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Strawberry Roan's 2018 Check In

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 2:51 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hello to all my old (and hopefully new) friends.

Happy New Year - I so love the new year. A new calendar, a new day planner, a new thread on the forum :D

Hope everybody is doing well. I have been a part of this forum for about eight years or so - - seems like I started when I weighed close to 160.

Today I weigh 150.2, goal weight 145 (I actually got down to 134 on here when I first started as I was so gung-ho - but that was way too thin and was very aging.) I lose weight very easily when I apply the basic principles (you know, eat better - move more - but also gain easily when I apply the basic holiday principles, eat worse - move less).

Although I am not the traditional No Ser as I am more an IF type of eater, I love this forum and the wonderfully supportive people who post here.

Hoping to share a healthful year with you all.

I will probably post my daily weight to keep accountable. Somehow it truly works if I honestly record my weight and/or food choices.

I LOVE to exercise and have really embraced planks this year and have noticed such an amazing difference in my core and back strength. ALso do daily biking, AbCoaster, Total Gym, wall push-ups, counter push-ups, tricep dips, etc. When people say they hate to exercise that sounds as foreign to me as when somebody says they hate to read.

Again, Happy 2018 to you all. Let's make it a good one.

SW: 150.2 GW 145.0

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:01 pm
by gingerpie
When people say they hate to exercise that sounds as foreign to me as when somebody says they hate to read.
Or hate vegetables . . . "I hate this specific vegetable" I understand. . . . but all vegetables? Really? How is that possible?

Glad you're doing well. Best of luck to you in 2018

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:05 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks gingerpie, so good to see you. My best to you and yours as well.

Yes, there are so many beautiful, colorful vegetables - I had a big ole baked sweet potato for dinner last night. It was so yummy that I didn't add a single thing, no butter - no sugar. I had just rubbed it with olive oil before I baked it.

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:16 pm
by oolala53
Berry! So sweet to hear from you and to think you'll be around more. Especially with such quips as
the basic holiday principles, eat worse - move less).
I still think of No S as de facto IF. Possibly no long overnight fasts, but more hours of "fasting" than on the average bear eating regime. If people really adhere to the core moderation principle, that would be true on S days, too. But I'm biased and probably grasping at straws.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:37 pm
by Strawberry Roan
True, oolala, just the spacing of "no snacks" in a daily diet would extend the window of eating past what so many (me) have gotten used to.

I try to fast from 7 p.m. until 1 p.m. three days a week, usually B2B. It seems to give my body a chance to get a little break from constantly eating, digesting, eliminating, etc.. The 18-6 seems to work well for my lifestyle as I am not a breakfast eater - rarely eat at work (I work three days a week) and enjoy dinner with my husband. Enjoy everything with my husband. haha....

If I am really hungry this afternoon, I have a little baggie of snack mix (the wheatchex, cornchex, cheerios, pretzels, goldfish crackers, etc. }Homemade so not so salty. Most guidelines suggest between 500 to 800 calories on a fast day - total during the window of eating.

Got in a lot of exercise yesterday, loving my planks - try to do a three or four minute one about two or three time a day.

Had a lot of sodium last night and feel a little puffy this morning so it will definitely be a water/tea only fast today.

2018 SW 150.2, CW 150.6, GW 145

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:43 pm
by lpearlmom
I love to see that more of us are getting into fasting. I think it may be a natural progression for many of us. In Obesity Code by Jason Fung, he talks about how getting away from the three meals a day w/ no snacks and occasional dessert is what got us in this mess in the first place. Reinhard definitely is on to something important here but we all knew that anyway.

Happy fasting Berry!

Linda :)

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:08 pm
by oolala53
I remember that you had been doing something that would be considered a pretty big mod to No S before. It still seemed like No S to me in that it was a real routine for you, your version of systematic moderation and not that complicated. I guess in our excess exposure, it's natural that we need to recenter ourselves and be part of a like-minded tribe for awhile. At least it's useful to me.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 2:51 am
by automatedeating
Hi Stawberry! Lovely to see your fresh thread and new post. :)

Happy New Year and I look forward to hearing you describe your amazing salads!!

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 3:25 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Good Morning all !

oolala, true words. I have always been a bit outside of NO S as I never really ate three platefuls of food a day. I did embrace the no snacks and no sweets of this plan wholly and it has made an amazing difference in my life. I was shocked, truly, at how many times a day I would go to the pantry or fridge for a "healthy" snack - our culture has gotten so brainwashed that we need to eat constantly starting with dragging a huge bag of snacks and drinks around with a toddler wherever they go.

automatedeating - thanks so much. And yes, I am still rocking the huge salads - just stocked up on stuff a couple days ago. Love my various lettuces, kale, spinach, radishes, green onions, cucumbers, avocados, colorful peppers, nuts, fruits, eggs, cheese, etc. My only salad dressing is some type of red wine vinegar, particularly love the pomegranate. That, and a splash of the best virgin olive oil I can get. The downside of this, of course, is the restaurant "salad" that is shredded iceberg lettuce topped with a cherry tomato :roll: I have asked if they have any vinegars and they have brought me basic white vinegar from the back - I said that will do. haha..

Thanks to you and all who have stopped by to say HI or comment !

Have a great day.

2018 SW 150.2, CW 150.0, GW 145

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 3:59 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Read this on another forum, made me laugh.

Sorted my bookcase and blew thick layer of dust off ‘How Clean is Your House’. Not very, clearly. 😬 That is going to charity.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 12:57 am
by Strawberry Roan
Hello all,

Had a rather enlightening day, as far as food.

Went out with friends for shopping and lunch. One was a birthday girl and the birthday girl always gets to choose where we eat. She chose this new place called Las Vegas Buffet (of course, we live in the Missouri Ozarks).

It was as advertised - a really large buffet - a mini Vegas or casino type fare. I had fasted three days this week so had lots of wiggle room and thought sure, let's have some American fare, mashed potatoes, biscuits, milk gravy, homemade buttered egg noodles, let's have some Mexican food - chips and quac and salsa and cheese and olives, taquito or two - sure let's have some salad (or so called) for good measure - what, no decent dressing????

So, I sat down with the plate (really only a spoon or two of each so it wasn't spilling over the sides or anything disgusting :roll: ) Looked down and except for the sad looking salad mix and the bits of Mexican toppings - my plate was rather white. White noodles, white biscuit, white gravy, white mashed potatoes, white tortilla chips.

I took a few bites and the food was rather underwhelming except for the glorious homemade biscuit so I found some butter and ate half of the biscuit. I then pushed away the plate, went and got some really nice vegetable soup with huge hunks of carrots, onions and celery and a plate of cantaloupe and watermelon chunks.

I was oddly full and didn't even want any homemade pizza that is our usual Friday night fare. I felt as if I had actually eaten all the "white" foods.

I hate buffets in general and really hate this type of confusing one - would rather go to Pizza Hut or something and stick to one genre of food. However, I had plenty to eat and the ten of us had a great time. There were so many plates and glasses and bowls and saucers on the table nobody noticed what anybody was eating.

I worry about the excess of food in general and seeing it all together (there was so much more - fried chicken, pork chops, steaks, meat loaf, pizza station, ice cream and soft drink station, etc. ) was almost sickening.

But, I am certain people don't eat like that everyday or at least I hope so.


On my birthday, we are going to Burger King and I am having a veggie burger.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:03 am
by automatedeating
Berry -- Oolala is always telling us how people just always keep eating when there is so much food, and that people eat more when there are more choices. A buffet is the worst of both those things!!!

I'm with you in the not liking buffets. My husband loves them, but I find them unsatisfying and yet I end up feeling way overfull.

Haha about the Burger King. I didn't even know they had a veggie burger there, lol.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:35 am
by oolala53
I still like white food, but not every day.

And I know EXACTLY what you mean about restaurant salads. Lettuce and a couple of bites of other veg is not a salad! Ok, maybe in France.

Buffets are a moderate eater's nightmare, though most people haven't recognized it. (I sometimes would wonder when Reinhard said somewhere that shame would keep a person from having a plate too loaded with food. Has he not been to a buffet? Lordy, the plates get piled high, and that's just the first one!)

They prey on all our natural instincts. Luckily, I have very little social life and those I do fraternize with aren't buffet-ers. I won't go sit in one alone.

We have a local chain called Souplantation that is a buffet, but with tons of salad, several soups that they claim they make on the premises, bread, roll, baked potatoes (even sweet ones now), pasta, pizza, and dessert. THAT one I get takeout from because for a container that holds about 3-5 cups of veggies, two 12-ounces soup containers, small containers for dressing, and a little bag for the starches, it costs about 10 bucks. I am spoiled rotten as I get about 3 meals out of that. And I am reluctant to go and sit down, knowing I won't get near the food value, though in restaurants, you're paying for the real estate and service. For that, I'll go where I get served only a few things there's too much of. And take half home.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:35 am
by gingerpie
Years ago my Mother's family had a family reunion of about 200 people. It was a covered-dish affair and I'm convinced each and every one of those 200 people brought enough food for 200 people. Do the math. 200 people bringing enough food for 200 people and there is enough food for 40,.000. I was completely overwhelmed by the choice and didn't eat any of it. (My mother made something for me when we got home.) I still have that reaction to buffets. I really don't like them and only go when it's a social event I can't get out of.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 1:54 am
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks for your replies, all.

gingerpie, your reunion fare sounds about like the "Homecomings" held at the Baptist churches around here. Current members and their families and extended families that aren't members - plus all who ever attended the church, knew somebody who attended the church, stopped by the church to use the bathroom :P , etc., attend on what is almost always a glorious summer day where tables are spread around the grounds groaning with food. I agree with you that it really becomes overwhelming and sometimes I just step aside and pour myself a glass of tea or something while I ponder the choices.

An only slightly smaller version of the monthly carry in dinners, of course. Or the dinners where anybody announces an engagement, a new baby, a new job or retirement, a new house - whatever -

and heaven forbid don't forget the spread after a baptism.

We Baptists love our food and our fellowship :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 2:06 am
by oolala53
You two must be saints. I wonder that you even needed No S. I've NEVER been so overwhelmed by food that I didn't eat any. :shock: :?

I feel like the kid seeing the emperor with no clothes when people talk about how much they need to bring for a potluck. I think, You DO realize ... just the math you talked about. It's like people are deathly afraid that someone might not get a portion of their food. NO ONE WILL STARVE, PEOPLE.

That said, I would be right there in the front of the line. But there'd be plenty left when I moved on.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:03 am
by freeandeasy
Hi Strawberry Roan,
Nice to 'meet' you.
Congratulations on being here for 8 years. That's a great testament to you, and the other great folks here.
I too am drawn to do IF. I like it, and most days do 16:8. I have occasionally done 36 hours as well, though haven't done that lately. I'm gearing up for it though.
I agree it could be a natural offshoot of No S.
It's pretty wild when I see others snacking all of the time now. I've gotten so out of the habit it seems quite foreign.

Now I'm looking forward to the scale rewarding my good behavior :lol:

Have a great 2018 and I'm sure I'll see you around the boards

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:05 am
by freeandeasy
Gingerpie, your post cracked me up about enough food for 40,000 people :lol:

I'm pretty sure I've been to those potlucks. They sure can be fun! If, you know, you're hungry enough for 200 people :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 2:15 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Good Morning All -

nice to meet you FreeandEasy. Happy New Year and I wish you a healthy, happy year!

Feeling great today, cold but sunny so might get in an outdoor walk around the farm.

2018 Starting weight 150.2, CW 150.4, GW 145.0

My weight was actually 153.8 on12/29 so I am feeling good that it hasn't left the 150 range. The "whoosh" effect - yes the actual medical term - will kick in soon when it realizes my body is no longer in holiday mode.

I record my weight just for fun and accountability as I know that the scale is never a true measure of how one looks in their clothes or how they feel. My size six jeans are fitting great but I owe that to exercise (especially planks - I am a true devotee as that is the first thing that tightened my midsection and actually allowed the muscles to show under the flab. I know all of the flab won't be gone as I had four kids in five years, two C sections a year apart. )

Luckily, only the hubby and my doctor see my real flab.
The hubby isn't complaining and the doctor gets paid to look :P

Enjoy your day all, embrace life and be grateful you aren't cooking for
40,000 today !

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 9:05 pm
by oolala53
I'd only have to cook for 200, but believe me, they'd be sorry.

And I doubt there's much flab...

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 3:19 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Good Morning all. Happy Sunday - won't be able to go to church today as there is freezing rain falling from the sky. :cry:

However, it should warm up later and turn to normal rain so we will just cozy up by the fireplace.

Had a great day yesterday, feel so energized when I am eating clean.
Uh, so, do it all the time. 8)

2018 SW 150.2, CW 149.2, GW 145 - 5 foot 5, age 68

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 3:59 pm
by oolala53
Such a lovely, modest goal weight. And, not that it's a competition :roll: , you'll be lighter than 77% of your peers... and doing it enjoying yourself!

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 5:44 pm
by jenji
Welcome back and nice to meet you! You have inspired me to do some planks. I usually only do them in a class.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:59 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks oolala, yes 145 is about my "right" weight where I feel and look exactly as I want. Any thinner and it ages my face and neck too much. I can go 140-147 and feel fine with it as I know weight fluctuates daily - so I set 145 as goal. At this weight I can wear size six or eight skirts/slacks/jeans and size eight or ten blouses/jackets/dresses.

Being I have exercised for decades and muscle weighs more than fat I have always been "heavier" than the insurance height/weight tables. Same with BMI.

77 pct, huh? :wink:

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:02 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks, jen. I look forward to posting with you this year.
Enjoy the planks, they can become addictive, can't they?

Today I added the plank where the feet are put on a step or something to raise the lower body bit. We have two stone steps leading down into our den so I used the bottom one there and then later used the step that goes up into the Jacuzzi. Both felt great but it was a bit awkward when I lowered my body back down - have to get used to it.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 2:24 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Good Morning No s ers ! :lol:

Hope everybody is feeling as happy and energized as I am !

Added a new plank to my repertoire - the elevated plank. Arms on floor, feet elevated on a weight bench or wooden chair seat or even stair step - depending on how elevated one wants to be.

Feel great, just remember that you are elevated when you start to get up !

Eating is going well, all the holiday excess has been frozen, given to the birds, throw away, whatever it took to find it a new home.

I did read something interesting yesterday that is so true -

"It's not what you eat between Christmas and New Years that matters, it's what you eat between New Years and Christmas that counts. "

Wishing everybody well.

2018 SW 150.2, CW 148.4, GW 145

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 5:12 pm
by osoniye
Strawberry Roan wrote:"It's not what you eat between Christmas and New Years that matters, it's what you eat between New Years and Christmas that counts. "
Ha. That's great!!

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 2:02 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Good Morning all, another pretty day here. Third fast day in a row (an hour window of eating, 500 calories or less). Could not feel more energetic. The other four days this week will be non-fasting but clean eating.

Did my morning plank with my legs on the seat of a kitchen chair. I really felt it but it felt - good.

Funny story when I first embraced planking. I get up earlier than my husband ( 5 a.m. everyday of the week - hate to sleep late and miss the morning at the farm when it is so pretty).

So, I was doing my elbow plank on the floor of the den when my husband wandered in and he thought I had passed out or fallen and couldn't get up..... :P

Hope everybody is doing grandly. Just got a settlement offer letter from another attorney on a big case that I was supposed to be prepping for trial - so if our attorneys agree (and I think they will ) - this four year case will be DONE !

2018 SW 150.2, CW 147.4, GW 145

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 7:29 pm
by oolala53
RE: the trial. Fingers crossed.

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:14 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks, oolala - I am off work today but just read the office emails and see that the clients have a counter offer so maybe we are nearing the end -

or not :roll:

Had a great day today - out with friends for shopping and lunch. We get together once a week either for volunteer work/eating/shopping, etc. Have done so for about twenty years.

Ate at Wendy's, had small chili, senior drink and Jr. Frostee. It was fine but one of my friends said she could never survive on that small of a lunch.

Well, I have survived thus far and think I will make it until tomorrow. :P

2018 SW 150.2, CW 146.4, GW 145

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:17 pm
by oolala53
She may not have tested it. I also "needed" bigger lunches. Actully I probably did, because I got legitimately hungry before the next of the three meals. These days, it does take smaller meals to have the same thing happen, and even then sometimes... But I don't yet enjoy it, though I am coming to accept it.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 5:26 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Good Morning All, off work today and it is bitter cold outside with sleet falling so I will just enjoy the day with my good looking cowboy. INDOORS !

Ate steel cut oatmeal with flaxseed and raisins (no sugar) and toast for breakfast. Quite filling so won't eat again until dinner which will be a big ole chef salad and homemade veggie pizza.

Got lots of fruits and veggies yesterday at Aldi's (love that store) so I am set for the week.

2018 SW 150.2, GW 145, CW 145.6.

Seem to have gotten rid of he holiday excess weight so will now be trying to maintain at around the 145 range.

To your health all.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:03 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hello all, today is a non fasting day but I am going to try and keep within a controlled eating guideline. Went out with friends for lunch yesterday, yes I had a Frostee (a Frostee root beer float, even). Just had small chili for lunch, no triple burger anything, no fries. Just chili. It was fine.

Homemade veggie pizza for dinner – piled high with roasted red peppers and freshly grated cheese! Yummy. We use the thin baked crusts from Dollar Tree and make our own pizzas with all different combos. Sometimes twice a week.. After trying every single brand of frozen pizza and every single store brand of pizza crust – we finally found our favorite. Even tried making my own crust but could never get it as thin and crispy as we like.

Now I buy the crusts in bulk online and pick them up at my local store (free, no shipping) to make sure I don’t run out. Also buy my Hormel pepperoni and my pizza sauce at Dollar Tree. We used to love Red Baron fire baked thin crust pizzas but they changed the recipe somehow and now I taste some sort of floral spice in the sauce and it doesn’t taste good.

Got in lots and lots of exercise yesterday, will do the same today.

Maintaining at goal weight.

Wishing everybody a great day, it is going to be sixty degrees here so I can finally take the plastic containers with the holiday décor back out into the storage building.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:27 pm
by Larkspur
Gratz on meeting goal! That was fast! <bows>

We make our own pizza crusts and prebake to help with crispiness, but I might look for the ones you mention.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:03 pm
by Selcazare
So many congratulations on maintaining!

I think making your own pizza is the way to go—that way everything is exactly as you like it. I've yet to find a frozen or delivery pizza that makes one just right. ðŸ•

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:17 am
by Strawberry Roan
Thanks to you both. :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 8:01 pm
by oolala53
:) :) :)

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 2:33 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hello all, Happy February ! What a fast and busy month around here.

Three days a week of fasting, lots of water and green tea, exercise (loving my planks - I still cannot believe when I smooth my top or something and my stomach is flat :shock: )

Today's weight is 143.8, below my goal weight which is good because today is "date day" with the hubby and we will eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant - tomorrow I am spending the day out with friends and we will eat, well, somewhere :D

Have to check up on the posts, hope this finds everybody doing well. I want you all to be happy and healthy.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:51 am
by Merry
Happy February!

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:19 pm
by oolala53
Is it being a "fast" month a pun? :wink:

Have a delightful date night!

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:39 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hi ! Just checking in. I am doing fine - maintaining at or a bit below goal weight. Fasting 23 hrs a day, three days a week with one 500 calorie or less meal in that one hour time frame. Drink lots of green tea and water every day and keeping up the planks and other exercise.

Wishing all well😉

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:46 pm
by Strawberry Roan
oolala53 wrote:Is it being a "fast" month a pun? :wink:

Have a delightful date night!
😀 Thanks, I guess it was a fasting pun even without knowing it . We had a wonderful Valentine's Day - so grateful to have such love in my life, especially as I age. He makes me feel like a teenager 😉