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KCCC's "backsliding" check-in

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:52 am
by kccc
As of 3/15, I'm 3 days into "Fence around the Law" dinners. One plate, NO virtual plating, snacks or seconds.

But a lot of gum and hot tea. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:45 am
by joasia
I can't seem to find a nos groove. I have never done it long enough that I can honestly say it works or does not for me. However, I do feel that even as simple as it is, I obsess: I put too much on the plate, I feel too full I can't be losing any weight, I put too much junk food on my plate. So as much as I would love to eat like a normal person, I feel that years of diets have screwed me up. For me, losing weight means pain and deprivation. I have to take that leap of faith and just trust nos.

How long have you done the program? Are you struggling?

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:36 am
by kccc

I won't lie... even after a year, I do have issues - like this little backslide. And I still do a lot of perma-snacking on weekends. I've made great strides in No-S at work, but have issues with No S at home.

But when I follow it, it works VERY well for me. I love the freedom of just eating food, and not obsessing.

Things that help me...
1) Plan for success, even if that means deciding on a tiny step forward being a success. Set the bar SO low that you think "oh, that's ridiculous, of course I can do that." Until you DO do that for a while, you won't really believe you can and will. Only after you leap your "low bars" can you raise them. No extra leaps, either - just what you said you'd do. (Like 14 minutes of exercise does NOT have to become an hour.)

2) Along with that, build trust in yourself. Actually doing what you said does that.

3) No retribution. My very favorite podcast of Reinhard's is "Strictness." Do listen to it.

And yes, it gets easier. Really.

As far as nutrition...I am fortunate that I actually like a lot of healthy foods. But remember this diet is ONLY about portion control. Make only the changes in food types that are easy for you, and let the rest go for a bit.

One step at a time. And babysteps are still steps in the right direction.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:38 am
by kccc

I'm trying a small tweak... I can still have anything I want, but I have to sit at the table to eat it. I'm thinking that will cut some mindless, habit-based eating. Today was pretty good in that regard - some treats, but no perma-snacking. (That's the habit I most want to break.)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 2:51 pm
by swimfit
something I am trying that is helping me is to eat one of my meals of the day mindfully. paying attention to what I am actually eating, the smell, texture, taste etc. It slows me down and I am learning what I actually like after so many years of dieting and eating what " I was supposed to eat"

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:35 pm
by kccc
Swimfit, I so like that idea in theory.... but I can't seem to do it. Just like I love the idea of meditation, but trying to fit it into my life right now stresses me out too much!

I'm thinking of "eating at the table" as the first "babystep" to move me in that direction. But you've hit on exactly where I hope to go. It's nice to hear that it's working for you.

The one thing I've learned about new habits is to give myself time to build them, and to break them into tiny, tiny bits if I need to.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:27 pm
by kccc
A good S-day - enough treats to feel "treated," but a core of sanity.

Breakfast - usual oatmeal with fruit/nuts, coffee
Lunch - Ham sandwich with lettuce on whole wheat, strawberries. Two (homemade) cookies as S-treat
Dinner - Broccoli-chicken casserole, ww bread, apple and tangerine slices. Two big fat homemade brownies for S-treat.
No additional snacks, no seconds.

The treats were great... and I don't particularly want any more, good as they were.

Had trouble figuring out a "good treat" for today (the cookies were left from yesterday).. .but I was pleased that I looked around for a yummy recipe instead of just eating junk-I-didn't want. :) And doubly-pleased that I feel sated, and recognize that I am.

Oh, and I did 15 minutes of Pilates and a 40 minute walk.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:31 am
by kccc
Monday 3-17-08... a good N day

Breakfast - The usual: oatmeal w/fruit and nuts, OJ, coffee
Lunch - Leftover broccoli-chicken casserole, apple, tangerine
Supper - Black bean and tomato soup, 1/2 bagel, peas and carrots

Exercise: one hour Pilates.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:54 am
by joasia
thank you KCCC,

your points are well taken. I know the diet is really only about portion control, but eating fast food 2 to 3 times a day just isn't good for you in other ways than losing weight. I have been struggling with some health issues that are probably linked directly to my food choices. But I will try to stick to nos without obsessing about every food choice. I really appreciate your kind words. Baby steps is key, I have to get rid of all or nothing.


Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:02 pm
by kccc
Milczar, do you like to cook at all? I do, but b/c of my schedule I usually have to have dinner on the table about 30 minutes after arriving home. So I am the Queen of Fast Food at home! I can cook something faster than I can get in the car and go somewhere.

Quick meals:
- Pasta and variants. Tortellini with pesto, basic spaghetti, Pasta Primavera, Mac and Cheese. Always there, always fast!
- Cheese toast with stir-fried veg on top. (Eat w/ knife and fork. And use GOOD sturdy bread) Still my fave one-person meal.
- Tuna melts
- Quesadillas - you can put great fillings in them
- Salads with sturdy toppings and good bread on the side
- Bean mixes - use canned beans for speed and variety, throw in salsa, some corn, top with a bit of cheese (if you like them with rice, make a big pot of brown on the weekends and freeze in reasonable quantities for quick use)
- Rotisserie chicken - eat one day with veg, make a casserole with cooked chicken the next. (Okay, that's only semi-cooking)

Make small changes where you can. If you must eat out, Subway is better than McD's, etc.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:30 am
by kccc
3-18-08 - success

Br- usual
Lunch - PB&honey on whole wheat, banana, tangerine, carrot
Dinner - Beef stew, bread
2 glasses wine, mostly b/c dinner had to be early

Exercise: Yoga class

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:39 am
by kccc
3-19-08 "Small s day" (Friend's birthday, and I chose to eat a tiny bit of cake. Rest of day was a solid N day.)

Br - usual

Lunch - 1/2 ham sandwich, 1/2 veggie, small portion potato salad. (Buffet served at a meeting... and had one plate only and skipped the ooey-gooey yummy desserts!)

S- very small slice birthday cake

Dinner - Spinach salad, 1 slice bread, 1 slice deli ham

1 glass wine

Exercise: Pilates

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:34 am
by kccc
3-20-08 Success

Br - usual
Lunch - leftover beef stew, tangerine, bran muffin
Dinner - fish, asparagus (yum!), peas and carrots, quinoa, more tangerine.
Glass of wine

Exercise: Yoga class

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:00 pm
by joasia

I love to cook, but don't always have the time. When I do, I do it from scratch. But your fast recipes sound great. I want to cut back on the eating out. It is costly and the portions are huge. I usually resort to sandwiches and soup when I am in a rush.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:41 am
by kccc
Friday (3/21/08 ) - success.

Br- usual
Lunch - buffet lunch at a meeting. Filled over half with veggies, one quarter with lasagna.
Supper - spinach salad with salmon (Yum!)
Two glasses wine.

Saturday (3/22/08) - Sday. Very busy, and did eat more than usual at the end of the day. But it's an S-day. (Did not track well - will do better tomorrow, even though it's Easter.)

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:44 pm
by kccc
Actually, Easter was a "wild" S-day, and I did not track better as planned. Oh well... it was an S-day.

Br- usual
Lunch - salad and pizza. Restaurant meal, served on two plates, and I didn't even think about it. Hm.
Dinner - burrito and chips (again, "meeting food" - but I skipped the brownie)

Br - usual
Lunch - chicken, tangerine, bell pepper strips, chips. Rather a lot of chicken, and I probably should have left some.
Dinner - ham sandwich on whole wheat, salad.
Glass of wine

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:23 am
by kccc
Wed 3-26-08 Success
Br- usual
L- ham sandwich on whole wheat, salad, tangerine
S - "Tower of tortillas," salad
Glass of wine

Pretty good for an emotionally difficult day... I don't think I'm "self-medicating with food" the way I used to.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:23 pm
by joasia
3 solid meals, no attack on the office chocolate bowl, I would say, well done.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:01 am
by kccc
Thursday 3/27/06 Success

And bonus points for NOT getting a snack at the gas station on the way home from a meeting. Good grief, those places have become an assault on your senses if you actually walk in - "food cues" everywhere!! I made it out alive with just water for me and a diet drink for my colleague. Reminder to self: paying at the pump is a good idea.

Br - usual
L - leftover "Tower of Tortilla," salad, tangerine
S - Chicken fajita, chips (Another meeting, not many choices. I'd have liked more veggies.)
Glass of wine

("Tower of Tortillas" is a quick recipe that my family likes. In a cake pan, layer flour tortillas with the following blend and grated cheddar: canned pinto beans [drained], equal amount corn , canned tomatoes with mild chilis [or salsa]. Bake until the cheese melts. Cut in wedges to serve. Easy, fast, cheap, and reasonably nutritious.)

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:02 am
by kccc
Milczar, nice to see you! How are you doing?

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:31 pm
by kccc
3/28/08 Friday - success

Br- usual
L - Final leftovers from Tower of Tortilla; red pepper slices, tangerine
Dinner - ate out at a fave vegetarian restaurant with friends. Teriyaki tofu wrap, broccoli with peanut sauce, one glass of wine. One wonderful plate.

3/29/08 S-day (so far)
Br - usual
Lunch - Planned a ham sandwich for lunch, but realized at the last minute that there wasn't enough ham. As the mom, I had something else... and felt deprived and ate extra stuff. Hm. PB&J, dried apricots, cashews, and a chocolate bunny I'd been saving for dessert. (Planned to eat it later today, though.) And now I feel icky, so I quit. At least I'm catching it fast... and my
"at the table" rule DID help.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:37 pm
by blueskighs

Two things that help me tremendously are Amy's Rice Bowls and Ziploc are Glad microwave steam bags.

A great one plate meal for me is an Amy's Frozen Rice Bowl on one plate surrounded by veggies steamed in the microwave in a Glad or Ziploc Microwave Steam Bags. When the veggies are finished steaming I throw a teaspoon to one tablespoon of high quality olive oil - depending on how many veggies are in the bag and some salt and pepper. I shake it up in the bag and then throw it on the plate around my Rice Bowl. I can usually fit an ounce of nuts are a couple of ounces of baked tofu on the plate. Very satisfying yummy and not much prep or clean up time!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:54 pm
by kccc
That sounds yummy, Blueskighs!

The rest of Saturday was okay - had a real supper, with a couple of cookies after. I felt pretty good about it - indulgences, but no permasnacking.

Today was awful. I don't even want to talk about it. It was an S-day, and I'm letting it go... but I DO need to do better on S-days.

The trick will be how to manage restraint without undermining "S-day freedom" - which I still think is important.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:36 pm
by kccc
Monday, March 31, 2008 - Success

Breakfast - usual
Lunch - Leftover "little sandwiches" (one real serving's worth), fruit salad, red pepper strips
Dinner - Pasta with pesto, fruit salad, cherry tomatoes, broccoli

Exercise - Pilates class (I've been forgetting to track exercise.)

S-day goal

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:43 pm
by kccc
S-day Goal (copied from the general discussion board here to remind me.)

My first rule is still "look at N-days FIRST." If I'm backsliding on them, start there.

The next consideration is "how to put SOME rules in place without undermining the role of S-days?" It's fine balance. I don't want to put on lots of rules and explode. I've seen people do that... and I've done that. Wild S-days are better than losing it completely.

I'm also thinking of the general ideas of No-S - and everyday systems as a whole - about building habits and making decisions easy and clear. And about what I know about myself and habit formation.

So... my current goal is to stop perma-snacking on S-days... at least on "small s" days. It's clear enough - I can still have anything I want, but I have to either plan it ahead (a special treat) or at the very least, sit at the table with it. So, it's not very restrictive. It doesn't limit what, just how.

I'm going to work on that on S-days until I feel I have it down. (That, and remembering to plan real meals and drink water, which don't feel restrictive at all to me.) It may not be less food for a while, but it will be a better habit. And I'll report success/failure on that ALONE for S-days.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:56 am
by kccc
Tuesday, 4/1/08 Success

Breakfast - usual
Lunch - Carrots, apple, cherry tomatoes... and brie and crackers (I'm "using up" party food. But it was one plate-ful!)
Dinner - Pasta casserole with broccoli and tomatoes, strawberries

Exercise - Yoga class.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:08 am
by kccc
Wednesday, 4/2/08 Success

Br - usual
Lunch - leftover casserole (a hefty portion), apple, red pepper strips
Dinner - Stir fry veggies, tofu, rice; pineapple; mini-eggrolls

Exercise: Pilates class. This particular class is turning pretty kick-butt. The instructor thinks we can take it now that we're halfway through. ..I was sore from Monday, and expect to be sore again today. But it's a "good sore."

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:01 am
by kccc
Thursday, 4/4/08 Success

Br - usual
L- more pasta, apple, carrot
Dinner - "salmon burgers", corn, peas and carrots, pineapple slice

Exercise - Yoga class.

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:31 pm
by kccc
Friday 4/5/08 Failure

Made it through the day fine... but at a "retreat" over the weekend, and as we were socializing after dinner, I broke down and lit into the munchies. Wheat thins and hummus... yum. I ate an embarrassing amount.

Other than that, okay.
Br - usual
Lunch (out) - bowl of chicken and dumplings, 1/2 veggie sandwich
Dinner - buffet at retreat - one plate, but I forget all that was on it.
Snack downfall - wheat thins and hummus

On the plus side, today is an S-day, and I'm thinking that I'll have meals with dessert but not many snack opportunities. Which is good.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:55 pm
by kccc
Saturday, 4/5/08 S-day

Ate a big breakfast at the retreat, and a good lunch (one-plate) with a dessert. One plate at dinner, but no dessert... nothing looked good!

I did snack out again in the evening. Ah well. S-day, and more contained than before.

Sunday 4/6/08

Big breakfast at retreat. Lunch was a mess... at home, off-schedule with everyone else, nothing in the house I wanted to cook... I ate cheese and crackers, nuts, all the snacky stuff.

But it was at the table. And I'm done.

Will have a real dinner. Not sure what yet, but it will be "real food."

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:54 am
by kccc
Monday, 4/7/08 success

Br - usual
L - spinach salad with chicken (out, so kind of big), crackers
D - veggie quiche, broccoli

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:51 pm
by kccc
Tuesday 4/8/09 Failure

Not a bad one - seconds at dinner was all. But I'm counting it.

Br - usual
L - quiche, apple, carrot
S - 3 slices pizza, two of which were planned and one extra

Feeling sick, which is why we had pizza instead of a proper meal. I had a "pity" slice before going to bed early.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:20 pm
by kccc
Wednesday 4/9/08
Special day

A friend's b'day, and I had one slice of cake. Rest of day on target.

B - usual
L - leftover pizza (2 slices!), apple
D - salmon, potato, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:48 pm
by kccc
I am miserably sick. Stay-out-of-work sick. Go to the doctor sick.

I hate it.

Yesterday (Thursday) was still an N-day. Today I had a snack, b/c the mucous makes me queasy if my stomach is totally empty, but I wasn't hungry enough to eat a proper lunch.


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:28 pm
by kccc
Back after a bout of illness. No-S actually helped... I ate something when I was supposed to, but really didn't want a lot of food. So, I didn't eat a lot, just enough to satisfy the requirements to take meds with meals.

But it gave structure to my days, and I think that actually helps with healing.

Sort of lost my S-days, which I may regret later but don't have enough interest in food to care about now. (And if I do care, I'll just remind myself that they'll come again.)

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:11 am
by kccc
A little funny... I was feeling a bit better, and decided that I'd have one little treat just to feel I had an "S." So, I remembered we had some little Dove chocolate eggs left from Easter, and thought one would be perfect.

Couldn't find them.

I finally asked my husband, and he admitted eating them. In his defense, he said "I only had a few at a time... it's been a while since Easter!"

Well, so it has. Once upon a time, I wouldn't keep chocolate in the house because I'd eat it in a day or two. Once upon a time, it would be my husband asking ME "did you eat all the x?" Once upon a time, I wouldn't go weeks without even thinking about leftover candy.

That realization is S-day-treat enough for today. I'm really not hungry after eating a real dinner tonight.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:51 am
by Beckycan
Congratulations -- that sounds like a huge success in how your way of thinking about food has changed! :lol:

April 14, day 1

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 1:38 am
by kccc
Monday, April 14

Still sick (but better). I'm on heavy-duty antibiotics, and even though I'm taking them with meals, they upset my stomach.

Today I got yogurt and ate it between meals, which helped... but it feels like a snack. I think I'm going to keep doing it, though, as long as I'm taking the antibiotics. I got 4 oz. servings of "natural" yogurt (though it is fruit-flavored), which was the most available thing without going out of my way.

And I can virtual-plate that much, b/c I'm just not very interested in meals right now. I'd eat it as part of the meal, except that seems counter-productive since the antibiotics would immediately wipe out the good bugs in the yogurt.

Once the antibiotics are gone, I'll go back on the straight and narrow. Until then, these are "s" for "sick" days.

B - usual, minus 1 coffee
L - crackers, cheese, cherry tomatoes, apple
D - small slice Tower of Tortilla
4 oz yogurt

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:44 pm
by kccc
4-15-08 Tuesday Success

Br - usual
Lunch - leftover tower of tortilla, cherry tomatoes, yogurt!
Dinner - ham and cheese omelet, big serving of home fried potatoes (which I love) and strawberries

Finally realized that I don't have to take antibiotics at lunch, so that's a perfect time for my yogurt! :) And I felt a lot better the rest of the day. Actually enjoyed dinner.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:00 am
by joasia
this site has really taken off, hasn't it? How are you doing?

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:12 pm
by kccc
Hi, Milczar! Glad to see you! How are you doing?

Doing okay on No-S, but have fallen apart otherwise. Round of illness, and now I seem to have developed an allergic reaction to one of the meds. Yikes. I'm ready to be back to my normal state of health, which I usually take for granted!

Other than that, fine. Work is going well, and we have a family birthday coming up this weekend.

Yes, this forum is BUSY. And I see all the newbies making all the mistakes some of us have already learned not to do - excessive tweaking, etc. Ah well - some things you have to learn for yourself.

Hope you're doing well!

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:14 pm
by kccc
Wednesday 4-16-08 Success

Br - usual
L - PB&J on whole wheat, strawberries, yogurt
S - chicken, potatoes, salad, green beans.

Appetite is back. Not excessive - just enjoying food again. I'm glad.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:17 pm
by kccc
Thursday, 4-17-08 Success

Breakfast- usual
Lunch - apple, yogurt, veggie fajita (purchased, and not as good as it looked)
Dinner - beans and rice, chips, fajita. One of those days when I was glad for No-S, b/c I had no choice in the meal - a late work night, and that's what we got fed.

Comments... had coffee in the mid-day, to counteract grogginess from anti-histamines. And was really hungry in the evening, since dinner was earlier than usual. I almost caved, but didn't.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:41 am
by kccc
Friday 4-18-08 - Sday for Hubby's birthday

Br- usual
L -chicken, green beans, potatoes, yogurt
Snack - 1/4 c nuts (late dinner, and I was truly hungry)
Dinner - Japanese steak house. Food was served in courses, and hard to track. Even though I brought home enough for at least another meal - and probably two - I am sure I had more than one plateful-worth. (But I also stopped way earlier than I would have a year ago. I feel a little over-full, but not so-stuffed-I-can't-move.)

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:11 am
by kccc
Saturday and Sunday - S days

A bit more snacky than I'd like, but better than in the past.

And I am not compulsively eating on Sunday night, which I used to do.

It's taking me a while for my N-day habits to carry over, but they're starting to.

And I am looking forward to an N-day tomorrow. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:32 pm
by kccc
Monday 4-21-08 Success

Br- usual
Lunch - chicken burrito (was supposed to have a lunch date that fell through. This was a decent substitute)
Dinner - Spanikopita (spinach/mushroom), strawberries, pineapple

Exercise: Pilates class. Glad to be back after missing so much while ill!

Tuesday 4-21\2-08 failure
Snack - 3 cherry tomatoes, 4 baby carrots, 3 mini-crackers, 3 cubes cheese
Lunch - leftover spanikopita, strawberries (I didn't eat the apple I took)
Dinner - Sausage, potato, corn, salad strawberries

It's been a while since I've had a snack breakdown. This was offered at a meeting at lunchtime, and I was hungry. I told myself it was "virtual plating" and I'd leave off part of my lunch. Then I realized no, that was a SNACK. So, I'm counting it as an official failure.

Unofficially, I am very pleased that I "failed" at 12:00 and did NOT go off the deep end the rest of the day. And I didn't eat the cookies that were available, either.

Exercise - yoga and Pilates at home, 15 minutes.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:41 pm
by kccc
Testing time... I know how to change it, just not sure how far off GMT I am...

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:42 pm
by kccc
4/23/08 Wednesday SUCCESS

Br - usual
Lunch - leftover spanikopita, strawberry, apple
Dinner - honey-dijon shrimp, broccoli, cantaloupe
2 glasses wine

Exercise - Pilates, short walk

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:44 pm
by kccc
4/24/08 Thursday SUCCESS

Br- usual
Lunch - PB&J on whole wheat, carrots, apple
Dinner (work, no choice - except NOT to take dessert) - salad, pasta, breadstick

Exercise - Pilates class

It's early in the evening, and I'm hungry b/c dinner wasn't good or filling. But I will NOT spoil my green!

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:17 pm
by kccc
Did well on Thursday... but...

Friday, April 25, 2008 FAILURE

Br - usual
L - one plate of banquet dinner (work) - stuffed chicken, rice, veg, roll. Not bad
SNACK/SWEET - two mini-pastries (one-bite brownies with icing toppings) and about 1/2 cup nuts
Dinner - Fast food turkey sandwich, fries

This was a miserable day - left at 7am for a 4.5 hour drive to a meeting that I just hate... so badly run. And had to drive back after it ended at 6PM...Fridays are always rough anyway - I always feel like "I deserve..." by the end of the week. So I caved when they had the afternoon break.

Sigh. All the excuses don't matter. I messed up. Learn and do better. Take solace in that it was a smaller "mess up" than it would have been a year ago, and hope next time I'm in that situation I'll remember that food is not the answer to a bad day.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:22 pm
by kccc
I am going to start HabitCal on May 1 - just so I can see the pattern over time. Until I started doing daily check-ins, I thought I was pretty good on N-days. However, I see 3-4 failures in the last month, two on Fridays. More than I would have thought.

Don't know if it's the usual pattern, and I'm just seeing it b/c I'm tracking, or if it's just been an extra-rough time. But the HabitCal will tell me that.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:13 pm
by kccc
A terrible S-day on Saturday. (I know, I can't do them "wrong"... but I found myself mindlessly grazing. I was at my parents' and that's how they eat, and how I used to eat at home... and I fell into old bad habits. Caught myself just eating because the food I was eating wasn't really satisfying... will think about how to negotiate that in the future.)

Anyway, today is a bit better. I did eat a lot of chocolate (brought from Mom's) after lunch, but stopped eating after that because I'm going to bookclub this afternoon and want to enjoy goodies there.

And I did exercise yesterday - just walking, but that's better than nothing.

Will plan a real meal this evening, and let it go.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:42 pm
by kccc
Unlike most people, I approach Monday with a sense of relief. I've been thinking about that, in light of Irish's post about not liking S-days. I don't either. And I've been thinking about Reinhard's reply that "they're supposed to be enjoyable." They are on occasion for me, but all-too-often, they're STILL binge-fests that leave me disheartened that I'll EVER make progress.

I think the key difference is snacking. The "good" s-days include seconds or sweets, but planned "good stuff" that doesn't go on all day. On the "bad" s-days, I fall back into the worst of perma-snacking habits, with an evil little voice in my head saying "get it now, or you can't have it!" I'm thinking I may try S-days as allowing seconds and sweets, but not snacks, and see how that goes.

With that... a good Monday 4/28/08 SUCCESS
Br- usual
Lunch - quesadilla, apple, carrot, 4 dried figs
Dinner - chicken and artichoke (new recipe - good!), couscous, mixed green salad with mandarin oranges and pecans.
Glass of wine

Had planned to exercise at the gym, then realized I'd forgotten my exercise shoes (too used to taking Pilates/yoga, which I do barefoot - and which are not available this week). So I went for a walk instead. Mercifully, I had shoes I could walk in. Go, me!

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:13 am
by kccc
Tuesday, 4/29/08 SUCCESS

B - usual
Lunch - out, at work, but pretty healthy. Salad, roll, steamed veggies, a slice of ham, scoop of rice. A full plate, but only one... and I didn't even look at desserts.
Dinner - ham (yes, I'd already planned that), potato, broccoli
Glass of wine

Exercise - 15 minutes Pilates/Yoga blend at home. I am pleased that I fit that in - this was not a day conducive to exercise, so that was an accomplishment.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 1:36 am
by kccc
4/30/08 Wednesday Success

Br - usual
L - leftovers from Monday - Rosemary/artichoke chicken, couscous, salad
D - Pad Thai, pineapple, egg rolls.

The Pad Thai was not a success. New recipe, and I added the sauce before the egg, which made it a bit sticky. Family didn't really like it. I also noticed I kept wanting to "pick" at leftovers while cleaning up until I got my evening drink - got to watch that bad habit trying to creep back in! (I didn't do it much, so still counted it a success... but won't if I do it again tomorrow.)

Exercise: one hour exercise class, a new one. BodyPump - essentially weight-lifting in an aerobic-class format. I loved it.