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Gracie's Daily(ish) Updates

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 1:27 pm
by Gracie
Hello, folks! Although I'm not new to the concept of NoS, this is my first full-fledged attempt at incorporating this straightforward ideology into my life. I'm a 28 year old lifelong vegetarian with PCOS who doesn't have a ton of weight to lose; I'm moreso hoping for a bit of psychological freedom from how mentally consumed I have historically been with food. I'm 4'10" and 118 pounds, looking to drop about 10# so that I can be closer to my more comfy/typical weight for my petite frame and stature. If I can hit 105# as a stretch goal, that'd be stellar, but 108# is okay with me. Physical health is more important to me than a number on the scale, so bring on the fluctuations!

Alright, with all that outta the way, time to share how my first day went:

★Day 1 (10/09): SUCCESS...ish?★

Can't really complain! Not a lot of temptation at work, which is certainly not the norm. I had two cups of coffee and an English muffin with a dollop of peanut butter on top for breakfast. Work was a bit busy (aka--totally insane), so my lunch ended up being cut short. I only had enough time to scarf down my baggie of grapes and a few bites of my palak paneer with rice. I surprisingly wasn't too hungry ('twas a bit of a stressful day--who knew the world of HR could be so exciting :p), so dinner wasn't a gorge-fest like I initially feared. The hubs did the cooking (w00t), which was nice. We had some stir-fried noodles with bean curd, yu choy, and zucchini. My only question about how successful of a day this was stems from the fact that we did have champagne with dinner. I typically only drink water throughout the day (minus coffee in the morning with breakfast), so I'm curious how acceptable it is to have alcohol with one meal? Is that considered an S?

All in all, I'd say day one went pretty well. If the general consensus is that alcohol should be saved for S days, then I will adjust accordingly. Otherwise--my glass of champagne or wine is a necessity for my sanity. :wink:


Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:11 pm
by lpearlmom
Welcome Gracie! I think you will find NoS very helpful for your needs. It definitely helped me to feel sane around food. Many people have trouble down the line because they're impatient for the weight to come off but since that's not you're main focus, that shouldn't be a problem for you.

Officially you're allowed alcohol on N days. I have a glass of wine with dinner most nights so I think it's fine. I save sugary cocktails for the weekend though. Champagne, wine & beer should be fine as long as you don't go overboard.

Best of luck!


Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:15 pm
by Gracie
Hi, lpearlmom (Linda)! Thanks for the warm welcome! :)

I really appreciate you clearing up my curiosity about alcohol. I certainly will stay away from the sugary stuff on N days (I'm more of a champagne/wine drinker than a cocktail lover, anyhow). Nice to know this is okay, assuming one glass of bubbly doesn't turn into a bottle... which is tempting some evenings. :p

I'll be having my supper in a bar this evening for trivia night, so I'll be sure to behave if I have a beer. :)


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 4:59 am
by Merry

Reinhard has info on the site about his "glass ceiling" approach, which you may be interested in reading. He also talks about alcohol in the book (worth reading!).

I hope you have a great first week!

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:45 pm
by Gracie
Thanks so much, Merry! I haven't ordered the book, but it sounds like I probably should. :)

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a successful week!

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:49 pm
by Gracie
★Day 2 (10/10): SUCCESS★

I gotta say, the day was overall pretty darn good. I woke up a bit anxious due to how stressful work was the previous day, so my appetite wasn't really present for breakfast. I ended up eating a piece of string cheese and a small apple with only one small cup of coffee. For lunch, things were still active and messy at work, but I was able to actually eat my full pack. I had a small bowl of tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich and a can of sparkling water (cranberry grape Klarbrunn to be exact--oh, so delicious). My dinner was actually a bit of a mess, due to my husband and I going out for TRIVIA NIGHT with some of my coworkers. I had a spinach, mozzarella, and tomato panini with a kettle chips and a beer for dinner. Once my beverage was gone, I consumed only water for the rest of the night.

Aside from not getting enough sleep, I'd say things went according to plan! I'm going to weigh myself this Saturday, then not do so again until the end of October, when three-ish weeks have passed. As was awesomely suggested by oolala, I'm going to give myself a chance to let NoS work its magic, then reward myself for my diligence to this system with a weight check-in. It's probably too early to make any predictions, but I'll be happy if I can at least be down two pounds for the whole month. That's not asking for too much, right? ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:16 pm
by Crystal
Hi Gracie. Congratulations on the successful day! Your meals sound super delicious. Both the western and Asian choices. Paneer is one of my favourite foods in the world. There’s a food stall that sells both South Indian and North Indian cuisine as well as what they here call Indian Muslim food. They have Kedai paneer and palak paneer (not sure of the spelling) which are both amazing, especially with butter naan. I have to limit how much i order it though because I eat way too much of it and it’s super filling and probably has a million calories per serving. 😂

As far as rewarding yourself with a weigh-in...I would just be careful not to get too discouraged if the scale doesn’t reflect your good efforts. Sometimes we can do things perfectly and the stupid scale will not budge. That’s one reason why I personally weigh every day. If i only weighed once a week or once a month, i would be very discouraged if that particular day the scale decided to be stubborn. By weighing every day, I see the fluctuations and get used to them. Some days i could weigh 3 pounds more than the day before, but if i look at the big picture, my weight has decreased by about 1.5 pounds per week overall for a total loss so far of about 20 pounds in 3 months. BUT...I have A LOT to lose, so it’s only natural that my weight will come off faster. You are a very small person with very little to lose, so please don’t be discouraged if it takes a long time. If i ever decide to weigh monthly instead of daily, i’d weigh myself every day for 3-5 days to get a better idea of my real weight and not pin all my hopes on one day out of the whole month, when that one day just might be a fluke and weigh high. If that makes sense.

And to be honest, especially at your weight, which seems fantastic to me, i’d really try to focus on the many, many other benefits of No S besides weight loss. I know i’m no one to talk here as i am very weight loss and scale motivated myself. So i know i should take my own advice, haha.

Have a good day today! 😊

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 2:42 pm
by Gracie
Hi, Crystal!

Thank you for such a thoughtful response. I appreciate all of your advice and will surely hold it closely to my heart as I go through my days on NoS. I'm always wavering on how much I should weigh (and how heavily I should let it impact my thoughts). I guess that's a challenge for most of us, right? ;)

Thank you for your compliments on my weight! I do recognize that I'm not at an excessive weight, but I know for my body it's a bit much compared to what it should be. My father passed away a few months ago and always had chronically high blood pressure. I've noticed that since I've gained about 10-13# in the last few years, my blood pressure has also raised. I'm prehypertensive, which worries me quite a lot for being otherwise quite healthy and so young. I really want to keep my health under control, because I saw how much my father suffered. He was only 66 at the time of his passing, but his health was so poor... I cannot forget his pain and poor management of food/meals.

Anyway, thank you for your consideration and kind words! I will be mindful to focus on the innumerable benefits of NoS and not just deliberate on weight changes. :)


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:16 pm
by jenji
Just checking in to say champagne with dinner (cooked by hubs) sounds divine. I hope that No-S can do what you need to stay healthy. I am a newbie, too.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:26 pm
by Gracie
Hi, jenji! Nice to meet a fellow newbie! â¤ï¸ I just started perusing your thread, so it's such a pleasure to chat with you. :)

Lemme tell ya, my hubby has learned that if he wants me to not be a total crab-apple after my long work days, then champagne plus something home-cooked is usually the best way. 😂 I work 10 hour days in HR, so it didn't take long for both of us to figure out that whoever is home first (or done with work duties first) needs to take the reigns on cookin' up the grub! He's a better cook than I am, anyway, so it works out, lol. I can cook very traditional meals (my family is South Asian), but he is great at preparing a variety of cuisines that are all pretty tasty and healthy.

Thank you for the well-wishes about my goals! I really hope NoS can help me, too. It's so strange to think about how much of my mental space has historically been cluttered by food-related thoughts. Whether negative thoughts (i.e. why did I eat so much; I want to go out with my friends but not have the temptation; why can't this delicious thing not be zero calories) or happy thoughts, I just hate that I spend so much time on it. Losing the extra "happy fat" I've accumulated over the last few years is a goal, but I'd love (more than anything else) to just not obsess over meals and food anymore. I hate that I'm constantly planning my day(s) and activities around meals.

Haha, phew, what a novel! Guess I'm in a chatty mood today! 😂 Anyhow, it's nice to meet you. I look forward to following your progress, friend!


Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 6:14 pm
by Gracie
★Day 3 (10/11): SUCCESS★

Although yesterday was a success, I was sick for most of the day. So much inflammation in my gut (I have Crohn's Disease, ugh), that it made it hard to eat properly. I wonder then if that would technically count as a technical day of defeat if you eat too little? Hmmm.

Well, on to the details. In the morning, I awoke with a horrible stomachache. I was unable to eat anything for breakfast, but I did have a glass of buttermilk in hopes that it would soothe my GI a bit. For lunch, I was still experiencing severe cramps and pains, so I was only able to stomach a small pre-packaged batch of pretzels. I had a small amount of water to wash it down. By the time I got home last night (close to 7:30 PM), I was ready for bed, but I managed to stomach a slice of homemade pizza my husband lovingly cooked from scratch for me. He knows how much I love a good pizza, so he wanted to make something he thought I could eat. Sadly, not even pizza could reinstate my appetite. It was yummy, but after one piece, I just couldn't handle anything else. I had two more glasses of buttermilk and called it a day.

I'm feeling a bit better today, but still haven't been experiencing much of an appetite. My bowels feel so inflamed. For breakfast, I had a small cup of coffee with a scoop of powdered meal replacement as creamer (hoping that'd get some calories into me), but the coffee was definitely a bad choice. I've been paying for it from the acid production. Lunch was a bust as well. I had a granola bar and bottle of water.

We'll see how I feel by the time dinner rolls around... how do most of you deal with sick days? Do you count them as technical successes (assuming that you technically adhere to NoS), or do you just not include them in your assessment of the program? I recognize that I'm eating too little, so any weight loss will be primarily water... should I just skip weighing this weekend, so I don't get a false sense of success?

Ugh. I hope I feel better tonight/tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:23 pm
by Gracie
★Day 4 (10/12): SUCCESS★

Still was sick yesterday, as I briefly described in my previous post. My breakfast and lunch for the day were meager, and dinner honestly wasn't much either. For the entire day, I had a small cup of coffee with powdered meal replacement as creamer (bad choice, as it upset my stomach terribly), a granola bar, and two slices of my husband's homemade pizza.

This morning, I'm not feeling as inflamed (thank goodness), but still not completely well. I was able to stomach a few crackers with peanut butter and a cup of coffee for breakfast before heading to the office. I'm not sure what lunch is going to look like, but today is a "half day" at the office for me, so my husband and I will try to go out somewhere (assuming my bowels and stomach are in a better place in a few hours). I don't feel tempted to go off NoS for the day, but I still wonder what my weigh-in will look like tomorrow, since I had two "sick" days where I know I consumed far less than I typically would. Hmm.

Guess we'll see!

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 3:03 pm
by Crystal
Hi Gracie. Just wanted to say I’m sorry about your stomach issues. I too have dealt with stomach problems for years, but i’ve never seen a doctor about mine and i don’t think they are nearly as bad as yours. I will say that my stomach/bowel problems do get a lot better when i’m eating this way, on No S. I hope you feel better and have a wonderful weekend. 🌺

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:08 pm
by jenji
Feel better, Gracie!

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 2:31 pm
by Gracie
Thanks for all the well-wishes, everyone! I am not sure why I was so sick towards the end of last week, but I'm definitely feeling better. :)

★Day 5 (Friday, 10/13): SUCCESS★
This day wasn't too spectacular in terms of fancy meals or anything. I was still a bit sick on Friday, so I know I under-ate overall for the day. Breakfast featured a few peanut butter crackers and coffee. Lunch was a plain baked potato (no toppings or salt). I was only able to eat half of it. I was feeling a bit better by the time dinner rolled around, so my husband and I did go out to a local Thai restaurant. I had a dish called "Black Pepper Tofu", which was basically fried bean curd in a peppery, spicy sauce. They probably used a whole block of tofu (just from eyeballing it), plus several pieces of red and green bell pepper, jalapeno pepper, onion, and green onion. It was yummy, but I was only able to eat half of it. It was served with a small cup of white rice, but I didn't eat any. Took everything else to go and had it for breakfast the following day.

★Day 6 (Saturday, 10/14): S-Day★
Had the leftovers of my black pepper tofu and the cup of rice for breakfast. I was feeling about 90% better from my inflamed GI, but I opted to skip out on the coffee, just in case. Lunch was somewhat hefty. My husband had leftover homemade sauce from when when he had made us those pizzas, so he decided to make lasagna. I LOVE his lasagna, so I was naughty and had two big slices. I guess that's what S-days are for, right? ;) I only had a few pieces of bread as a side. My beverage choice was a can of sparkling water. By the time dinner rolled around, I wasn't super hungry, so I snacked on a few soy nuts and almonds, plus a beer. Lol, probably not the most nutritious dinner, but oh well.

★Day 7 (Sunday, 10/15): S-Day★
My inflammation was fully gone, but I noticed I was feeling a bit full and uncomfortable from eating so poorly the day before. I suppose the value of N-days is to really help structure how you should be eating, so that you do notice the difference when those S-days roll around. Breakfast was light; I had a glass of buttermilk and a cup of yogurt. No coffee. Lunch was a black bean burger that I made with no toppings or sauces. Rather than a bun, I ate it over basmati rice. Dinner was another graze-fest of random nuts, an apple, a few pieces of plantain, and some baby carrots. Not sure what my deal was, but I didn't feel like sitting down for an actual meal. I had two glasses of wine to seal the deal.

Going into today, I can honestly say that I'm glad it's the start of another week. One thing I've noticed about NoS is that it helps you structure your eating, which has been a bit freeing for me. I feel like I'm not as consumed with food/meal-related thoughts during the work-week, whereas during the weekend I found myself questioning certain choices. I'm trying not to take myself too seriously; I just want to enjoy the journey and see where it takes me.

Oooh, final thought! I weighed myself on Saturday, and as I suspected, I was quite a bit lower than is probably accurate. I think that me being sick and unable to eat properly resulted in a falsely low weigh-in. I don't know if I want to even count it, because I wonder if I'll be discouraged at a later weigh-in to see a higher number or very little decrease from that point. Well, for now, I'm 115#. Let's see if that sticks!

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:08 pm
by Gracie
★Day 8 (Monday, 10/16): SUCCESS★

Yesterday was fairly standard for me. I was a bit stressed with some work things, but all was well food-wise. Breakfast was my typical English muffin with peanut butter and two cups of coffee. Lunch was a small mozzarella panini from Starbucks and a sparkling water. Dinner was a plate of vegetarian taco salad and two glasses of wine. My husband does a pretty good job of keeping my dinners interesting, so I was tempted to have seconds, but I resisted. He used kidney beans and black beans for the heft, and it was just SO good.

I've been slacking with my walking lately, but I'm hoping to get back into it this week. As long as things are not too insane here at the office, I'm planning on walking for twenty or so minutes during my lunch break.

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 3:56 am
by Crystal
Hi Gracie, you are doing so well! Glad you are feeling better! By the way, you posted on another thread about your lentil vegetable curry. If you don’t mind, i’d love to have your recipe! If it’s not too much trouble? I’m assuming you use a different kind of lentils than the regular brown and green? Like maybe yellow dhall? Or something else? Would love to know what spices you use, etc. Thanks!

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:49 pm
by Gracie
Hi, Crystal! I like to switch up what kinds of lentil curries I make (and even the types of lentils that I use) depending on my taste for that day. :D As weird as it may sound, I don't usually follow one specific recipe... I just sort of throw things together as I see fit and/or remember seeing my grandma or aunties do. Lol, I'm a very strange cook, I think. ;)

With that being said, there is a recipe that I've tried before from the internet that I think is VERY good! You can find it here: ... curry.html

I think it's very tasty. I don't always follow that exact recipe, but I've made this before as listed, and I think it's pretty good! :)

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:54 pm
by Gracie
★Day 9 (Tuesday, 10/17): FAILURE★

Yesterday wasn't too bad of a day, in spite of my poor adherence to NoS. There was a surprise birthday event at work, so I opted for some of the treats that were there (buffet-style), rather than my lunch. Breakfast was the usual with a grain, some protein, and coffee. My lunch, however, included a fruit salad with yogurt, some orange juice, a croissant, and an ice cream sandwich. I'm actually lactose intolerant, so it was certainly not a good choice in that regard. :P But, it was nice to celebrate someone's birthday. If it was someone I was actually friends with, maybe I'd consider it an S... but that'd be a stretch for this. Dinner was back to normal. My husband and I had potato and leek soup (one bowl each). I had sparkling water as my beverage choice!

Although yesterday was my first day off NoS, I don't feel too bad about it. I think I made fairly conscious choices for the rest of the day, and I did make sure to get my 30 minute walk in. Today actually is a special day (a good friend's baby shower), so I know my dinner this evening will not be the norm. I've made sure my breakfast and lunch choices have been mindful, however, so hopefully tomorrow I'll be back on track! :)

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 3:28 pm
by Gracie
★Day 10 (Wednesday, 10/18 ): SPECIAL★

Yesterday featured a friend's baby shower, so I will consider this an S-day. Although it wasn't a typical day for me, I was very mindful about my breakfast and lunch choices, so that the whole day wasn't a total bust.

Breakfast was two slices of wheat toast with nutella and two cups of coffee. For lunch, I had a breakfast burrito my husband made for me. It was one medium-sized tortilla, filled with two eggs, some green onions, half a tomato, some kidney beans, and a small amount of parmesan cheese. Everything was unsalted, and I didn't eat it with a sauce (since the cheese is pretty flavorful, plus the tomato). After I got off work, I went straight over to my friend's baby shower. There was a nice assortment of desserts and treats. I was pretty good in only selecting things I really wanted (rather than grazing off everything provided), so I'm happy about that! We all had a fairly light dinner together of garden wraps (mine was basically a small tortilla, filled with hummus, some romaine lettuce, tomato, and onion). For dessert, I had two macadamia nut cookies and a fruit salad. Not too terrible, but I probably didn't need two of the cookies!

Today is off to a pretty good start! Usual breakfast, and I packed a rather typical lunch for myself. Dinner shouldn't be extraordinarily eventful, but we'll see how the day turns out. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 4:02 pm
by Crystal
Thank you so much for the recipe! It looks really good. It seems way more authentic than dhal curries i’ve made in the past. Which came from like a general slow cooker cookbook so no wonder it didn’t taste authentic, haha. In fact, that whole blog you linked to looks great.

Your breakfast burrito has me salivating. It’s almost midnight here and I haven’t eaten since dinner at 6:30pm. Can’t wait to have my own breakfast burrito when i can either make or buy some tortillas. Thanks for the idea! Sometimes i forget about obvious foods i love. Have a good day!

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 4:19 pm
by Gracie
Yes, I LOVE that blog, Crystal! A lot of the recipes are amazing and taste so yummy. It's a great place for me to look when I'm in need of inspiration. It's always nice as a vegetarian to have an additional resource for food ideas and twists on old recipes I've grown up eating. :D I'm happy you like the look of it, too! <3 Let me know how it tastes when you prepare it.

I don't normally like eggs, but breakfast burritos are SO GOOD and easy to make! I like that they're filling and can be fairly fast to prepare in the mornings. I'm incredibly salt-sensitive, so I like dishes that can use flavorful vegetables or simple additives (like the parmesan cheese) to make up for the fact that I can't really salt most of my dishes. :3

All of that just to say... breakfast burritos are a fan favorite around my house. I can eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, lol.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 3:34 pm
by Gracie
★Day 11 (Thursday, 10/19 ): SUCCESS★

Everything was back on track Thursday, in spite of how random Tuesday and Wednesday ended up being with food. Breakfast was very typical for me (two slices of wheat toast with peanut butter, plus one cup of coffee). Lunch was also somewhat standard (one cup of rice with about two cups of gobi masala, which is basically a tomato cauliflower curry). For dinner, my husband decided to be a goober and spoil me with another homemade pizza, ugh. I'm lactose intolerant, so it's always a major gamble when I ingest dairy, but he knows I have a hard time resisting pizza. I had two slices, plus a small side salad (no dressing). It was delicious! I had two glasses of wine.

This morning is somewhat atypical, because (of course) my stomach was upset due to the pizza. I opted to have a glass of buttermilk and a small banana for breakfast. I brought two slices of the leftover pizza for lunch, but I'm thinking I'm going to pass. Maybe I'll grab a sandwich from Panera or something. To be determined!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 5:23 pm
by jenji
I, too, love burritos of all kinds, and especially breakfast burritos. Happy Friday. I hope that your stomach feels better - the buttermilk will likely help.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 6:00 pm
by Gracie
Hey, Jen!

It's hard resisting a delicious burrito. My husband and I both joke that if I had things my way, I could easily survive on a diet of burritos and pizza. Maybe after a few years, it'd get old--but I doubt it. 😂

Thanks for the well-wishes! The combination of CD and lactose intolerance can definitely take a toll on my gut... but this time it was my own doing, so I can't blame anyone but myself. The buttermilk helps so much with soothing my GI. I never thought I'd become a buttermilk drinker, but it's a must-have around my house!

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:31 pm
by Gracie
The website seemed to be down over the weekend, so I'll try to remember as many details from the last couple of days as possible. On some days, I can barely remember what color underwear I put on that very same morning, let alone what I ate the previous day. 😂

★Day 11 (Friday, 10/20 ): SUCCESS★
I know that I was still feeling a bit icky from the pizza my husband had made for me on Thursday, so Friday was fairly light from start to finish. Breakfast was a glass of buttermilk and a small banana. Lunch ended up being an apple and small packet of pretzels. For dinner, my husband and I went to Jason's Deli, so I had a plate of vegetarian taco salad (with blue corn tortilla chips, mmmmm). Although it technically wasn't during the meal, as soon as we got home, I had one glass of champagne.

★Day 11 (Saturday, 10/21 ): S-Day★
I unexpectedly received an invitation to go on a hike with a friend, so I actually ended up skipping breakfast by accident. We left at 7:30 AM, and I didn't get home until 12:30 PM. Naturally, I was rather hungry. I ended up cooking black-eyed pea stew that I served over rice. The hubs and I both had pretty large bowls of it, so we were kind of down for the count for the rest of the day. By the time dinner rolled around, neither of us was super hungry. I had a second (smaller) bowl of the stew (no rice this time) and two bottles of cider.

★Day 11 (Sunday, 10/22 ): S-Day★
Lazy lounging was the name of my game yesterday. For the first time in awhile, it's FINALLY gotten cold here in Wisconsin, so I think I can confidently say that Fall has arrived... maybe. :wink: We'll give it a few days and see if it doesn't spike back up to the 70s or 80s, but I'm crossing my fingers that my cold-weather wardrobe can finally make a comeback.

Anyhow, my meals were very N-Day-like, although I didn't plan it that way. Breakfast was a glass of buttermilk and three pieces of toast. Lunch was another bowl of the black-eyed pea stew from the previous day. For dinner, my husband made us breakfast burritos (a personal favorite in my household). Eggs, cheese, and tons of veggies stuffed into three wheat tortillas. It was heavenly.

I'm not sure if this is typical, but I've been finding that I haven't been very hungry lately. I wonder if by eliminating snacking, I've somehow been cutting out the illusion of hunger for me between meals that used to be there. I don't really have cravings for anything, and my weekends are pretty tame compared to what they were before. I originally planned on waiting to do a weigh-in at the end of the month, but I wonder if I'll go ahead and weigh a bit early this Friday or Saturday morning... hmmm. Something to think about!

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:39 pm
by Crystal
Hey Gracie. As usual, your food sounds delicious. And I also noticed that my cravings basically disappeared after a few weeks eating this way. I mean, I get cravings now and then, but nothing at all like before. I think this has something to do with my being pretty strict with myself. Whatever it is, I think it’s amazing! Who knew I could eat such a lesser amount of food than before and really be satisfied with it!

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:39 pm
by Gracie
Hi, Crystal! I know, isn't it such a crazy transformation? I never thought I'd be at this point, either... but, I won't complain. 😂 Let's hope I can ride this out! I've never been a HUGE snacker, but it's amazing to think that by eliminating something that simple, it can have such a grand impact.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:09 pm
by Gracie
★Day 12 (Monday, 10/23): SUCCESS★
Had a very stressful day at work yesterday (and today so far, to be honest). Wasn't too hungry as a result. For breakfast, I had an apple and a glass of buttermilk. I skipped lunch, because my stomach was too upset. Dinner was a small bowl of tomato soup and a few crackers.

We're in a pretty rough season here in HR, where it seems like employee relations issues are abound, and everyone is upset about something. Additionally, aggravated department heads and directors are breathing down our necks about various projects... I'm just ready for it to be the weekend. I haven't been able to eat anything so far today. Skipped breakfast again due to stress upsetting my stomach, and I don't know if I'll be able to eat lunch. I'm going to aim to eat at least a few pretzels and pray it doesn't make me sick.

Hoping that by the time I get home this evening, I'll have somewhat of a decent appetite to scarf down a nutritious dinner. We'll see.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:34 pm
by Gracie
★Day 13 (Tuesday, 10/24): SUCCESS★
Still not sure how I want to mark sick days. I know I've definitely been undereating, so does that count as success? Hmmm.

Anyhow, I'm feeling a little bit better today, but not by a whole lot. Yesterday's meals were measly. Breakfast was skipped, lunch was about 5 mini pretzels, and dinner was kind of all over the place. My husband made vegetable fried brown rice, but after one bite, I thought I was going to throw up (not because it tasted bad, but moreso because the deliciously savory smell was just too much for me to handle in that moment--that, and I think it was probably too salty). I then opted to just make myself two vegan wraps of zucchini, carrots, lettuce, and green onion. No sauces or dressings. The tortillas were whole wheat. I ate one and a half.

I have a bad feeling that I only consumed 500ish calories yesterday, so I want to try to be mindful of my consumption today. For breakfast I had a protein shake and a glass of buttermilk. My tummy is still a bit uneasy, but drinking things usually goes better for me than eating. I've packed another protein shake for lunch, just in case I can't stomach the tomato and cucumber sandwich I made. We'll see what I end up eating. For dinner, I know the husband wanted to go out, so I think we're going to either Olive Garden or Jason's Deli. I'm hoping that I feel well enough to actually eat a full plate at either location.

I'm hoping work will be quiet today. Lots of nonsense going on this week so far, so a peaceful Wednesday would be very nice.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:00 pm
by Crystal
So sorry about your stomach issues. 😢 Sure hope you feel better soon.

I’m really impressed by all the cooking your husband does. Mine can boil an egg and make toast. 😂 But he’s really sweet and will buy me hawker fare from the hawker centre downstairs anytime I want. ðŸ˜

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:32 pm
by Gracie
Thanks, Crystal! My tummy has been causing me problems for years... you'd think I'd be used to it by now. :/

LOL @ your husband "boiling eggs" and "making toast". Haha, mine wasn't the best cook when we were younger, but he's steadily improved over the years. I think for him, he just enjoys learning new things, so he's always seeking out recipes to try and experiment with. It USUALLY turns out okay, although we've had a few that have needed to go right in the trash. 😂

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:37 pm
by Gracie
★Day 14 (Wednesday, 10/25): SUCCESS★

As strange as it is to report, I'm still feeling a bit sick today. Ugh. I was able to stomach a few more foods yesterday, but not as much as I probably needed to. Breakfast was just a protein shake and glass of buttermilk. I ended up not being able to eat more than a few bites of my tomato/cucumber sandwich, so I ended up with another meal that was primarily just a protein shake. For dinner, my husband made me a very bland vegetable soup, in hopes that I'd feel better today. I had one teeny bowl of it, plus a glass of champagne to help me sleep. We decided that we'll try for Jason's Deli or Olive Garden maybe this weekend when I'm feeling better.

This morning was a bit better than yesterday's breakfast. I was able to actually have something solid (hurray)--two pieces of toast with peanut butter and a glass of orange juice. I packed a small lunch of tumeric and cumin cabbage with kidney beans. I don't know if I'll eat it all. We'll see how I feel in another two hours.

Planning on doing my weigh-in this Saturday, just to see where I'm at. I'm actually nervous, because I feel like I haven't been eating well, so I don't know if that'll give me a falsely low reading. I hate the idea of stepping on the scale and growing excited at a "huge loss" only to have it balance out in another week or two once I've been well and eating normally. Ugh. Well, at least I still have a few days for my body to hopefully get back to normal.

Got another crazy work day ahead. Hopefully the rest of you have a calm Thursday!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 5:21 pm
by piyare08
I'm sorry you're not feeling 100% Gracie!

I see what you're saying about the weigh in. I would have the same concern. I actually just bought a digital scale so that I can start weighing myself daily. My hope is that by doing that and tracking averages, I won't be as hung up on progress in the short term (like one Monday being up or another being down) since that isn't representative of your actual weight.

Let me know how it goes and I hope you get well soon. Trying making some ginger tea at home. It is my cure-all and I swear by it for everything from stomach trouble to colds.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 8:48 pm
by Gracie
Thanks for the well-wishes and tips, piyare08! I love ginger tea and would consider it one of my go-to beverages for really rough tummy nights. It does help a lot! That and peppermint tea. Mmmmmm.

Yeah, I've heard a few people on here enjoy the daily weigh-ins. I'm not sure if I have the best mindset to handle that, but it's certainly a more accurate way of looking at things in the long run. I may make it a side goal to transition to frequently weighing come November.

Thank you for the ideas! :D


Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 8:50 pm
by Gracie
★Day 15 (Thursday, 10/26): SUCCESS★

Had a pretty standard day yesterday! Normal breakfast, and I surprisingly stomached all of the lunch I had packed! Dinner was a bit heavy, as we consumed our potato and leek soup out of giant bowls. It was probably a bit much, but I was somewhat ravenous by dinner time (likely due to the light eating I had been doing for the last few days).

I do still have a bit of an upset tummy today, but not anywhere near on the same levels as earlier this week. I'm hoping for a fun weekend! A coworker and I are planning on going to a casino just for a bit of fun. I've never been to one before, so I'm not sure what to expect... hopefully bringing home some money? ;)

Wish me luck! :p

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:54 pm
by gingerpie
Hi Gracie, I hope your tummy continues to improve. Best of luck to you at the casino.They can be fun for an occasional night out if you don't mind coming home a bit poorer than when you left :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:47 pm
by Gracie
Thanks, Gingerpie! Sorry I'm so late in seeing this... had a very busy weekend and couple of days already at work--eek! :) We ended up not going to the casino, which might have been better on our wallets. Maybe next weekend, though. ;)

★Day 16 (Friday, 10/27): SUCCESS★
Can't remember everything I ate on Friday, but I know I stayed on target with my meals. Woo hoo!

★Day 17 (Saturday, 10/28 ): WEEKEND★
Spent the day with a friend. I had a cup of yogurt with granola for breakfast, then promptly drove about 45 minutes to meet my friend for a knitting class. We ate Mexican food for lunch, then had three beers each over the course of the afternoon. I was so full from all the chips and salsa, that I did not eat dinner.

★Day 18 (Sunday, 10/29): WEEKEND★
Laid low with the husband, but we had a very stressful/argumentative day. I struggle to eat on stressful days, so I actually ended up eating only one meal, which was a small plate of spaghetti with vegetables and parmesan cheese. I did admittedly drink an entire bottle of champagne, lol. It was a bad day.

★Day 19 (Monday, 10/30): FAILURE★
Since we're on the cusp of Halloween, lots of treats are scattered throughout my workplace. I had a normal breakfast (two pieces of toast with peanut butter), a normal lunch (a cup of tomato soup with a cheese-covered baguette), and a normal dinner (corn and bean salad), but I did have a small/fun-sized packet of Milk Duds. Oops! I didn't even think about it until this morning.

Today's been off to a great start, and I'm going to be mindful to not pick up any candy from around the office, so I'm foreseeing today to be a success!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 2:02 pm
by SpiritSong
Now I want Milk Duds. :lol:

No big bowl of candy at work today. Yay!

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:13 am
by Larkspur
Hope things are back to normal/less stressful.

New month already!

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 8:09 pm
by Gracie
Thanks, Larkspur and SpiritSong! I was able to be mostly good and stay away from candy. :) The stress, sadly, has still been a bit heavy... hence why I've been a bit silent on here.

★Day 20 (Tuesday, 10/31): SUCCESS★
I don't remember what I ate, but I have it marked in my planner that I made it through the day without succumbing to the temptation of holiday candy. Huzzah!

★Day 21 (Wednesday, 11/1): SUCCESS★
I actually had a lot of commuting that day for work, so I remember that I didn't eat very much. Breakfast was a protein shake, I skipped lunch, and dinner was a small cup of tomato soup from Panera (with a baguette).

★Day 22 (Thursday, 11/2): SUCCESS★
Don't remember my meals, but I've got it marked as a successful day!

★Day 23 (Friday, 11/3): SUCCESS★
Don't remember what I ate for breakfast or lunch this day, but dinner was somewhat spotty. My stomach was upset on Friday, so I do recall needing to spread my dinner out across three hours. It was basically a corn-bean salad medley that I munched on at random when I wasn't feeling too sick. I did not eat more than half of what was in the bowl.

★Day 24 (Saturday, 11/4): WEEKEND★
Had an upset stomach all day on Saturday. I had a plain bagel that I ate for brunch, then didn't eat again until dinner, which was a sleeve of crackers. I did make sure I drank plenty of water that day, so it helped me not feel super terrible.

★Day 25 (Sunday, 11/5): WEEKEND★
Was feeling significantly better than compared to Friday evening and all day on Saturday. I was able to go out to breakfast with my husband. I had three buttermilk pancakes, some hash browns, and a three-egg spinach and mushroom omelette (I was definitely hungry). I ended up not being hungry for lunch, so it was skipped. By the time dinner rolled around, I decided that I didn't want anything too heavy, so I just had a PB&J sandwich.

★Day 26 (Monday, 11/6): SUCCESS★
Due to a slew of meetings and last-minute demands from various departments, myself and the rest of the HR crew were SLAMMED. I had skipped breakfast that morning due to needing to come in early, and I didn't have time to eat my packed lunch... so, unfortunately, my first meal was at 6:30 PM. I surprisingly wasn't too hungry. My husband cooked last night, and he made us fettuccine alfredo with mushrooms and garlic. I had a decent sized amount with a salad--all stuffed onto a plate. I ended up not eating everything.

I did another weigh-in after abstaining for what feels like forever, and I was happy to see that I'm down to 113#. I've still got a bit to go to hit my stretch goal, but I'm getting there. I'm sure my weight has been fluctuating quite a bit, since I've had periods of illness where I'll consume very little... but if I can hover around this and slowly crawl the last bit of the way to my goal, I'll be happy. I'm hoping I can be somewhere around 105# for my 29th birthday in January. Fingers crossed! The holidays will present quite a lot of temptations, that is for sure.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 2:42 pm
by Gracie
★Day 27 (Tuesday, 11/7): SUCCESS★
A very typical day for me. Breakfast was a small cup of yogurt with granola. Lunch was a peanut butter and honey sandwich. Dinner was stir-fried noodles with textured vegetable protein crumbles and random vegetables (carrots, zucchini, green onions, and red bell peppers). I had two fruity ciders with dinner.

★Day 28 (Wednesday, 11/8 ): SUCCESS★
Another good food day for me! I actually woke up with a bit of a finicky belly, so I opted to only have a glass of buttermilk for breakfast. Lunch was a mixed salad with seasoned lentils on top as my dressing. For dinner, I ended up eating vegetable fried rice. I had two glasses of champagne.

My belly is feeling mostly normal today, but I did end up skipping breakfast (and only having a cup of coffee). I packed a lunch, but a few folks are talking about going out to celebrate a coworker's birthday... so we'll see what that ends up looking like. I'm determined to be good, either way. :)

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 6:24 pm
by Larkspur
Looks good, Gracie! You're doing so well. Does the buttermilk help your tummy?