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Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 1:57 am
by Barbra
I’ve debated on doing this check in so many times but never have. I’ve been a member here since 2012 but have never given No S an honest try. I’m a keto addict but can never stick to it either. I’ll do it for a couple weeks and then fail, binge, feel lousy, run back to keto and start the madness all over again. All that insanity has skyrocketed my cholesterol.

I know something I really need to work on is my why and emotional eating. Sweets seem to be my biggest hang up. When I eat keto it does lessen the sugar cravings which is why I think I’m always running back to it. But then there are times hormones are in overdrive and the sugar cravings are very strong and I cave.

I’m just so sick of the insanity. I’ve been battling food my whole life it seems. So much wasted thinking about it all. I know this way is sensible and can work if I try! I will modify my meals and do 4 because I only get a very quick break at work (preschool aide) and eat very little because I don’t like to eat so quickly. When I get home around 3:45 I’m always very hungry so I need to eat something. I will virtually plate a lunch and split it between the break and after work.

It’s nice to finally come out of hiding and meet you all! My starting weight is 185.1. I’d like to lose 40# and more importantly lower my cholesterol!


Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 6:10 am
by Mustloseweight
We can do this! I am with you only I am the same with WW. i too just need sanity.

Good luck.


Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:18 pm
by Barbra
Here we go!

My plan:
B coffee w/ cream and bowl of oatmeal w/ peanut butter and brown sugar
L will be out with mom
D chicken breast, green beans and macaroni

I’m off work today but will be out of the house for a good chunk of it which makes it easier. I still have donuts on the counter. Will try to convince son to take them to football weightlifting with him for buddies!

I will post tonight on how successful I was today!


Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:37 pm
by automatedeating
Hey welcome to the daily boards! :-)

A moderate low-carb (rather than anything extreme) works really well for me; perhaps at some point you'll find a nice "settle" point for carb intake that works for you.

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:14 am
by Barbra
Thank you automatedeating. Maybe some day I can rethink carbs but for now everything is fair game!

Today was green! Hoooray! I was gone a lot today so that helped. The 4-5:00pm is my hardest.


Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 1:29 am
by Barbra
I would consider today a success compared to the way things have been.

B coffee w/ cream, toast w/ peanut butter
L turkey and cheese roll up, snap peas w/ ranch
After work - Greek yogurt w/ banana and granola, 2 slices summer sausage, 5 cubes cheese
D Philly cheesesteak w/ chips and a Bud Light

The after work eating seems like a lot but I’m so hungry when I get home. There is usually 2.5-3 hours after I get home before dinner. I can’t eat more at breakfast because I just don’t like to eat much early in the morning. I work at a school so I only get a short break around 12:30. I feel good about today. I was aware of what and why I was eating and wasn’t just shoveling food in out of habit.


Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:07 pm
by automatedeating
I think it makes perfect sense to split your "lunch" or quota of food between your frantic work break at school and when you get home after school. 4 meals/day might be just what works for you right now.

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:48 am
by Barbra
Thanks automatedeating. It seems to be working. Whether I’ll lose weight is a different story but just working on habit right now. Today was similar to yesterday and I stayed green.


Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:39 pm
by Barbra
Today was a red day. Got home from work and ate 2 donuts. I could tell you I’ve been stressed with work this week, had a headache all day today and had a hard love moment with my teenager when I got home but none of those are excuses to turn to food. Got to find a better way to deal with it. I have a job interview tomorrow so maybe that will help with the job stress!

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 4:11 am
by gratefuldeb67
Barbra wrote:
Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:39 pm
Today was a red day. Got home from work and ate 2 donuts. I could tell you I’ve been stressed with work this week, had a headache all day today and had a hard love moment with my teenager when I got home but none of those are excuses to turn to food. Got to find a better way to deal with it. I have a job interview tomorrow so maybe that will help with the job stress!
sorry you had a hard day!
good luck with your interview!

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 4:09 pm
by automatedeating
Oh gosh tough love with the teenagers. Those times rip at my heart - and of course the kid has no idea how hard it is on US, right? :-)

How old/how many kids/teens?

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:07 am
by Soprano
Good luck with the job interview. I recently left a stressful job. Much happier now.


Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:20 pm
by Barbra
I’m doing ok this week. I’m still eating way to much when I get home from work. I’m not sure what the solution for that is. Eating more at lunch isn’t possible but I’m so hungry when I get home. Keto is luring me in again because it takes my sweet cravings away but I have to keep reminding myself it also makes me feel deprived. Ugh

Automatedeating I have 3 kids (17, 19, 21). Still working on the job search. I have another interview on Monday plus a phone interview Wednesday. I don’t think I’m interested in the Wednesday interview job as the pay isn’t where I want to be. I

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:20 pm
by ladybird30
It sounds like you are genuinely hungry when you get home from work. You also said it is not
possible to eat more at work. IMHO, a planned snack after work and before dinner would still fit
in with NoS. It's the planning ahead that is important, to prevent random eating and all that goes
with it.

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:49 pm
by automatedeating
100% ladybird. Planning is the key, not necessarily the number of meals.

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:04 am
by Barbra
Planning is something I need to work on because I get home and just start grabbing things to eat. My typical day has looked like this:

B toast with peanut butter
L lunchable type thing with 6 crackers, slices of cheese and slices of turkey

I need to figure out healthy after work snack and stick to it. I have heathy options but haven’t been choosing them. The work to home transition has always been a hard one for me. In the past I’ve always ate my way through it. I am legitimately hungry now though but it seems once I start eating I want to keep on eating.

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 2:39 pm
by automatedeating
I think it'd be great if you could prepare your after-work snack right alongside your lunch.
A little prep really does go a long way.
Some options you might like? - plain yogurt w/berries, celery w/cream cheese, a handful or two of nuts, apple & cheese slices, plain chicken breast (cooked from the previous day), a glass of whole milk, hard-boiled eggs (prepared once for the whole week), pepperoni sticks or some other kind of meat stick, leftover meat of any kind, a bowl of soup...... lots of good things to plan for after work!

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 1:21 am
by ladybird30
automatedeating wrote:
Fri Jan 29, 2021 2:39 pm
I think it'd be great if you could prepare your after-work snack right alongside your lunch.
Good idea Auto.

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 6:45 pm
by Barbra
I have been MIA for awhile. I’ve been battling this covid stuff. Never ran a fever so didn’t think that’s what it was. Had a really congested head and a heaviness to my chest. Then out of the blue I lost all taste and smell. I feel no better today. The chest heaviness hasn’t gotten worse so I’m relieved for that. But this no tasting or smelling has been a big eye opener. I’m still just eating out of habit and not hunger. I mean I can’t even taste things yet I reach for food at all times of the day. I’m eating and can’t even taste it yet I continue to do it. I’ve done this my whole life...acted like food was my best friend. I can’t believe how hard I find it to just eat 3 meals a day. It shouldn’t be that difficult. Grazing is an awful habit I really need to break. I need to find things to do instead of reaching for food all the time.

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 7:50 pm
by ladybird30
All the best for your recovery Barbra

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:35 am
by automatedeating
Hope you start to feel strong and back to normal Barbra! I have heard many people never get a fever, interestingly.

Re: Barbra’s Daily Check In.......

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 7:39 am
by Soprano
Hope you recover soon.

Break down the development of new habus. Perhaps start by stopping snacks between just 2 meals to start with.

Good luc