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DJ's Daily Check-in

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:38 pm
by nubiennelady
Goal 1: Establish a 21 No-S Diet Habit

Hello everyone,

My name is Clevagirl but my friend's call me DJ and I picked up the No-S Diet book at Barnes and Noble yesterday, read the entire thing last night and said to hell with waiting until Monday, I began No-S'ing today. Although I plan to start my 21 Day Habit counting on Monday, I wanted to see how I would handle no late-night noshing.

I have been on and off WW for years and I could never get past the first 15lbs because I'd get bored and tired of counting POINTs and say to forget this crap. Plus, I'm a closeted late night snacker. I didn't think anyone knew until I told my husband about NO-S and he said, "Maybe now you'll stop trying to sneak and make a snack after I've gone to bed." :oops:

I need to lose about 40lbs to get out of the obese category. Even with that lose, I will hardly be small or petite but that's fine with me so long as I can break my families' curse of diabetes, heart disease and cancer from both my maternal and paternal size. I lost my grandmother to lung cancer and diabetes six months ago and we just buried my uncle who died of emphaseyma last week. Despite needing to lose this weight for health reasons, none of the popular diets ever worked for me because they all called for an "all or nothing" mentality. If you say I can't have bread, I'll find a way to have some just to spite you :wink: And I thought by exercising more (like 6 days per week), I thought I could compensate but I was still left hungry and miserable and craving my poison: guacamole with tortilla chips.

So No-S makes complete sense to me. Some rules but something that I can live with. Now I'm not going to say that letting go of the late night snacking habit is going to be easy but my plan for when those fierce cravings hit is to have some water and maybe some sugarless gum and if the craving (which are 99.9% mental anyway) doesn't go away, I'm taking myself to bed. So begins my journey toward moderation....


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:04 am
by nubiennelady
Test Day (April 4): SUCCESS...No snacking although I did think about it between lunch and dinner. Had three full plates of nutritious, quality food and lots of water.

I begin my official 21-Day Habit Count (diet and exercise) on Monday.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:57 pm
by nubiennelady
Test "S" Days (April 5 and 6) WHOA - I really need to take the "sometimes" part of the exception to the No-S Diet rules to heart. While I didn't feel guilty about my choices, I ate excessively for the hell of it. I suppose this is the learning curve mentioned in the book and on the boards but it is a behavior I need to be aware of. I am happy to begin my 21 Day Club habit tracking esp. with a 1lb loss from last week.

Now let the games begin....


Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:02 am
by nubiennelady
Day 1: No-S: SUCCESS

No major cravings as I got inundated with late night paper grading :( I was able to also do 20 minutes of Turbo Jam (kickboxing, dancing).

Tomorrow will be a challenge because it is my long teaching day but I have my meals prepped and packed sugarless gum and tea bags in my lunch bag.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:46 am
by nubiennelady
Day 2: No-S (SUCCESS)

Today was challenging as expected and my meals weren't the healthiest but I did manage 45 minutes of kickboxing which hopefully balances it all out.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:27 am
by blueskighs

sounds like you are doing good!


Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:05 am
by nubiennelady
Day 3: No-S (SUCCESS)

Today was a challenge because I had a long teaching day where I didn't have a break from 11:30-4pm. As a consequence, my lunch was not good at all :evil: but I did redeem myself with dinner and had a good healthy lunch.

No exercise today (unplanned) as I needed to finish grading student papers this morning.

Thanks Blueskkighs - I'm doing well overall. Drinking tea and having some sugarless gum at night is helping to keep my cravings at bay.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:58 am
by nubiennelady

Day 5: FAILURE :oops:

I started the day out well. I even did 20 minutes of kickboxing and 20 minutes of core work. But I went bowling with friends and all of the bowlers who donated to a fundraiser for disadvantaged youth got a free bag of roasted peanuts and 2 Hershey's kisses. After the first game, I was halfway through the damn peanuts before I realized what happened. I felt so guilty and defeated :?

Do I restart my 21 day habit or keep going from here?


Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:05 pm
by blueskighs

don't feel guilty and defeated! Love yourself and just keep on keepin' on. You know. Everyone sez it will fall into place. Just hang in there and don't stop!


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:59 pm
by nubiennelady
Blueskighs - Thanks for the encouragement. It was like I was eating on auto-pilot. Seriously, I didn't even realize what I was doing until I was halfway through the peanuts.

Day 6: EXEMPT (S-Day)

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:16 pm
by blueskighs

auto-pilot is strong stuff! hopefully with NO S we are resetting our autopilots :lol:

but I will notice throughout the days when I am thinking oh I could just have that you know one day I actually prepared something to eat before I realized what I was doing. I just was kind of shocked and threw it away. AND I REALLY HATE TO THROW AWAY FOOD! SO then I was shocked that I threw it away :lol:

Glad you are hanging in there, we WILL change these HABITS ... we WILL,


Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:45 am
by nubiennelady
Day 7: S Day EXEMPT

You know it's bad when your spouse notices how swollen your feet have become from eating pure junk. I had some Swedish meatballs and buffalo wings and my foot looks like pickled pig's feet :cry: I haven't eaten this much sodium in one setting in ages. So I had to run out and get some water pills because my foot tingled even after I went to bed.


Today was a good day. I renewed my commitment after my slip on Friday. I did 45 minutes of kickboxing, did the grocery shopping and laundry and prepped for my classes tomorrow. Since Tuesdays and Thursdays are my long days, I have prepped enough chicken breasts for my salads in advance. If I don't plan and prep my meals ahead of time, all good intentions go right out the window.

Time management has been one of the reason I failed at most other diets (besides feeling deprived). I realize that even though I don't feel the deprivation, I still need to put some thought into my meals and exercise or else I leave everything else to chance.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:24 am
by nubiennelady
Day 9: FAILURE :x

Urrggghh, these long teaching days reek havoc on my resolve and control. Even though I packed a lunch, I didn't get to eat until well after 2pm and I was ravenous. Ate my lunch and was still hungry. Tried drinking water and chewing sugarless gum. Nothing...just a growling stomach. :shock: I gave in to the light popcorn and 2 pieces of candy..Eeek!!!

My only explanation was that I didn't have enough protein with my lunch and teaching for nearly 5 hours straight makes me tired, irritable and moody. I thought by adding a 4th meal this would work but it's the timing of these meals which is critical. I can last for about 4 hours before my blood sugar crashes and then I don't give a rat's ass about any diet. Part of the reason I took up snacking was because of my blood sugar issues (and headaches). Though I've had 2 "FAILURES", I have managed to let go of my late-night snacking which I must say is a vast improvement.

Now I need to figure out what to do on the long work days so I don't blow it again.

I wish I was writing about how perfect I've been following No-S but I realize this is a journey and I'm human and being on the plan for 9 days with two unplanned snacks isn't a major setback.

So I keep pluggin' away...


Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 4:33 am
by blueskighs

how are you doing? I don't know about you, but I try to eat a pretty big breakfast, especially on days where it will be long until lunch.

Teaching is challenging and stressful especiallay for five hours straight!
It is weird, sometimes I feel hungry right after eat. I am not sure what this is... I have so far just ignored it.

I REALLY have to get focussed on something else. I am pretty much an emotional eater and I can feel hungry after eating a full plate of food. So I am trying to learn to refocus. Just get busy and get my mind off of food.

This is the only thing that really works. ALso, I think it really is a skill. Learning how much we really need to it at each meal. Sometimes I trim my lunch or dinner but I find I can't cut back on my breakfast. IT is the foundation of my day.

The good news you are getting past your evening snacking. I think that is a really big deal and you need to acknowledge that and give yourself a nice big HUG... if I were there I would give you one too!


Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:35 am
by nubiennelady
I started No-S back in April and lost about 2 pounds in the first week. I ddn't reach my 21-Day goal and when back and forth between different diets. Fortunately, I'm within 8lbs of my goal for the year to get to ONEderland but my relationship with food is horrible. :cry:

I almost started some low-carb plan that my friends were raving about until I remembered the sense of flexibility and control I had with No-S. So I'm reviving my check-in and re-starting Monday, November 17, 2008.


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:47 am
by blueskighs
Hey DJ,

it is good to hear from you! I think we "came on" about the same time. That is so great you are so close to as you put it "ONEderland" ...
