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KCCC's check-in

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 11:38 pm
by kccc
I decided that tracking was a good enough thing that I'd keep going with it, even though my "backsliding" was over.

Br- usual - oatmeal with nuts, seeds, fruit; cafe au lait, OJ
Lunch - ate out at Panda Express. Steamed veg instead of rice (nice they give that option!), Kung Pao Chicken, two bites of an eggroll
Dinner - Leftover Pad Thai (homemade), salad, cucumbers
Glass wine

Exercise: Pilates class. My abs will be sore tomorrow! (This is "drop in week" and the classes are a little different.)

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 1:11 am
by kccc
Friday, May 2 NWS

Br - usual, minus OJ b/c of time
L - At a party/reception. One plate of fruit and regular salad, hummus and pita, cheese, and a little bit of tempeh "chicken" salad (quite good).

Then... I decided to have one slice of cake. I am calling it an Non-Weekend S-day here, but a "failure" on HabitCal. If I'd thought about HabitCal, I wouldn't have done it. I decided I'd give myself a yellow here if I was good the rest of the day. (And I have been.)

Supper - Grilled cheese, cucumber/avocado salad, apple slices.
Glass of wine

Exercise - 15 minutes light stretches.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:30 pm
by kccc
This has been a good S-day. Some treats, some indulgent food choices, but no over-stuffed misery.

Br - scrambled egg sandwich on whole wheat (childhood comfort food). Juice, coffee... and a tiny slice of pineapple-upside-down coffeecake (homemade)

Lunch - quesadillas (I threw some Gorgonzola in mine, which I love, as a bit of a treat), cucumbers, simple guacamole (mashed avocado mixed with a bit a of salsa) and tortilla chips. Another tiny slice of coffeecake

Afternoon - glass of OJ

Supper - spaghetti with clam sauce, broccoli
Glass of wine

Have been trying to figure out a treat for supper, and haven't come up with anything. I reserve the right to have A treat later, IF it's worth it.

Exercise - walking, about 1/2 hour. Extensive yard work - I FINALLY got all my plants in the ground! About 2 hours helping with neighborhood pool clean up (We pay to belong, but are expected to contribute sweat equity as well).

I had a second glass of wine, but no more sweets. Just nothing I really wanted, so I didn't let myself feel obliged to eat. And now it's bedtime, so I'm done.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:58 pm
by kccc
Another decent S-day. Not perfect, but not as crazy as they have been.

Early breakfast - 1/2 bagel with PB, coffee
Late breakfast with family - pancake, bacon, juice
(I get up early and wanted something then. But wanted to have a festive breakfast with the family. I had just one pancake since I'd eaten earlier.)

Late lunch at restaurant with friends. Hubby and I split an order of fajitas

Light dinner b/c I wasn't very hungry, and wanted to save room for my treat. Salad with a little chicken on top, a slice of bread.

Treat... TWO pieces of my homemade cherry pie. Extravagant and totally satisfying. I'm done.

And this may sound like a lot, but most S-days I can't even start to track... I'm a bit full, but not sick/queasy/bloated. Good enough.

Exercise - none today, at least as of yet. May do some stretches still. Back hurts from hauling stuff around yesterday. May need to take up shovelglove to stay in shape for yardwork!

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 12:28 am
by kccc

Br - usual
Lunch - out with hubby. Soup (chicken and dumpling) and 1/2 sandwich ("Veggiewich"). I couldn't finish my soup, and I gave my cookie to hubby for an afternoon snack.
Dinner - new recipe: polenta with red-pepper sauce; peas; peaches
Glass of wine

Exercise: Cycling class.

Our gym is having a two-week "drop in on any class" special, so I've been trying lots of new things. This was... interesting. My lungs and heart said "good workout!". Legs said "a little tough, but I could get used to it." Butt said "I dunno..." And the back and shoulders said "No way! Don't even think it!" The instructor suggested adjusting the bike so I was a little more upright, so I may try again.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 1:04 pm
by kccc
Tuesday 5/6/08


Br- usual
Lunch - leftover Polenta melt, peas, banana
Dinner - Chicken/avocado quesadilla. (Ate early and fast to go to a meeting, and worried that it wasn't "enough." But when I got home, it was past dinner time and "done" kicked in.)

Exercise - Pilates

However, I have a nasty, nasty pull in my shoulder and can't seem to work it out...

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 1:27 am
by kccc
Wednesday 5/7/08


My shoulder has gotten worse instead of better, and I decided to skip exercise today. I'm going to bed with a big dose of motrin...

Br- usual
L- Out with a friend at a buffet. One plate, half veggies. Lots of other stuff, but reasonable overall
Dinner - strawberries, pineapple, salmon burgers

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 12:22 am
by kccc


Br - usual
Lunch - bagel with toasted cheese (rather a lot), strawberries, applesauce
Dinner - spaghetti, strawberries, broccoli

Exercise - half an hour of yoga.
Shoulder still in bad shape. Grr.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 2:47 am
by joasia
Looks like you are doing great!!!!!!!!!! Congrats.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:04 pm
by kccc
Milczar! Glad to see you. How are you?

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:06 pm
by kccc
Friday 5/9/08


So far so good on No-S... but I know Fridays evenings are tough, and we're going out.

Br - usual
Lunch - leftover spaghetti, broccoli, applesauce
Dinner - ??

Exercise - Step class. It was billed as something else, but they had a sub. Oh well... good workout, even if I'm not fond of step.

Shoulder is still icky, but I was able to exercise. Hoping that helps, as opposed to making it worse.


Went out to a Tex-Mex place, where you "build your own burrito." I got the small and stuffed it with black beans, chicken, and assorted veggies - no rice or cheese. And then I thoroughly enjoyed the chips that came with. Technically No-S, but indulgent enough to satisfy me.

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 8:47 pm
by kccc
Saturday 5/9/08


I am pleased to put the green on for exercise, b/c I was derailed. It's between sessions at the gym, and I decided to stop in at at 6:30 class. On the schedule I posted on my kitchen bulletin board, clear as day. I was going to shower there and change for a party that was closer to the gym than home. (Graduation party for a doctoral student that worked with me, thrown by her major prof, who is also a close colleague.)

Got there... and the gym was closed. Started summer hours today, but it wasn't on the schedule I was looking at! Bummer.

So I came home, annoyed at a wasted trip... and did 15 minutes of serious Pilates. So I get my green, since that's my bottom line.

Munched a good bit at the party, but not to old levels, so I'm content. Today (Sunday) have had a bit much because of eating weird hours after Mother's Day brunch... but I'm ready to quit.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:02 pm
by kccc
Sunday 5/11/08


A funky day b/c of Mother's Day. Had a late brunch out, which threw the day off. Ate a bit more than normal, but stopped when I was full. So, I'm happy with the day. (And hey, I can't do an S-day wrong!)

I am pleased to see evidence of better habits, even on an erratic day.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 4:32 pm
by BrightAngel
KCCC wrote:I am pleased to see evidence of better habits, even on an erratic day.
That's a very hopeful sign.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 1:53 am
by kccc
Traveling today - away for work this week (conference). So bonus points for sticking to my goals!


Br - normal
L- quiche and marinated veggies at the airport "bistro." Not bad.
D -Subway 6" and some dried fruit

Wish I had some wine.

At least I'm in a suite-type arrangement with fridge and microwave. I went out and bought milk and oatmeal and dried fruit, so I can have my normal favorite breakfast. (And I "urban rangered" to the grocery, so got my exercise in too.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 10:51 pm
by kccc

Br - usual :)
Lunch - Chinese buffet. One plate.
Dinner - Frozen dinner, dried fruit.

Dinner sucked. I bought a frozen dinner when I was out, knowing I didn't want to go out by myself in the evening. It was... marginal. And I was hungry/bored, and ate a little early, and am afraid I'll want more since this was so unsatisfying. I am posting "success" now because I'll have to come back and take it off if I cave, and I won't wanna have to do that. So there.

I can't believe there are people who CHOOSE to eat frozen entrees every day ON PURPOSE. Blech.

On the plus side, I did my 15 minutes this morning PLUS got about 2 hours of urban-rangering in. (Another reason I didn't want to go out again for dinner - my feet are tired. I am not used to walking so much.)

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 1:17 am
by NoelFigart
Be strong.

You know, an option would be to double up on making meals when you cook and making your own "frozen dinner". I have a friend who does this a lot because of a crazy schedule and she finds it useful.

I agree, frozen dinners are hardly food.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:22 am
by kccc
NoelFigart wrote:Be strong.

You know, an option would be to double up on making meals when you cook and making your own "frozen dinner". I have a friend who does this a lot because of a crazy schedule and she finds it useful.

I agree, frozen dinners are hardly food.
Yes, and I do that too when I can. The thing is, this is unusual circumstances. I'm away from home at a hotel (sort of - it's this "extended stay" type place, so I have kitchen facilities), for a conference. Came in a day early, so colleagues weren't here to eat out with... long story.

Anyway, choices were slim. Not much within walking distance, and I've done them. (Chinese buffet, Subway.) I got the frozen dinner when I was out earlier.

But... my colleague/friend arrived, we made another trip to the grocery so she could get breakfast stuff, and I got some wine. Life is better, even with "glass ceiling" rules.

And I appreciate the encouragement. :)

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:31 am
by kccc
Wed, 5-14-08


Br - usual
Lunch - Tex-Mex-type salad from Quizno's. I left most of the "shell." (They're really rather nasty, but I find myself nibbling on them...)
Dinner - a little gray here... we had a reception, and I figured I could make it dinner. Had about half of what I thought would be a "one plate equivalent" when I was dragged away to a real dinner with a group of people I genuinely needed to talk to. I ordered an appetizer and hot tea... may have been a little over one plate, but I don't feel stuffed, so I'm giving it a pass.

And I might have done enough walking to qualify for exercise, but it wasn't counted, organized, etc.... so I'll count it as a day off. I get two a week, so I'm good.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:17 am
by kccc
Th, 5/15/08


Br - usual
Lunch - "Rice bowl" with chicken and mushrooms (and some squash - yum). I left half the rice, even though I told them not to put too much.
Dinner - salad with chicken nuggets, bread.

Going to have some wine in a few minutes.

Exercise - got up early and did Pilates. Go me! :)

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 1:33 am
by kccc
Home again, home again! And glad to be here.

Did manage both No-S and exercise yesterday, though I don't remember the meals well enough to list them - and don't care. And I exercised this morning.

Traveling all day, so my "s"s were some cashews at lunchtime to hold me until I could have a real meal a few hours later (plane schedules stunk) and a few chocolates left from Mother's Day when I got home. (Dove Promises - I do like them.)

Didn't even want anything else. Walked through an airport full of junk food ranging from real junk to deluxe junk, and none of it looked good enough to bother with. What a change.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 11:50 pm
by kccc
No S

Not a lot of exercise - just a walk this morning.

I admit to being disappointed that I hadn't lost weight after all the walking I did over the week. I still have a few pounds that I put on during my "backsliding" that seem firmly entrenched. I'm trying to ignore them so they will go away, and focus on habit instead.

At any rate... enjoyed my S-day with several Ss's (I canNOT find a good way to spell that!) but didn't over-stuff. I do wish I had a glass of wine, but we're out and can't buy on Sunday. C'est la vie.

Back to routine on Monday.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 12:19 am
by kccc
5/19/08 - Monday

No S

Br - usual
Lunch - leftover biscuits with cheese, carrots, apple
Dinner - "Tower of Tortilla", and the first watermelon of the season! :)

Exercise - walked 1/2 hour. Doesn't sound like much, but took an effort to fit in today's schedule, so I'm pleased.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:47 pm
by kccc
No S

Br- usual
L- Out - salad and slice at a local restaurant. Pizza was really two slices worth, and salad was on a separate plate... but I'm letting it slide. I could have piled it.
D - chicken, cous-cous, cauliflower, watermelon

Exercise - Pilates class. Back to a routine!

I like the HabitCal/Check In combination, so I can both track patterns and provide detail. Kind of forest-and-trees views.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 1:03 pm
by kccc
No S

Br- usual
L - Panda Express Chinese (one plate, steamed veg instead of rice)
S - Baked fish with veg, quinoa, cauliflower, watermelon

Traveling - no exercise. Sigh.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:30 am
by kccc
No S

Br- usual
Lunch - leftovers - quinoa, fish with veg, watermelon
Supper - Chicken quesadillas with spinach, watermelon

I'm actually quite proud of supper - we got home VERY late, and I was totally starving (everyone else had snacked a bit). I came very close to suggesting stopping for fast food on the way, but (a) was too cheap and (b) didn't think it would be THAT much faster. Plus, I really like chicken quesadillas, which helped.

They were good, and I DID stop after one, though I didn't want to. A few minutes later, when it hit bottom, I was glad I had!

Exercise - Pilates class, then an hour of playing in the pool with my son, who is out of school today. :)

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:34 pm
by kccc
No S

Last exempt for the week on exercise - will have to work out tomorrow. But that's okay.

Br - usual
L - more chicken/spinach quesadillas, apple slices, banana
S - Salad and the LAST chicken/spinach quesadilla (which I preferred over the Mac'n'Cheese the guys had. I am not fond of Mac'n'Cheese.)

A hard day. We had big plans, which had to be re-configured when our son became sick. Nothing life-threatening - runny nose and fever - but he feels miserable and couldn't sleep last night... which meant I didn't either. Feels like a rather wasted day, though if I stop and "count accomplishments" a lot actually got done.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 1:13 am
by kccc
No S

I honestly think I've turned a corner on S-days. Ever since I posted my "memo to self" post (reinforced by Reinhard's podcast on "S-days gone wild"), they've been saner. Today, I thought about several different treats at different times and then would respond internally "but I'm not hungry." Well, duh! As if that used to stop me... but now it makes sense.

Don't know why it took so long, but I'm glad to be at this point.

Br- usual
Lunch - VLTs (like BLTs, but with fake bacon), apple slices
Dessert - 2 Dove Promises, which I savored (about 100 calories)
Snack - handful of cashews, I'd guess 1/4 to 1/3 cup (I was genuinely hungry, and wanted protein)
Dinner - Spanikopita, asparagus, peas and carrots.
Dessert - 2 small homemade brownies

So, plenty of S's, but all isolated events that I can actually recount!! All good. All done. The pack of Promises are in the pantry and the rest of the brownies are in the kitchen... and I don't want them. Maybe tomorrow. Or not.

Exercise - 40 minute power walk, followed by a few full-arm planks (one minute regular, 30 seconds side planks on each side).

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 5:20 am
by blueskighs
I honestly think I've turned a corner on S-days. Ever since I posted my "memo to self" post (reinforced by Reinhard's podcast on "S-days gone wild"), they've been saner.

that is great!


Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 11:37 am
by kccc
Thanks, Blueskighs! I will say that they got less structured on Sunday and Monday, though still not in what I'd consider "insane" territory. That is, I snacked more, but not to the point of being over-stuffed.

But... they were S-days. Done.

Sunday - No-S, Exercise
Monday - No-SExercise

Exercise was just-enough-to-count at bedtime. But it does count.

And now it's back to the usual. :)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:58 am
by kccc
Tuesday 5/27/08

No S

Br - usual
Lunch - bagel with cheese, toasted; apple; banana
Dinner - crustless quiche, some really good flatbread, salad, broccoli, cantaloupe. Sounds like a lot, but I swear it fit on one plate.
Glass of wine.

Exercise was just a 30 minute walk - not major, but it was a "hard to fit it in day" so I get credit. Though, to be honest, I need a SERIOUS exercise day - Saturday was the last.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:17 pm
by kccc

Well, that's my last exempt on exercise this week. Sigh. Will have to really work hard now.

Br- usual
L - Leftover crust-less quiche, broccoli, slice of bread
S- Eggplant sub, trail mix

The eggplant sub was a new recipe. I liked it. Family wasn't wild. Such is life.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 11:51 pm
by kccc
No S

REAL exercise today - feels so good!

Br - usual
L - leftover quiche, apple, banana
Dinner - PB&J on whole grain, apple slices and dried apricots, peas and carrots

(Dinner was fast b/c I was trying to get kids to the pool before it closed...)

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:11 am
by kccc
Catching up...

Friday was almost a success... I ate a "normal" dinner before we hit the road, then caved and ate about a dozen fries when we stopped for the guys to eat. Ah well. Could have been worse, but I'm being meticulous about counting.

(I am thinking I may start my S-days from Friday at 6 to Sunday at 6...)

Sat and Sunday were exempt, and reasonably sane given that we were on a mini-vacation. And I got in a good long walk on Saturday. A hike, really (rural ranger? Just ranger?), which I enjoyed greatly.

And home again, home again...

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:08 pm
by kccc
Monday, June 2

No S

Br - usual
L - cheese quesadilla, carrot, apple
Dinner - ham sandwich, salad, raisins
2 glasses wine

Exercise - 15 minutes stretching. Not a lot, but something!

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:07 am
by kccc

Br - usual
L - Mixed grain bagel with toasted cheese, apple, carrot
Dinner - out with friends and hubby at a Cuban restaurant. I got a veggie plate of stir-fried veggies... and they included FRENCH FRIES IN THE STIR FRY. Amazing. But it was mostly veggies (bell pepper, onion, tomato, mushrooms), and only one plate. Okay, it was close to platter-sized, but I skipped the rice and didn't feel full when I stopped eating. So, I'm counting it as good.

So nice not to go nova trying to count the calories. I could just enjoy dinner with friends.

Exercise - Pilates/Yoga class. Different instructor - I don't like her as well. But it was still exercise.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:15 am
by kccc

Br - usual
L - 1/2 bagel, chicken leg, carrot, apple
Dinner- Chicken quesadilla, salad, strawberries (yum!)

I plan to have some wine later.

Exercise - Yoga class. Another new instructor, this one really good.

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:16 pm
by kccc
For 6/5/08

No S

Br - usual
L - PB&J, apple, salad
Dinner - black bean burgers, salad, fresh pineapple (yum!)
2 glasses wine

Exercise - yoga class (restful but good) and outside work at home. I earned that wine! :)

I've decided I'm going to shift my S-days a little. I'm going to allow myself one "S-event" on Fridays after dinner and cut Sunday off at 6:00. That change will do two things, both good. (1) Address the sense of grievance I feel on Fridays when I'm mentally into the the weekend but it's still supposed to be No-S. Friday evenings are when I would most enjoy a treat. (2) Cut off late Sunday "I've got to get it in" eating. That's gotten better, but it's a problem area. And I really don't enjoy doing it at all, so I'm going to cut it out.

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:57 am
by blueskighs

good luck with that, let us know how it goes!


Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:13 am
by kccc
Blueskighs, I will!

Today it meant a lot to me. We had very good news today, and went out to celebrate. One of the Japanese Hibachi places where they cook the food in front of you... and feed in courses so it's hard to track. I'm more full than I meant to be, but I'm counting it as "seconds" at least. (And still brought home a lot for another meal!)

I'm going to call today "exempt" and call Sunday a success if I stop as planned. I mean, WHEN I stop as planned. :)


Br - usual
L - working lunch at a favorite restaurant. Teriyaki tofu wrap (stir-fried veg and tofu in a large pita-ish bread) and Asian cucumber salad. Yum. Good, but technically okay.
Dinner - out to celebrate - definitely an "S event" b/c of quantity. Miso soup, salad, fried rice and stir-fried veggies and shrimp. 1/2 a strawberry daquari - no alcohol, so I could share with my son.

Very full now, but also very content. This would have been a hard day to keep to No-S, so I'm glad I chose not to. (And I don't think I ate more than I would have anyway - I just don't feel bad about it.)

Exercise was just a walk, but long enough to count for my minimum time. I'm doing real exercise tomorrow.

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:10 pm
by kccc
For Saturday...6/7/08

No S

Br - usual
Lunch - leftovers from Friday night (reasonable portion) plus salad
Dinner - leftovers from Friday plus watermelon
Treats through the day... 5 cookies, small scoop ice cream, 2 mini-chocolates. All savored. :)

Exercise... started a new class called BodyPump(TM). I love it. Weightlifting meets aerobics - a really good workout. I started with light weights, being old enough to be sensible, but my legs still felt like noodles when I walked out. Today, most of my body feels good - like I had a serious workout, but good. However, a few muscles are talking to me: "What is THIS? We NEVER work this hard!! Yeow!"

They'll get used to it. ;)

Also took the kids to the pool for an hour. Didn't really swim, but sort of stretched in the pool as I stood around talking to other moms. Very nice after the workout.

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:30 pm
by blueskighs
Today, most of my body feels good - like I had a serious workout, but good.

I LOVE that FEELING too!


Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:53 am
by kccc
Got back on program at 6PM. Today was a little hard because I have a sore throat, and I always want to eat bready stuff when I have a sore throat. It keeps it from hurting as long as I eat.

Late br- coffee, eggs, bacon, slice of sweet bread
Lunch - grilled cheese sandwich, watermelon, strawberry smoothie (frozen strawberries, pineapple juice, a bit of honey)
Snacks thoughout the afternoon - 1 slice bread and butter, 3 apricots... I think more, but can't think what. Oh yes, a tiny sweet treat at the reception after church - a little chocolate cup filled with whipped cream. Very good. And a half-slice of the same bread I had at breakfast. I think that really is it.
Dinner - tuna sandwich, more watermelon, and pineapple. Too hot to cook.

No exercise today - exempt. I did get up early and do some yard work.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:59 pm
by kccc
For yesterday, 6/9/08

No S

Br - usual
Lunch - out, one plate. Salad, chicken thigh, roasted veggies (mostly potatoes). Yum!
Dinner - Taco salad, watermelon
Glass wine

I didn't really exercise. I played in the pool with my son a bit, and tried to keep moving, but decided that it wasn't enough to count. A bit bummed - I've already used my two "exempts" for the week. On the plus side, I have exercise classes for most of the rest of the week, so that's okay.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 11:51 pm
by kccc
No S

Br - usual
L - quesadilla, salad, apple
Dinner - crab cakes, sweet potato, broccoli, strawberries
Glass wine

Exercise- Pilates class

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:05 am
by kccc
No S

Br - usual
L - PB&J on whole wheat, leftover broccoli, strawberries
Dinner - pizza, at a kid's b'day party. I wish I had some salad with it.
Glass wine

Exercise - yoga class. A new sub - I liked her style.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:06 pm
by rose
KCCC wrote: Dinner - pizza, at a kid's b'day party. I wish I had some salad with it.
Never would have thought before NoS that one could _miss_ vegetables, but now that I have gotten used to them, a pizza-only meal is unsatisfactory for me too!

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:08 pm
by kccc
Rose, you are so right! I was very pleased with myself for sticking with a reasonable "one-plate" of pizza, given that I really wanted a real meal! For me, I sometimes eat a lot of something because it isn't what I want... isn't that weird? I'm learning not to do that.

For 6/12/08
No S

Breakfast - usual
Lunch - quesadilla, apple, carrot
Dinner - chicken quesadilla, peaches
Glass wine

We're in "summertime meals" - fast stuff so we can spend our evenings at our local pool!

Exercise - yoga class. A serious one - I was dripping by the end.

For 6/13/08
Success so far... forgot to set up oatmeal, so had a different breakfast. Eggs and toast. Going to have a work luncheon, but I'm sure I can deal with that. Exercise is going to be the challenge today. And I plan to have an "S-event" in the evening. The slight shift in S-days worked well for me last weekend, so I'm going to try it again.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:53 am
by kccc
For 6/13/08

No S

Did well at lunch on Friday - kept it a No-S lunch, and even left food on my plate because I was full (a personal milestone).

Dinner was a burrito before going to the opening (art show of photos from a friend), and I did have a plate of little sweets at the opening for my S-event. Just enough

And I did 15 minutes of stretching exercises in the evening. Not a lot, but enough to count.

For 6/14/08
No S

Exercise was serious today - BodyPump [TM] weightlifting. I do like it.

Br - usual
Lunch - chicken quesadillas, salad, figs
Snacks - a few cashews, 4 Dove Promises left from my Mothers' Day present (and isn't it amazing that I still have chocolate from a month ago?)
Dinner - chicken, salad, cherry tomatoes from our "garden" (container tomatoes).
Dessert: Root beer floats. :)

We planned the floats on Wednesday, when our 7-year-old had root beer for the first time at a birthday party and liked it. My husband and I both remembered having root beer floats in the summer as kids... so we decided to make gourmet ones this weekend, with Bryers' Vanilla Bean ice cream and a fancy micro-brew root beer. What a treat! One scoop ice cream, half a root beer... and a lot of memories. And making new ones...our son said they were "goooood!"

I love being able to enjoy food like this.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:16 am
by kccc

No S

Br- OJ and waffles, in honor of Fathers Day. I had mine with PB&J instead of butter and syrup, because I like protein to start the day.
Lunch - out for Father's Day, at a buffet. I had one big plate, plus dessert. And seconds on a roll. (Meal was salad, grilled veggies, steak, roll).
Treat - more root-beer floats!
Dinner - was incredibly stuffed from the day's excesses, so ate a late, simple meal. Salad and a slice of bread-and-butter, plus an apricot. Light, but it was a "real meal," which means I won't fall into perma-snacking.
One glass wine

Exercise - 15 minutes of Pilates. It counts. I'm pleased to have done it - it will be hard to get exercise in this week, so it's nice to start strong.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:18 am
by kccc

Br - usual
L - out with husband - mini-burrito and chips. I love the chips this place serves, though they can't be healthy. The burrito was, since everyone gets to "choose your own fillings." Mine were black beans, grilled chicken, avocado, and various veg. No cheese or rice, because I wanted room for peppers, tomato, cucumber, etc., and I had a "mini" tortilla.
Dinner - tortellini with homemade pesto (my first ever attempt) and a salad topped with strawberries and feta. Yum.
Glass wine.

Oddly, it feels like an incredibly indulgent day because of the chips and the feta on my salad... but it's all okay.

Exercise was minimal - 15 minutes of stretches so I could put a green square on my Habitcal. Still better than I would have done otherwise.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:22 am
by JillyBean
Salad with strawberries and feta - an odd combination, but it sounds wonderful!!

And, you got in the exercise! Good for you!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:20 am
by kccc
JillyBean wrote:Salad with strawberries and feta - an odd combination, but it sounds wonderful!!

And, you got in the exercise! Good for you!
Thanks for the encouragement, JillyBean! It was barely in, but in. :)

My favorite salad "recipe" is mixed greens (the good stuff, not iceberg) topped with some combination of fruit, nuts, and/or cheese. Almost anything works! Mandarin oranges with pecans or cashews is a standard one for me - I often take it to potlucks, and it goes fast. A poppyseed or ginger dressing works really well on that one.

This week I was in the mood for cheese, so am putting feta on all my salads...

No S

Real exercise today - Pilates class. :)

Br - usual
Lunch - quesadilla, carrots, strawberries, banana
Dinner - honey-dijon shrimp, brown rice, asparagus, watermelon. I LOVE seasonal fruits and veggies! This is one of our favorites, and really fast as long as I have the brown rice on hand. (When I cook it, I triple what I need and freeze the extra for later.)
Will probably have a glass of wine later.

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:56 am
by kccc
No S

I'm taking a NWS because I had amazing, wonderful job news... and TOTALLY FORGOT it wasn't an S-day!

That sounds ridiculous, but I'm traveling starting tonight, leaving work... and it just felt like a weekend. And I start my S-days on Friday at 6:00.... so I had a treat around 7, while traveling... and then realized that it was NOT the end of the week!!!

So, I'm taking a NWS day. The job news justifies it. Maybe I'll fit in 15 minutes of stretching so I can get my green on exercise...

Br - usual
L - PB&J on WW, carrots, apple
D - Barbaritos guacamole salad, no shell. A few of hubby's chips.
Sweet - Ghirandelli's chocolate square, large size (about the size of a regular chocolate bar)

Ah well.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:51 am
by blueskighs



Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:04 am
by fkwan


Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 3:06 am
by kccc
Thanks, guys!

I did do my stretches on Wednesday, and saved on the Habitcal.

Traveling, which was hard. A lot of adequate-but-uninspired food, and NOT what I wanted or was used to. I got a bit grumpy in places.

Thursday 6/19

Did Pilates in the morning, so green on exercise
Br- Toast w/PB, egg, juice, coffee
L - Chicken wrap, side salad. Neither very good.
Dinner - Fast-food Chinese at the airport. Veg and Sesame Chicken (which I didn't finish - not very good), no rice

Friday 6/20
Br - coffee, juice, and 2 pkgs of granola bars. That was the best I could manage from what was offered - all sweets, no other choices. Yuck. (Worst grumpies here.)
L - salad, chicken breast, rice
D - We went out to a BBQ place. Heavy on meat, few veg - just the opposite of my preferred style. I did have seconds, since I've started beginning my S-days Friday evening, but dessert was not worth bothering.

Sat 6/21
Br - coffee, bagel with cheese and cream cheese, fruit
Lunch - salad, seafood fettucini. S-day treat: Seconds of Fries (really good seasoned thick ones)
Dinner - Sandwich at the airport, Atlanta Bread Company. Grilled chicken on Foccaccia - probably about a million calories
Snacks and sweets through the day - some chocolates, a brownie. Peanuts on the plane. I kept looking for "something really special" and just not finding it. Everything looked so junky...

Lots of walking for exercise - I did several concourses at two different airports.

Got home late and had four Dove Promises (about the size of a Hershey's kiss). Those were good. They were the last of my Mother's Day chocolate - kind of amazing they lasted that long.

Glad to be home. I want my oatmeal in the morning! :)

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:00 am
by kccc
No S

I know, technically it's an S-day... but I've been experimenting with running my weekend from 6PM Friday to 6PM Sunday, and I like it. So, I count it as green if I stop at 6 on Sunday.

Exercise was a bit of a swim - not a lot. In honesty, because of travel I've been on the "letter of the law" more than the spirit this week. Since Wednesday, 15 minute intervals have been all I've been able to fit in. But, those were a challenge, so I'll be grateful I did that much.

Same with food. N-days were "one plate," but one plate of restaurant food is just not the same as one plate of my healthy cooking.

Still, it all would have been worse without No-S rules. :)

Today was a little junky. I started with my usual oatmeal, but ate a lot during the afternoon b/c we were at a party/cookout and I simply lost track - plus was enjoying the treats. Felt a little full/icky at the end, but not as much as I have during other S-days in the past.

I stopped eating at 5:30, and actually wanted a light dinner at 8 when we got home from the pool. Ate a hot dog (left over from the party) and stopped.

Looking forward to normal routine tomorrow.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:28 pm
by kccc
No S

Br - oatmeal, trail mix, coffee
L - salad with feta (rather a lot) and cashews (ditto). Crackers.
D - pasta with pesto (homemade!) and a bit of chicken, small tomato from my garden, broccoli, pineapple.

Haven't gotten my exercise yet, but intend to. Fifteen minutes of SOMETHING just isn't that hard. And tomorrow, I'm back to my regular exercise class. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:45 pm
by kccc
KCCC wrote: Haven't gotten my exercise yet, but intend to. Fifteen minutes of SOMETHING just isn't that hard. And tomorrow, I'm back to my regular exercise class. :)
Pride goeth, etc... I did NOT exercise yesterday. Oh, well, I get two "misses" a week, and that was one. Today is REAL exercise. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:56 am
by kccc
No S

REAL exercise today - and it feels SO good! I totally love my Pilates class.

Br - oatmeal w/trail mix, coffee
L - Stir-fried rice with added chicken and broccoli, watermelon
D - 2 slices pizza (ham and pineapple)

Not the best dinner, but we were trying to allow time for the pool in the evening, and it was fast... and I stopped at two slices, which is fine. A little low on fruit/veg today, but some days are like that.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:31 am
by kccc
No S

Br - oatmeal topped with trail mix, coffee
L - Fried rice with chicken and broccoli, carrot, apple
D - Salmon burgers, salad, nectarine

Exercise - yoga class.

Someone posted about the "glass of wine" habit they were developing... and I have one too, and haven't been reporting it. I don't think it's a problem in terms of alcohol (one glass, maybe two, not every night) but think I'll track from now on. It may not be a habit I want to "establish."

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:05 am
by kccc
My journey thus far...

I went through a phase with wild S days and "good" N days, and was stable.

Then I "backslid" on N days, and actually gained.

Then I cleaned up my act on N-days, and went back to maintaining... and very, very gradually losing what I'd gained.

Now I'm doing better on S-days (but am still cautious) and think I'm losing... but I've also given up weighing, so don't really know. Clothes fit okay, so I'm not going to worry about it.

I came to the realization that I'd spent a lot of energy in my life wanting to be "just 5 pounds thinner" and I have decided to quit that game. I'm at a healthy BMI for my height, and I am just going to eat and exercise moderately, and let my body decide what size it wants to be.

Easier said than done, some days, but I like the concept.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:10 am
by Betty

I think your idea of giving up trying to lose those last 5 lbs is so inspirational. I'm more and more sure that obsessing about weight is such a waste of time.

Sometimes I now even catch myself in the mirror and think that I look pretty good. I've never been heavier, but I've never liked myself before. I wish I had found no s in my twenties, when I was obsessed about those last 5 lbs but really looked great (but didn't know it).

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:32 am
by kccc
Betty, I think I obsessed about weight when (1) I didn't have a PROCESS I trusted and (2) it was the only metric I had.

Now I look at "days on habit" and that's really good enough. So, I can let it go.

It really, really hit me hard recently... I saw a photo taken about a year ago, before my "backslide,"in which I was 5 lbs thinner than I was when I saw it. And I thought "wow, I looked great in that! I wish I could be that thin again."

Then I remembered how I felt when that photo was taken..."Not too bad, but wish I could lose 5 lbs more..." Sheesh.

There was a period early in my 20s when I was heading into obesity like the rest of my family. Fortunately, I pulled back and got that weight off. Since then, I have largely kept it off, through an "armed truce with food." (Not a great attitude.) In fact, during most of my adult life, I've been within a healthy BMI.. and even within about a 15 lb range for about 80% of the time.

And I ALWAYS wanted to be "just five lbs thinner." Even when I was at my lowest weight EVER, one which was unsustainable for me.

What a total waste of energy. I am learning to accept where I am.

(But I will confess, some days it's easier than others.)

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:35 am
by kccc
No S

Br - oatmeal with trail mix, coffee
Lunch - apple, spinach salad and half-sandwich from the food place by the gym. (I didn't plan ahead today. Really too much, and the veggie panini was not very good. Next time, I'll resort to an "intelligent default.")
Dinner - Chicken quesadilla and watermelon.

Exercise - yoga class, one that left me dripping.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:50 pm
by kccc
For Friday

No S

I start No S on Friday at 6, and end on Sunday at 6.

Br - usual oatmeal with trail mix, coffee
L- PB crackers ("homemade"), watermelon, nectarine
D- Honey-Dijon shrimp and brown rice, asparagus, watermelon, salad.
Ss - One chocolate chip cookie for dessert, a handful of cashews and a glass of wine in the evening.

For Saturday
No S

Very pleased with myself on the exercise... went to class, and it was canceled. I exercised anyway... so there! (When you're already dressed out and in a gym, there's got to be SOMETHING you can do, right?)

Br - scrambled egg sandwich (2 eggs, 2 slices toast), juice, coffee
L - chicken quesadilla, salad, watermelon
S - small bowl ice cream
D - TBA, but probably pizza :)

ETA: It was pizza - 2 slices. Plus some plums that a friend brought, and later some cashews and watermelon and a glass of wine. A pretty light S day, but I don't want anything else right now.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:03 am
by kccc
No S

I have done something bad to my foot. Bad enough that I'm calling the doctor tomorrow. :( So no walk today.

S-day until 6, when I switch back to N. This sounds weird, but I like it a lot. I used to feel very deprived on Friday nights, and eat frantically on Sundays. My 6:00 start time on Fridays and end time on Sundays takes care of both issues.


B- Multigrain bagel w/cream cheese, coffee
S- 1/4 slice homemade banana bread at church reception.
L - Leftover chicken quesadillas, watermelon, salad
Dessert - Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream. One container, split three ways with the family. (Yes, that means over-sized servings.) We all enjoyed it tremendously.
Snack - some trail mix and nuts - also yummy.
Dinner - tofu, rice with marinade, broccoli, watermelon (can you tell my family LOVES watermelon in season?)

And I'm done. Maybe a glass of wine, maybe not.

This sounds like a lot, but the fact that I can remember what I had at the end of the day pleases me greatly. In my perma-snacking days, that wouldn't have happened.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:44 am
by kccc
No S

Been a while since I've posted a "red" on No-S, and really it's a tiny, tiny red... a few bites while preparing dinner, but I'd told myself "that will be red on your habitcal if you do it again"... so, it's red.

Br - oatmeal, banana, nuts, coffee
Lunch - quesadilla, broccoli, watermelon
Dinner - black bean soup with cheese and tortilla chips, peach slices

The nibble was a bit of the cheese I was grating, and a bite of candied ginger b/c I wanted to taste it. I've decided the difference between "tasting" seasonings and nibbling is that if I KNOW what it tastes like, it's purely nibbling. I know what cheese tastes like.

Exercise... 15 minutes of stretching.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:54 pm
by OrganicGal
Excellent realization on the difference between 'tasting' and nibbling KCCC! I'm going to remember it, even though I don't seem to have that problem.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:01 pm
by funfuture
yes, I used that distinction myself tonight KCCC. :D

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:50 am
by kccc
Yes, the "tasting" thing has gotten me in trouble before, so I intend to be stringent about it! :)

No S

Br - 1/2 multigrain bagel with PB and banana, coffee
L - bagel with cream cheese, apple
D - veggie wrap (hummus and veggies), salad
Evening glass of wine; also had an extra coffee in the afternoon, but consider that okay. (Tall latte with skim milk, one sugar.)

Exercise - Pilates

Lunch was difficult today b/c I had an early out-of-office appointment, so couldn't put things in the fridge at work. I compromised by throwing an apple in my bag, and buying something from the snack shop. A bagel seemed the best choice, since I'd enjoyed the breakfast one so much. (And their sandwiches are not the best.)

Dinner was also "out" - but I went to the food bar at my favorite grocery, a health-store type place. The wrap was technically a "half wrap" (about 4 inches) and delish. The salad was "make your own," so I picked all my favorite veggies, then threw a little tofu on top for extra protein - just wonderful.

As I was selecting things for dinner, I noticed that it was a bit low on carbs... then realized that my earlier meals had been low on fruits/veg and high on carbs, and I was sort of naturally balancing my day. Kind of neat.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:15 am
by kccc
No S

Yoga today - good class, even though I had to "work around" my foot in a few places. (Turned out to be an inflamed tendon, which I actually think I did in yoga to begin with.)

Br - oatmeal, raisins, banana, coffee
L- quesadilla, carrot, apple
D - black bean soup with cheese and tortilla chips, watermelon
Glass wine

For some reason, I was RAVENOUS during the afternoon today. Didn't eat, but had a bigger-than-usual supper and felt stuffed for a bit. Still, better to stuff on watermelon and black beans than junk, right?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:37 am
by kccc
No S

WHY am I so hungry between meals these days? I thought I was over that stage. Ah well. At least I know that a little hunger won't kill me.

Br - Kashi cereal with trail mix on top, banana, coffee
L - Bagel with toasted cheese, carrot, peach
D - BBQ chicken, squash casserole, fruit salad. I could have eaten seconds on everything, but didn't.
Glass of wine. I haven't been counting, but I don't think I'm going to worry about one.

Exercise - Yoga class... a restful one that still left me feeling stretched out. Lovely.

As a pre-holiday treat, I decided to get a pedicure today. This is a rarity for me - maybe 1-2 per year, max. I chose flaming red polish for the Fourth of July. (For some reason, whenever I put on red myself, I mess it up. So, I usually stick to less intense colors.) Not as restful as I thought it would be - the person was a little rough, and my feet are tender, despite the layers of callouses that clearly needed removal! But I'm enjoying this frivolous color. My "indulgence" for the week.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:32 am
by cvmom

Are you eating enough protein? I find that if I don't eat a serving of protein that I will not stay full and then I will be hungry. (Which leads to a danger of snacking).

I hope your pedicure didn't annoy your tendon!
Happy 4th.


Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:00 pm
by resting52

I've noticed the same thing..............with the occasional ravenous between meals hunger. I just figure it means I'm losing weight and my body is trying to hold on to it.


Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:12 pm
by kccc
Tendon is fine, thanks - I just have to be careful not to wear tight shoes or irritate it in yoga poses that put pressure across the top of the foot. :)

Yesterday I ended up feeling stuffed rather than hungry (July 4 S-day), but will keep the protein thing in mind. What was confusing is that I was pretty much eating "the usual," and still feeling hungry. May have been the time of the month, though. I did bump up meals, and will try to monitor whether I need more.

I could still lose a bit of weight, but am more interested in learning to listen to my body at this point. I'm in a healthy BMI range, and working to let go of my old obsession with "just five pounds more." I am trying to develop a mild curiosity about where I'll stabilize, given a healthy diet and reasonable exercise...a work in progress.

S days on both exercise and NoS for the 4th. I could almost count the hike from parking to fireworks as a "walk," but think I won't.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:46 am
by blueskighs

I am finding sometimes I eat too much and sometimes too little, the margins are not as wide as in the beginning, but it is weird, best I can learn is that my hunger is not same everyday and I need to be a little bit more fine tuned and listening to my body,

keep remembering? this is a skill and will get better with time,

thank you for your kind wishes about my kitty, have a good rest of the weekend


Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:34 am
by kccc
Blueskighs, so glad to hear your kitty is better! :)

Enjoying the weekend... ate a good breakfast/lunch yesterday, got a bit snacky in the afternoon. Still had a proper meal for dinner, and quit when I was really full. I consider it all part of the learning process, and so much better than it used to be. Oh, and I exercised.

Not going to try to list food on these S-days... couldn't remember, and just don't want to.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:07 am
by kccc
Sunday, July 6

No S

Debated counting today as red, since I did eat sweets after 6:00. A friend of my son's was over and asked if we could make cookies, and we did. Two varieties of chocolate thumbprint cookies, and I had one of each.

I gave it a yellow because I thought about it while we were making them, made a conscious decision, and had exactly what I planned and no more. So, I consider it a NWS equivalent. (Come to think of it, I didn't start early this week since Friday was an S day anyway, so didn't have to end at 6, so it's quite legit... but having realized that, I will NOT go back into the kitchen, lol!)

Exercise was just 15 minutes of yoga in the morning.

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:42 am
by kccc
No S

Br - scrambled eggs, biscuit
L - Leftover BBQ "pie" (ground beef and onions w/ bbq sauce on biscuit base), watermelon, carrots
D - chicken, salad, 1/2 peach, biscuit

As I look at it, pretty heavy on biscuits today! I made them for breakfast over the weekend and had some left... and I love them, even if they aren't the healthiest.

Exercise was 15 minutes of stretching at lunchtime. But tomorrow I get a real session! :)

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:52 am
by kccc
No S

Real exercise today - my Pilates class. Alas, I could tell on some of the exercises that the tendon on my foot is still aggravated. But I could work around it. Doesn't bother me much in daily activity.

Br - back to oatmeal with trail mix, coffee
L- PB&J on whole wheat, salad, apple
D - 1/2 veggie wrap, yogurt, dried figs (out - but good stuff)

It is amazing to me how much PB&J can vary. I wouldn't touch the packaged ones sold at the convenience-store-type-place in our building: nasty white bread, PB with sugar in it (I can taste it). I make mine on hearty whole grain bread, and use all-natural PB (just peanuts... I like the crunchy kind). They are so satisfying!

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:58 pm
by kccc
No S

Br - bagel w/PB, coffee
L - Mac and cheese, salad, apple
D - Salmon, peas'n'carrots, slice bread and butter, fruit salad
Planning a glass of wine

Exercise - yoga class. Left me dripping. In theory, downward dog is a "rest pose." That's someone else's theory, though. I aspire to reach that stage.

In other news... we recently added an aged kitty to our household (older woman at church couldn't keep her any longer, and needed a home for an 18-year-old cat). So far, we've kept her separate from our other two cats. But we've been letting them get used to each other slowly - let them smell each other's things and see each other through a crack in the door, etc. Today we did the big introductions, and it went pretty well. The old kitty hissed a couple of times, but our girls were simply curious, and didn't hiss once. We kept reassuring them, and it seemed to help. I'm hopeful for a smooth integration. We'll continue with supervised visits and see how it goes.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:47 am
by kccc
No S

Br- oatmeal w/trail mix, coffee
L - Tofu burrito with added spinach (yum!)
Dinner - chicken quesadilla, apple slices, carrot

No exercise - had a meeting that cut across both of the classes that I alternate between, and haven't gotten motivated enough to manage 15 minutes. (As I write that, that looks pitiful. But I haven't used all my "exempts" this week, so I have a choice.)

This weekend, we are planning a "root beer tasting." Kind of like a wine tasting party, but with root beer. I think it will be very fun.

This has been a "root beer summer" for us, ever since our 7-year-old discovered it and we began making root beer floats. I love how much simple things add to the enjoyment of life, and I love that I can have them (occasionally, of course) on No-S with no guilt.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:46 am
by blueskighs

your root beer tasting sounds like loads of fun!


Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:19 pm
by kccc
Blueskighs, I will let you know how it goes!

For Friday...


I start my S-days on Fridays at 6, and end on Sundays at 6.
Exercise was 15 minutes of Pilates in the morning.

Br - oatmeal, trail mix, coffee (when I write that, it's really cafe au lait, which I love. Maybe I'll start specifying.)
L - Leftover chicken quesadilla, peas and carrots, salad
D - chicken sausage, potato, corn, watermelon
S - root beer float, a little trail mix because I was up later than normal and got hungry.

We finished a big house project that's been going on forever yesterday. As we were congratulating ourselves... had a dryer issue. When we pulled it out, we ended up with more projects - clean out the grunge behind it (yuck!), paint the rust spots on the side, etc. I swear the appliances heard us talking, and the house doesn't want to give us any "time off" on being homeowners. (Though some of it we bring on ourselves. I've learned to dread those fateful words "as long as we're doing this, we really should..." even when I'm the one that says them.)

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 2:46 am
by kccc
For Saturday

No S

Real exercise - a "BodyPump" class. Essentially weight-lifting in an aerobic format. My legs felt like noodles afterward it was over.

Which was good, b/c on food I did well until mid-afternoon, when we had a long party game-day at our house. Permasnacking from then on, and I have no idea how much I ate after 3:00. It was a good bit, I'm sure.

But not so much that I feel yucky. I enjoyed what I ate, and I'm done. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:54 am
by OrganicGal
The Bodypump class sounds really interesting KCCC! Fun but a really good workout. :) And the party eating all afternoon sounds like it was also fun but you were still in overall control, since you didn't end up feeling yucky with all that you ate.

Good for you!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 2:36 pm
by blueskighs
Permasnacking from then on, and I have no idea how much I ate after 3:00. It was a good bit, I'm sure.
ironically it is my husband who does not No S that has to remind me when I am upset because I feel like I overdid it on an S day,
he will say "this is an S day, don't worry about it, you're supposed to be able to eat what you want", I don't know it helps me when I hear that :D


Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:09 pm
by JillyBean
KCCC wrote: I enjoyed what I ate, and I'm done. :)
Sounds good to me! :-)

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:29 pm
by kccc
Thanks for the reminder that "it was an S-day." It was.

So was Sunday - family reunion. I took it as a "full" S-day, instead of partial (I could fudge it - after 6 I just had two pieces of pizza as a late dinner - but I think it's more honest to call it a NWS because I wasn't really hungry, I just wanted the pizza).

That's two NWS days including the 4th, so I think I'll pull back a bit.

No S

Br - grits with butter and cheese, cafe au lait
L - another cafe au lait, rice with black beans, tomatoes, jalepenos. and cheese. (Purchased, but more reasonable than most of the stuff available.)
D - Spinach salad with grilled chicken and cheese, garlic toast on the side. Again, eating out. Rather a large portion, but most of it was spinach so I let it go.

Exercise - walk, maybe 20 minutes. Not a lot.

Right now, I'm following the "letter of the law" but sense I'm being a bit excessive. Probably b/c I haven't cooked for a while - we've ordered pizza (game day on Sat), had a reunion (Sunday), and today I ate out for both meals. That's a lot more than normal. Cooking at home is just better for me, and I know it.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:20 pm
by kccc
For Tuesday...

No S

Exercise was part of Pilates class - had to leave early. Such is life.

Br - Oatmeal w/apricots and cafe au lait
L - PB&J, watermelon, cherry tomatos
D - 1/2 veggie wrap, salad

For Wednesday
No S

Exercise - Yoga class

Br - Oatmeal w/apricots and cafe au lait
L - Bagel with cheese, tomatoes, apple
Snack - a bit of "float"
Dinner - Dunno. Watermelon, chips & salsa and avocado and cheese, a bit of trail mix... no idea if it would fit on one plate or not.

The "float" was b/c my child was part of a group doing a "Rootbeer/Coke float stand" to raise money for the local Animal Shelter. I'd decided to contribute, and only really buy one if my son noticed. He did. I didn't eat much (hubby rescued me), and would have counted it as a NWS for that alone.

Then came dinner... we went to the pool, and I took watermelon, thinking "snack" for kids. But we had guests, who were thinking "dinner" and brought lots of other stuff (cleaning out the fridge before vacation). And it was normal dinnertime, and I ate...I have no idea how much - no plates. I am still a bit hungry, but am stopping now anyway... and it's a red.

I hate that. I hate red on my habitcal. But I hate "fudging" more.

I am at least giving myself points for not going insane because "I've already blown it."

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:24 am
by kccc
I am pleased to say that I did stop eating last night. So, the pool stuff was pretty much dinner, if a pretty irregular one.

Today (Thursday)

No S

Br - oatmeal with dried apricots and trail mix, cafe au lait
L - "Tower of Tortillas," watermelon
Dinner - spaghetti with clam sauce, salad, strawberries
Glass of wine

Exercise - yoga class

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:48 am
by kccc
No S

Br - multigrain bagel w/cream cheese, cafe au lait
L - Tower of Tortilla, watermelon, strawberries
S - decaf cafe au lait (essentially skim milk w/ 1 tsp sugar) [I consider this "legal" as long as it's not regular]
Dinner - potluck party. I had one reasonable plate, and a dessert since I start my S-days on Friday nights.

It's fine.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:11 am
by kccc
For Saturday

No S

Exercise - BodyPump class, which is a serious workout to me

Can't remember all I ate - had folks over and munched all day. We had pizza, watermelon, cookies, etc. It was a good bit

For Sunday
No S

Exercise was a yoga series - just 15 minutes, but something

On Sundays, I start No-S again at 6, and count it a success if I do so. Today was better. I can even track it, I think.

Br- Multigrain bagel, cream cheese, cafe au lait
Lunch - 2 slices med pizza, salad, watermelon
Dessert - 5 Dove Promises
Snacks - small dish ice cream, trail mix
Dinner - Tower of Tortilla, watermelon, carrot slices, nectarine slices

I think "plating" my meals on S days helps a lot... didn't Saturday, did on Sunday.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:15 pm
by irish
I really must start reading everyon else's S day check-ins. It really encourages me, for I thought my eating on these days was out of control, when it's what other people eat on S days. Thank you so much. I find all of your posts very encouraging.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:17 pm
by irish
I forgot to mention that I love your idea of starting S days on Fri. p.m. and ending Sunday at 6 a great idea. Friday nights are always tough, and by Sunday at 6 I'm over the notion of eating and looking forward to Monday.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:49 pm
by kccc
irish wrote:I really must start reading everyon else's S day check-ins. It really encourages me, for I thought my eating on these days was out of control, when it's what other people eat on S days. Thank you so much. I find all of your posts very encouraging.
Lol! Maybe you just see that MY S-days are a bit out of control too - at least sometimes.

It really was a contrast this weekend. I've decided discrete mealtimes and plated food REALLY matter to me. Sunday was so much better than Saturday - what I would call 3 "S-events," which doesn't feel outlandish to me since they were all pretty contained. (Maybe they are? Dunno.)

Boundaries. Starting and stopping.

Oh, on the Fri-Sun thing... I made the tweak b/c Fridays were SO HARD. I resented so much not being able to have something in the evening when I was ready for the weekend. On the other side, I had fallen into "stuff it in while I can" mode on Sunday nights - awful! The 6:00 change helps BOTH days. I rarely have more than one S-event on Friday. Sundays are much saner when I stop before evening, and it puts me back on track for Monday.

So, if I can just get Saturdays in shape... :)

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:21 am
by Joelle
I'm with you on the Friday start for S days. I do better having a buffer (Sunday) to get back in the N day groove before starting the work-week.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:31 am
by kccc
I actually do two "mixed days." My S-Friday begins at 6PM, but it's a normal N-day until then. My S-Sunday ends at 6PM, and my N-Sunday begins.

Sounds weird, but I like it a lot. It lets me have a dessert at a party on Friday, and keeps me from "shovel mode" Sunday night.

No S

Br - oatmeal with apricots and trail mix, cafe au lait
L - last of the leftover pizza, salad, nectarine
Dinner - salmon, zucchini, couscous, carrots/bell pepper/ tomato slices, roll. (It is less than it sounds like - small servings that fit on a plate.)

No exercise thus far. Perhaps I'll get in some stretching... perhaps not. We had company for dinner, and after I took her home, I came home to a power outage...better now, but I have candles everywhere just in case. I'm tired, and may just go on to bed.