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Bizzybee checks in

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:00 pm
by bizzybee
DAY1 Success

Hi folks, I am starting today.

Anxiety is high about getting hungry, I think since my first pregnancy when I experienced low blood sugar issues...
If it is still a real and not just an imagined problem I'll probably divide lunch into two smaller meals. My problem time is always between 3 and 6. I am planning a large nutritious lunch today around 1:30, I hope it carries me through until dinner.

I'm really excited, think about what I'll be able to do with all the time I have been spending obsessing over food and points and lists.

No Sugar
No Snacks
No Seconds
Exercise - pilates 60 minutes

End of day check-in----------
Wow, I was really hungry before lunch and dinner, but I really enjoyed what I ate. No real funny business except that I forgot to bring my plum downstairs to eat with lunch and so ate it about 3 minutes after my sandwich. I'm calling day one a success, sipping my peppermint tea and going to sleep.

Day 2

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:42 pm
by bizzybee
Day 2 was a success all around, I came to the conclusion that I have not allowed myself to be hungry in years. Man, food tastes good when you are hungry, it smells amazing while it is cooking.

Oddly, sweets have not been an issue, I have had some fleeting thoughts, but knowing that this weekend we have a date-night and I am going to go have something truly delicious has made the sweet thoughts a minor annoyance.

Last night I was truly hungry at bed time, I ended up with sugar cookie sleigh ride tea ( a celestial seasoning brew) but I went to sleep with a rumbly in my tumbly... I'm sure that my body will adapt, I remember that when I was doing some Oprah inspired diet, I had to stop eating at 7:30 and my body adjusted.

I have lunch ready, Kashi frozen pizza, salad and a plum. So, I'm off![/i]

Day 3

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:10 pm
by bizzybee
exercise - cardio + weights

Still dealing with the hunger issues.

Today is on track so far.

Greek yogurt + hemp seed granola + banana

8 inch toasted cheese and veggie sub + baked lays

planned dinner tonight is Lasagna, salad and cantaloupe

Also glass of 2% milk

Day 4, 5, 6

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 10:48 pm
by bizzybee

Friday was great, the hunger was totally manageable.

Saturday was much like a No-S day with the exception of a snack of watermelon, 4 PB M&Ms and 2 mixed drinks with dinner. We went out for sushi and ate too much to even consider dinner. I even went for a long walk and I NEVER purposefully exercise on the weekends.

Today I had leftover sushi for brunch, then a peach after working out, dinner was fajitas at a Mexican rest. I also enjoyed chips and salsa.

It has been a pretty tame weekend. I look forward tomorrow to No S days beginning again. I'm making some egg salad tonight to have for lunch throughout the week.

I was down 3.5 pounds on Friday, we'll see if it holds through the weekend

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:29 pm
by bizzybee
Oh Unexpected S Day!

My plan today was to go No-S.

Then I started to get chills at the grocery store, back home and it became GI in nature as well. So, I had some toast and tea and then a nectarine. I cooked a big dinner earlier in the day for our little family to celebrate Labor Day... now I'm feeling puny and not at all hungry.

Tomorrow will be better.

On the upside, my new pedometer says I walked 11,000 steps today.

One week down!

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:00 pm
by bizzybee
Wow, it has been a week. I am holding steady at 3 pounds lost and frankly after the sushi-fest and many delicious meal I enjoyed throughout the week, I could not be happier. My exercise was pretty consistent, I walked on Saturday and hit the gym on Sunday (which I never ever do). I'm back in a groove where I am not getting too sore from weights or pilates, and that's nice.

What I have learned this week; Big meals last longer. Fiber and fat are filling. Drink a lot of water. Try to be eating by 7:00 every night. Don't stay up really late reading because you will go to be with a growling stomach. Don't be afraid to enjoy the S days.

The next 4 days hold several "events", a potluck on Thursday and a cocktail party Friday night. I'm still trying to figure out a plan. I'm thinking about sticking to No-S for the potluck and switching Friday and Saturday so I can get at least 4 No-S days in this week. Yesterday was a sick day and I am feeling like I need to manage the rest of the week carefully.

Day something or other...

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:19 pm
by bizzybee
I had a cold and forgot to update here and then that became a habit!
But the good news is that I'm hitting my No-S and exercise goals probably 85% of the time and getting better at it.

The hunger stuff that was my big stumbling block the first few weeks has become a non-issue. I often go 6 hours between meals and the anxiety has left me. I still get a bit hungry sometimes but the FEAR of hunger is gone.

I have lost about 6 pounds. I can see myself slowly plodding along to my goal in a way that I never saw before.

I am trying to do two things in the coming week. First, I want to walk 40 minutes a day in addition to weights X 2 and pilates X 2. Then I'd also like to pay a bit more attention to the quality of my meals.

I felt really excellent on Friday. I had an egg and a veggie sausage patty + a frozen blueberry and soy milk smoothie. For lunch I had lentil soup and half a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread for dinner, lots of veggies and a small amount of pork loin. I was never hungry during the day, had good sustained energy. I need to plan my food to be high in protein with a bit of fat and low glycemic carbs.

Tonight is date night, wine and appetizers here I come. [/i]

24 days

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:18 am
by bizzybee
24 days until we leave on our fall vacation to the beach.

22 days until my Birthday

30 days until our 10th wedding anniversary.

I am going to try to climb my own Mount Olympus for the next 24 days.

Just One S- Day! My Birthday

walking 40 minutes per day 5 days per week, in addition to pilates and weights.

Today was a success

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:26 pm
by bizzybee
So... Tuesday was a success, but Wednesday was a failure.

I had 2 lunches (don't ask) and a small cup of yogurt before dinner.

I did work my butt off at the gym, 35 minutes of cardio (average 155 BPM) followed by 7 stations of weight training (mostly upper body)

Today I've made it through a pretty tough pilates class.
Breakfast was leftover hash brown casserole and a soymilk smoothie with raspberries and peaches.

Lunch is soon, I hope...

Another week gone by...

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:02 pm
by bizzybee
I am happy to report 7 successes

It has been a good week for exercise as well. I've hiked and roller-bladed, taken yoga and pilates classes, done a spinning class and hit the weight machines 3 X. I'm basically always sore right now.

Food wise, I have been concentrating on cleaning up my breakfasts and lunches. I am leaving dinners pretty unrestricted. As a result of exercise and more whole foods, less crap, I've lost 3 pounds this week.

I'll be honest, it was easier when I was in the eat whatever I want mode (as long as it conforms to 3 meals and no sweets) so having to think more about quality is a little less fun. I made a huge batch of steel cut oats and crockpotted apple slices. I've been eating that for breakfast every morning with good Greek yogurt for protein. That's easy. But lunch has been a little harder, I like to go out to eat. I have been trying to make a big green salad and a soymilk and fruit smoothie the cornerstones of lunch with some leftover protein or soup. Since I'm feeding my kids at dinner, I make healthy stuff anyway, funny that they are worth it in my brain, but I am not.

starting over

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:13 am
by bizzybee
I haven't been able to string together two successful NoS days in 3 or 4 weeks. I have reasons of course. Birthdays, anniversaries, sickness- mine and my children's, a week at the beach, my list goes on and on. But ultimately my priorities shifted, I stopped keeping track of my new habits and one little apple in the afternoon became a host of snacks every day.

So here I am, I really really want my 21 days. Today we drove home from the beach and I began to get reacquainted with NoSing.

B- ham, egg, ww toast, banana, skim milk

L- ww pita with hummus, baby carrots, apple

D- mexican, one tamale, enchilada, & burrito a few corn chips

This coming week I have one evening event, luckily it is dinner and at a healthy spot, it should be easy to put a good plate together.

I anticipate a pretty low-key week.

Exercise has fallen off due to a back issue and a cold. I did walk a lot on the beach... I'm going to try for 3 days this week, back up to 5 next week.

So, one day of weights and cardio, one day of water aerobics and one day of pilates.
M- water aerobics
T- off
W- cardio and weights
R- pilates
F- off

starting over

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:14 am
by bizzybee
I haven't been able to string together two successful NoS days in 3 or 4 weeks. I have reasons of course. Birthdays, anniversaries, sickness- mine and my children's, a week at the beach, my list goes on and on. But ultimately my priorities shifted, I stopped keeping track of my new habits and one little apple in the afternoon became a host of snacks every day.

So here I am, I really really want my 21 days. Today we drove home from the beach and I began to get reacquainted with NoSing.

B- ham, egg, ww toast, banana, skim milk

L- ww pita with hummus, baby carrots, apple

D- mexican, one tamale, enchilada, & burrito a few corn chips

This coming week I have one evening event, luckily it is dinner and at a healthy spot, it should be easy to put a good plate together.

I anticipate a pretty low-key week.

Exercise has fallen off due to a back issue and a cold. I did walk a lot on the beach... I'm going to try for 3 days this week, back up to 5 next week.

So, one day of weights and cardio, one day of water aerobics and one day of pilates.
M- water aerobics
T- off
W- cardio and weights
R- pilates
F- off

starting over

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:18 am
by bizzybee
I haven't been able to string together two successful NoS days in 3 or 4 weeks. I have reasons of course. Birthdays, anniversaries, sickness- mine and my children's, a week at the beach, my list goes on and on. But ultimately my priorities shifted, I stopped keeping track of my new habits and one little apple in the afternoon became a host of snacks every day.

So here I am, I really really want my 21 days. Today we drove home from the beach and I began to get reacquainted with NoSing.

B- ham, egg, ww toast, banana, skim milk

L- ww pita with hummus, baby carrots, apple

D- mexican, one tamale, enchilada, & burrito a few corn chips

This coming week I have one evening event, luckily it is dinner and at a healthy spot, it should be easy to put a good plate together.

I anticipate a pretty low-key week.

Exercise has fallen off due to a back issue and a cold. I did walk a lot on the beach... I'm going to try for 3 days this week, back up to 5 next week.

So, one day of weights and cardio, one day of water aerobics and one day of pilates.
M- water aerobics
T- off
W- cardio and weights
R- pilates
F- off

Day 1

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:40 pm
by bizzybee
No SFailure
Exercise Success

Starting out with a bang!
I was undone by low blood sugar after working out. I really felt terrible, shaky etc, so I stopped and bought some cottage cheese and a banana.
I did manage to make it the rest of the day though. So a failure but not an abysmal one. I'll plan better today.

smoothie, english muffin

spinach pie

mojo chicken and brown rice

I am not on for exercise today but the vet says my dog gained 7 pounds this year so I think I may start walking him a couple of times a week (he has a big fenced yard and a puppy who visits daily and that has been his exercise) He's 7.5, it might be time for both of us to be exercising more intentionally.

One year later

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:21 am
by bizzybee
I'm not sure of the significance but I am back almost a year to the day. My Birthday was this month. I think it may be self reflection time.

So here I am a year later, a few pounds fatter. Its pretty depressing when I think about my dewey eyed enthusiasm last year and where I thought I would be.

So, I went back to weight watchers and spent about 400 dollars to gain 4 pounds.
The more I diet the more I binge. I remember that when I was in the No-S swing I felt calm and peaceful and I want that back.

Good stuff I'm doing. I am exercising 5 days a week consistently I also subscribe to its a healthy meal planning service. I make healthy delish food 5 nights a week, usually in under 30 minutes. I no longer spend hours planning meals and making grocery lists.

I just need to get the bingey grazing snacking thing under control again.
So here I am. I read through past journals to remind myself of the challenges I feel with No-S; eating enough, feeling hungry after exercise but not hungry before, hungry before bed etc.

I had some very minor surgery today, and I'm in a bit of pain, local anesthetic, a few stitches. I took a nap and when I woke up I felt motivated to get it together, so here I am.

Tomorrow will be my first day. I only have to get through 2 before the weekend. Easy first week right?

My plan for tomorrow is

baked apple oatmeal and greek yogurt with honey, 2 cups coffee


pita and hummus, celery and carrots, sliced apple

smoothie if I need it (using up the Weight watchers ones)

rigatoni with "unbeetable" sauce, garlic bread light caesar salad

hot tea

Also, I will be voting!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:10 am
by blueskighs
The more I diet the more I binge.

that is my experience exactly, glad you are back and hope you have a speedy recovery from your surgery,



Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 1:11 pm
by bizzybee
Thanks for the support Blueskighs.

I am feeling much better today, novocaine really knocks me out. I know its a local but it seems to be somewhat systemic in me.

I am about to put together a lovely breakfast plate and then do some housekeeping. The house is definitely not kept right now, I may have to wade through the children's rooms at some point, wish we had a St. Bernard at the ready.

Day 1

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:15 pm
by bizzybee
It was a success for exercise and NoS. No problems or complaints, healthy food to boot.

Today is day 2 and my plan is

B- oatmeal and Greek yogurt with Blueberries

L- leftover red beans and rice burrito with guacamole

D- Baked rigationi, garlic bread and caesar salad

Day 2-4

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:27 pm
by bizzybee
Day 2 was Friday and I had no problems, I stuck to my plan with the exception of having a turkey sub for lunch instead of leftovers.

I managed 5 days of exercise and am now, on Sunday, still sore from water aerobics and pilates.

Saturday was a good day as well, I had my 3 meals + a late night snack

puffed wheat and skim milk

1/2 club sandwich and 1/2 grouper reuben some fries and a dark beer

fabulous quiche with broccoli and chicken apple sausage, recipe is a keeper it was fast and the kids loved it, salad with goat cheese, beets and walnuts, buttermilk currant whole wheat bread

at bed time a PB sammy

Todays plan
I made brunch - buttermilk currant french toast and sliced honeydew
I may have a smoothie later
and dinner will be getting rid of leftovers, from 3 meals now.

Looking forward to the week starting up again tomorrow, my goals are 5 days of exercise and NoS compliance. Its Halloween weekend and I know already that Friday night might be tough, trick or treating. Saturday night we have a party to attend. I think I need to limit myself in some way on the candy. Perhaps 2 pieces on Sat and 2 on Sunday. I haven't bought any for us. I won't until Friday. DH will probably stay home to answer the door, hopefully he'll give it all away.

Day 1 again!

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:43 pm
by bizzybee
I'm here. That's a good thing. Halloween became a 4 day celebration and then the election, more celebration! So here I am on Thursday wishing I had gotten it together Monday.

I just finished breakfast, DH is taking me out for my favorite salad at lunch time and I am making a child requested dinner of chicken sausage and broccoli quiche for dinner.

This morning my 11 year old went to school as Ptolemy, the astronomer, musician, mathematician etc. I was up late spray painting props and turned down an 11 PM PB&J. I figured I might as well get back in the habit rather than have one more thing before starting again.

9 years later...

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 1:54 pm
by bizzybee
9 years later and 20 pounds heavier, I'm back. I look back at periods of No S success like lighthouses amid the rocks. They were the times I felt at peace with food and my body.

I am now 44 with a 19 year old who is becoming a personal trainer and a 16 year old who is trying out for the national rowing team this summer. So, I did manage to get my kids on healthy footing. I am still married to the kindest most supportive person I have ever known. In general my life is pretty excellent, there is just this one hing, and it's the biggest thing, food rules my life.

So, here I am on a Friday because I just have to make it through one day then can't screw up the next two days. Next week, we head out of town for 4 days for a regional rowing thing in Florida. I was thinking about waiting to start until we got back, but I can still do this.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 2:43 pm
by osoniye
Hi bizybee- It's great that you are back. NoS is indeed a sort of lighhouse!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 9:53 pm
by bizzybee
Thank you for the welcome Osonie.

I'm here and done with food for the day. I guess I'll mark my habit cal in the morning.

I ate breakfast around 11, lunch around 2 and dinner around 6:30.
B- two slices of sprouted wheat toast with butter and low sugar marmalade, I also grabbed a cup of Greek yogurt and my daughter stole it and ate it all, so I dumped a handful of raw almonds on my plate and called it good.

L- I grabbed pizza to go from whole foods and I didn't like it, so I ate about half a slice. I couldn't think of anything else to eat so it was a very light lunch and I was deffinitely hungry by 6.

D- stopped for drive through chicken fingers, fries and coleslaw as requested by family

Other stuff- coffee with milk and truvia X 2. Decaf Irish breakfast
Two sugar free mints
64 ozs of plain water

I will attempt to eat a little more balanced tomorrow, it's an S day and I am starting it by meeting a friend at a chocolate lounge downtown, it's her birthday and it's been planned for a while, I will have something yummy and a cup of tea. Lunch and dinner I will make at home and there will be vegetables! Sunday night my husband and I have a brewery and food truck night planned with some friends.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 1:06 pm
by bizzybee
There were some very delicious meals over the weekend, Mother's Day included a pie. I have a bit of a " I really over-did it" feeling. I did try to stick to the three meal structure and I did not snack or have seconds, I did have a lot of sweets however in addition to my meals.

So, back to it today. We are traveling Thursday - Sunday. We are going to be at a theme park Thursday then a big rowing regatta Friday-Sunday

I'm just going to do my best to stay on track. I might take Thursday as an S day, but Friday should be a pretty normal day.

Food today
Breakfast - protein smoothie
Lunch - egg and cheese quesadilla with salsa
Dinner - tuna burgers and sweet potato fries, salad

I'm going to delay breakfast until I am actually hungry, I'm feeling over fed from yesterday.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:37 am
by bizzybee
End of day wrap up (day 4)
Pretty easy day all around. I did not eat healthy food for the most part.

1:00 - 2 hot dogs, olive oil potato chips (they were healthy hot dogs and whole wheat buns)

4:30 - berry protein smoothie

7:00 - fantastic Reuben grilled on the panini press, sweet potato fries

Also had two cups of decaf, green tea and a Coke Zero

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 10:17 pm
by bizzybee
Day 5 - success
I got a little hungry waiting for it to be noon but it wasnt terrible. I did two meals and a lemonade today. I just wasn't really hungry for my second meal. I hit my water goal, maybe that helped.

Meal 1 - smoked chicken sandwich with cheese, baby carrots and Greek yogurt with blueberries.
Meal 2 - carnitas enchiladas with white beans

Also a San pellegrino limonata, several cups of coffee and tea

So far so good, but I've been here before, Thursday is going to be hard (airplane fun and amusement park) but I am going to try, I may eat big plates and have a beer or two but three plates is my goal. My husband and son are really excited to be having a mini-vacation. I am a little stressed getting ready for it.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 1:19 am
by bizzybee
Day 6 success no s plus Intermittent fasting 16/8

I woke up at 5:30 AM and thought "no way, I can make it 6.5 hours without food, I'm already hungry." But then, I did. I stayed busy and drank tea.

Meal 1 - Reuben, Greek yogurt with blueberries, a couple of tortilla chips
Meal 2- berry protein smoothie
Meal 3 - grilled tuna burger, roasted new potatoes and sweet corn succotash

I am finding that once I make it to noon the rest of the day feels pretty effortless. From there I eat every 3 hours, then I'm all done.

Tomorrow we travel and visit Busch Gardens, my aim is to stay green.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 8:59 pm
by bizzybee
It's been a few days since I last checked in and I am currently very sick and asthma medications are killing my appetite, so I'm not really in a normal cycle.

So, Thursday we flew to Florida and I gave myself the day off from NoS - we went to a theme park and I had sweets.

Friday, I did great, two huge meals no snacks, no sweets and I managed my 16 hour fast
Saturday - I started feeling really sick and without really meaning to, I had two meals no snacks or sweets and 16 hour fast.

Sunday - really sick and flying home, I ate breakfast and lunch but skipped dinner, just too sick.

Monday - today I went to the doctor, had some yogurt and toast for breakfast, no lunch and I will force myself to eat dinner.

I am down 5 pounds from last Monday, ready to feel better and keep going.

I am on day 11. It's Hard to believe.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 2:30 am
by lpearlmom
So sorry you're not feeling well. So hard dealing with chronic health issues. Good for you sticking with NoS even when you weren't feeling well.

I hope you feel better soon!


Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 2:47 pm
by bizzybee
Thank you lpearlmom, I am starting to feel better. Prednisone sucks though, it's been a few years since I have had to take a course, and it's awful stuff.

So, I am here on day 13, still on track which is amazing considering, I have had a vacation, Mother's Day and a major illness. I am down 6 pounds today and I have had a lot of really delicious huge meals these last two weeks.

Steroids always make me retain water so I am thinking I will have a Woosh after Friday as they leave my system.

So, why is this working this time and it didn't the other 300 times I have started and failed? I think the intermittent fasting aspect is the key for me. I find it much easier to not eat anything till noon or 1 and then have three meals in quick succession. I feel satisfied and full, I'm hungry for maybe 30 minutes before that first meal. There have even been a few days where I just had two meals because I had such a big lunch that the 3:00 mini-meal was just not appealing. I really expected to be starving every morning and the first two or three days, I drank a lot of hot tea to get me through, but then I just stopped expecting breakfast. It's interesting. There is something about stretching three meals out to last all day that makes me anxious. But eating lunch and knowing I can have a mini-meal in just a couple of hours seems to make me calmer.

Now, I may be singing a different tune in a week or two, I may find my weekends getting wilder or mornings getting more difficult. Things are always changing but for right now, I feel very in control and calm about food.

I am not exercising at all, can't breathe real well right now. I am not trying to eat healthy food, I eat what sounds appealing. I am also not cooking a lot, and not looking up recipes and writing menu plans. I will have to see if I find that "triggering" as we are just about out of easy food.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 3:36 pm
by bizzybee
Day 14 and I'm still here. Right this very moment I am a little hungry, but I'm trying to wait till noon to break my fast for the day. I am picking up lunch after I run errands. Tonight I am making Caesar salad on naan "pizza", it's a family favorite and super easy to pull together. Last night I made turkey pumpkin chili in my new instant pot and we have no leftovers, which makes me happy as a cook but sad as an eater.

Still pretty sick here, the lingering cough is awful, hoping to get past it by the weekend.

School is winding down here, my daughter is finishing up her freshman year in college and my son is almost done with his sophomore year in highschool. They are good kids, good students, I'm very lucky. My son is off to a navy camp (for rowing) as soon as school ends and my daughter is working full time and trying to become a Pilates instructor. I'm looking at my first summer with kids who are mostly independent, drive themselves, make their own food etc. I need to not make this a summer of boredom eating and use the extra time for writing and house projects.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 4:59 pm
by bizzybee
Day 15 and TGIF

Yesterday was really tough it was my first night of having to negotiate with myself about snacking after dinner. I got through it but it was not easy.

I am very much looking forward to Saturday.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 2:29 pm
by bizzybee
Saturday morning :P

I guess that Saturday morning weight should be my low for the week and so I have lost 3.2 in seven days and 7 pounds in 15 days. I imagine that from here it slows down. I am unsure how much being sick had to do with the weightloss. I do weigh in every morning, I have an app that I really like called happy scale. It gives weight as a moving average and breaks up your goal into milestones, so it says 1.8 pounds to next milestone and that seems very close and easy.

I have no big S plans. I would like to have some good pizza and a beer this weekend. We don't have anything treat like in the house. If something appeals to me, I'll grab it.

So far I've had some whole milk Greek yogurt with fruit and honey.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 2:29 pm
by bizzybee
Saturday morning :P

I guess that Saturday morning weight should be my low for the week and so I have lost 3.2 in seven days and 7 pounds in 15 days. I imagine that from here it slows down. I am unsure how much being sick had to do with the weightloss. I do weigh in every morning, I have an app that I really like called happy scale. It gives weight as a moving average and breaks up your goal into milestones, so it says 1.8 pounds to next milestone and that seems very close and easy.

I have no big S plans. I would like to have some good pizza and a beer this weekend. We don't have anything treat like in the house. If something appeals to me, I'll grab it.

So far I've had some whole milk Greek yogurt with fruit and honey.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 3:47 pm
by lpearlmom
You are doing fantastically bizzy! Great job on not snacking Friday night and your weight loss is very encouraging!

Very cool about your kids. So nice when all our hard parenting works pays off. I did rowing in college. It's such a great sport. He must be pretty good to be rowing for the navy!

I hope you enjoy your summer. Since I'm a sahm, I know I'll be hit hard with the empty nest syndrome. I'm trying to think of some job I can do from home now so I'll have something to do later. Haven't found anything yet!

Enjoy your Sunday!

Linda :)

About rowing

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 4:26 pm
by bizzybee
Thanks lpearlmom
Rowing is a huge part of our lives. My daughter really wants to be a rowing coach, she was a coxswain in highschool. Her passion for the sport is kind of inspiring. She is at a regatta right this very moment rowing a single and coxing a master's 8.

Navy camp is open to anyone with rowing experience and a recommendation from their coach. My son is a decent rower but needs a little more height to be in the upper echelon of male rowers. He does love the sport, but I'd say he loves the social and team aspect perhaps more than the competitive nature of it.

We have a rowing machine in the basement and I'm a always just about to start using it in earnest. My daughter works with adults now and she has women in their 60s in her boat, in incredible shape.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 8:20 pm
by bizzybee
Ah Monday. This week it feels like a relief. Thinking up snacks and sweets for S days was hard work and ultimately less satisfying than I had imagined. I ended up being not hungry for my favorite pizza and Chinese food.

But the brioche French toast I made was quite delicious and sweet and very treat like.

So, today I did a lot of cooking. I roasted a chicken and made awesome chicken noodle soup for my kids who are still sick. Then I made chicken apple walnut salad with the leftover meat. I also cut up honeydew melon and baked a bunch of potatoes. NO TASTING

I'm going to grill burgers tonight and make broccoli slaw.
I had leftover Chinese food for lunch and am not remotely hungry for my 4:00 mini-meal, so I'm having some hot tea and looking forward to being hungry for dinner.

Also, I did weigh in this morning and I was up 3 pounds from Saturday morning which is probably not three pounds of fat gained back, so I'll see what tomorrow brings.