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new here

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:47 pm
by jansw
i just read about this plan in woman's world magazine and it really makes so much sense to me. i flounder without guidelines and have tried to just eat when hungry and every diet under the sun. i am truly disgusted with myself at this point and have gained back about 25 of the 38 lbs i worked so hard to lose last year. i am out of control and very miserable this way. i have alot of weight to lose, about 120 lbs and need support and help and praise and tough love when i need that too. very pleased with the whole idea of this plan and i got started right away this morning. just knowing i can eat 3 full meals a day and can look forward to treats on the weekend is like a dream come true. :D

I am new here too

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 8:04 pm
by amygarcia150
HI Jan,
I will start tomorrow, I am sick today, so I am taking it easy and eating my S food. but tomorrow I will start, three square meals a day , I love fruit, so I am thinking to eat it right after the meal. do you think that will be ok?
I am just like you, I tried every single diet , nothing, I am stcuk for the last 3 years, we do need help, I think we can help eachother. Good luck with everything.
Amy :D

Re: I am new here too

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 8:28 pm
by jansw
amygarcia150 wrote:HI Jan,
I will start tomorrow, I am sick today, so I am taking it easy and eating my S food. but tomorrow I will start, three square meals a day , I love fruit, so I am thinking to eat it right after the meal. do you think that will be ok?
I am just like you, I tried every single diet , nothing, I am stcuk for the last 3 years, we do need help, I think we can help eachother. Good luck with everything.
Amy :D
i think eating the fruit right after the meal is a great idea and just what i plan on doing too as i do not want to be without the health benefits of my fruit and i find it satisfies my sweet tooth. i allowed myself the sweets and snacks today since it is sunday and since it is my first day i feel like i have not really changed anything except my concept of "dieting" and what i can allow myself to eat from this point on. we have to do this amy. i cannot live in this fat body anymore. it makes each and every day drudgery for me. WE CAN DO THIS !!!!

Hey Jan

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:51 pm
by amygarcia150
Hi , Today is my first day and I am sick, so I am not eating at all, so it's bad but what I can do, anyway I am sure I am not going to snack or anything. Yes Jan, We will do this. and we can.
Amy. :D

My First Day

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:59 pm
by bigbodygirl
Today is my first day - and I too have tried every diet out there. I always yo-yo and I really want to drop the weight and keep it off this time. So on top of starting the No S Diet today, I also committed to a 2-year plan at my gym (which I started last wee). So I am hoping to see really good results. I will be checking in daily to hopefully give and received encouragment from all you newbies.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:07 am
by nitaholbert
Hi - I'm new like you and I read about this diet in the same magazine. I need to lose about sixty pounds (weigh 205) but at this point I am taking it one week at a time. I really need to lose this weight for health reasons. Some of the reports coming out about women who are overweight and future health problems is very scary so my husband has decided to help me with this. Do you think it really works? I haven't had too much trouble yet (but this is only day 3) except between lunch and dinner. I have a real habit of snacking at work. Anyway, good luck and be positive. I am reading "The New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle and I hope this helps me with emotional problems thus avoiding emotional overeating. I tend to eat when upset or nervous (doesn't everybody?).


Good morning!

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:42 pm
by CampCook
How is everyone doing today! Today is day 3 for me, and I just love this. I too read the article in the Woman's World magazine, but I had heard about it a year or so ago but didn't really look into it. Now I'm glad I did!

Enjoy your meals today!!
