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Longterm Change

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 6:47 pm
by Fluffy
Hi everyone,

I have been quietly following this board for a while and thought I'd finally join. I am in my mid 30ies and currently weigh around 185 lbs/5'6. I have - as most of here I guess - been on countless eating and diet plans before - only to gain more and more weight. I have gained about 50lbs in the last two years due to binge eating and promising myself that I'll start tomorrow. I tend to binge knowing that tomorrow I have to restrict at least somewhat to lose weight. I have tried counting calories over and over but I cannot keep it up. I have a family to take care of and can't be bothered trying to measure out everything. There has got to be an easier way.

I hope I can implement No S and get into a better mindset.

Thanks for this great forum. I think I will stay away from the scale for a while and see if I can just be consistent with this.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:38 am
by splandrea
Hi there! And good luck - though you won't need it. :). Just think of it as a lifetime thing and it's extremely easy and pretty lenient. NO DIET MINDSET ALLOWED! Lol. I have lost 5 pounds in 7 weeks, so it's not fast, but I feel free from the chains of binging. I have eaten a lot on an s day, but I have never had those self deprecating binge thoughts.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:16 pm
by Fluffy
Thanks so much!!! Sounds like you are doing really well. 5 lbs in 7 weeks is great considering how sane this approach is and that you can indulge too.

I weighed in at 188 lbs YIKES. I shoot for 21 days before weighing in again. I am modifying as in allowing myself sweets in small quantities whenever I want but having it be part of a meal. I am worried that I go crazy on S days and start "last chance eating". So my plan is to eat the same no matter what day it is.

Day 1 is going well so far!!! Went for a walk and had yummy food.