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OrganicGal's Daily posts :)

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:18 pm
by OrganicGal
Well, I just read about the No S-ing diet in a woman's magazine I buy regularly and it seems to have struck a cord with me and make sense.
So I'm going to give it a try, see if changing my habits to this format will work for me.

I'm not going to post my starting weight, as weight is only a side issue. Health and balance in my eating habits are the main idea I intend to focus on. Of course losing weight will be a joy and something I will crow about ;)

So it is 4:15 in the afternoon here, and so far my day has gone well...I'm hungry for dinner but that won't be for a couple of hours yet, so I will occupy my mind with other things, and drink more water, because I'm sure part of it is thirst rather then hunger.


day 2

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:44 am
by OrganicGal
Last night at dinner was good....avoided the temptation of others having dessert, whew!

So, today I start with breakfast, which I usually eat especially if I'm cooking for more then just me. I seem to not bother when it's just me a lot. That is one area in which I will focus on improving.

And today is my first S day, gee pretty smart of me to start on a friday, lol :)

I'll check in again at the end of the day.

Day 2 finished, day 3 begins

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:04 pm
by OrganicGal
So it's 10am sunday morning, the beginning of day 3 and my 2nd S day. I just got up, haven't slept this late in I don't know how long. Obviously I needed it.

Yesterday (day 2) was a fine day. Ate one snack (tiny...literally one bite) when I felt I needed it. And another snack late afternoon again when I felt I needed it (again only small, not my usual amount). Then for dinner had 2nd's of meat only, and had dessert. Nothin big or fancy; and of course, for me, all of it Organic :)

So looking forward to today...even though I've got to go and organize major paperwork at my store...ugh!

I'll check in later at the end of the day, or tomorrow morning.

end of day 3

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:48 am
by OrganicGal
So had breakfast, lunch, hard boiled egg for a snack late afternoon, supper, dessert! That's it.

Got the paperwork done I needed to do, Yay for me! I feel so much better when things are organized.

Found an interesting article in First magazine, about interval and strength training combined with walking that I'm gonna start this week. Walking has always been my fav method of exercise and the best for me. I also love to run, but it's just to hard on my joints and I'm injury prone, plus it effects my asthama too much.

Looking forward to tomorrow :) Oh ya, got the book at Chapters too, so will start reading that shortly before going to sleep.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:27 pm
by OrganicGal
Haven't finsihed the book yet, but did read some before going to sleep last night. It sooooooo makes simple sense. I love the line about "if you have 50lbs to lose you have no business worrying about antioxidants" :lol:

Had a good breakfast and a good but simple lunch. Looking forward to dinner too.

I've been building shelf units in the store so my arms are tired, but I feel good. It's still a form of exercise or as I now prefer to call it: moving with purpose. :)

I'm enjoying the forums too, lots of great topics and points of view to read and respond to.

*If anyone is reading my daily check-in posts and wants to respond, please feel free.*

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 1:46 am
by OrganicGal
So dinner went well. I think my boyfriend was surprised that I didn't have 2nds and I didn't have dessert. I've made no mention to him of what I'm doing. Also on the weekend he saw me eat dessert each night, a little less then usual but since he wasn't looking for that he probably didn't notice anything different. I wasn't with him for breakfast yesterday, and ate my normal lunch, so again he probably didn't notice anything different.

When I start losing weight and/or he notices that I'm turning down 2nds and dessert regularly, he will speak up. He is very observant, so I know it won't be long before he notices somethings up :) But of course it won't be my weight...heehee

Right now I'm taking a break from putting my new coffee table together (moving with purpose), but I'm stuck, so I decided to take a break, plus I need a drink of water.. glug glug

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:48 pm
by OrganicGal
It's a beuatiful No S day in the neighbourhood! The sun is shining and I am at peace with my world.
No longer am I obscessed with food, no longer am I eating for boredom, no longer am I stressed with counting or points or is this to much? No longer am I worried about how much I'm eating.

Had an nice breakfast, brought a nice lunch to eat at lunch time, not sure about dinner yet, but not worried about it either.

Oh the table put together, still have to put the doors on, but at least now I have a coffee table. :)


Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:54 pm
by OrganicGal
Well it's ten to 1 here and I just finished my lunch. It was awesome....the most delicious organic chicken sandwich with organic lettuce and organic tomatoe and organic mayo, a little salt & pepper on organic 7 grain bread...YUM YUM!! Then I followed that up with an organic orange...slurp... :lol:

Ahhhh, what a nice way to inner child who remembers eating like this is smiling huge inside me :)

the rest of day 5...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:38 am
by OrganicGal
Dinner went fine, had 2 delicious hotdogs...with cheese & tomatoe and onion and ketchup. yum

I had been pretty hungry between 4:30 and dinner at about 7, but I drank water and did some chores around the store to keep me occupied, plus reading the forums here helped too :)

So day 5 ends on a nice peaceful note as did days 1 through 4 *ahhhh*

Day 6...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 11:54 am
by OrganicGal
Today is the beginning of day 6. I still can't believe how easy and peaceful this is.

I'm thinkin' my boyfriend is starting to think something is up, cause he didn't offer me a cookie last night after dinner when he had a couple, and since he usually wouldn't hesitate....hmmmm....but he hasn't said anything yet... :lol:

Gonna make my lunch shortly to take to work, so that I won't be stuck at lunch time. You'd think since I own the grocery store that it would be easy to find something to eat when it's meal time, but it's the prep of the food that can screw me up....note to self: get hot plate, and proper dishes over to store asap!

Will check in again later at end of day.

I'm pouting...

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:29 pm
by OrganicGal
Well I'm on my own for dinner tonight, which is the first time in probably, I don't know, a year maybe. I've eaten breakfasts and plenty of lunchs on my own, but I always have dinner with B and/or his kids or my daughter and now I'm not. I might have to call dear daughter and see if she's available, and if she's not, then I will enjoy a nice dinner by myself....a new experience

Enjoyed my lunch and am taking a break from typing emails for a while.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:15 am
by OrganicGal
Well ended up going out for dinner with my daughter & her boyfriend. Had a yummy one plate, one level dinner. So today marks the end of day 6 a SUCCESS


I'm tired and gonna read the rest or part of the rest of the book and then head to bed....*yawn*

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:43 pm
by OrganicGal
Aaaahh day 7. It's absolutely gorgeous out and I'm stuck inside all day..ugh...but at least I can see the sunshine and I'll step outside at lunch time to get a breath of fresh air.

Not sure how I'm going to do lunch today as I didn't prepare any at home. But I'll work it out I'm sure. Cheese and fruit and crackers is always handy.

Spoke to my sis and my niece about No S-ing, don't know if they're gonna try it, but no skin off my nose if they decide not to.

Also told my daughter about it, not because she needs to lose weight, but if she continues snacking as she does then she will end up with a problem weight-wise later in life. I obviously didn't tell her about it as if she should go on it for her weight. I told her about it because of me and my weight. So now she may or may not try it herself. I made sure to point out to her that she doesn't have to even tell anyone she's doing it. If her boyfriend says something to her about not snacking so much (because he nags her about it ), then she can just say..."oh I'm just trying to eat a little better" or something casual.

Anyway, this is definitely the way for me, so I'm a happy girl :D

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:06 am
by OrganicGal
End of day 7, that's one whole week of sanity and stress free eating.

Now I did have some hunger pangs to deal with after dinner this evening, guess I didn't put enough on my plate. But that's ok...I dealt with it by reminding myself that it's not an S day, so move on.

I can't believe how simple and easy this is. Wow :D

Day 8

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:21 pm
by OrganicGal
Beginning of a new week...the 2nd week! I can't believe how easy the 1st week was. Holy Cow!!!
I've always been a 'bad' sleeper, and it's a little too early to tell, but I think I'm starting to sleep better :shock: Not as much waking up through the night and getting back to sleep easier, I think , lol.

Last night I finally got my hair cut. I've been growing it long for over 2yrs now. I think I only got it trimmed once in that time. So it was starting to look scraggly and unhealthy. Now it is still long, but has some style and looks really healthy :D

Didn't feel like cooking eggs for breaky today, so had some granola and cheese.
Will check in on the rest of my day later.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 1:17 pm
by OrganicGal
Completed another successful No S-day yesterday. Went out to Montana's for steak dinner, yum! Had one plate with steak, steamed veggies and coleslaw and mushrooms, no appetizer, no dessert! :) Had one alcholic drink, which I did not even finish, and since I drink alcohol so seldom, I don't worry about the effects of the sugar on me.

Had eggs, and raisin toast and 1/2 an orange for breakfast, not sure what I'm having for lunch yet. Having porkchops, fresh green beans or aspargus for dinner. Have no idea if I will snack or have sweets, doubt very much I'll have any 2nds.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:23 pm
by OrganicGal
Well had a little snack before lunch, mostly because I was very hungry and wasn't sure when lunch was gonna get here. My boyfriend was bringing me something...but he didn't get here until about 2:30, and I'd had breaky by 7:30am.

Having pork chops and asparagus and green beans for dinner. Don't know if I'm having dessert or maybe a treat later, haven't really been thinking about it.

I keep reading on the boards about weight loss...and concerns about losing how much and how fast. I don't want to start obscessing about that, so I think I need to stay away from those posts. I don't want to end up fixated on that number on the scale like I am prone to do. So I have decided right now that I am not stepping on the scale until at least after my 21 days on Habit! Then I might have a look at the scale.

Day 11...

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:29 pm
by OrganicGal much for not stepping on the scale! Arrrrrgh! I have to stop that. Except for the few pounds I lost at the beginning of starting this plan, the scale has not budged. That being said I've only just started to increase my exercise, (walk on Sat. evening, bike ride on sun. afternoon)and I have noticed that some of my clothes are fitting the littlest bit looser, so I'm going to content myself with that.

On the weekend, I followed the plan. Sunday was a piecey day, meaning that I had a 'normal' one plate breakfast. Lunch was a sort of picnic lunch while on our bike ride. We stopped at the turning around point and I ate..a banana, an apple, a granola bar and a piece of cheese. Before we went on the bike ride I had an apple and a granola bar. I had breakfast at 9am, then the apple & granola bar around 11-12, then the lunch on the bike ride was around 3pm. Dinner was at about 6:30-7, I had steak, pasta and green beans. Around 9pm we went out to Baskin Robbins where I had one scoop of Chocolate Mousse Royale ice cream in a cup....yuuummmm!!! No 2nds at any meals, not much snacking and one dessert.

And today is Monday, a No S day, so for breakfast I had one egg, a slice of raisin taost and a bit of left over steak...not much because I was sooo tired, that I didn't have the energy to eat any more. So I might see about having a bigger lunch. See how hungry I am.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:40 pm
by OrganicGal
Well I surprised myself about lunch. Thought I would want to eat a lot, but ended up eating 4 pieces of cheese (approx. 1"w x 1.5"l x 1/4" thick), an apple and a granola bar. This bar only has 5g of sugar.

Dinner will be hamburgers...will most likely eat 2....but that will be it..unless I put some fruit or salad on my plate...but doubtful.

I'm sooooooooooooooooooo tired. My eyes feel like lead...ugh...but I'll survive. And my back I'm done whining :roll:

day 12

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:30 am
by OrganicGal
Ok...another successful No S day under my belt :) And I've now had my N day breakfast. 2 eggs, 3 pieces bacon, 1 slice of 7 grain toast. Water to drink.

Probably be having cheese and fruit and a granola bar for lunch again.

Not sure about dinner, may go out. Sometimes I just get tired of eating the same old things, not that I'm eating 'new' things if I go out, but the whole feeling of not having to cook and being waited on is always nice after a long day at work.

day 13....

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 4:26 pm
by OrganicGal
Well went out for dinner last night and had a Bison Burger! It was really good! I might look at carrying Buffalo meat in my store as there is a local farmer who raises them and sells the meat.

Another successful S day done. :) *sigh of contentment*

day 14...

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:50 pm
by OrganicGal
Wow! It's 2 weeks today since I started No S-ing and I can't believe how effortless this has been.
What should I have for breakfast?...oh the usual
What should I have for lunch?....well what's healthy and something I'm hungry for?
What's for dinner?.....whatever I want, just 2nds!
It's Mon. (or Tues. or Fri.) is it meal time? No? Then just wait, it'll be here soon

It's an S I even want a snack. or 2nds? Well sweets, of course :wink: but lets make it something special, not just any old stuff, and keep it minimal in size and number of times eaten (quantity).

Well there that was easy. Not that there haven't been temptations, or moments of indecision or having to think twice about things, but overall, the best, easiest, least stressful, or time consuming plan I've ever tried!!

Once I've been on Habit for 21 consecutive days, I'm going to focus on building the exercise Habit too. I've started it, but have not been putting pressure on myself to do it every day.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:15 pm
by OrganicGal
Well I had to mark my first red day yesterday!! :( I had an extra slice of pizza at supper that wouldn't fit on my one plate with the first 2 slices and salad. I know it was just the old habit rearing it's ugly head, so I'm not gonna worry about it. Just gonna mark it, learn from it and move on. The good thing is I didn't compound the mistake by carrying on with more...or carrying on eating into the night :)

And today starts day 15, I started with my usual breakfast..2 eggs, one slice 7 grain toast w/ butter, and a banana.

Not sure about lunch yet, but I do think I'm not eating enough at lunch, so I'm getting very hungry around 4:30pm. I don't get supper until around 7 each night, and I have moved my lunch to about 1-1:30pm; but I think I'm not eating enough at lunch.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:09 pm
by OrganicGal
Well, that seems to have helped....ate a bigger lunch..but by no means enormous....and here it is 5pm where I am and no hunger pangs at all!!! :D

Still not sure about supper yet, but not worried about it.

I've noticed a fair number of people on here post what they eat each day, but I have decided not to do that, as it would make me feel like I'm on a 'diet'...that I have to track, or count or monitor things in a formal way. I know from past experience that this would not work long term for me, and that if I even start it, it will blow up in my face.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:38 pm
by resting52
Hey OrganicGal,

I noticed that I've been getting hungrier lately and have added a bit of bulk to my meals. What is funny is that the first week I was so loading my plates that I couldn't even finish!

One wonderful thing about NoS is leaving behind awful non-foods like fat-free half and half and using organic real half and half instead. The older I get the more I think about all the processed additives we swallow. Last year we used NO bug stuff on our gardens (both veggie and flowers) and focused on making the plants healthy instead. We had almost NO bugs-probably BECAUSE the plants were in such good shape.

It's great that you actually own an organic market-that's right, right?


Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:02 am
by OrganicGal
Hey Resting! Yes I do own an Organic Grocery store, and I buy my beef, chicken and (soon) fruits and veggies from local farmers as much as possible. I say soon for the fruits & veggies, since I live in Ontario, Canada and we don't have a growing season yet :lol:

I could tell you lots of information about why Organic is better, for our health and the environment. Sounds like some of it you probably already know. :)

I did have more at lunch today and was fine between lunch and supper. So another success day for me 8)

day S day...

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:07 pm
by OrganicGal
I'm starting to get that frustrated feeling because I'm not losing any weight. I know this is not a quick loss plan, and I know that when in the past on a diet I have lost a lot of weight quickly that I have not kept it off (otherwise I wouldn't be here would I?), but my emotions are telling me other things :(

I'm not going to stop obviously, nor am I going to change things at this point. I haven't reached 21 days on Habit yet...and once I do then I will look at double checking things, like portions etc.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:26 pm
by NoelFigart
Are you exercising at all?

I have to exercise pretty hard to lose weight.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:21 pm
by OrganicGal
No, that is part of my problem to, I know :? A good eating plan alone, does not work for me!
Not to make excuses but I am in my store 6 days a week from approx. 9am to 6pm. In the morning before I go into the store I am usually running errands, that I can't get done otherwise. Being a new store I can't yet afford to hire someone, so that I can have some time off. When I'm done working, if I have supper first, then usually I talk myself out of doing a walk or anything because I'm tired. Meanwhile I know that the more I exercise the more energy I have. It's just getting over that initial hurdle to start that I'm always struggling with...UGH!

I can't just be Nike...and just do it....I've got to get started, then I have no problem doing it....what a viscious circle... :lol:

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:26 pm
by NoelFigart
I sympathize with the self-employed thing. That's tough. (I'm also self-employed, but I'm a writer. My office is my laptop).

I'd say Shovelglove might be a good thing for you to start with. It's SUPPOSED to be a small amount of time and goodness know the long term effects are good.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:54 pm
by CatholicCajun
OrganicGal wrote:No, that is part of my problem to, I know :? A good eating plan alone, does not work for me!
Not to make excuses but I am in my store 6 days a week from approx. 9am to 6pm. In the morning before I go into the store I am usually running errands, that I can't get done otherwise. Being a new store I can't yet afford to hire someone, so that I can have some time off. When I'm done working, if I have supper first, then usually I talk myself out of doing a walk or anything because I'm tired. Meanwhile I know that the more I exercise the more energy I have. It's just getting over that initial hurdle to start that I'm always struggling with...UGH!

I can't just be Nike...and just do it....I've got to get started, then I have no problem doing it....what a viscious circle... :lol:
I understand. I have 3 businesses and look in on my mom who does not drive. I also have a dog to take care of and I do all the paper work for all 3 stores. I worked for over 2 years with no help and only Sunday off, it was tough, but worth it. But I do understand where you are coming from. God BLess.

end of day 16...

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:17 am
by OrganicGal
Well, today was another success day. I had one snack and one dessert, no seconds :D I was also able to add a nice green square to my 'moving with purpose' (aka..exercise) Habitcal, as we went for a nice brisk walk after supper. That felt good. I need to do it on my own though in order to walk at the pace I need to for me to feel the full benefits of it.

day 17...

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 1:53 am
by OrganicGal
Well today went down to my sisters for the afternoon for my nieces B-day. Glad it was an S day. Had a normal breakfast, normal lunch at my sis's, then had 3 cookies late afternoon. For dinner we went to Mandarin for chinese (huge) buffet!!! I had 1 and 1/2 plates of food..not more then one level, a bowl of salad, and 3 small items from the multitudes of desserts. Soooo, although I ate too much at dinner, it was not as bad as it could have been, it is an S day and I enjoyed every bit. :)

I certainly won't be eating anything else tonight and will be glad for the N day tomorrow.

I do need to keep working on my 'movement with purpose' (exercise) and tracking it on my Habitcal.

I'm sitting here typing this and just kinda feeling my 'to full' stomach. Remembering this feeling, cause I really don't like it :(

I read through my daily posts regularly, so I will be reading this again before my next set of S days, so that I can remember and learn from this.

day 18...

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:49 pm
by OrganicGal
Stupid cat woke me up at 5am this morning, plus with not getting to bed until midnight...I'm tired. So, I didn't eat any breakfast at home as I was too tired to cook, and I was just gonna skip it and wait for lunch. But I knew that would make the day a red day in my mind because I skipped a meal. Also it might lead to old habits raising their ugly heads later and cause me to snack or eat sweets or dessert. So I have had a glass of choc. milk and a granola bar for breakfast, not ideal, but should hold me until lunch.


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:34 am
by OrganicGal
Holy cow! I'm at day 19 already :shock: The time/days have really flown by. This plan is so easy to follow. So far I've only had one red day, so I'm happy about that.
Unfortunately though I am stepping on the scale too much. I started a 'No-scale' Habitcal, and I'm going to have to put a red block on there for today because I stepped on the scale this morning....UGH!
Yesterday worked out fine considering my breakfast start to the day, so another green square for me :)

day 20...

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:01 pm
by OrganicGal
Well I have to give myself a red square for yesterday, because when we went out for dinner, I had a bowl of salad, a plate of spaghetti w/ meat sauce & veggies, and 2 pieces of garlic bread with cheese. Definitely not a one plate, one level meal.

But I'm ok with that, in that I'm learning something again. I was not uncomfortabley full afterwards, but I would describe it as 'too' full, so again something I'm noticing and will keep in mind for the next time such an occasion arises.

Good red square on my No Scale Habitcal today. If I don't step on the scale when I get up in the morning after I've been to the bathroom, then I won't step on it at all.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 2:33 am
by OrganicGal
Tomorrow is day 21!!!! YAY!!!!

I did fine again today...although I'm very hungry tonight because I didn't get to have enough supper. I had to rush to go to meeting, so only had a sandwich and a banana. At the end of the meeting and still now (10:30pm) I am very hungry, but I didn't partake of any of the refreshments that were offered after the meeting. Instead I talked to new people I did not know, and managed to ignore the food. Now that I'm not talking to anyone, I'm noticing the hunger more, but I know I will be able to ignore it. I guess I might be eating a bigger breakfast in the morning! :o

Day 21!! Yippee!!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:07 pm
by OrganicGal
I could write several pages about this wonderful 21 day journey I've been on, but I don't have time. Suffice it to say, it has been the easiest, least stressful, plan I have ever tried. No weighing, measuring, counting, obsessing, planning over every bite I put into or want to put into my mouth.

I'm slowly losing, very slowly... :lol: my obsession with the scale! I am gaining a new appreciation for food and the feeling of hunger. It is no longer scary to feel hunger, it is almost a non issue. If it's meal time then eat, if it's a S day and I REALLY want something then eat, otherwise just wait until the next meal time, it won't be long...aaahhhh...sigh of contentment.

I think I've lost a few pounds, not sure, and I'm not stepping on the scale to find out. I'm not stepping on the scale until the end of May, at least. Now this is part of another new Habit I am working on, so there may be occasional slip ups, but I'm not going to worry about it. Just going to build the Habit of No Scale and mark my little green squares :)

For B this morning I had 3 eggs instead of my usual 2, as I was very hungry from the night before, with one slice of toast. Not sure about lunch and dinner yet, but not worried either.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:47 pm
by blueskighs

way to go on 21 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Day 22....

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 12:15 pm
by OrganicGal
Well, I've officially completed 21 days. For the record : 2 red , 6 yellow, and 13 green!!!!

I was glad to end last night as a green day because we went out for dinner and that's always a little harder to do the one level one plate thing. But I did! I didn't eat any of the nachos and salsa they put on the table when you arrive, I didn't have dessert and I stuck to one plate, by not eating the refried beans and rice. Not bad for all you can eat taco night :D

I've successfully No Scaled this morning, so another green square, YAY!

And I'm off to get ready to work.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 9:53 pm
by OrganicGal
Man this afternoon has been hard! I'm really really hungry and have been since is now 10 to 6 and I'm not gonna get dinner for another 45min or so. AAARRRRRRGGGHHHH!!

I guess I didn't eat enough lunch. I'll get through this but my stomach hurts and water isn't helping, and I don't have any milk :(

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 11:37 pm
by OrganicGal
Well...I'm gonna give myself a red square today because I let myself get too hungry. I had a full one level one plate dinner, but then as I was cleaning up, I took another chunk of roast beef off the plate and stuffed it in my mouth. This is a lesson to be learned.... make sure you eat enough at each meal, so that you do not get ravenous before the next. It sets you up for failure. :x

day 23...S day

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:43 pm
by OrganicGal
Another pretty green square on my No Scale Habitcal :D It seems to be getting easier to avoid the scale even when my boyfriend is hopping on it to see what he weighs. I have never seen a man so obsessed with his weight...especially since he is in great shape and has a body that I love...mmmm :lol: He is 5'10" and weighs about 172lbs.!!! Holy cow, I WISH I weighed that little.
Anyway his weight is his concern, my weight is mine. Had a great breakfast, and not sure about lunch yet, but I'm gonna make sure I eat more then yesterday so I don't get ravenous like I did yesterday.

Gonna see about steak for dinner I think, hopefully some lovely steamed asparagus with it, and maybe salad or potatoes.

day 24...S day

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:26 am
by OrganicGal
Had a good day yesterday. Had a couple of bites of a treat and decided I didn't want any more. Had a lovely steak dinner with potatoes and asparagus. I LOVE ASPARAGUS!!! It's soooooooooo yummy. :) Then later B-friend and I went to a movie (late show) and I had a box of Glossette Peanuts and about 3 handfuls of popcorn. I actually found the glossettes too sweet (certainly didn't think that before No S), and so had the salty popcorn to offset that. Otherwise I wouldn't have even had any popcorn. Ugh!
So lesson learned here.....make sure I REALLY want something and I know I'm gonna really love it when I eat it. Now I realize that I won't always know ahead of time that something I used to eat before No S is gonna taste the same now, but I am realizing that more & more things are NOT tasting as good as I 'remembered' they did.

Another green day for my No Scale Habitcal :D

Re: day 24...S day

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 2:47 pm
by fkwan
OrganicGal wrote:I had a box of Glossette Peanuts and about 3 handfuls of popcorn.
I read this and went, "what the hell are glossette peanuts?" and then I looked at yr geography and thought, oh, my dream destination, the UK, the sugar paradise! :)

I read a lot of Brit murder mysteries and fiction and the characters always seem to be stuffing their faces with stuff that I would probably eat by the ton, like Dairy Milk and fairy cakes, whatever those are. :D And pasties. I've wanted to go there since I was like 3, and almost got there 30 years ago but took a detour to marry a Texan. :(

What do they eat specially in Peterborough? I don't know much about that area except it's in the middle of the fens, right? Do they still have fens or have they drained them and made housing developments and malls out of them, like everywhere else on the planet?

Porridge forever,

f :)

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:04 pm
by OrganicGal
Hi f....I'm actually in Peterborough, Ontario, CANADA! :lol: I'm another neighbour to the north, nice ta meet ya!

Glossette (brand name) are just chocolate covered peanuts. They also make chocolate covered raisins, which I don't like.

day 24...S day

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 12:31 am
by OrganicGal
Today was a great day!!! :D Not only because I got to sleep in, and didn't have breakfast until 11am. But finally got an exhaust fan and 2 new light fixtures installed in my bathroom, thanks to my awesome B-friend. I could have done the light fixtures myself, but not the exhaust fan. And it's a long story as to why it has taken 18yrs to get that exhaust fan installed :x So now all I have to do is scrape the walls, clean them, then prime and paint them. The bathroom is gonna look fantastic. Oh ya, then I will also install new towel rack, toilet paper holder etc. :)
Whoever buys my house is gonna be very lucky.
Soooo, because we had breakfast so late and were working on the bathroom project for several hours, we didn't have lunch, so I took my B-friend and I out for dinner to Red Lobster. OMG! It was GOOD! I ate too much, but I'm ok with that because of how the rest of the day was and because I'm certainly not gonna eat anymore tonight. Glad it was an S day, that's for sure.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 12:47 am
by susieokla
Yeah, congrats on getting the exhaust fan and light up! Doesn't it feel great to get something like that accomplished?

My husband and I love Red Lobster!! Thank goodness the closest one is 45 minutes away or else we would be there all of the time. Glad you were able to enjoy it on an S day. :wink:

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 5:57 pm
by OrganicGal
Thanks Susieokla! :D Getting projects done is always deeply satisfying for sure.

Red Lobster was great, I did a build your own combo thing. So I had, Jumbo coconut shrimp, clam linguini alfredo and stuffed sole (stuffed w/ broccoli cheese & rice...yummmmm! But the problem of too much food came from an appetizer my B-friend & I shared of lobster & seafood stuffed mushrooms (3 each) and 2 of their awesome little buns/bread, AND I had dessert...although I didn't quite finish it..I was too full!! :shock: But d*mn it was scrumptious!! :D

Day 26....

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 2:42 pm
by OrganicGal
Yesterday was another successful green day across the board! (No S, No Scale & Movement w/ purpose..aka exercise)
Had pork chops and salad for dinner. Went for a walk and then watched a movie...or half of it. We'll watch the rest tonight. And even when B-friend made popcorn I didn't have any, nor when he offered ice cream. :D I did eat literally 2 pieces of popcorn because it was Organic popcorn and he insisted I try it to see if there was any difference in taste, but I'm not counting that as a red.

I am finding out a couple of things lately 1)That I am losing my desire for sweets even on S days. I'm almost forcing myself to find & have something when I don't really want it. and 2) I think chocolate milk (the real stuff...not the squeeze in some syrup kind) may be something I have to be careful of. I don't drink it a lot, hardly ever, but I am finding it an almost to good of a substitute if I'm really hungry in between meals. I'm concerned about the sugar content. I know Reinhard says no sweets, not no sugar, but there are 26g of sugar in an 8oz glass of choc. milk. That's a lot!!! :shock:

Another thing I found surprising this morning...I slept over at my B-friends and had more of a struggle to not step on his scale then I've been having with my own. I don't even like his scale, lol, I don't think it's as accurate as mine and it's too small to read the lines between the numbers...maybe I'm just getting old :lol: But I did succeed in not stepping on his scale, which is the important thing.

One more thing, lol, I am finding N days to be really easy overall. Only occasionally am I thinking too much about a sweet or 2nds or snacks (in that order). So the Habit is definitely becoming entrenched.

day 27...

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 12:51 pm
by OrganicGal
Another successful N day and No Scale day yesterday. I am giving myself a cautionary note though to watch those meals when I'm out at a restaurant for dinner. My dinner last night was not the large portions you normally get at some restaurants, and my 2 pieces of appetizer would definitely have fit on my plate meal. BUT I'm still feeling that the amount I ate, although not physically too much, was too much mentally and chemically/biology. Meaning my body probably did not need that much food.
This is still the easiest most beneficial learning experience I've had when it comes to food though. Instead of some 'expert' telling me what I should eat or not much I should eat or not eat, etc. I am learning through personal experience and contemplation what and how much my body needs and how to satisfy emotional hunger in better alternative ways. I LOVE THIS PLAN!!!

day 27 cont'd.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 1:36 am
by OrganicGal
Today was a successful day but out of alignment to. I had my normal breakfast at my normal time....but then got really busy at my store between putting my big wednesday order away and customers. I finally ate some cheese and crackers at 3pm. I did have 2 glasses of chocolate milk between breakfast and my late lunch, but by dinner time I was really hungry. We had to eat fast as my b-friend had to go to his meeting, and so even though I now feel ok, for a long time afterward I was fighting hunger. I still feel hungry but not as bad, and I'm still fighting the feeling but it's not as hard to fight it. It's a good thing though that I have no food really in my house...some bananas and other stuff which would have to be cooked, otherwise I might be in real trouble. I think also that it's about a week away from that TOM, and I always get very hungry during that week...and crave chocolate really bad too.
So all in all, a successful day. Green for No S & No Scale. :D

day 28...

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 1:50 pm
by OrganicGal
Well I've learned some lessons! I stepped on the scale this red square on my No Scale Habitcal. I have not lost an ounce, which I suspected. My lesson learned is to listen to my body...I knew I hadn't lost anything, just from the fit of my clothes and the 'feel' of my body. I also learned that although I think I can now tweak my meals a bit, as I'm firmly in the No S Habit, I don't think I have to do much that way. My problem is my 'Movement with Purpose' Habitcal. I was just putting a green square where I had exercised in some form or another, but wasn't putting red (or yellow) squares when I was/did not! Big mistake for me. So, since May 1st, I have now filled in any squares where I did not get some form of exercise (over and above my normal physical activity) for the day, with a red square!!! (I think I might go back to where I started No S and fill in the red squares for April too.)
That has always been the way my body is. I can eat well, healthy etc. but if I don't exercise 4-5 times a week, I will not lose weight...I KNOW THIS AND NEED TO STOP IGNORING IT. IT IS A FACT FOR ME AND MY BODY!!!!!

But at least I was able to put a green square on my No S Habitcal! As I did not eat anything after dinner last night. :)

Oh ya, and no more chocolate milk for me.... I think I'm actually using it as a 'sweet' substitute, even though it's technically not one. With 26g of sugar per 8oz glass, it's too much for my body which seems to be getting much more 'sensitive' to sugar as I get older.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:07 pm
by resting52
isn't it amazing how we are learning so much about ourselves......or at least admitting it.

I'm glad we are all on this journey together.


day 28 cont'd.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 1:08 am
by OrganicGal
Well got through the day fine with meals. They weren't great. I had a banana for breakfast, cheese & crackers for lunch with an really hungry late afternoon but held off until dinner even though I had to do an errand on the way home and dinner was later then usual.

But the best part of the day was my 35min walk I just finished! Not only did I get to put a green square on my 'MwP' Habitcal and my No S Habitcal, but more importantly I feel great!! :D

I just need to remember this feeling when that other part of me tries to talk me out doing something purposeful.

day 29...

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 12:14 pm
by OrganicGal
Ok..I feel like I'm having a new committment to No S, but I'm not really as I'm firmly entrenched in this way of eating. The new committment comes from my committment to MwP (Movement with Purpose). Starting tomorrow, I am going to start riding my bike to and from my work. The only reason why I am not starting this morning is because I have to go to the bank to get coin for my register, envelopes so I can mail bills/payments and some produce from my supplier. But, I've figured out I can do a lot of these same things in the evenings after I close up. So that's why I'm starting tomorrow! That will be an approx. 2-4 mile round trip on my bike each day...mostly uphill on the way home...ugh.. :?

I am though, going to start looking carefully at my portions with every meal including those on S days. Like I said above in my previous post, I think I can do a little tweaking there.
One thing I'm gonna do is take a plate (and cutlery) to work, so that I am not guessing at what I'm eating there for lunch. I'm only taking a luncheon/sandwich size plate. I'm sure that's all I need.

I LOVE THIS PLAN!!! Only with this plan can all this portion control come virtually automatically with very little conscious decision making on my part. Only with this plan can eating off a smaller plate seem like a I'm treating myself like a V.I.P! Only on this plan can a move to regular MwP seem like JUST a new Habit, nothing to stress over.

aaaaahhhhhhhh *sigh of contentment*

day 29 cont'd.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 6:42 pm
by OrganicGal
Well, very glad to report that my luncheon plate I brought to work has worked out nicely, in fact I was actually able to add one more thing to the plate. Which means my appetite is satisfied AND I'll be able to wait without much, if any discomfort until dinner! :)

end of day 29...

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 1:23 am
by OrganicGal
Well my errands after I closed, took a little longer then expected so I was starving. So I didn't want to cook, so I had a sub instead. It certainly fit on my plate and was the perfect amount. Then I went and did one more errand and came home and shoveled/raked leaves into the brown paper bags. So that was my MwP for today.

No S green
No Scale green
MwP green


Wow!! day 30....

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 11:45 am
by OrganicGal
Having a lovely breakfast of peanut butter and banana on a whole wheat flat bread type thingy... :lol: With a few fresh strawberries on the side. YUM!

Then the big adventure starts...I'm riding my bike to work *gasp* It might be more of an adventure riding home again though :shock: I'll check in later to note how it goes.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 7:32 pm
by blueskighs

peanutbutter, banana and whole grain bread sounds YUMMY!

hey riding your bike to work sounds FUN!


day 30 cont'd and 1st day of riding bike to & from work.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 10:31 pm
by OrganicGal
Well, I took what I thought would be a slightly longer route home on my bike...but it still only took me five minutes to get home. But the hill up my street to my house was a killer. :shock: I can feel it in my lungs. I have exercise induced asthma, so my lungs are hurting a bit right now...and I'm wheezing a bit. But nothing to really worry about. I've done this before.

When I move to my condo in the fall, the trip will definitely be longer, and still a couple of slow long killer hills...but I'll be in better shape by then.

Going out for dinner soon, not sure where. Doubt I'l have dessert, but might have it tomorrow (mothers day) when my daughter takes me out, but only if I really want something...not just because I can and it's mother's day.

day 31.....

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 1:56 pm
by OrganicGal
Well, went out for dinner last night and had bread, salad, main course and dessert.....but did not finish my dessert!! :shock: Before No S I would have finished it no matter what, but last night I knew I'd had enough and if I ate more I would feel awful and would just be being a glutton! A feeling I don't like anymore.
Also walked home from my b-friends this morning, so some of my MwP accomplished for the day, but need to do more as it only took me 9 mins.

Now I'm going to go outside and do some yard work...then go shopping :D

Later it will be Mother's Day dinner out with my daughter & her b-friend, my b-friend and his 2 kids, and possibly my daughters' b-friends' grand-parents.

Update: Dinner will just be the 6 of us...not the grandparents. Did some shopping..bought some new shoes & shirts. Went and got all the plants for my house...3 hanging flower baskets, and multiple plants for my 5 big pots outside. Got my front lawn roped off in prep for hydro-seeding later this week. So got all my MwP in today :D
I can't believe the price of gas...$124.9 per litre which is almost 5 bucks a gallon! :shock: Good thing I've started riding my bike to and from work.

end of day 31...

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:45 am
by OrganicGal
Had a wonderful Mothers Day dinner...of course I had dessert :) My daughter gave me a lovely card with a loving heartfelt message in it (her & I are very close). Plus she gave me a pretty satin top, some earrings and a pretty butterfly ponytail holder and well as some Burts Bees lip gloss. Very nice. :)

I'm home early tonight to give my b-friend some time with his kids and so he can crash early as he just returned from an intensive 4 day training course. But he'll call me in a little bit to say goodnight.

I figured out it's just over 1km each way to ride my bike to my store. And when I move to my condo it will be a little over 2kms (each way) with a killer hill on the way from my condo right before I get to my store....ugh!

I am so content with this method of eating and building Habits....I simply love it. :)

start of day 32....

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 11:40 am
by OrganicGal
Well...the No Scale Habit is actually becoming a habit. I'm only thinking briefly in the mornings about stepping on it, and then I don't think about it every morning and today is the 12th of May and I only have the one red square on my Habitcal back at the beginning of the month. YAY for me ! :D

Considering I had a 2 1/2 hour nap yesterday afternoon, I can't believe I was tired again by 10:30 and went to bed. Spoke to my b-friend for a little bit and had lights out by 11. And yet I woke up tired, but I think I had the heat on to high last night, probably didn't need it on at all.

Anyway...gonna have breakfast shortly and get ready for work. I've got soooooooo much to do in the next 2 weeks at the store and getting my house ready to sell. My bros are coming up on the May long weekend to paint, so I've lots of prep to do before hand, plus there is gardening to do, flooring to do. and the list goes on. Ugh....sigh...

day 33....

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 11:47 am
by OrganicGal
Yesterday was a green day all across the board!!! :D I rode my bike from my store to my boyfriends for dinner last night. It's all up least a 1/2 mile. AND I DID IT!! Without having to get off my bike and walk up the hill. Of course my lungs were hurting afterward and I was wheezing and coughing (when I laughed), but that's lungs will get stronger. I'll be doing the same thing tonight. Plus I then rode home from his place too, but it's mostly downhill...oh...except for the slow uphill on my street! Can you tell I live in a hilly area? :lol:

Anyway, I'm really glad of the exercise, I'm really starting to feel better.

I'm still amazed at the ease with which this last 32 days have gone by. Am I really on a diet? Well, no, because this is not a diet. It is a traditional habit building eating plan!!!

Re: day 33....

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 11:59 am
by JillyBean
OrganicGal wrote:
I'm still amazed at the ease with which this last 32 days have gone by. Am I really on a diet? Well, no, because this is not a diet. It is a traditional habit building eating plan!!!
I'm with you. Amazing! :!:

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 12:50 pm
by resting52

Is your garden growing yet?


Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 1:59 pm
by OrganicGal
resting...I don't really do I tend to have a black All I do are 3 flower hanging baskets & 3 pots at the front of the house and 2 pots in the backyard. So once I plant something in the pots...I generally just have to remember to water everything.

Progress since I started....

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 5:01 pm
by OrganicGal
Since I began this whole thing, this is my progress. (Note: each new Habit was started on a different date, hence not the same number of 'total' days).

No S-ing: 32 days total...29 green and/or yellow!!

MwP: 24 days total....14 green!!

No Scale: 16 days total....14 green!!

I'm amazed! At myself, at the simpleness of this plan, at the ease with which changes are becoming Habits!! :D

Notice there is no pounds lost tracking..partly because of my No Scale Habit I'm developing and partly because the last time I did step on the scale, I had not lost anything. When I weigh myself at the beginning of June I will post the results then.

day 34...

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 11:45 am
by OrganicGal
Well another successful day yesterday! And it might be wishful thinging but I think I'm feeling just the littlest bit thinner. :) So it was very tempting to step on the scale this morning, but I resisted...whew!

Got a really busy, long day ahead of me today. Got to run errands before opening the store, then in the store all day, then my seminar in the store tonight. So, I probably won't get home until about 9:30pm tonight! AND I don't know if I'm going to be able to squeeze dinner in there or not. So we'll see how it goes. I'll check in later.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:04 am
by OrganicGal
Wow! Got through the looooong day. Between moving shelf units and setting up chairs & tables and things, then cleaning it all up at the end, I figure I got my 14 minutes min. of MWP in today.

Just finished eating dinner now at 10pm. Thanks to my b-friend for taking care of me. There was just no time to eat before. But you know what...I almost ate EVERYTHING, but realized I didn't want to or need to...and left half a roll and some fries on my plate. Finished the chicken and the salad instead...which is what I wanted the most. So I'm proud of myself.

And now to relax and talk for a while with my b-friend before hitting the sack....*yawn*

day 35....

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:55 am
by OrganicGal
I feel better this a pretty good nights sleep. Didn't wake up to much.
Had a bit of temptation to step on the scale this morning, but once again I was able to resist.
Can't ride my bike to work today, as I have to many errands to do, so I'll have to get out for a ride or a good walk tonight.

Note: I'm making today my 1st NWS day, as there was a surprise b-day party for the maintenance man (for the plaza where my store is) and I was brought a piece of the cake. I ate only half of it.

day 36...

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:50 am
by OrganicGal
Managed to get in a bike ride last night, so was able to put another green box on my MwP Habitcal, and my No Scale Habitcal and a yellow on my No S, as I took it as an S day as mentioned above.

Tonight my b-friend, who is a clinical Hypnotherapist, and I are going to see a 'stage' hypnotist. It should be fun...because my boyfrined will know exactly what the guy is doing. :) Plus the fact that we haven't gone out to do anything exciting for a while.

check in later....
the show was really fun...and then afterward we went and had a sub....i just a had a small one....but it wasn't a S much as I don't want to ....I'm givin' myself a red for yesterday on my No S Habitcal.

day 37....

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 1:55 pm
by OrganicGal
Well...started today off normal with an N day breakfast (I always do even though today is an S day). I think because Monday is a holiday here, that I'm going to focus on portions and no seconds, no snacks this weekend. I would much rather have a sweet as dessert...(or if in between meals then as a snack technically).

Not sure what I'll be having for lunch...probably my usual....then I know we'll be having pizza for dinner, as we'll be ordering it in for when my family gets here. My sis and 2 of my bros are coming up tonight to help paint...(almost) whole house this weekend.

edit: So I didn't end up having my normal lunch...ended up having a piece of sponge toffee w/ chocolate....then a few hours later I had some crackers & cream cheese, then I ate another piece of sponge toffee w/ choc. HMMMMM...what's with that? I think I just did some mindless boredom eating. On a positive note I haven't over eaten! On a less positive note...I've eaten too much sugar...and eaten for the wrong reasons. ENOUGH OF THAT!!!!

day 40....

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 3:57 pm
by OrganicGal
Holy Cow am I tired!!! My 2 bros, my sis and my b-friend and I prepped, primed and painted the whole 2 upper floors of my house...including ceilings and baseboard heaters, as well as removing wallpaper, this weekend! We worked from about 8pm to 11pm on Sat. night. Then 8am until 8pm sunday (with short breaks for lunch & dinner). Then from about 8:30am to 7pm yesterday!!!(again with short breaks for lunch & dinner).

Since it was the weekend, and S days, plus yesterday was a holiday here, which I also took as an S day, I didn't worry about my eating. With all the MwP I got, I'm sure it's not an issue. The only time I ate outside of meals was Sun. evening when we watched a movie, and a bit yesterday afternoon.

The house looks awesome, of course! 8) And my feet hurt...a lot! :lol:

Oh...I also continued successfully with my No Scale Habitcal over the weekend...and have gone right back to N day eating today.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:08 am
by blueskighs
I prepped, primed and painted the whole 2 upper floors of my house...including ceilings and baseboard heaters, as well as removing wallpaper, this weekend!
wow! that is a ton of work! I am very impressed,


day 41...

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 12:07 pm
by OrganicGal
Thanks Blue! :)

Well, I have to mark a red square on my No Scale Habitcal this morning. I stepped on the scale at my b-friends, only to discover that I apparently have not lost an ounce! So, time to take a look at my portions. I know I'm fine at lunch and breakfast, but tend to eat more at dinner. Perhaps it's too much for the calories I'm burning. AND I have to continue to up my MwP! I know I'm not getting enough exercise! I'm not going to sit here and type in a bunch of reasons/excuses, I have to move more, that's all there is to it!!!!!!! :x

At least I seem to have the N day Habit firmly in place, and S days are not excessive at all.

EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE! (said in that whiney Marsha, Marsha, Marsha

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:59 am
by OrganicGal
Well...CRAP!!!! Today sucked all around!! A very stressful day and I had to mark all 3 Habitcals RED! AAAARRRRRGGHHH!!

I stepped on the scale this morning, I haven't gotten any exercise and I had dessert after dinner and also ate too much!!!

Some things are happening, that are stressing me out big time. I don't know what the solution is...or if there is one so to speak. I might have to make a decision that's gonna be one of the hardest I've ever had to make and it's not gonna be pretty. :x

Right now I just wanna cry, or sleep...but I know I wouldn't if I tried...or find something to get my mind off things and totally forget the situation for tonight. When I'm emotional I can't think...and right now I am emotional and I don't WANT to think.
The good news is that I have no inclination to EAT over all this stress any more tonight. :)

day 42...

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 1:27 pm
by OrganicGal
I am sad and feeling down today...cried myself to sleep and woke up crying this morning. :( I'm feeling overwhelmed and trying to keep things to the back of my mind, so that I don't dwell on them to much, but I'm not sure how effective a technique that is. And of course I didn't sleep well last night, so I'm tired this morning, which only makes me feel worse.

I am however grateful for No S. I didn't step on the scale this morning, I didn't overeat last night or so far today. Before No S, I would have probably drowned my feelings in food over this stress and emotion.

I will take today, one hour, one minute at a time, or whatever it takes to get through the day.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 4:38 pm
by blueskighs

Crying is SO GOOD for us! It is so cathartic and SUCH a stress releiver. I am a great beleiver in crying. Pull out your tissues and weep!

Then you will be fresh like after the rains!


day 43....

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 2:03 pm
by OrganicGal
Well...I did well on No S and No Scale yesterday and No Scale this morning. :)

But more stress...last night my b-friend and I took a late night run to the on call vet and had to have his kids pet bunny put down. He was about 6yrs old...but we think he had an intestinal blockage, so there wasn't much we could do. It was awful though. We will bury him this weekend. :(

But through it all I'm still successfully No S-ing, so that's the most positive note over the last couple of days.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 3:26 pm
by blueskighs
last night my b-friend and I took a late night run to the on call vet and had to have his kids pet bunny put down
so sad :cry:


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 8:23 pm
by OrganicGal
Thanks WAS very b-friend was trying sooo hard not to cry.

day 44...

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 12:00 pm
by OrganicGal
Ok..I have to start doing better when I eat out...because I eat out at least a couple of times per week. Last night I ate too much while we were out. I didn't have dessert, but still I counted it as a red day for sure.

Re: day 44...

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 12:16 pm
by CatholicCajun
OrganicGal wrote:Ok..I have to start doing better when I eat out...because I eat out at least a couple of times per week. Last night I ate too much while we were out. I didn't have dessert, but still I counted it as a red day for sure.
Good Morning! Sorry about the bunny, it is so heartbreaking. Our priest said that our dog is going to be the first one ever passed in church when she dies that's how silly we are for her, well our son is grown, and we have no grandkids to spoil yet, so we spoil the dog.

Now back to your quote, here is something I have done, and it may or may not work for you, when I order, I ask the waitress to bring the to go box with my meal and I put half of it in the go box before I even begin to eat my meal, that way I have something good for the next meal and I am still eating what I enjoy, but only half and I am usuall full but the time I finish, OR, when you get your main course, mentally or physically spit it in half on your plate and only eat half, hubby and I also will share a large meal, of course, not all resturants allow you to do that. Last night we each had a cup of seafood gumbo, split the dinner salad and spit the large seafood platter and baked potato.

God bless! You are really doing well on the program from what I read in your posts. God Bless.

Re: day 44...

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 1:21 pm
by JillyBean
OrganicGal wrote: OR, when you get your main course, mentally or physically spit it in half on your plate and only eat half,
Sorry, but boy did this make me laugh!! I am such a proof-reader, so I have to tell you -- when I envision spitting on my food, well, I don't know if I'd even want to eat half after that! LOL :lol:

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 6:55 pm
by OrganicGal
LOL...yes some typos are funny unintentionally. But the overall idea is a good one for sure. I think I'll start asking for the to go box right away...even though my b-friend and his kids will look at me like I'm nuts. I can take it...I have broad shoulders.. :lol:

day 46....

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 12:13 pm
by OrganicGal
Even though you can't fail on S days according to Reinhard, I feel I had an awful weekend for eating. Here's the breakdown:

Sat. B- PB & banana sandwich
L- One hamburger
S- 4-5 dollar coin size chocolates
D- Chinese Buffet...2 plates + salad + 2 scoops of ice cream and a cream puff for dessert
At the Drive In later that night....1/3 a tray of nachos w/ cheese & a chocolate bar.

Sun. B- None (still felt full from the night before)
L- Lunch size portion of pasta w/shredded chicken from East Side Marios & 3 pieces (1" x 1.5") of bread w/ whipped butter, at 2pm-ish
S- 1/2 a large choc. bar and a hand full of chips.
D- Chicken Club Wrap with fries (which I didn't finish) and garden salad, carrot cake for dessert.

That's it...nothing else. Does that seem excessive to anyone? And here I am this morning arguing with myself as to whether I want/should eat breakfast or not. I know that if I don't eat breakfast now I will be much more likely to overeat I'd better go make something.

No Scale all weekend! :D No MwP all weekend! :( (that's 5 days in a row)

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 9:13 pm
by OrganicGal
Ok...since I know what I have to do for exercise...I'm going to stop being so lazy and start being active.

I'm going to use some cd's I burned, as well as burn some more and get out walking every weekday morning. That I can do...I'm up at the same time every day and have lots of time to do a 30-45min. walk. Then on weekends I can do nothing if I choose, but usually end up doing physical chores (general upkeep or stuff getting my house ready to sell), plus most weekends my b-friend and I and his kids when he has them go for great long bike rides.

So simple...but so hard to push myself to do. I feel like I have no choice though! Not if I want to lose the weight and keep it off. I already eat pretty healthy...with minor opportunities for improvement.

Checklist: Make sure I have fresh batteries in my disc man.
Make sure those 2 cd's I made are readily available.
Set out walking clothes and shoes when I go to bed

day 47...

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 2:03 pm
by OrganicGal
Well, I managed (quite easily) to talk myself out of going for a walk this morning. But the day's not over yet. I will do something purposeful this evening.

Almost didn't eat breakfast because I'm so stressed about something, and because I have this weird idea that when I'm stressed I should lose my appetite like so many people I know. And because I'm telling myself that if I don't eat breakfast (or another meal) then I will lose weight easier. Which of course I know is not true.

So I went and had some breakfast. I'm not going to let No S go all to hell, just because some other things are. Keeping that steady and stable is a good thing right now, a balance for the chaos.

Was able to put another green square on my No Scale Habitcal this morning. :) I'm sure I'll be able to do a green square on the No S Habitcal, and will be doing my absolute best to put one on my MwP Habitcal tonight.

Re: day 47...

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 2:12 pm
by JillyBean
OrganicGal wrote:

Almost didn't eat breakfast because I'm so stressed about something

I'm not going to let No S go all to hell, just because some other things are. Keeping that steady and stable is a good thing right now, a balance for the chaos.
I'm sorry to hear that you are having some troubles, but want to congratulate you on not turning to a substance and/or behavior that we KNOW doesn't help at all.

Hang in there and know that I'm thinking of you...

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 3:41 pm
by OrganicGal
Thanks a lot Jill, I really appreciate your thoughts and words of encouragement. :)

The good news is that I may have found a solution, a workable relatively easy solution to my problem. If it works out then I will have a lot less stress....and things will defintely be looking up. Please anyone who reads this (along with Jill :) ) keep your fingers crossed for me.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 4:18 pm
by JillyBean
My finners are croxxed so tigthtly, it's haaard to type!! :P

Seriously, here's hoping it works out, OG...

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 4:52 pm
by fkwan
OrganicGal wrote:Thanks a lot Jill, I really appreciate your thoughts and words of encouragement. :)

The good news is that I may have found a solution, a workable relatively easy solution to my problem. If it works out then I will have a lot less stress....and things will defintely be looking up. Please anyone who reads this (along with Jill :) ) keep your fingers crossed for me.
I always leave the gym happier than when I went in. More exercise will help. Keeping fingers crossed.


Re: day 46....

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:00 pm
by BrightAngel
OrganicGal wrote:Even though you can't fail on S days according to Reinhard, I feel I had an awful weekend for eating. Here's the breakdown:

Sat. B- PB & banana sandwich
L- One hamburger
S- 4-5 dollar coin size chocolates
D- Chinese Buffet...2 plates + salad + 2 scoops of ice cream and a cream puff for dessert
At the Drive In later that night....1/3 a tray of nachos w/ cheese & a chocolate bar.

Sun. B- None (still felt full from the night before)
L- Lunch size portion of pasta w/shredded chicken from East Side Marios & 3 pieces (1" x 1.5") of bread w/ whipped butter, at 2pm-ish
S- 1/2 a large choc. bar and a hand full of chips.
D- Chicken Club Wrap with fries (which I didn't finish) and garden salad, carrot cake for dessert.

That's it...nothing else. Does that seem excessive to anyone?
This is a really good example of an S day problem.
I ran the calories on these items.....generalizing of course, as I did not see the exact amounts,
but here are pretty good estimates:


PB & banana sandwich
2 slices bread, 2 TB peanut butter, ½ banana = about 410 calories.

One hamburger -
In and out burger, single patty 390
Wendy’s classic single, 410
Burger King single whopper 680.
……………………Average hamburger --- 500 calories

4-5 dollar coin size chocolates
5 Hershey miniatures 230 calories

Chinese Buffet...2 plates + salad + 2 scoops of ice cream and a cream puff for dessert
1 egg roll, 150
1 c. fried rice 300
3 pieces fried shrimp 200
½ cup chicken chow mein w/o noodles 150
½ cup chow mein noodles 150
1 plate chinese food as shown above - Total 950 calories (2 plates? - Double)
1 green dinner salad with dressing 150
Ice cream 2 ½ cup scoups - 500 calories
1 cream puff - 335

1/3 a tray of nachos w/ cheese & a chocolate bar.
Taco bell 1/3 order Nachos BellGrande – 253 (whole order 760)
1 -2.6 oz Hershey’s dark chocolate bar 263

Days estimated total: 3400 calories (counting 1 plate chinese food).


Lunch size portion of pasta w/shredded chicken from East Side Marios & 3 pieces (1" x 1.5") of bread w/ whipped butter

1 small order Fazoli’s chicken fettuccine alfredo 650
3 piece bread spread with whipped butter – 390

1/2 a large choc. bar and a hand full of chips.
½ large choc bar, 250
1 oz chips 150

Chicken Club Wrap with fries (which I didn't finish) and garden salad, carrot cake for dessert.
Chicken club wrap 500
1/2 medium order french fries 250.
Garden salad with 2 tb buttermilk dressing 200
1 small piece (1/12) carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. 550

Estimated total Saturday 3400
Estimated Total Sunday 2940

Weekend daily Average 3170

Daily Calorie burn rate for an average, sedentary 45 year old female, 5’5†tall weighing 180 lbs. is about 1850 calories.

3170 minus 1850…. Excess 1320 x 2 – 2640 excess = ¾ fat pound gained over 2 day period..

I speak as the voice of Reason,
Those are the numbers,
and if the hypothetical woman ate only her 1850 calories on each of the 5 weekly N days,
she would gain 3/4 lb of fat in that week,
although fat gains do not accurately register on a scale each and every week.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:37 pm
by OrganicGal
Well, thanks BrightAngel, now I feel like crap about myself and my eating! :x

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:55 pm
by BrightAngel
OrganicGal wrote:Well, thanks BrightAngel, now I feel like crap about myself and my eating! :x
That was not my intention. Image
Your S day problem and question re Excess eating
seemed like a good opportunity to illustrate the basic S day problem
that we all included. Image
The No S Diet isn't a magic solution.Image
If we take in more energy from food than our bodies burn,
we will gain weight.....
no matter whether we take it in only on S days,
or take it in through our eating all week long.
In short, we all have to work continually not to overeat Image
on S days as well as on N days.
That fact sucks, but it would be counterproductive to lie to ourselves about it.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 6:07 pm
by fkwan
BrightAngel wrote:If we take in more energy from food than our bodies burn,
we will gain weight.....
no matter whether we take it in only on S days,
or take it in through our eating all week long.
In short, we all have to work continually not to overeat on S days as well as on N days.
It's depressing, but true. :)


Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 7:34 pm
by OrganicGal
Well, I feel sooooo much better now that I've gone on a mini binge and eatin' 8 cookies!!!!! *said with heavy sarcasm*

And no I'm not blaming anyone but myself! I'm over-tired, over-stressed, want to cry, feeling bad about my weight, feeling stuck and I just did what I did. :cry:

But dinner is coming up...and I'll correct things then and from now on. I will not make this worse then what it is. Red square already marked on my Habitcal for today.

And BrightAngel, if you are reading is not your fault, and I am taking what you said as a wake up call. I know I was fooling myself that I was eating less overall. Which I no longer believe, and I was fooling myself that I was doing fine on weekends (and this past weekend was not actually typical...I've been eating less then that on past weekends), but I'm not doing fine on weekends either.
So, in a small way...I have to thank you BrightAngel..even though I wanted to slap you... :lol:

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 8:00 pm
by Tink
But dinner is coming up...and I'll correct things then and from now on. I will not make this worse then what it is
Bravo for getting right back OP *hugs* ( with fingers crossed) :wink: