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Strict Eating Bootcamp Defector Introduction

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 7:55 pm
by freeandeasy
Hi, I'm so excited that I found No S and want to introduce myself.
I've been practicing No S for about 2 weeks now am so happy that I stumbled onto it. So far I've had 2 weeks of success in developing this new habit.

I defected from a strict food bootcamp I was in the middle of to come here. It's designed for food addicts, and while it's an excellent program and very needed by some I'm sure, I could feel myself starting down that road of obsession and binging again. I just don't have it in me to go there again.

I very much need to lose weight - I'm a 45yo female, 5'4" and 230 pounds, so I have a ways to go. But I don't know that I'm actually a food addict. Already, only 2 weeks into No S, I feel so much more relaxed about food, and I'm not obsessed anymore. And thanks to the few weeks of the bootcamp I did do, no snacking and no sweets is easy to do.

I haven't lost any weight yet - in fact I've put on 2 pounds. BUT, I have piled my plates high. I think I needed to know that I could eat whatever I want, so I had some very large servings of some pretty rich foods and almost no veggies. It's the opposite of what I was doing with the bootcamp. I'm now ready to strike a balance. I don't like feeling so full and heavy. And now that I don't have to keep having the "last supper" (that crazy eating I do before going on a diet because "I'll never get to eat that food again") I am actually looking forward to eating in a way that tastes good and makes me feel good.

Wish me luck. I look forward to meeting some of you, getting encouragement, and sharing it in return. :)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 9:13 pm
by Merry
Welcome! I love that "no last supper needed" aspect of No-S! I'm glad you are seeing success with habits already, and hope that as you find a balance in eating, you'll feel even better. Hang in there!