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Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:50 pm
by Jammin' Jan
How did the Polish Sausage casserole turn out?

Fix It and Forget It was another cookbook I used to use a lot. Good book. Thanks for reminding me about it.

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:05 pm
by mimi
Jammin' Jan wrote:How did the Polish Sausage casserole turn out?
It was really good! We enjoyed it, and being just two of us, there was plenty left over for another meal.
One day I went through the cookbook and picked out 5 or 6 recipes, gathered and bought the ingredients I needed, and have been trying them out. A crock-pot is a lifesaver if you work outside of the home - or even when you are busy IN the home! :lol:

Mimi :D

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:21 pm
by mimi
NoS is going well and I've had green days all week. I'm so glad after mu red week last week! Here's the update on my orthopedic appointment Wednesday:
I'm out of the cast finally, but into a boot that feels essentially like the cast with the boot over it did. I can't tell that much difference. The big difference now though, is that I can begin to walk on it- full weight - but using crutches and walker to ease into it. I can also remove it for sleeping and bathing. Woo hoo! Doctor was a little concerned with the amount of swelling in my foot after the cast was removed (could be a blood clot, usually not a likelihood with ankle surgeries/injuries, but still a potential) - and if it doesn't go down within a week I have to let him know. In the mean time I'm wearing a compression sock under the boot, so we'll see. Trying to walk (or should I say *hobble* again after so long is a scary feeling!
I had my evaluation and first therapy session Thursday morning and it went very well. I felt very at ease with my therapist and her treatment and I didn't experience the pain that I was geared up for at all. It was somewhat uncomfortable, but not unbearable.
She sent me home with a series of three different exercises to do on my own three times a day. I go for therapy 3X a week for a few weeks and then maybe will cut down to 2X.
Still no driving for another month at which time I will probably graduate into an ankle brace and resume driving. He also revised my return to school date to Jan. 4 after the holidays.
Yesterday, after one therapy session and home exercises, my foot was a sore as a boil. I could hardly stand to put all my weight on it, so I used crutches most of the day. Today it feels better.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:03 pm
by kccc
Glad to hear you're making progress! :)

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 2:07 am
by ~reneew
I'm cringing hearing about your poor self. ow! Hope the swelling goes down and I hope you stay on track. I for one think you've done really well. Others may have had one big long pitty party for themselves, but you've hung in there. Be proud Mimi. :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:39 pm
by mimi
Thanks KCCC and Reneew! I am making progress - slowly, but progress all the same. I suffered very severe injuries to my foot and ankle, so I can't expect to get a cast off after nine weeks and just walk away into the sunset!
I had my second therapy session yesterday, where three more exercises were added to the ones I did last time. They worked me - and again, the work produces some discomfort, but not unbearable. They ice it afterwards and suggested that I do that at home as well after doing my exercises. My foot is still somewhat swelled, but better than last week. It gets really sore after the therapy sessions, but that's to be expected. I'll go again on Thursday and Friday.
I took an S-event on Monday evening because we had our postphoned church event that was supposed to be held last Monday. I was fine and enjoyed the meal and desserts. of the ladies sent me home with 4 dessert bars that I raved over and asked for the recipe. My intent was to save them for the weekend, but they never made it. I ate them all yesterday, giving myself a RED day :(
I marked it and am moving on. Today will be a green day. I just finished a reading session with my students via Skype. That is so awesome! We're reading Christmas Jars together...if you haven't read it, you need to. It's a beautiful story.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:11 pm
by kccc
Mimi, you have had a rough year for sure! Like others, I'm impressed that you haven't fallen into a terminal pity-party. You're a good role model.

I am wishing you continued progress, and a relaxed and joyful holiday.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 3:44 pm
by mimi
Thanks KCCC! Your encouragement always boosts me and keeps me going! I am doing very well with my physical therapy and according to the therapist's measurements taken yesterday, my overall swelling in the foot and ankle is down over 3 centimeters. The motion measurements all showed improvement as well - after just one week of work. I'm so encouraged! But I still have a long way to go. I am down to using just one crutch most of the time, but if I've had an extra busy day and have been up on my foot a lot, I find that I have to use two in the evening. Hopefully in another week or so I won't need any - just the walking boot. I should lose it mid-December. And then I can begin to drive again!
I made our bed for the first time since my injury on Thursday...sounds like such a silly thing, but it was a milestone for me! I could hear my husband's woo-hoo all the way at the other end of the house when he saw it! I also went down the three steps into the garage for a first, rather than have my husband pick me up at the front door of the house. Little by little I'm getting my life back and it's so nice. Such blessings!
I have had green days all week with no real food issues. I'm so glad after the time I had last week - I don't know what was going on there. Today is an S day and my husband and I are going to town. I am going to try to find my daughter-in-law a birthday gift and maybe do some much needed Christmas shopping. We'll stop at my daughter's on the way home and eat supper with her and the kids. My SIL is down at VA Tech for today's football game. So it should be a really nice day.
I hope all my fellow NoEssers have a really nice weekend!

Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:32 pm
by mimi
Realized it's been a while since I checked much going on lately.
NoS is still going well for me, although I haven't weighed since I've been in a cast (which will be 13 weeks when it's all said and done!). When I finally lose the walking cast, I might weigh...I might not. I am content and more at peace when I'm not preoccupied with scale numbers. People are starting to comment that I've lost weight, so I'm hoping that it's true!
My physical therapy is going well, although the compression socks that I have (mild strength) are not keeping the fluid out of my ankle and foot. My therapist suggested getting a stronger compression sock. I hate to think about buying another set of socks - they are mighty expensive. They have been adding exercises to my repertoire almost each time I go, but are limited until I can stand on my bare foot with all my weight...two more weeks!
Thanksgiving was wonderful. The kids all contributed by bringing the sides and desserts while I made the turkey, mashed potatoes and rolls. I spent the night (what was left of it!) with my daughter since we were doing the Black Friday thing the next day. We got up at 3:00 a.m., got ready, grabbed the baby, and headed for Kohl's. It was on to Walmart after that...I decided that I could really get reinjured in there, so I found a clearing in women's blouses (no one was buying them!) and stood with our cart while my daughter located her bargains!. We met up with DIL and her mother and sister later at Paneras for cinnnamon crunch bagels and gingerbread lattes. It was a fun day.
No over-the-top eating this year, and for that I'm thankful. The next few weeks will be difficult for me also - they always have been. I'll keep marking my kitchen calendar and my habitcal to keep me straight. It works.

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:05 pm
by kccc
So glad you had a good Thanksgiving, and are getting better (however slowly).

It's always good to hear from you!

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:52 pm
by guadopt1997
Hey Mimi,

Have been off the boards for a while, busy and not doing well, but back on track I think. Glad you are too after your few days in November. I've never done the black Friday thing. Will have to check it out some time!

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:24 am
by mimi
A few things to report as of Wednesday, December 16...

I am completely free of the walking cast!
I can once again drive!
I have been released by my doctor!
I have another month of physical therapy to complete!
I can go back to work on January 4!
I am so thrilled - you have no idea!

Now, a few words about NoS...I had been doing really well and then on Thursday morning I decided to see what I weighed.
Mistake #1 - it wasn't the first of the month (that's when I'm supposed to weigh).
Mistake #2 - I shouldn't have weighed at all.
I have lost 10 pounds since I started in May. That is wonderful, but I felt that I had lost more - I feel thinner than what the scale said. So here I go again...yesterday was our traditional Christmas shopping day (me and my husband) so I made it a yellow day. Today I had a red day - why? Because I didn't like the number I saw on the scale Thursday morning....grrrrrrrrrrrrr!
I should be happy that I didn't gain any weight during my 13 weeks of being laid up instead of being dissatisfied with my present weight and progress.
Tomorrow it's back to NoS as usual and NO WEIGHING - maybe not even in January!
Mimi :D

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:13 pm
by mimi

NoS - have had green days all week and I don't think I'll take S days today (New Year's Eve and tomorrow, New Year's Day)...maybe S events if necessary? Last week I took four S days in a row and each day got a little worse than the one before. I had a really *over-the-top* S day on Saturday, the day after Christmas. I guess it was a combination of the availability of sweets and the *it's-all-over-now* feeling. I love the Christmas season and always feel sad when it comes to a close. It was most definitely emotional eating. Anyway, Sunday was a much better day and Monday was back to *green* business as usual.

Exercise -My husband took me shopping for an exercise bike on Tuesday. My physical therapist said that this would be the best type of activity for my ankle - for both range of motion and building strength. I can't use my treadmill or glider right now and it will probably be a while before I can get back to using them. Walking outside is out of the question - can't do distance yet, and we still have snow all over the place!
Anyway, I settled on a $200 spinner bike from Walmart. I tried lots of different ones out at different stores before deciding on this one. I went shopping thinking I wanted a recumbent bike, but found that they weren't as comfortable as this one. It has a really big padded seat and 8 different preset workouts - or you can just ride it and adjust the resistance, which is what I will do for now. I've been riding it for 10 minutes with no problem, so today I think I will ride 10 minutes this morning and maybe 10 minutes later this afternoon. It just feels soooooo good to be back exercising again - it's been a long time.

Weight - haven't weighed since getting out of my walking cast two weeks ago and don't plan on it. I'm much happier with not weighing. I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a while in Target the other afternoon and she said, "You've lost weight!" So ten pounds is noticeable and makes me happy!

Happy New Year to all my NoS friends!

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:35 pm
by Starla
Happy New Year, mimi! You sound like you are doing very well!

I want to thank you for being so kind and welcoming to me when I started No S, especially when you were going through a rough time in your own life. I'm solid with No S now, but when it was still new and hard, you gave me the encouragement I needed.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:18 am
by mimi
Thank you Starla - you are most kind to even acknowledge that. That made my day. You must think me awful for not responding sooner. Truth is, I have been so caught up in returning to work that I haven't been checking the boards as I usually do. Anyway, thank you.

I'm calling today red...I toyed with the idea of just declaring an S-event, but decided, no, it would be red. Mark it and move on! My team ordered pizza this morning for lunch and had soft drinks, homemade chocolate chip cookies and other candies and goodies to celebrate me returning to school. I was truly overcome - and how could I NOT partake of eveything - so I did and really didn't feel too badly about it. I work with a wonderful bunch of folks, let me tell you...

My classes had library today, which meant going up and down the stairs an extra three times today - oh, foot is aching right was just too much. Yesterday was my first day back and it was a really good day...long, but good. I had PT after school and didn't get home until 5:30. Needless to say, I crashed after supper.

Time - it will take time for everything to heal completely.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:22 pm
by mimi
Yikes...Friday was another red day...nothing over the top, but I'm calling it.
This has got to stop now...had to scroll all the way down to find my thread - that tells me that I'm not posting enough...back to the daily check-in as I find my way back up the slippery slope...
I thought my habits were getting pretty firm...mistake #1...over confidence - thinking I'm *cured* perhaps.
Mistake #2 - checking in sporadically and not consistently.
Mistake #3 - allowing stress to get to me and succumbing to emotional eating - I know better than that.
Mistake #4 - not starting each day out in prayer. A day hemmed in prayer seldom comes unraveled...saw that somewhere and have loved it ever since.
Okay...identifying what went wrong is half the battle.
Here's to a greener week!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:00 pm
by kccc
Hope you're doing well, Mimi! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:22 am
by mimi
Thanks KCCC! I'm holding my has been throwing curve balls my way lately!
I had a pretty good week (all green) last week up until Friday when my sister-in-law called from the hospital to let me know that she had just been diagnosed with cancer. She had surgery yesterday to remove the huge tumor and part of her colon. They are calling the surgery a "total success" but won't know the results of the lymph node biopsies for another week to determine if chemotherapy is necessary. The part that really bummed me out if that she never had one symptom - not one. She's not overweight and eats healthily...
I reacted very badly emotionally and ate way too much...all kinds of things running through my mind. Of course over the weekend it was okay to eat, but I still felt that it was too much.
I was back on track yesterday and today and feel much better. I know that NoS works and needs to be my way of life, but I have been messing up too much lately. I've been allowing stress and upset to affect my eating and I really hate that.
So, here's to better days ahead with more insight and understanding for myself on my part.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:29 pm
by kccc
I am so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. Sending my best wishes for her health and your ability to support.

Stress-eating is the hardest habit to break, isn't it? Once food is identified as a source of comfort, it can so easily become a mechanism for avoiding facing hard things, dealing with difficult emotions, etc. The most useful - and most difficult - part of No-S for me has been learning that putting food in its proper place means that I have to DEAL more. Find other sources of happiness/comfort/enjoyment. Worth through hard things. Not easy stuff. Good for me, but not easy.

So if you've had a hard time sticking to No-S, be gentle with yourself. You're tackling hard stuff under hard circumstances. So celebrate every accomplishment, and remember how much better you're doing than you WOULD have done otherwise.

Will be thinking of you.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:00 am
by mimi
Haven't posted in awhile although I check the boards each day and read the posts that look interesting and the check-ins of my old friends - and some new ones too.
We've been out of school for almost two weeks now...won't go tomorrow either - maybe on Friday?
What makes me nervous is that with February almost half over, that leaves two more months to get the kids ready to pass the state test in May - mine is a reading test...and my students are all reading below grade level.
I have been doing well with NoS and fairly well with exercise - although I've kept myself in the house throughout all the snow storms. I ride the exercise bike which is good for ankle rehabilitation too. We have a lot of ice at the present - one more reason to stay inside. I don't want any more broken bones. The wind has been blowing fiercely all day and there is a lot of drifted snow out there...I made homemade chicken noodle soup for supper which really hit the spot. Tonight will be a good night for hot chocolate!

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:46 am
by mimi
Wow! I had to go to the second page to find my thread...I really need to check-in more frequently!
I am so excited! Today I attempted to walk around an outdoor track for the first time since breaking my ankle almost 6 months ago. I met my daughter and a friend and we walked together. I decided that I would walk until it started hurting and then I'd stop. I made it 15 minutes. Woo-hoo! It felt so good to be outdoors and it was so pretty out today - almost 60 degrees! What a switch - we've been stuck in winter for what seems like forever!
I hope this is the beginning of resuming my *rangering* habit...I've really missed it. I ride my exercise cycle daily, but don't enjoy it as much as getting outside and walking!

Yesterday was a very RED day for me, but today I'm back on track even though it's an S day. I had one treat - that's it...but that was enough considering what I ate yesterday.

I know three people dealing with cancer right now - my sister-in-law, a co-worker, and a friend of my daughter's...and I am not handlilng it well at many memories - having lost both my mother and my dad to cancer. It's hard for me to deal with it, but I have got to do better. Now maybe that I can get outdoors again and walk a little, I won't turn to food.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:42 pm
by mimi
Had a great weekend - pizza with all the kids and grandkids on Sunday afternoon - visit with MIL at the nursing facility Sunday evening - and a stop on the way home at DQ for an ice-cream treat.

day on Monday and a 15 minute walk on the track Monday afternoon. I also do my exercise bike in the mornings. I am so thrilled to be *rangering* outdoors again, I can't tell you how much!

day today, but no walking due to music lessons. Spring is beginning to be sprung around here, I believe! Today temps reached the mid-60'!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:20 pm
by TexArk
Thanks for the encouraging words. I started therapy yesterday. I was dreading it because of pain. It wasn't too bad, and I did my routine last night. Today, however, is painful!

I think I read about your foot problems last fall and aren't you also a reading specialist? So am I. I teach at the university level now and am retiring in May.

I am not perfectly NoS but am very close. At least I have the brakes on the bingeing now!

I will keep checking on your progress.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:40 pm
by StrawberryRoan
Waving hi to all....

Mimi, you take care - don't overdo with all your newfound freedom. : 8)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:53 pm
by mimi
Thanks TexArk - yes, it's been six months since I broke my ankle and it is still giving me trouble. I can't say that I've had a whole day where I've been completely pain free since I was released from physical therapy mid-January...although, they told me it might take from 6 months to a year before things felt totally normal. One day at a time. And yes, I am a reading specialist too!

And I'm waving hi back to you Strawberry! I'm so glad you stopped by. You inspire me by the way you've slipped and gained some weight back and now are putting your nose to the grindstone to get rid of it! I need your discipline!

Exercise is going well. I continue to ride my stationary bike 15-20 minutes each day. My eating is another story...too many red days, too many S events and/or NWS days...anyway, my weight is creeping back up and my clothes feel tighter. I'm starting to slip down that slippery slope and I need to *nip it in the bud* as good ol' Barney would say.

So, today I am *starting over* and recommitting myself to vanilla NoS and getting my habits back on track where they need to be. I know it's early, but I'm already declaring day 1 a


In the morning I'm watching my daughter's two little ones while she gets a much deserved hour or two at the hair salon. Later, along with my DIL we'll take all five grandkids to an Easter egg hunt. Should be lots of fun!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:00 pm
by kccc
Great to see you back, mimi, and to hear the PT has helped to this point! (And hi, Strawberry!)

Isn't this glorious weather to start "rangering" in again? :)

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:50 pm
by mimi
The weekend was a lot of fun - I enjoyed the kids tremendously on Saturday morning as always. We played and played. The Easter egg hunt was lots of fun too and the kids had a ball. The weather was beautiful and they all came back afterwards, ate lunch, and spent the afternoon at our house. Sunday after church belonged to my husband and me - time to spend together. We went shopping, visited his mom, and got our Sunday evening Blizzards at Dairy Queen - a very enjoyable weekend overall.
Today has been a success for both NoS and exercise. Just don't let me see a Cadbury egg - I would probably cave for one of them! I know they are pure sugary junk, but I love them anyway - it's a good thing they're only around at Easter!
We're making up February snow days this week, so instead of being out of school all week for spring break, we'll be off on Thursday and Friday...well, that's better than not being off at all!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 3:14 pm
by mimi
Still trying to get some green days and this week has been more fruitful with the vanilla May challenge that our good friend Renee put out there. Three of the five were green - quite an improvement over past weeks.
I know the NoS is the only way for me to live peacefully with food and eating situations. Being in my fifties also, I have had it with diets and dieting. The only thing that they've done for me long term is help me to develop even more issues with food and eating...sad. Like many folks out there, and I've heard it over and over...when I went on my first diet, I wasn't even overweight - I just thought I was.
Anyway, looking forward to babysitting this evening so my daughter and her husband can go out to eat and a movie for Mother's Day. Tomorrow we're all getting together for a Mother's Day cook out at her house. Should be fun!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 3:17 pm
by butterfly1000
Keep it up Mimi! All we can do is keep trying, and take one day or one meal at a time. I too, am striving to have a good relationship with food. For now I'm just trying to stick to the rules of No-S without necessarily changing what I eat at meals. I find that this helps to resist the temptation of snacks (of which are mostly sweets :oops: ). When I feel that I'm going to cave in to temptation, I try to think of how good the next meal is going to be, and sometimes it helps to get over the cravings. Eventually, when I get better at this, I'd like to start making better choices for most meals.

Hope you had a nice Mother's Day!

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 12:03 am
by mimi
Thanks Butterfly! I had a wonderful Mother's Day - it was very special. I just love watching the little grandkids have fun with one another. Spent a good amount of time giving them wagon rides (good exercise for me!) while my children were playing basketball. It was a beautiful day in the Sheanandoah Valley too.
The guys grilled and took care of all the food. My unmarried son's girlfriend made two homemade pies for desert - a strawberry-rhubarb and a Chocolate Heath Toffee pie - oh, my - were they good! My daughter-in-law made a Snickers cake. Of course I sampled a small piece of each one...but it was an S day!
Today, now, has been a struggle - AGAIN. I'm so tired of struggling. I don't know what's wrong and why I can't get back into the NoS groove. I slipped and ate two little cookies this evening - BUT I've got a handle on it now and will drink a cup of coffee if I get the urge to eat.
Thanks again for the encouragement! It means a lot.
Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:48 pm
by mimi
Sad to say that the remainder of May was disasterous for me...a few good days sprinkled in, but far too many over-the-top eating days - and they weren't even S days.
I got so discouraged that I didn't even finish the May challenge...I'm going to do the June challenge with the idea of challenging yourself...I really like that. I will challenge myself to begin NoS anew and get some sort of exercise at least 5 days a week.
Today is a new beginning for me - how many new beginnings I've already had I don't know - but I know that Reinhard says for some people it may take a dozen or more...I think I may be one of those people. But that's okay - I'll pick myself up, brush off the crumbs, and begin anew today. Just for today, I will stick to NoS and not look past the day until day at a meal at a time...

June 1 - NoS: * Exercise: *

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:56 am
by butterfly1000
mimi wrote:Today is a new beginning for me - how many new beginnings I've already had I don't know - but I know that Reinhard says for some people it may take a dozen or more...I think I may be one of those people. But that's okay - I'll pick myself up, brush off the crumbs, and begin anew today. Just for today, I will stick to NoS and not look past the day until day at a meal at a time...
I'm one of those people too, who it may take a dozen or more tries before getting it ... and I'm still trying. Sometimes I feel as though I'm just running on the spot (anyways, that's what the scale is telling me because the numbers aren't going down). I just keep holding on to the hope that one of these days, if I just keep trying, I'll stop running on the spot and really take off, and the scale will start showing it. We can do it Mimi ... one day at a time ... one meal at a time ... :)

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:59 pm
by mimi
Yes, Butterfly, we can...I'm trying very hard and I know it will be hard for the first while, but I can't continue on the downward spiral that I have been on. Thanks for stopping by!

June 2 NoS *
No exercise today - crazy day!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:16 am
by mimi
June 3 - NoS * I took an S event today - long story, but I felt it was the best thing to do under the could have been a disaster with me ending up feeling guilty for "blowing" it and eating over the top - but I didn't, so I feel good about the whole day at a time with one meal at a time. I'm really trying to do that and I'm also trying to work on ridding my thoughts of negative's been creeping back into my life lately and it has got to go! No more!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:27 am
by Grammy G
don't let the negative thoughts win ! Make a list of all the positives and post them 0n your frig!! Do NOT let those negative thoughts in!!! YOU are such a strong woman.. look at all you have done!! this is the end of the school year! Everything and everyone is crazy. go and do something nice for yourself right now. You won't be any good to/for anyone until you are good to yourself and gather your strength. The end of a school year happens only onc a year and should be Special!!( spoken by someone who has been there!!)

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:47 am
by kccc
mimi wrote:June 3 - NoS * I took an S event today - long story, but I felt it was the best thing to do under the could have been a disaster with me ending up feeling guilty for "blowing" it and eating over the top - but I didn't, so I feel good about the whole day at a time with one meal at a time. I'm really trying to do that and I'm also trying to work on ridding my thoughts of negative's been creeping back into my life lately and it has got to go! No more!
Good for you! I think that learning to keep one event from becoming a disaster is a MAJOR thing (and tremendously transferable to other areas of life!)

Congrats! :)

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:09 am
by mimi
Thanks for the encouragement and support, my friends! Just reading your comments this morning has given me the "ooomph" that I need to get through the day! I will make the best success of this day that I possibly can!

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:20 am
by Grammy G
mimi.. where are you???? :(

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:22 am
by mimi
I'm here GrammyG! I'm here - just so crazy busy these last few days...assemblies...packing up my room and moving it...late nights so we don't have to have a teacher work day on trying to get ready for our vacation which we're leaving for next Monday!
Thanks for the concern...I'm doing okay and glad I decided to check in today! If you don't see me for a few more days, don't be alarmed!

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:21 pm
by mimi
Just a recap...I'm still NoESSing and doing pretty well.
Right after school was out my husband and I left for a trip out West - and what a glorious time we had! Got in lots of sightseeing and hiking and my ankle withstood it all.
I came back home and the following week took a graduate course at one of the local colleges. It was a writing class (teaching writing in a collaborative classroom) and was only for one week - grueling, but excellent class. There were outside assignments that I have just finished with.
The week following the class, my daughter and I headed down to the beach with her two children for our annual "beach week." We had a wonderful time and hated to come home. I can't say that I followed perfect vanilla NoS during all this time, but I didn't totally abandon everything to the wind either. I stuck to the basic 3 meals a day with no snacks and S-worthy treats when the occasion came up. I have found that this approach works best while vacationing.
The best surprise of the summer came last weekend when my youngest son and his girlfriend came for Sunday dinner and announced that they were engaged. We are very pleased with their news and looking forward to their wedding which will be in late March or early April. We were sort of expecting to go to Dallas (where she is from) for a wedding, but she wants to get married in Charlottesville where they both live. So, now I have a huge reason to continue with my NoS journey - what better incentive than being the mother of the groom!

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:17 pm
by kccc
What marvelous news, Mimi! Best wishes to all! :)

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:22 pm
by mimi
Thanks KCCC! We're thrilled with the news and they seem to be such a perfect fit for each other.

Had a great weekend and enjoyed my treats! I was thinking about the thread wosnes posted about we are what we eat...if so, I would be tomatoes, cucumbers, and summer squash from the garden. Mmmmmm! How I love summer garden vegetables!
Made a squash casserole this evening and it was so-o-o-o good - very sastisfying. Only had to add some sliced cucumbers and tomatoes and some applesauce. Yum!
It is so much easier for me to live my NoS lifestyle when school is out...the stress is bad and I react badly to it during the school year. This year I am going to work on dealing with the stress in my life. I'm so tired of using food as a coping mechanism.
We go back next Thursday - I can't believe it. The kids come back on the 24th. Here we go!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:00 am
by mimi
Kept all green days last week...went over to work in my classroom for a few hours on several days trying to get ready. Our back-to-school nite is on the first work day (who came up with that?) and so classrooms need to be ready for parents and new students.
Hubby and I took three of the grandkids camping Friday afternoon and Saturday. We had both 2-year-olds (both having birthdays very soon - one is today and the other Sept. 1st) and the youngest, 14 months. My daughter came too and we had a ball. The only treats I had were two Smores.
Here is the worst part...I stubbed my little pinky toe on my right foot on Friday night on the sink cabinet in the camper and it hurt REALLY badly. It swelled and bruised pretty bad and was painful walking.
By Sunday morning it was feeling better and looking better although I couldn't put any shoes on and had to wear flip-flops (nice ones!) to church.
Yesterday afternoon was little granddaughter's 3rd birthday party - a princess party. All the kids came was Cinderella, one was Ariel, one was a knight in shining armor, and littlest one was a dragon. The funniest one was little 2-year-old grandson who came as Batman in his Batman shirt and Batman prince or princesses for him! Hilarious!
Nicole would have loved the cake my daughter made - I'll have to upload a picture. It was a pink castle with purple turrets - a work of art.
We were getting ready to go out and swim and believe it or not, I stubbed my toe again! If it wasn't broken Friday, it was yesterday! After the birthday party was over we headed to the emergency room and sure enough it was broken. So here I am again...with my toes buddy-taped together and wearing a fracture shoe...can't believe it...and I go back to school on Thursday. But as my husband said, at least it's not an ankle and I can drive and walk around, although somewhat painfully. It's amazing how the smallest body part can hurt so much!
We took little granddaughter to a princess tea party this afternoon at the local tea house. My daughter made reservations in advance. It was such a good time and their tea is fantastic. We dressed up and wore big hats and little M. wore one too. What a hoot! We had all kinds of little tea sandwiches, scones, and little sweets. Little M. had her own little teapot of pink lemonade (she didn't want the tutti-frutti hot tea). I think we've started a new tradition! It was so much fun!
Well, that's about it. Had some over-the-top eating yesterday at the party (mostly of sweets - daughter makes the best party mints - pure confectioners sugar and cream cheese and the best chocolate covered mint oreos. Not to mention the cake and ice cream. Oh well - it WAS an S day!
Back to vanilla NoS today!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:44 pm
by kccc
Oh Mimi, I can't believe you're dealing with foot issues again! So sorry to hear that - hope you heal up fast!

The grandchildren and activities sound adorable. You are clearly enjoying them so much - that's wonderful. :)

And I always enjoy seeing you here.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:34 pm
by mimi
Yes,'s downright embarrassing! :roll: I've had several people look at me and say, "I thought you got that thing off!" and then I have to explain that now I've broken my toe. I feel like such a super-klutz!
Went swimming today in daughter's pool, but really just floated around and played with the kids - not really what you would call exercise! It was nice considering it was nearly 100 degrees again today. We sure have had one of the hottest summers on record, but I guess it's been like that all over the country. I'm glad we went out West in June!
Classroom is mostly done - a few things to clean up and all the technology to hook back up - five computers, two printers and a document camera. Smartboard is mounted and so is the projector so I don't have to worry with those. It will take me half a day to figure out all the rest...I'm not very good with it - especially when four of the computers are all linked together.
Green day today. Grilled hot dogs and hamburgers this evening and had corn, cucumbers and tomatoes out of the garden. Yum!

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:51 am
by mimi
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:51 pm Post subject: One Year - 65.2 Pounds! Reply with quote
Today is my one-year anniversary of starting No S. I hope this testimonial helps someone, especially someone who is where I was a year ago. This is going to be long; sorry!

Just the Facts, Ma’am

I started on September 7, 2009, weighing 241 pounds and wearing size 20/22. Today I weigh 175.8, and my pants are size 14 and baggy. I’ve been surprised at how much my weight loss has varied month-to-month:

Month 1 – 7.5 pounds
Month 2 – 9 pounds
Month 3 – 9 pounds
Month 4 – 6.5 pounds
Month 5 – 3.2 pounds
Month 6 – 7.2 pounds
Month 7 – 4.2 pounds
Month 8 – 0.2 pounds
Month 9 – 4.6 pounds
Month 10 – 2.2 pounds
Month 11 – 11.4 pounds
Month 12 – 0.2 pounds

TOTAL: 65.2 pounds!

Thank You’s

First of all to Reinhard for devising this system and telling the world about it. Reinhard, I think you have literally saved my life. I enjoy words, but I know no word that means the amount of gratitude I feel. I have struggled with eating since I was about 15 years old – almost 40 years. As much as I love the weight loss, the peace and calm I feel about eating is even better. You have my profound thanks - forever.

The No S posters have cheered me on, comforted me, inspired me, challenged me, and made me laugh. What an incredibly kind and wise group of people! I’d love to name names, but I’m sure I’d miss someone. Thank you all!

My mother lost a good deal of weight on No S and had the great good sense not to talk to me about it until I asked. Thanks, Mom!

My friends, family and co-workers have been uniformly supportive.

Thanks to James Morrison for singing the song “One Last Chance,†which I listened to over and over again at the beginning when this was hard.

I Like Vanilla, It’s the Finest of the Flavors

I have done only strict Vanilla No S from the beginning – no modifications. This means I had no extra indulgences, but it also means I had no added restrictions. If it fit on a plate and wasn’t a sweet, it was OK on an N day. I DO eat much healthier than I used to; I have fruit and/or vegetables at almost every meal on N days. But I also have a bagel with peanut butter every morning, and I enjoy every bite. The only foods I have eliminated are foods I don’t like.

In 12 months I have had 4 failures.

S Days

I trusted this system from the beginning, and when long-timers (and Reinhard) said not to worry about S days, that was enough for me. I have had some excessive S days, but over time they moderated themselves naturally. I now have a special treat every S day. I have chocolate-covered almonds every Saturday, and usually a bakery treat or ice cream on Sunday. I frequently eat my treats in place of a meal, just because I don’t want that “stuffed†feeling. Healthy? No. I don’t care; it’s what works for me.

Non-Weekend S Days

I’m pretty stingy with these. The following were my non-weekend S days this past year:

November 26 – Thanksgiving
December 24 – Christmas Eve
December 25 – Christmas
January 1 – New Year’s Day
February 12 – Sick Day
March 12, 15 and 16 – vacation days surrounding a weekend
April 15 – birthday

So, 9 days in 12 months.

Why Me?

I’ve wondered why I’ve been successful at this when I’ve failed at so many other diets, and I’ve come up with two reasons. One of the bulletin board posters asked what separated the successful from the unsuccessful No S’ers, and one of the answers was “Desperation.†I was truly desperate. I was turning down activities because I was not sure I could physically do them. I could not stand to look at myself. I knew the people who loved me were worried about my health, but I pretended everything was OK. I strongly believe that this was my last chance to not only change my life, but to SAVE my life.

The second reason relates to an article that KCCC, I believe, posted. It boiled down to this: the one essential requirement to form a new habit is – doing the activity you want to make a habit. You can do it poorly; you can do it wrong, but you have to do it. I was nothing if not consistent. I had times where I was eating big meals, unhealthy meals, synthetic meals, etc. I had to learn a lot about how to eat. But I kept to three meals per day, one plate per meal. I believe consistency was the foundation of success.


Oh, exercise. How I love thee. Or hate thee, depending on how the rest of my life is going. This is where I struggle; when I’m stressed it’s the first thing out the door. The exercise routine that works best for me is this: exercise a minimum of 5 days/week. I take walks on weekend mornings, weather permitting (52 minutes). I walk on the treadmill a couple days per week. I do more intense walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes, and this is the most physically demanding exercise I do. I also try to do a weight-training routine with my embarrassing 3-pound hand weights. This has really made a difference in how I feel and look. However, I will never, ever, swing a sledgehammer around the house, no matter how many sweaters it’s wrapped in!


This section is devoted to people like me, who have a LOT of weight to lose. You may be reading this and think “Crap! I can do this for a year and still be fat!†First of all, YES! You can do this for a year! And the next year! And the year after that! I think I’m pretty well set for the rest of my life, and it’s a stress-free, painless, enjoyable way to eat. I love my food, especially since I can eat it without guilt or recrimination.

Now to the second part of that sentence. I imagine most fat people, like me, have markers – weights connected to specific achievements or memories. Here were mine:

241 – starting weight
239 – yay, I’m in the 230’s!
233 – what I weighed the last time I was weighed at a doctor’s office
231 – 10 pounds lost!
229 - I’m in the 220’s!
225 – my starting weight the last time I lost a lot of weight on Slim-Fast
221 – 20 pounds gone!
219 – I’m in the 210’s!
211 – I’ve lost 30 pounds!
209 – single digits!
201 – wow! 40 pounds!
199 – OMG! My weight begins with the number 1!
191 – 50 freaking pounds lost
189 – 180s. Yippee!
187 – the lowest weight I’ve been in at least 15 years
181 – 60 pounds
179 – I can’t believe I’m in the 170’s

My point is, there are rewards all along the way. I think I was as happy when I lost 10 pounds as I was when I hit 50 pounds. This slow, permanent weight loss is SO worth it.

My Life Now

I enjoy almost every meal. I love the way my body works. I take long walks and think about how lucky I am to be in this beautiful world. I’m starting to think of myself as a sexual being again. I’m happy. None of this was true a year ago.

If you’ve read this whole thing – thanks! I’ll post another update in a year.
Starla, you have inspired me - plain and simple. I have always believed in NoS, and lived it sporadically, but have never REALLY committed to making it my lifestyle. Something inadvertently comes along to throw me off track and instead of making it a failure, marking it, and continuing on, I somehow lose my way. The longest I have ever lived the NoS lifestyle is 8 months - twice. So my *quiet* comittment to myself is to live it for one year and post my testimonial here on Sept. 13, 2011. That's my goal...that's what I'm going to do. I'll post later about how my day went.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:41 pm
by mimi
Well, let me tell you how my day has been so far today...I should have known - I make a renewed commitment to NoS and the sweets have been coming at me all day! My students were giving "All About Me" speeches today, and one brought in chocolate chip cookies she baked. Another boy brought in banana bread that he made and my friend brought me a piece of to-die-for banana-nut bread she only bakes once or twice a year with luscious icing. It didn't stop a student study meeting after school, they provided carrot cake with cream cheese frosting - one of my personal favorites. I did not eat any of the aforementioned sweets...I put them in a baggie, brought them all home, and put them in the freezer. A little voice (I'd have to go back to KCCC's post about voices to see whose it was!) tried to tell me to just eat them and start tomorrow, but I couldn't. I decided that today was the day, and if I caved, I'd never be able to trust myself again.
I feel great about my decision NOT to eat the sweets, but instead save them for the weekend.

Day 1
Ate three plates - that's it, so it's a GREEN day!
GREEN for exercise too! Did a one-mile Leslie Sansone walk before going to school today and just finished a 30-minute walk outside this evening. I am so-o-o-o excited because this is the first in over 5 weeks since I broke my toe. I haven't had shoes on in that long! It's been flip-flops for over a month. It hurt a little, but nothing that would make me turn around and go home.
My weight is another story. It's all-time high for me. I can't believe I weigh this much. I've never weighed this much. But rather than lament over what's already been done, I've recommitted to making NoS my permanent lifestyle and improving from here. It'll be hard, but as KCCC says, "I can do hard things!" I love that line. Focused...that's what I'm going to be.
Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:03 am
by Eileen7316
Great going, Mimi!

I work at a school also (bookkeeper) so I also endure all the temptations, plus I'm usually the one that has to buy them (I'm also the designated baker on most occasions). I have the sole key to the "vault" where all the extra chips, cookies and candy are kept until the next time they're needed. Lucky for me my favorite food items are bread, pasta and cheese; thank goodness there are none of those things in the "vault"! :lol:

I know what you mean about deciding that today is the day. Let's stay strong - we CAN do hard things!

Keep up the good work.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:09 am
by mimi
Eileen7316 wrote:Great going, Mimi!

I work at a school also (bookkeeper) so I also endure all the temptations, plus I'm usually the one that has to buy them (I'm also the designated baker on most occasions). I have the sole key to the "vault" where all the extra chips, cookies and candy are kept until the next time they're needed. Lucky for me my favorite food items are bread, pasta and cheese; thank goodness there are none of those things in the "vault"! :lol:

I know what you mean about deciding that today is the day. Let's stay strong - we CAN do hard things!

Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the encouragement Eileen! I'm glad I'm not the *keeper of the vault* like you are - that would be hard...but, like we said, we can do hard things!

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:13 am
by mimi
Day 2
Began the day with a 1-mile session with Leslie Sansone (I think each one's about 14 minutes). This morning's worked on arms. It's called 5 Day Slim Down. This evening I'll try to get a walk in, but might be difficult because Tuesdays are piano lessons...but I can do hard things! :wink:

Three meals - nothing more today - green

30 minute walk this evening - yay!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:02 am
by mimi
Day 3

Exercise: 14 minutes in the morning, but no evening walk - still green

NoS: green :D

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:03 am
by mimi
Day 4

Exercise: 14 minute LS walk

NoS: breakfast and lunch taken care of; leftovers for supper; should be green!

Actually, it turned out we had school fundraiser country ham and pork loin sandwiches, garden tomatoes, pasta with sun dried tomatoes, and sour cream and onion chips for supper, not leftovers!

I had a proud moment today...another teacher came into my room during my planning time and announced that she was bringing me down dessert. A few minutes later she entered proudly carrying a big slice of red velvet cake. The icing must have been 3/4 of an inch thick! I smiled and thanked her was an awful nice thing to do. After she left, I sat there debating what to do with the cake. The sweet-lover in me wanted to eat it all right then and there. Then I remembered a recent post by Urban Ranger regarding what to do as the recipient of scrumptious sweets. Someone advised her to use the two bite tactic...take two bites and then get rid of it. So I decided that was a good plan to follow. I ate one bite...enjoyed it...and then one more. I put the plate of cake into my desk drawer so it would be out of sight and got back busy with my work until school was over. Before I went home I folded it all up and put it into the trash. I felt good about it too!

So, I am counting today as a green day!

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:19 am
by mimi
Day 5

Exercise: 14 minutes w/ LS this morning

NoS: B:oatmeal, dried fruit, peanut butter toast
L: sandwich, chips, grapes
S: leftover lasagna, salad, garlic bread (that's the plan, anyway)


I'm picking up my two little grandchildren after school today and they're spending the night with us (3 yr. old and 1 yr. old). WHAT FUN!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:26 am
by mimi
Days 6 & 7

S days! Saturday was pretty good. A little more snacking that I would have liked...Sunday, nothing over the top. Had chocolate and a soft-serve ice cream cone. Regular meals - no exercise.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:46 am
by mimi
Day 8

Back to Monday - yay!I felt kind of icky this morning...a good sign that I snacked and ate too much on Sunday, so breakfast was very light. It's amazing what we learn if we really take the time to listen to our bodies. Mine is not happy with me this morning! Lunch will be a BBQ chicken sandwich, pretzels, and grapes. Supper will be meatloaf - and what to go with it is TBD...probably mashed potatoes and some kind of vegetable.

Ended up having mashed potatoes and green beans mixed with diced Italian tomatoes
Exercise - 14 minutes with LS. Hope to get in a walk this evening...we'll see!

Took a 30 minute walk this evening!

Wrapped up two big homemade cookies someone put in my mailbox at school and put them in the freezer for the weekend!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:43 pm
by Starla
mimi, I'm so happy for you! As you know, you were one of the posters who truly helped me at the beginning - and this while you were dealing with some pretty serious problems of your own. I will never forget your kindness to a newbie. I am thrilled if I can help you get back on track.

You KNOW you can do hard things (I love that phrase too). When I started you were in a giant cast, unable to exercise, and getting treats all over the place! Yet you still did No S. That was SO impressive to me. You know, you can read about how No S will become habit and get easier as time goes on. But when I saw how you could stick to it through pain and boredom and enforced inactivity - you made it REAL for me.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:41 pm
by harpista
I'm still rooting for you Mimi :)

You have given me kind (and timely) encouragement in the past, just wanted to let you know I wish you success and lots of green days :D

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:56 pm
by mimi
Thank you Starla and harpista - you both are so sweet and encouraging. I have a feeling that this time is the know how you just know something way down in your heart of hearts? I have done NoS enough to know that it works and brings all kinds of other benefits along with it too (peace, decrease in head chatter, etc.).
After reading your yearly update Starla, I made up my mind that I was going to do it NoS for a year and post my results - just like you!
I have 357 days to go! :lol:

Thanks again!
Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:23 am
by mimi
Day 9

Exercise: 14 minutes with LS and hope to get a walk in this evening!

NoS: B: peanut butter crackers,1/2 banana, yogurt
L: BBQ chicken sandwich. chips, grapes
S: leftovers (meatloaf, etc. from last night) unless something else comes up!

Leftovers it was and a 30-minute walk with hubby this evening. Nice!

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:15 am
by mimi
Day 10

Exercise: 14 minutes with LS this morning. That will be it for today. Green nonetheless

NoS: Green - B: cereal, 1/2 banana. yogurt
L: bologna & cheese sandwich, pistachio nuts, grapes
S: hodge-podge of stuff!

Have been thinking ever since reading something wosnes posted on Jammin Jan's thread about coming back again...I think I will follow vanilla NoS for the time being since it is working well, and then when and if I begin to have troubles, I may have to make adjustments. For right now it will be plain ol' vanilla for me!

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:18 pm
by kccc
Mimi, thanks for your encouragement on my thread... and back at you! :)

I think you're wise to "start simple" and give it a try. If you do decide to go off plain vanilla, I'd recommend the podcast trilogy on mods and tweaks...

Good luck!

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:05 am
by mimi
KCCC wrote:Mimi, thanks for your encouragement on my thread... and back at you! :)

I think you're wise to "start simple" and give it a try. If you do decide to go off plain vanilla, I'd recommend the podcast trilogy on mods and tweaks...

Good luck!
And you know what? I went and listened right away - at least to the first two. I am firm now in my decision to do vanilla NoS - maybe longer than 8 months. Perhaps I need more time to establish my habits and deal with situations as they come up. So, thanks for the reminder KCCC - it was good advice.

Day 11

Exercise: 14 minutes - 1 mile with LS this morning. Thursday is not a walk outside evening. We grocery shop and visit my mother-in-law at the nursing home.

NoS: B: egg and cheese sandwich, yogurt, dried fruit
L: peanut butter crackers, grapes, pistachio nuts
S: probably grabbing something somewhere in the fast food world, but that's not a problem for me (it was Burger King - whopper jr. and onion rings)

Several of my students this year (in one class - and boys :D ) are bakers! They have been asking if they can bring cookies and other homemade things in for the class (we eat lunch with this class). I may have to use the "2-bite" tactic and then lay the item aside until the class leaves. We'll see about what kind and when goodies materialize before I make any decisions about how to handle it.

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:48 am
by mimi
Day 12

Exercise: Green! 14 minute mile with LS this morning

NoS: Green!
B: blueberry pancakes, coffee, juice
L: Peanut butter & jelly sandwich, chips, grapes
S: homemade chicken noodle soup, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, grapes and yogurt - all the talk about soup lately, had to make some! :D
Today was a peanut butter kind of day - couldn't get enough of it! :D

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:38 am
by mimi
Days 13 & 14

S days!
Having my son's three children over tonight so they can go out for their anniversary, which probably means Mickey D's for supper tonight! :wink:
That's okay - they always enjoy us taking them.
Tomorrow all the kids and families are coming for dinner. Maybe going to my daughter's to swim in the afternoon since they will be closing up the pool this week. Sounds strange, since we have been breaking records again for heat in this area for this time of year. Fortunately, it cools off well in the evenings...but our windows will be worn out from all the activity - opening and shutting - turning a/c on and then off again :lol:

Will probably get ice cream cone at MD's tonight for a treat.
Making crockpot beef stew for dinner tomorrow with a side of brown rice. Baking a "dump" cake (dump all ingredients in the pan - no mixing) for dessert and my S treat. There won't be any leftovers to worry about!
Have a plan for both days - we'll see how it works out!

VERY reasonable S days this weekend!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:48 am
by mimi
Day 15

Exercise: Green! 14 minute mile with LS this morning - pouring down rain (what is that?) here today, so probably no walk this evening outdoors!

B: English muffin with melted cheese, grapes, coffee
L: PB&J sandwich, pretzels, grapes
S: leftovers, probably!

failure for Vanilla NoS...hmmm...resisted snacks and candy at late faculty meeting. Then went to a book signing of one of my favorite authors (who happens to be local - lucky for me!) releasing a new book today and then home. I was REALLY hungry and after eating I had dessert...conscious choice - a deliberate red. Mark it and move on! This is my life and I need to learn to accept my failures without wrecking the rest of the train!

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:49 am
by mimi
Day 16

Exercise: green - walk with LS

NoS: green
B: English muffin with melted cheese, grapes, coffee
L: homemade chicken noodle soup, 2 small rolls with marg., grapes
S: pinto beans (in the crockpot), hot dog, chips

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:52 am
by mimi
Day 17

Exercise: oops! Husband threw off my schedule this morning, but that's no excuse! I'll see what I can get in today - although it will be a busy day - clubs after school and church tonight...

B: open-faced PB&J, 1/2 banana, coffee
L: frozen lasagna, grapes
S: salsa chicken (in the crockpot), brown rice

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:17 am
by mimi
Day 18

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS

B; bacon, egg & cheese sandwich, grapes, coffee
L: PB&J sandwich, popcorn, grapes
S: leftovers (salsa chicken & rice)

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:44 am
by mimi
Day 19

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS

B: Cracklin' Oat Bran (dry cereal), blueberry yogurt
L: turkey & vegetable stew, grapes, pistachio nuts

Day 19 and so far, so good...S days comin' up!

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:51 pm
by mimi
Days 20 & 21

S days
Saturday - daughter, kids and I went to an autumn festival - shared a funnel cake and apple dumplings with vanilla sauce...had a really good time. Brought home some kettle corn and ate that later. Ate too many things today "just because I could" and I really need to get rid of that attitude and mindset. Felt yucky by evening and that's a very good indication that I've had too much. I don't like feeling like that. Tomorrow is another S day, and I will tighten the reigns on the treats and eating.

Sunday - woke up early with a migraine...took medicine, siipped coffee and it began to ease so that I could go to church. Only ate two small pieces of bacon because often my stomach is upset when my head hurts. Will take it easy today and should be good by tomorrow.

Note to self: Never, ever, bring 5 candy bars into the house again just because they're priced "5 fer..."

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:06 am
by mimi
Day 22

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS...raining today - probably no walking outside this evening

NoS: green
B: Cracklin' Oat Bran (dry cereal), blueberry yogurt
L: chicken, baked potato, grapes
S: salmon cakes, broccoli, macaroni salad, applesauce, yogurt

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:51 am
by mimi
Day 23

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS

B: Breakfast square, yogurt, coffee
L: PB&J sandwich, grapes, pistachio nuts
S: TBD (late night - music lessons) Stopped at my daughter's on the way home to give her some things and she gave me some Whoopie Pies she made over the weekend. I asked for some from her freezer rather than the ready-to-eat ones because I didn't want to be tempted...had a 20 minute drive to my house! Put them right into the freezer to save for the weekend. Yay me!
Supper ended up bring burgers home from Hardee's combined with salad and fruit at the house...could be worse I suppose.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:45 am
by mimi
Day 24

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS

B: peanut butter crackers, yogurt, coffee
L: PB&J sandwich, chips, grapes
S: spaghetti and meatballs, salad

Hmmm...looks like this day is heavy on the peanut butter :shock:

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:16 pm
by Starla
mimi, you are doing SO well! I'm very happy for you; it looks as if you're in a groove!

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:13 am
by mimi
Thanks so much Starla! Your encouragement means a lot! I keep plodding along - I don't want to start feeling overconfident because I know what can happen. I'm simply working my way towards 365 days of forming habits (both exercise and NoS eating) and see what happens to my body along the way! But thanks again for checking on me!

Day 25

Exercise: none this morning - wasn't feeling very well...

B: Oatmeal Breakfast Square (not very hungry)
L: Lean Pocket, chips, grapes (throw together lunch)
S: leftover spaghetti & meatballs

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:11 am
by mimi
Day 26

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS

B: Bagelful (new - a friend gave me one to try - you store them in the freezer. Could be a good default breakfast)
L: bologna & cheese sandwich, chips, grapes, pistachio nuts
S: crab cakes & ? **edit: nope, it was fast food - crab cakes will be tomorrow

We might be going birthday shopping for our grandson this evening (after school and middle school dance duty - ugh!) and we have to travel an HOUR for a Toys R Us. Our local one went out of it could be fast food tonight on the way...we'll see. Whatever, it'll be green...the habit is growing easier with each day that goes by.

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:17 pm
by mimi
Days 27 & 28

S days! Will report later - so far today, so good. Don't want any more over the top weekends like the last few...

Saturday was very good - treats consisted of a mini Blizzard and one of my daughter's homemade Whoopie Pies - both were delicious and very satisfying.
Sunday was my grandson's 7th birthday party - lots of fun, lots of kids, family and school friends. They had a jumping house and piñata plus plenty of games and fun. We enjoyed ourselves and outside of sampling the cake and snacks I didn't eat anything out of the ordinary. Of course, we stopped for our customary ice cream on the way home - I got a medium cone and enjoyed it.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:48 am
by mimi
Day 29

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS

B: 1/2 PB & banana sandwich, grape juice, coffee
L: Lean Pocket, chips, grapes
S: eating out - Book Club get-together - meeting at a restaurant
** edit: ended up having the house burger and fries plate. It was delicious. There are 8 of us who meet monthly to discuss a book title. This month it was The Help which was one of the best books I've read in a long time...we alternate months - dinner and breakfast. It's amazing how close you grow to your "book" buddies!

Can't believe that Wednesday is weigh-in day for me! One month behind me in my year-long NoS's also my birthday, but we won't talk about that :roll:


Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:15 pm
by tobiasmom
Congrats on almost a whole month on No-S! Your journey is so encouraging to me!

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:22 am
by mimi
Thanks so much tobiasmom! I really appreciate your encouragement! It has been quite a journey for me over the last several years, but I'm not giving up...I know it works - I've tried about everything else and NOTHING has taken care of the "head" issues like NoS does. For me, that is the most important benefit of eating this way. I'm excited about committing for a year to see what happens...I have never stuck with anything for that long - in the diet world anyway! :lol: (My 39th wedding anniversary is rolling up this weekend! What a guy!)
Thanks again and I'll be stopping in on your thread to see how you're doing!
Mimi :D

Day 30

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS
B: cold cereal and milk, 1/2 banana, coffee
L: leftover meatloaf, macaroni salad, yogurt
S: taco soup, tortilla chips, cheese, and sour cream

Tomorrow's weigh in day for one month down!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:09 am
by mimi
Day 31

So it's month into NoS and my year-long committment. I weighed this morning and...

I am down 5 pounds! I can't tell you how much that pleases me. I'm sure in the months to come it will probably not be as much, and that will be okay.

Today is also my birthday, and as I enter a new decade of my life, I hope that I am also entering with an altered way of eating and thinking about food - for the duration of my days. It's time.

Other observations? Living NoS is easier than at the first. I don't have to think, I just do it. I'm not as tempted as I was last month to "go ahead and eat that..."
I've been reminded of, and have really taken to heart, that good enough is just that - good enough...I don't have to be perfect in what I do - no matter what aspect of my life it is. Accepting that truism has really made it easier to continue on each day - in spite of slip-ups. Good enough means I can mark it and move on to the next day/meal/whatever it happens to be.

So...on to journaling about my meals and exercise:

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS

B: Apple Cinnamon Bagelful, yogurt, coffee
L: (default lunch) Lean Pocket, chips, grapes
S: leftover taco soup - have an after-school meeting until 5:30 which means I won't get home until 6...birthday celebration is Sunday with the rest of the
family. Hubby and I go out to eat and to a movie on Saturday for our anniversary...can't wait!

**Edit - celebrated today as a NW S day by having a swirled cone of pumpkin and vanilla ice cream and a peanut butter & chocolate Dove bar a friend put in my birthday card. And that was it - business as usual the rest of the day! There were "munchy" snacks at the after-school meeting, but I didn't think they were S-worthy so I just drank the bottled water.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:40 am
by sophiasapientia
Happy birthday, Mimi, & congratulations on your weight loss! :D

Happy Birthday!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:01 pm
by tobiasmom
Yay! One month! Happy Birthday! And great job on the loss this month. I think I may take your idea and wait a month to weigh. The scale is such a problem for me!

I cannot wait til this is such an ingrained habit in me! That will be awesome!

Hope you have a wonderful day! Any big plans?

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:05 pm
by Starla
Happy Birthday, mimi!

And congratulations on the weight loss and especially your "good enough" realization. It sounds as if this is coming from within, which means it will probably stick around. I am SO happy for you!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:46 pm
by kccc
Happy birthday!

So glad to see you doing so well. :)

Your "good enough is good enough" is a lesson I constantly re-learn myself. We can remind each other!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:31 pm
by good enough
Happy birthday and thanks for the inspiration! :D

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:04 am
by mimi
Thank you so much for all the well wishes and support! You guys are great and the reason I love this board so much! I really feel fortified now to continue on...I can do this!
Don't worry KCCC - I will pop in and remind you that good enough is good enough if the situation ever warrants and I hope you'll do the same for me - I think we suffer with many of the same issues and you have always inspired and helped me so much.
Starla - you know you're my inspiration for this challenge I have issued for myself - one year of NoS (of course I will continue on beyond that - I just want to be able to report after one year!)
Shannon - don't you think that your story isn't inspiring as well! You never gave up either!
Tobiasmom - I'm sure somewhere here in my thread I have explained about my issues with the scale - in short, we have never gotten along! I can handle once a month for the sake of keeping stats of my journey - but daily or even weekly weighing - not a chance...but I know that, and therefore I don't engage in it.
Tofu Queen - your story is an interesting one for me because you are using NoS to maintain your weight loss...I am really interested in seeing how this goes since we all know that keeping lost weight off is a bigger battle for most than losing it!

Day 32

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS
B: bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich, coffee, grape juice
L: Lean Pocket, chips, pistachio nuts
S: TBD - leftovers - a little of this and a little of that!
Had to drink a glass of milk before going to bed due to being hungry! Leftovers just didn't do it this evening, I guess.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:09 am
by mimi
Day 33

No exercise this morning - needed some extra time in bed. Got up at 5:05 instead of 4:40...slept away my exercise time...

B: PB on cinnamon-raisin English muffin, 1/2 banana, coffee, grape juice
L: Lean Pocket, chips, grapes
S: grilled pork chops, cole slaw, applesauce, rolls, and mashed potatoes


Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:59 pm
by tobiasmom
You ARE amazing! 4am to workout?! That's commitment. You deserve the little extra sleep-in to 5! ha.

Have a great weekend!

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:17 pm
by mimi
No...not amazing - just have a lot to do in the mornings...and if I don't get exercise in during the morning, it doesn't happen. Sigh.
So it's exercise, eat and have coffee with hubby, pack lunches, shower and dress, practice piano for at least 30 minutes and then off to school. I like to get there sometime between 7:15 and 7:30 because we start at 8:05.
Just don't ask me what time I go to bed!!!! :lol:

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 10:37 am
by mimi
Days 34 & 35

S days!
B: blueberry pancakes, bacon, coffee, juice
S: dinner out and a movie with hubby to celebrate anniversary

Off to a pumpkin patch this morning with daughter and two kids (1-year-old and 3-year-old). They have lots of FUN activities there and I know the kids will have a ball! I love this time of year!

Sunday afternoon is a birthday celebration with family for me and our daughter. Her birthday is the 22nd. We'll have a good time. Son-in-law is hosting dinner and making us pulled pork bar-b-que. He's had the meat marinating for a few days... Yum! He's a good chef!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:11 am
by mimi
A wonderful weekend! Full of very pleasurable and memory-making events...
Eating was pretty good on Saturday, although hubby and I polished off a large tub of popcorn afterward at the movie.
Sunday was a little more over the top, but not to the point of feeling "icky." So that's good. My daughter made a Chocolate Oreo cake that was to die for - have to get her recipe.

Day 36

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS
B: Breakfast Square, 1/2 banana, coffee
L: some kind of sandwich, chips, yogurt
S: Ladies' Meeting/Pot Luck at church - even though I made this a NW S day, I still feel like I ate too much...I think it was sitting close to a candy dish filled with candy corn and candy pumpkins that did it! I should have learned from a child that too many of those things can really make you feel "icky" really fast...

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:29 am
by mimi
Day 37

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS
B: small bowl of cereal with milk, coffee
L: small container of leftovers from last night, pack of Planters Nut-trition mixed nuts (and I'm taking my leftover chocolate chip bars to school today! Bye-bye!)
S: TBD late evening - music lessons ** edit - ham, mashed potatoes, rolls, green beans and tomatoes, applesauce

milk in the evening - wanted to SNACK - what's that all about? Don't know, but stayed strong - had my right hand ready to SMACK my left hand if need be (can't remember whose suggestion that was, but I like it!)


Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:43 pm
by tobiasmom
So tell me. Do you do the same LS video every day or do you do different videos from her? Is it specifically 14 min or you just turn it off after 14? I have a couple WATP videos, but they are a bit longer. Maybe the 1 mile is 14 minutes?! I don't remember.

Anyway, you inspire me daily. Great job hanging in there daily and pluggin along!

Re: hey

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:11 am
by mimi
tobiasmom wrote:So tell me. Do you do the same LS video every day or do you do different videos from her? Is it specifically 14 min or you just turn it off after 14? I have a couple WATP videos, but they are a bit longer. Maybe the 1 mile is 14 minutes?! I don't remember.

Anyway, you inspire me daily. Great job hanging in there daily and pluggin along!
Thanks tobiasmom! I appreciate your support! The DVD is called "5 Day Slim Down - a Mile Each Morning"
Day 1 - Classic walk
Day 2 - Sculpt your arms
Day 3 - Slim your legs
Day 4 - Trim your tummy
Day 5 - Speed walk
Each day has a 14 min. mile. There is also has a 5 min. warm up walk and a 9 min. cool down walk and stretch. I usually don't do them...I really enjoy a routine that is a little different each day focusing on different areas.
There is also a special feature on Super Breakfasts - the 5 best breakfasts to kick start your metabolism in the morning (15 min.). I'll admit I haven't watched this portion!
Anyway, I hope this helps answer your questions.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:13 am
by mimi
Day 38

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS
B: English muffin with PB, coffee, juice
L: homemade chicken noodle soup, PB crackers, pretzels
S: Polish sausage with peppers, onion, mushrooms, and red potatoes

Milk in the evening to avoid eating something...second night - what's going on?

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:14 am
by mimi
Day 39

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS

B: English muffin w/PB, juice, coffee, yogurt
L: Lean Pocket, chips, nuts
S: ??????? Ended up being grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup

Glass of milk in the evening. Had to bake chocolate chip bars for after a funeral service tomorrow...hard to resist one.

Someone sent a glazed donut down to me yesterday morning and I quickly found out which student had the closest birthday to the date and I gave it away. Shew!

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:07 am
by mimi
Day 40

Exercise: green - 14 minutes walking with LS

B: English muffin w/PB, juice, coffee, piece of banana
L: Lean Pocket, pretzels, nuts
S: ????? kid-friendly food of some kind!

Two of the grandkids are staying tonight while daughter and her hubby go out to celebrate her birthday. Tomorrow the other three will come to stay while their mom and dad go to his 20th high school reunion...
Sunday everyone will be here since my youngest son didn't make it to the birthday celebrations last weekend...I'm ordering pizzas - with kids here all weekend there will be no time to cook...besides, I'd rather play! :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:28 am
by mimi
Days 41 & 42

S days!
Saturday - did fairly well - I mean, I know I can't fail on an S day...but...I think I overdid it a little on the treats. Enjoyed the time with the grandkids, though! Had a morning at the spa that was luxurious - floral foot soak and decadent hand treatment. Loved every minute thanks to my youngest son who believes in giving spa gift certificates for birthdays and Christmas. (His wife-to-be will be very lucky!) First set of kids went home and second set arrived in the afternoon to spend the night!

Sunday - again, okay...but overall, too much food...carry-out pizza with all the family after church. An afternoon outside in the gorgeous weather playing... pizza replay for supper - all the leftovers gone! My son and wife-to-be arrived with another spa gift certificate in hand since they missed the birthday celebrations last weekend. Love it! Looking forward to N days again!

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:33 am
by mimi
Day 43

No exercise this morning...sigh...too much weekend - too tired!

B: TBD - meeting a friend/co-worker this morning for breakfast to plan a meeting. **edit - One egg, whole wheat toast, bacon, oj
L: leftover homemade vegetable soup, nuts - **edit - dropped it on the way into school so had to buy the school lunch - chicken bar-b-q, green beans, french fries, fruit cocktail and milk.
S: late faculty meeting...???plenty of soup left??? - shouldn't have had it for lunch maybe... **edit - Soup it was...but didn't have it for lunch

**edit - RED day...started with dropping my soup in the hallway and making the biggest mess you've ever seen - just went downhill from there. Ended up eating oatmeal brownies left over from the weekend while I graded papers all evening...realize it was stress eating due to the day I had and maybe a little feeling sorry for myself because I had to work all evening.
Anyway, I'm marking it and moving on. It happens.