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Andiecane's Daily Check-in

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:22 pm
by andiecane

Day One was yesterday after a three day Christmas S.

Success -

I grabbed a chocolate covered cherry from the relentless holiday snack buffet at work, but managed to smell it, roll it around in my fingers and then stash it in my desk for the weekend. Gross, but I was happy not to eat it.

Also, I did split my lunch up into two parts- I had to run out on a call in the middle of lunch, so while I had eaten two bites of my oatmeal, I mentally "reserved" the rest of it for later, and ate the beef jerky part of my meal- I guess that is "funny stuff"
, since I did not put the beef jerky into the same bowl as the oatmeal??

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:55 pm
by oolala53
Hi, AC! I started on 12/26/09.

Do you think this is something that would happen often?

It IS officially funny stuff, and might not be what you want to get into a habit of, but if you feel that it was still getting off to a good start because it was such a change from your regular habit, and will inspire you to get "clean," take it as a success. There's a case to be made for both sides, early strict adherence, or weaning yourself off the S habits.

Get as close as you can today.