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Elizabeth's Entries

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:57 pm
by Elizabeth50
I started the No S Diet again today after a LONG time away. I don't know when I last visited. But, I'm glad to be back to it and hope to stick around for the duration of what's left of my life. I'm not getting any younger, so it's time I stick to something that makes sense.

Did well today, no snacking between meals.

I am used to having a small bite of something an hour or so before bedtime, so nighttime might be a bit of a challenge in the beginning. It's just another bad habit I need to break, but I WILL do it!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:22 am
by oolala53
Elizabeth, when I was 56 I realized I had been grappling with overeating for 38+ years. I couldn't stand the idea that I would spend my next decades doing the same thing. There were SO many afternoons the urges to eat would be really strong, but I would think THIS is the moment I must choose not to eat or I'll be doing this forever!

Ten months will make a big difference.

Re: Elizabeth's Entries

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:08 am
by Merry
Elizabeth50 wrote:I started the No S Diet again today after a LONG time away. I don't know when I last visited. But, I'm glad to be back to it and hope to stick around for the duration of what's left of my life. I'm not getting any younger, so it's time I stick to something that makes sense.

Did well today, no snacking between meals.

I am used to having a small bite of something an hour or so before bedtime, so nighttime might be a bit of a challenge in the beginning. It's just another bad habit I need to break, but I WILL do it!
How about replacing it with a nice cup of decaf tea before bed?

Welcome back!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:14 am
by Elizabeth50
Oolala, Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm going to look at it the same way when I'm tempted. I'm 53 and same as you, Ive struggled my whole adult life with trying to lose weight, only to end up right where I started, usually plus some. So yes, if I'm ever going to do it, the time is now.

Merry, Thank you for the tip on having a tea, instead. I will definitely keep that in mind, also.

I appreciate the support so much.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:25 am
by oolala53
BTW, I don't say it will be fun. it might be easy or it might feel really hard! But it's worth it, like many other difficult things we take for granted are difficult. But you can't find out if you don't do it...

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:41 am
by Elizabeth50
I know you're right. I sure don't expect that it's going to be easy, but I know this is the way to go and I'm going to find a way to make it work.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 3:06 pm
by TexArk
Gillian Riley writes about how to get out of the ruts of habitual behavior. And those of us who are older and have been battling this beast for decades have "learned" behavior that will take awhile to "unlearn"

We either strengthen particular connections in our brain or weaken them every day with every encounter with food. Each time we do not give in to the desire to eat between meals or go back for seconds we are weakening the reinforcement of that "loop." She says that every time we experience our desire to overeat but don't satisfy that desire, research has demonstrated that cravings diminish.

These connections don't change merely through the passing of time. But when a particular network in the brain (the loop) is no longer reinforced, the cells disconnect. I have heard all my life that it takes 3 weeks to establish a habit. I think this is BS. I think it takes probably a year or more so we can't expect perfection.

Well, that is my best summary and application of her thinking. It helps me to be reminded of this when that midafternoon pull to eat a snack happens. Sometimes I have a small glass of milk or a cup of broth just to settle down the unrest. And every time we succeed we are physically altering a part of our brain!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 3:38 pm
by Elizabeth50
Thank you for this helpful information TexArk. I am going to make note of it to hang on my fridge and on my grocery cabinet, too. I think it'll help me remain strong when the going gets tough. I like the broth idea, too. I will use that. Thanks!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:07 pm
by Elizabeth50
I had a great two day start. I'm excited about a new month to try to go for the green! I know I'm in the infancy stage of trying a new/old plan. And I know me, I start out energized and then the the excitement starts to fizzle out after a couple of weeks. Yet, something feels different this time. I feel like I'm truly leaving the old pattern of switching weight loss plans behind. I can't put my finger on the difference. Maybe it's because I've gotten rid of the scale, and it can no longer scare me into rushing back to calorie counting because it moves in the wrong direction.

Now my only focus is having my three meals a day with no snacking in between. I feel so free from the tedious calorie counting, or the wondering (while intuitive eating), am I really hungry?, and pretty much grazing throughout the day because I think I am. With three plates a day and no snacking in between, there is no second guessing if I'm hungry or not. I just deal with it and eat again when the time is right. I love it!

Here's to a new month and a fresh start at a whole new (and freeing) way of life!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:53 pm
by noni
Good attitude, Elizabeth! Your removal of the accursed calorie counting and scale are setting you free, indeed, as they have been a burden to you.

Isn't it also freeing to stop snacking? I'm so relieved to no longer dig into the fridge, freezer or cabinets to feed the snack-monster, because of habit. I usually came up with some sub-par junk food that didn't satisfy, and it would start all over again. If I really enjoy the snacky type foods such as potato chips, I just have a little with a sandwich at a meal. It's hard to believe I don't reach for them anymore between meals. And eventually, I didn't reach for them as a snack on an S-day either, because I know I can have them anytime as long as they fit on my plate.

I wish you the best on No S!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:21 pm
by Elizabeth50
Yes, Noni, it is so freeing! And I do love that we can have snack foods with our meal if we want, as long as they fit on the plate. Yesterday I had a rotisserie chicken sandwich for lunch with cheese puffs and it was so delicious! But you know, I had begun to notice recently that when I ate those type of snacks by themselves that they really didn't taste very good past a few bites anyway. Of course, that didn't stop me from snacking anyway a lot of times. lol So, yes, it is freeing to be done with the in between meal snacking. I love it.

Another thing I've enjoyed the past couple of days is that when I've gotten that "false" sense of hunger, knowing I need to wait a little longer. So, I look around and find something different to do with my time besides eat. Such as yesterday I decided to take off and go browse a couple of thrift stores. I didn't buy anything, but it was just nice to get out and about on a beautiful day. And the day before that, decluttering more stuff to go into our yard sale. I think life is going to be much sweeter for thinking of things outside of food 24/7! :)

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 2:44 am
by oolala53
I read Judith Beck who talks about that same information about reinforcing or breaking the connection with eating habits. Her thinking strategies were pivotal for me.

I think that idea that it takes three weeks was based on much simpler behaviors. I don't want to scare you but the National Weight Loss Registry regards two years on new habits to begin to say that they are stabilized. (There is still a 25% chance of relapse after FIVE years!)

Some people might find that frightening, but it made me think, wow, I have to get serious NOW because the longer I delay, the later that five-year mark is going to arrive.

The good news is it isn't hard ALL the time and you never know if you'll be one of the ones that has things get consistently easy much earlier.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 1:57 pm
by Elizabeth50
My goodness. 25% chance of relapse after 5 years!

I'm glad I got started now, rather than later.

The past three days I've done great.

I was reading the Daily Check in of another No S-er and liked her daily food entries. I decided because of it, I'm going to tweak this plan to fit myself.

In the past, I would cave on non-S days with sweet cravings especially. And after S days it was very difficult for me to get back on track. I think that's one reason (besides just the scale) that I resorted back to calorie counting.
So, I decided to tweak this to be a perfect fit for me.

This is my plan: I'm going to have three meals a day, no snacking in between, seven days a week. If I want a sweet, I can have a cookie, or a piece of candy, etc. on non-s days, but it must fit on my plate and cannot be eaten between meals.

I think I'll enjoy the structure of eating only three plates a day with no snacking in between on a daily basis, rather than knowing I can snack on those two days off. I used to really take advantage of that and go overboard, as I said, making it hard to get back to no-S days.

So, I'm planning green (and hopefully very few red days) on a continual basis.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 3:32 pm
by Elizabeth50
I started Shovelglove yesterday and LOVE IT! I only did one set of 7 reps today, but I want to start out slow and work my way up. I'd planned on doing only three days a week for now, but since I was feeling pretty good this morning (after yesterday's workout), I decided to go ahead and do another mini workout today. Can't wait to work my way up to the full 14 minutes. I am going to do 6 minutes the rest of this week, and 7 minutes next week, adding one minute each week until I reach the 14 minutes.

I'm going to do this workout 5 days a week and take weekends off.

I'm looking forward to gaining upper body muscle strength and hopefully boosting my metabolism.

What a fun workout!

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:18 pm
by Imogen Morley
Elizabeth50 wrote:
This is my plan: I'm going to have three meals a day, no snacking in between, seven days a week. If I want a sweet, I can have a cookie, or a piece of candy, etc. on non-s days, but it must fit on my plate and cannot be eaten between meals.

I think I'll enjoy the structure of eating only three plates a day with no snacking in between on a daily basis, rather than knowing I can snack on those two days off. I used to really take advantage of that and go overboard, as I said, making it hard to get back to no-S days.
Good luck! I followed exactly the same mod a few years ago, when I was at my lowest weight ever. I wholeheartedly believe that snacking - especially snacking on sugar - is way more damaging than any other eating habit.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:27 pm
by noni
Shovelglove is great! I normally do stretching, but when I watch TV, I often throw in shovelglove. I keep a card with the exercises on it near the TV, and the hammer in the corner. Just a glance at the card, will do it without much interruption of a program. Before you know it, the 14 minutes are passed.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 9:18 am
by Elizabeth50
Hi Imogen, Thank you for your support. Are you still using the same mod? I think doing this seven days a week will be sustainable. That's my hope. :)

Noni, I did the same thing, wrote out all the moves on card stock so I can refer to the list. I'd love to do this in front of the tv, but our living room is so small. So I set up a cd player in the extra room where I have more area. I put on some oldies/beach music yesterday and had a blast. I'm looking forward to doing it again today.

I'll be glad when I finally have the strength to do the "hoist the sack" move. I couldn't even budge the sledge with that one. But one of these days it'll happen!

Let's have another great day!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 9:39 am
by Elizabeth50

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:29 pm
by noni
Elizabeth said:
"I'll be glad when I finally have the strength to do the "hoist the sack" move. I couldn't even budge the sledge with that one. But one of these days it'll happen!"

I know what you mean. I do it with a 2-hand hold. Much easier, and switched hand positions for the "2nd side." The top hand can do more work if you wish. Before know it, you'll be working each hand alone. I can do 7 counts of the right arm hoist, but only a few with the left so far.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:47 pm
by eam531
Elizabeth50 wrote:
This is my plan: I'm going to have three meals a day, no snacking in between, seven days a week. If I want a sweet, I can have a cookie, or a piece of candy, etc. on non-s days, but it must fit on my plate and cannot be eaten between meals.

I think I'll enjoy the structure of eating only three plates a day with no snacking in between on a daily basis, rather than knowing I can snack on those two days off. I used to really take advantage of that and go overboard, as I said, making it hard to get back to no-S days.

So, I'm planning green (and hopefully very few red days) on a continual basis.
I think this is a great plan ... I do it too! Nice to see someone else does it as well.

Snacking is not a huge temptation for me (this took awhile), and I don't like feeling over-full which can happen with multiple helpings of food. I do, however, really like having a GOOD scone or other pastry for breakfast on weekends. There are two terrific whole-grain bakeries within a few blocks of each other in my city. Both are doing a roaring business, which is great. I generally get one baked good from each bakery and have one for breakfast on Saturday and the other on Sunday. I really look forward to this weekly treat. I usually also have a bit of plain yogurt and some berries along with my scone or whatever I get. Yummyville!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:40 pm
by Elizabeth50
Noni, Thank you very much for the encouragement. I will try the hoisting move with both hands Monday morning. I'm so excited to build some upper body strength, which I've never had. Please update me when you're able to do 7 hoists with both hands!

eam531, It was Noni's posts on her daily check-in that gave me the idea to go this route with allowing a small sweet treat if needed. I think this is going to be so helpful in staying on track. I'm glad to see there are three of us doing this that we know of!

Can you believe I've never had a scone? I have heard of them, knew they were some kind of pastry. I looked up images of them after reading your message and I definitely need to try one sometime. I love pastries. I'm glad you are able to enjoy them on the S days! Sounds yummy!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:51 pm
by Elizabeth50
Curiosity got the best of me this morning and I ended up pulling the bathroom scale out. (No willpower!) My last weigh-in was a week or so before restarting NoS. I was at 225. This morning 223.8, so I'm down by 1.2. I don't want to get the obsessive daily weigh-ins started again, so afterward I hid the scale under my dresser, and will weigh only once a month.

I had my husband take before pics yesterday; front, side and back views. I was wearing a very tight fitting sleeveless top that I haven't been able to wear in well over two years. The first of each month, I'm going to have him take after pics while wearing the same shirt. Maybe one of these days I'll get brave enough to post them under "success stories". But for now, they are quite embarrassing, to say the least.

Noni, If you read this..I tried "Hoist the Sack" using both hands and you're right, it was very doable! I'm looking forward to including that move in the workout next week. Thanks!

Edited: I tried eating just two meals today, instead of three, but that's not working for me. I've been on the verge of a headache all evening. So tomorrow I'm going back to three plates a day.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:37 pm
by Elizabeth50
Note to self: Just because you CAN have all you want on a plate does not mean you HAVE to fill it to the brim and eat it all.

I waited entirely too long to eat lunch and went overboard in filling my plate. I wolfed my food down because I was so hungry. I could have eaten probably 2/3 or less and been more than satisfied. So I'm going to follow what another board member is doing and chew very slowly from now on. I know to do this already, so should have been doing so anyway.

After eating, took a short nap and still woke up sluggish, so I'm going to be more careful in the future.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:47 pm
by Elizabeth50
Edited 3/7/17 I thought about not posting here anymore. Truth is, I was simply upset with myself yesterday for falling off the wagon, feeling as if I'm never going to have the sticktoitiveness for anything. But I'm back on track today and plan to keep going. I don't know why I get discouraged so quickly lately. But I'm past my little temper tantrum with myself and back on track this morning.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 12:15 am
by Elizabeth50
I did the shovelglove this morning and all was good, then while doing some shopping later in the morning, I made a wrong move and pulled a muscle in my back. I imagine it'll be a few days before I get back to shovelglove. Maybe as late as next Monday. I'll just have to play it by ear.

Otherwise, it's been a very good day.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 12:12 pm
by noni
Sorry about your muscle strain, Elizabeth. It's good to rest it. Sometimes I'll do some gentle stretching when a muscle hurts.

Some days I want to eat everything in sight and feel sorry for myself, knowing the consequences. I'll drink hot tea, come on these boards to distract me and find encouragement. Posting on your "daily" is cathartic and it's nice to go back and read your development, what works for you or doesn't, etc... I'm forgetful, so this is a big help to me.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 4:00 pm
by Elizabeth50
Thank you Noni. I ate some comfort food last night, myself. That's two days I've fallen off the wagon, but hope to be on and stay on track now.

One thing I have got to start doing is eating healthier. Since starting No S, I've been filling my plate with dense foods, trying to tide myself over until the next meal. Well, I know that by doing this I'm eating more calories than I need in a day. So, this morning I went shopping for produce, and plan to start eating more vegetables at lunch and supper. If I get hungry between meals, I'm going to find something, anything to occupy myself until the next meal.

Here's to a new and better day! :)

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 5:45 pm
by Jen1974
I've had my share of hard days where I feel more hunger & end up failing. Don't give up, just try & see if you can find a pattern. Do some meals leave you feeling hungry sooner? I can't white knuckle anything. For me too much real hunger leads to overeating so I need to make sure I keep myself from getting there. I find that low glycemic meals make a huge difference to me. If I make sure to eat fat, protein, & fiber with carbs I don't get as hungry. Dark chocolate & ice cream are better sweets for me because they are low glycemic.

Sometimes it's hormonal or I want to eat for reasons other than hunger. Reasons outside of hunger I can usually stop myself by getting busy. Hormonal means I need to add something small to a meal or 2. It's not a bad thing to fail as long as you don't quit, just try to learn from it (:

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 6:58 pm
by Elizabeth50
Yes, certain foods I eat do play a part Jen. Also, I've noticed that the times I've tried to stretch my meals up to 4-1/2 hours, I sometimes tend to get a little too hungry and tend to eat more than I want to. I think I do much better on a four hour eating schedule, but then I wake up early, so that leaves a long time after the last meal and bedtime, so I'm going to keep tweaking this way of eating until I find what works best.

I'm peri-menopausal. In about 6 months will hopefully be in full-blown menopause. But, even though I haven't had a period for the past few months, I still have days when I can tell I'm having hormonal hunger. I just go with it on those days or it's truly unbearable.

I appreciate you sharing with me.

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:07 pm
by Elizabeth50
Thankfully yesterday was a good day. I was starting to doubt myself after three bad days, and thoughts of counting calories started to creep back in. I refuse with everything in me to go backward again. I know where that leads and I will NOT let it happen.

For breakfast this morning I had two soft scrambled eggs, 1 sausage patty, 1 toast and coffee/cream. Feeling really satisfied and thankfully feeling strong today!

Here's to another day of getting it right!

Edited: My back is feeling strong this morning. I'm so grateful. I went ahead and did 7 minutes of shovelglove. Since I only did 7 minutes for three days this week, I'm going to continue next week at only 7 minutes, then increase to 8 minutes the following week.

Spaghetti arms right now, but feeling great!

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:28 pm
by noni
Glad you back feels better! I have been very neglectful of my exercises this week.

No matter how many red days you have, Elizabeth, don't give up No S! I've done that X2 and always my weight came back. This is a normal and healthy way to eat for life. I've always regretted the ground I lost - not only in weight, but other issues returned as well - and starting all over again establishing the habits.

It's a cheaper lesson to learn from others' mistakes.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:28 pm
by Elizabeth50
Thank you, Noni. I will take your advice to heart. I hope to never stop the No S diet again. I know this way of eating makes perfect sense. In it for the long haul, even though I do have temporary insanity from time to time when thoughts of counting calories kick in again. I really want to get past it even coming into my mind.

We had a yard sale today. What didn't sell, we took to a thrift store. I cannot believe how wiped out I am from it. We held it at our son's house, and I guess it was all the packing, unloading, and repacking and unloading that did it. I stretched out a few minutes ago and dozed off, feeling like a wet rag when I woke up. I hope to never bring enough back into the house to warrant having another yard sale. From now on, if one new thing comes in, one or two old things must go out. That's the plan.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 2:22 pm
by Elizabeth50
oolala53 wrote:Elizabeth, when I was 56 I realized I had been grappling with overeating for 38+ years. I couldn't stand the idea that I would spend my next decades doing the same thing. There were SO many afternoons the urges to eat would be really strong, but I would think THIS is the moment I must choose not to eat or I'll be doing this forever!
Just had breakfast a few minutes ago and had enough, but still want more. But I am keeping the above in mind. I don't want to keep going around this same (overeating) mountain for the rest of my life. Oolala, thank you for this quote. I'm going to remember it.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:45 pm
by TexArk
Just keep on coming and posting and reading other posts on this site while you ride out the urge to keep eating after a meal or to snack. It really does help to have a place to run to.

Oolala has wise words. I, too, have been dealing with this for 50 years!! I don't want to spend what time I have left going round and round. It is difficult to get rid of diet head and all the messages we have told ourselves, but isn't it nice to find others who are working the plan. I don't tell anyone in my real world what I am doing because I don't think the conversation helps. I have said that I am fasting.....between meals. They think that is funny, but it is really true!

I will look forward to reading your successes next week.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 8:22 pm
by Elizabeth50
Thank you TexArk, I definitely will resort to coming here when I'm tempted. I have read through a good many of the threads here and I do get a boost of inspiration from them.

I understand about not talking much about your plan outside of the boards. I've found after years of "dieting" that my thoughts and words on it are best kept to myself. Others either get bored of it, or try to talk you into eating things, with usually good (though, sometimes bad) intentions! ;-)

I appreciate the support and look forward to reading about your successes, as well!

PS I did make it through this morning! :)

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:07 pm
by Elizabeth50
I woke in the wee hours this morning and wasn't sure I would be up to doing shovelglove today, but after a while was feeling much stronger. I'm thrilled to say I was actually able to "hoist the sack" with both arms (separately) this morning. Just barely made it to the 7 count with each arm. By about the 5th lift I could hardly lift half way with either arm. lol I'm excited I was able to do just one, as I couldn't do even that last week when I started. I didn't expect to be able to this morning, but thought I'd give it a try.

I'm cutting back a little on the amount of food at each meal starting today and incorporating at least two non-starchy vegetables daily.

Let's roll!

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:02 pm
by Elizabeth50
I have had a major fail today. Back to the drawing board!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:12 pm
by Elizabeth50
While I went on an all out snackfest yesterday, it's now a new day and I awoke with an attitude of sticktoitiveness this morning.

I didn't do the shovelglove yesterday, either. But I'm getting back to that this morning, as well.

I don't have set mealtimes. I have my first meal of the day when I feel the need for it, then wait a minimum four hours between meals. I usually go a little longer between meals. But there are hunger days when waiting for the four hours to pass is almost unbearable. On those days, if I start my first meal early and have my last meal too early in the evenings, I will allow for a small snack late in the evening. Example: A couple of crackers with cheese, or some other small snack to tide me over through the night. This is a mod I've only used it once since restarting No S. I hope to not use it very often, but it's nice to know that option is available, should I need it.

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:21 pm
by noni
"I'm thrilled to say I was actually able to "hoist the sack" with both arms (separately) this morning."

Good job, and quick work! I noticed that when I Hoist the Sack with both arms together first, then attempt to hoist it with single arms, my triceps are tired and I can't pull it off. If I hoist them singly first, I can.

Elizabeth, how do you get the quote to be in a "box"?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:31 pm
by Elizabeth50
noni wrote:Elizabeth, how do you get the quote to be in a "box"?
Thank you Noni, I was amazed I could do it at all one handed so soon. I haven't done shovelglove yet this morning, but will update afterward how it goes. Thank you for the tip on using both arms. I think it helped strengthen those muscles to help me get to this point! :)

To get a quote in a box, instead of clicking "reply" to the message...look to the upper right of the message and you'll see a button that says "Quote". Click that.

A reply window will come up with the whole message. Before and after the message you will see brackets. To quote only part of the message (or all of it, if you want to), make sure you leave those brackets in place before and at the end of the message, but erase any part of the text in between that you don't want to quote, leaving only the section you want to quote (in between the brackets).

I hope I explained this in a way that's understandable. :)

Update on Shovelglove: I managed to "hoist the sack" again with both arms..not quite giving either side a full lift at the end of the 7 reps, but one day I will. I did notice my left arm is the stronger one for this particular move.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:25 am
by Elizabeth50
I had a great day yesterday, in that I didn't snack between meals. But I was in a rather sweet and snacky mood. I'm almost embarrassed by my food choices, but it is what it is. I'm going to start posting my food publicly. Maybe that will convince me to start incorporating those vegetables I keep planning on, but never seeming to get to.

Grits with approx 1/2 oz. cheese
1 Sausage patty
1 Egg, scrambled
1 Toast, buttered

Philly Cheesesteak
French Fries
Sliver p.b. fudge

5-1/2 Waverly crackers with sliced cheese
1 Hot dog dipped in mustard
2 Hershey's Kisses

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:47 am
by noni
Elizabeth50 wrote:A reply window will come up with the whole message. Before and after the message you will see brackets. To quote only part of the message (or all of it, if you want to), make sure you leave those brackets in place before and at the end of the message
By George! I think I've got it!
Thanks Elizabeth, this part was the problem.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:01 pm
by noni
Elizabeth50 wrote:Sliver p.b. fudge
That reminds me...I have fudge in the freezer from Christmas. PB is my family's favorite. Do you make your own fudge?

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:13 pm
by Elizabeth50
Hi Noni, Yes I do make my own. We are finishing the last of what I put in the freezer a few weeks ago. Love it!

1 Sausage Patty
2 eggs, scrambled
1 buttered toast

Spaghetti with meat sauce
Roasted carrots

Spaghetti with meat sauce
Roasted carrots
3 Waverly crackers
1 Fig Newton

Late Evening:
5 crackers w/ cheese

Shovelglove: Couldn't do it this morning due to pain in my right elbow. I'm not sure if this exercise is going to be doable to me for the long term because my joints just ain't what they used to be.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 2:59 pm
by noni
I have a shoulder that I fell on years ago that still bothers some, especially when I do lifting a weight a certain way with it. I really like stretching as the best exercise for me and my joints.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:57 pm
by Elizabeth50
I may need to resort to that, myself, Noni. That's a good idea. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:16 am
by Elizabeth50

Gravy Biscuit


Potato Salad
5 Crackers
1 P.B. cookie

1/2 Reuben sandwich
Potato salad

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 1:49 pm
by Elizabeth50
I completely had a fail yesterday. That makes two red days for the week. The week before I had three red days, so maybe I'm making some headway. I'm shooting for all :mrgreen: this week!

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:35 pm
by Elizabeth50
Well, my hopes and dreams of having a seven day run of green ended on day one. I didn't have a bad day so much as I simply didn't follow the three plate rule. Back to the drawing board. 8)

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:44 pm
by TexArk
There is success in continuing. Remember with NoS we are not starting over all the time. It is just the next meal. I have to fight against all the "begin again on Monday" or go ahead and "wreck the car" thoughts before I start again. I guess that is why "mark it and move on" is one of our catch phrases. But it is hard work to change those internal conversations.

Have a good week. I completed my first 30 days and am continuing to track on habitcal. The problem I have with focusing on marking red as a failure is that I have to remind myself that "failure" can be a slippery slope. There is HUGE difference between having a second helping or eating a cookie on an N Day and the binge behavior that is my real problem. I almost wish there was a color to use to mark binges or wild S Days. I can say that I have not failed on those goals yet.

Now to remember to up the veggies. You, too!!

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:53 pm
by Elizabeth50
Congratulations on completing your 30 days!

You're so right. There is a very big difference between one or two small infractions and an all out binge. You know, this little guy :twisted: might be a good one for those kinds of days. :wink:

I'm hoping to get through March with many more green than red days. Eleven days left and it would be wonderful to color them all green!

Thank you for mentioning "mark it and move on." I like that!

Have a great week, as well!

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:06 pm
by lpearlmom
Tex: just wanted to mention that on your habitcal you can track other habits like binging. You can create as many calendars as you want and track them. I even have some non-NoS stuff in there and find it very helpful.



Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 3:43 pm
by TexArk
Thanks for the reminder. I do use habitcal to track my 30 minute exercise goals, but hadn't thought about tracking no binge behavior. Will do.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:21 pm
by noni
Ahh...Reuben sandwiches, my favorite. I have them every NY's Eve, and for company, too. Unless the sandwiches are restaurant big, I'd have a hard time just eating 1/2 of it. Doing great, Elizabeth!

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:09 pm
by Elizabeth50
Noni, these were restaurant size with the rye bread we chose. My husband could only eat half of his, as well. We only make them occasionally, so when we do have them, they are extra special. Next time I'm making one to split between the two of us. They are so delicious with potato salad on the side.

After a couple red days, it isn't easy reeling myself back in, but I did it! Had a green day yesterday! Yay!

Here's to a green Tuesday for everyone!

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:41 pm
by TexArk
Ha Ha...Love the Kermit quote. I have had at least one green veggie a day but haven't succeeded 100% on two servings. Working on that this week.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:43 pm
by Elizabeth50
Haha Kermit is so right.

You know, I don't believe I've had any green vegetables in a few days. :oops:

Oh wait! Bell peppers! :D

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:25 am
by Elizabeth50
cancelling my 21 day challenge to do on paper at home.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:51 pm
by noni
Bell peppers are full of nutrition. Should stay with you a couple of weeks :wink:

I also thought I ate a lot of veggies until I typed out what I ate.

What will you be telling us on those dates, Elizabeth?

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:20 pm
by Elizabeth50
Noni, I wanted to type out my food, but I'm so embarrassed by the things I eat (lack of vegetables)...that I shamed myself out of doing it! :oops: :lol:

The challenge above is for staying on track with only three plates, no snacking between meals. I hope shooting for a 21 day streak will give me a little extra motivation. (Of course, I'm allowing myself a small snack at night if I have an early dinner...only if needed. I'm also allowing milk or V8 between meals if I can't quite white knuckle it. I hope to not resort to that very often, if at all.

Speaking of V8, does that count as a vegetable? hehe

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 5:26 pm
by Over43
"I'm so embarrassed by the things I eat (lack of vegetables)...that I shamed myself out of doing it! "

I would not sweat that. I have days that have looked like: Jack n the Box Breakfast Sandwich, tater tots. Lunch: Canned soup and a bag of chips, dinner: Hamburger Helper/Diet Coke.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 5:52 pm
by Elizabeth50
Thank you, Over43. I think I will start sharing my meals again. It'll keep me honest, anyway.

I have insomnia and woke up at 2am and was up for about 3-1/2 hours. About 4 am I was so here's where my day started.

Wee hours of morning:
4 oz. buttermilk

saucer of shepherd's pie

pinto beans
2 thin slices spam

cornbread with buttermilk
small bite chocolate fudge

Shovelglove: 8 minutes: did the moves I could do without a problem.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:59 pm
by TexArk
Ha Ha...Your Spam entry is cracking me up. When we moved to a small Texas town nearly 50 years ago, we had an older neighbor that always said he just finished lunch and had his usual...a Treet sandwich. I had no clue; then saw it in the grocery store. I gather it is similar to Spam. So your entry of spam, cabbage, beans, and cornbread confirms your southern credentials. Extra points for the cabbage.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:33 pm
by Allisonmeg
So true--I grew up on Treet!!!
Elizabeth, trust me. I feel the same way writing my meals down. I cringe every day that people are reading what I put in my mouth. I started and stopped No S many times over 5 years and it just seems to all stick better when I'm accountable and write it down. If I haven't written it down, then it's definitely bad. I can go back on all my old blogs and specifically see where I didn't write a day down and can tell you that was on purpose (not that I accidently forgot like I was trying to project)! I hope though that one day I'll feel comfortable enough with myself to not have to write it down anymore...if that makes any sense! Enjoy your day :)

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:26 pm
by Elizabeth50
LOL, TexArk! Yes, Treet is exactly like Spam. Actually, the brand I have is from Aldi, but it's easier just to type "Spam" because most have heard of it, I'm guessing. :wink: This is the first "Spam" I've cooked in many years. I don't know why. I just never think about it, but saw it at Aldi the other day and decided it sounded pretty good. And it was! Thanks for points on the cabbage! :lol: Of course, I cooked it the "Southern" way. Having said that, I can't guarantee it was all too healthy! haha

Allisonmeg, I hope we both make it to the point of not feeling the need to write our food down. You know, I've been relying on my food journal for so many years that the times I did try to quit tracking, it almost felt like losing a best friend. Is that ridiculous or what? lol So, I know where you're coming from!

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 11:49 am
by Elizabeth50
country ham
2 eggs scrambled
1 toast, buttered

sm. pc. choc. fudge

choc. fudge

Shovelglove: 8 minutes

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:37 pm
by noni
When I was a kid, my mother would fry Spam in an oily pan till crispy and brown, then put it between Wonder bread. I think my love of salt came from that! How do they make it in the South?

Elizabeth, no one here is judging you for your food choices, I can bet. For that you would have to go to those Clean Eating

It's good for yourself as well, to see why you lost or picked up weight lately. You could check out your own "Daily" and adjust.

Sometimes, I also am ready to stop charting, because of the repetition of foods, etc...but I think how will I understand why is it I'm losing more than normal or gaining this weight? Or why does my stomach feel icky? My daily will tell me what I need to know. I don't keep a food journal at home, because this is more fun to do.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:04 pm
by Elizabeth50
Good Morning, Noni! Oh yeah, we fry our Spam until crispy, too. I can't imagine having it any other way. You definitely have to have a love for salt to enjoy Spam. I get my love of salt from Mama. Daddy never added salt to anything and couldn't stand to see us add it to our own food, declaring, "Salt is nothing but a d*** habit!" haha

You're definitely right about being able to look back at our food journals to see where we went right or wrong.

I tell you what, at lunch yesterday I ate more than I needed. I let myself get too hungry before I started cooking. After thinking about overdoing it, I made the decision that now matter HOW HUNGRY if feel from here on, I'm going to make myself put only an average amount on my plate. I know that with No S, you can put what you think you need, as long as it's not dangling off the sides, but I really went a little crazy yesterday and don't want to do that again. While the plate I used was small it's a little deep and I filled it to the brim. When I fill my plate to the brim I also fill my stomach to the brim. :shock: 8) No more! :)

I had my usual insomnia last night (also neighbor's dogs barking kept me in a broken sleep when I could actually get rest). I am so tired today and when I'm tired I crave sweets and other carbs. I want to snack so badly that I am white knuckling it this morning, but I'm determined to get through this 21 day challenge with all green days!

I hope you have a successful green day, too! Thanks for stopping by. I always enjoy hearing from you! :)

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:59 pm
by noni
I feel for you about the insomnia. I get that sometimes. I went through a period of a couple of months of it to greater degree, and didn't know why. I love crawling inbetween the sheets, but at that time it was the enemy. I took magnesium before bed. It helped at first (crazy dreams), then it stopped. Now I take it if I wake up, and there's no going back. Sometimes it helps, if I don't take it too often.

Just whittle that plate down little by little as you become used to the smaller amounts. Do you still do the sweet mod?

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:41 pm
by Elizabeth50
I am still using the sweet mod, Noni. I'd go crazy on weekends if I didn't. That's been my past experience. I admire those who can control themselves on S days, while avoiding sweets altogether on N days.

I've learned to go with the flow of the insomnia. Melatonin doesn't work for me. I haven't tried magnesium, but may have to give that a chance. Thank you for the tip. :)

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:19 pm
by Allisonmeg
Hi Elizabeth, Just stopping by to say hi and hope you have a great weekend!

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:59 pm
by noni
Elizabeth50 wrote:I am still using the sweet mod, Noni. I'd go crazy on weekends if I didn't. That's been my past experience. I admire those who can control themselves on S days, while avoiding sweets altogether on N days.
I hear you. Before the sweet mod, I never had more than two weekends in a row that wasn't a sweet-food-fest. And I think that only happened once. Even if I didn't lose anymore weight, I love that feeling of controlled eating on S-Days.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:13 pm
by Elizabeth50
Hi Allison! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a fabulous weekend, too. Have fun stitching! :)

I completely agree with you about the S days, Noni. I'm afraid I've had two pretty rough days, and I'm thinking of going back to IE. Even though I don't lose weight with IE, I have more peace eating a little here and a little there, I believe. This white knuckling it doesn't work for me because I simply have no willpower. That's just it in a nutshell.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and keep on keeping on! :)

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:54 pm
by TexArk

Every single time I try intuitive eating the end result is weight gain. I have been through that cycle too many times to count. Don't own the T shirt, but have owned the books, joined web discussion groups, etc. Maybe you are different, but I have seen few longterm success stories except people who write books on the topic. It sounds so appealing. Eat when you are hungry and stop. Oops. It is the stop where I end up in trouble. So in reality it is also white knuckle time. Stop eating, but I want more. So here I am again at age 70 for heaven's sake learning to fast between meals.

Or perhaps you are just going to try IE on S Days?

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 10:36 pm
by Jen1974
Have you thought of just adding a 4th meal & doing 4 smaller meals instead of 3 larger ones? No S has so many good points & it sounds like the white knuckling could come from too much time between meals?

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:24 am
by Elizabeth50
TexArk, Thank you SO much for reminding me that IE is not the way to go. I KNOW it doesn't work for me. What was I thinking? I always want to revert to IE when I am having a hard time sticking to plan. My problem with IE is always second guessing if I'm truly hungry. Now that drove me crazy! So I don't know why I want to keep reverting back to it.

I've also had the book and was more than once a member of the board. All to no avail. I don't know what makes me think it'll work every time. I think what draws me back in is the freedom of it, but I know I need structure (No S). I want to rebel from structure when the going gets tough and I have failures. I've got to stop getting so frustrated with myself when I have a hard time and quit wanting to jump ship!

I know the No S way of eating is what makes sense, so I'm going to hang in here!

Jen, I want to thank you for the idea of doing 4 small meals a day. I may go that route some days.

Thank you both for reeling me back in.

Update on fail with the eating plan, obviously. I went totally off the rails and snacked most of the evening.

On a better note, I did do shovelglove for 8 minutes. It was a struggle getting to the end of the eight minutes, so I think next week I'm going to continue with 8 minutes again and hopefully work my way up to 9 minutes the following week.

Here's to a new day! Let's all keep on keeping on!

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:05 pm
by noni
I did IE at different times, had a lot of the books, numerous website researching...I could usually tell when I was hungry, but I found it troublesome in my mind that I may not be hungry at mealtime when my family is eating. Eating times were left up in the air.

With No S, I could eat with my family, and sticking with one plate made me hungry enough when it was time to sit down to a meal. Same as an IE rule.

Elizabeth, you eat three meals and have a sweet mod. I'm just curious; what would IE do for you that No S can't? Are you overly hungry between meals? Jen's suggestion of adding a scheduled snack may help.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:43 pm
by Elizabeth50
Noni, In all honesty, sometimes it is hunger, but more often than not I just have an overwhelming urge to eat. It's usually mouth hunger that makes me want to eat. Such as last night I was craving something crunchy and ended up eating crackers galore, then added sliced cheese when the crackers got boring. I don't know why I seem to have no self-control at times. And it is a matter of self control. I've read that the more you use self-control, the more you gain. I don't think I've ever fully given myself a change to grow it because it's easier to simply give in. But I won't give up trying! I am renewing my mind today to stay on track "today only"!

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:50 pm
by Elizabeth50
egg salad sandwich

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:16 pm
by TexArk
Hang in there Elizabeth.

Sometimes I have had the desire to eat and eat and eat and one of the things I have told myself is, "Now you know you do not have to give in to this. Quit telling yourself that. If someone had a gun to my child's head and I was told, "if you put food in your mouth, I'll pull the trigger." then would I have self control? Of course. I know this is extreme, but sometimes I need a reality check. We just have a hard time because there are not immediate consequences of indulging. That is why I like this board. Read and reread all the posts from people asking "why did I ever quit NoS. Here I am back again and even more pounds to unload."

I am talking to myself. For me my goals are not bingeing (and I can be really bad here) not eating between meals, and waiting for special sweets at appropriate times. Yes I need to lose about 40 lbs to get in a healthy BMI range. I hope that will eventually happen. But I have to get the basics down first.

Have a good weekend.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 3:52 pm
by Jen1974
I'm pretty sure it was Oolala that wrote the basis of this but I have it written where I read everyday & for me it's a good reminder that that when I choose to stick to the habits I'm trying to create that it in the future it won't be as hard to stick to them....

On bad habits:

We either strengthen particular connections in our brain or weaken them every day whenever we encounter a bad habit. Each time we do not give in to the desire to eat between meals, go back for seconds, or have a drink, we are weakening the reinforcement of that "loop." Everytime we experience our desire but don't satisfy that desire, research has demonstrated that cravings diminish.

Also I have realized I do much better with a more positive approach. Trying to get a streak can frustrate me because when you have a fail it's back to square one so instead I focus on how many days each week/month are successes. One of my goals I've really been focusing on is no grazing ever, I started out pretty bad with the new strict rule, but watched each week/month get a few more wins which motivated me to keep trying to beat last weeks record. It was a more positive approach for me 😊 I can tell you get really down about fails so focus on celebrating wins instead!!

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:25 pm
by Elizabeth50
Thank you both for the wonderful advice. I will take it to heart.

Yes, I have read many people talk about coming back. I am one of them. haha

I am the same about the streak. The fail/start over... well, let's just say I was again trying to start one, and it's just not happening. So I'm going to take your advice focus on the good days each month, instead.

Very appreciative of all the tips. Have a fabulous rest of your day!

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:29 pm
by noni
TexArk wrote:Sometimes I have had the desire to eat and eat and eat...
Elizabeth, many of us have the same thoughts as TexArk. I imagine myself sitting down to an enormous feast of my favorite foods, all by myself (no sharing), but then reality hits me, and I know I wouldn't get very far without feeling sick to my stomach. So, it's good to mix your fantasies with some realities :)

I've been off and on with No S for 8 years, more off than on, but it seems this time around it became a little easier. Stick with it, and don't be so hard on yourself. This is a way of sane eating for life. You're the one in charge, and you have the rest of your life to tweak this diet to make it the most livable and beneficial for you.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:14 pm
by noni
Elizabeth...where are you? I hope you are well. We miss you!

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 10:48 pm
by Allisonmeg
I miss you too!!! I read you every day!! :D

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 12:48 am
by oolala53
Reaching out to all of Team 2017. Come celebrate your success, if things just fell into place, or get a hug of support if they didn't. The fall equinox is almost here. Last time we heard from you was around the one in spring. Come finish the year with us!