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alf28's daily check-in

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:03 pm
by alf28
Hi everyone - I'm starting this check-in to create some accountability. I've been following No S on and off for a couple of months, but now want to make this eating plan my default. I think it is the most sensible and least stress-inducing way of eating and I hope to build the habit. I'll report back at the end of each day...

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:38 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Welcome to No-S. I'm looking forward to reading your daily reports. :D

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:48 am
by alf28
Thanks, Jan!

Here's my check-in for day 1 (even though it is an S-day) - success

B: oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar
L: two pita pockets with turkey, apple
D: pasta with pesto, side salad with ginger dressing
evening snack: some raisins

Overall, a pretty good start...

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:19 am
by Jammin' Jan
Looks like a good start. Make sure you get enough to eat. Big portions in the beginning are to be expected.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:30 am
by alf28
Day 2 (S day) - success

B: two pita pockets with cream cheese and jelly, apple
L: salad loaded with veggies, broccoli, very small amount of leftover pasta with pesto
D: whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce

Snacked at various times throughout the day on raisins, pita halves and granola bars - not very happy with the amount of snacking but I figure that will ease up as time goes on...

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:47 pm
by alf28
Day 3 (N day) - not so much a success

Didn't do so well on my first N day...didn't plan well enough because I ended up having my lunch at around 4:00 and eating WAY too much, then made the mistake of following that with a bit of frozen yogurt. So tomorrow is officially going to be day one again...I'm going to plan accordingly so that days like today don't happen very often.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:00 am
by alf28
OK - I'm back after a week of not being conscious of what I eat. I was sort of following No S before I officially joined and I seemed to do better then rather than now. Must be something about "being on a diet" that makes me want to revolt. So, I've decided to recognize and accept that following No S is not me on a's me with a healthy lifestyle. It doesn't end. Instead, it's a sane and healthy way of eating that I am going to make a habit. I'm going to go 21 days without weighing myself (I tend to be a bit of a scale-obsessor) because I've finally realized that, other than eating healthily and exercising, I have no control over what that number is. I've finally realized that if I eat according to these healthy maxims my weight will take care of itself. However long it takes is however long it takes. I want to enjoy life while being healthy and obsessing about food is no way to live. Food, for me, will be the fuel that I need to live and exercise as well as a pleasure to enjoy with family and friends. It has no power over me...instead, I choose when and how I want to fit it into my life. Here's my plan: have one plate three times a day on N days and relax on S days. My only additional rule is to only eat what I truly desire. Whatever it is, I have to really want that specific thing for it to go into my mouth. I need to really think about what I want to eat...think hard, decide what I would enjoy, then eat it and recognize that the meal is over - time to move on to other things. Also, I need to keep running and training. My goal is to be healthy which will only result from eating well and exercising. So, enough of the rambling affirmations. On to the check in:

Day 1 (S day) - SUCCESS

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:46 pm
by alf28
Today, for my own accountability's sake, I wanted to add another pseudo-rule to my No S lifestyle: One or two alcoholic beverages is okay on N days if I'm out at a work/social event, but otherwise save those drinks for S days. Again, it's all about balance and moderation.

And a final personal note to myself: Don't be stupid on S days. Look forward to them, enjoy them, but don't waste them on mindless eating.

Day 2 (S day) - SUCCESS even though it was a bit of a crazy day of eating...