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Yellowtulips Returning

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:37 pm
by yellowtulips
I got lured by the diet-talk around New Year's on my second start of NoS in November 2016 :cry: I have recently returned to NoS (about 3 weeks ago), renewed my resolve, and am grateful that I managed to have a 'break even' from the quicker loss and just as quick regain.

I feel so much better eating NoS way. It really is how my parents taught me to eat, fed me growing up. I haven't dared to get on the scale yet. I don't really care. Obsessive scale is also something I didn't grow up with and I think isn't much of a help to me right now. What I can say is that my health is clearly better. My clothes are fitting better.

This is my third time around with NoS. Third time is the charm, so they say. This time I'm also reading the book regularly. Yes, doesn't have radical different information than the website, but I'm finding it helpful to keep on track.

I only just restarted doing habit-cal. I needed a break from the 'accounting' of the wayward path I'd been on. Even the habit-cal seemed like too much. But, I'll give it a try for the month of June and see where it takes me. If it becomes an obsession or problem in any other way, I'll drop it.

I won't actually be checking in every day, but just need a spot to be accountable to the fact that I've made a decision and to remember what that decision is :lol: 3 square meals a day (mostly, except *sometimes*)

Joined June Challenge

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 7:43 pm
by yellowtulips
Since I've committed to using habit cal for June, I joined the June challenge.

I like seeing all those smiley faces :) It seems a fun way to remind myself of what I'm doing....I so easily forget!

So editing that post to update my challenge calendar will be daily check in of sorts.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 8:44 pm
by Merry
Welcome back! I found the book really helped me when I was recommitting. Hang in there!

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:29 am
by yellowtulips
Thank you for the encouragement Merry. It means a great deal coming from another 'returnee; :)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:11 am
by oolala53
I bombed out after one great week. It took another 15 months to realize this was really my best bet at a sane life with food. I've had my tough times, but not nearly as tough as what it was like to feel in the clutches of food.

Nearly all successful maintainers had a fair amount of failure before they find the right mix of motivation and eating program. Realizing that the old options are off the table can make it much easier to surrender. Since it's to such a humane system, it's really the kind of surrender that is wonderfully freeing.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:45 pm
by yellowtulips
Oolala, I appreciate your sharing a bit of your start, re-start. I'm hoping that I don't have the 12 (? I think that was the number) tries that it can take to change eating habits.

On this 3rd restart, I can DEFINITELY say that all other options are off the table. Resetting, I hope, will only be resetting after a string of :oops: sorts of days with the habit (and I hope not too much of that--but we are all human) ..not restarting as I am now having dabbled in other options.

I had :oops: days in May as I returned to No S, but kept on going and am having an easier time (*so far*) in June. Partially, I think because of the sense of surrender to the sensible. I'm feeling well-cared for--I'm 'mothering' myself by giving myself a meal structure. Phooey to the idea that I'm taking care of me by doing/eating whatever I want (and that includes the false sense of 'being good' by being on a ridiculous diet). I take care of me by respecting a few boundries with food--like meals containing simple foods.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 3:59 pm
by oolala53
Know that some No S-ers who consider themselves successful are still compliant only 80-90% of the time, sometimes fully for streaks of varying length. It's kind of a paradox: aim for strictness, but don't assume it's all over when you don't get it. Do your best to keep challenging any thoughts that convince you it's okay to slip, but without browbeating yourself to do it. And really give attention to the days of success: how they feel, how satisfying they are, etc. That's what helps make the new brain pattern.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:52 am
by Merry
yellowtulips wrote:
I had :oops: days in May as I returned to No S, but kept on going and am having an easier time (*so far*) in June. Partially, I think because of the sense of surrender to the sensible.
Surrender to the sensible...I like this!

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:41 am
by oolala53
The GOOD kind of surrender.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:11 pm
by yellowtulips
I am so glad that today in an N day.

This past weeked I "was an idiot". And although I did not beat up on myself, I definitely didn't feel too good physically by the end of the day. On the upside: I learned what NOT to plan for my 'treat' :lol:

It was VERY easy to get back on track today.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:14 am
by Skycat
The best kind of experiences are learning experiences. I also learned the hard way that it doesn't feel good when S days are a free-for-all. That feeling of moderation starts to carry over from N days,I now like my S days to contain what I think of as 'moderate generosity' of course I don't always manage it but at least now I feel like I know what it looks like. You're making progress :D

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:15 am
by oolala53
We've pretty much all done it. Remember that feeling. It won't be there the next time it occurs to you to do what will amount to being an idiot. Oh, if only it were. In the mean time, relish N days!

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:53 pm
by oolala53
I got an email that you had posted recently, but I can't find it. Did you decide to delete it? How are things going? No news is good news?

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 10:41 pm
by yellowtulips
Yes, did post, then deleted.

All is well :) I'm continuing to surrender to the sensible. June had a few more :oops: days than I would have liked, but it's all good. I had no problem marking it down (which is good--face the slips and learn from them).

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 5:03 am
by oolala53
Sounds good. Have a great July.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 11:25 pm
by yellowtulips
I find that although there is no such thing as a 'failed' S day, I do need to pay attention if I hope to see the scale move!

I read an interesting book last week, Never Binge Again, which defines a binge as anything NOT on your food plan. I suppose folks could get real technical with it, but I was reading this book with NoS in my head. What is my basic food plan? 3 meals a day, no snacks (which is implied in 3 meals), no seconds (boundry on the meals), no sweets (boundry on the meal) Except sometimes on S days.

For me, no seconds is something that already is an oddity at meal times, even before NoS. Snacking and sweets (snacks often being a sweet) was/is my down fall. So, this past weekend, I decided what my sometimes is on S days. Sometimes implies socially. At least for the obvious sweets, like cake. Pancakes for breakfast on an S day. OK. (And, I'm usually not eating breakfast alone on S days, so there you go.)

The more I keep to N-day style of eating on S-days the better I feel. I'm not going to sweat it when I do choose to have a sweet, but I really prefer structured meals, even on S days.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:16 am
by oolala53
I read that book. I have to admit it's just plain hard to accept the metaphor of a pig as a person whose brother used to call her a pig and a big cow. But I like the overall thrust of his work. Though he's out to make some money on it, it's not as if he doesn't have some cred, and he could be making a lot more doing the work he used to. Maybe this is just pocket change. He's got a fair amount for free. I get and read his emails. I think he's doing something way more useful than 90% of what's out there.

About two years into No S, I made mod on S days to have sweets only in company and never to eat cookie dough. I live alone and don't have a big social life, so it made a real dent in wild S days. I had actually lost most of my weight by then, but S days were often still miserable. I haven't stuck to it completely, but enough to think of that as a significant shift in my No S experience.

Keep up the good work!

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 1:33 pm
by yellowtulips
I had not realized that reading the BNA book was going to lead to LOTS of emails :x Simple enough to unsubscribe. I did read a few of them and realized just how far the concepts in it are from NoS. It's not a simple tool of 'putting a fence around' your eating plan as I had originally thought.

I'm not only putting a 'fence around' my eating plan....I'm putting a 'fence around' reading diet-related books. I read BNA because I was feeling a little wild on the weekends. What I should have done was reread a bit of NoS site/book :wink:

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 12:55 pm
by oolala53
I am on his email list, too. I often don't actually read them, but they're like little reminders of MY version, so I keep the subscription. I noticed that he changed the name of the inner drive to eat.

But yes, the NO S book is excellent retraining in thinking. I read it many times and still look once in awhile. I don't mean to be sacrilegious but it really is a little like reading scripture for me. It renews the good feelings of what I "believe in" when there's so much pull to the opposite. Although the lifestyle itself is a great reinforcer.