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Pencil necked weenie!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:38 am
by gratefuldeb67
Oh my goodness Prod! I just had to extract that comment as it was so hilarious!
But FYI, yes Reinhard is now a SG adonis, but he never was a weenie, :lol: just mildly overweight...
I suggest you try out the hammers at the hardware store and do some of the chopping and shovelling movements.. That should answer your weight question best... I know Reinhard worked with a 12 lb one for a whole year then upgraded to a 16.... I use a 12 lb one, but when I weighed it on a scale it was really more like 14...
Just see what feels good to you.. It shouldn't feel so heavy that you are straining, but it should be enough to feel it....
Ten pounds would probably feel okay too...
Judge for yourself... This is a great toning exercise.. I have taken a break from it for the past two months, and now my weight is slightly less than when I was doing it more regularly, but my tone is diminishing a bit...
Maybe it's time to pick it up again! It is a lot of fun... 14 minutes is just enough to have a physical benefit, but not so long that it discourages you from doing it... (ie: no need to "make time" like with other longer workouts, and hence it's more non-optional)
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:15 am
by Prodigalsun
Thanks, Deb. I'm thinking about heading to Home Depot tonight.