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Lindsay is CHECKING IN!

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:30 pm
by lindsay
It's not a unique story, but it's mine. Backdrop - I would ideally like to weigh 110 lbs (I'm 5'2). I've been as high as 133 and as close as 112. I typically hover at around 124-127. After a recent cleanse and a slight rebound where I've started stuffing my face again (I'm a bit of a binge eater, but not usually with junk food. peanut butter, cereal, etc. are my weakness. However if I have treats in the house I'll nosh those too).

I've wanted to get back to my ideal weight for a few years. Now, with an important event coming up and my discovery of the No-S diet, I know I can make it happen.

I'm a bridesmaid in early June; I've lost 5 lbs and want to continue with 10 more over the next 5 weeks.

Today I had:
B: A smoothie (soy milk, pomegranate juice, hemp protein, greens, bee pollen, ground flax, hemp oil, frozen berries and bananas - all organic). yum yum!
mid-morning - yogi tea with a splash of almond milk. again, yum.
L: A cheese sandwich and salad and a small pear.

Then I had a snack :( --half a honeydew melon. I'm going to try and hold steady till dinner and most importantly after dinner.

Guess this counts as a FAILURE already? Well I'll make it a half-success as long as I don't eat anything else.

'Til tomorrow!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:29 am
by Bee
Congratulations on starting NoS! I think you'll find this is a great way to manage your weight and eat right. I found that snacking was the very hardest thing at first for me. You've got to do your very best to avoid eating between meals as part of the habit building process, but it gets MUCH easier with practice so just keep hanging in there and working on it. And good for you making it a healthy snack instead of a junky one. You're off to a great start!

I am also partly motivated by a wedding that I'll be a bridesmaid in! It is in Dcember 08 so I have longer to go, but I also have more weight to lose, too! I know we can do it!

Good luck!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:32 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Well, at least you snacked on fruit and not Twinkies! Welcome to No-S!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 5:37 pm
by paulrone
Interesting smoothie you had there.

Day 1 Again

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 8:50 pm
by lindsay
Thanks for the feedback and support, everyone! So helpful to know I'm not alone in cyberspace here.

So yesterday I guess I'll count as an "S" day as technically I was home sick from work! Funny that being sick with a cold hasn't seemed to affect my appetite! ahem!

Today has been great. I went to work and everyone told me to go home because I looked like crap (well I suppose that's not so great!) so I did, and I've been feeling a lot better. More importantly, today has been a total success No-S-wise and I haven't even felt like participating in any S activities (unlike yesterday where I was dying to snack all day and eventually did).

B: Another amazing super-smoothie (this one with blueberry juice, ran out of that delicious pomegranate). Paulrone, I highly recommend these smoothies. My live-in BF got me hooked on them and they make me feel like I'm starting the day off right. My only problem before was that I'd treat them like breakfast part I, and then I'd eat a second breakfast when I got to work! Now they're breakfast, period.

L: Very small sandwich with wholegrain fruit & nut bread (BF brought it home for lunch from a local bakery), sharp cheddar, 1/2 T mayo and some French grainy mustard. Yeehaw! Plus a side salad with a spoonful (1 T maybe) of homemade dressing and a tiny handful of croutons. With a small pear for dessert and a tall glass of water I was stuffed!

That's it so far. Tonight I'm probably to eat some leftover wholegrain pasta and a salad. Either that or shredded wheat with berries, which I've been craving!

Oh yeah, and I bought the bridesmaid's dress on ebay today (my first purchase from ebay ever!). It's very small; maybe that's why I'm so motivated today!

I'm crossing my fingers I get through this day; in my experience the first day on anything new/difficult is the very hardest and it's a wobbly downhill after that (some ups, some downs, but in a general downhill direction).

Thursday Afternoon

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:46 pm
by lindsay
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS!! Woo HOOOOOO!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 11:47 am
by mimi
Keep it up Lindsay! You're on your way!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 10:01 pm
by lindsay
Friday - Success
Saturday, Sunday - S-days. I went a little nuts on these days but hey, I guess I'm still within the diet.

It's heeeeerrrree

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:25 am
by lindsay
I got a slip from the post office today that says I have a package waiting that I can pick up tomorrow. I've ordered a few things recently but I'm pretty sure it's THE DRESS. I'm a little worried since I PUT ON 2 pounds over the weekend...but I'm not beating myself up about it - some other very smart people on this board have emphasized that the S-days are about NO GUILT and the good habits just kind of fall into place after awhile. Well I think next weekend I'm going to stick to the no snacking, because snacking is always the number one hands down thing that has made me gain weight in the past. I will, however, indulge in sweets. And maybe seconds, though I am pretty full pretty fast these days.

Anyway today is an N-day and I'm just making dinner. I'm going to take a gamble and say it's a SUCCESS (not really a gamble, I'm pretty determined at this point). :x

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 12:23 am
by lindsay
yep it was the dress. and guess what? it's too big! what gives? it's a junior size and i'm not that small at all. also was at a health fair today and stepped on a body fat indicator scale thingy. 118.8 pounds and 18% bodyfat. bmi of 21. woooo! i was worried i wasn't losing any weight--guess my scale isn't all that accurate.

every day has been a "success" day this week...but it's gotten progressively worse as the week winds down. i'm starving now, it's 5:21 and i'm waiting for the boyfriend to get home so we can eat. i can make it, i know it. hold off!!!!!! hooooooollllllllddddd!!!!! (i'm trying to emulate that scene in braveheart)


Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 2:56 am
by lindsay

On Friday we had our housewarming party and I was cooking up a storm. I knew I would need to be eating outside of meal times so I scheduled it as a special "S" day in advance. Saturday and Sunday were also S days. However I was too long off of N-days, plus I did a bit of virtual plating last Thursday because I almost fainted due to ravenous hunger. So I tried to virtual plate again and it just devolved into snacking and sweets. Yesterday and today. ACK! HELP!! I don't want to throw away all the hard work I've already done. I'm so mad at myself. I made goals, and I want to stick to them. I've just stumbled upon the old mindset of "well, I messed up. might as well keep messing up".

I still really want to reach my 110 goal - more than anything! Tomorrow is a new day!!!!