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Peetie's Plan

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:48 pm
by peetie
Okay, I've resisted doing this. Figured I'd put myself and everyone else to sleep, but here goes nothing...or hopefully, something.

I went 8 days being a good little NOs'er, and then took it upon myself to experiment with a sweet treat before bed on Thursday and Friday night. I have insomnia, and came up with the notion that a sweet snack may shoot up and then drop down my blood sugar so I would sleep better. Seemed to make a bit of a difference on Thursday night, and then Friday (last night), no difference whatsoever. So back to the way this plan was intended.

I guess since this is Saturday, I don't get to restart my counter today? Guess I have to wait til Monday since the week-end is noS anyway.

I guess this will teach me to "go one better".

Down, but certainly not out,

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 3:03 pm
by cvmom

I am sorry that you have insomnia. My stepmother has had it for years and I know how intense it can be. I had a taste of lack of sleep when both of my boys were babies and those few months were harrowing to put it lightly.

I'm sure you have tried a lot of stuff but how about a hypnosis tape? It might work better then food.

Good luck. Dru

P.S. Don't be down about it because this is all a process. You have admitted that it didn't work so no big deal. :D

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 3:10 pm
by JWL
I too have insomnia. I'm a serious night-owl; I can't tell you how many times in my life I've thought, OK, now I'm getting tired, I should probably crash -- only to realize the sun was coming up.

But when I need to sleep, these days I can usually get myself to sleep by lying on my back, with no pillows, and focusing on deep breathing. I take gentle, slow, deep breaths and consciously try to gradually slow down my breathing. If I focus, I find that I can get it slowed down to about 20 seconds per breath cycle (in and out). With this kind of deep, slow breathing you'll fall asleep in no time. At least I do....

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 3:11 pm
by gratefuldeb67

Ha ha! Just kidding!

Yay, Sweetie Peetie is going daily (or whenever...)
Not everything in life is exciting Peetie... But sometimes these little actions we make can add up big time... I think it helps to break down the day and look at it sometimes...There's usually some pattern of successful or not so successful behavior there.
Whether it's mundane or not, having a journal, I believe is a very good tool for success... At worst case scenario, we will all just start to snore simultaneously!
Reinhard, in my opinion, should have more "funny stuff" because then we would see him more often...
(Sorry Reinhard we just miss you when you aren't being "funny"!!! I know, being a new parent, plus full time genius, does tend to take a lot of time and attention! :wink: )
I'm glad we will see you more now Peetie, you sweetie! Hee!
Now rev up the percolator and get ready with a cuppa coffee or you may really fall asleep... Here goes nothing! :lol:
As for the sweets at night incident... I just say... Don't rationalize...
Insomnia sucks and I know how hard it is because when I have it, no rules seem to be able to stick for me!
However, it's better to just "own up" and say "I screwed up, with an excuse..." Like when I was in court the other day... Everyone in front of me kept saying to the judge, "Not guilty..." and then he reminded them that they had to then go to trial if that was their plea... Then they'd switch to "Guilty with and explanation"...
By saying to yourself, "I can't sleep so I will use sweets to chemically alter myself, therefore causing sleep, so now it's okay and legal" you are perpetuating a bad habit... Don't get me wrong... I might have responded the same way, just that I'm suggesting you drop the whole rationalization stuff and just "call a spade a spade"..
Say "I went off plan" or "I screwed up", and then you have something to really work with... You can change a screwup, but a rationalization?? Well that tends to be just evading positive change mentally..
Decide if you want to continue this behavior, and if you don't, just keep saying "I screwed up", but I'm going to work on that... One day, you will succeed! At worst case scenario, you will be accepting failure and responsibilty, and being "true to thineself!", and that is a very worthy reward in itself!
Hey check it out folks!!!!!
I got all pedantic on Peetie!!!
This happens with me sometimes...
I'm stepping down from that soapbox now...
Oh, by the way,,, Yesterday, after a good day, I ended up eating a bowl of Reeses Peanut butter cereal, which I supposedly bought for Richard, who was *also* eating this, and then I thought, misery loves company, since I'm feeling fairly miserable this week, due to being all sad over *my English Petey* (cry, sniff, mope :cry: ) only hours before I made it to an S day... This pissed me off soooooo bad... So this morning the remaining box got dumped...
I made a resolution that we shall not buy sweetened cereal which just lays around like a diet mine waiting to be stepped on! So see I'm not so above *F'Ups!" LOL...)
Love and Peace,
8) Deb...
(Navin, my resistance power isn't what you thought! LOL....)

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 4:39 pm
by peetie
Thank you so much Dru and Freakwich for your insomnia input and sympathy. I have tried just about everything known to mankind, but will try
the breathing thing and also dig out some hypnosis tapes.....just because it didn't help a few months ago, doesn't mean I shouldn't try, try again. Thanks so much, both of you.

And Deb, The High Priestess of this board....thank you so much for your lecture. Okay....I plead guilty by reason of pigginess. No more rationalization or doing it MY way. If MY way was so dang good, I wouldn't be here looking for Reinhard's way!!!!

Since this is Saturday and Sunday, I am going to do a nos Saturday and Sunday, but the way I was doing it with nos. Not the old fashioned way of bozo hogging it all up eating. But, to look at my treats as reward for next week when I'm so good! This will not be a "last supper" week-end, but a nos weekend as they will be from here on out. I know starting on the week-end doesn't get me counter days for my 21 days, but I am looking it as starting anyway....admittedly a little bass ackwards.

Thanks again, guys and gals for your valuable input. I consider myself properly slapped up side the head.


Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 4:52 pm
by gratefuldeb67
More like "HIGH" priestess! LOL....
Thanks Peeters! I was just getting all into being fanatical! You just happened to be the catalyst for that, but my words of "wisdom" from up on high, were intended, just as much, as a self pep talk, and hopefully, something all of us can use... Not just you :)
As for insomnia... Try the Yoga "shoulder stand" pose... If you don't feel like getting out of your warm cozy bed, just put your feet up on the wall and let the blood drain back out of them and into your core...
This is supposedly an excellent way to help insomnia... So just wiggle up to the wall, and let your legs hang up above your body for a few minutes...
Hope that helps!
Okay, I'm really leaving the house now!!!
See you later alligator!
Love and Priests, I mean Peace!
:wink: Deb

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 11:20 pm
by peetie
These S days are cool! I thought I would be bingeing like a maniac, but instead went with hubby for a long walk this morning by the lake and felt really energized. Went to The Cheesecake Factory for lunch and had a decadent salad, then didn't get dessert! We were out most of the day, and on the way home I picked up a piece of carrot cake for later this evening when I love my sweets. I plan a normal dinner, with an abnormal piece of carrot cake for dessert.

And then tomorrow....Day 1 AGAIN. But, I always say, it's not if you fall that counts, it's how fast you pick yourself up again. So, tomorrow I pick myself up and go forward with three meals a day of my chosing. Doesn't sound so terrible at all!


Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 1:59 am
by peetie
Okay. I spoke too soon. Did a little of that ol' last supper eating. I had my pieceof carrot cake, but there was also a slice of chocolate cake in the fridge.
I think if I had known I could have it tomorrow, I would have, but because I knew I would have to wait 5 whole days, I had it. Now I'm quite stuffed and disgusted with myself.

I need to find a way to alter this thinking.

Sadder, but hoping to get wiser,

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 2:11 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Sweetie Peetie!
Tis better to stuffeth thine self with chocolates on an s day, than be a victim of circumstance during the week...
It does take time to be able to master those sweets, but don't kick yourself too much during the process..
As Reinhard would say, don't try to squander your little bit of Willpower in an attempt to be perfect all week (okay that's a big paraphrase....).
Instead really just focus on building your habits during the week...
That is hard enough on it's own... Don't scrutinize your S days... Scrutinize your N days...
8) Deb

Oh by the way, I had a *whole* Hersheys bar for dessert tonight, and a big glass of chocolate soy milk with ice!!! Ahhhh.. How decadent!!! :wink:

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 2:49 am
by peetie
I am SOgratefulDeb!!!!

Thanks so much for sharing your decadence (chocolate on!)
And thanks for the peptalk.

Tomorrow is another week!


Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 6:20 pm
by peetie
Well, back on track with a nos day, and so far so good. Deb's advice to stop scrutinizing my s days and focus more on getting my nos days right was just what I needed to hear. And exactly what I am doing.

So...Day 1, here I come!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:23 pm
by cvmom

When I start to over-analyze or rationalize about No S I just need to go back to the homepage and re-read. What a *No Snack* means to you may mean something different to me. (For example, no potato chips during the week) but to each his own. As long as you have a degree of honesty with yourself then you can do it. (Personally, chocolate anything is flirting with disaster during an N day.)

Last night we had Chinese food and I had to rein in my arm as the No Seconds rule came into my head. I had sufficiently loaded my plate and so I was fine. It was just a habit to reach for seconds. I am happy to say that I did not have seconds. I gave my fortune cookie to the kids and ate a slice of orange for dessert. (I figured that that could fit on the plate).

Have a good week. Don't worry about screwing up. Just get right back on that horse. :lol:


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:31 pm
by peetie
Wow, Dru, that was great! Chinese food just BEGS to refill your plate, so I'd say that was a major accomplishment.

The thing about nos days is, they really aren't bad in themselves. There's actually no reason for my pack-it-all-in-now-cause-it's-Sunday-evening mentality because Monday isn't half bad in itself. There are lots of taste thrills to be had, and just because they aren't loaded with the S word (sugar in this case!) doesn't mean I can't go to taste bud Nirvana in other areas.

Had a turkey burger for lunch yesterday on a whole wheat bun with 1000 Island dressing, sliced tomato and pickle chips and thought I'd died and gone to Heaven.

Day 2 is feeling good!


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:08 pm
by ClickBeetle
That is great, Peetie! Amazing how the world is full of delicious flavors that are real foods. "What?! -- you mean everything that tastes good doesn't have to come in a crinkly packet?"

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:20 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Oooooohhhh! Peetie! I want to try out tastebud Nirvana sometime!
What flavor does it come in? LOL.....
Hope your having a Shangrila NoS day...
ps.. As far as Chinese food is concerned.. At this point, I only have it on S days... I made way too many promises to myself not to eat "the whole thing" and then broke my promise at freakin one in the morning, and then subsequently kicked my own butt the next day!
If you can manage to have one plate of Chinese food, you are truly, a Paragon of NoS power!!!
(credit to Sibyl :wink: )
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:42 am
by peetie
Deb, I'd pay good money to watch you kick your own butt. Better ease up on the prune juice jokes, or I may send somebody to get massaged by you after downing a whole bottle of the stuff!!! Just kidding.....I LOVE your sense of humor.

Food and laughter......two of my favorite things.

Persnickity Prune Pounder Peetie
(say that 5 times fast with a mouth full of dried fruit!)

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:08 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Oooh that could be like a projectile prune incident!!!
Gross man! LOL.... :lol:

Hey, Peetie my precious plum!
With all this Yoga stuff I'm into, who knows...By next year I might just be able to kick my own butt, and scratch my own back with my own foot! LOL...
What would I charge to see this though? A pound of prunes?
Hey did you ever hear the alternate lyrics for the now aging babyboomer generation, of The Troggs "Wild Thing?"

"Prune Juice,,,,
You move me...."
Ha ha ha.....

Wow it's a crazy thunderstorm here now... You can't even see to the next yard from all the rain....
According to my sons camp, they are all now either sitting on buses, or in "The Shed"....
I hope he's safe as the lightning is crazy wild now... I'm really nervous...
I stayed home today to get away from the hideous manager... Could barely get to sleep last night from being very wired and nervous...
Today's the day her visitor is supposedly coming... I didn't want to be there for her... Yeah, not good team spirit, but I need to recoup my energy losses and don't feel like being there so she can make me jump through her little circus hoops to impress her visitor... Let's see how impressive she is all on her own without me to boss around...

See you later prunie-percolator.... LOL.....
(okay I think I'm done with the prune stuff, at least for a little while...)
Thanks again for writing back to my cutie pie! I might create a new account for him with his own avatar, but I'm being lazy so for now, it's just gonna say Gratefuldeb, but it's him doing the writing!
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:16 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Peetie!
I have insomnia!
What's new? How's dried fruit?
Well, see you manana...
Hope you had a groovy day!

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:20 am
by peetie
Insomnia sucks. But as long as we don't use it as an excuse for a midnight refridgerator raid, I think we're doing just fine!

I love your son. My daughter is an adult now.....I'm jealous of the years you have left with him under your roof.

Day 4 and feelin' fine!

Thanks for stopping bye. I miss your prune jokes.


Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:27 am
by gratefuldeb67
Remember to stock up on loads of nutricious, fiberful Prune juice for the weekend Peetie!
I want to make sure you are a "regular" here at NoS!
Huh huh..
(was that corny enough??? LOL....)
I'm signing out now.. See ya!
Glad you like Richie! Me too!
I've gotta get organized and take a photo of us now.. He is so handsome these days!
Hugs and Prunes,

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:20 pm
by cvmom
Hi Peetie:

Just checking in to say hello. How is the weather down there? It is gorgeous here. (We Californias have it so lucky. :lol: )

I hope you have a delicious S weekend.

I loved writing to Deb's son too. My boys are 7 and 11 and I'm trying to savor every moment of their youth. My older one goes to middle school this fall so in a way I feel like this is our last summer together where he will be a boy. I know it sounds melodramatic, but I can already see that he is changing.

Okay, enough introspection. Keep on No S-ing.


Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:53 pm
by peetie
HI Dru,
Sunny and hot, but not humid. My daughter is in Virginia for two years and says I don't know what REAL humidity feels like.

You don't sound melodramatic at all about your boys....just a loving mom savoring the remaining years together.

And Deb.....I plan to be very regular here. Infact, I plan to spend the BULK of my time here. I mean that with every FIBER of my being.

Okay....I'll go now.

p.s. Day 5 and going strong! (Deb...please no double meanings in that one!)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 3:13 am
by peetie
I am not panicking this s week-end. I am not worried about devouring the universe just because I can. I had:

Breakfast: Omelet
Snack: Glazed Buttermilk Donut
Lunch: Luau Salad at Cheesecake Factory
Dinner: Smoked Turkey Sandwhich on Sour Dough Bread with lots of mayo
Small Piece of Costco Sheet Cake

I'm feeling fine. It is Saturday evening here in So. Ca., and I feel done for the day. Totally enjoyable. Totally NOT a binge.


Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 4:48 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hey what do you get when you mix strawberry short cake with costco sheet cake?
Strawberry Short Sheet Cake!!!

I just want to know if it comes with matching pillow cupcakes...
And is it available in all flavors?

Prune, perhaps?
8) Deb

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 1:34 pm
by peetie
Actually, prune doesn't seem that popular these days in pastry and such. I remember as a kid my mother getting prune danish. I guess it's gotten a bad rap through the years with people mercilessly making fun of it!!!!

The Costco sheet cakes are kind of a joke with everyone who knows me. I special order one, which is supposed to feed a party of 24 people. I cut it up and freeze it and it is all for ME. When I want a special treat. Time was, I could plow through several pieces without batting a sugar coma'ed eye, but lately with the nos plan, I am actually eating it as it is intended.

This weekend feels so much easier than the last one. No last supper eating cause tomorrow we diet. We don't diet. We just nos!!!! Huge difference.


Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:57 pm
by peetie
Hi all,
I'm happily chugging along here, but have decided to not try for membership in the 21 day club right now. I have fallen off said wagon a couple times, and think, right now, for me, it is not a tool, but an extra pressure. I need to get more comfortable with the plan before I can go there. Besides, like Groucho Marx said, I wouldn't want to be in any club that would have me!

I am loving the plan, and feeling good about the fact that my weight fluctuations are only a couple pounds. I have been all over the scale throughout my life, and my dream has always been to have a full closet full of clothes that all fit at the same time! I actually think this is going to happen with this sensible, workable, liveable, plan!


Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:00 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yay Peetie! You can be in my gang... It's a gang not a club!
Oh by the way,,,
I just have to ask you,,,
Why a duck?
(Marx Brothers are the best!!!!)
8) Deb

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:01 pm
by gratefuldeb67
How's life prunie Peetie?

8) Deb

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:32 pm
by peetie
Livin' life in the slow lane this week, Deb. Recovering from surgery. Doing fine but so dang tired I can barely move. Guess my bod is trying to find its equilibrium again, so I must be patient.

Odd thing is my husband has offered me whatever "goodies" I want, and nothing appeals! Time was this would have been the perfect excuse to hit the white sugar/white flour like a it was going out of style. Right now the things that appeal are bland proteins (builds the immune system)and soothing soups and things of that nature.

I think I am actually starting to listen to my body, even in less than stellar times. This is amazing! No S got me heading in the right direction and I have no desire to turn back.

Thanks for thinking of me, Deb.


Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:31 am
by carolejo
That's great to hear! Hope you make a full and speedy recovery.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:26 pm
by peetie
Thanks, Carolejo, and I am doing much better. Last night I was craving one of those greasy, sloppy McDonald's Fillet of Fish sandwiches, of all things! My husband got me one, I ate it and rounded it out with a small dish of applesauce. Maybe my body was craving the fat and protein, and maybe there were healthier ways to get it, but I just went with what sounded good, and it set just right (believe it or not!) and that's all I needed the rest of the evening.

Maybe because I have a lot of time on my hands just resting now I am able to be more slowed down and thought out about what sounds "right". I'm not judging....just listening and feel that this is one bout of being under the weather that will not result in rebound bingeing just because I can.

I am also looking REALLY forward to walking again just for the pure joy of it!

Nos.....just what the doctor ordered!


Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:42 pm
by gratefuldeb67
And a prescription of Prunes!

:P Love, Deb!

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:55 pm
by carolejo
It's perfectly OK to eat a junk meal every now and then, I reckon, as long as it's not all the time anyway.

I had one BurgerKing meal in the last 4 weeks since I started doing NoS. I only had the smaller meal rather than a supersized one or one with those mega double/triple whopper burger things (I mean, it is *really* ever necessary or justified to eat something with THREE hamburgers in it...??) and I chose a fresh OJ instead of the coke. It tasted all the better knowing that I could have it if I wanted to, it wasn't 'banned' and although is wasn't a great nutritional choice for lunch, noS left that particular micro-decision to me (to paraphrase Reinhard on the subject *grin*). That certainly didn't count as a failure.

I'm glad you're feeling better with each passing day.
Hope you're fully recovered before you know it.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:59 pm
by peetie
Carolejo, You are so right about the whole attitude of it all. I think since I didn't feel I was doing anything wrong...this less than stellar food product tasted AND felt right in my body. Had I been agonizing about it, I probably would have felt sick afterward and thought, what the hey...may as well add some fries since I'm feeling cruddy anyway!

I am feeling much better, thank you, and, yes, Deb, prunes were definitely part of my recovery!


Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:07 pm
by peetie
Tomorrow I pick up my Costco half a sheet cake. An S gift from me to me. I will cut it up into serving size pieces and freeze them individually for the week-ends. The best part is, I am not afraid I will devour the whole thing as in days gone by. I don't need to anymore. I can have it any week end I want.

And because I am so well fed now, there is no need for "make up" binges. Starving yourself is an open invitation to a binge. Eventually, biology wins out and the survival instinct kicks in.

I love this...okay, you knew this was coming....I get to have my cake and eat it too!


Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:13 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Wow if you can do that, you have the "Will of Steel" award from me!!!
Enjoy your luscious sheet cake... somehow that doesn't sound good to me.. In my mind I keep imagining a client wrapped up in a "sheet" on the table!
Well, I guess it depends on the client! Ha ha ha!!
Just kidding!
Love to Peetovitch!
8) Deb

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:59 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hey Peetie,
Did you have any prune pie today????
How's my girl?
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:06 pm
by peetie
Doing amazingly well, Deb. Thanks for checking in! I am amazed how easy the week days are, and am doubly amazed that the week-ends are so "normal". No binges. No overdoing it on sweets. Makes me wonder where this plan has been all my life!

I haven't been counting, but should probably start. I just assumed I would never make it to the 21 club judging by past history, but I may have done it and not even tallied my days!


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:31 am
by peetie
Oh, what a piggy day I had! Pizza for fudge sundae in the afternoon and KFC (fried chicken and fried potatoes) for dinner. I feel SO bloated....this is the most junky food I've eaten in a day since I started here, and I thought I wanted all this.....Hell, I DID want it, but it has left me feeling bloated, lethargic and not good!

I used to love this stuffed feeling, but no more. I am drinking lots of water to try to counter balance all that salt and can't wait for my clean NoS diet tomorrow.

This is a lesson to me......a day full of junk feels.....junky! I think from here on out I will limit my S days to one treat....maybe 2 a day, but today was over the top and I don't like how I feel.

Felt good going down, but now sitting like a lead balloon in my stomach.

A hard won lesson was learned today.


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:34 am
by carolejo
Hey Peetie!

Nice to see you at last! Like your Avatar, you look great.

I know what you mean about overdoing the junk. I now can't believe that I used to do that all the time. Everything feels so much better most of the time, now I'm not stuffing my cavenous maw with junk from dawn till dusk.


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:50 pm
by peetie
Thanks, Carolejo. I was playing around with the Avatar last night and shocked myself when it actually worked. Guess I am now officially a computer geek instead of just married to one!

I look so puffy this morning after the attack of the salt and sugar yesterday, and don't feel the least bit deprived that I'm not doing it again today. Infact, I am focusing on how great I will feel to be done with the puffiness and bloated feeling by the end of this wonderful SDay. I'm amazed I don't want to turn around and do it all again! Time was, I'd not pay attention to how I was feeling and just go for the junk for that momentary pleasure. Now I want sustained I enjoy, but that makes me feel better after I ingest it too!


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:02 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi there beautiful!!!!!!
8) Deb
Hey Richie just said,
"Hey Peetie's skinny!!!"

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:16 pm
by peetie
Oh, Deb, I always knew Richie was the great love of my life!!!!! Why was he born too late?

Notice this shot did NOT include my hips!!!!!


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:17 pm
by cvmom
Okay Peetie:

You win the Most Glamorous Award :!: :!: :!:

Lovely to see you.

I know what you mean about bloat. I can't stand bloat. I over did it at a beach party last night. I was shoving chips in my mouth like they were going out of style. I didn't feel guilt because I knew it was an S Day but I just felt plain yucky this morning. Bring on the water!

Today is a regular N day for me. My husband is on a business trip so we're not socializing in any capacity.

Again, lovely to finally see you.


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:31 pm
by peetie
Thanks, Dru. Don't know how deserving I am of the award, but sweet of you to say it anyway!

It's neat how we start focusing more on how we FEEL after eating the junk now as opposed to the taste DURING like we used to. I think we get so used to feeling good on our NoS days, that we can actually tell a difference when we overindulge in the junk and realize we don't like this feeling.

I'm going out and getting a bunch of fruit and veggies and feel that I really gained a lot of self knowledge through my "salty" experience. So it wasn't for naught!


Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:30 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hey Prunie..
Saw you browsing..
Wanted to say
Gonna go out soon...
Have a prune filled day!
8) The Debinator!

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:41 pm
by peetie
Yo Deb,
Thanks for the shout out! I am looking forward to this S weekend because of the lesson I learned last week end. No more crazy, bozo eating. It doesn't feel good! It wasn't a full on binge day, last Sunday, but it was way too much junk and I really felt miserable. And I still remember that feeling, unlike my diet and binge days when I would forget after my latest round of starvation because my body was so desparate for calories of any sort I couldn't use my mind to make good, healthy decisions.

Because I've eaten healthy and well this week, I feel fine physically and mentally and know I will make ENJOYABLE choices that aren't to excess or aren't going to leave me feeling like one of those big balloon floats over a parade. I was reward myself as opposed to hurt myself!


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:19 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Sweetie Peetie!
About to hit the hay.. Just wanted to say,,,,,,,,

All Hail the Mighty Prune!!!
Hope you are feeling regular, I mean, good, today! LOL...

Ha ha ha!
8) Devilish Deb

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:40 pm
by reinhard
Peetie, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to pop in here, but you've gotten some excellent advice from others, and seem to being doing well, despite the surgery and some minor setbacks.

Here's a suggestion on how to interpret "sometimes" on S days: plan on three singlish plate meals, plus an absolutely fabulous dessert somewhere. I'm not saying you should add extra restrictions, but just that you lean on your default, weekday structure. Sweets have the most compelling reward value, snacks and seconds are really just license. By putting the emphasis on deliberate, quality sweets on S days, you release a lot of the steam that might otherwise go into pure, unrewarding excess.

The other important advice for S days has already been mentioned: don't worry too much about them. N days are hard enough, and important enough.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:53 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hey look Peetie! Reinhard wrote you!! That should make your day go perfectly! LOL.. Yay Reinhard..

Oh Peetie, I forgot to mention, from the other day, that I love that word
Ha ha ha!!!
No more crazy Bozo eating for us!!!
(I'm still laughing! And if you are laughing enough, your food will fly out your mouth so it's a good diet aide!)
Have a great day!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:46 pm
by peetie
Thank you, Reinhard, I will definitely take your wise counsel to heart. I always do!

And, Deb, confession is good for the soul. I stole that Bozo eating term from a book I read years ago called, "The Cheatin' Eatin' Diet" by Fats Goldberg. His name enough was reason to buy the book! Anyway, the plan was dieting for three days...then a day eating whatever you want, then diet for four days, then eating whatever you want. In other words, two spaced days a week for eating whatever.

It's funny because that plan didn't work for me and the NoS plan is similar, but I'm doing much better, and I think the difference isn't overly restricted on NoS the time I got to my day off with Fats's plan I would do, what he warned against, crazy, Bozo, hogging it all up eating. By the time I get to my days off with NoS, I'm hot overly hungry to begin with because I've been eating like a normal person all week...not starving.

A sad, footnote, is I saw old Fats's obit about a year or so ago. I hope he's now rolling around Heaven with a pizza slice in one hand and a bag of warm, glazed donuts in the other and not a care in the world.


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:53 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Poor Fats...
Peetie you slay me!
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:11 pm
by peetie
Deb, I just slayed myself. After I read your note, I went back and read my "sad footnote" about Fats's untimely demise. And I can't stop laughing! It's like that old Mary Tyer Moore episode when Chucko the clown died and Mary couldn't stop laughing hysterically at his funeral.

Well, laughter AND confession are both good for the soul!

Love ya, Deb!


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:17 pm
by cvmom

You are on a roll today. I just read the word Chucko and I start laughing. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:36 pm
by peetie
Dru, I hope with all this laughing we are burning some calories!


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:56 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yeah!!! My stomach hurts from all that laughing.. Maybe it's gonna give me that six pack I always wanted so much! :P
Hugs Peetie and Drusky!
Time for some lunch....
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:23 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Peetie MD!!!
How are those medicinal prunes treating you today????
Miss you Sweetie Peetie!
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 4:30 pm
by peetie
Deb, All our jokes about prunes, and I have actually found that I love them cooked and over cottage cheese or yogurt. In my dieting days, this would have been a forced meal, but I find I actually like it....kinda sweet and sour...a metaphor for life!

What's interesting to me, is that by allowing myself basically what I want within the NoS confines during the week, I am finding I actually LIKE some things that are good for you.

I always thought once the shackles were off, I'd never eat a thing that had an ounce of nutrition in it, but surprise, body isn't my worst enemy afterall!


Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 7:57 pm
by gratefuldeb67
I actually think that a lot of the things we eat when we are binging or alternately dieting are just rebellious behavior... Once you realize you are truly free and nothing but you are determining what you "should" have, that rebellion isn't necessary anymore... It diffuses, along with our crazy cravings...
(Most of the time! LOL...)

We are stuck in Rainsville today, and it's supposed to go on for the whole weekend... Blech... :roll:
You are lucky to be out in sunny CA!
Enjoy your prunes and curds.. :lol:

Hugs Prunella..
8) Deb

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:06 pm
by cvmom

Do you have "The New Basics Cookbook"? If not, I have to give you a fabulous recipe. It is called Chicken Marbella. It has roasted chicken, herbs, olives, white wine and.............prunes!!! I swear it is delicious.

I'll send it to you if you'd like.


Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:09 pm
by gratefuldeb67

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:32 pm
by peetie
Dru, That sounds delicious. I just got back from Trader Joe's with a fresh bag of the little buggers so I'd love that recipe. Just be sure to send Deb a copy too!


Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 5:51 pm
by gratefuldeb67
I wonder how prunes would be if they were chocolate covered?

8) Deb

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:22 am
by peetie
Well, chocolate covered raisins exist in the civilized world. Remember bridge mix? I just had to send an email to the California Prune Board because I left a pot of prunes on the stove all day and DO NOT want to die from food poisoning transmitted from prunes. It would be the final humiliation. I don't want to even THINK of what my husband would put on my tombstone!!!

Prunie Peetie

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 4:01 pm
by gratefuldeb67
I wouldn't be too worried Peetie..
I think only stuff with dairy and protein are concerns when left out...
But please, no
"Here lays Prunie Peetie, she had a good *run*" tombstones yet!!!

8) Deb
See ya later I have three minutes left on the comp!!! LOL AAAAAAhhhh!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:36 am
by gratefuldeb67
Have you had your stewed prunes and cottage cheese today???

8) Deb

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:38 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Peetie!
It's your future hunk, Richard!
I was just cruisin around Nos, and thought I'd write to you.
If you didn't read, I am starting another 21 day plan.
I'm already done with 2 days.
I hope you're are doing good on Nos too.

Write back to me if you can, I'll look on your thread and mine :D

With hunkness and boxers falling down,
8) Richard

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:55 pm
by peetie
Richie!!! I just wrote to you on your thread. Thanks for remembering me. I've been kinda quiet lately because I've just been walking the walk as opposed to talking the talk about NOS. In plain English, I've been taking Nike's advice: JUST DO IT.

Good for you for doing another 21 days. You're a better man than I am. But we already knew that.

Deb: Be careful with your current fast. Sometimes these things can have a rebound effect. I prefer to eat lots of fruits and vegetables (yes, and prunes) when in cleansing mode, but I always honor other people's paths.


Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:38 pm
by reinhard

Sometimes talking helps doing, other times people talk instead of doing. I guess it feels boring and uninspiring once they've already said it, like it's kind of been done already (even if only hypothetically). A lot of times we do only in order to talk about it afterwards, so by talking about it first, what's the point?

Wishing you continued (silent or verbose) success,


Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 3:30 pm
by peetie
Reinhard: Thanks for understanding the silence. I am finding at this point, that I am enjoying checking in on the board for inspiration and support, and if I see something that I can add to and maybe help somebody, I jump in. Helping others always reinforces the message to ourselves. One of those win/win situations in life.

I am still very pleased with my progress. The biggest difference being the lack of desire for sweets during the week, and the small amount that satisfies on weekends. I believe it's the combination of being well fed, so I can make more rational decisions and am not in a starvation frenzy grabbing whatever sounds good, and just getting out of the habit of eating sweets during the week. I just don't even consider it anymore. I think I have paved a new pathway in my brain. In other words.....created a new, deeply ingrained habit.

Thanks for all the support and wisdom!


Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:15 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Yay Peetie!!!!
You are getting the groove of NOS in your brain pathways!!!!
Right on!!!!

But we love when you write, because it's always funny!!!
That's a reason to write in itself!
*My* personal entertainment..
Just for me!!!

Your future "Mother In Law"... LOL..
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:12 pm
by peetie
Thanks, Deb! I think "you're funny" and "you smell good" are two of my favorite compliments. Since you aren't in a position to judge the second, I am happy to get your positive words on the first.

Your future daughter in law,

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:21 pm
by gratefuldeb67

8) Deb

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:58 am
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Peetie!
I'm about to turn into a pumpkin now, but wanted to say

Been drinking any Prunigator these days???

So bye now..

See you manana!
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:53 am
by cvmom
Hey Peetie.

Good for you on the exercise. What have you been doing? Send me and email so we can catch up.



Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 11:42 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Prunie!

Just thought I'd drop in and send you some fiber filled love!
Thought I'd call you today, but I'll wait till free weekend minutes :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:20 am
by peetie
Hey Deb,
Thanks for the shout out! I haven't had much to contribute here lately, but am maintaining the ol' weight and feeling pretty well.

I do come here to gather more wisdom still, however. And check up on you also! I'm so glad to hear things are going better for you.

Look forward to hearing from you.

(I actually had prunes and yogurt as part of dinner tonight! You must be psychic!!!_