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Check in for Karma Rex

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 5:49 am
by Karma rex
I am on day 10 and have done pretty good. All green and yellow on my HabitCal. Today I had a pretty high calorie and not the healthiest breakfast and lunch, when I got to dinner I was hungry and rather than eat my apple while I prepared something healthy I ate what the kids had fixed. Mac and cheese and chicken nuggets. Because this really hadn't been the healthiest day of eating I got the smallest plate in the house to use. So I am hungry right now as it wasn't all that much food. However when I look at my calories today they are right up around 1800. I would like to stay around 14-1600 and incorporate healthier foods than I had today. However, this first 21 days I am really going to just eat what I want and keep it to the simple S rules while taking a look at the total calories to get an idea of what 3 meals a day is looking like! Last weekend wasn't bad at all. I had some sweets and ate regular meals. I really like the idea of getting this 3 meals a day down as a habit as my coworker pretty much grazes all day and I really need to get away from the eating between meals! After I get the habit of 3 meals down then I will work on incorporating healthy foods and eat what I want without worrying about calories. Rexanne

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 4:44 pm
by blueskighs
All green and yellow on my HabitCal.
You are doing great!


Another week down!

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 4:18 am
by Karma rex
Well made it through another week. All green! Hasn't been too difficult not snacking or having seconds...however I think I am putting too much on my plate! I tend to fill it quite full knowing I won't be eating until my next meal. I am going to enjoy my upcoming S days and next week try and eat more veggies, slow down my eating and plan my meals a little better. I do feel a relief of not constantly wondering what to bring to work for snacks, having something to nibble on, etc....I do get hungry in the evenings but I think that will get better. I can always tell myself what a nice breakfast I can have the next day! Onward to another week!

Oooh Saturday is dangerous!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 5:30 am
by Karma rex
Wow, seems like I have been eating all day today...started with egg/sausage muffin...then toast with cheese and jam then snacks at baby shower, cake and a maple bar then dinner was a buffet at a retirement party! I did not go back for seconds but I feel like I have had a lot of food today! Hopefully Sunday will be a little more sane! Will be looking forward to getting back to N days!

Tuesday and hanging in there...

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:46 am
by Karma rex
Today started with healthy oatmeal but lunch was a couple of crispitos and a chicken breast and sf chai tea. Dinner apple and taco salad minus the tortilla or chips. I'm hungry right now (9:00PM) but usually am in the evenings. I need to concentrate on eating healthier foods, when I'm in a hurry I just grab what is quick and easy. Still doing good on no snacks, seconds or sweets though. Will weigh in Saturday morning as my 21 days ends on Monday and I don't want to weigh in after two S days!

15 days down!

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:46 am
by Karma rex
Today I had a breakfast biscuit and hashbrowns for breakfast, lunch was chicken breast and strawberries with yogurt. Dinner was a bowl of halibut chowder and 1 and 1/2 slice rye bread and 2 strawberries. I came close to snacking today though when at work there was some smoked salmon and I grabbed a piece and took a bite and realized what I was doing so I stopped right there! Didn't want to blow my green HABICAL. I still feel I am eating too much at my meals. I read on the forum today that what is full plate of calories for one person may be too many for another. I am a tall, fairly muscular 57 year old woman but I really feel I need to cut the calories down on my "plate" to really lose any weight. I will find out on Saturday when I weigh in.

Another green day down!

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 4:02 am
by Karma rex
Breakfast lf vanilla yogurt, mango, 1/4 homemade granola. I cup soup broth with garlic. Lunch 2 slices rye bread, tomato, avocado, cheese, mayo. SF chai. Dinner two small bean and cheese burritos and strawberries with lf vanilla yogurt. Was busy today planting flowers and didn't think about eating until 7:00PM! Don't feel any thinner though. Will weight in Saturday.

Special Day excemption

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 4:07 am
by Karma rex
Today was my "birthday" at work. As my real birthday is in January when our plant is shut down we have assigned birthday's to celebrate at work. I had already decided it had to be an S day. I had a piece of chocolate cake and icecream. And it was a large piece! Breakfast was healthy oatmeal with soy milk. Lunch small container of yogurt (due to mid morning cake) and I was hungry as heck by dinner so I ate 4 small pieces baked halibut a tomato, avocado, cheese sandwich on rye bread and small bowl of strawberries with yogurt. I overate at dinner because I had ruined lunch with my birthday cake and was starving by dinner time. Two more S days to go and will not get too crazy and my next 21 days I need to cut back on my plate portions as I am pretty sure I have gained weight this last 21 days. Will find out when I weigh in this weekend.

Weigh In...not good

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 3:21 am
by Karma rex
Well this am I hopped on the scale and just what I thought....very same weight I started at 19 days ago....I was pretty sure I was not losing any weight by how much I was managing to eat on my 3 9" plates! I am going at it a little differently this next 21 days. Keeping to the same No S program but watching calories of my plates for the next 21 days and trying to keep them around 1400. I think I have been eating between 1800-2000 the last go around. I know the only way this program works will be in calories reduction and exercise so getting the snacks and sweets out of the way during the week is a great start and now I will plan out my meals a little better. Today was a S day in the fact I just went ahead and ate what I wanted. Had a chai tea with sugar. 3 pieces of pizza for dinner, egg mcmuffin for breakfast and crispitos for lunch! Boy I need to have some salad and fish next week!

21 days down and then......

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:58 am
by Karma rex
blew it today...breakfast was healthy (and early!) oatmeal/flax with a dash of cinnomon and soy cream. Mid morning cup of soup (I count this as a scheduled mini meal as it is fresh home made daily, tons of whole garlic cloves, veggies, maybe a little meat or chicken and tons of broth.) Then by lunch was in a hurry and hungry - grabbed a premade burger at the store deli and had a mini yogurt and chai tea for lunch. Dinner was manwiches with onion, cheese and pickles then later I caved and had a small brownie and 1/2 c vanilla ice cream. (Red day today!) I didn't binge but I did have will try to do better tomorrow with healthier choices. I'm going to work at 5:30am to 5:30pm and I am tired and don't want to think about food...that is when I end up eating fast foods, or grab something quick usually not so healthy foods....I'll try again tomorrow...Rex

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:24 am
by Karma rex
Breakfast egg mcmuffin with hashbrown. Bowl of soup at 10:00 (mostly broth and garlic few veggies and chicken - had more than I usually do though) Lunch left over manwich (too much could not eat it all - threw away last few bites) dinner large bowl of frosted shredded wheat with milk and banana. Too much food once again...not wise choices...doing ok on the no s portion but not too well on portion control or better health choices.....sigh....will see what tomorrow brings.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 3:36 am
by Karma rex
Friday was a big red day!! Started out with a healthy breakfast and lunch was a sandwich then it went down is our "Little Norway Festival" and there are food stands all over town with lots of goodies...I broke down and had a strawberry short cake and some pretzels. So big RED mark on habical...that is two this week so I better shape up! Saturday and Sunday were OK I ate some more than I needed to on Saturday and Sunday was pretty much a N Day for me. Three meals no snacks. But I still put it as yellow on habical. Will try and do beter next week...have to get those calories down...I did go for a real nice long walk today though.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 4:26 am
by Karma rex
Green day today...cereal, soup, chicken salad, chai, tad pai (made with halibut)

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:05 am
by Karma rex
week was good except day on habical...started too much food around and gave in to week will keep on track!

Fridays are my tough ones!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 4:57 am
by Karma rex
Friday seems to be my day I have the most trouble sticking to my plan. I think it is because they bring snacks over from the cookhouse on fridays and I don't get me morning cup of soup so I tend to go for whatever they bring over which usually is breakfast foods, fried chicken and this week it was pastries from our organic bakery which is awsome and I caved! That set the tone for the day and we had pizza for dinner...the weekend and holiday weren't too bad...I am going to work harder this week on turning eating less into a habit! Rex

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 4:23 am
by Karma rex
Long weekend wasn't too started off good, bowl of cereal, soy milk and banana. SF Chai mid morning. Lunch was kashi frozen dinner and SF Chai. Dinner was a little overboard, apple, 2 tacos with everything on them and 1 cup of yogurt. Could have, should have only had one taco...was somewhat full....didn't really need it. That is what I have to work on why I eat more than what I need to be comfortabley full. This way of eating really makes me aware of when I do eat too much. I heard something yesterday I need to apply to my eating. To form new habits you have to stop doing what you were doing and start doing what you really may not want to do...this breaks old habits and develops new ones. I have to eat more fruit/vegetables and less of everything else! Will continue working on this.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:39 am
by Karma rex
Haven't posted for a while...habical is doing well...however I do not feel like I have lost any weight! I feel I am eating too much at my three meals! I am going to try real hard this week to cut my calories and foods down...will see how it goes. I like that I don't have to think about food and have lost my desire for sweets, but I just don't feel like I am losing any weight. Maybe even gaining some!

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:36 am
by Karma rex
Well here it is the 5th...I've been doing pretty was a failure becuase my coworker gave my some oriental food to try and I did! But it was midafternoon so had to count it as a snack...I wasn't very hungry at dinner though so had a small dish of food and piece of bread. I walked today at lunch time but I still feel fat! I really think I am going to have to cut my three meals down in size and calories to ever lose any weight. I have lost any obsession with food which is great I hardly think of snacking anymore or sweets. But I am still eating a full plate!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:08 am
by blueskighs
I have lost any obsession with food which is great I hardly think of snacking anymore or sweets.
Karmarex sounds like you are doing great. Decreasing my portions has been a work in progress, gradual, over time,


Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:16 am
by Karma rex
Today was a red day...big potluck for lunch at work today...ate seconds and sweets! Didn't have much for dinner though....I really need to get on a decreased calorie regime or I am never going to lose weight! I just don't seem to be able to quite get there yet. Maybe next week...

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:17 am
by Karma rex
Haven't been really working to hard staying on no s this week but finding that I pretty much am sticking to it without really trying. Did have a couple of brownies today but overall am eating less by snacking less. I have started eating an apple around midafternoon as if I don't I am starving by the time I get home and tend to fill my dinner plate way to full. So I guess I am not doing "vanilla no s" but still not eating all day long or going back for seconds (that is my downfall!).