-dinner.
This is annoying- so yesterday I made a reference to Fat burning circuit(above), and just now I'm getting messages on my phone to check out websites for fat burning circuits. I had not googled that nor been on any sites for years where that was being discussed. Okay I'm over it now.
early a.m.(under the moon and stars)-Gus and I took our walk earlier than usual, very peaceful, but it was chilly and I used a small flashlight for about half our walk. Took wife out for breakfast since she was up early for a doctor visit, which turned out the scheduler called us with the wrong time, but we called first to confirm so no wasted traveling.

p.m. -Five circuits of Kb swings, Ast. pullups, pushups & Kb goblet squats. Garage gym a balmy 88 degr. F-58% Rel. Humidity-Did two dog walks today.
Early dawn dog walk-light surgery afterwards at Dr. office-unrelated to dogwalk-haha.
p.m.-Kb Swing ladder
16kg x 15/15 x 2 sets; 20/20 x 3s =140 total
24kg x 15 x 2s; 20 x 3s= 90 total
32kg x 10 x 5s = 50 total(280 total swings; 13,170 lbs. moved)
Pushups x 10, 12, 17
Tried new circuit with kbells
Clean/Squat Thruster/P.Press done on each arm back to back.(fairly challenging)
Kb Rows
O.A. Swings
5 circuits of kb Swings, Assist. pullups, pushups, goblet squats. Temps in garage gym becoming more tolerable.

Kb swings-warmup
Assist pullups x 8, 8, 7
BB DL's 1set x 5, 4 sets X 7
Pushups 5s x 12

Kb Sw-warmups
Pullups 7s x 1(testing elbow)
Kb Cl+Pr 5/5 x 5s

KB swings-warmup
Pullups 2 x 5 sets
BB DL's 5 x 6s
pushupw 12 x 5s
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: - -

Post by liveitup » Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:00 am

Just read your update from Sep 12, nice job! Inspiration for me. I'm about 20 pounds away from college weight, but I'm hoping to get there before I'm over the hill next year.

I was at my goal weight about a year ago doing this other program, which was both easy and hard for me to maintain long term (2 meals a day, very slow eating, always waiting until I'm very hungry to eat). There are takeaways from it that I'm keeping, but it's too regimented and cognitive (consuming too much of everyday thoughts maybe?) to commit to it for the rest of my life. Hopefully this next round of NoS + some of the things I learned from that work out long term.
BMI March 2021: 28
Using NoS to eliminate emotional eating.

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Re: - -

Post by automatedeating » Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:13 pm

Whos I'm having some sort of impossible reaction to your -- named thread. No matter how many times I see it, I think "oh no what's wrong with the forum?" :roll: :lol:

I really enjoy dark walks (morning or night) w/HappyHerder. So peaceful. And it is getting so cold here too! 32 degrees this morning (freezing!)
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
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Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:27 am

liveitup wrote:
Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:00 am
Just read your update from Sep 12, nice job! Inspiration for me. I'm about 20 pounds away from college weight, but I'm hoping to get there before I'm over the hill next year.

I was at my goal weight about a year ago doing this other program, which was both easy and hard for me to maintain long term (2 meals a day, very slow eating, always waiting until I'm very hungry to eat). There are takeaways from it that I'm keeping, but it's too regimented and cognitive (consuming too much of everyday thoughts maybe?) to commit to it for the rest of my life. Hopefully this next round of NoS + some of the things I learned from that work out long term.
Liveitup, thanks for reading. You're never too old to be over the hill, imo. I'll be 69 in a month. I say, just commit to the next month or half a year, and see if there's benefits, then adjust to your diet and/or exercise program. And I've set a "mildly" ridiculous goal for my 70th birthday next year. Sadly, my wife's health seems to be going in the opposite direction and it's depressing for her. A new pain specialist told her last week, that she has a great disposition, and she asked me why he said that. I told her because you do, and always have. This is not at all how we envisioned spending our retirement years. Staying positive.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:39 am

automatedeating wrote:
Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:13 pm
Whos I'm having some sort of impossible reaction to your -- named thread. No matter how many times I see it, I think "oh no what's wrong with the forum?" :roll: :lol:

I really enjoy dark walks (morning or night) w/HappyHerder. So peaceful. And it is getting so cold here too! 32 degrees this morning (freezing!)
Auto-I've tried everything to get the title renamed, but can't get it to work. We had a similar problem on another forum and were told by p.t. moderator that he was unable to get software fixed. I haven't bothered Reinhard, knowing he's busy. It's getting cold here too, and Gus loves it. He's so dark, he kind of disappears. This was funny, one real early morning, he stopped in his tracks and I said, what's wrong boy? A neighbor had erected this larger than life scarecrow on their front lawn, with a real jack-o-lantern for the head. It was startling. I kept saying, it's not real.(Like dogs totally understand our language-LOL). So a couple days later, a few feet from the scarecrow a disturbing ghost woman was hanging from a swing in a tree moving slowly from the wind. Her face was eery to look at.

Warmups consisting of Swings/Pullups/Pushups
Kb Cl&Pr 5/5 x 5
BB rows 5 x 10
Kb Gobl. Sq 5 x 10
Speaking of walking earlier, I need to call dr. in morning, may have a hairline fracture to my r. outer metatarsal bone in foot. :(

Kb swings -warmup
Pullups, 2,3,3,3,2,2-elbow finally getting better.
BB DL's 5 x 6s
Pushups 12 x 6

So I had a Dr. visit this morning and was surprised to hear I gained 3 lbs...and it's only been a couple of weeks, since my last visit. Don't know what's up with that, maybe the weekend. Anyway next visit Podiatrist for an ankle problem.
a.m. early morning dog walk with a full moon still out, very nice.
p.m. -garage workout, KBell swings, pushups, pullups, KB Clean & Press, KB goblet squats.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Who's check In

Post by Whosonfirst » Tue Dec 31, 2019 2:16 am

12/30-Mon- Thought I better update my check-in since it's been a while. Anyone who's followed my check in knows I've used it mostly for logging my exercise routines while maintaining ~80% compliance on NoS. Both were humming along fine @80% until Friday the 13th(Dec) when I broke three ribs; a piano jumped up and crashed into me. Well it didn't jump up, let's just say my faithful retriever/shepherd mix,Gus jumped up as I was stepping over him carrying a cup of coffee into living room for my wife. So feeling somewhat sorry for myself, my activities are walking only, but my eating has not had many restrictions. Oh well, I should be back in action in another 4 weeks, but can get my NoS back on track in the meantime. Happy New Year to everyone.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: - -

Post by ladybird30 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 5:57 am

Happy New Year and all the best to you and your wife.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Re: - -

Post by Soprano » Tue Dec 31, 2019 7:17 am

Happy new year and hope you soon recover

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

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Re: - -

Post by Teammoney » Tue Dec 31, 2019 3:21 pm

Ouch!! I would self-pity eat in that scenario. Glad you will be back in action soon.

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Re: - -

Post by iflytoohigh » Tue Dec 31, 2019 4:46 pm

Oh, my gosh. Sorry to read about breaking ribs. I cannot even imagine what pain you must've been in! Wishing you a speedy recovery. :)

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Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Tue Dec 31, 2019 6:26 pm

ladybird30 wrote:
Tue Dec 31, 2019 5:57 am
Happy New Year and all the best to you and your wife.
Thank you ladybird, On a happy note, she is doing well. Happy New Year.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Tue Dec 31, 2019 9:06 pm

Soprano wrote:
Tue Dec 31, 2019 7:17 am
Happy new year and hope you soon recover

Soprano; Iflytoohigh; Teammoney--Thanks for the kind words and Happy New Year to everyone. I'm excited to move forward into 2020, especially that my wife's health situation has improved dramatically, and my current situation is only a minor setback. This past year I achieved getting back to my high school/college graduation weight through NoS and a rigorous exercise program including daily walking. I understand that being retired(3yrs) is an advantage on the exercise front. Being a lifelong workout nut, it's something I enjoy. I know that always isn't the case for working folks with younger children to raise. If you've followed my log, you'll notice I'm still pretty active with grand children. As to 2020, I want to re-ignite my adherence to NoS and have undertaken learning both German (again) and Spanish. If interested I'm using Duolingo. Most of my retired friends joke that, we'd never have enough time to work at a job, since we're too busy. Wishing everyone on NoS good health and achieving your goals in the coming year.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: - -

Post by Teammoney » Tue Dec 31, 2019 10:15 pm

Happy New Year! What a lovely, inspirational post.

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Re: - -

Post by ladybird30 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 11:15 pm

So glad to here that your wife's health has improved.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Re: - -

Post by iflytoohigh » Wed Jan 01, 2020 5:35 pm

Good luck with your language learning! I'm hoping to finally obtain fluency in Spanish this year. I never took formal classes, but taught myself quite a bit over the last few years. Naturally, my adherence to practice ebbs and flows with life commitments and the randomness of existence, haha... but hopefully this year we can both push forward towards our language goals. :)

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Re: - -

Post by automatedeating » Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:42 am

I'm with you on the working out! And my kids are now big enough I have some time to myself to exercise. My 2020 goals all involve more resistance training, mobility workouts, and just plain movement.

I am so wonderfully pleased and happy for you about your wife's improvements. But Gus!!! And broken ribs!!! Eeek, get better soon!
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Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Fri Jan 03, 2020 11:53 am

automatedeating wrote:
Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:42 am
I'm with you on the working out! And my kids are now big enough I have some time to myself to exercise. My 2020 goals all involve more resistance training, mobility workouts, and just plain movement.

I am so wonderfully pleased and happy for you about your wife's improvements. But Gus!!! And broken ribs!!! Eeek, get better soon!
Thanks Auto. I was going to try some "light" kettlebell swings yesterday just to try it out. As I was leaning forward tying my sneakers, my ribs said kind of loudly,----Not YET dumbass! We did have a quick dr. visit for wife yesterday to test her lymph glands for any unusual swelling, all good.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: 2020 Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Tue Jan 07, 2020 2:20 am

1/1/20-New Year's Day
1/4-5-S days-Walked both
1/6- Red-two short cold walks about .75-1.0 mile each-Both of my language studies going well. Guitar journey continues, and progress from day to day, even week to week seems slow. Then I see how easy some things have become from a year ago, even a few months, so that's encouraging. Been focusing on fingerstyle lately, just started The Boxer (Simon & Garfunkel) and pleased with it so far. For anyone who struggles with maintaining NoS rules, these activities are a great distraction when cookies beckon.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: - -

Post by iflytoohigh » Tue Jan 07, 2020 6:32 pm

Looks like you're doing a stupendous job with the walking. Also happy to hear the language learning is going well!

Posts: 538
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Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:49 pm

iflytoohigh wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 6:32 pm
Looks like you're doing a stupendous job with the walking. Also happy to hear the language learning is going well!
Thank you for comments on both. Actually I have cut my walking about in half due to our retriever's been limping after our long walks(hip issues) and the rib situation. Daughter has him on some type of anti-inflammatory. I have been a little obsessive on language study, and may cut back some. My overly competitive nature has driven me to be the top points gatherer for the last three plus weeks, I almost wish they didn't post them. I had a similar situation with online chess when I first retired and had to back off. Some kind of weird personality disorder, haha.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 538
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Re: 2020 Log

Post by Whosonfirst » Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:46 pm

Whosonfirst wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2020 2:20 am
1/1/20-New Year's Day
1/4-5-S days-Walked both
1/6- Red-two short cold walks about .75-1.0 mile each-Both of my language studies going well. Guitar journey continues, and progress from day to day, even week to week seems slow. Then I see how easy some things have become from a year ago, even a few months, so that's encouraging. Been focusing on fingerstyle lately, just started The Boxer (Simon & Garfunkel) and pleased with it so far. For anyone who struggles with maintaining NoS rules, these activities are a great distraction when cookies beckon.
1/7-Tues- Green-Walked before the snow
1/8-Wed - Green-Short walk in the snow-dog almost made me fall so we cut it short. 20 min. of lite shoveling
1/9-Thur- Green - 2 short walks again on icy sidewalks. Got good news today that one of my friend's wife had successful cancer surgery this week-starting radiation next month.
1/10-Fri - Red(guess I'm a slow re-starter) - 2 Dr. visits for wife Friday-
1/11-Sat- S DAY- 4 weeks since my injury, I tentatively tried some light cals, pushups went okay, pullups not to much, but at six weeks should be a go. Two walks each, both of the last two days.
1/12-Sun-S Day- spring like temps-2 walks.
1/13-Mon-Green - took 2 walks-
1/14-Tues- Success -early mornng walk-p.m. started working a few calisthenics back in while ribs still healing.
1/15-Wed-Success - 2 walks+lite cals+KB swings-apple & few pcs of pineapple mods. I use fresh fruit for my mods, usually apple, banana, oranges.
I've been reading some of Marcus Aurelius' writings on stoicism, or his stoic philosophy on life. It kind of resonates with me as I kind of practiced my life using his principles without knowing that MA wrote these.
1/16-Thur- Success - 2 walks- p.m.-easy W/o-picking up tempo-ribs not complaining too much.
1/17-Fri-Success- Five weeks in on fract. ribs. keeping activs light, showing improv.-2 walks, hands freezing due to wind.
1/18-Sat- S DAY- Walked in light snow, and some wind. p.m. -lite garage workout in 34 degr. F. but I did run the little ceramic heater. Lasagna with fresh Italian bread for dinner with a Fat Tire Ale. Wife rolls her eyes at names of my craft beer choices. No evening walk, icy mix on top of earlier snow.
Funny when I first retired, my dreams usually had me in work situations, but at weird locations. Now that I've been studying several languages, plus guitar, and my usual stock market tech analysis, I dream of being in college again. I think I might cut back on Spanish for a while and focus more on German, which comes easier from my childhood background.
1/19-Sun- S DAY-a.m. short icy walk with dog, avoided sidewalks most of way.
1/20-Mon-Success- walked early a.m.- p.m. lite garage workout. super sets of KB swings and squats had me puffing. My knees are wonky, but they need more work. Don't know why, but today was easy to avoid snacking. They aren't all like that.
1/21-Tues- Success- No walk today. My daughter who is a vet tech, wants me to let Gus have a few days off(inflamed hip). I did do a quick compound KB exercise routine in garage for 5 sets of 5, plus 3 sets of KB swings. Turkey breast in crock pot for dinner. We did get an insta pot for Christmas but haven't tried it yet. My son loves theirs. Banana and apple for mods 2day
1/22-Wed- Fail- one sm. choc chip cookie late morning.Not sure why I didn't go with banana. early walk was 13 degrees F.-p.m. planned garage workout.
1/23-24-Thurs- Success
1/24-Fri- Fail(right b4 bedtime) :(
1/25-26-Sat/Sun- S DAYS- rainy Sat, but still got a quick walk in. Shooting for better week than last wk.p.m. garage workout with Kb's, pushups & pullups, then bike ride with grandson, and threw football around with him.
1/27-Mon- Success- two walks with Gus today-p.m.-quick KB Swing/Pushup/Pullup workout in garage-did 5 circuits with little rest-No mods today(so far)
1/28-Tues- Success--two walks early and late-p.m.-garage gym w/o of 4 sets of 8 BB Dl's & pushups-Kept DL's light to further test my "healed" ribcage. Was a bit sore the next day.
1/29-Wed- Success-we recd news yday from our dr. that wife is pre-diabetic and also has high cholesterol, which she had taken medicine for prev. So I may try to steer her in NoS direction. Dr. initial comment was for her to try a lower carb diet. Pre-diabetes had been noticed on prev. blood tests, but her numbers were up 23 -27% which seems like a crazy rise.
1/30-Thurs- Success- a.m. early morn. cold walk with Gus, but our winter has been relatively mild for Pa in Jan.-p.m. planning on a KB/PU's/p/u's circuit later on. Since my wife has started trying to eat healthier, I think it will help with my NoS success rate as well. I want to no longer have all the regular snack foods in our house that we normally had. I'd be ashamed to list them all. Nothing beats a good health scare to get a spouse on board.
1/31-Fri- Success- a.m. early walk while still dark with dog. tweaked my back yesterday, so no swings/DL's for a while.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Sat Feb 01, 2020 12:08 pm

Jan's recap 18 days -GREEN / 4 days-RED: 81.8% Success rate.
2/1/20-Sat(Daughter's bday)-S Day
2/2- Sun-Ground Hog Day! (SB Day too!)-It was great to see Andy Reid win his first Super Bowl with the Kansas City Chiefs. He was our long time coach at Philadelphia, and a great guy. Congrats to both the Chiefs and 49ers for great seasons.
2/3-Mon- Success- a.m./p.m.-two walks-+afternoon quick garage workout- Roast beef/potatoes/carrots-crockpot dinner with salad-Yard's Ale before-coffee/cream after
2/4-Tues- Fail- I hate starting off the month with a fail this early. Two dog walks again; afternoon garage gym workout.
2/5-Wed- Success- Walked 2X+DL workout in garage gym
2/6-Thur- S-Day(under the weather)-Walked 1X
2/7-Fri- Success-No walks so far(rainy)-got a late walk done
2/8-9=S Days--
2/10- Success-a.m. walk-p.m. garage w/o
2/11-Tues- Success- a.m. walked morning and late afternoon-p.m.-garage w/o-6 sets of KB swing/4 sets of Db presses/Pullups-wife is doing well on her diet.
2/12- 2/14- Wed=Fri= Success
2/15-2/16- Sat-Sun- S-Days -Dbl walks both days- No workout Sun.
2/17- Mon-President's Day(no, it's not an S-Day)- Success- a.m.-Walked after sun came up, pleasant for a Feb. morning. p.m. garage workout planned-done.
2/18-Tues- Success- a.m. Walked only in morning-raining in afternoon. Decided to back off studying two languages for Spanish only, even though I'm better in German. Been devoting more time to guitar practice +learning(slowly) to sing when playing. At first it's like you need a third brain to coordinate all the simultaneous activity. Dinner was chicken cordon-bleu that wife made plus salad and whole wheat pasta. large banana mod today.
2/19-Wed- Success- a.m/p.m. Walked both in the dark of morning and late afternoon with dog, Gus; clearly the highlight of his day. Too bad people don't appreciate a simple walk as much. Garage gym workout of 6 sets of KB swings/4 sets of Db presses&BB Rows, but wasn't 100%.
02/20/2020-Thur -Success- am/pm-two walks, no afternoon workout, back and shoulder felt a little twingey so I gave them a rest.Banana mod today
2/21-Fri-Fail- a.m./p,m,-Walks with dog.
2/23-24-Sat/Sun- S Days-
2/24-Mon-Fail -Red Sandwich around S-Day weekend-2 walks done
2/25-Tues- Success - a.m/p.m. -walked both times- afternoon workout of KB swings/squats ; Pushups/pullups 5 supersets x 12-14/4. banana mod.
2/26-Wed- Success- Banana mod today- p.m. Walked dog-no morning walk-he was limping early on, but then it cleared up through the day. Afternoon quick compound exercise workout-3 sets of KB swings, 5 sets X 7 of DB Clean/Press-had me huffing. Drank a porter with dinner
2/27-Thurs-Success- Happy Birthday to Matthew, our #1 grandson. For those few of us on here, old enough to remember Charlie Chan, #1 refers to oldest, not favoritism.
2/28-Fri-Fail- 2 walks, but no other added exercise. Cracked ribs were hurting so I took a day off. Thought they were mostly healed by now.
2/29-Sat -S Day-Walked dog both a.m./p.m.
Last edited by Whosonfirst on Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: - -March check in

Post by Whosonfirst » Sat Feb 29, 2020 3:10 pm

Feb. recap- 15 Success/ 4 Fail = 15/19- 79% Success- Not a great month, dropped below my 80% goal. I only had 19 days because of a sick day back in early Feb.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mar.1-Sun - S Day
3/2-Mon - Success - a.m. Walked dog, temps not as cold as weekend. Haven't been feeling the greatest last few days with my ribs, and my eating was somewhat out of control. Back in No S saddle again today. No workout-caught baseball and rode bikes with g.s. instead after school.
3/3-Tues- - a.m. walked dog.
Update- After reading several other daily logs. I've decided to suspend my check-in log. I asked myself why am I doing this?- I've always been a fairly goal-oriented person over the years, and my self-improvement goals no longer revolve around losing weight, or looking good. My self esteem is more driven by what have I learned recently, or what skills have I acquired or needs improving. To be honest, posting my log on here is kind of redundant in that I also keep a notebook for my workouts. In 8 months, I'll be 70, and want to spend my time on learning new skills and being creative in addition to being a good partner to my wife, and good father and grandfather. Please do not take this as criticism to No S or your personal journeys to eating sanity. I'm very grateful for what Reinhard has created here, and hope it continues to help people. Who knows, if my personal goals change, perhaps I shall come back to posting.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: - -Redux

Post by Whosonfirst » Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:22 am

9/4/20-Restarting my log, since I recommended a new member start one. My eating has been fairly good during the six months I've been absent. I've walked Gus, our rescue retriever mix twice every day, all year. This summer was a bit of a challenge for working out in our hot garage gym, but that keeps my weight in check when I have RED days. I normally use fruit as a mod, and shoot for 80+% successful N days. I've set a couple of exercise goals, that I hope to reach by my 70th in November.
-0622- taking Gus for his 1st walk. More later. Walk was very pleasant 68 deg F-sky getting light blue, and full moon still out bright. I read about Elon Musk wanting to travel to and colonize Mars, why not the Moon first?
Brkfst today was a 2-egg omelot with Monterey Jack cheese, 2 pcs toast(only one ww), OJ & cup of coffee(cream and stevia)-normally I won't post every meal. Will probably increase my omelots to 3 eggs+ham and only one pc. of toast. I use butter almost always, occas. strawberry jam. I really need to increase my protein intake and seldom use added prot. powder any longer. It doesn't digest well since I'm older. Will occasionally drink a Premier Protein drink that has 30g of Prot.

For a recent photo of me with family in August, I'm bald guy on the right side. These are grandkids and son and daughter around our 50th Anniversary.
IMG_67991 (4).jpg
IMG_67991 (4).jpg (54.33 KiB) Viewed 85346 times
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 1296
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:00 pm

Re: - -

Post by pinkhippie » Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:50 pm

Hi Whos on first! you and your family look wonderful! So happy! Also, belated congratulations on 50 years of marriage!

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:11 pm

pinkhippie wrote:
Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:50 pm
Hi Whos on first! you and your family look wonderful! So happy! Also, belated congratulations on 50 years of marriage!
Thank you pinkhippie, it was a great week. My wife has been unable to travel the last four years, so my son's family came in to visit. It was the first time she's seen our youngest grandson who is five. We also celebrated three birthdays that same week, my wife, our son, and granddaughter in center of pic. Great time.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 5305
Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:16 pm

Re: - -

Post by automatedeating » Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:53 pm

Lovely Lovely Lovely! Thanks so much for this update.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: - -Redux

Post by Whosonfirst » Sat Sep 05, 2020 1:16 am

Whosonfirst wrote:
Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:22 am
9/4/20-Restarting my log, since I recommended a new member start one. My eating has been fairly good during the six months I've been absent. I've walked Gus, our rescue retriever mix twice every day, all year. This summer was a bit of a challenge for working out in our hot garage gym, but that keeps my weight in check when I have RED days. I normally use fruit as a mod, and shoot for 80+% successful N days. I've set a couple of exercise goals, that I hope to reach by my 70th in November.
-0622- taking Gus for his 1st walk. More later. Walk was very pleasant 68 deg F-sky getting light blue, and full moon still out bright. I read about Elon Musk wanting to travel to and colonize Mars, why not the Moon first?
Brkfst today was a 2-egg omelot with Monterey Jack cheese, 2 pcs toast(only one ww), OJ & cup of coffee(cream and stevia)-normally I won't post every meal. Will probably increase my omelots to 3 eggs+ham and only one pc. of toast. I use butter almost always, occas. strawberry jam. I really need to increase my protein intake and seldom use added prot. powder any longer. It doesn't digest well since I'm older. Will occasionally drink a Premier Protein drink that has 30g of Prot.

For a recent photo of me with family in August, I'm bald guy on the right side. These are grandkids and son and daughter around our 50th Anniversary.
9/4/20-Fri-Success -no mods today.
Thanks for comments auto!
9/5-6-Sat-Sun: S Days-Did the Five Tibetans both days in afternoon.
9/7-Mon(Labor Day in the US)- S Day
Did Five Tibetans, kettlebell and bwt. workout in garage-Two dog walks again(every day) ~1 mile each.
9/8-Tues- Success ;Mod, a few red grapes-early walk with Gus, our retriever mix
Stock market woes for us retirees.
p.m.-Workout in garage gym-Five Tibetans, barbell deadlifts, pushups and ring pullups.
pre-dinner Porter
9/9-Wed- Success - walked Gus at 0630-Wife has apt. at specialist this afternoon. She's battling a couple of health problems again. She had biopsy last week, still waitng for results, now this. I typ. don't do well on NoS on these days. Banana mod so far. Dinner was meat ravioli, salad & garlic bread from a local Italian restaurant(take-out). Java head stout pre-dinner.
9/10-Thurs-FAIL drank half a protein drink in afternoon.
0615-semi-dark walk with Gus, very humid-a few weeks ago, sky was starting to get lighter.Brkfst- 2 pcs. Arnolds 15-gr. WW toast, 2 jumbo egg omelot with Salsa cheese and Eight oclock Dark Ital roast coffee.
p.m.-Five Tibetans & barbell workout in garage gym; 75% humidity, probably the highest reading of the summer, only 80 deg. F.
9/11/20-Day of Remembrance : Success
9/12-13-Sat/Sun- S Days
9/14- Mon- Success banana mod
9/15-Tues- Success banana mod & a few red grapes
9/16-Wed- Fail -banana mod-ate some almonds, and then a small cup of banana-split ice cream with my wife.
9/17-Thur-decided not to take an S-day so there's two FAILS in a row; Wife is getting several tests, includ. a Covid.
9/18-Fri - Success
9/19-20-Sat/Sun- S Days
9/22-Tues-Success(@ hospital several hours this day)
9/23-Wed-Success - apple mod
9/24-Thur-Success- banana mod
9/25-Fri-Fail- dished up two ramekins of ice cream w/butterscotch for wife & myself after dinner.
9/26-27-Sat/Sun- S Days-so I need to hit three straight Green days to close out this shortened month at 77.8% success rate, which is below my 80% goal. That's how the NoS cookie crumbles some months.
Last edited by Whosonfirst on Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:03 pm, edited 17 times in total.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:43 am

automatedeating wrote:
Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:53 pm
Lovely Lovely Lovely! Thanks so much for this update.
Thanks for kind words Auto, I missed your comments. I'm still learning how precious life is, especially with your loved ones. We have more health concerns this week and next. Besides the pandemic, the last two summers(years) have been a challenge.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 1133
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Re: - -

Post by ladybird30 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:44 am

Such a lovely family photo, thanks for posting it.
Three meals a day - not too little not too much, but just right

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Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Thu Sep 17, 2020 9:57 am

ladybird30 wrote:
Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:44 am
Such a lovely family photo, thanks for posting it.
Thank you @ladybird30. It was a great day and week for all of us. We live about 3000 miles apart.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 1296
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Re: - -

Post by pinkhippie » Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:45 pm

Hi whos, I am sorry to see that your wife is having health problems. I hope that her tests go well today.

Posts: 538
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Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:28 pm

pinkhippie wrote:
Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:45 pm
Hi whos, I am sorry to see that your wife is having health problems. I hope that her tests go well today.
Thanks pinkhippie, they went pretty well and quickly which was a pleasant surprise. Surgery is next Tuesday, and then another procedure the following weeks. She's first person in our whole family to get a Covid test. My eating was kind out of control today, I actually ate three breakfasts, lol. But barely a half sandwich for lunch.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 5305
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Re: - -

Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:17 pm

Hang in there Whos (you always do!) and know that we are rooting for your wife. Please keep us updated.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Re: - -

Post by Octavia » Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:59 pm

Greetings from me too, and wishing you and your wife all the best. I hope the surgery goes well. I loved seeing the family photo! What a lovely family you have. :)

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Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Sat Sep 19, 2020 8:25 pm

Thank you auto & Octavia. We're just having a quiet weekend before next week starts. I'm hoping for the best. The last two years have been something of a challenge, for her especially. Our dog Gus, even gives her extra attention, dogs seem to know when you're not feeling well.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

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Re: - -

Post by pinkhippie » Tue Sep 22, 2020 2:57 am

Im thinking of your wife and sending good thoughts for her her surgery tomorrow. I hope her surgery goes well and she recovers quickly.

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Re: - -

Post by automatedeating » Tue Sep 22, 2020 2:44 pm

I'm so glad you've had Gus - for the nature connection outdoors with him, the emotional support through your wife's struggles, and the companionship during COVID.

My husband and I have been thinking about moving, and we always discuss how important/not a pet-friendly house/yard/fence, etc. is. And I said well maybe we don't need any more dogs after these 2. And he looked at me and was like "you're always going to have a dog - you know that." :-) I guess he's right, I really like having a dog (or two, as the case may be!)
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

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Re: - -

Post by Whosonfirst » Tue Sep 22, 2020 8:11 pm

Pinkhippie and auto, thank you for the kind words. She sailed thru it well. I had to sit at home looking at texts from the doc and nurses, which they did very well. And both called me to say it went well. Now we still don't have any definitive answers to what's wrong, or the next step. I asked her if there's going to be skype or phone conference so I can get some answers. She's not very good on the status, or asking tougher questions. This covid thing has kind of locked spouses out of being involved. There's still more she has to go through in a week or two. I tell her just to focus on getting better, one step at a time. "easy for me to say, right?"
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 5305
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Re: - -

Post by automatedeating » Tue Sep 22, 2020 9:36 pm

Easy for you to say, yes, but someone needs to be there to say that to her. And someone that loves her as much as you do is a pretty good place to hear that from. :-)
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
4/21 - 25.2

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Re: - -

Post by pinkhippie » Wed Sep 23, 2020 3:33 pm

I am glad she came through surgery well. That sounds hard to not be able to be with her because of Covid. I hope you can be involved at some point.

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: - -Redux

Post by Whosonfirst » Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:10 pm

9/4/20-Fri-Success -no mods today.
Thanks for comments auto!
9/5-6-Sat-Sun: S Days-Did the Five Tibetans both days in afternoon.
9/7-Mon(Labor Day in the US)- S Day
Did Five Tibetans, kettlebell and bwt. workout in garage-Two dog walks again(every day) ~1 mile each.
9/8-Tues- Success ;Mod, a few red grapes-early walk with Gus, our retriever mix
Stock market woes for us retirees.
p.m.-Workout in garage gym-Five Tibetans, barbell deadlifts, pushups and ring pullups.
pre-dinner Porter
9/9-Wed- Success - walked Gus at 0630-Wife has apt. at specialist this afternoon. She's battling a couple of health problems again. She had biopsy last week, still waitng for results, now this. I typ. don't do well on NoS on these days. Banana mod so far. Dinner was meat ravioli, salad & garlic bread from a local Italian restaurant(take-out). Java head stout pre-dinner.
9/10-Thurs-FAIL drank half a protein drink in afternoon.
0615-semi-dark walk with Gus, very humid-a few weeks ago, sky was starting to get lighter.Brkfst- 2 pcs. Arnolds 15-gr. WW toast, 2 jumbo egg omelot with Salsa cheese and Eight oclock Dark Ital roast coffee.
p.m.-Five Tibetans & barbell workout in garage gym; 75% humidity, probably the highest reading of the summer, only 80 deg. F.
9/11/20-Day of Remembrance : Success
9/12-13-Sat/Sun- S Days
9/14- Mon- Success banana mod
9/15-Tues- Success banana mod & a few red grapes
9/16-Wed- Fail -banana mod-ate some almonds, and then a small cup of banana-split ice cream with my wife.
9/17-Thur-decided not to take an S-day so there's two FAILS in a row; Wife is getting several tests, includ. a Covid.
9/18-Fri - Success
9/19-20-Sat/Sun- S Days
9/22-Tues-Success(@ hospital several hours this day)
9/23-Wed-Success - apple mod
9/24-Thur-Success- banana mod
9/25-Fri-Fail- dished up two ramekins of ice cream w/butterscotch for wife & myself after dinner.
9/26-27-Sat/Sun- S Days-so I need to hit three straight Green days to close out this shortened month at 77.8% success rate, which is below my 80% goal. That's how the NoS cookie crumbles some months.
Okay, not a stellar month, but I finished at almost 78% success rate. Haven't weighed since last month, but I've been very active, with walking, kettlebells and bwt. exercises. Wife has complained that some of my jeans are too big on me, so I've moved closer to a physical goal before my 70th in less than two months. Posting this since I responded to some new members about keeping a daily, or weekly log. I'll try to check in around my birthday.
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 538
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: - -Summertime 2021

Post by Whosonfirst » Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:13 pm

Will attempt a restart on NoS for the summer and beyond hopefully. I haven't gained or lost since my last posting, been kind of stuck in the 212 to 215 lbs. range. Today is my youngest grandson's 6th birthday. Motivation to try and stay healthy, with a better body composition. My saving grace for not gaining is daily exercise regimen and twice daily walks. I'm 90+% compliant on both of them. If I were to stop that, the pounds would come back quickly. Posting a pic of myself from Friday, 6/25/21, while visiting my cousin in her Assisted living facility. She was hospitalized twice and in a rehab facility after contracting Covid + pneumonia + memory loss over the last six months. She was almost lost, and still on oxygen. Her docs told the family to ask her to fight, or she wouldn't make it. Still a long way to go, but gaining strength now.
While I'm starting today, it's already a fail, oh well, how it goes.
Resized_IMG_4812001.jpeg (142.59 KiB) Viewed 68867 times
Current weight(9/2020)-212 lbs.
Goal Weight- 205 lbs.
NoS Goal: >= 80% Success days

Posts: 10072
Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:46 am
Location: San Diego, CA USA

Re: - -

Post by oolala53 » Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:47 am

Glad your cousin is making it. Your exercise is doing such good things for you, even if you are stuck in your weight. Maybe even more so! Enjoy your sane summer eating.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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