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Tracey's Check-In

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:43 am
by tracey
Hello everyone -

I'm new here. I saw the No S book at B&N on Sunday and was intrigued. I read a bit of it while standing in the aisle and decided it was worth looking into. I came home and found the website and liked what I read.

I find I need a bit of structure, not heap tons like most diets but total freedom makes me crazy with indecision.

Today was my first day and I did .. OK.

It's a long way between breakfast and lunch without a snack ... and from lunch to dinner too! Phew.

I did have a sweet at lunch and I curse myself for forgetting that I wasn't supposed to have them.

I mindlessly reached into a cup of candy during a meeting and just as my fingers touched I remembered no sweet and I pulled my hand out. I'd already had one hiccup with the sweet today and did not need another.

Overall though, I did good. I stuck to the rules except for the sweet at lunch.

I'd call today a success.

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:03 pm
by tracey
Day 2 is almost over and I'm doing well.

I feel like I'm eating a lot at each meal to go longer because I'm not snacking but it isn't an exorbitant amount I don't think.

Yesterday I started to wonder how this could work and how would just these simple changes make a difference and I thought about all the things I would have eaten yesterday if I hadn't been following this:

flan at lunch (which I did eat but if I hadn't)
at least two bags of chips
one to two candy bars

If you just add those things up .. it's staggering! My weight has been fairly stable at its current weight and while it means I'm not gaining it's not a good weight at all!

I weighed in at 282 pounds this morning -- I'm a female, not a sumo wrestler in case you were wondering ...

Today though has been good. I am sticking to this, it's easy enough to do with just enough rules to make me stick but not too many I get frustrated.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:02 pm
by tracey
Interesting. I was down 1.5lbs this morning from yesterday. I felt good yesterday with my choices and actions and today is starting out to be good as well.

I've always been an emotional eater so this is a challenge for me as I'm going through a LOT of things at work. I want to just eat and make the frustration go away. I know it doesn't do that and I know that it doesn't do anything long-term it's just easy to do and it's something I can control, even when I can't control other things in my life like my job.

Will update more later ...

Later ..

Today was a good day on the whole. I wanted to snack a lot since I was stressed out. I had a person yell at me today on the phone and it is such an adrenaline rush and afterwards I was just shaking.

Lunch is at 12pm every day and I don't get home and get food until at least 7pm, that's a long stretch of time and I start to feel sick to my stomach between 430 and 500. I may have a piece of fruit then until I get more used to this. But, 7 hours is a long time without food for me. I know I'm not starving to death or anything but the queasy, headachey, etc, is not fun.

I'm happy with today.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:03 am
by tracey
Today went well. I had grapes around 4:30 as a snack I suppose because I knew I wouldn't be eating dinner until at least 7:30.

I can't go from noon to 7:30 without feeling ill, maybe in time I will but not now. I don't count that as a failure because it was either that or be sick. I didn't eat junk so I'm good with that.

I went grocery shopping tonight and it's amazing how much stuff I wanted to buy but when I thought about when I'd eat it, I realized I didn't know. How much of it was snacks and filler food, it was crazy.

I can't believe how much food I'd buy ... and now don't need to.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:42 am
by tracey
Today was a good day too .. an S day.

I started off with donuts, which made me sick. I didn't snack between brekkie and lunch .. lunch was at a picnic and I had some sweets for dessert. Again, I didn't snack between lunch and dinner. About 25 minutes before dinner I had some nuts, so technically that is snacking, darn .. I was doing well.

Dinner was good and it came with dessert so I'm pretty sugared up today. I have a headache.

I can see how ones tastes change as they do more N days, the donuts from this morning would not have normally made me sick but 4 consecutive days without sugar appears to have done a lot for me.

I feel kinda woozy actually, I'm thinking that sugar is bad at the moment.

I was thinking that during the week that I'm going to bring my dinner to work and then when I get hungry eat dinner instead of waiting to eat until I'm really hungry, headachey, and feeling sick to my stomach once I'm off work. I also end up eating heavier since I'm "starving" and then I'm going to bed within a couple hours so I don't think that's good for me.

If I bring dinner and eat earlier then I will not be spending my sleeping hours digesting food but resting and repairing like I should.

I think that will work out nicely ...

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:52 am
by tracey
I'm actually kinda glad the weekend is over ... I ate too much all weekend and I feel kinda icky.

I expect that as I do this more my weekends will be less extreme but ugh for right now. I did stick to no snacks today but had sweets with each meal. I'm sugared out ..

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:21 am
by Jammin' Jan
I know the problem you face with that long stretch between lunch and dinner. My work schedule often does that to me, and it used to de-rail me every time. Now, if I really need something to get me through, I will just have a glass of juice. It's calories and it works. Some people will have a glass of milk.

I always look forward to N-Days after the weekend, too. It's nice to get back to the structure of No-S.

Don't worry about how much you put on your plate. Get the habit down really firmly first, then you can look at quantity. Better a plate piled high than snacking on chips and candy bars!

Get the book, and read a page or two each day for motivation!

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:22 pm
by tracey
Thanks Jan ...

The deal with meals is that I stop wanting the food before I'm finished with my plate and it's just not enough food for me to get to my next meal so I'm pushing myself to eat more to make it. I don't really like that feeling. I've worked hard over the past years to stop eating when I'm satisfied (not full) and this feels backwards to me now.

But, I think I'm on the right path. I've had issues with other plans before and I usually thought I was trying to justify why I wasn't doing it or making up excuses. This plan feels right for me though. I like being able to have what I enjoy having but not always WHEN I demand it.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:06 am
by tracey
Two days of failure.

Nothing more to say. :(

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:13 pm
by tracey
Last week I had S-days all week. I was just incapable of eating properly for whatever reason.

Monday morning, I dusted myself off and said I'm going to stick to this. I had a week of No-S!

This morning, I was down 3.5lbs from last Saturday and since I'm doing T-Tapp as my exercise, I'm also down 10.5" from that.

I'm thrilled with my success and I know that No-S had a big part in it.

This week was also a shift in eating too. Even though I'd had a bad week last week I came into this prepared to succeed and I noticed my body cooperating. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I had milk in the afternoon because I was hungry and needed to eat but it was still 3+ hours till dinner time. I felt good, didn't crash, and just kept on going with my afternoon. I felt GOOD about that choice.

Thursday I didn't have milk but noticed that I didn't really get hungry for dinner until nearly 7:30pm. What?! I was astonished by this truthfully and then Friday was similar to that, no milk and no hunger until later.

Proof that your body and your needs change.

Today is an S day and I started my day off the way I did all week with cereal and yogurt and I'm doing good. I have a lot of energy and have been cleaning my apartment and just feeling accomplished and satisfied right now.

That is a major win for me!

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:23 am
by Terez
Hi Tracey,

I heard about the No-S diet on the T-Tapp forum. Decided to give the diet a start tomorrow.

Truly appreciated reading your very authentic posts here.

Best to both of us on this journey!


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:47 am
by tracey
Hey there,


I try to speak the truth and not varnish it. If something doesn't work for me then I'm not going to say it is.

Keep in touch!

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:45 am
by tracey
ya know, this is pretty interesting .. it takes less sweets to satisfy me on the weekends (woohoo!) and when they hit my system they hit HARD!

I slept until 11am yesterday and that's unusual and then on top of that, by 8pm I was exhausted and ready for bed. The only think I can attribute it to is the sugar ... I didn't snack or have seconds the entire weekend, just the sweets after a couple meals.

Blah. It makes for a tiring weekend. ;)

Today was good though .. I didn't have enough for breakfast and I think that set the tone for the day. I was hungry before lunch and then hungry after lunch so I don't think I got enough overall.

I'm adding Hemp Hearts to my breakfast tomorrow, I've heard good things about them. We'll see how it goes.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:40 am
by tracey
Another good day for me ... I wasn't hungry this afternoon so I think that yesterday was just the reaction from the eating on the weekend and this will likely be the norm from now on.

We'll see!

I'm enjoying this WOE.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:08 am
by Jaxhil
It sounds like you're really getting the hang of this, Tracey (welcome, btw!)

I'm enjoying reading your posts, and your honest assessment with all the ups and downs. I think the milk in the afternoon was a great choice-very filling and good for you; plus it's a liquid which means it follows the 3 no-s rules perfectly. And that's great that you didn't feel you needed it the following days!

I wanted to ask what T-Tapp you are doing, if you don't mind. I have the book, but haven't done it because their are about 25 "steps" (give or take) to each exercise it seems and I can't seem to follow along. I can't afford the program at this point (with the dvd's), so this is why I went with the book. Do you have any advice as to where to start (which exercises)? Thanks so much if you have time to answer.

Keep up the good work!

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:57 am
by tracey
A good day today ..

I had 5tbs of Hemp Hearts for breakfast and that satisfied me much longer than I thought it would and I made it to lunch without any problems.

I resisted the urge to eat because I'm feeling very emotional/cranky right now and that's always a challenge. I know eating isn't going to make me happy yet I struggle because it's what I've done so long.

I've gotten fairly good at not eating when I'm feeling all emo but it's not easy. No-S makes it a little easier but not that much ... because if I do do it then I know I'm marking that day a failure which sucks.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:22 am
by tracey
well, today was a fail ... I did fine all day but after dinner, in which I ate too much, I had 3 mini pb cups and a small white chocolate egg.

I knew what I was doing and did it anyway. I didn't feel any better afterwards but ...

Overall it was a good day though.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:20 am
by tracey
I'm feeling a bit off balance lately. Emotionally I'm ALL OVER the place. I've got a lot going on with work and just stress out the wazooo. It's not something I've ever dealt well with before and doing NoS has helped to a degree but it's put into focus how much I would normally stress eat.

Last night I had two cookies and three mini PB cups along with a cider and my dinner so that was a big fail for me yesterday though I did find until then.

Today has been good, nothing to stuff it up with. The weekend was also good. I did have sweets but not as much as I would have had a month ago. I'm amazed at the amount that satisfies me now that wouldn't have touched the limit earlier.

It's easier to get back to Monday's and I feel a sense of contentment to reach Monday and know that my schedule is back on. I don't feel like it's a bother to do it, it feels good in a way which sounds strange.

I still to some degree feel compelled to go off the plan on the weekend but I noticed this weekend that it was much easier to be on the plan with only minor deviations.

I don't feel I'm making much sense right now ... I'm doing well with a few hiccups. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:11 am
by tracey
Today was good .. a success! I think I'm getting better at this.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:02 pm
by tracey
It's interesting how sweet things are becoming to my palate. Things which normally aren't sweet to me are very sweet.

Fresh strawberries are in season now and I'm loving it. Last June I went 100% raw and I just ate so much fruit and greens, it was a great time for me and I'm looking forward to eating that way again.

I'm fortunate to live in CA where fruit and veg is plentiful. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:48 am
by tracey
It's been a few days since I've posted but I've been busy.

I am so pleased though because I went on a work trip and was away from home for three days without my routines and normal "life" and I still stuck to NoS. Woohoo!! I think what's amazing is that even though two of the days were S days, I didn't really deviate from the plan.

I didn't have insane cravings, I had steady energy despite working a convention (which is exhausting) and just basically kept an even keel.

I think it's proof that NoS truly isn't a diet, it's just lifestyle changes. I've always said that very tongue in cheek before that I wasn't dieting I was living a lifestyle but I didn't truly understand what that meant before but I'm now beginning to truly "get it".

I honestly believe that I'm doing the right thing and it may be slow but I know I'm not going to gain it all back when I go off the plan -- because there is nothing to go off!

The more I do this the more I love it and am thankful I've found it.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:49 pm
by tracey
well, I haven't been posting, I seem to follow several patterns. No posting and haphazard plan following and then avid posting with stickler to the rules. I need to somehow overlap those two!

I stepped on the scale this morning, bleh. I was at 286. I really need to get that scale moving down and I just don't want to "diet" to do it but almost feel I've got no choice.

No-S works great for helping me fix my sweet problems and such but I'm not losing weight despite eating a TON less food.

I'm going to should myself to death if I'm not careful: I should exercise, I should cut carbs, I should should should ...
