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Rollo's Daily Check In

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:54 pm
by Rollo

Joined: 08 Nov 2006
Posts: 10
Location: Wichita Ks.
Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:51 pm Post subject: Sunday check in


Well, this is the last day of my first week. The first 4 1/2 days went really wonderfully. However Friday evening was not perfect, we had houseguests arrive for the weekend and that's when the party started. I didn't do too badly Friday evening. Saturday afternoon and night were a virtual unending snackfest (somewhat "normal" for a weekend of company and football watching & partying...)

Today is Sunday. The guests just left. I'm done with the 48 hours of snacking, sweets, etc. My first 2 S days were a lot more out of hand than I wanted them to be, but not really any different than they would have been if I hadn't been No S ing. So I guess that's a pretty good success.

The best thing is that I already feel like I am making progress, and several people have asked me if I've lost weight already!!! (Might be the new pair of BIGGER sized jean I had to buy last week- guess they looked pretty good on me even though they're the biggest ones I've ever owned...) LOL!

I'm making the rest of today "N".
Rollo aka Rose Ann

Day 8 check in

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:36 am
by Rollo
Day 8 went well. My mom is in the hospital so I spent the day there with her. Relatives in hospital, that can be a stressful and trying time. But it will be whether you overeat or not! So I didn't overeat. Had 3 squares today.

Only exception: I did give in to the coffee pot, and for me, that meant powdered creamer, (empty calories but that's what they had at the hospital and I don't do black coffee.) I've been planning to limit my coffee and cream to weekends, and do green tea instead on N days. But to me that was a pretty small exception given the situation...

I also did manage to make it to workout at Curves. YAY for me!
Bring on Day 9!

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 11:53 pm
by hexagon
It's impressive that you're staying strong, despite having your mom in the hospital. Good job!

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:32 am
by gettnbusy
I accidentally posted on your other check in page (1,2,3).. I was wondering how it was going for you... and as I can see above it it still going great! So KUDOS to you!

Day 10

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:15 pm
by Rollo
Thanks ladies for posting your input here!

This entire week has NOT been normal at all. However I have managed to stick with the program. My Mom is scheduled for heart bypass surgery tomorrow, she's 86 years old but has never looked or acted her age, so we have a good outlook that everything will go well for her.

The next week is going to be a tough one, hanging out at the hospital a lot, etc. But I am determined to stay on track. The weekend will probably be the most stressful and those are S days.

I am still hungry a lot of the time, guess I must have been grazing a lot more than I realized. I try to have the evening meal no earlier than 7:00 PM, but sometimes it is still difficult to get through the entire evening without any additional food to tide me over.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:16 am
by gettnbusy
HOw is your mom recovering from surgery? Did everything go well?

Day 14

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:37 pm
by Rollo
Hi Y'all,

Thank you for inquiring about my Mom. Her surgery was done on Saturday. Her outlook doesn't seem as good as we had hoped but time will tell so we just have to be patient and see what the next days bring.

My last 4 days have not gone as well as I wanted them to. I haven't been eating tons of stuff but neither have I really stayed on program either. At this point I think one needs to be able to focus on the program and I've lost that focus. That does not mean I won't be able to have some successful days this week, I guess I really need to try to do that.

I've been drinking a lot of coffee with a lot of powdered creamer in it, that creamer stuff is about as junky (IMO) as anything you can eat. I need to start taking my green tea bags with me to the hospital, that would be a step in the right direction.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:48 pm
by gettnbusy
That is a good idea about the tea. Much less caffiene (which stimulates appetite).

Also keep in mind that it's a process. And though you may not be performing perfectly to plans, you are doing much better than last month, aren't you? Of course you are! So like Dr Oz (from Oprah) says... just make that U Turn and try for that oframp again. The GPS in your head should not be yelling at you that you missed the offramp. Train it to just say..Hey, turn around and try it again!

:) Enjoy your week and Your family is in my thoughts & prayers during your trials.

Day 15

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:35 am
by Rollo
Spent the day at the hospital. It's really hard to divorce the two (hospital=coffee!) However I've had no snacks, no sweets, no seconds, so that's a pretty good day!

My Mom is recovering enough that they took her off the ventilator and shes breathing just fine on her own, that is a big relief. She's still in intensive care and has a long way to go, we have to take one step at a time....

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:44 pm
by gettnbusy
Glad to hear your mom is doing a bit better.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 3:25 am
by hexagon

Starting over 2007

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:46 pm
by Rollo
I've been off the board and off the program for several weeks, it's time to get with the program again, and tomorrow I'm starting over.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:47 pm
by gettnbusy
OMG I was just pulling up your posts to see how you were doing...and viola you posted something!
Welcome back! Good luck sweets!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:19 am
by zoolina
Welcome back, Rollo.


Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:46 pm
by JustAnnie
Glad to see you returning. I've noticed several former board members coming back since the begining of this month. That says something for the "No-S" system. You must feel it has a value if you are willing to try it again. Hope this time takes! :D