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Elyssa's Check-In (yes... I am a newbie)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:12 am
by Elyssa
Today is what I would consider my first "real" S Day. My N Days so far (there have been 4 of them) went unexpectedly well. On Thursday, I was offered cheese cake. I accepted and saved it for today.

Today, when I got up, I figured my new normal routine is best (1 plate). But I had something a bit different: I had a plate of boiled beans (frijoles de la olla) with some mayonnaise, turmeric powder, and black pepper.

When I got to work, in honor of "S Day," I had a piece of very dark chocolate with my black coffee (a snack).

For my lunch, I had a bowl of soup. That would have been my plate, but since it is an "S Day" I also ate some crabcake in a baked potato that my husband had left over. Then I had that cheesecake, and then I was stuffed.

Now pondering dinner. Maybe I will just have a snack (an "S"). :wink:

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:19 am
by Merry
Sounds yummy! Glad you had a good first week :-).

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:35 am
by osoniye
Welcome! Hope NoS works well for you, too- sounds like you are off to a great start!

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 7:18 pm
by Elyssa
Thank you, Sonya.

I must say, it's going better than expected!!!
Have a wonderful day :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 7:33 pm
by Elyssa
Check-in Sunday (3rd plate):
Delicious big bowl of soup w/kale, mushrooms, chickpeas, other veggies
4 very big slices watermelon

Check-in Monday:

Plate #1 (in a mason jar, had to be portable!)[/b]
Oats & amaranth & chia seeds, boiled in H2O with unsweetened soymilk
(a normal breakfast for me anyway)

Plate #2
Piled up high from "Whole Foods" market a salad bar plate (really, a container -- but which is kind of like a very large plate, I think) with tofu, a boiled egg, raspberries, blueberries, and different prepared salads from there (I didn't eat the artichoke because it tasted strange)

Politely declined samples inside the store. Tonight, hoping to make Plate #3 a bowl of the soup from yesterday, w/a piece of multigrain baguette with butter.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 4:53 am
by Skycat
Your food looks yummy Elyssa. Congrats on a great start for both N days and S days, I hope you're feeling the freedom that a lot of us feel comes from following sane rules instead of crazy ones. :D

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:07 am
by Elyssa
Thanks, Skycat.

Best of all I did NOT feel the urge or need to binge on multigrain baguette with organic butter when purchasing both yesterday - because, hey, I could just leave some room on my plate. And just ate that one piece, with butter - and was mysteriously satisfied.

As said - don't know if it's the novelty or what, but do think I am off to a good start, hooray 8)

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:19 am
by oolala53
We never know if we're on a temporary or lifetime honeymoon, but the odds of it being a marriage worth keeping are very high. :wink:

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 10:47 pm
by Elyssa
All is well here.

I have a scale at home that I am friends with. It does not rule my life - it provides me with helpful info. So I am not unhappy with it, no matter what. My old-fashioned scale --which is what it is-- is starting to budge. Finally a downward trend, not drastic but encouraging. Clothes are looser, too.

My schedule tends to vary greatly, so regular mealtimes are quite impossible for me. However, I think of my daily meals as Plate #1, Plate #2, Plate #3.
I always have breakfast - a strong positive habit firmly entrenched through Weight Watchers. The spacing of my meals and the timing of my meals varies a lot, but I do generally have breakfast not long after I wake up (after I do my daily exercise, another helpful WW habit that has stuck).

Reinhard's book arrived today, so I very much will enjoy starting to read it. I think that's it for now!!!


Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:49 am
by Merry
Oooh, have a great time reading! So many good nuggets in No-S that encourage us.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:38 am
by oolala53
I've read that book oodles of times. On Spark, I used to copy a line from each page almost every day.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 2:16 am
by Elyssa
Thanks so much for stopping by, Merry and Oolala. :D

Yes, the book is super cool. I thought I'd already read SO many things about diet and nutrition in recent years that the "No S Diet" book (written in 2008, at that) would probably NOT give me any truly new/unique insights. WRONG!

Some of the things that jumped out for me:
-- we are already a low carb nation (we Americans, that is)
-- why focus on "carbs" as a diet foe, when SUGAR is a real obvious "carb"
-- use sweets as an "incentive" to stick to program on N days (interesting!)
-- that Einstein quote at the beginning
-- use the tools you've got, simple stuff: a plate, my taste buds,...
-- "don't spoil your appetite" - gosh, that really DID take me back!!!

Ending my N day week well, yay! Tomorrow an S day.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 2:28 am
by oolala53
I don't remember it saying we are a low-carb nation. With all our potatoes, bread, pizza, sweets? But I haven't memorized it all...yet.

I know Reinhard posted somewhere a link to an article that said the in the U. S. recently, it was found that sweet calories are now the majority of the calories eaten. This is unprecedented in human history.

We'll fight the good fight! And enjoy our savory food to boot.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:00 am
by Elyssa
Thank you, Oolala, for stopping by. :D
I think he means we are a "low carb" nation in the sense that a comparatively lower percentage / proportion of our calories comes from carbs (as opposed to come other cultures) due to high levels of protein consumption (meat and all that).

So, it's been busy but I have tried to stay in touch here a bit with my new community.

Last Saturday, a week ago, I went all piggy-style hog wild with the snacks. (No offense to actual pigs!). While this was "allowed" I learned that I really do NOT enjoy my food as much when I have snacked. And I learned that I then keep eating and eating. I don't use the red/green/yellow system (although I am sure it works well for others). Well, it is not even a required part of the No-S Diet. I still track, sort of, in my WW tracker. I have modified that to my new "Plate 1, Plate 2, Plate 3" system.
I have tracked for so long - some weeks more than others - that it seems normal. I always like to see what I had the last few days. That way, I am not eating e.g. spinach three days in a row, or meat three days in a row, or whatever. (After all, I like to think of myself as a mostly-Vegetarian.) If I eat too much of one thing, then I am aware and can perhaps change things up. Wait, I am going off topic!

So after last Saturday, I figured that perhaps I broke the rule "don't be an idiot" for S Days. I really think it was all that snacking.
I structured again on Sunday and felt happier. It was still an "S" day with relaxed rules, especially as to sweet stuff, but it was three meals.

On Monday night I had extra food - seconds or snacks or whatever. I knew this was bound to happen, if for no other reason than Oolala warning me, wisely, that sooner or later my smooth ride would hit some bumps. I decided to just let it go. I figure that "perfect adherence" is an unattainable goal, but I will strive for it anyway.

I do like what Reinhard says in the book about "building a fence around" the No-S Diet to build strong habits.

On Thursday I surprised myself by eating 2 slices of pizza (this is all my plate would accommodate. And trust me, I tried) & NOT inhaling the rest of the box. I did have some space on my plate for salad. I don't think I have ever eaten two slices of pizza as slowly. And enjoyed them!

Last night (Friday) also went off the rails like on Monday night. Again - I decided not to overreact to this, but instead, life goes on and No-S goes on! Except it was an S Day today, ha! Well, I have not snacked. Really feel so much better. My "S" was coconut macaroons as a "dessert" to my breakfast. Good! I felt they were slightly too sweet. But I did enjoy them.

Also want to report that, at least this morning, my scale said I was down 7 lbs from when I started. HOORAY, SUCCESS!!! Like LifeIsABlessing, I also have a habit of weighing myself 2x per day. This works for me. I find it keeps me accountable to what I do. I don't let it upset me. I just take it as information. I have learned a lot about those weird fluctuations, so they don't surprise me. For example, every night I weigh exactly 5 lbs more than I do in the morning. (I like the A.M. number better, obviously!)

But that rather large fluctuation is normal for me. If I really overeat, I can even weigh 7-8 lbs more at night than the same morning. I guess it's about knowing my body.

Anyway... I am less than 3 weeks into this, and I find things are going very well. Hope everyone out there is doing well, too.


Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:34 am
by Merry
I'm glad it's going well!

Okay, overall, as things go

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 3:15 am
by Elyssa
Thanks for stopping by, Merry. And thank you for always being so encouraging. :D

Here, it's been a bit of a mixed bag. I've learned that it's easy to get rather sloppy with virtual plating... so much so it can turn a nifty tool into what's really...second helpings, ahem!

Then I had a very "red" day last night at the Whole Foods market. Don't know why, but it just seemed to me all of a sudden like it's going to be "impossible"(or so I thought) to avoid all of the ubiquitous SNACKING "input opportunities" (as Reinhard calls it). To prove it to myself, I went on something of a snack bender on the way home while my husband drove and occasionally gave me a quizzical look that said "oookkaayyy..." and which I pointedly ignored.

When I woke up this morning, after sleeping poorly from eating too much yesterday, I felt miserable. I mean physically ill. That really helped me to move on & get back to my three plates and no snacks today. :roll:
I suppose I'm one of those "slow learners."

Anyway. Back in the No-S horse saddle, no looking back. Today was much better and I let go of some thoughts making FALSE promises that night time snacking would be enjoyable. No, not true! Reminded myself of that for a while and the thought dissipated. Back to...relief!

~ Elyssa

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:38 pm
by oolala53
Slow learner? After just a few weeks? If you don't do something similar 20+more times over the next year, I think you will be very unusual. Then again, it could be that a lot of people do actually get it quickly and just stop posting here, so I haven't seen them in my years here. But don't assume you have to be one of them to make this work for you. I still have days like that, but I'm also pretty much maintaining the lowest weight of my adult life. I would actually prefer to weigh a bit more and NOT have these days, but I haven't found the the magic balance point for that. All I know is life is STILL better than it was before I started.

The three major reasons most people never make permanent reductions to their eating is that their motivation is not actually powerful or clear enough (weight loss alone is RARELY powerful enough), they try something too drastic to start, or they give up when they make mistakes, thinking it means they are doing something terribly wrong or will never get it, when all it means is reason one or two or they just haven't practiced enough.

You are right on track. Back to the structure!

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:12 am
by Elyssa
Thank you, Oolala. :)

Here, life has gone on... in a good way, overall. Not perfect. No. But I did pretty much get right back on the old No-S horse.

I'm pleased to report that I did NOT break the "don't be an idiot" rule on Saturday and Sunday. Hooray!!! That said, I work on Saturdays & did not plan my food very well this past Saturday. My mistake was that I let TOO MUCH time go by after my first plate -- which was not even a plate, but just a fancy coffee drink plus some dark chocolate.

Since becoming a "NO-S" eater, I am MUCH MORE comfortable now with longer spaces between meals, both physically and psychologically. I no longer fear going into "starvation mode" after not eating for 3 hours.

But this past Saturday, I inadvertently overdid it with JUST HOW LONG I went before consuming something caloric again. I got caught up with work and... before I knew it, about ten hours had gone by WITHOUT me consuming anything else except water. Nope, THAT was not a good thing. I was then literally too hungry to eat a normal portion, let alone eat slowly.

I paid more attention on Sunday & did okay. It was an S Day, so there was an extra helping of pizza. Nothing sweet called out to me yesterday.

In other news....

The plate thing is tricky for me sometimes on N Days. There is some "virtual plating" that happens, especially when my husband serves me. I also think he plays little mind games with me - cute games, but still.

Like today, when I sat down for lunch. DH put a big plate in front of me with three (3) sandwiches on it. I just laughed and said: "I don't care how many sandwiches fit on this plate, I am only eating one!" (I ended up eating one and a half & he ate the other one and a half). Then, on two separate side plates, he had served up cucumber slices with chili-lime powder + the other side plate held tomato slices with basil and some authentic "queso fresco" that came to us from the State of Chiapas.

I ate the cucumber slices, on the theory that many No-S members have reported eating side salads with just veggies/lettuce in addition to their plate. And as to the tomato slices with that authentic "queso fresco"... yeah, I had some of that as well. I guess I should have put my final selection down on the one plate (the one that was holding the 3 sandwiches) BEFORE digging in.

My husband definitely likes to test (my) boundaries. When he offered me blueberries after I was done eating my virtual plate, I said: "No... that would be seconds. Not today."

So, it's going although there seem to be days where I am eating more "meal-based" than "plate-based." But I think I am going in the right direction.

The most amazing change is that I am able to come home at night (or able to have dinner at home at night, as the case may be) and then NOT (!!!) snack, feel compelled to snack, binge, overeat, or otherwise engage in various forms of night-time eating.

For that reason alone, No-S rocks. AT LEAST FOR ME!
For those in the U.S., have a lovely Fourth of July (that would be an S day!)


Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 4:12 pm
by oolala53
I"m glad you have a sense of humor about your husband's antics. I hope turn about is fair play on something he's trying to change... :twisted:

Only SOME people eat their salad on separate plates, and some who do also leave space on their regular plate to do it.

It's great that longer gaps are becoming fine. In a year, even a 10-hour one once in awhile may not lead to overeating.

But I have to say in over 7 years, I have never forgotten to eat. I have sometimes been on a medication that made it seem logical to keep putting off a meal, but I always knew I was doing it!

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 2:12 am
by Elyssa
Checking in, folks. Just so you know, I kind of fell off my No-S horse. Not blaming the horse, just me not using my muscles with enough determination to prevent this.
(Well, let me not waffle on again with my strange metaphors. Ahem.)

I overate like once, then wasn't hungry for the next meal. So then I overate at that next meal. Then I wasn't hungry for the next one after that, and then... it's just gotten a bit out of control. Definitely feeling much lower energy levels as a result. I feel so sluggish, yuck!!!

Today, I stopped eating at 4:30 PM, on the theory that I was just too full.
That was my third plate, and I finished it early.

Hopefully, by tomorrow morning, I can re-set myself back to normal.

No-S has DEFINITELY come to feel normal, that's the good news.
The bad news is how easily I let myself get stuck again in the bad pattern of eat, eat, eat, and never hungry. (And food not even tasting good!)

I shall persevere and hope to report good news again soon!!!

Yours truly, member of the No-S tribe,

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 4:53 am
by Merry
Elyssa wrote: No-S has DEFINITELY come to feel normal, that's the good news.
The bad news is how easily I let myself get stuck again in the bad pattern of eat, eat, eat, and never hungry. (And food not even tasting good!)
Isn't it weird how easy it is to slip back into that? I do that on S days sometimes and then think, "why am I doing this?" Doesn't happen much any more, but every once in awhile.

The good news is tomorrow is a new day and you can reset. Don't look back. Clean slate. Go for green!

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:59 pm
by oolala53
It's hard to find someone this hasn't happened to. Got three days this week to get the momentum going again.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:43 am
by Elyssa
Dear Fellow Members of the No-S Tribe:
I am still around! Still a member of the tribe, although I went off on my own for a bit and was experimenting. Soon more! It's been crazy at work, too, so time has been short. I just want to reassure everyone that, yes, I am still around. I did not "ride off into the sunset" with my No-S horse, never to be heard from again, but I also did NOT despair and thus fall silent. Instead, I have been here, living and eating and thinking deep thoughts and tweaking things for myself. Details to follow, I promise!
~ Elyssa

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:42 pm
by oolala53
Good to hear that you haven't slunk off in shame.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:16 am
by Elyssa
Okay, tribe.

Here are my updates. I promised the update and Oolala, no, I have not slinked off (slunked off?)(grammar!?) in shame. That said, I am not sure my modifications still qualify me as a bona fide, card-carrying member of "No-S." (But I don't want to leave you guys!!!)

So, here is what happened...

I was doing "No-S" but then, over time, I noticed that I was eating at meal times yet I was not hungry at all (despite not snacking - or, subversive thought, maybe BECAUSE of not snacking?). I noticed that on those occasions, if I ate at meal times without being hungry, I seemed especially prone to overeating.

This took me to the concept of hunger. Hunger. Actual hunger. Hunger in its different manifestations. I THOUGHT that I knew all about it.

In his book, Reinhard says something like hunger is a dumb beast with a rote mind, trainable. (I am quoting very loosely as I am not home and don't have the book in front of me.) He also says it's uncivilized to eat in response only to hunger. Okay, fair enough, on both points.

But my own experience, as I paid more attention in recent weeks/months, was that (1) I was NOT hungry very often at my meal times, and (2) if I ate anyway, without being hungry, I would quickly find myself in the grip of an insatiable appetite. I would then just eat and eat and eat (plates be damned, seconds be damned, sweets be damned, you get the picture).

This took me to hunger. HUNGER as a concept and as an experience.

I am middle-aged, short, female, with a history of caloric restriction and significant weight loss. What if I don't actually NEED so much food? My intuitive sense was I don't actually need nearly as much as I was eating, but how could I accomplish the feat of NOT overeating?

As explained, No-S was working for a while but increasingly, I was not hungry AT ALL at meal times. I ate anyway, to stay on plan. And overate.

So I started to experiment.

One of the key insights for me with No-S has been that, in my opinion, the MOST IMPORTANT rule is not snacking. This, naturally, progressed for me into longer spaces between meals. Longer spaces in-between meals really started to mean... fewer meals.

I decided to eat at meal times BUT ONLY IF I AM HUNGRY. (Note that this is different from "eating when hungry"). I may feel hungry, but won't eat if it's not a meal time. Conversely, if I am NOT hungry, I will NOT eat at meal times. I will just wait until the next meal.

I have thrown out a lot of stuff I was living by as a hard-core, devoted WeightWatcher. And I still swear by much of what I learned over my years there. But I have thrown out some of the tenets that I had adopted as gospel, so to speak (using religious metaphors ONLY as a figure of speech, no offense intended to anyone!!!!!):

-- Breakfast is no longer required or mandatory

-- I no longer believe in "starvation mode" because of a skipped meal

-- I no longer believe that I will overeat if I "let myself get too hungry" because my actual experience has been, in recent weeks/months, that when I am actually HUNGRY (truly hungry) my food tastes much better AND I am satisfied at meal's end, which no longer feels forced

-- Currently, I am eating usually just one (1) meal per day, and I feel fine
(AGAIN, this is probably NOT for everyone - just for little me, with my height, gender, and history)

-- My meal, whenever I do eat it, is hearty and as I have been eating, it is not restricted to just one plate, but it IS based on an actual meal concept

-- I am no longer afraid to eat after 6:00 PM

-- I have breakfast occasionally, as I feel like it (making it 2 meals in one day)

-- I find that sweets throws me off, so I am keeping those to a minimum

I feel fine and I have dropped about twelve pounds without much effort. From reading stuff on the Internet, apparently the thing I am doing has a name, called "Intermittent Fasting" on the web. I have read some of that stuff but then, I would still like to remain a member of the No-S tribe.

Question is: have I disqualified myself? That is the real question. I hope not. But then, the thing I am most successfully practicing is the NO SNACKING rule. And I am finding I don't get ravenously hungry. I get pleasantly hungry when it's time for my meal in the late afternoon or in the early evening, late evening even at times.

So there. I have bared my soul.
AGAIN, I WANT TO CAUTION MY WAY COULD BE A REALLY BAD IDEA FOR THOSE WHO HAVE MUCH GREATER CALORIC NEEDS THAN ME. But I am comfortable and I am eating happily when I do eat. Any thoughts???
Thanks, Elyssa


Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 6:05 pm
by Merry
I don't think we're an overly strict group here, LOL! You're not snacking and not eating sweets on S days. Maybe you're "technically" having seconds by not following a one-plate rule, but to me that sounds like just part of your mod of not having 3 meals. (Not everyone eats 3 meals btw--in the book, Reinhard talks about exceptions). I sometimes only have 2 meals--it's not that often mind you, but I've never considered those days as anything but "green."