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Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:30 pm
by laura99
it's day 3 so far great. ok i had 1 piece of chocolate candy but hey i'm doing really good. i cant believe how it feels to have lunch again, i'm so used to having junk food all the time.

i still have a hard time convincing myself that eating normally will help me lose weight, in my head i still believe that you have to starve yourself or buy into some diet program.

i guess i really have to change my way of thinking, all that crap has not worked for me in the long run. i'm really tired of always thinking about what i cant eat and how much.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:05 am
by MerryKat
Welcome to the most amazing plan & place.

Believe it - Eating 3 meals a day Monday - Friday and enjoying your weekends really can allow you to loose weight without all the guilt and trauma usually associated with diets.

Read and re-read the plan on the page till you feel you know it by heart. Follow the rules of the plan even when your brain does not believe what you are doing and you will be amazed at how your relationship with food, your body and your life in general will change and improve.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:29 pm
by Blondie
Believe it--it will work. I lost 25lbs total eating this way, but more importantly, the habit was so sane. Once you trick your body into following the rules (it does take a few weeks to make your body understand that you don't neeeeeeed a snack or a dessert), the habit is mindless and mindful all at once.

Yay. Good luck.