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Hello All !

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 2:57 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Hi, thought I had better get back on this board as it is really the most supportive health and fitness site I have ever encountered.

Doing fine, turned 70 in March - work at home as a legal assistant drafting divorce/paternity/adoption/guardianship, etc., documents for a family owned law firm. Love my work as I get to schedule my time, I work by projects not hours so I have as much free time as I want to spend with my family and friends.

Hovering about six pounds (151) above goal weight (145). No crisis there, a few days of eating right and skipping the diet soda. Yes, I weigh more when I drink diet soda :lol: Probably because it is accompanied by Cheez-its or bbq potato chips and a sandwich.

Still loving to exercise, cannot wait to do so each day. Still heavy into the fruits and veggies - love my big salads. I try to eat a plant based diet although Wendy's chili often calls my name when I am out with friends.

Hope everybody here is doing well, have to go do some reading.

Re: Hello All !

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 11:17 pm
by automatedeating
Yes, I weigh more when I drink diet soda :lol: Probably because it is accompanied by Cheez-its or bbq potato chips and a sandwich.
This made me laugh out loud! I'm currently drinking diet soda instead of wine, so your first sentence made me nervous. But then I had a relieved laugh after reading about the cheez its and chips.

I like that Wendy's chili!

Lovely to see you here. Also I hope your husband is doing well these days.

Re: Hello All !

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 5:30 am
by ladybird30
Good to hear from you again Strawberry. I love that you still exercise - so inspiring.

Re: Hello All !

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 7:39 pm
by oolala53
Hi, You! Wish that wanting to exercise would rub off over here. But it ain't over yet!