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Blueskighs Check-In

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:41 am
by blueskighs
Well this is day number 8. I get to mark green on habitcal. YAY!

Today was:
B: 2eggs scrambled w/1 tsp. EVOO, 1 soy sausage, 1 c. plain yogurt, 1 c. blueberries

L: 1 Amy's Tofu Brown Rice Bowl, 1 block of Baked tofu, Steamed veggies: Carrots Broccoli Red Onion w/ 1 Tsp. EVOO

D: 1 bowl of homemade Dal
Yum! Yum!

I felt pretty comfortable that I was going to be able to pop back into my N days. Although I enjoyed my first full weekend of S days I was actually kind of looking forward to getting back into the routine of N days and it was easy ... knowing of course that there are two S days to treat me at the end of the week.

I love the No S diet. I guess when I finished the book last Monday night I had made the decision to do it. I have found the clear boundaries around mealtimes on N days to be a great stress reliever.

I think I must have often had the inner question ... what do I do with food?

With No S I have a real clear defined structure with plenty of variety to keep things interesting. Genius. Sheer Genius is all I can say ...

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:56 am
by blueskighs
Day Number 9!

B: yogurt, blueberries, walnuts

L: tofu sausage, green peas with EVOO, mixed green salad with EVOO

D: homemade Rajma curry and brown rice

Another great N Day!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:18 am
by blueskighs
Day Number 10


B: scrambled eggs, soy sausage, yogurt, blueberries

L: Salad with mixed greens, carrot, tomato, avocado, black olive, baked tofu and EVOO

D: Spinach and tofu curry with brown rice.

What can I say the NO S diet is a miracle in my life,


Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 3:12 am
by blueskighs
Day Number 11


B: scrambled eggs, soy sausage, yogurt, blueberries

L: Amy's black-eyed pea bowl, steamed broccoli, carrots and red onion with EVOO, cashews

D: homemade yellow dal


my appetite was much more low key today. I think my body ... my blood sugar levels? are adjusting. I am feeling really good and becoming very productive ... this is wonderful!


Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 5:28 am
by blueskighs
Day Number 12


B: yogurt, blueberries, walnuts

L: salad with tofu, aco olives, mixed greens, carrot, tomato and EVOO

D: homemade brown dal

good day .... tomorrow well deserved treats ... YAY!

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:14 am
by blueskighs
Day 13


B: donuts, chai tea :D YUM!

L/D: Vegan Nachos,
mini-mini carrot cake, chai tea ... not so yummy...


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:49 am
by blueskighs
Day 14


B: donuts, chai tea latte

L/D: white bean dip with garlic, lemonjuice, garlic and parsley
pita chips with oregano, carrot sticks, steamed greens with lemon juice and EVOO
small for me! box of godiva chocolate ... shared with my husband

my appetite is decreasing. I started noticing it at the end of the week so I have had kind of lunch/dinner thing going on my S days eating about 4-ish

I am going to reduce my meals just a tad tomorrow and see how things are going ... I am really excited this is my second weekend and I have not had any binges. YAY


Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:53 am
by blueskighs
Day 15


B: eggs, tofu sausage, yogurt, blueberries

L: Amy's Brown Rice tofu bowl, baked tofu, steamed broccoli, carrots, red onions with EVOO

D: homemade dal

I noticed I was a bit grumpy this morning and wanted a chai tea latte. It was fairly easy to say no to myself and get on with my day. For me those drinky things are reserved for my S days ... anyway ...
I had a smaller bowl of soup for dinner than I've been having the past two weeks. I noticed by last Friday night I was not getting as hungry. So I am going to reduce my dinners ...but just a tad ... and I mean a tad ...

Things are going well. I don't really check in with exerise because it is not a problem for me. I am one of those people who think going to the gym is like going to Astroworld ... all those funky machines that do strange things to your body! :lol:

I can't help it ... I am a treadmill elliptical nerd. I like to get in there and play with all the programs... what will it do to me if I punch this button? I will come home and tell my husband ... you have to try that machine on the end of the leg machine row it is just so cool... he just smiles and lovingly rolls his eyes.
What can I say? we really have a nice dry sauna at our gym and my water bill went down over 10 dollars a month because I go almost every day and take showers when I am done.

I don't necessarily go for long ... I do 4 15 minute weight workouts a week, two 35 dynamic interval training sessions and allow for an optional 3rd cardio workout if I want to do it .. other wise I walk around the block or run up and down the stairs when I get the chance ...


Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:58 am
by blueskighs
Day number 16


B: eggs, soy sausge, yogurt, blueberries

L: salad mixed lettuce, arugula, carrots, tomatoes, black olives, avocado, block tofu, EVVO

D: homemade curry with tofu,peas and cauliflour, indian brown rice

hanging in there ... can't beleive it is day 16. Was tired yesterday and went to sleep early last night.


Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:30 am
by blueskighs
Day Number 17


B: yogut, blueberries, walnuts

L: soy sausage, steamed peas with EVOO, mixed lettuce salad with EVOO

D: snack chikpeas with onion, ginger and green chiles


Only two more days ... until an S day :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:07 am
by nubiennelady
blueskighs wrote:Day Number 17

Only two more days ... until an S day :lol:
That's how I felt today...I wanted a glass of wine but I'm reserving that for my S days as well.

You are doing a fantastic job and are so close to 21 days. Keep up the good work!!!


Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:46 am
by blueskighs
DJ, thank you! and enjoy that glass of wine tomorow!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 18


B: eggs, yogurt, blueberries, soy sausage

L: leftover pea, cauliflower tofu curry with brown rice, bistro burgers and mixed greens salas with EVOO (YES! I got that all on one plate :D )

D: homemade yellow dal

Day 19


B: yogurt, blueberries, walnuts

L: salad with mixed greens, carrot, tomatoes, avocado, black olives, baked tofu and EVOO

D: Homemade brown dal ... what can I say dal is my absolute favorite right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.... tomorrow is an S day!

Oh .. I am planning an NWS day next week on Wednesday... I am inviting one of my teacher's over for lunch and I don't want to serve her dessert and not have some ... kind of weird ... My goal keep NWS days to two within each thirty day period ... this will be my second as I counted my very first day as NWS becasue ... you know ....I had already had Seconds and sweets but no snacks and once I picked up the book I was on habit ... i.e. didn't use the rest of the day to BINGE and start tomorrow... and I figured hey for me that made that first day March 24, 2008 an official NWS day ... so next wednesday will be my second.


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:52 am
by blueskighs
Day 20


B: donuts and chai tea latte

L/D: chickpea-tahini-garlic-parsley salad, mixed greens salad with EVOO, carrot sticks, homemade pita chips
TREAT: Carrot Cake YUM YUM!

All is good in my world,
very beautiful and nice and relaxing day,


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:20 pm
by resting52
just wondered about reserving the wine for the S days. I know we can have 1-2 per day so are you saving them because of the sweetness. Wonder if I should do that.


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:12 pm
by blueskighs

Hi! Actually I don't drink any wine or alcohol :(

But that is just me. My husband loves wine but he is not on the diet.
So I really can't answer that one,


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:38 am
by blueskighs
Day 21


B: donuts, chai tea latte

L/D: homemade vegan pizza with LOTS of veggies
frozen mini peanut butter cups

what can I say but YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!


healthy eating

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:00 pm
by irish
You eat such healthy food! I am really impressed. Hopefully I will get there, too. Even though I'm just starting no s, I feel it really is a liberating diet - it gives you a sense of calmness and control, except on s days. I'll have to work on those.


Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:33 pm
by OrganicGal
Just wanted to say blueskighs, I love reading your blog. It's funny, thought provoking and inspirational. Thank you for sharing it. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:14 am
by blueskighs
that is so funny ... to hear just coming off of my S days when I was having all my treaties! you know! BUT other than my treats I admit I do eat pretty healthy. I have done a lot of crazy things with food to get here ... but maybe in the end I can say it was all worth it! And yes the No S diet is very liberating!

thank you for your friendly comments about my blog. I just LOVE this NO S thing and guess I am a bit excited!

Glad you both are here!

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:19 am
by blueskighs
Day 22


B: eggs, yogurt, soy sausage, blueberries

L: homemade brown dal

D: Amy's brown rice tofu bowl with block of baked tofu

WHEW! This weekend I got really full with my saturday lunch/dinner meal and then Sunday I ate too much pizza .... ok and MAYBE I overdid it on the mini peanutbutter cups ....

This is finetuning though ... I think I am having to adjust my portions ... what I think is enough to get me through is starting to become too much.

Today I was not willing to eat less breakfast, but I cut back a little bit on lunch and dinner. I already cannot stand not being hungry. So I am starting to get that this eyeballing our plate and figuring out the right amount is a bit of skill and practice.

But that being said wonderful to fall out of another weekend right back onto HABIT! :D


Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:37 am
by nubiennelady
Congrats on reaching your 21 Days. When I grow up, I want to be just like you. No wine for me this weekend but all of the crap I had at my nephew's birthday should have given me the same buzz seeing and how it made my feet swell up :?

Keep up the great work,


Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:56 pm
by haganeedle
.........I have to work on my portions too. Supper is my hardest. I fill my plate to full I feel because I am scared of being hungry later...I have to get over that.......Great job reaching 21 days.......Yummy on the peanut butter cups. My all time favorite.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:10 pm
by fkwan
Congrats!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:29 pm
by OrganicGal
Way To Go blueskighs!!!! I'm on day 5 and loving it, but obviously am looking forward to day 21 and beyond.

Keep up the good work. :)


Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:57 pm
by irish
Congratulations on making it to day 21 - I can hardly wait to get there. Do the s days get easier or better as you go along? My first weekend was awful. You're doing great - an inspiration.


Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:09 am
by blueskighs
Oh my goodness!

DJ, haganeedle, Fkwan, OrganicGal, and Gracie, THANK YOU!

I am so glad that we are all here doing this together and encouranging each other on!

Day 23


B: eggs, soy sausage, yogut, blueberries

L: Salad with mixed lettuce, carrot, tomate, avocado, black olive, baked tofu and EVOO

D: homemade rajma curry and indian brown rice.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:16 pm
by resting52
Hey Blueskies,

I saw from your blog that you are going to post physical results at 30 days. Does this mean you are not weighing now?


Hey there

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:33 am
by Jamiebf
Hi Blueskigh
Loved your blog yesterday. I agree with the ns days being easier in a way because we do not have to worry. Three meals thats it. We need to control ourselves on the sdays.
Love the Blog! thanks

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:16 am
by blueskighs

yes I am choosing to refrain for now. I weighed I think it was day three to get a benchmark, otherwise had my husband put the scale in our other bathroom.. but day 30 is coming up quickly and I am def aware... next week I beleive!

Jamie, yes... it was WEIRD doing an NWS day Non-weekend S day ... today I may have possibly underate ... I was kind of weird with how I did my meals! See below! I am REALLY glad tomorrow is an N Day and I can get back to my nice safe structure ... and then again ... if I said I didn't enjoy today's food ride without the training wheels it would be a lie!!!!!

Day 24


well today was a planned NWS non-weekend S day, I planned for it about two weeks ago ... I had invited my friend and teacher over for a lunch to say thank you and happy birthday.

Brunchish: large salad with greens, carrots, tomato, black olives and EVOO, homemade rosemary spelt bread, cannellini beans with garlic tomato sauce and greens, godiva chocolate

Dinner: this is where it gets wiggy 1 grande chai tea latte and 4 oz monavie ... a concentrated kind of fruit juice...


Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 4:36 am
by blueskighs
day 25


Boy it was nice to get back to an N day today!

B: yogurt, blueberries, eggs and soy sausage ...posted a pic of this one plate meal on my blog ....

L: amy's black-eyed pea bowl, steamed broccolie carrots and red onion with/EVOO cashews

D: homemade yellow dal

Tomorrow ... christmas eve!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:36 am
by blueskighs
Day 26


B: yogurt, blueberries, and walnuts

L: lettuce, carrot, tomato, avocado, black olive, tofu salad with EVOO on blog

D: Bistro burgers

This week went by really fast. I cannot BELIEVE tomorrow is Saturday. Since I have been Nosing I have become so much more productive in my life and time is flying by,


Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:56 pm
by blueskighs
Day 27


B: Donuts, chai tea latte ... picture on my blog

L/D: balsalmic organic greens salald, beet and basil ravioli

PAINTED MY ROOM GREEN TODAY! I have always wanted a green room! This is what I am doing instead of obsessing about eating and food and whether or not I should eat sweets!


Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:59 pm
by resting52
Hey Blue,

How do you make dal? I looked it up on line and it seems like there are many ways to do this-all complicated.


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:01 am
by fkwan
blueskighs wrote:Day 27


B: Donuts, chai tea latte ... picture on my blog

L/D: balsalmic organic greens salald, beet and basil ravioli

PAINTED MY ROOM GREEN TODAY! I have always wanted a green room! This is what I am doing instead of obsessing about eating and food and whether or not I should eat sweets!

Blue, I tried to leave a comment on your blog but !@#% Bloglines wouldn't let me, as usual. :)

I haven't had a donut in about 3 years! They are my biggest enemy, even on no S. I LOVED that picture, I started salivating immediately. There are just some things that are on a scary pedestal all by themselves, and donuts are mine. Oh, the smell of donut grease in the morning...

Congratulations on doing so well!


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:19 am
by blueskighs
Resting 52,

I had looked up recipes on-line too and they all sounded too complicated to me too! :)

But we took this cooking class and Wala it all made sense ...let me see if I can explain ...

take red or green lentils, plan for the red lentils to cook 30 minutes, if you are doing green, depending on how fresh they are they will take 30-45 minutes.

wash 1 to 1 1/2 cup lentils,
put in pot with 4 cups water, salt to taste (1-2 teaspoonish), and 1/4 teaspoon turmeric, if you have any heeng (an indian spice we get at the restaurant we go to) put in 1 to 2 pinches

bring the water to a boil,
with the lid off keep on a high simmer,
after it's been simmering about 10 minutes pour in tomato sauce (2 tablespoons to 1/2 cup to taste), the one I used is completely unseasoned so account for salt if the one you use has salt, and 1 pretty finely chopped tomato,
add 2 more cups water,

bring back up to a boil,
if it needs 2 more cups of water add when the whole pot has been cooking for twenty minutes bringing it back to boil and then back down to a high simmer

chop about 1/2 onion, some serrano chili if you like spicy, about an inch of fresh ginger root, and garlic ... chop the stuff as fine as you can or want ...

heat a skillet and put in about 2 tbsp good oil ... I use olive - when the oil is hot throw in some cumin seeds, if the pan and oil is hot they should start popping, throw in the chopped onion, green chile, ginger and garlic, saute about 3 minutes.

throw it in the finished soup.

THIS probably SOUNDS much more complicated than it is when you actually go through the motions,

let me know if you have any questions and if you try it how it turns out. THis is one of my staples.

IMPORTANT: for the green lentils throw in a teaspoon of good curry powder in the beginning with the turmeric and salt. Also the green lentils may need to cook longer if they are not fresh .... APPARENTLY like the ones that I bought at my health food store last week :cry:

but the soup was still YUMMY,


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:23 am
by blueskighs
thank you for trying to comment on my blog :D
oh well some times this computer stuff is full of gremlins!

yeah, the picture came out nice huh?

so far the donuts are going ok and not setting me off you know FOOD BOMB .... hahahha
BUT REALLY for me it is the chai tea lattes that send me over the edge ...
when I used to get off suger one of my friends asked me what the hardest thing to get off was ... HANDS DOWN ....
chai tea lattes ...i'ts ok ... just hook me up and pump it in intravenously.... hahahha
but with NO S have to say, been able to stick to one an S DAY... YAY

sounds like you are doing good too,


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:26 am
by blueskighs
Day 28


B: donuts, chai tea latte

L: egg salad sandwich, carrot sticks ...picture in my blog
homemade warm toll house cookies


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:13 am
by blueskighs
Day 29


B: scrambled eggs, tofu sausage

L: salad with mixed greens, carrots, tomatoe, avocado, black olives, tofu and evoo

D: homemade dal ... have a picture of this up on my blog ...

it's Monday, back on habit,


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:00 am
by DianeA2Z
blueskighs wrote:Day 29


You are such an inspiration! I'm not a vegetarian, although I really do love veggies, and I really enjoy fish and poultry. I eat a lot less red meat and when I do eat it I limit the amounts. One of my daughters-in-law is a vegetarian (she may even be a Vegan, I'm not certain) and her father owns a butcher shop. She's a vegetarian because growing up around all that meat just made her gag, poor thing. My son eats meat, so I'm not sure who cooks. It will be interesting to see if our new grandson (born 01/08/08) will eat meat.

Anyway...many congratulations on your success! I see you eat a lot of Amy's products...they're soooo yummy!


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:27 am
by blueskighs

thank you. being/becoming vegan/vegetarian is a pretty personal choice and it took me years of wanting to before i actually figured out how to actually feed myself properly.

I think the internet is helping a lot because people can get support, recipes and information on how to eat properly.

yeah, it will be intereseting to see how your grandson turns out :D before my husband became vegetarian, we had a deal, I would be glad to cook everything but the meat ... he mostly went out when he wanted meat :D

that was ok, he started loving my vegan cooking and so now he is vegetarian,
I checked out your website, you have a lot of interesting products there,


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:31 am
by blueskighs
Day 30


B: yogurt, strawberries, walnuts

L: tofu sausage, steamed peas with EVOO, mixed greens salad with cucumber and EVOO (that was so yummy might have to have another one tomorrow!) picture on my blog

D: indian snack chickpeas,

tomorrow I weight .......aaaaaaaaaaaaaghghghhg :D

May 5 will be an NWS day our 10 year wedding anniversay... YAY ...

I am going to schedule my NWS days in advance to keep them from springing up impulsively ... :lol: also hoping to keep them to about twice a month ...


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:29 am
by tdd_fsj
Congrats on 10 years!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:37 am
by lola628
Happy Anniversary!!

Do you have a photo of your new Green Room? It sounds so nice, I love your photos.

Enjoy your day!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:30 pm
by fkwan
sorry, I just have to know, what on earth is EVOO?

hugs f

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:40 pm
by Beckycan
I had to really think about that one when I kept reading it -- Extra Virgin Olive Oil?


Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:06 am
by blueskighs
Hey you guys, thank you for the anniversary acknowledgement, for this chick from a broken home with all the debris scattered throughout the years of my life, a ten year wedding anniversary ... kind of huge ... and kind of makes me REALLY HAPPY ... really deep inside ....

Kwan, Beckycan,
Yes EVOO is extra virgin olive oil, I think it is a Rachel Rayism ... I think that is where I heard it, my husband used to watch the cooking channel until we went vegan ....
anyway ... EVOO as you can tell BIG PART OF MY LIFE .... unfiltered like white bread and white rice blah blah unfiltered EVOO has much more nutrients ...

Day 31


tuesday and today were really easy with food. I was just really busy and really did not think much about it all. Kind of like that.

B: yogurt, blueberries, eggs, soy sausage

L: mixed greens, carrots, tomatoes, black olives, avocado, and tofu and EVOO ... dayum ... they seemed to have stop carrying my fave brand of tofu at Jimbos what a disappointment ... this one is not so tasty.

D: bistro burgers



Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:39 am
by Jamiebf
Hey Blueskighs,
congratulations on the 30 days on habit and the lost pounds. Fantastic job!! You are doing great. I had a failure today. Did good all day and tonght, 1:30am at work while working on my new menus I caved into a banana cream pie ice cream cone, one of my new flavors and to make it worse I put it is a fresh made waffle cone wit hot fudge. :shock: Yekes!! So I will pick myself up and move on. Day 25 will be back on track.

I am real happy for your progress, keep up the good habits :D

Take care

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:21 pm
by resting52
Hey Blue,

Congrats on the 30 and the 10 and the healthy weight loss! You are an inspiration!


Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:54 am
by blueskighs
Jamie and Resting52,

Thank you! I am so glad that No S is here and we are doing this together!
And Jamie, I cannot imagine what it would be like at a restaurant, especially making a delicious new flavor of ice cream at 1:30 am. The great thing is you got back on habit. Oh and me and my husband have a little "rule" if you are going to eat something you know that FOR WHATEVER REASON you think you shouldn't you better at least ENJOY IT! So I hope you ENJOYED that ice cream cone, it actually sounded kind of delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 32


Today was probably the tuffest day I have had in a while. this morning and up until I ate my lunch and a little after I just pretty much wanted to EAT. I really believe it was become things have settle down and it was now to dive back into this project I had not been able to get to for a few weeks. There is just that inertia to overcome of getting into it again. ANYWAY once I bit the bullet ... funny thing was ... EAT? not now I'm busy :D goodness this can be a roller coaster ride!

B: yogurt, strawberries and walnuts ... picture on my blog ...

L: indian brown rice with pea cauliflower and tofu curry

D: mixed greens, carrots, tomatoe, avocado, black olive, EVOO salad... been eating this a lot lately, planning to have another for lunch tomorrow ... love these, when we went to Italy a few years ago we were at this snack hahahha get it SNACK shop, anyway ... they made this lovely salad with everything but the avocado and tofu ... I LOVED IT ... I used to make it all the time ... but then I started adding avocado and tofu and made a meal out of it, when avocados are in season which they probably will be now until at least August ...can't wait for the Reeds, I eat a lot of them ...
probably from my days of being RAW!


Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:36 am
by lola628
Blue - You make a FINE looking bowl of yogurt!! i must try to make my yogurt look this way. Thanks for your awesome blog, I really love reading it every day.

Love, L

edited for typo

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:51 am
by haganeedle
Your breakfast looks so good........

Sounds like we kind of had the same day yesterday. Maybe it was the moon or something.....LOL...

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:29 pm
by irish
Congratulations on your wieght loss and your sticking with it. I just finished reading your blog, and was really impressed. As an English teacher, I'd give you an Aplus, it's so well written.
I, too, have done many, many diets - I have a whole shelf full of diet books - but so far, find the nos to be the best yet. Even in a short time, (2 weeks) you feel somehow liberated from your bad eating habits, and you don't think about food all the time. (I would be planning my next meal while I was eating my current one.) I wish I could fast forward a year and that we would be congratulating each other on a year well done - let's make it happen!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:42 pm
by resting52
loved the yogurt and fruit-I do blueberries, yogurt, walnuts, and musli in the mornings. Maybe I should start taking pictures of my food! Last night I had weird sushi type stuff with my 24 year old. It was wonderful.

I second the cookbook idea.


Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:46 am
by blueskighs
Day 33


B: eggs, yogurt, blueberries, tofu sausage


D: yellow dal,

picture on blog today was actually yesterday's lunch: the curry ...


Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:54 am
by blueskighs
Lola, thank you thank you. that yogurt didn't just look good it tasted pretty good too .... of course when you are really hungry!
i love that you read the blog :oops:

the moon, I think it was :)

I am with you on that ... let's keep this thing going it is wonderful. I am also curious about what life would like look a year from now ... even longer. So I definitely want to make that happen.
And it is so amazing how quickly NoS "takes effect", dramatic.
And what kind words about my blog. I really appreciated that. Thank You.

I am glad ot hear that the weird sushi type stuff was wonderful. It sounds like fun. blueberries yogurt and walnuts with musli sounds delicious.
And I have found that taking pictures of food is kind of fun! :D


Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:45 am
by blueskighs
Day 34 and 35


Saturday and Sunday

B: donuts, chai tea latte

Saturday Dinner:
chickpea dip with pieces of fried naan
tofu spinach curry and indian brown rice
Vons German Chocolate Cake picture at blog ...

Sunday Dinner:

Veggie Pizza from Z Pizza
Arugula Salad from Z Pizza picture at my blog
chocolate chip cookies and frozen peanut butter cups

It was a GREAT weekend, we got out and did some fun things.


Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:14 pm
by resting52
Hey Blue,

I think you are the BEST at picturing (for all of us) how wonderful eating the No S way can be. Your food is always so full of color and variety-I enjoy having to google to find out what these things are that you eat. They all look delicious.


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:38 am
by blueskighs

that is so sweet! thank you. I do love food and No S is helping me actually ENJOY it,


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:41 am
by blueskighs
Day 36


B: eggs, soy sausage, yogurt, blueberries, I am thinking this breakfast is too big, but maybe not. I DONT Know. Have not had the wherewithal to reduce the portions as of yet.


D: leftover pea tofu cauliflower curry, with brown rice

another monday :evil: ... see my blog


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:46 am
by NoelFigart
I'd say if that is the breakfast you've been eating all along that you should stick with it. You did have a nice weight loss last month, right?[/list]

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:00 am
by blueskighs
yes, i did.

However, I am aware that there is a possibility, as it says in the book, if you look at your plate and you think GEEZ this is too much, you might JUST BE RIGHT! :D

as Reinhard said on another thread:
There is no magic here. You lose weight on no-s because it's a shortcut to calorie restriction. If you somehow aren't eating less calories, then you won't lose weight. But on No-s it should be very obvious whether you are doing this. It should visually jump out at you. Do you feel like it is obvious?
and then he said this on another thread :wink:
You have good "mealing" habits down, and you see that your plates are excessive. The sight of this excess bothers you. This isn't a problem, this is great.
Yup, I am definitely going to consider cutting down the size of my breakfasts TODAY! you guys are great!


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:04 pm
by OrganicGal
blueskighs...I have to laugh at your inner willful child having it's monday temper tantrum :lol: But it's so true at the same time.

Thanks for sharing your blog with all of us, I love reading it. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:01 am
by blueskighs

it's nice to know someone else can relate! and thank you for reading the blog ... that is always appreciated!

Day 37


After much hemming and hawing decided to focus on reducing my breakfast a bit, only breakfast and see how that feels, so....

B: yogury, blueberries, w/ezekiel cereal reduced yogurt and berries from 1 cup to 1/2 cup .... we shall see ... with the 1/2 cup ezekiel cereal it was enough ...

L: tofu sausage, green beans with EVOO, Italian style salad with greens, tomatoes, carrotsl, black olives and EVOO pics at my blog

D: yellow dal with cilantro,

pretty much it, today was a great reprieve from yesterday's inner torments :)


Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 2:54 am
by blueskighs
Day 38


B: yogurt, blueberries, Ezekiel cereal ... new favorite

L: bistro burgers, green beans

D: home made rajma curry with salad ... photo at blog ...

good day. It's over,


Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 12:48 am
by resting52
Hey Blue,

I saw your new favorite was the Ezekiel cereal. Which one did you get?

Your food always looks so colorful.


Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 1:15 am
by lola628
I love that Ezekial cereal too, I get the flax kind w/ almonds then mix it with Greek yogurt and a splash of soy. Sometimes I add a little honey tastes better with a dash of honey.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 3:51 am
by blueskighs
Resting, I think I get the plain ... the flax ... right now it is downstairs .. it is the BLUE BOX ...whatever flavor that is ...nice and crunchy huh ... :D

that is really interesting ... a splash of soy WOULD NOT HAVE occurred to me ... how does that taste?


Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 3:56 am
by blueskighs
Day 39


B: bluebs, yogurt and ezekial cereal
L: tofu sausage, salad ... and finished off those green beans
D: pinto beans, corn bread muffin, and sauted chard and kale ... photo on my blog ...

I was BUSY today ... all this stuff getting ready for our trip this weekend for our anniversary. Had to go buy a BATHING SUIT :D I survived ..I am still here... I actually LOVE the bathing suit .. the thighs NOT SO MUCH ..the rest is good though :) well definitely good enough.

Anyway, the young sales attendant or whatever you call them was extremely helpful and patient as I had to try on 3,000,000 sizes ... ah well, over done ... now just have to do laundry, pack ... can't wait until Saturday ...

taking NO S on the road .. well not so far, just up the road...


Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 3:33 pm
by fkwan
blueskighs wrote:D: pinto beans, corn bread muffin, and sauted chard and kale ... photo on my blog ...
God did I drool over that blog pic. Beans are my favorite substance on earth, and I LOVE kale. Your beans look more like soup, though, I want the recipe.
I was BUSY today ... all this stuff getting ready for our trip this weekend for our anniversary. Had to go buy a BATHING SUIT :D I survived ..I am still here... I actually LOVE the bathing suit .. the thighs NOT SO MUCH ..the rest is good though :) well definitely good enough.

Anyway, the young sales attendant or whatever you call them was extremely helpful and patient as I had to try on 3,000,000 sizes ... ah well, over done ... now just have to do laundry, pack ... can't wait until Saturday ...
I'm not worried now since Bean and Landsend finally after 100 years developed the gym swimsuit, with a tank top and shorts. Like duh!

When I first lost weight I had the WORST elephant skin I'd ever seen. I almost considered plastic surgery (not that I could afford it, but I considered it). Now they just look like healthy old vegan hippie lady thighs, which is ok by me. Plus I'm at the stage where I don't CARE ANYMORE WHAT ANYONE THINKS. BITE ME, SLOWLY AND WITH VIGOR. :) :)

Have a nice trip!


Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 5:24 pm
by resting52
Have a great time on your anniversary trip.

Are you taking your camera so we can all vicariously enjoy your meals???


Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 7:13 pm
by lola628
Blue - the splash of soy is so good!!! As you know the Ezekial is rather tree barky and the Greek yogurt is very thick -- this mixture with out the soy is too......paste like........the soy makes it wetter and gives it a nice flavor so it goes down more easily.

I hope you have a splendid weekend -- Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!

Love, L

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 5:15 am
by blueskighs
yeah my pinto beans are variable :D it depends on how much liquid i put in the pressure cooker ... I didn't think I put that much last night ... but there they were all soupy! They tasted good and I just boat motor them to get the "broth" more thick.

I LOVE BEANS TOO! yesterday I found an Indian grocery next door and got new kinds of beans and lentils .. tonight I hard Urid Dal ... with Spinach. It was really yummy! I might as Flipturn suggests put some of these recipes up on my blog.

Yeah My thighs are kind of crepey... ah well ... it doesn't bother me like it used too. After a year of doing weights I do feel more comfortable in my body though.

Resting, Lola, Fkwan,
thank you for the good wishes for my anniversary! I am really looking forward and with NO S ... no stress ...!

and yes I am planning to spend the weekend unplugged but take my camera for food shots and then hopefully put those up on Monday or Tuesday in one fell swoop!

You guys are so great! I feel like I have this new group of really COOL friends.

Lola, I am going to get up the courage to try that yogurt and ezekial with soy, next week ... when you eat that is that all you eat for breakfast?

Everyone have a great weekend!


Day 40


B: bluebs, yogurt, ezekiel cereal
L: spicy thai salad from picture on my blog
D: urid dal with spinach ... this was a new thing and came out really delicious!

Since Monday is our official anniversary date, I will be taking that as NWS day .... whew three S days in a row ....

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 12:04 pm
by lola628
Blue -- You're COOL too!! I can't wait to see your new photos from your trip!

Yep, I pretty much just eat the Ezekial w/ greek yogurt and a splash of black tea or a cappuccino.

I've been eating WAY too much bread here in the Netherlands. When I get back to the US I'm cutting back on the toast and bready sandwiches, I don't know how the Dutch stay so slim, they eat bread at every single meal it seems.

Can't wait to hear about your trip! Love, L

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:47 am
by blueskighs

I am definitely going to try the Ezekiel and yogurt with soymilk ... in the fall :) when all of the berries are out of season!

but it sounds intriguing ...
our trip was really nice, yesterday was so depressing ..oy :D back to the "real world"
we went to the spa it is all back to nature and just a place we love to go and RELAX it is the only place I totally unplug.
we had a lot of fun and laughs and love ... also some really good food ..

NO S seems to work well on the road ... especially weekend trips!!!!!!!!


Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:56 am
by blueskighs
Day 41


B: donuts, chai tea latte

L/D:mina's macro bowl at native foods... picture at blog ...
chocolate chip cookies

Day 42


B: Von's carrot cake, chai tea latter ... picture at

L/D: shared butter lettuce salad, grilled portabello mushroom
for moi specially prepared veggie tofu brown rice yummy dish .. pictures at

Day 43 NWS DAY wedding anniversary


B: bluebs, yogurt, ezekieal cereal ... picture at blog
chai tea latte

L/D: Very Voluptuous Veggie Pizza ... picture at blog
godiva chocolates

Day 44:


B: scrambled eggs, tofu sausage
L: leftover rajma curry with brown rice
D: the salad!

Day 45:


B:yogurt, bluebs, ezekiel cereal
L:Amy's samoza wrap with leftover Urid dal soup photo will be at blog :)
D: the salad!

My husband has requested salads and such at dinner this week ...

our anniversary trip was amazing .... it is no coincidence I have been very happily married to this man for the past ten years and grow ever more deeply in love each day ... life is good,

NO S really works for me, I am glad, thank you Reinhard,
and thank you to all of you on the boards who show so much love and support,


Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 1:29 am
by OrganicGal
Sounds like you had an awesome time blueskighs :) Glad to see you back on the boards too, I was actually getting worried about you.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 2:10 am
by fkwan
Thank YOU Blue, you are such an upper and I would KILL for the pizza on your blog!!!! :)


Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 3:31 am
by blueskighs
I won't lie :D that pizza was just pretty much out of this world!
but you wouldn't have to kill for it, I would gladly share it with you!

thank you for worrying about me!
Two bunch is the only place I completley unplug and I was committed to sticking with that this trip. Unplugging completely for a few days is VERY NICE. I highly recommend!

DAY 46


B: Scrambled eggs, tofu sausage
L: moong dal with brown rice and fresh cilantro
D: fresh veggies, spinach-avocado dip, baked tofu ... picture on my blog ...

CANNOT beleive it is thursday! Oh my goodness this week has FLOWN by ... that means tomorrow is Friday ... Christmas Eve! YAY


Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 5:17 am
by blueskighs
Day 47


B: ezekiel cereal, bluebs, and yogurt
L: moong dal with brown rice and fresh cilantro, peanut butter on whole grain crackers ... picture at my blog ...
D:tofu sausage, steamed green beans with EVOO, salad with mixed lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, black olives and EVOO

very good day today, had a very good day! It was pretty much a great week,


Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 6:01 am
by blueskighs
Day 48


B: donuts, chai tea latte
L/D: tempeh, squash and squash blossoms sauteed in EVOO
frozen peanut butter cups!

God I love those peanut butter cups!

It was just another good day. I need to be grateful they are starting to add up :) I got a really sweet mother's day card today from my husband's daughter ... it was really a surprise. It touched me and at the same time I felt uncomfortable. I have had so much loss in my own life sometimes I feel awkward when people reach out to me, like however I respond it won't be the right way. ANYWAY ... honestly, it felt really nice.

We have talked off and on the boards about there being something spritual about No S. I just can't help but think there is. After being pretty rigorous since I started seven short weeks ago things are just kind of opening up in my life in amazing ways... is this a coincidence. I tend to think not. I tend to think not.


Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 3:26 am
by blueskighs
Day 49


B: I did it ... crazy jiggy dance with arms up in the air spinning in circles ... ONE DONUT :D chai tea latte

L/D: Black Olive & Cream Dim Sum ... recipe and phote at blog ...
chocolate chip cookies .... ok no jiggy dance here! :lol: still having two ... will take a few more weeks or months to get THAT down to one!

Lovely day,

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:42 pm
by resting52
Hey Blue,

Loved that last photo. YUM!

About the spiritual thing, I'm was thinking that we have so much more time freed up for other things instead of obsessing about the next thing we put, or don't put, in our mouths. Plus, in a sense, we have been set free from a life-sucking, destructive habit. I think the freedom allows us to realize that there is Something Special out there for us. I know I'm more at peace.


Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 4:51 am
by blueskighs
I think the freedom allows us to realize that there is Something Special out there for us.
resting 52, very well put. was that the black olive & cream dim sum, it was pretty good. My husband loves it. I am always a little shocked when he loves some of these "crazy" things I make :D

Day 50


B: yogurt, bluebs, and ezekiel cereal
L: leftover moon dal with brown rice and fresh cilantro
D: the salad with tofu, avocado and black olives ....

it was Monday and what I really wanted was to eat seconds, sweets and snack ... BUT WHAT I REALLY REALLY WANTED was my chai's ... photo at blog...

Ahhh .. but it's Monday, an N Day, so i didn't ... just got to work instead ... and finally somewhere along the way it all passed,


Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 11:56 am
by JillyBean
blueskighs wrote:
Ahhh .. but it's Monday, an N Day, so i didn't ... just got to work instead ... and finally somewhere along the way it all passed.
Ain't it grand?!! :wink:

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:52 am
by blueskighs

yes it is ... when it passes and you wake up from being totally and completely absorbed in something other than food and eating ... it is definitely GRAND

Day 51


B: yogurt, bluebs, ezekiel cereal
L: pbj on sprouted wheat bread, side salad with romaine, cucumbers, celtic sea salt and EVOO ... picture at blog ...
D: tofu sausage and steamed peas with same celtic sea salt, freshly ground pepper and EVOO

planning to take Memorial day as an NWS day,


Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:19 am
by veganruthie
Blue ~

I was wondering how tall you are. :-) If I tried to weigh 115 I'd be pretty stick thin.


Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 5:44 pm
by Writer110

Just saw your PM. I so hope I follow in your footsteps on this journey and feel the same way in a few weeks time! You're such an inspiration.


Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:43 am
by blueskighs

I was definitely a stick at 107 :D but at 115 I am kind of a curvy stick :lol:

anyway .. i'd be happy anywhere between 115 and 124.5

thank you

Day 52


B: yogurt, bluebs, ezekiel
L: pbj with homemade bean and vegetable soup ... see picture at
D: the salad with avocado, tofu and black olives and Amy's brown rice and tofu bowl.

I did manage to get my dinner all on one plate :D I think what happened is I am cycling with my food I have been on No S for this is my 8th week and I am getting tired of stuff, I think I am going to have to ditch THE SALAD for awhile, it is no longer satisfying. I am probably going to start eating sandwiches for a while instead of salads. I do this cycle in and out of different food preferences. Does anyone else?


Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:52 am
by JillyBean
Hi Blue,

Yes, I see myself cycling with different foods too. I eat salads every day for lunch for a while, then I just have had it with them! Last night I made pizza because I have been serving the traditional meat and potatoes kind of meals for a while and I am tired of that. I just didn't want meat last night. So, we'll probably have pasta tonight, then maybe some fish the next night, and we'll see from there.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:58 am
by OrganicGal
I do it too Blue! I just get tired of eating the same things all the time and like you said...then it's not satisfying any more. Time for a change. I need to start doing that with my lunches at work. They're not satisfying me any more as I'm eating the same thing every day.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 3:32 am
by blueskighs
Jill and OrganicGal,

nice to know others go through the same thing. After realizing that I had had enough of the SALAD, i really enjoyed my food today!

Day 53


B:yogurt, bluebs, ezekiel cereal
L:eggsalad sandwich, carrot sticks
D: Amy's blackeyed pea bowl, cashews ... picture at my blog ...

So I am going to used the extra $ that I am literallysaving from No S to pay for a personal trainer at my gym. I officially start tomorrow, I am so excited.


Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:54 am
by OrganicGal
Your goal sounds awesome...inspiring, Blue. You're right, that is another reason why none of us should be using the scale as our guide to our weight and health...or at least not as our ONLY method of measurement.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 5:01 am
by blueskighs
OrganicGal thank you for your support! It is greatly appreciated. And yeah I guess I am really beginning to understand the limits of using the scale ... or as you say at least, just the scale.

Day 54


B:bluebs, yogurt, ezekiel
L: pbj, mixed greens with cumcumber and EVOO
D: Amy's Brown Rice and Tofu bowl with Baked tofu ... picture at my blog ...

Hmmm.. I am sensing a food rut coming on :D I cannot get to the Farmer's Market tomorrow so will have to make do next week. Oh well. I will definitely miss my blueberries may have to break down and buy some at the store ...

I have a REALLY busy but exciting and fun-packed day tomorrow. I swear I am functioning at a high(er) level and wrote about that on my blog tonight. I just feel really good about myself and my life ...

I just keep wanting to say thank you to Reinhard and all of you guys. I just feel like real changes are occuring and I am so grateful,


your S days,


Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:54 pm
by JillyBean
Yeah, Blue! S days are here! Let's enjoy. Actually, if you read my daily, you'll see that I sort of started last night! :oops: But, it's okay. I am sure when Monday gets here, I'll be ready again. I'm with you on the gratitude point too.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 6:21 am
by blueskighs


They are here! And boy did I enjoy my chai tea lattes TODAY! yes special circumstances indulged in TWO

Day 55


B: chai tea latte, just call me "one donut" girl :wink:

L:vegan fajita

SNACK: there's that extra chai ... was at a conference GREAT EXCUSE FOR A SECOND :D

D: Insalata al Balsimico, Lahanelle con Lenticchie (that's fancy for Salad with Balsalmic Dressing, and Lentil soup with herbed ribbon pasta ... actually THAT'S ITALIAN!) picture at my blog ...

I had a really FABULOUS day... truly, RED LETTER DAY
anyway .... now I am really tired, good night!


Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:53 am
by blueskighs
Day 56


B: chai tea latte, one donut :D

L/D: homemade tofu spinach curry with brown rice
MONSTER TOLL HOUSE COOKIES ... picture at my blog ...

recovering from yesterday's whirlwind of activity and emotion.


Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 10:58 pm
by resting52

You are always such an inspiration-and those cookies look fabulous!

What a great idea about the personal trainer!


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:51 am
by fivesolas
blueskighs wrote:Day 56


B: chai tea latte, one donut :D

L/D: homemade tofu spinach curry with brown rice
MONSTER TOLL HOUSE COOKIES ... picture at my blog ...

recovering from yesterday's whirlwind of activity and emotion.

Boy, those cookies sure do look delicious! I might have to try that recipe someday...some n-day, that is.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 3:26 am
by blueskighs

they don't just look fabulous :wink: they were a big hit with my husband too... that always makes me feel good!

I appreciate your support about the personal trainer, I have done tons of different things through the years to get exercise but I just thought now that I am really saving so much money with NO S this is something I really have wanted to do. My next session is tomorrow! It is amazing how hard he works me. Much harder than I would ever think to challenge myself. I have left the last two times, the first being the intro, DRENCHED.

I guess it is also shocking to realize how much $$$$$$$ I have wasted on binging and overeating. THe savings are going to pay completely the cost of the trainer. Oy!


thank you for stopping by, they were pretty good! they are also pretty easy to make!

Day 57


B: bluebs, yogurt, ezekiela cereal ... picture at my blog ...
L:pbj with romaine lettuce salad and dill pickles
D: Amy's Brown Rice and Tofu Bowl, Baked tofu

It was a much better Monday today and that was really nice. Things are kind of humming along. I think the effort that I have put into creating habit is actually starting to have some really big payoffs.

WHen I packed up my cookies and put the rest of them in the freezer, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to do. Like why would you do anything else?
Finish them off? BINGE ON THEM? what a strange idea.... LOL

who is this woman .... toodootoodoootooodoooo (twilight zone music)

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:14 am
by blueskighs
Day 58


B: blackberrys, yogurt, ezekiel cereal
L: curry egg salad sandwich, carrot sticks
D: Chargrilled veggie salad with tofu ... picture at my blog ...

A great but VERY busy day. I will sleep good tonight. I had another session with my personal trainer today, he told me last friday he was going to work my legs and did he ever. But it was fun. He really does a lot of variety and it is very challenging. Once again I was pretty much dripping wet when we were done. He seems to get a kick out of the fact that I enjoy it so much!
