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Marick's Daily

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:35 am
by Marick
Thursday, Feb 7
To myself: I am happy I found this site, which was very much by accident. One night I couldn't sleep so at about 1 am I got up and got on the computer to check out diet stuff. Specifically I was looking for information on the Shangri-La diet, and somehow I found the No S. I was enthralled with what I was reading, in fact I couldn't believe that there was such a person who accomplished this incredible site. I went back to bed at 3am and slept pretty darn good.

The next day I called my sister and we were talking about it and reading pod casts, shovelglove stuff, and the whole site. My sister doesn't have a pound that needs to be shed, but she was excited about the whole concept and how it could help with other areas of life and living. So we are doing this together.

I think all of this was about 8 days ago.

Since then, I set and committed to my ceilings (including the glass one). It was as if something just clicked in my brain and said "this is it."

While I feel confident about this, I don't want to feel "arrogant" as I realize there are always relapse possibilities. So to myself I say: "Keep your head about you, Marick, don't let your mind trick you even one more time!" To my sister I say "Thanks for your everlasting support!"

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:29 am
by Marick
Fri 2/8, great day, kept to my goals, slight hunger now but it's time for bed anyway. Ready to face my weekend with plans for dinner out with DH & friends. Even though it's a S day, I'm hoping on keeping it simple.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:03 am
by Marick
Sat 2/8
River City, Sacramento, Saturday Night, 2nd Saturday Art Night, Festive Midtown..... Took a big party leap and went to Paesano's for dinner with DH and friends. Determined not to overdo on an S day, and really, I don't think I did even though it seemed such a feast.

Hit my glass ceiling with 2 glasses of Toasted Head Chardonnay (huge glasses but 1/3 full....didn't ask how many ounces in each glass, I'm not a fool). Kalua Pork on the coolest pasta, 1 smallish piece of bread. As fabulous as the pasta was, left 1/3 on the plate. Oh, and 2 bites of a joint dessert.

Afterward, wandered around for a bit of a walk enjoying the fun of downtown on a Saturday night, including Dragons & Drums performance leftover from Chinese New Year, a bit of live guitar and late night coffee at Java City and holey moley, free cheesecake courtesy of the resident artist (which I passed up).

So all in all, I feel pretty good about my party night out. Tomorrow on my S/Sunday, the one treat I plan on will be a frozen yogurt (which I will substitute for my lunch) and one game of Spider Solitaire.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:29 am
by Marick
Sunday. I'm glad for Monday coming, it will feel good to be back on the program. I planned my frozen yogurt outing for lunch and after it was gone I kind of wished I hadn't eaten it. Other than that my food day has been orderly, no snacks, no seconds. A 120 calorie breakfast bar in the morning, the frozen yogurt for lunch, and for dinner a baked potato with butter, butternut squash, 8 almonds, a hard boiled egg, and a glass of milk.

Just a few days before arriving at Nos Diet, I had started the Shangri-La program of having 3 Tbl of olive oil a day, timing them so they are no closer to one hour before or after a meal. I have continued with the 3 Tbl daily, as not having red or fatty meats I have minor fat foods in my diet. This also seems to help me with controlling no snacking, as well as no sweets.

Yesterday I realized that Diet Cokes & Diet Pepsies are no longer part of my drink intake. I could easily drink 4 or 5 of them a day even in the winter. Don't know why or how they disappeared from my daily intake, other than I have been having more hot tea. Hopefully the urge to indulge in the diet colas will not return for the hot summer months. I was pretty addicted to them.

My goal for this week is to be more consistent with my exercise program.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:47 am
by Marick
Mon Feb 11
Sometimes I can hardly wait for the end of the day to fill out my HabitCal. I was never motivated by getting stars at Weight Watchers, a 5# pin, or applause (not that it happened that often), but I sure do like filling in a green square on the HabitCal. I guess it's because I see them as progress and the more green means I am gaining a little more strength and discipline as I go along, and I want that more than anything I've wanted in a long time.

As my NoS days continue, I notice I am making deliberate changes in the quantities of food I am dishing out to myself. I wondered this morning when I measured out 1/2 cup of cereal and 1/2 cup of NF milk in a very small bowl how I would manage until lunchtime. Pre NoS I would have gone for at least 1 1/2 cups of cereal. This evening at dinner I prepared 2 pieces of salmon, one 10 oz and the other 8 oz. After cooking, I thought, what am I doing....1/2 of either one of them would be more than enough for DH and myself. I can't believe I did that, and now we have 1 whole piece left to share tomorrow.

This is definitely progress. Now if I could decrease the amount of veggies I put on my plate at lunch and dinner, I would like that too. Even though they are good for me and fillers to, it's the quantity I would like to adjust.

So that is what I'll work on for tomorrow.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:18 am
by Marick
Tues 2/12
Today's goal was to keep portions smaller. For dinner I used a sandwich plate for my half of the leftover salmon, 1/4 C cottage cheese, and one C full of my vegetable mixture of butternut squash mixed with an apple. The preparation was more than that amount, and I put half in the fridge for tomorrow's lunch or dinner. It was a little crowded on that plate, but I'm most pleased that I put half the squash mixture in storage before I sat down to eat. Oh and I had 10 almonds. Breakfast was a 120 calorie breakfast bar, lunch was a "Mr. Pickles" 8" sub sandwich. I ordered a can of Diet Coke, drank half and tossed the rest (which totally amazed me but it just didn't taste as good as I remembered).

When DH and I arrived close to home, I got out of the car and walked the rest of the way. Today I totaled about 3,000 walking steps, a pitiful amount for sure but 2,000 more than I've been doing, which is really pitiful. My sister gave me a DVD of exercising that has you walk 3 miles while watching the leader & her 4 chums, as well as using bands for strength building in the arms. The other day I did the whole thing which took about 45 - 50 minutes and by the end I was huffing and puffing. It was great, and I am vowing to continue with that about 3 times a week. I may not do the full 3 miles all the time and sometimes I may stop at 14 minutes.

It's bedtime and I'm more than slightly hungry, and while that is unpleasant, it's a good sign. Before No S, I never went to bed hungry.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:45 am
by Marick
Wed 2/13
We had to be out & about today for errands and I made it a point to do purposeful walking. By the end of the day I had achieved 4 separate 1,000 step increments at a fast pace. Although I wear a pedometer (which is not to be trusted) I count my steps in 100 step increments until I reach 10 of those. It may not be the most efficient or easiest method, but it satisfies my need to see progress as I walk.

I reread 8 podcast transcripts for refreshers and am going to start a set of punch cards as described in episode 19. This seems like a positive way to take charge of other parts of my life besides my No S commitment.

The scale has also become a habit I want to control. While I know I am on the right track with the program, stepping on the scale daily doesn't show measurable results. My mind tells me that losing a pound every three or four days is very acceptable, but the scale makes me impatient. So from now on, I treat the scale as a No S habit that I need to control, and will have a weigh day on Sunday mornings only.

Egg McMuffin this morning for 300 calories, 6" roast beef sub sandwich for lunch, and for dinner one apple, 2 cups of butternut squash and 10 almonds. 1 coffee, 2 teas, 2 lemon waters. No sweets, no seconds, no snacks. Now that's Sweet!

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:30 pm
by Eileen7316
Good job! It sounds like you're doing great!

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:54 am
by Marick
Valentine's Day

I’m very grateful today. This program and website has helped me immensely. It has kept me on a path. So many times I have gone to the refrigerator and my cupboards in search of something to eat. Anything. Anything not even too big, just a nibble’s worth would do me good. But the thought that I would not be able to make a green light on my HabitCal…..the thought that I would not be able to report in my journal here that I had a good No S day……the thought that I would break my “String of Greens†in the No Snacks, No Sweets, No Seconds categories. Those are the things I am hanging onto, sometimes it feels like my fingers are what’s holding me from falling off a cliff. Because I know that if I break it once, I will break it again, and then I will begin to justify my breaks.

So I back away from the fridge and the cupboards, mantra a little phrase to myself, “No, no, nonoNonono, not going to do it, not going to do it,†and I repeat this little tidbit over and over until I shake off the urges and can bring myself to leave the kitchen.

This stage must be part of breaking the snacking habit, much like giving up smoking, which I did a huge number of years ago and which is probably why I am alive today. So if I could do that then, surely I can do this now.

Today we went to an Indian Casino in the foothills. It was a beautiful drive and a beautiful day, and on the way I thought about what I would do for lunch. It worried me a little bit, but I decided I would just not do the buffet thing. Fortunately for me, they also offered menu listings which I took advantage of.

Something else. I made a commitment in my last night’s journal entry that I was adding No Scale Every Day to my tracker. This morning I got up, and I tricked myself into justifying why I should do it one more time. There was absolutely no justification for it and I made up a silly one and got on the scale. I was not disappointed in the results and I just had a feeling I would have a little breakthrough. But now I am making the commitment, and my weigh days will be Sundays only.

Breakfast: Breakfast bar 120 calories, small 2% milk Java City Latte. Lunch: Half sandwich and salad with fresh lemon squeezed for dressing. Dinner: ½ Trader Joe’s eggplant casserole, 360 calories, 1 Cup of NF milk, ½ oz of almonds, 6 oz Chianti; and throughout the day, 3 T olive oil, 360 calories.

Then, as I stood in front of the fridge after eating my dinner wanting something else to eat, I repeated over and over, No no, nonoNonono, not going to do it, not going todo it, until I finally backed off.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:41 am
by Marick

Breakfast: Banana 100, 1/2 C oatmeal 150; Lunch: Chipotle's vegetarian salad with avocado, 800, diet coke; Dinner: 2 oz Tofu 180, 1/2 C leftover eggplant 250, apple 100, 1/2 butternut squash 100, 1 C NF milk 80. 3T olive oil for the day 360. A whopping 2100 calories.

Held fast with my No Scale commitment, and while I wanted to get on it, I felt a freedom in my decision. I think my addiction to daily weighing was not so much that I was looking for a weight loss, but more that I was checking to see if I had a weight gain. Now that I think of it, and now that I am on the No S, it makes more sense to weigh in only once a week. After all, If I'm on the plan I can be secure that I won't gain weight every day!

I continue to weigh & measure my foods and count calories. I've long had a saying to myself, "If I don't keep track, I lose track."

Looks like I should have been counting today as I went along. If I had something to change today it would be the Chipotle salad, I should have eaten half of it and brought the rest home for dinner (or not have eaten the avocado!). I knew I was full at the halfway point, yet I didn't stop.

Even with the success of No Sweets, No Snacks and No Seconds, I will not be exempt from gaining weight faced with those calories. This is the most calories I've had since committing to No S. I must be more diligent about stopping eating when I know I am full.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:06 am
by Marick

Late breakfast: 2 HB eggs 160, orange 100. Late lunch: 6 oz fish 200, steamed broc & cauli. 75, tomato/cucumber salad 100, 2T LF dressing 70, glass ceiling of two 6 oz glasses of chardonnay 160. Light dinner: Butternut squash sprinkled w/1/4 C uncooked oatmeal 130, 1 C NF milk 80. 1T olive oil/lemon juice & warm water, 3 x day 360 = 1435.

Decided to stay on a No S day as I felt like it. The only difference is the wine which is acceptable as part of my regular meal. Changes I would make would be 4 oz of fish and two 4 oz glasses of wine instead of two 6 oz. Didn't really need the extra, though it was plenty good.

Doing fine on my HabitCal except for the exercising part. I must make the time and effort, but I keep saying I will do it later and of course it doesn't happen. I am going to put it on my punch cards.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:13 am
by Marick
It's tough being a short person! I'm 5'1", and it doesn't take that many calories just to exist, even with plenty of exercise (which I don't get enough of anyway). I mean, before you know it, your calories have crept up beyond what you need! Maybe it's relative.....a 5'8" woman may think the same thing.

I didn't go crazy on my No S day (for a 6' active woman), especially considering what I used to eat pre-No S, but the mounting calories even on a No S day is something I really need to be mindful of.

Breakfast: 1/2 C oatmeal, 150. Lunch: Banana sandwich (1/2 banana & 2 pc bread) 230, 1/2 C pineapple 60. Dinner: 4 oz chicken 240, potato 300, margarine 3T 240, Jello chocolate sugar free pudding 60, 2 4 oz glasses Chardonnay 200. Snack: 8 oz NF milk 80, 1 oz almonds 160. Total rounded up: 1800 calories.

Today was my Weigh Day. I'm just going to go ahead and post my weight, what the heck. I started out with No S at 168, today I was 162, a total of 6 pounds. Next weigh day is next Sunday.

This upcoming week is going to see much more exercise and less calories.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:55 am
by Marick
Breakfast: 1/2 C oatmeal, 1 C NF milk, 1 C canned pineapple, 350. Lunch: Toasted/microwaved cheese sandwich 365. Dinner: 1/2 C oatmeal microwaved w/1 C butternut squash & 1 apple, 1 oz almonds, 1 Tbl Smart Balance 600. Olive Oil for the day: 240. Rounded up to 1600.

I let too many things get in my way of exercising again. I wonder why I do that. Tonight I watched a video my 4 year old grandson jumping up and down, swinging his arms, doing 180 degree turns while jumping, keeping in time to a music video on his TV, having the time of his life. Use it or lose it I tell myself....tomorrow I am going to do my 14 minutes.

I find it so odd that I could tell myself No Snacks, No Seconds & No Sweets and feel so comfortable with it and be able to abide by that decision, yet telling myself "Yes, spend 14 minutes a day exercising" I just can't seem to get myself there. Yet, anyway.

HabitCal: I removed my pledge of "No Spider" and "No Scale" from my goals even though I had them up for a short time, they no longer are a problem to me. I tried to play Spider on Saturday and Sunday, but only did 2 games and they just weren't fun and seemed a stupid use of my time. Also, I found that my pledge to weigh only on Sundays worked well and I no longer feel compelled to start or end my day with a weigh in.

Well, progress and success comes in small doses sometimes!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:05 am
by Marick
BF: Two gardenburger patties 300. Lunch: McDonald's Asian Grilled Chicken salad 360, 2% Latte 150. Dinner: One bowl of salad (greens, 1/2 turnip, 1C butternut squash, small tomato, 1/2 apple, 1/2 HB egg, 5 almonds, squeezed 1/2 lemon & sweetner dressing) 250, 1 C NF milk 80. Olive Oil/Lemon juice/hot water drinks 2 for 240. Total rounded up 1500.

Today I bought the "Mindless Eating" recommended by Reinhard. Looks like interesting reading, and while I know that in the past I have been a Mindless Eater, I guess it's about time I find out why.

Started on my Punch Cards. I understand the concept but not the implementation, so I have done as much as I understand. I have a Monthly, a Weekly, and a Daily, and by golly, I think I just may get some discipline and get some things accomplished. Umm, beginning tomorrow.

No programmed exercise today, spent most of the day out and about running errands, a lot of start and stops, nothing that got my heart pumping so it doesn't count. Exercise is on my punch cards so maybe that will help be a motivator.

I am definitely pleased by what I have accomplished.....the No Spider, No Weigh In, No Snacks, No Seconds, No Sweets, and now my Punch Cards.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:35 am
by Marick

Breakfast: Banana 120. Lunch: McDonald's Asian grilled chicken salad no dressing 360. Dinner: Homemade chunky tomato veggie soup, 4 oz Chianti 335. 2 Tb olive oil for the day 240. Total 1055.

Worked hard on keeping my calories within a reasonable range. Felt really full after my soup (the feeling didn't last long though). Wanted to have something else but I turned my attention to the chore at hand, getting taxes ready. That takes away the appetite!

I realized today, really for the first time, how much I have cut back on eating. Used to be I snacked frequently between meals and at meals went for seconds. And frozen yogurt was almost a daily treat, whether it was McD's or a yogurt shop. Yuuuccckkkkk!

Got my punch cards working, today was my first day and I accomplished what I planned.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 7:35 am
by Marick
Thurs 2/21
Breakfast: Protein Bar, 120, 2% Latte 160 (280); Subway grilled chicken salad no dressing 140, 1/2 portion Baked Lays 60 (200); Dinner: 1/2 C NF cottage cheese 100, 1 oz almonds 190, 1 bread 80, broccoli & greens fortified with 1 C kidney beans 250, (570), 2 T olive oil for the day (240) Total rounded up to 1300.

Put too many items on my Thursday punch card and I got half of them done. It was definitely a positive trial run, I just ran out of day and energy. Ahh, but I did get the sheets changed.....that one was under "Routine."

One of my punch card items is to read a little of Mindless Eating. What a book. Only 35 pages into it and I found myself sprinkled throughout. Three things really stood out and made an impression on me.

Quoting the book: "Most Americans stop eating when they're full, those in leaner cultures stop eating when they're no longer hungry." I read that little gem just before DH and I went to lunch at Subway. I had planned on having a salad anyway so no problem there. But halfway into it, I thought, wow, I'm not hungry, and even though I wanted to continue, I put the lid on it and took it home to finish for dinner. Not something I used to do.

Second quote from the book: "Dish out 20% less than you think you might want before you start to eat. You probably won't miss it." What an idea -- how many times I dished out 20% more than I needed, and after, wished I had not.

Another concept from the book is called "The Mindless Margin," which means being unaware if we've eaten too many calories over what we should have, or too little, in either case it can mean the difference between weight gain or weight loss.

Finally, in talking with one of my sons today about No S and the book, he said eating with chopsticks slows down the time it takes to finish a meal. He was right. I tried it with my dinner and it took a long time to finish that salad. I'm thinking my chopstick skills are going to get pretty good.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 6:40 am
by Marick
TGIF 2/22

Breakfast: Breakfast Bar 120, glass NF milk 80 (200). Lunch: Panera chicken pomodoro sandwich 350, serving of chips 210 (560). Dinner: Tofu stirfry w/broc, turnip, butternut squash (350) Daily olive oil 1 Tbl: (120). Total rounded up 1300.

Kept my olive oil down to 1Tbl as I had the chips at lunch. No fruit today but plenty of veggies.

Worked on my daily punch card, did good but still did not finish it. Exercised & read.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:22 am
by Marick
Sat 2/23

Breakfast: 7 oz butternut squash 80, 1/2 C NF Cot Ch 80, 1/2 oz almonds 80 (240). Lunch: Can sardines 187, 1/4 C NF Cot Ch 80, 3 sl FF ham 60, 5 oz grapes 100 (387). Dinner: 1/2 C granola, 1NF yogurt, Butternut squash, 20 grams raisins, 2 oz banana, 2/3 C NF Cot Ch (505). Glass ceiling: 2, 5 oz glasses of Chardonnay. Bedtime drink: Hot Chocolate (1C NF milk 80, 1 T unsweetened chocolate baking powder 20) (100). Olive oil 1 T (120). Total for day 1500.

A good S day, very happy I did not go overboard, especially since we had company and serving wine, which I held to my glass ceiling.

Did a ton of housework today (company coming, you know), exercised during housework with squats, lunges, hiphop abs, pushing around the vacuum, etc. Pretty darned pleased with myself.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:20 am
by Jammin' Jan
Sounds like you are doing very well on No-S, Marick!

I know what you mean about being 5'1", since I am exactly that height, too.

Maybe I will put "Mindless Eating" on my list of books to read. I liked the quotes you posted.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:31 am
by Marick
Sunday, 2/24

Breakfast: BF Bar (150). Lunch: 1/2 C NF Cot ch 80, Gardenburger 150, Salad 50 (280). Sunday "S" treat: YoCream frozen yogurt, 5 oz, (150). Dinner: Mahi Mahi 330, 1/2 (5 oz) Baked potato 138, 1 1/2 T Smart Balance 120, 2 glasses wine 288 (876). 1 T Olive oil (120). Bedtime drink: 1C NF milk (80). Misc snacks: popcorn 60, cookie 140 (200). Total for day rounded up to 1900.

What I learned from my Sunday "S" day. My favorite treat is frozen yogurt, so at 150 I wouldn't have to do away with that. I enjoy wine for my special S day and had two 6 oz glasses. I could easily have only had one, (or none) but it would have meant leaving 6 oz in the bottle to deal with on Monday. So I slipped it down my throat instead of down the sink. Faulty thinking I know. The cookie was plain stupid. Sure didn't need the potato with the Smart Balance.

Oh yes! Today was my Weigh Day, and I was pleased to see that I lost 2 lbs since last Sunday, and I now am 160. Next Weigh Day next Sunday.

I think I first started the No S around Jan 28, I'd have to go back and check for sure. I started logging in on Feb 7. I have lost a total of 8 exciting pounds for the month. I know a loss of 2 pounds a week may not always be coming my way, but I'm feeling good about the No S program, and with all the help & support.....Discussion group, HabitCal, Punch Cards, Mindless Eating (Volumetrics is next up), Urban Ranger, Podcasts, and Reinhard's extraordinary effort to this site, I think I have a real fighting chance to make it really work this time. At least, I've never been this keen on a program. Oh, and I think I even see a sledgehammer in my future.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:47 am
by Marick
Mon 2/25

Breakfast: 4 oz Banana 100, breakfast bar 150, NF milk w/1 T cocoa, 80 + 20 (350). Lunch: Gardenburger 150, 7 oz apple 105, Butternut squash 5 oz 55 (310). Dinner: Salad (3 sl ham 60, green beans 50, mushrooms 40, lettuces 50; Protein bar 140 (340). Total for day 1000.

I can barely believe I only had 1000 calories for the day. But it was a good menu, plenty of fruit, veggies & protein. And oddly, at the end of each meal I was full.

Ah wait! I forgot to add in my Tbls olive oil! Ok, 1120 for the day.

Well, I am a little hungry right now which is why I'm going to bed earlier than usual (9:45).

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:31 am
by Marick
Tues 2/26

This was probably my most challenging NoS day food wise. Had to get up earlier than usual which meant I ate breakfast earlier and was hungrier by lunch, then had to hold off extra time for dinner and now it's only 8:09 pm and I'm so hungry I'm going to have to go to bed early again. To top it off I ate more than I planned as I was concerned I wouldn't get through the day.

Breakfast: Granola bar w/1C NF milk (230). Lunch: Turkey salad w/croutons, cheese and bread & butter (600...est). Dinner: Gardenburger 150, slice bread 150, apple 100, 1/2 raw turnip 50, 1/2 oz almonds 80 (530). 1 T olive oil (120). Total for day, rounded up 1500.

What I would do differently for the day: Well, I very rarely eat bread and I could have done without it even though it was mighty tasty at lunch, but I wrapped my Gardenburger in a large slice of whole wheat bread which added nothing of interest to the Gardenburger, so I could have done without it, plus I violated one of my own rules: if you don't like it don't eat it.

So now I'm off to brush and floss which is my best deterrent to snacking!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:42 am
by Marick
Wed 2/27

Breakfast: Banana 100, BF Bar 140, 1C hot NF milk w/ 1T unsweetened cocoa 100 (340). Lunch: NF yogurt 80, Protein bar 140, 2oz grapes 40 (260). Dinner: 7 oz Talapia 200, 4 oz apple 60, salad greens w/lemon 50, 1 C NF milk 80, 1/2 oz almonds 80 (470). Olive oil: 2T (240) Total for day rounded up to 1350.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:37 am
by Marick
Breakfast: 4 oz apple 100, BF Bar 140 (240). Lunch: Amy's Lentil Soup, the whole can 300, 1 C NF milk 80 (380). Dinner: Costco's frozen stuffed salmon 330, Green beans & acorn squash 130, 1/2 C pineapple 100 (560). Total for day rounded up 1200.

I must say, I'm getting used to being a tad hungry in the evening and it doesn't really bother me. I notice that by the end of each of my meals I feel full enough and the desire to continue to eat is gone. But about 30 minutes after lunch and dinner my mind turns back to food. I hate that! The thoughts go away after about an hour, especially when I involve myself in a project. Once the thoughts are gone though, I can cope with the later feelings of being hungry, which I am again, right now. Fortunately it's bedtime.

For some reason I'm not inclined to do walking as a fun thing to do. I recognize this about myself but I still won't kick myself in the butt to get out and do this. Most days I do some form of indoor stuff, and recently I've been doing strength training with a band, and what I particularly enjoy are squats, lunges and hiphop abs. However, I'm not consistent with my routines on a daily basis.

I'm noticing some changes in how my levis are fitting (better), and DH has commented several times he's seeing a difference. Now that's a good sign!

Off to bed with me now.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 4:04 am
by Marick
TGIF the 29th

BF: Banana 100, 1 toast w/ham & cheese 300, C NF milk 80 (480). Lunch: Portebella mushroom Gardenburger 90, pear 100, 2% small Latte 160 (360). Dinner: 2 oz smoked salmon 120, 10 saltines 120, 6 oz dark chicken meat 420, two 4 oz glasses chardonnay 200, 7 oz pineapple 120 (980). Daily total 1820.

Well, it was a hefty food day compared to my usual. What I would do differently: Umm, the dinner calories are huge, so in retrospect I would eliminate everything but the wine.

I'm glad February is over. I have a whole new month of Punch Cards to work on with new and exciting tasks to scratch off. New resolution for March: More and consistent exercising. I MUST make this happen! Saying "I'll do it later" to myself is no longer an option! Marick, get with the PROgram!

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:11 am
by Jammin' Jan
Sounds like you're already with the program! Just keep going. :D

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:29 am
by Marick
Sat March 1

I've been posting my calories here thinking that I would go back and print everything off so I could have a record. In retrospect, it's probably not necessary since I'm not doing printoffs and I've started keeping track on my Punch cards anyway.

But seeing my totals has really been an eye opener, and figuring out how easy it is to keep the calories under control by eliminating just one or two items, has made it a very worthwhile project.

Tomorrow (Sunday) is my Weigh Day and in spite of the fact that I've been a steady green on my HabitCal for the 3 No-S's, I am a little nervous about stepping on the scale. I am now regretting not doing my exercises, and that little regret may be a good thing for my resolve coming up for this next week.

My little sister (also a No S-er) kept telling me......"exercising does wonders, you've just gotta do it." It sure has for her, and I guess a little sister can still tell a big sister a thing or two once in awhile.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:23 am
by Marick
Tuesday, Election day for some (but not for me)

Very good weekend, keeping the "S" very reasonable with a couple of treats, still counting calories to keep myself in check.

I never minded counting calories, heck I often even counted them when I wasn't dieting. I should have been an accountant, numbers are my fascination. Actually I don't just count calories, I count fat grams, sodium, carbs, fiber, protein & sugar, yup, all on an Excel spreadsheet. I've been doing that so long I practically have it all memorized, and rather than be too freaky into it, most of the time I just round up rather than deal with odd numbers. I could have Excel do my adding, but I get a perverse pleasure out of seeing how fast and efficient I can add columns. Pretty weird, huh.

Very pleased to announce that I am now into the shovelgloving. I don't have a sledgehammer, and rather than buy one I thought I would check around for a used one (I mean, how do I know how long this will last). But yesterday as I was coming in the back door, I noticed my husband left his pitchfork in my view. I thought.... why not.... a pitchfork. So instead of going into the garden shed, it is now in my living room and I had great fun tonight pitchforking while watching the election returns.

Have also been doing squats and lunges (no weights, maybe some day though), and I can proudly claim some pretty hefty muscles in my thighs. They are R O C K hard. Even DH is now getting into it. After all, when it comes to summer weather, there's no way he can let his wife walk around in shorts sporting more thigh and calf muscles than he has.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:27 am
by Marick
Tues 3/11
This has been an interesting week with lots of tests for myself. Have had a mixture of successful/unsuccessful week days.

Am ok when in control of my own environment, but this past week when out with friends I lost control of my commitment. The last 6 days were concentrated with events, one dinner and two luncheons which included three desserts and 5 glasses of wine (all Non S days). Two of the desserts were shared but were hefty nonetheless. I tried counting my calories but it was guessing at best, and since I didn't keep track I lost track.

And interestingly, once I allowed this to happen, I started weighing myself every day and every night again. I had lost a pound for the week (totaling 9 pounds for my overall loss) but as of this morning my 9th pound came back.

So I have a few basics to return to. (1) No weighing myself until next Sunday. (2) Get back to my HabitCal entries (3) Back to daily Punch Cards (4) Re-read 5 Reinhard Podcasts for the week.

I was at the point of thinking it was stupid for me to continue writing on a daily basis, that once a week would do, but clearly I need this discipline.

One shining light however is that my sister's continued encouragement has finally gotten me to start walking again. My goal (egads I hate to commit this to writing) is to walk 20 minutes on Non S days (it's such a little thing really, why so hard to commit?). I've continued with my low squats and not-so-low lunges, and I'm adding a short burst of stair stepping to my mix after my walks. No shovelglove yet, and my pitchforking is sporadic, so am making a new commitment to it too. The poor thing is just sitting here looking at me.

Well, I feel better for writing in this journal. I need it.