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Jeanniebean's check in

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 1:06 pm
by jeanniebean
Ok, here it is.

Hi everybody

I am a newbie so please be forgiving if I make mistakes with my postings.

Sorry I'm not starting on day 1 but I sort of muddled around with nos for most of last week before I decided to stop mucking about, pull my finger out and start doing it in earnest again

Today is actually day 5 (days 1 - 4 have all been N day successes and shovelglove successes too

I am 59, British, and suffering from an acute case of the 'Old, Fat and Uglys'

I promise that from here on in my postings will be much shorter and to the point.

Day 5.

Weight 180.2lb

B 2 eggs

L multigrain bread peanut butter sandwich and 1 home-made kefir shake with 1/2 apple, 1/2 banana, dandelion greens and 1/2 tsp of turmeric

Water 2 pints today so far - I struggle to drink plain water but I'm damned if I am going to put juice or squash in it just to get it down. I'm not going to set myself a definite total for water as I reckon any has got to be better than the none that I was drinking before

Please, can any of you tell me if coffee/tea and milk is considered to be a snack if it is drunk between meals? I don't drink much tea/coffee but I don't like drinking it with a meal at all.

I plan to be a vanilla nos so if the tea/coffee has to go then so be it.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 1:26 pm
by eschano
I don’t consider coffee and tea with milk a snack but it depends if there is sugar or syrup in it really. No sugar no snack. However, everyone has a slightly different take on it and Reinhard drinks it black

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:08 pm
by jeanniebean
Hi Eschano

ooh yuk black coffee and even more yuk black tea.

If it's not considered a cheaty snack then I will continue putting a drop of milk in it. I don't sweeten my drinks anyway so no foul there.

Thanks for clearing that up for me :)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 10:29 am
by jeanniebean
Day 5 success
dinner saute potatoes bacon mushrooms and cabbage a la bubble and squeak.
ended up on 3.5pints of water
cup of semi-skim before bed.
coming down with a cold. Could feel it brewing all day long, and by bedtime it was a streaming nose and a sore throat and aching sinuses
Won't let that stop me though

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 5:36 pm
by Soprano
Welcome, I'm in the UK too. :)

Fine to drink and tea coffee with milk between meals.
