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First Day!

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:53 pm
by bex2_5
I did pretty well...not as committed towards the end of the day as I would have liked, but I'll just have to do better today -
Breakfast: Mini-Bagel with LowFat Cream Cheese, Strawberries & OJ
Lunch: Turkey Sandwich, Carrots and Pringles (LowFat - Individual size so I didn't overeat :-)
Dinner: Spaghetti with Meatballs and Yogurt (Dessert?? - Does that count?)
Then I did have an orange and raisins. Guh. I know. That last part was no good. But I think I did pretty well for the rest of the day.
What do you guys think?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:01 pm
by mimi
Sounds great to me! I'm a newbie too with yesterday being my first day. My menu was very similar and I also ate a small yogurt after dinner. I wondered about that too. Anyone else have a comment about that?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:44 pm
by florafloraflora
Sounds like a good start. The yogurt is fine (it's a borderline food, the kind you don't have to worry about). The food after dinner would technically count as seconds or as another meal, unless it was on your dinner plate.

After Dinner

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:11 pm
by bex2_5
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, my portion size spagetti was small - the actual serving size. It only took up about a 1/4 of my dinner plate. I should have made the portion size bigger in order to keep my hunger down. I probably wouldn't have had the orange or raisins in that case. But, another good thing is that since there was a lot of extra space on my plate, I might be able to get away with one of the snacks (the orange probably) from later because it would've fit on my plate. Yes, this is my twisted way of making it okay. :-)

Day 2

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:42 am
by bex2_5
Thanks for all the input guys :-)
Nitetime is sooooo hard not to eat anything. It is my serious snack right now...its about 10:39pm and that cereal on top of the fridge is staring right at me..
Guh. Enough of that. Today was an A for me:
Bagel w Cream Cheese & Strawberries & OJ
Turkey Sandwich. Carrots. Pringles
2 Pieces of Pizza & Salad

Yay! I realize Pizza is not so hot, but I burned 600 calories off on the elliptical machine today, so I don't think its too awful.

Thanks for all the support. The best part of this diet is the message boards -
Have a good night!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:56 pm
by Jammin' Jan
No-S includes the concept of "virtual plating". It's all one meal, but not necessarily on the same plate. You have to visualize that it would fit.
Soup and a sandwich are obviously plated separately but can be one meal. I usually have fruit or juice with a meal, but keep it separate.
So if your spaghetti didn't fill up the plate, then imagine that the rest of the plate were filled with yogure, orange slices, and raisins. Would it have fit if it had all been on the same plate at the same time?

That being said, virtual plating is very dangerous! I have been de-railed many times because of it. The plate I imagine is most often bigger than the actual plate on the table! Beware!

Big Plate

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:06 am
by bex2_5
Day 3...
Thanks for the tips guys. Yeah,, I imagine that Virtual plating is not a good idea, and best not done. I am always the one who tries to get away with stuff that isn't allowed. I think I will be better off if I really get into the 3 meal thing, no snacks. Thats what will really help me.

Today was not good. I give it a Bad note. Started out good though....
Breakfast: Bagel with LF Cream Cheese & Banana
Lunch: Turkey Sandwich & Lite Pringles (I think this was my problem, I didn't have as large of a lunch as the past couple of days)
Dinner: Was a half and I had a piece of pizza and some cereal (gross, I know) then my stomach got all upset...and that food then I went to Yoga, came home and had a second dinner....Yogurt, Banana, Cereal & half a bagel....I KNOW!
I broke Two Rules Snacks & Seconds.
I suck ass.
Its okay though, because Tomorrow I will do better!!!!


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:55 pm
by bex2_5
I forgot to post last night, but yesterday was a good day!
Breakfast; mini bagel with rf cream cheese & banana
Lunch; A lot of items, But it all fit on one plate :-)
Chicken Salad Sandwich, Deviled Egg, Pasta Salad & Fruit (ps, it was a boxed lunch and I had them substitute the pasta salad for dessert!)
Dinner; Grilled Chicken Salad & Apple

And I ran two miles. Yay me!